
Where the new year has already arrived. New Year in different countries of the world


    Residents of the Far East are the first to celebrate the New Year in Russia. The time difference with Moscow for cities such as Magadan and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is 7 hours. While we are still at work, they are already celebrating the New Year in full.

    The luckiest people, so to speak, are the inhabitants of the peninsula Kamchatka, as well as the population Chukotsky Autonomous Okrug. The time difference between the capital of Russia, Moscow, and the above-mentioned territorial units is as much as 9 hours! That is, when most of Russia is still preparing for the main celebration of the year, the residents of Kamchatka and Chukotka are already celebrating the New Year in full force))

    In the east of our country. In the Far East, these are the cities of Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, etc. The difference with Moscow is 7 hours, i.e. in the Far East, the New Year is celebrated seven hours earlier than Moscow.

    New Year comes earlier by Far East, and this is first of all Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky the difference with Moscow is 9 hours, then Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Magadan, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok time difference 7 hours.

    So what happens Kamchatka the very first.

    When everyone is just preparing for the New Year, the tables are set, Kamchatka accepts congratulations from the President.

    The New Year comes faster in those regions that are located in the easternmost part of Russia. In order to find out which time zone is the most distant from Moscow, you need to look at the time zone map.

    The map shows that the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Anadyr) and the Kamchatka Territory (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) are the most remote and the difference with Moscow is 9 hours. So, it is in these parts that the New Year is celebrated 9 hours earlier than in Moscow.

    Residents of the Russian Federation celebrate the New Year before anyone else Kamchatka Peninsula(Kamchatka region) and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. These two subjects of the Russian Federation have a time difference with Moscow of 9 hours and this is the largest time difference in Russia with the capital of Russia, Moscow, and therefore it is there that the New Year is celebrated first in Russia.

    The first to celebrate next year are the residents of Vladivostok (7 hours difference from Moscow), Khabarovsk, Magadan - they also have a 7 hour difference, we haven’t sat down at the table yet, and they are already drunk)).

    In Siberia there is a 5 hour difference, then Norilsk (4 hours difference) and then the Urals (2 hours difference from Moscow)

    In the extreme east, in the Far East, it comes earlier... the further east the territory is located, the earlier). The easternmost (inhabited) points of Russia are located on the island of Sakhalin, as I understand it... or on the islands of the Kuril chain (exactly those that the Japanese dispute), and on the Kamchatka Peninsula. And among the cities - in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - there the time difference with Moscow is nine hours (for Russia this difference is maximum), which means that the New Year will come first in these cities - nine hours earlier, than (for example) in Moscow.

    Happy New Year!

    Residents of the Kamchatka Peninsula are the first to celebrate the New Year in Russia. Since this peninsula is located in the easternmost part of our vast country. All regions that are in this time zone celebrate the New Year first.

    Well, if we take into account space, then most likely they are the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year.

    Everyone knows that due to its enormous size, Russia has 11 time zones. And those regions and cities that are located in the very east of Sirana and live, so to speak, 9 hours earlier. That is, when they celebrate the New Year, it is only three o’clock in the afternoon in Moscow. This is Kamchatka, in particular Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk, Anadyr and others.

Where the 2014 New Year is celebrated first, the symbol of which is the Blue Wooden Horse

The world is beautiful in all its diversity, because the people of Earth receive the energy of life from the boundless Universe. Every New Year brings hope, love and happiness to life for the inhabitants of the planet. January 31 will mark the New Year 2014 - the Year of the Horse (According to the Chinese horoscope, the Horse is a symbol of wisdom and intelligence). It will end on February 18, 2015. The blue wooden Horse will become a talisman protecting the peace of the inhabitants of the Earth. People will reflect on the truth and the meaning of existence, and do everything to achieve perfection.

A productive imagination will be needed by everyone who will strive to realize their plans and interests. The more interested people try to understand the world around them, the more amazing facts they learn. Thin threads of traditions and customs connect us with a past life and force us to reflect.

Think about one seemingly simple question: “ Where do you celebrate the New Year first?"can become a subject of discussion for many curious people. Those who study foreign languages ​​and are able to read primary sources will learn that on December 24, 1777, before Christmas, the navigator James Cook landed with his crew on the island of Kiritimati. Then the sailors did not know that they had discovered a large coral atoll. During those harsh times, team member Dr. E. Christophens counted 24 plant species and 36 bird species. Since then, the number of birds has changed, and villages have appeared on the island.

A priest from France, Emmanuel Rougier, took the island on a long-term lease. And by his example he showed how to protect nature. He planted 800,000 coconut trees on the island. In 1979, the island nation of Kiribati gained independence. This little information is given for the purpose of helping you find the answer to the question posed in the article. After all, studies of Oceania have shown that here, in Kiribati, the New Year begins its journey.

Anyone who wants to be the first to celebrate the New Year in the world can find themselves in the country of Kiribati, i.e. repeat the route of James Cook and his team. You can also appear in Nukuapofa, the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga, Nukuapofa, and wish the residents a Happy New Year, using all the languages ​​you already speak.

Anadyr and Kamchatka, the Fiji Islands, will celebrate with a two-hour difference. It would seem that all the i’s are dotted, but experts do not calm down and continue to ask the question: “Where are the first to celebrate the New Year?”

Amazing, original the Chukchi people celebrate the New Year before all earthlings. They claim that the birth of the New Year takes place on the long night from December 21 to 22. On this night, the star Altair appears in the sky in the constellation Eagle, which the Chukchi worship.

In honor of this star, the holiday is named Pegytti. The Chukchi on this night do not think about harmful and bad things. The Chukchi celebrate the birth of the New Year only with good thoughts and wishes. They are convinced that then the coming year will bring good luck, prosperity and joy. Their faith in the wisdom of the mind of the universe merges with the general celebration of the New Year. Traditions, customs, myths and legends of peoples enrich the holiday. They make every New Year's Eve unique.

Everyone knows that New Year occurs in different parts of the planet at different times. The reason is the difference in time zones. And where does it come first?

The very first populated area on Earth, where everyone comes first, is the island of Kiritimati in the Christmas archipelago in Oceania. It is its residents who are the very first to begin celebrating the New Year - at 0:00 am.

The next point is New Zealand's Chatham Island, the arrival time of the New Year is 0 hour 15 minutes.

At 1:00 am the New Year begins for polar explorers in Antarctica and New Zealand.

At 2-00 it’s Russia’s turn (Chukotka, Kamchatka) and.

The most famous symbols of the New Year are the Russian (who is also revered by all residents of the former Soviet Union) Father Frost and the “non-Russian” Santa Claus. It is generally accepted that these are two hypostases of one, so to speak, personality, however, Santa Claus on his website categorically refutes this statement. Father Frost states that he is much older than Santa Claus and that he has nothing to do with Saint Nicholas, from whom the latter traces his ancestry.

Everyone loves and celebrates the New Year, although for many nations it is of secondary importance. However, for the majority, this is the most family-friendly, funniest and most delicious holiday. How is it celebrated in different countries, what traditions are associated with it?


If the day before you met a man on the street who was carrying a metal ball on a string and a brush in his hands, and had a tall top hat on his head, a lot of luck awaits you. For you have met a chimney sweep, and these days there is no happier meeting.


Shortly before midnight, the bells come to life, but at first their ringing and whispering is barely audible: they are wrapped in blankets. However, exactly at midnight, the covers are removed and the triumphant ringing spreads over the houses in full force, heralding the onset of the New Year. The owners of the homes, who were impatiently awaiting this moment, open their back doors wide - they “let out” the Old Year from the house. And then, with the last strike of the bell, the front doors are thrown open so that the New Year can “arrive” without interference. At the same time, all lovers must find a mistletoe branch and kiss under it - then they will be together all their lives. After all, mistletoe is a magical tree for them.


In Bulgaria, the lights are turned off for three minutes, giving everyone the opportunity to kiss.


Santa Klass comes to Germany on a donkey, so children put bundles of hay in their shoes for him.


In Italy, it is customary to get rid of everything old on New Year's Eve. Therefore, do not be surprised or offended if something unexpected suddenly flies at your head from the darkness. It's good if it's not an old cast iron iron.


Burning barrels of tar are rolled through the streets: the Old Year burns out in them, making way for the New Year. If a man with dark hair and with gifts in his hands is the first to enter the house in the new year, it is fortunate (the First Footing).

Howland Island

Baker Island

The problems with fresh drinking water sources here are the same as Howland's. Residents of the settlements had to collect rainwater.
At the moment, getting to Baker Island is not so easy; for this you need to obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Dividing the world into time zones has its own quirks. So, for example, when in other places the calendar is already January 2, on two Pacific islands the New Year is just beginning. These are the uninhabited Howland and Baker Islands. Due to the fact that they are in the UTC-12 time zone, the New Year starts later than everyone else.

But the first to celebrate New Year's Eve are the residents of Kiribati, Christmas and Line islands. Their time zone is UTC+14, so when the time on Howland and Baker reads 11 o'clock and the calendar reads December 31st, the clock on Christmas Island will strike the hour after midnight on January 2nd.

Despite the fact that there are no people on Howland and Baker and only the United States Coast Guard can visit them, we can tell a lot of interesting things about these islands. To begin with, it is worth noting that they belong to and are part of a wildlife rescue program.

Howland Island

Howland Island has a very interesting history. This piece of land in the middle of the ocean was discovered in 1822 by George Bradley Worth, who was the captain of the whaling ship Oeno. At that time, the captain named the island after himself, but 6 years later it was discovered again by another captain, Daniel Mackenzie, who gave the island the name of the owner of the ship, Minevra. Well, the third captain who discovered this land was Geo Emery Netcher. This happened in 1842, then the island received the name Howland - that was the name of the sailor who noticed unfamiliar shores.

The first documented settlement was formed on the island in 1857. At that time it was very valuable because of the ability to mine guano. After all, as the law said, if an island is not under the jurisdiction of anyone other than the island, has no owners or local population, but has guano deposits on it, then any American can own all the land. But in 1886, the British who arrived on the island declared that the right to the territory belonged to them. Then British settlers appeared on Howland and mined guano for 5 years.

The dispute over the land was finally resolved only in 1936 after the colonization of the island by America. With the dawn of long-range aviation, Howland was a Pacific strategic base. Therefore, in 1937 they began to build a runway here. It was intended for the now famous aviator Amelia Earhart, who wanted to complete her flight around the world. However, the journey ended tragically - Earhart went missing in the vicinity of Howland.

Then the Japanese bombed the island during World War II. When the war ended, all attempts to settle Howland failed. The main problem was the lack of fresh sources. It also failed to make the island attractive to tourists. Local attractions include Itascatown ruins, airplane wrecks, and the Amelia Earhart Lighthouse. Then they decided to recognize Howland as uninhabited and make it a nature reserve.

Baker Island

The island was also discovered three times by three different captains. It received its name in honor of the third captain - Michael Baker. Unlike his predecessors, Captain Baker decided to officially make the island his own. To this day, the grave of one of the sailors of his ship remains on the island.

In 1855, the island was purchased by a guano mining company. Then the same story as Howland's is repeated with Baker Island: after Great Britain claims it, in 1935 America colonizes the land and sends its volunteers, who start a settlement called Myerton. By the beginning of World War II, an airstrip was being built, but it, along with the settlement itself, gradually fell into disrepair. And in 1974, Baker became a National Wildlife Refuge.

When we are still making the final feverish preparations for the New Year, some inhabitants of the Earth not only met it and had a lot of fun, but by this time they even managed to rest and sleep. For there are places in the world where the New Year is celebrated much earlier than here. In our photo gallery we present those places where the New Year is celebrated first on our planet.


1. Traditionally, Kiribati will be the first to celebrate the New Year 2015. More specifically, on the Linear Islands, which are located further east than the other islands of this country. In 1994, one of the presidential candidates promised citizens that if he won the election, he would make Kiribati the first to celebrate the New Year in the whole world. He won and kept his word: he moved the demarcation line of time (the conventional line on the map of time zones). Since then, Kiribati has been divided into three time zones, and in the easternmost one, midnight occurs 14 hours earlier than in London. (Photo: DS355/
2. In the same time zone as Kiribati is Tokelau, which includes a group of islands consisting of three coral atolls: Atafu, Nukunono and Fakaofo. It is a dependent territory of New Zealand. The time zone change here occurred as recently as 2011, and the main reason for this was the problem of interaction in contacts with New Zealand, since previously the island was on the other side of the time demarcation line. (Photo: Haanee Naeem/
3. Residents of Samoa will celebrate the New Year an hour later. In 2011, there was also a time zone change; the date December 30, 2011 was not in the Samoan calendar. This was done for better interaction and development of cooperation with Australia and New Zealand. Interestingly, the previous time zone change was carried out in 1892 in order to adjust the time to California. (Photo: Savai’i Island/
4. At the same time as in Samoa, the residents of Tonga, an island located one-third of the way between New Zealand and Hawaii, south of Samoa, will celebrate the New Year. (Photo: pintxomoruno/
5. Residents of the Chatham Islands will be the next to celebrate the New Year. This small archipelago consists of two inhabited islands - Chatham and Pitta. Other small islands have reserve status and are largely inaccessible to both island residents and tourists. Interestingly, Chatham Island has its own time zone, which differs by 45 minutes (less) from the time in New Zealand. (Photo: Phil Pledger/
6. After the Chatham Islanders, New Zealand will be the next to celebrate New Year 2015. (Photo: Philipp Klinger Photography/
7. At the same time as in New Zealand, they will celebrate the New Year in Fiji. This is a state that is located on 322 islands and islets of volcanic origin, surrounded by coral reefs, of which only 110 islands are inhabited. (Photo: brad/
8. The first mainland state whose residents will celebrate the New Year 2015 (at the same time as the residents of New Zealand and Fiji) is Russia, or more precisely, the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, located in the southeastern part of the volcanic Kamchatka peninsula. (Photo: Jasja/
9. In the same time zone as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, there are numerous small islands and archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean: Tuvalu, Nauru, Wallis and Futuna, Wake and the Marshall Islands. In the photo: Nauru island. (Photo: Hadi Zaher/
10. We travel further and move west. Next to celebrate the New Year will be the residents of New Caledonia, a French overseas territory located in the Western Pacific Ocean, in Melanesia, about 1,400 kilometers east of Australia and 1,500 kilometers northwest of New Zealand. (Photo: Tonton des Iles-Bye bye Everyone /

Countries that celebrate the New Year at the same time as New Caledonia are: Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands.

11. Together with New Caledonia, the New Year 2015 will be celebrated by residents of another Russian city - Magadan. (Photo: Tramp/
12. On our journey, we finally arrived in Australia, where the first to celebrate the New Year, of course, were the residents of the east coast - Sydney and Melbourne. (Photo: El Mundo, Economía y Negocios/
13. Simultaneously with the residents of Sydney and Melbourne, the New Year will be celebrated in Vladivostok and on such Pacific islands as Guam, the Mariana Islands and Papua New Guinea. In the photo: the island of Guam.