
Hair between the breasts of women. Unwanted Hair – Why Does Hair Grow on My Chest? How to get rid of chest hair forever

breast cancer

It’s worth starting with the terrible word “hirsutism.” What is it and how to treat it? Hirsutism is the appearance of hard (core, terminal) hair in androgen-dependent areas, namely: on the sternum,...

It’s worth starting with the terrible word “hirsutism.” What is it and how to treat it?

Hirsutism is the appearance of hard (shaft, terminal) hair in androgen-dependent areas, namely:

  • on the sternum, between the mammary glands,
  • on the upper lip
  • on the chin
  • in the upper abdomen or back,
  • on the neck.

And here is the first remark. Most girls are bothered by long dark hairs on the areola (not on the sternum). A number of experts consider this phenomenon to be normal and not requiring treatment or seeing a doctor. However, there is also an opinion that it would be a good idea to consult an endocrinologist; even sparse coarse hair on the areola, upper lip and chin can be a sign of minor hormonal problems.

So, why does hirsutism occur?

All reasons can be divided into two groups:

  1. increasing the level of testosterone (“male hormone”) in the body,
  2. increasing the sensitivity of hair follicles to testosterone.

Hirsutism is rarely an independent disease. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to classify it as a disease; rather, it is a harmless anomaly.

However, male-pattern hair growth cannot be ignored. Severe hirsutism is a symptom of serious diseases of the ovaries and adrenal glands. It is these organs that are responsible for producing the main amount of testosterone in the female body.

Diseases accompanied by hirsutism:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome,
  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex,
  • tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands,
  • obesity,
  • diabetes,
  • various diseases in which cortisol levels rise.

However, there are also hereditary and idiopathic hirsutism, when there is no pathology in the body, increased hair growth is the norm for it.

When should you worry?

As soon as you notice coarsened hair on your upper lip or chin, you should not run to an endocrinologist.

First of all, you need to remember:

  1. Do close relatives have coarse hair? Perhaps this is a hereditary trait, nothing more. “Fuzz on the lip” is often found in girls and women of Caucasian nationalities.
  2. Have you taken any medications: anabolics, cyclosporine, interferon, glucocordicoids. They can cause temporary hormonal imbalance, especially with long-term use. If this is the reason, you need to stop taking the drug or take a break.
  3. How often was depilation done with a razor in the area where coarse hair appeared? The more often hair is shaved, the harder and coarser it becomes, hypertrichosis appears (there is more hair). Careless plucking can lead to the same consequences. Therefore, it is not recommended to shave hairs on the halo, lip or chin - as a result, you can get a negative effect.
  4. If it wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t, you need to take the Ferryman-Gallway scale. It shows 7 zones of the body where hirsutism may occur, and four gradations of hair growth in these zones, each gradation is assigned a score (from 1 to 4).

Hirsutism is determined using the Ferriman-Gallwey scale. You need to calculate the sum of points for all seven zones. The norm is up to 8 points. 9 and above – we can talk about hirsutism.

Treatment of hirsutism

In cases where increased hair growth is a symptom of a disease, it is necessary to fight the cause, and not the external sign. It is necessary to contact an endocrinologist. After recovery, the hair problem will most likely disappear.

Ways to get rid of excess chest hair

As mentioned above, plucking is not the best way, as it can increase hair growth and can also leave scars and pustules. However, cosmetics are the main and only method of combating hirsutism, especially hereditary or idiopathic.


It is considered the most effective method, but this procedure is not cheap, especially with severe hirsutism.

The essence of the method: electric current is directed to the bulb and destroys it, hair formation activity decreases. After several procedures, it is possible to completely stop hair growth in a particular area.

It is worth remembering that electrolysis has its contraindications. In addition, this procedure is quite painful.

Laser epilation.

Opinions on her are divided. Some consider it more effective than electrolysis, others - on the contrary.

The essence of the method is to burn out the follicles. The laser heats the hair and its root burns. Since hair has greater thermal conductivity than skin, the latter is usually not damaged. However, minor burns may occur.

To achieve maximum effect, several procedures are needed, the result lasts for several years (about five).

Let's insert a second digression here. During electrolysis, a contact (needle) is inserted into the follicle. On the one hand, this makes the impact more precise and reduces the risk of skin damage. On the other hand, a needle is a needle, not every girl wants to be poked with pieces of iron.


Relatively young method. The follicle is destroyed by light. The fact is that hair contains a lot of melanin, which is sensitive to light of certain waves. Thus, the hair burns.

In principle, the procedure is painless, but not always. The most powerful devices still cause pain, and if the client has tanned skin (and therefore has a high melanin content), she can get quite a severe burn.

All of the above means are a little reminiscent of torture and playing Russian roulette. Their main advantage is the duration of the effect.

Hormonal drugs.

In rare cases where chest hair begins to grow due to an occasional hormonal imbalance, medications that increase female hormones and limit testosterone may help.

Of course, you should purchase such drugs only after consultation and on the recommendation of a doctor. Under no circumstances should you use hormonal drugs as cosmetics - you can cause irreparable harm to your health. In addition, hormonal drugs are often addictive and their effect weakens over time.

Folk remedies.

  • rub the problem area with the juice of an unripe walnut; Let us immediately clarify that the substance has a strong and persistent coloring effect, the skin becomes blue-violet, like a bruise, and does not wash off very quickly; 4–5 procedures are needed for the effect;
  • treat the skin and unwanted hairs with a decoction of Datura vulgare; this plant is poisonous, so you need to handle its decoction carefully; in no case should you use it on the halo if you are a nursing mother;
  • some folk compositions for chemical depilation (we will not list them, since it is better to entrust chemistry to specialists).

Well, the last digression, which is also the conclusion: from the screens we are told that naturalness is in fashion today, but in fact we are still being molded into a rigid template. Moreover, today fashion has an economic rationale: we must consume more, not only food, but also cosmetics and procedures. The skin should be light and even, the hair should be smooth and shiny, thick and long. Neither the fluff on the upper lip, nor the “extra” hairs on the halo or neck are included in this stereotype.

Meanwhile, slightly increased hair growth usually indicates a hot temperament; these signs often go hand in hand. Is it worth emasculating the image of a passionate, ardent, proud Spanish woman, gypsy, Georgian? The problem of “excess” hair appeared not so long ago; before, women were not forced to undergo execution on their legs, bikini area and armpits. And the saddest thing is that the more we abuse the skin and phallicles, the more persistently the body takes revenge on us: hypertychosis, ingrown hair under the skin, pigmentation, inflammation and other “joys” of “natural” beauty.

Hair covers most of the human body, except for some areas. Hair protects the skin from negative external factors. But girls are not at all happy with excessive hair growth, because the aesthetic side is too important. Some women also grow hair on their chests. This often causes not only aesthetic, but also psychological discomfort.

Chest hair in women is not that uncommon. Hirsutism is manifested by the appearance of coarse hair on the chin, upper lip, as well as on the neck, back, stomach and in some cases on the chest. This is quite normal for men. But for women, this state of affairs causes many problems.

Most often, women develop hair in the chest area during pregnancy. If they resemble fluff, and only a few hairs grow long and black, then this can be considered a normal variant.

But if too many hairs grow and they appear not only around the nipples, but also on the sternum, then you should pay attention to this and consult an endocrinologist.

The reasons that can contribute to the development of hirsutism are usually divided into two main groups:

  • Increased concentration of testosterone in the body.
  • Increased sensitivity of hair follicles to testosterone.

But hirsutism is not usually classified as a disease. It is considered simply a specific anomaly. But male pattern hair cannot be ignored. Such a symptom may indicate a pathology of the adrenal glands or ovaries, since these organs secrete the largest amount of male hormone in women.

Excessive hair on the chest can also be accompanied by some diseases. Among them:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Adrenal dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Oncological diseases
  • Diseases in which the concentration of cortisol in a woman’s body greatly increases

However, there are also situations when there is quite a lot of hair on the chest, but this is not associated with any pathology. In some cases, this condition is considered the absolute norm.

The main causes of chest hair growth:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Excessive hair growth in the chest area can occur when a woman's testosterone levels rise sharply. This condition can be caused by menstrual irregularities or improper functioning of the ovaries or adrenal glands.
  2. Genetic predisposition. Before turning to a doctor for a solution to the problem, you need to ask your female relatives if they have had such an anomaly. It may well be that this is not a pathology, but simply a genetic predisposition.
  3. Allergy to medications. In some cases, after treatment with certain medications, a woman begins to notice that unwanted hair has begun to appear on her chest. The following drugs may have this adverse reaction: Interferon, Hydrocortisone, as well as Cyclosporine and Interferon.
  4. The reasons are unclear. Sometimes even doctors cannot explain the appearance of hair in the chest area. In this case, a comprehensive examination is always prescribed.

If a woman begins to notice something wrong, it is better to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the development of hirsutism and try to eliminate it.

At what age does hair begin to grow?

Hair growth in androgen-dependent areas in women is directly related to their hormonal levels. Hair in the chest area begins to grow during puberty.

When a girl's testosterone levels increase in her body, some changes occur. If the teenager develops normally, and there are no chronic or hereditary diseases, then there should be no hair on the chest.

But there are cases when fluff appears on the areolas. If this does not bring any discomfort, then this condition can be considered a variant of the norm. But in the case when there is a lot of hair, it is long and hard, you should seek help from a specialist.

When can the presence of chest hair be considered an anomaly?

If you notice a few black, coarse hairs on your areolas, you should not immediately run to the doctor. You need to remember whether your relatives have such a problem, and whether any medications were taken the day before. If all this did not happen, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Hirsutism is usually determined using the Ferryman-Gallwey scale. This diagram shows 7 areas of the body where hirsutism is most likely to occur. Hair growth in these zones is divided into 4 main gradations, each of which is assigned a score from 1 to 4.

The level of hirsutism is determined by calculating the sum of points for all zones. A score of up to 8 points is considered normal. Anything above 9 points is already a pathology. Such women should definitely consult a doctor for a full examination and determine the cause of excessive hair growth.

Methods for getting rid of unwanted chest hair

The speed of getting rid of chest hair depends on the reason that triggered the growth of these most unwanted hairs. Many women want to quickly get rid of aesthetic discomfort, so they begin to pluck or shave their hair. But shaving is not advisable, since the hairs will grow even larger and unevenly.. In addition, traumatic pustules and even scars can form.

The main methods of combating hirsutism, in addition to treating the underlying disease, are various cosmetic procedures. The most popular among them:

  1. Laser epilation. Its essence is to completely burn out the follicle. The hair gets very hot under the influence of the laser, and its root simply burns. In this case, the skin is almost never damaged due to its lower thermal conductivity. Now they practice laser hair removal of all problem areas of the body, which helps to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. There are a number of contraindications. A prerequisite is avoidance of sunbathing two weeks before and after the procedure.
  2. Electrolysis. Cosmetologists believe that this procedure is the most effective in the fight against hirsutism. It is suitable for those who want to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. The hair follicle is destroyed by an electric current. In this case, the formation of hair will no longer be so active. After several such procedures, hair growth stops. You should also be aware that the procedure is painful and there are contraindications to its implementation.
  3. Photoepilation. In this case, the follicles are destroyed by exposure to light. Each hair contains a lot of melanin pigment, which is sensitive to certain light waves. In most cases, the procedure is painless, but if a woman has very dark skin, a thermal burn may result due to the large amount of melanin that needs to be discolored. If you remove your hair this way, a lasting result can be achieved in about a year.
  4. Treatment with hormonal drugs. In cases where unwanted hair in the chest area appears due to an accidental hormonal imbalance, you can remove it by taking special hormonal agents that increase the level of female hormones and help reduce the production of testosterone in the blood. But such removal can be used only after consulting a doctor. All hormonal drugs are addictive sooner or later. In addition, you need to know exactly the name of the medication so as not to harm your health even more.

Thus, the appearance of hairs on the chest is a problem that, one way or another, should be solved somehow. In some cases, cosmetics help. In others, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive treatment of hormonal disorders and chronic diseases. If coarse hair is rare and this does not interfere with a woman’s normal life, then you can not pay attention to it at all. Not always such a sign is evidence of the presence of pathology.

Thick hair on a man's chest has long been considered a sign of masculinity. There is some truth in this statement. Rather, it is considered a sign of high levels of the male hormone testosterone. Oddly enough, hair on a woman’s chest is a rare but common phenomenon. This is due to certain chronic hormonal imbalances or is a consequence of a sharp jump in hormone levels.

Every man must make a choice: keep chest hair or get rid of it. If you don’t want to lag behind fashion and have chosen the second option, then you should find out how to get rid of chest hair effectively and painlessly. Some men who are used to shaving only their faces may not be aware of the variety of hair removal options available.

A razor is not the best choice for this purpose. Daily shaving is exhausting, and the stubble will become harder and harder.

If you decide to get rid of chest hair, consider the following options:

  • shaving;
  • using depilatory cream;
  • hair removal using wax strips;
  • using an epilator;
  • laser hair removal;
  • electrolysis.


Using a good old razor is the fastest and easiest way to remove excess chest hair. Shave your face, smoothly move to your neck, armpits and switch to your chest. However, this emergency option should be left on the bench. Its advantage is instant results. If you urgently need to put on a new low-cut T-shirt, and the telltale hairs are escaping from under your clothes, you can use shaving foam and a razor. The disadvantages of this process are obvious: the very next day the chest area will itch, and new hairs will sprout, forming prickly stubble.

Depilatory creams

The cream needs to be selected taking into account your skin type. If you notice frequent rashes on your body, choose a remedy with chamomile. If your skin is sensitive, you can choose a depilatory with aloe extract. The procedure is simple and will not raise any unnecessary questions even for those men who are trying to remove their hair for the first time. The cream is applied to the chest area in a small layer. The exposure time on the body is approximately 20 minutes. After this, the cream with fallen hairs is removed from the body with a special spatula, which is most often included with the depilator.

Forget about irritation

This method has advantages: you definitely won’t cut yourself, the next day you won’t get “itchy” like after shaving with a standard razor, there won’t be a burning sensation from irritation and there won’t be any redness. But do not forget about the disadvantages: after a day or two, the hairs will begin to grow again, because the cream removes only the upper part of the hair, without affecting the hair follicle in any way. It is worth noting that the cream is expensive: if you use it daily, it will hit your pocket. In addition, daily use of this product in some cases causes allergies.

Wax strips

It is very difficult to carry out such a procedure on your own, so it is better for men to go to a salon, where a trained professional will do everything better and less painful. The essence of the procedure is that the hair is smeared with a special adhesive substance, a strip of fabric is applied to it and sharply torn off along the hair growth. After this, the patient screams, and the hair remains on the strip.

For the sake of the effect, you can be patient: after removing hairs with wax, the skin will remain smooth for about a month, and the next stubble will be softer and less frequent. In addition, the skin gets used to the procedure over time and the next hair removal will not be so painful. The main thing is to force yourself to decide to take such a step after the first waxing. The only negative: removing hair below the waist by sharply pulling out the whole bunch is terribly painful.


This is even more painful than using wax strips. The epilator mechanism grabs the hair at the base and pulls it out right from the bulb. For such a procedure, you do not need to go to the salon, you do not need to use creams, foam or lotion. The first advantage of this procedure is its low cost. The second plus is long-term results.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting painful sensations, poor-quality results and irritation. It will take at least half an hour to remove all the hairs. The risk of missing individual hairs is high, so carefully examine your breasts before going to the beach. After using the epilator, irritation may occur. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with baby moisturizer.

Laser hair removal

If your goal is to permanently remove chest hair, then laser hair removal is perfect. This procedure is absolutely painless; occasionally you may feel a slight tingling sensation. Hair removal requires considerable expenses and is carried out exclusively in specialized centers. After the first hair removal, you come for an appointment after 30 days, then after 90 days, six months, a year, and then forget about visiting the salon. The laser “kills” the hair follicles, and the skin on the chest becomes soft and smooth. Laser hair removal is not suitable for blondes, since the laser does not affect blonde hair.

After the first laser hair removal procedure


Electrolysis is the most expensive and effective procedure. Due to the high cost, patients begin hair removal with a laser and finish the process with electrolysis. A weak electrode acts on the hair follicle, killing it. One procedure will not be enough.

The cost depends not only on the time of the procedure, but also on the density of hair on the back or chest.

Before you decide to shave your chest, think carefully. Perhaps your girlfriend likes your manly, hairy chest, and your spontaneous decision to “go naked” will not be to her liking. If you have definitely made a decision, use one of the methods described.

Hirsutism is a very unpleasant pathology, which is accompanied by androgenic hair growth on a woman’s face and body. According to statistics, almost 30% of the fair sex face a similar problem in one form or another. What to do in such cases? Why do women grow hair on their chests? Should I be worried about this? How to get rid of unnecessary hair on the body? Our readers will find answers to these questions in the article.

Why do women grow hair on their chests? Physiological reasons

To begin with, it is worth saying that the appearance of vegetation on uncharacteristic areas of the body is not always a cause for concern. Hair on a girl's chest can appear during puberty - during this period significant hormonal changes occur in the body, which often leads to the appearance of a similar symptom.

Pregnancy is another physiological reason. Statistics show that during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, body hair becomes thicker and darker. Approximately the same situation is observed in women before menopause.

Information about risk factors

But, speaking about why women grow hair on their chests, it is worth noting that the reasons are not always associated with physiological hormonal changes. There are other possible risk factors:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • hereditary predisposition (especially when it comes to women with coarse, dark hair);
  • chronic systemic diseases;
  • taking medications that can affect hormonal levels.

If you have hair on your nipples that grows very quickly, and the covering itself is too thick, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: basic information

If hair grows around the nipples, this may indicate the presence of diseases of the genital organs. In particular, hirsutism is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. This pathology is associated with infertility. At a certain stage of egg maturation, a malfunction occurs - the follicles mature, but do not rupture, as a result of which they, along with the unreleased egg, turn into small cysts.

The results of medical research indicate that in most cases the development of polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with hormonal imbalances and endocrine diseases. Genetic inheritance, infectious diseases and emotional stress play a certain role.

Of course, male pattern hair is not the only symptom of polycystic disease. The pathology is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, rapid weight gain, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Increased levels of male sex hormones

Male pattern hair is sometimes the result of hormonal imbalance. For one reason or another, the level of male sex hormones in a woman’s body increases, which, in fact, control the growth of body hair.

Such disorders are not an independent disease; they only indicate the presence of one or another pathology. For example, the same polycystic ovary syndrome is often accompanied by a jump in androgen levels. The list of causes includes adrogenital syndrome and various adrenal tumors. Sometimes hormone levels increase due to malfunctions of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Lists of reasons include constant stress, taking certain medications, bad habits and much more.

By the way, hair on the nipples or in the areola area is not the only symptom of hormonal imbalance. Signs also include acne and other changes in skin condition. Of course, an increase in androgen levels affects the functioning of the reproductive system, leading to disruptions in the menstrual cycle and problems with pregnancy.

Should you see a doctor?

We have already dealt with information about why hair grows on a woman’s chest. Sometimes this phenomenon goes away on its own. In other cases, such a problem is a symptom of a serious illness.

Hirsutism is something that should not be ignored. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor. You will need a gynecological examination and consultation with a gynecologist. If the specialist suspects something is wrong, he will refer you for additional tests. It will be necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and check the level of hormones in the body.

Hair on a girl's chest: can it be removed at home?

If we are talking about only a few hairs, then you can remove them yourself at home. Of course, this can only be done after consulting a doctor, when during the diagnosis it was possible to confirm that the growth of chest hair is not associated with any serious diseases or serious hormonal imbalances.

Methods for removing body hair:

  • You can remove unwanted vegetation using tweezers. You just need to carefully grab the hair and pull sharply. Of course, this is only relevant if there are only a few hairs and they are quite hard.
  • Sometimes women get rid of unwanted hair using a razor. a simple and painless method, but it is extremely ineffective. The razor cuts off only the top part of the hair and it begins to grow the very next day, becoming harder and darker. The procedure often causes skin irritation, especially when it comes to the delicate skin around the nipples.
  • Another possible option is depilatory cream. This is a special product that begins to destroy hair immediately after application. It is worth understanding that such creams often cause allergies and irritation, and the skin on the chest and décolleté is extremely sensitive.

Salon treatments

If hair appears on a woman’s nipples, you can contact a cosmetologist. Experts offer more effective methods of combating unwanted vegetation.

Hair removal methods in the salon:

  • Wax or sugar hair removal is a very effective procedure, although painful. Soft wax or sticky sugar paste is applied to the skin, covered with a cloth and sharply torn off as soon as the mass hardens. In this case, the hair is pulled out along with the follicle, which, naturally, is accompanied by very painful sensations. On the other hand, the effect of the procedure lasts longer, sometimes the skin remains clear for several weeks.
  • If we are talking about a permanent result, then the cosmetologist can offer laser or electrolysis, the features of which will be discussed below. It is only worth noting that such procedures, with the right approach, can help you get rid of hair for many years.

Laser hair removal

The most popular method of combating unwanted vegetation is laser hair removal. The essence of the procedure is simple - under the influence of a laser beam, the hair follicle is destroyed, as well as the hair itself. It is worth noting that to achieve maximum results, 4 to 10 repeated procedures are required. Laser hair removal is not suitable for removing light and gray hair (without pigment).

Electrolysis in the fight for smooth skin

It is worth mentioning separately about electrolysis. This is a very effective, although complex procedure that requires special equipment. A very thin needle is inserted into the cavity of the hair follicle, through which an electric current is supplied to the tissue. The hair follicle coagulates and collapses, and the hair itself falls out. Of course, complete hair removal requires about 6 to 10 sessions, and the procedure itself is often accompanied by not very pleasant sensations. On the other hand, it makes it possible to get rid of hair forever.

Traditional medicine recipes

We have already covered information about what constitutes hirsutism in women, causes and treatment, risk factors and salon procedures. But what to do if, for one reason or another, it is not possible to turn to a beautician, and the razor and depilatory cream cause irritation? You can try to cope with the problem using traditional medicine:

  • Hydrogen peroxide will help in the fight against vegetation on the body. It must be diluted with water (in equal proportions), and then treat those areas of the skin that are covered with unwanted hairs. Naturally, this will not help get rid of vegetation. Nevertheless, the hairs gradually lose color, become thinner and brittle, almost invisible.
  • You can prepare a more aggressive solution. We mix three tablespoons of medical alcohol with a teaspoon of ammonia, the same amount of castor oil and a few drops (no more than 5) of iodine. The composition should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​hair growth twice a day. Over time, the vegetation becomes lighter and thinner, ceases to be conspicuous and cause aesthetic discomfort.
  • Some folk healers recommend treating the skin with a decoction of walnut shells.

Once again, it is worth reminding that the appearance of chest hair should not be ignored. It is always better to see a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis. If hirsutism is the result of a disease, then therapy should be started immediately.

Not on the nipples themselves, but around them. They are usually quite thin and long, and their number rarely exceeds 10 pieces. There is no need to be alarmed by the presence of such hairs, especially if they appeared gradually during puberty. In most cases, they are caused by genetic predisposition and increased sensitivity of androgen receptors. In this case, they do not pose a danger, although their presence is not very attractive.

The sudden appearance of hair on a woman's chest or an increase in its amount may be due to changes in hormonal levels and an increase in the level of androgens - male sex hormones. This does not mean that a representative of the fair sex begins to gradually turn into a man, but in this case it is still worth seeing a doctor. This change in hormone levels may be due to taking inappropriate hormonal medications, endocrine system disruption, or pregnancy.

In this case, it is best to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist and get tested for hormones. Usually, after taking the right medications, body hair stops actively growing.

How women can get rid of chest hair

It is better not to touch light, thin and barely noticeable hairs around the nipples, as their frequent removal can lead to changes in the color and structure of the hair. In the latter case, they will become more noticeable and will require constant depilation. But you should get rid of long and dark hairs, as they usually do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

It is best to use regular tweezers for this. They should pull out their hair along the growth line and quickly enough. After this procedure, the skin on the chest should be wiped with a disinfecting lotion. Of course, after a couple of weeks the hairs will appear again, but removing them again is unlikely to take much time.

You can also simply trim unwanted hairs, but with this method they grow back very quickly, and dark roots often remain noticeable.

You can also use depilatory cream to remove hair around your nipples. But it is better to apply it only to the root of a specific hair follicle, and in no case to the nipples. And you must keep this product for the time strictly indicated in the instructions, otherwise irritation may appear on the skin. The cream will gently dissolve the hair shaft, which will allow hair removal for 1-2 weeks.