
Every person should have a home. Life goals: a list of goals that every person should have. How to set your life goals the right way


Someone does not have a home, someone lives with their mother-in-law, someone in rented housing, and there are those who have their own apartment, but there is no feeling at home!

Any person, and especially a woman, should have a home, a sense of her home. Without this feeling, a person gets sick, without a sense of home there can be no inner harmony, which is always associated with a deep feeling of home.

Such a person does not seem to live, life is postponed for later, the standby mode is turned on. Here I will move, here I will make repairs, here I will increase the area ...

Home is a place, a space where you feel safe, comfortable and rejuvenated.

In the house you can always rest, relax, gain strength, make important decisions.

Home is a place where any spiritual wounds are healed, a place where you are accepted for who you are.
I don’t want to leave the house, I don’t want to leave it for a long time, because it is alive and it is a place of power for us.

The house says a lot about us: about our desires, aspirations, relationships, where our energy is directed, what happens to us inside.

The house is the foundation on which ALL OUR LIFE is built. Your adult and conscious life.

Often we seek development and personal growth outside our doorstep. And at home - torn sweatpants, bad food cooked in haste, everything is neglected and untidy! Unstyled hair, scandals and swearing.

Home for many becomes a rooming house. But after all, all the most important moments of life unfold at home. In the house we build relationships, raise children, give them something important, something with which they will go through life.

It is at home that real life takes place. What is yours? Or do you only live at work?

When we cannot organize our daily life, we run away from home to travel, looking for rest and happiness there. But if there is no happiness and rest in the house, you will not find it on the journey either. And upon arrival, for a very long time you will have to be included in your life! A frequently traveling woman hides her inner discomfort, weariness from life, and the lack of a sense of peace and inner harmony.

When a woman is not rooted, this is bad, it has a destructive effect on her psyche.

No feeling at home

  • when you stay at work for a long time;
  • when it's better for you to be anywhere but at home;
  • you travel and move a lot;
  • when at home you feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable;
  • when you don't feel comfortable and safe in the space you live in;
  • and you always want to change something, move, increase the area.

How to return the feeling of home?

A house appears when we are in harmony with ourselves, with life, when we want to live, build, create, give birth to children, take root!

You have to grow up to have your own home. The "children" have no homes! They are always wandering around in other people's houses! And rented accommodation!

Remaining a child, a person subconsciously wants to return to where it was easy, calm and protected. Why his own house, if he already has a parental house, and with all the fibers of his soul he strives to get there again.

The home, or lack of it, fully reflects what is going on inside you.

It's good to be aware of your fears.

Perhaps some in childhood were afraid to go home, were afraid of unpredictability, were afraid of outbursts of parental anger, claims and remarks: Why didn’t you do it? Late? Didn't get away?

It was calmer everywhere - with friends, on the street, but not at home, perhaps at home there were scandals, drunkenness.

The house was something dangerous! And you were afraid to go home. Therefore, today it is so hard to take root, so hard to settle down and create your own space, there is no such experience! But being aware of these moments, moving forward is much easier than when we live in ignorance.

To build a family, you need to build a house, have a common space, without this there will be no family.

When there is a family, but not at home for a long time, this is a signal. Perhaps the woman did not choose a man, she subconsciously wants to return to her parents' house, so the common house does not add up. The lack of housing is a signal, the standby mode is on. The question is what are you waiting for?

When a woman chooses a man, she has a desire to have her own house. A man always feels this and begins to act, a woman only needs to support him in this.

It's not about the money. There is no money when the house is not needed. There is no family in the energetic sense, no home. The solution to the housing problem depends on the relationship in the couple, if they exist, then there will be no problems with the house!

Rented housing is a psychological immaturity, especially when such accommodation is extended for years. Apartment parents are “parents”, strict and responsible. They decide for you what to do, what furniture to buy, what fee to charge you. You are dependent on where we should normally be free. As children. You have to ask if it's possible to have a dog or a cat, plant flowers, even have a baby. Landlords are responsible for their own housing and its safety. Not you.

Therefore, if you live in rented housing, you need to grow up. And to understand that the lack of housing is based not on a money issue, but on the unwillingness to create your own home and break away from your parents.

It's like waking up, shaking off sleep and slowly but surely starting to move in the right direction. Awareness of what is happening to you is the way to your own home.

You must have an image of the house. Start creating the image of your home and the quality of life already within the walls of others and in the space where you are. Start growing up! You must have your own things. And how do we live in rented housing? Someone else's dishes, someone else's curtains, everything is someone else's.


And for a woman, this is her place of power! Therefore, everything in your house should please you, everything should be yours energetically!

And if you don’t have your own home today, you need to create your own space, the prototype of “YOUR HOUSE”, buy things that you will take into your home! And not to live like this: if there is a house - I will buy, but for now on old sofas and on shabby stools, with old wallpaper :))

To be honest to the end, then in a rented apartment you will never be like at home. There is no opportunity to take root, at any moment you may be asked to rake your world into bags and transport it to a new place, settle down again, settle down and be disappointed again.

Why is rented housing scary? We give nothing to this house, and the house gives us nothing. We have places of power!

We need to finish this internally. What makes you wander and be restless? What's the worst thing that will happen when you have your own house?

And this question is for unmarried women: Why did you end up in rented housing, why did you not get married, but moved out to a rented apartment? It didn't happen by accident, did it?

These questions allow you to think, to realize the very important, deep and root motives that underlie your whole life!

These are the disadvantages of owning your own home, we found together with a participant Women's School (now she lives with her husband in the house of her mother-in-law):

  • The house must be maintained;
  • Now part of the costs are borne by the parents, but you will have to do it yourself;
  • We will finally tear ourselves away from our parents;
  • There is always a lot to do in one's own house;
  • It will not be possible to leave the child and go on business;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • This is your responsibility, which lies only with you;
  • You won’t leave your house, even if you quarrel a lot.

A house (apartment) is something solid and complete! It is your choice, including with whom you will live! And we are afraid of this solidity and completeness, and therefore we wander for 40 years in other people's houses, because the choice has not been made!

Our home is our reflection. And if we want to change something in the house, then the changes need to start in our own souls.

The house is a place of power, it is treated with respect and reverence, so be careful not to desecrate your house with scandals, swearing and scolding, because all this negativity settles on the walls and sucks strength out of you for a long time. And the house should give strength.

Let your house be a full bowl, start with food. It should always be prepared consciously and attract well-being and family happiness.

Invite guests and be ready to receive unexpected guests! Let there be order and comfort! Order is not when everything is washed and cleaned, but when it is felt that there is a mistress in the house, there is her way of life, her order, her rules!

Every day in your home can be joyful and fulfilling, bring satisfaction, and not be lived hastily and on the fly.

Start meeting and seeing off your household members. Meet your husband and children without scurrying out of the room, but on the threshold, without asking questions, but simply show that you are glad to meet you, that you have been waiting! First, feed, drink, put to bed, and only then ask questions!

It's bad when a woman meets her husband! Something in your life has gone wrong!

Think about how you can please, surprise, give a feeling of comfort and coziness to all family members and guests as well?

In the Caucasus there is a saying: A guest in the house - God in the house! By inviting guests, you invite well-being to the house, by giving you get! Do not save on this, do not be stingy with kind gestures, with your energy, with your attention.

I have written more than once about beautiful tea pairs, buy a fruit bowl, a dinner set and start using it, as well as gravy boats and a tureen.

After all, in order to do all this, you will have to improve relations in the family, become kind, attentive, hospitable, generous, smart! That's where your personal growth is. In the house. Not outside of it.

It is at home that a space of love and understanding is created between a man and a woman! If there is no this space, there is no future for the relationship!

Remove, throw away everything that seems alien, unnecessary and ugly! Everything should please you, everything should be yours.

We must learn to create our daily life in our own home. Create your world! What kind of world do you want to create?

And if you don't have a home, then you should have the experience of creating your own world!
Live well today, do not put off life for later! And you will have this happy experience. Without it, even in a new apartment, you will feel unsatisfied.

And happiness will attract the necessary funds for its own meters or additional ones.

When you begin to cultivate a sense of home in yourself, everything will begin to change - your thoughts, actions, and most importantly - your life!

Try it, you will like it!

Does everyone need a home?
- To each. Some even have two.
From a fantasy novel

Each person should have their own home. For some it is a crystal palace or a divine temple, for another it is an old rickety shack, where stars sparkle through holes in the ceiling, for a third it is his family, for a fourth it is a wooden deck and a fair wind, a fifth seeks to be in Nirvana or go into the astral plane , the sixth, like a snail, always carries his house with him.

Home is not the place where a person lives (or dreams of living). For existence, there is enough earth under your feet and the sky above your head, or even less. Home is a phenomenon when you finally feel yourself where you need to be. When you realize that before that you were superfluous everywhere, but now you have finally become vital, and without you everything simply loses its meaning. Home is when even a beggar feels rich.

For someone, a house is needed to come there, for someone - to leave from there. It happens that you will never find your home, and it happens that you run away from there, never to return. Someone knows what kind of home it is, and purposefully follows its own path, while someone else cannot realize it (their home), even if it is already in the house.

Some believe that the house is like a destiny predetermined by the Creator. We are born together with our destiny, and we are also predetermined in this world by our own place created exclusively for us - home. And just like fate, we are looking for our home, or we are running away from home (and from fate).

Or maybe our home is just where we were before we were born. After all, it is not for nothing that earthly life is compared with the road. Maybe our life is the way home from somewhere, or from home somewhere. Or even from house to house. Just being in the house, it is impossible to realize it. As soon as you leave its limits, you begin to understand how necessary it was for you. And so, until death, we are doomed to walk around the house that is inaccessible to us, howl with anguish and knock on the closed door, which will open only when a barefoot old woman with a scythe appears for us. And all our earthly houses are only a shadow of the present house...

Or, in fact, there is no house at all. And we are in the world to build this very house for ourselves. How the pharaohs built tombs for themselves, equipped them, settled them with servants, in order to live like a king in the next world. Likewise, we - what kind of house we build for ourselves, in such a house we will exist for the rest of eternity.

Or it may be that in fact it is the houses themselves that strive to be embodied, and we, the people, happen only to bring these houses to life. And all our life throwing and searches are, in fact, the desire for a house that, for some reason, decided to materialize. And our place is just to be the builders of some house. Or even a piece of furniture.

However, whatever it may be - our home, and whatever we are, there is an inextricable bond between us, which cannot be broken by any effort and cannot be broken by any hammer. And sometimes we are drawn to each other even more than the passion of lovers.

And, who knows, maybe we should take our home more seriously, whatever it may be - whether it is a golden palace, or just a room in a communal apartment ...

Prepared by:

Teacher-psychologist Podolyanskaya E.M.

Social pedagogue Tishakova E.A.

September 27, 2010

Purpose: prevention of unauthorized departures.


  1. Contribute to the vital self-determination of pupils;
  2. develop a culture of communication;
  3. form ideas about the house as


Lesson form: integrated occupation.

Literature: O.Yu. Solovieva, O.G. Levin "Collection of socio-pedagogical situations-tests for self-determination";

L.I. Malenkov "Humanity"

Equipment: projector; paper-cut chamomile with tasks on the petals; sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

Hello guys!

The topic of our lesson is “Every person should have a home”.

We want to start it with a small presentation in which you will see what a person's house can be like.

(viewing the presentation, discussing the slides)

And now for your attention are a number of tasks that, we hope, will help us understand you, and put you in the place of adults who are next to you.

Before you is a chamomile, a task is written on each of its petals. In what order these tasks will be performed is up to you. I ask you to approach the flower in turn, tear off one petal and read out the task loudly and clearly.

Exercise 1. Imagine that your life is a performance on a stage.

What is it: comedy, drama, tragedy or...?

If you are a spectator of this play, what will you do:

applaud, cry, whistle, laugh, go to sleep,

Do you want to get your money back for your ticket or...?

Task 2. You are an adult, you have a family. But lately

Your relationship with your child has gone completely wrong:

conflicts, resentment, scandals ... Once after a quarrel

The child ran away from home.

What do you feel? What will you do?

Task 3. Write a letter from the future to yourself, beginning like this:

“Every person should have a home because…”

Task 4. Continue the phrase: "If a person becomes

unbearable to be in the house, then it may be

These reasons are…”

Who is guilty? How can this be fixed?

Task 5. Act out the proverb:

"Houses and walls warm"

Task 6. List the main functions of the house.

Task 7. React to the situation:

Your friend (acquaintance) left home, about the reason for leaving

Doesn't even tell you. You see how they feel

His loved ones. Do you know where the friend is now,

see that he puts his life in danger.

Today we talked about many things: about the psychological mood, and about interaction with others, about sensitivity. Let's end the session in this way: each of you in turn should continue the phrase: "I need a house in order to ..."

And remember, as Honore de Balzac said,

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil side by side in it.

Try to weave your life only from good!

There you feel like a full-fledged owner, and many problems do not bother you at all. But it happens that there is a case when you find yourself in another city or country, and the prospect of spending the night on the street is not at all rosy. That's when we feel the need to rent an apartment.

Every year, thousands and thousands of us rent and rent rooms, houses and apartments. And if earlier everyone did without intermediary services, then, over time, this sector has significantly developed and the majority turned to it for services. Since, without a doubt, it is much easier and easier to leave your contact number to a company whose specialists will independently look for housing or clients, rather than receiving endless calls, arranging a meeting with a bunch of potential clients, and being nervous. Of course, under any circumstances, it is necessary to be aware that the company of the company is different.

There are many dishonest intermediaries whose services can be found in more than one publication and more than once. These types of companies offer a huge range of services and promise to provide you with a living space almost instantly. Without a doubt, they will ask for payment for their labors. But, in reality, it often comes down to a couple of phone numbers you get and appointments with multiple hosts.

If you don't like the housing provided, the agents disappear, don't pick up the phone, and you are simply left with nothing. Whatever happens, you need to cooperate with reliable intermediaries who have good reviews of a realtor or a lawyer. If the company is not able to provide you with a specialist who will find housing for you and take you to the place, this is the main reason for refusing the offers of such intermediaries. It is worth emphasizing that in Yaroslavl there are many such dubious enterprises that create a negative image for real estate agencies. But still, there are pleasant, and most importantly, reliable exceptions.

Our agency will be happy to help you if you decide to rent an apartment for a day in Yaroslavl. Our specialists will always come to your aid in making the right choice and present to your attention exactly those conditions that will be more beneficial for you. We have an impressive client base, which contains the addresses and numbers of all our landlords. We will help you find an apartment for you in any area of ​​the city.

If you wish to live in an elite new building - our specialists will be able to offer you a couple of different options for apartments, with high-quality equipment, modern appliances and European-style renovation. For young couples, we can provide an apartment in a well-maintained residential area of ​​the city. For them, we definitely have in mind apartments in Yaroslavl at affordable prices, where you can safely live for a long time. In order to avoid problems with the owners, our lawyers will competently prepare an agreement that will help eliminate all possible misunderstandings.

If a student needs housing, we will offer an inexpensive but solid one-room apartment or a room where he will not be disturbed by annoying cohabitants. For visitors, we offer the following service: apartments for a day in Yaroslavl. In a short time, our specialist will find a living space for you with a daily payment, accompany you to the place and make sure that all rental rates are taken into account. Thanks to our agency, you do not have to worry and be nervous about finding housing. We can provide you with a wealth of options and will not stop searching until all your housing requirements have been met and you have been given the keys to the home you have always dreamed of.

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Any person who has achieved success will say that he was able to get all the benefits due to the fact that he set goals for himself and achieved them. If you learn how to prioritize correctly and complete the planned tasks, this will help you quickly achieve happiness and get what you want. But not everyone knows how to choose the right life goals. Sometimes people start focusing on the wrong tasks, wasting precious time. But it can be used to realize really important desires and dreams.

Types of goals

In order to succeed, it is not necessary to concentrate on any one specific task and make every effort to achieve its implementation.

In fact, there are many more varieties of life goals, which may differ depending on the nature of the person and his environment.

  • higher goals. These are tasks aimed at improving the life of the person himself, as well as his environment. In this case, we are talking not only about the independent development of oneself as a person, but also about helping others.
  • Basic goals. In this case, we are talking about the self-realization of a person, as well as the quality of his relationship with other people and the outside world.
  • Providing goals. In this case, we are talking about material goods that help a person feel more meaningful and happy in life.

These three categories of human life goals help everyone to fulfill themselves and improve themselves throughout life. If at least one of these groups is absent, then in this case it is almost impossible to feel happy. That is why psychologists are encouraged to set themselves several goals at once and try to do everything in order to achieve them.

It must be understood that only a formulated goal provides more than 60% of the success of a person being able to achieve it. It is also recommended to immediately determine the time frame. This means that it is necessary not only to set a task for yourself, but also to limit yourself in the time during which it will be completed.

How to set your life goals the right way

Speaking about why some people cannot become happy, it is worth clarifying one point. Many think about what they want, but do not know how to correctly define and, more importantly, formulate tasks. This is the main problem. For example, one wants to lose weight, the other wants to get a big apartment, a car or a dacha. Only all these are dreams, not goals.

If we are talking about tasks that will really help a person to fulfill himself, in this case it is necessary to fit your wish into one phrase, but at the same time add time limits. For example, instead of saying that a person wants to acquire their own living space, it is necessary to formulate their goal as follows - to acquire a two-room apartment by the age of 30. If a woman wants to lose those extra pounds, she should not just say that someday she will be able to become slim again. In this case, you need to set a clear goal for yourself to lose 15 kilograms by September 25th. The same applies to all other life goals that a person sets for himself.

Determining the time period is very important when planning your future. Moreover, when a person determines by what period of life he wants to receive this or that thing, it is necessary to break this period of time into shorter periods and perform the so-called micro-tasks. It is also worth considering what life goals should be on each person's list, regardless of their gender, status, or other factors.

Personal development

In this case, it is not only about spiritual development. It should also take into account the energy and physical. A person should strive for growth in everything. You need to understand that each of us has great potential, so when compiling a list of vital goals, it is very important to set ourselves higher goals.

To develop as a person, you must learn to avoid or exclude from your life those things that oppress or make the person weak. You need to learn to see the shortcomings in yourself and deal with them. For example, stop being lazy, constantly take offense, envy other people, etc. If a person has low self-esteem, you need to make every effort and learn to love yourself. We need to get better and better every day.

Professional self-realization

This is another life goal worth adding to your list. As a rule, a person spends more than a third of his life at work.

Accordingly, it is very important to determine your professional activity. By and large, professional self-realization is a movement up the career ladder.

A person must reach the top that will make him happy. For one, this is material well-being, for another - the opportunity to do what you like. In addition, professional activity has an impact on family, well-being and other aspects of life.


Every person, no matter what point of view he expresses, dreams of starting a family, starting to raise children and finding his true love. Relationships help you gain wings behind your back and get the greatest happiness in life.

To become happy, it is very important to set these life goals for yourself and achieve them. It is important to understand that everyone must find their soul mate and build a happy and strong family.

Relationships also include friendship. It is very important to learn to exclude dishonest and envious people from your life. Next to a person should be reliable and loyal friends. Today, according to statistics, more than 80% of people consider themselves lonely. Therefore, the goal of building a family, or at least finding one's love, is one of the fundamental ones in making a person happy.


Thanks to financial independence, a person can feel freer and happier. Of course, with the help of money it is impossible to find true love, but without them, no one will be able to fully build a family, because you need to provide for yourself and your soul mate.

Speaking about the features of life goals, it should be borne in mind that money should not be the main task. This means that you can not get hung up on the financial issue. Therefore, it is important to set several goals at once. For example, a person should strive to start a family and think about professional growth, which, in turn, will bring him money that will be spent on making his loved ones (respectively, himself) happy.

In this case, you can set yourself the task of starting to earn a certain amount of money per month. If a person does not know how to manage finances, save or save, you need to work on yourself and learn how to control your expenses.


Life should always be in joy, so you should pay attention to the environment. Life should be organized in such a way that a person is as comfortable, cozy and comfortable as possible. If he lives in a dirty apartment, never washes dishes and does not take care of himself, then in this case he will always be in a depressed state.

In this case, you need to include in your list of life goals tasks that will help improve the environment.


Some people generally do not consider rest as a goal and consider it not so important in life. However, living on the principle of "work-home-work" is bad. It cannot make a person happy.

You need to understand that getting new impressions, energy and restoring spiritual and physical strength will help a person move on and achieve happiness. Psychologists recommend traveling at least twice a year. If a person does not have money for expensive cruises or hotels, then at least it is worth getting out of their city. A change of scenery helps you take a different look at your life situation, get new ideas and inspiration.

When drawing up tasks, it is also worth considering life goals, interests and other aspects. It is best to ungroup tasks and conditionally divide them into more convenient categories.

Personal goals

A person must find himself and determine his destiny in this world. It is also worth including in this list the rejection of bad habits, for example, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. It will not be superfluous to learn a foreign language. It is also very helpful to include reading at least one book per month on this list. If a person sticks to this, he will become more interesting to others. If we are talking about a creative nature, you can set more interesting tasks for yourself, for example, write a book or a picture on your own.

Family values

Everything related to family life should be included in this category. In this case, you can draw up a specific plan for the development of events that would be optimal for a person. Of course, first of all, you need to find your soul mate. After that, you can move on to creating a family and raising children. The next goal to be set is to provide their children with a proper education. A very good motivation is the goal of seeing grandchildren.

sports goals

Most often, in order to be happy, it is very important for a person to be in good physical shape and feel healthy. To achieve this, you can set some sports goals for yourself, for example, do certain exercises or start going to the gym.

Achieving life goals will help you become a stronger and more self-sufficient person. However, it is important to correctly prioritize and not deviate from the intended path.