
Exercises for fingers and hands. Self-healing. Exercises for musicians. "Snake movement" for developing guitar fingers


We talked about not-so-difficult beginner exercises that were designed to develop skill, coordination, and understanding how to control the bar. The examples given below are much more specific, and are largely aimed at practicing various guitar playing techniques. However, all of them will be useful both in specific and general aspects.

Training for development playing techniques must be performed in strict accordance with the text of the task, as well as to the beat of a metronome. This is important for developing not only physical technique, but also smooth play and a sense of rhythm. Start at a slow pace as usual and gradually increase it. Do not forget to perform the exercises comprehensively - that is, in a row, especially if they are similar in technical execution.

Guitar workouts

Pull-Off and Hammer-On

We'll start with one of the basic technical concepts and ways of playing that literally every guitarist should master. The legato technique will significantly diversify your playing, and also allow you to greatly speed up the performance of guitar solos. This is especially true for fans of the electric guitar, since many parts on it are performed using the legato technique. Without mastering it, you will not be able to play sweep, or perform various “turntables” and beautiful solo passages.

First appointment

So, the legato technique is performed as follows: you pinch the string with your finger on any fret. Pull it with a pick and it will sound. Now, with your other finger, without releasing the sounding fret, pinch the other one, but do not hit the string with the plectrum. Please note that the note you pressed will now sound, even without hitting it. This approach is called. The main problem is to find enough force to hit the string with your finger - it should sound as smooth as if it was being struck with a pick. However, this will come with experience and practice. It is worth saying that this technique can be performed with several fingers at once - you just need to pinch the frets in a row.

Second appointment

But this was only the first part of the legato. The second looks like this: With one finger, pinch the string on any fret. Place the second one on the same string, but on a different fret. Let's say, put your index finger on the fifth, and your ring finger on the seventh. Pull the pick and a higher note will sound. Now, with the ring finger, make a sliding movement downward, perpendicular to the string, as if tugging it with your finger, so that the fret on which the index finger is located sounds, and the sound is made without using a pick.This is Pull-Off. The main difficulty is to pluck only one string with your finger without touching the others.

Now combine both of these patterns - and you get the very legato technique we are talking about.

Tabs exercises

Now about the exercise. It is similar to the standard guitar finger warm-up from the first part of our series. Press the sixth string at the first fret. Hit her. Now, using the Hammer-On technique, make the third and then the fourth frets sound alternately - and thus go down the strings. It looks like this:

When you reach the first string, press the second fret with your index finger, the fourth fret with your ring finger, and the fifth fret with your little finger. Now, using the Pull-Off technique, make them sound in turn, and so move up all the strings.

Try to do this exercise in combination, and several times in a row.

Playing an arpeggio

Arpeggio- this is one of the ways to play chords on various instruments, when all the sounds of the triad follow each other in an ascending or descending sequence. The technique is most often used in various, and this guitar training is aimed primarily at developing this particular way of playing . It consists of simply playing open strings on the guitar one at a time at an even tempo. It looks like this:

If you want to complicate your task, try pressing individual additional strings and chords in parallel with the game:

"Snake movement" for developing guitar fingers

Another scheme aimed at developing guitar fingers. It can also help you learn different , and it doesn’t matter how you perform it – with your fingers or a pick. The task is to smoothly sequentially pluck two adjacent strings, while clamping the adjacent frets. It is simple and looks like this:

The movement back goes in a mirror order, as you can already understand:

Exercise “Spider” on guitar #1

A small modification of “Snake Movement”. The main difference is that if in the first case we moved within two strings, thenmakes passage along all the strings in turn, going down. The task is that you also finger two adjacent frets - in this case 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, clamping them on different strings, starting with the first fret on the sixth and the second on the fifth. In this case, after the pattern is played, you go down one string. It looks like this:

Once you get to the first one, you start moving back and play the notes in mirror order, like this:

Spider Exercise #2

This guitar workout is also called the “Spider Dance.” This is an even more complicated version of the previous two tasks. It consists of sequentially playing two notes on each string, passing through one, and gradually descending down the strings. That is, on the sixth, hold down the first fret and play it, then the third, and also hit it with a pick. Next, on the fifth, hold down the second and play, then the fourth, and play, and so on. It looks like this:

When moving back, you start playing from the fifth fret, in a mirror order of frets.

Practical training The Snake Move, Spider Move and Spider Dance are aimed at developing coordination and are also a great way to warm up your arms before playing. If you need to perform soon, just do a set of these exercises a couple of times - your fingers will immediately warm up and it will become easier for you to play.

Playing the chords

This task is more of a practice for improvisation, as well as the ability to pinch chords and barre. The exercise is as follows - you choose a few favorite chords for yourself and start playing them. Try to do it evenly, you can brute force, you can fight - it doesn’t matter. As you play the sequence, modulate it - change the notes in the chord, release some strings and watch how the sound changes. Transpose them and actively use barre - especially good if after another finger and guitar exercises warmed up, then training becomes much easier.

Examples of chords:

  • Em - C - G - D
  • Am - F - G - E
  • Am - G - F - E
  • Am - Dm - E - Am

Guitar training in “Two octaves”

In order to correctly implement this scheme, you must first understand . The task was created specifically for practicing this playing technique, but in addition, it gives you the basis for polyrhythms and finger desynchronization - for a more interesting game. The exercise involves simultaneously playing a repeating, same bass note and a melodic texture within two octaves of the same key - which is where the name of the exercise comes from! It looks like this:

Looks like quite difficult, but after some time of practice the exercise becomes very simple and interesting.

Guitar finger warm-up

These example warm-ups will not involve the guitar in any way, rather they are simply aimed at warming up your fingers just before playing:

1. Clench and unclench your fingers several times at a fast pace. This will warm up your muscles and joints and get your blood flowing.

2. Clasp your hands and then extend them, without unclenching your fingers, with your palms facing forward. You may hear a characteristic crunch in the joints - this is normal and means that they are warming up.

3. Roll a round object in your hand, such as a tennis ball or walnut. This will stretch your fingers and make them more flexible and obedient.

Hand-finger coordination on guitar

This complex will also not involve a guitar.

Using a metronome, begin tapping the table with the palm of your left hand, hitting the beat. With your right hand, start drawing circles on the table. After completion, switch hands.

Again, under the metronome with both hands, simultaneously begin to draw a square on the table - first synchronously, and then asynchronously.

Touch each finger of one hand to your thumb. The other hand does the same at this time, but each finger touches the thumb twice at once.

Make the task more difficult for yourself - and use different fingers for the thumb on each hand. For example, if the little finger touched it on the left, then the ring finger on the right, and so on.

At the same time, bend your fingers at the central knuckle so that all the others do not bend.

Place the index finger of your right hand on your left thumb and vice versa. You should get a sort of “figure eight” of fingers, while on the right hand the fingers will be crossed. Now smoothly change positions - your left fingers should be crossed. Gradually speed up.

Finger workout without guitar

Try to practice every day, and during one training run, go through all the guitar exercises at least once. Do them in combination, and preferably at the same pace. Start with a small number of beats per minute and gradually increase them. Don't try to play quickly right away - rather concentrate on the purity of your playing and sound production.

“I spend a lot of time at the computer. My hands have become numb, I have difficulty falling asleep, please advise what to do” (comment)

Unpleasant sensations in the hands are immediately transmitted to the brain, which can interfere with falling asleep and normal sleep, and cause nightmares.

Gymnastics for the fingers does not take much time. It is effective for cramps, numbness, stiffness and pain in the hands, promotes blood flow and self-healing of the entire body.

Our hands are conductors of the central nervous system and brain

Interesting fact:

The area of ​​the zone in the brain responsible for the cortical innervation (supply of nerves) of the fingers and hands significantly exceeds the total area of ​​the zones responsible for the innervation of the legs and torso. Which proves the importance of hands for the functioning of the whole body.

Voluntary movements of the fingers and hands are external manifestations of brain activity.

If blood does not circulate well in the frontal lobes, the person’s ability to voluntarily move his arms deteriorates. This dependence is two-way.

If there is a significant reduction in voluntary hand movements, the functioning of the frontal regions that regulate cognitive functions is disrupted:

  • behavior,
  • coordination of movements,
  • the ability to talk, think, show willpower, have intelligence, etc.

Hands are the body's control panel

When the embryo develops into an embryo (2-8 weeks), the fists of the future hands are formed in the cervical region.

What does it mean?

The fact that the muscle tissues of the arms are provided by the nerves of the sympathetic ganglia and plexuses of the neck, and through them are closely connected with all, without exception, parts of the central nervous system and its main center - the brain.

It is this fact that explains such a powerful effect of gymnastics of the fingers and hands. First, the functions in the hands themselves are restored, and then those organs that were associated with them in the embryonic period, the organs of control of the body, are restored: the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the thymus, the pituitary gland, etc.

Gymnastics for hands and fingers

We do 10-20 repetitions, trying to increase the number. We alternate individual exercises with relaxing shaking of the hands.

1. Clenching your fingers into a fist, rotate them left and right.

2. We clench our fingers into fists, then straighten them, spreading them out to the sides as much as possible.

What is the danger, what does numbness in the left or right hand mean, what to do and when to go to the doctor.

3. Bend and straighten the hands down and up.

4. Fingers are straight, thumbs are pointed to the side, rotate them in one direction, and then in the other direction. We repeat the rotations, clasping our fingers.

5. Place straight fingers to the sides. We bend all fingers into fists one by one and in a fan shape, starting with the thumbs. We repeat the same thing, starting this time with the little finger.

6. Fingers clenched into fists. We unclench our fingers one at a time, while the rest remain clenched into a fist. Opposite action: fingers straight, bend them one at a time into fists, while keeping the remaining fingers straight.

7. Place your palms on a flat surface and raise one finger at a time. Others lie motionless.

8. We rest our bent fingers on a flat surface without touching it with our palms. We do 4 counts: 1 - raise one bent finger, 2 - straighten it, 3 - bend it again, 4 - return it to its place.

Repeat for each individual finger.

9. Hands in front of you. We alternately bend our wrists, trying to reach our forearm with our thumb.

10. Grab the fingertips of the right hand with your left hand and pull slowly and forcefully. We change hands.

11. Hands in front of you or above your head. We make back-and-forth movements, as if applauding, the amplitude is 20-30 centimeters.

The most important thing is the number of repetitions. We start with 30, then increase to 50, to 100, and bring it to 1000 within a month.

The exercise is simple, but very effective for strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest.

12. We clasp our hands together, pressing our fingers together. Tightening our muscles, we try to “overcome” one palm over the other, changing the direction of effort every second.

We do this easy exercise at every convenient moment. The first result is felt after a week; after a while, not only the hands, but also the muscles of the shoulders and chest will become stronger.

13. Press your palms together and rub them tightly and quickly against each other.

14. A similar exercise can be done with a pencil or pen held between your palms.

15. We close our fingers into a lock and squeeze them with force.

16. We imitate playing the button accordion and piano.

17. We clasp the wrist of the left hand with our right hand and shake it strongly. We change hands.

18. Place the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other, palms not touching. Without lifting your fingers from each other, we make springy movements with tension.

Let's complicate the task by turning the hands towards the body.

It is also good to do it before going to bed, while already lying in bed, to get rid of the stress of the previous day.

19. Exhaling calmly, we clench our fingers forcefully into fists (thumb inside). Next, relax the effort and take a breath. The effect will be greater if you close your eyes.

After the gymnastics, let’s shake our hands thoroughly, rub our palms against each other, lovingly stroke our hands from the inside and back.

Recommendations of Alla Umanskaya (doctor, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

Whenever possible, pay attention to your hands, fingers, palms, wrists: rub them, knead them, stroke them.

Whatever work you do, after finishing it, be sure to palpate your hands and each finger for pain. Especially if the work was hard (carrying heavy objects) or monotonous (typing, writing, drawing, sewing).

If you find pain (numbness, tingling, discomfort), massage (tap, knead, squeeze, stretch) this area as often and thoroughly as possible until the pain subsides. For this purpose, it is good to use irritating oils, creams, tinctures.

While washing and drying your hands, massage each finger with a towel. Such fleeting gymnastics will give the fingers flexibility and strength to perform the necessary daily work.

When getting ready for bed, also don't forget about your hands: massage them and take a 5-10-minute bath. Baths and massage not only restore hand function, but also help you relax and fall asleep faster.

Eastern healers attach great importance to the flexibility of the fingers. According to it, they determine the degree of slagging of the whole organism. And as a cleansing offer a hand massage.

Alla Umanskaya has created a wonderful method of strengthening the immune system without drugs or vaccinations, using your hands. It improves blood flow and starts self-recovery processes in the body.

Learn, it's effective and safe:

: why strengthen the immune system, how viruses are transmitted from us to our grandchildren.

Zones, how to act, therapeutic effects.


Hands are associated with the most important functions of our body, such as correct coordinated movements, speech, thinking, will, and intellect.

With the help of our hands we can regulate our health. Gymnastics of the fingers and hands helps restore and maintain not only the functionality of the hands themselves, but also the control organs of the entire body.

You need to pay attention to any sensory disturbances in your fingers and hands and do not be lazy to do simple exercises.
How often do you do gymnastics? At any opportunity!

Take care of yourself and your hands!

Exercises for training the muscles of the fingers are not always included in general training programs. However, strengthening this muscle is very important and useful, including for people who are seriously involved in martial arts or other sports. This material is intended to deepen knowledge about various ways to train the hands, both to strengthen them and to maintain tone.

These simple exercises are recommended to be performed daily as a warm-up and to maintain muscle tone. Since they do not require any special equipment, they can be done anywhere, for example, at the workplace or at the institute. If the correct technique is followed, they are absolutely safe for health.

1) A simple and effective exercise that everyone knows is fanning out the fingers to the sides. You need to try to make maximum effort and move your fingers as wide as possible. Fix the final position for 3 to 5 seconds. The exercise is performed 3 times; it can be done simultaneously with two joined palms.

2) Bend your fingers into a fist so that it is not completely closed, then tense the muscles as much as possible. Fix the final position for 3 to 5 seconds. The exercise is performed 3 times.

3) The starting position is similar to the initial stage of the previous exercise. Tighten your finger muscles as much as possible, as if making an effort to unclench your fist. Hold this position for 3 to 5 seconds, repeat 3 times.

4) Press your palms against each other with as much force as possible. The number of approaches and time to complete the exercise are similar to the previous options.

5) Alternately hook the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other into the lock, starting with the thumbs, and try to break this clutch. Perform 3 sets of 3 seconds.

6) Alternately press the fingers of one hand into the palm of the other. Perform 3 sets of 3 seconds on each finger.

7) Alternately squeeze each finger of your hand with your thumb, folding it into a position similar to the original one for the famous click. The execution time is 3 seconds per finger.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the fingers

General rules for performing exercises to strengthen finger muscles:

  • The rest time between approaches in one exercise should not exceed 1 minute.
  • The pause between approaches in one endurance exercise can be up to 2 minutes.
  • Before doing the exercises, you must perform a thorough warm-up. Before each new repetition in the exercise, you also need to stretch and wrinkle your fingers.
  • To avoid injury, you need to carefully monitor your sensations during exercises and avoid discomfort and pain.


1) Finger trainer. This exercise is very popular among climbers. It must be carried out very carefully to avoid damage. Requires pre-workout. First of all, perform large holds. One set should take 15 to 20 seconds. The pause between sets is 1 minute. Unfortunately, a machine for performing this exercise cannot be found in every gym.

2) Performing hanging on the fingers. It is better to place a piece of cloth under your fingers. Perform as many sets as possible for 15 seconds.

3) Performing an open-grip hang. The execution time is 1 minute; for convenience, it is better to use a thick crossbar. The exercise is effective and safe for your fingers. To increase the load, you can hang on one hand alternately.

4) Perform wrist rotation using weights, for example, a mace, a sledgehammer or even a heavy book. Performed on a flat horizontal surface. Pay attention to the quality of your grip. The number of repetitions in a set is 20 turns, the number of sets is 3.

5) Wrist flexion. Starting position - the forearm is located on a horizontal surface, the hand with a weight clamped with a direct grip hangs down. The amplitude of movement is until the brush reaches a horizontal surface. To reduce time, you can perform it with both hands at the same time using a barbell.

6) Exercise with an expander. The simulator, as well as the number of sets and repetitions, is selected individually.

7) Curling your fingers with a barbell, using an underhand grip. This exercise also effectively strengthens. Starting position - forearms lie on a horizontal surface, hands squeezing the barbell with an underhand grip hang freely over the edge. Raise and lower the barbell, fixing at the top and bottom points. Opening your palms in the lower position increases the effectiveness of the exercise.

8) Rotational movements with a stick with suspensions. A gymnastic or any other stick is used as a simulator, to which a rope is tied. A weight is suspended from the other end of the rope. Take the stick with a medium grip and twist the rope by rotating the bar. Having raised the load to the maximum point, begin to slowly unwind the rope. Make sure that all work is done only with brushes.

Finger exercises borrowed from sports games

1) Perform wall falls. Starting position: standing parallel to the wall at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Fall towards the wall in a position similar to the emphasis lying on your fingers.

2) Squeeze the ball. Apply as much pressure as possible on the tennis ball with your fingertips, avoiding touching with your palm.

3) Rolling balls. 2-3 small balls to move in your fingers in a free manner. You can use sand-weighted ping pong balls.

Exercises for developing finger strength, borrowed from martial arts

1) Pull-ups. Performed on the fingers; as you master the exercise, you can use additional weights.

2) Perform push-ups on your fingertips. This exercise must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the joints. Be sure to warm up first. Fold your fingers so that they form a wide bowl. As you master the exercise, you can complicate it with several options: use one rather than two hands as support, reduce the number of supporting fingers, or raise your legs on a support.

3) Raising a container of water with an upper hand grip. Starting position - arm down. Raise to the level of the navel. Increase the amount of fluid as your training level increases.

4) Pulling a stick out of the ground, which is previously driven there by 6 cm. Perform using the strength of your fingers.

5) Shot toss. Hold the core with an upper grip. The weight and size of the core are selected individually and gradually change upward.

6) Strikes with open fingers into loose or loose surfaces. You can use mounds of sand or cereals as a training device. As your training increases, you can move on to harder materials, such as cardboard, plywood and wood or tin sheets. This exercise is used in martial arts and an important part of it is creating a certain mood. When performing it, you should concentrate on thoughts about the penetration of your hand through the plane.

Special gripping techniques in power sports

The following techniques were well known to athletes of the old school, but are now needlessly forgotten.

1) Using special thickened barbells instead of the usual ones helps strengthen the muscles of the fingers. This type of neck is quite rare now, so you can try to make a thickening on the neck using improvised materials. For example, you can wrap it in several layers with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. A significant amount of consumables will more than pay for itself by increasing the strength of the finger muscles. This simple technique gives truly colossal results, because the muscles of the hands are worked as a side effect in all presses and rows.

2) As weighting agents, you can use various household items, the shape of which is not very convenient for gripping. For example, lifting bags with contents, barrels and other things is easier for a person than classic bodybuilding exercises. Meanwhile, they help to work out almost all muscle groups and especially the muscles of the fingers.

You can learn more about the old school training system in the book “Dinosaur Training,” written by Kubik Brooks. This work details interesting and proven training methods. You can view the book on our website.

The methods for training the muscles of the fingers outlined in the material can be discussed on our forum. Here you can also get answers to your questions.

We wish you a wonderful mood and achievements in sports!

Exercises for wrists, fingers and elbows - Video

Developing fine motor skills from an early age is recommended to strengthen memory, increase concentration and improve the learning process. The finger complex, created specifically for children, is designed for these purposes. You can perform gymnastics for your fingers in a playful way. Children usually happily repeat all the movements, so doing them regularly is not difficult. At the same time, gymnastics is also complemented by various activities that will also help activate brain processes - sculpting from plasticine, playing musical instruments. Gymnastics for the fingers consists of the following exercises, which are performed in combination or separately. You can do them several times a day.

  1. Playing cooking with your child and simulating kneading dough will help to fully use the hands, which affects the activation of brain processes and helps strengthen memory.
  2. The points located in the pads of the index and ring fingers are also responsible for the functioning of the brain. They can be used if you rest these two fingers on the table, depicting the movement of a mysterious and imposing animal.
  3. Clenching and unclenching your hands into a fist, like a flash image, also allows you to work with your entire hand. This movement can be introduced as gestures accompanying songs or fairy tales.
  4. Fingering your fingers one at a time is also one of the exciting gymnastics activities that allows you to activate both hemispheres of your brain. You need to do it as if pretending to climb stairs - press the pad of the finger of your left hand onto the fingers of your right (little finger to little finger, thumb to thumb), then performing these actions in the opposite direction.
  5. Finely, quickly and often move your fingers, tapping the tips on the surface. This part of the gymnastics is reminiscent of caterpillar running.

A few more exercises are shown in the video

Such gymnastics can be supplemented with various movements that involve all fingers. If at the same time you tell a fascinating tale or poem, then you can use gymnastics to illustrate what is being told.

For musicians

Professional musicians (playing guitar or piano) can often experience physical overload in their constantly loaded hands. To avoid this, it is recommended to do gymnastics as a warm-up before playing music.

When working at a computer

Monotonous and prolonged work at the keyboard can cause serious joint diseases. Exercise therapy for the fingers helps reduce the possibility of their occurrence. If you do gymnastics constantly at the first appearance of swelling or pain symptoms, then there should be no problems with your wrists in the future.

  1. Perform rotational movements with your hands, tilting them towards your chest and deflecting them.
  2. Clench/unclench your fingers into a fist, rotating them first clockwise and then counterclockwise in a clenched state.
  3. Extend your fingers forcefully, pointing your thumb upward. They need to be moved to the sides.
  4. Interlace your fingers and make rotating movements and a pendulum.
  5. Gather your fingers into a fist, release one at a time, leaving the rest gathered.
  6. Massage each phalanx thoroughly. In addition, regular use of an expander will help keep your wrists healthy.

For arthrosis

The development of bone tissue diseases can also be stopped by special simple gymnastics. In advanced stages, it helps relieve pain and relax tense limbs.

  1. To begin with, you need to stretch your hands by performing basic gymnastics exercises - clench/unclench your fingers into a fist, massage each limb, paying attention to all areas.
  2. If you place your hand on a hard surface and try to straighten it, holding the position statically for a minute, this will help relieve pain.
  3. Direct the straightened, upward-pointing palm towards you. Bend your fingers, touching the tips of the pads at the base of each finger. You also need to stay in this position.
  4. Forcefully squeeze an elastic object - a not fully inflated ball or a loose expander. Also, this item needs to be pinched with force.
  5. Place your hands on a hard surface, lift one finger at a time, holding each of them in the air for half a minute.

For arthritis

Therapeutic exercises are used to prevent arthritis or reduce pain in the extremities.

Gymnastics must be performed constantly, and each exercise must be done several times in 1 approach. Pain relief depends on the frequency of doing gymnastics, so it should be done whenever possible.

For flexibility

Special gymnastics will help restore or improve the flexibility of your fingers. It is also useful for those people who do not experience problems with motor skills - this way the cerebral hemispheres are activated and the thought process improves.

  1. Stretch your hands with massaging movements.
  2. Rotate the fist clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Make an imaginary click, touching the thumb with each other finger in turn.
  4. Close two fingers, pressing firmly on the pads. Try to rotate them.
  5. Make rotational movements with each individual finger.

To relax and relieve fatigue

To relax overloaded wrists, there is not only therapeutic exercises, but also a special set of Indian exercises called hand yoga. It consists of performing mudras, which are a special interlace of fingers that help activate energy power. In order to relieve fatigue and discomfort, you can perform simple exercises:

There is a science that studies the effects on various points of the body, called acupuncture. According to it, by correctly pressing on special points, you can get rid of many diseases and improve the health of your body as much as possible. A pleasant addition to this will be improved intelligence, increased attention and increased brain performance.

In this video I will give you a few finger stretching exercises and one exercise to develop finger motor skills.

Now you are trying to play chords where you already need a good stretch of your fingers. Your fingers are most likely trembling, you can’t reach the right frets on the guitar and all this is very annoying - isn’t it?

Everyone goes through this. These exercises will help you overcome this stage much faster.

Let's start with stretching! First you need to warm up your hands. Close your palms and vigorously rub against each other (as you do in winter to keep warm). Next, imitate washing your hands (as you soap your hands) - all this warms your hands and fingers well.


Stretching every day. Before stretching, be sure to do some warm-up exercises.

For each exercise spend 2-3 minutes— you don’t need to fanatically practice “for hours” — you’ll injure your fingers and won’t be able to play the guitar for a long time.