
Passion and love are different. Infatuation. Is there a future for relationships based on passion?


Love in all its manifestations, and especially romantic love, is always elevated to the rank of the highest feeling. She is everywhere: books are written about her, films and serials are made, pictures are drawn.

But reality and fiction are two different things. A person who has felt a strong attraction to another person may feel confusion, and his internal sensations can be contradictory.

Is he really in love? And how to distinguish love from falling in love, affection and other feelings? To understand this it is important to analyze your own feelings and compare them with information about what love and falling in love are.

What is love?

Love- a feeling of very strong sympathy that a person experiences, a feeling of spiritual unity with someone.

She is one of the dominant themes in all areas of art, she is exalted, sought to find and extremely idealized.

Robert Sternberg developed a three-component theory of true love that perfectly captures the essence of this feeling:

  1. Frankness, intimacy, sincerity. This item includes the confidence that a partner can be trusted with almost anything without fear of getting negative, and the desire to do so; a sense of calm, confidence in the future, which appears due to the presence of this person in life; the desire to be the same trusted person for a loved one; the desire to better understand his feelings and help in everything.
  2. Passion. This is the desire to be intimate with a partner and get deep physical pleasure from these moments. Also a person who is truly in love will find his partner attractive. Passion is an element that is similar to falling in love, but in people who have been together for a long time, it is not as pronounced as in the first stages of communication, and this is completely normal: the body does not maintain a high level of love hormones for years.
  3. Commitments. This is loyalty, the desire to be with this person for many years, the desire to support him, to look for reasonable ways out of conflict situations in order to prevent a break in relations, and much more.

True love This is a lot of work that needs to be done for decades. But, of course, this work brings generous fruits and makes life ten times better.

Many young people who grew up on love tales are little familiar with the concept of "responsibility", often confuse love and falling in love, tend to break off relations as soon as "passion has weakened", because they are sure that passion in the case of true love should always be as hot as in the first month of the relationship.

But these are extremely erroneous judgments, the occurrence of which is closely related to the problem that exists in society: love is overly idealized.

What is the work that needs to be done? Here is just a small part of what you need to do in order to experience deep spiritual unity with a partner for many years:

Sympathy or true love? Find out from the video:


The main signs of love:

Love and affection - what's the difference? How to understand what keeps you from staying with a person? Comment on this video:

The concept of falling in love

Falling in love is a strong feeling of sympathy, which is based on hormonal activity, which is not stable.

Over time, it either dries up or transforms into love, depending on the desires of people in love with each other. She not limited to sex drive, although it is certainly one of the pillars of this feeling.

Also, during love, due to the action of hormones, a person is not always able to logically comprehend the personality of his chosen one.

Even if he realizes that he has some negative sides, he does not take them seriously and extols the positive. These are the so-called "rose-colored glasses", which "fall off" when the love weakens.

The more rational and reasonable a person is, the more difficult it is for the feeling of falling in love to completely fool him.

Lightweight, romantic people, accustomed to relying on feelings, and not on reason, on the contrary, much easier to turn one's head.

Hormones, affecting the emergence and preservation of a feeling of love:

  • dopamine;
  • serotonin;
  • adrenalin;
  • endorphins;
  • vasopressin;
  • oxytocin.

But falling in love is not only about hormones. It is unreasonable to believe that people - beings far advanced in development - are driven exclusively by substances produced by the body.

The emergence of a feeling of love is influenced by a lot of factors, including socially determined ones, which are difficult to fully take into account.

Main features

Signs of love:

There are other signs of falling in love, such as the desire to care, the fear of losing the chosen one, patience with any of his antics, even the most inadequate ones.

Love or infatuation? How to distinguish? Watch the video:

Similarities of the two concepts

The main similarities of these feelings:

  • the presence of a strong sympathy for a person, attraction;
  • fear of parting with the chosen one;
  • fear that something might happen to him;
  • desire to help, support;
  • the desire to be a trusted person for the chosen one.

Love and infatuation have a lot in common, because they have a common basis and common goals, but it depends only on the couple how long the feelings will last and what they will bring with them.

The difference between love

Like and love - what's the difference? Learn about it from the video:

Attraction and true love - what's the difference?

sexual attraction takes place during the period of falling in love, but if it is in the foreground, and other aspects of the feeling - the desire to cherish, support, the desire to become better, the fear of losing - are absent or very weakly expressed, this is attraction, not love.

But if people in love with each other have a very strong libido, the boundaries between attraction and falling in love are partially erased.

True love is not selfish, and to maintain it you need to work: be attentive to your partner, take some responsibility, see the negative sides of your partner, be able to resolve conflicts, realize that love is not a holiday for life, but a much more complex quintessence of feelings, emotions, situations.

During falling in love, some aspects of love can also be observed, but they are not expressed too strongly. Falling in love is more fanatical, and love is a conscious, mature feeling that can last a lifetime.

Love or passion? How to determine? Comparison:

How to protect yourself from mistakes?

To better understand your own feelings, it is important to analyze them, ponder, ask yourself questions such as “Am I sure I want to live life with this person?”, “Am I ready (a) to accept him or her?”, try to track down the negative aspects of the chosen one, write them down and try to imagine that they belong to someone else.

Is it difficult to tolerate such a person? Would you like to do business with him?

In love (in the first few months), the color of pink glasses is most saturated, so it will be difficult to protect yourself from mistakes due to the fact that hormones cause the brain to perceive the chosen one exclusively positively even if he behaves disgustingly.

In principle, there is no ideal algorithm that is guaranteed not to make mistakes in feelings, since life is unpredictable, and even a person who behaves exemplarily can turn out to be completely different at any moment.

Romantic interactions are a journey of trial and error, and this is worth realizing.

The most important - time to notice that the relationship began to bring pain, not pleasure, warmth and tranquility, and abandon them as soon as possible.

Passion is the strongest feeling that arises at the level of instincts. This is a powerful passion and desire to completely possess another person. Physical attraction occurs at a subconscious level and cannot be controlled. Sooner or later at some point in life, everyone is faced with a similar feeling, but many people confuse the concepts of "passion" and "love" with each other, especially when they are in their teens. This happens because a person in both cases is irresistibly attracted to the other.

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How is love different from passion

In adulthood, a person usually already knows how to distinguish between love and passion between themselves. People understand that love is not only a candy-bouquet period and endless happiness, it is also a huge work on oneself and on relationships. Passion is more irresponsible and frivolous.

There is a huge difference between these feelings. Love is the spiritual closeness of two people, while passion is the desire to possess a person completely. Selfish feeling. However, without it, normal and harmonious relations in a couple, most likely, will not work. Physical attraction is the foundation on which relationships begin to build and subsequently true love is born. If the relationship is based only on passion, in such a situation people do not listen to each other's desires, and everyone wants to satisfy only their own needs. Passion, unlike love, is fleeting. It can disappear as quickly as it appeared. When a person achieves the object of passion, his desire fades away. But it is not uncommon for physical attraction to be reborn into true love.

Psychologists compare passion with the effects of drugs.

Love is more characterized by the desire to make the other half happy, even to the detriment of oneself. Experiencing sexual interest at the level of instinct, a person is focused only on satisfying his own needs. During passion, the strongest emotions prevail, and all thoughts rush to the object of adoration. Love, on the contrary, is a meaningful and calm feeling, when the happiness of another becomes much more important than your own. Interest is shown to the person, and appearance does not really matter.

What is the difference between love and infatuation

Signs of feelings

On the basis of love and physical attraction, long-term relationships are born that end with the creation of a family. In order not to make a serious mistake in his life, a person must be able to distinguish between these feelings. If you marry on, then the union will not bring happiness to any of the partners. When sexual interest fades, the relationship between the spouses will break.

Signs of Passion:

  • insane interest in the body of another person;
  • relationships are based on flirting, not heart-to-heart talk;
  • there is a pathological feeling of jealousy and fear of loss;
  • the object of passion is endowed with non-existent qualities, there is a reluctance to look at him with a sober look;
  • requires increased attention to your person;
  • spending time together is reduced to sexual contact and fun;
  • the union is more like a relationship of lovers than friends.

To recognize love and passion, you need to listen to your own feelings and analyze feelings.

Love is expressed in the following signs:

  • desire to get to know the person better;
  • striving to be near “both in sorrow and in joy”;
  • the desire to surround a partner with affection, care and warmth, without requiring the same attitude in return;
  • need for communication on any topic;
  • striving for understanding and respect for a partner;
  • willingness to compromise;
  • the desire to fulfill any request of a loved one;
  • in bed in the first place is the satisfaction of the interests of the partner.

Love is a deep and creative feeling. Passion destroys and destroys; when a relationship breaks, it always hurts one of the partners. The one who experienced more serious feelings. It's unavoidable.

Stages of relationships between partners

Relationship stages based on love and sexual interest:

  1. 1. Passionate relationship. The period of falling in love is exactly the moment when a person sees the object of his adoration through “rose-colored glasses” and endows him with non-existent qualities. Communication at this level does not take place with a real person, but with a fictitious phantom who is groomed, cherished and protected. After one or two years, the rose-colored glasses fall off, and the former lover experiences a feeling of great disappointment.
  2. 2. True love with elements of passion. In this case, the priorities are set properly. Love is at the head and controls sensuality. This is the perfect union of a man and a woman.
  3. 3. Love. Such relationships are not suitable for all couples. They are designed for people with a certain type of character and personality type. A sort of quiet harbor with eternal calm. The union may bore one of the partners, and the person will go to look for the missing emotions on the side. But if a couple is satisfied with this relationship, and they feel happy, their relationship will last for an extended period of time.

By nature, women are more emotional. However, passion is most important to men. During passionate love, they produce hormones that increase their effectiveness in any area of ​​​​life several times.

Love, infatuation, passion...

First love ... Everyone has it in their own way, but few have it easy and simple. Sometimes first love is called falling in love, sometimes it is called infatuation.

The difference between these concepts, in my opinion, is not only that a person can fall in love and get carried away more than once, but first love is still first love ... It is difficult to distinguish first love from real great love. There is nothing else to compare with.

Here is one of the countless definitions of love: “Love is Other-oriented behavior. The purpose of this behavior is to bring joy to the Other or reduce his suffering. In other words, love is expressed in the ability to perceive the emotions of a loved one and create an emotional echo.

A true lover knows the difficult art of sacrificing himself and at the same time not feeling like a victim, but, on the contrary, rejoicing that he got the opportunity to be useful to a loved one. Love is a variable quantity: from the fact that it exists today, it does not yet follow that it will always be. Love can flourish, but it can also hurt and die.

And the hobby? This is a strong, sometimes all-consuming attraction to another person. To get carried away means to attune yourself to the Other, because you need him. This means that a person who experiences infatuation is not capable, unlike a lover, of a joyful sacrifice.

Of course, it is impossible to draw a sharp line between love, falling in love, passion, especially since falling in love can imperceptibly develop into love. Only time will put everything in its place. If you want to know if you have loved for life, you will have to wait a lifetime.

And let people fall in love more! This is wonderful at any age, but in youth it is especially useful. The first love is like a grindstone on which great love is polished. This is a dress rehearsal, without which, as you know, there is no premiere. Even disappointments are valuable in their own way. A teenager learns to recognize love, feel, realize, evaluate it and endure disappointment if love remains unrequited.

First love, if you think about it, is not undivided, because it is self-sufficient. The main need - to see, hear, breathe the same air with a loved one - is satisfied even without the consent of the object of attraction itself.

A person often draws strength from his love, he is already happy that the Beloved or Beloved live in the world. Such love is legendary. Let us recall at least Niko Pirosmani and his beloved, the dancer Margarita, the one to whom he gave a million scarlet roses. Margarita is present in many of Pirosmani's paintings, and when we see her portraits, we are surprised - and what did he find in her?

They say that the great Russian actress Yermolova carried secret love through her whole life and the reflection of this unrequited love fell on all her brilliantly played roles. Yes, and we all loved someone, not making plans for the future, not counting on reciprocity, and were happy that we could occasionally see our loved one. Even unrequited love can be happy, and perhaps this is the happiest and most selfless love, because it does not require anything for itself, the main thing for it is that the beloved be happy. Such selfless feeling suggests a complete lack of possessive instincts, and some researchers believe that only this feeling can be called love. Only now the understanding of this does not come immediately. And what owners we are, especially in our youth, how often we confuse love with physical possession!

The difference between the sexes dictates a different attitude towards love among adolescents of the same age. A young man often seeks to achieve intimacy from a girl, even without being in love with her. And for a girl, the most important thing is to feel loved, so she often finds herself in a rather difficult position. She understands that there is no true love, but she really wants to be! That's why it's so hard for her to say "no" sometimes.

The Oriental treatise on love, The Peach Branch, defines love as follows:

There are three sources of human attraction: Soul, mind and body. The desires of the soul breed friendship. The inclinations of the mind breed respect. The desires of the body give rise to desire. The union of the three drives produces love.

But youthful sexuality is different from adult sexuality. If the mature physical love of adults is a harmonious unity of sensual-sexual attraction and the need for deep spiritual communication and mutual understanding of loving people, then in youth these two attractions do not mature simultaneously, and besides, in different ways for girls and boys. Although girls mature physiologically earlier, at first their need for tenderness, affection, emotional warmth and understanding is more pronounced than the need for physical intimacy. In young men, on the contrary, in most cases, a desire for physical intimacy appears earlier and much later there is a need for spiritual closeness, mutual understanding.

The need for spiritual understanding and sexual desires very often do not coincide and can be directed to different objects. According to one sexologist, "A young man does not love a woman to whom he is sexually attracted, and he is not sexually attracted to a girl he loves, he has a chaste attitude towards a girl who arouses tender feelings in him."

Due to the different characteristics of the sexual maturation of girls and boys, mutual misunderstanding, vain illusions and, as a result, disappointment can occur. Since girls first have a spiritual need for love, and not a sexual one, then, as a rule, a girl enters into her first sexual contact with the guy she really likes, with whom she is in love. Others are usually judged by themselves, so many girls think that the guy who enters into intimacy with her is in love with her. But in young men, sexual maturation is ahead of the stage of spiritual need for love, so they are sometimes ready for sexual contact with women who are indifferent or even unpleasant to them. As a result, the sexual relationship of a young man may not have anything to do with falling in love, and he suggests that the girl also enters into a relationship because she experiences physiological needs for sex, and not love. With such a discrepancy between the psychosexual characteristics of boys and girls, mutual disappointment often occurs. The girl thinks that “he is a scoundrel, left me, deceived me,” and the young man is sincerely perplexed: “I did not promise her anything! We just had sex together, what does love have to do with it? As the saying goes, "bed is not a reason to get acquainted."

Very often, teenagers enter into sexual relationships due to a lack of warmth and love in the family. They need not so much sex as affection, friendship, acceptance of themselves by Others, which they believe sex will bring them. They are driven by a need for closeness that they did not get at home. For some, the question is: "If I want to be caressed, hugged, I need to have sexual relations." Many teenage girls say that they were not interested in sex - they just wanted to be hugged by a man. Girls, in particular, seek intimacy that goes beyond sex.

Teenagers are busy searching fruitlessly for physical intimacy without understanding what real intimacy is. Sex for them is a substitute for intimacy. It is easier to get into bed with a person than to share his dreams, anxieties and hopes. People are afraid of true intimacy because it makes them vulnerable. Joint emotional life requires self-disclosure, and for many, revealing your innermost “I” to another person is a frightening prospect.

According to sociologists and medical observations, the average teenager's sexual life begins at the age of sixteen and a half. Of course, we are sure that it is early. Even too much. Teenagers don't think so. About 7% of the surveyed schoolchildren aged 10–15 years believe that it is normal to start at the age of 13, 9% - that at 15, 14% - that at 17 years old, and only 5% of the respondents believe that sexual activity should begin at 20 years. (Probably only these 5% somehow link the onset of sexual activity with marriage.)

Statistics are statistics, but in reality, in big cities, half of the boys and a quarter of girls already have sexual experience by the age of 16. These are not some "street children" - these are ordinary children from ordinary families.

A simple question: why do girls at the age of 12-14 agree to first intimacy?

Are they on fire with passion? Not at all! Nature will leave them indifferent to sex for a long time to come. Kissing, squeezing dances is another matter. And sexual intercourse is scary, painful, something is torn, blood is flowing - everything is known, even from girlfriends. You can get pregnant, you can get infected. But… the boy insists. And this in 48 cases out of a hundred decides the case. The young woman agrees because she is afraid that her friend will be offended and leave her. Becomes "friends" with her girlfriend.

And another factor, confirmed by sociologists, is the desire to experience something forbidden, secret and, judging by the films, very pleasant.

So it turns out that the girl who played with Barbie yesterday begins to play "true love". Sometimes these games end very badly.

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Meet: this is love, and this is falling in love. Falling in love is blind, but love is on the alert. G. Weber The only real difference between love and falling in love lies in the depth of the feeling experienced and the degree of passion for another person. Walster and Walster One of the most

According to psychologists, true love is characterized by the same features as friendship - the unity of goals, life principles, beliefs, requirements for each other. Therefore, in fact, it is not so difficult to distinguish passion from love. But if you still haven't figured out what the nature of your feelings are, ELLE provides five signs by which you can easily determine the true nature of your experiences.

First sign

If in the presence of a partner you begin to experience anxiety, your heart rate increases, and the world around you literally ceases to exist (the reason for this is the inability to focus on anything other than the object of your desire), there are all signs of physical dependence on a person. If even after a few months these feelings are not replaced by calmness and relaxation in the presence of your chosen one, it's time to sound the alarm - you develop a subconscious dependence on your partner, which is unlikely to lead to something good. Harmonious relationships can only be called those where peace and a permanent sense of security reign.

Second sign

You constantly want to be close to your partner, and even if you have to part, you begin to bombard your beloved with messages asking where he is and what he does. Believe me, total control is a bad way to tie a man to you. Sooner or later, he will get tired of this, and he will deliberately hide his location from you just in order to “win back” at least a little personal space.

Third sign

Any conflict ends in bed. On the one hand, this is a good opportunity to bring some fire into the relationship. But it is worth sounding the alarm, if in another way, for example, with the help of a constructive dialogue, problems cannot be solved.

Fourth sign

Passion develops into addiction at the moment when sex fades into the background, and the need for vivid emotions remains, so you start to inflate conflicts from scratch. For loving couples, everything happens exactly the opposite: after the first months of passion end, smooth and calm relationships begin in which each partner feels comfortable.

Fifth sign

An all-consuming passion can sometimes play a cruel joke on you. Due to the fact that you are dependent on your partner and are so afraid of losing "the source of your bright emotions", you begin to forgive inadmissible things: rudeness, neglect, barbs in your address. Take note that a truly loving man will never allow himself to offend his other half, but rather will try to fuel her self-confidence.

It's so easy to get lost in your own feelings. Even men can sometimes not understand how they treat ladies. You might think that a girl is attracted only sexually, but then for a long time to remember her after parting. You may think that you fell in love with a girl, although in reality you just feel a passionate and sexual attraction to her. Emotions are often intertwined, filling the man's head with unnecessary thoughts. That's why the men's magazine website offers to look at the differences between passion and love.

In order not to become a victim of your own deception, it is better to understand how you feel about a girl. If you think that you love, you will suffer for a long time because of the girl, if she suddenly leaves you or starts using you. If you think that a girl attracts you only sexually, then you can lose her with your boorish and indifferent behavior.

First, decide on your feelings so as not to become a victim of not only your deceit, but also your partner.

Imposed love

Cinema, advertising, fashion and consumerism introduce ideas into the human unconscious that form needs, including sexual ones. In advertising for tights, lipstick, mascara, clothes, shoes, the image of a sensual woman is often used. At the same time, her posture, as a rule, is provocative, the clothes emphasize the features of the anatomical structure. This superwoman is unusually attractive, thanks to the art of advertising. All women immediately begin to imitate her, use the advertised goods, trying to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of men. Some types of tights, types of skirts, brands of lipstick have become synonymous with sex appeal. The problem is not so much the misuse and manipulation of male hormones to subjugate them to certain stimuli, but that all this display fuels the cauldron of sexual passions, creating over time a false psychological sexual appetite that is not biological.

To love does not mean to go with the flow, surrendering to passions, because love cannot be passive. On the contrary, the essence of true love is activity and willpower. A person must create and nourish love himself, and not be guided by well-worn, erroneous and useless generally accepted schemes. is not a passive imitation, but an act of creation.

Unfortunately, many men are looking for the ideal woman, that is, the woman on whom they would project their fantasy. But as soon as a man gets to know a woman better, he loses interest in her, thinks that he was mistaken. And he transfers his sweet but destructive fantasy to the next woman, and this can be repeated endlessly.

The same happens with a woman. From an early age, she dreams of an ideal man or about. The sources of her fantasies are romance novels, movies, television, magazines. In search of a fairy-tale prince, a woman wastes her life in vain, and giving herself to one or another man in pursuit of her fantasy, she can even become a prostitute. As soon as she feels attraction, she is sure that she has found the perfect man, but soon becomes disillusioned with him and, thinking that she was mistaken, resumes her search. After a while, a new man appears who captivates her, but also not for long. Perhaps, in her old age, she will understand that it was a fruitless pursuit of mirages that did not allow her to have a real partner.

Infatuation or love?

Love or infatuation? How to distinguish these concepts? From ignorance, many people think that love has gone, although in fact there was love, or that they are in love, but in reality they experience love. How to distinguish one from the other? Where is love, where is love?

  1. Love does not make you suffer. A person during love is calm, happy, peaceful, which cannot be said about falling in love, which is often sung in modern songs. It leads to various kinds of disorders: loss of appetite, sleep, increased heart rate, concentration of thoughts on only one person, etc.
  2. They say that love is blind. This is the mistake of people who confuse it with falling in love. In fact, this love is blind, because it makes you create an image of a loved one and feel feelings for him. But when the image begins to dissipate, then love passes with all the feelings. Love, on the contrary, is sighted, as it is able to soberly look at another person and love what it sees.
  3. Love quickly flares up and just as quickly goes out. Love slowly flares up and almost never goes out.
  4. Falling in love always requires attention, big salaries, good looks, restaurants, lots of sex, etc. The joy of love lies in bestowal. Love gives, because only in this way can it manifest itself, without losing anything, but increasing and developing.
  5. Falling in love can arise even for someone who does not love the closest person - himself. Over time, it develops only into a love addiction, since a beloved partner is a source that can give him drink and fill the void of dislike. That is why man demands more and more without giving anything in return - he himself is empty. Love, on the contrary, can only arise in someone who loves himself, respects and appreciates. He, as a self-sufficient source, can nourish himself and his partner, which is why he does not need a mandatory return. A loving person knows how to give, and is able to receive with gratitude.
  6. Love is the precursor to love. The mission of falling in love is to connect two people, to interest and give the opportunity to know each other. Euphoric feelings are given to partners to strengthen the union. But if they do not fall in love with each other, they will disperse as quickly as they came together. With the departure of love, many have a feeling of the departure of love. In fact, love had not yet had time to appear, while the man and woman were absorbed in their own illusions.

Despite the availability of information, more and more people do not understand the difference between falling in love and love. Some begin to be afraid of falling in love when they realize that this is a short-lived feeling, while others immediately interpret their feelings as love. But from the fact that everyone creates illusions, pretending to love, a warm feeling will not appear. Therefore, it is necessary to take a sober look at the real state of affairs and simply know what love and love are.

How to distinguish between these two wonderful feelings?

  • Falling in love comes quickly, and love comes gradually.
  • Love is short-term, explosive, changeable, love needs growth.
  • Falling in love suddenly falls on your head, love comes with time.
  • To fall in love, you just need to let everything take its course. To fall in love, personal growth of the person is necessary.
  • The image of a loved one in a state of love becomes an obsession, and life becomes meaningless. In a state of love, the image of a loved one is constant and real, you live both next to him and in his absence.
  • during the period of falling in love it plays a decisive role, in love it does not play a major role.

Falling in love is the beginning of love. In the beginning, falling in love breaks out, and only with time can you feel love. This is normal, naturally. Therefore, do not be afraid of your surging feelings at the beginning of a relationship, because after that you have a chance to experience love.

Falling in love comes by itself, it is an uncontrollable feeling. However, love overtakes not all couples. Very often, partners cool down along with their love, anticipating the inevitability of a breakdown in relationships. They take some measures, start doing something, most often criticizing and blaming each other for something. In such a relationship, only one thing is missing - the maturity of both partners. The inner personal growth of the lovers themselves can lead to love between them. No changes in appearance, quarrels and scandals, romantic evenings or frequent lovemaking will save the union if the partners themselves have not grown enough to be able to radiate love.

As for love itself, what it is and how it manifests itself, you can read in other articles. However, the whole difficulty is not how correctly people understand the essence of love, but whether they are ready to love. In fact, love requires effort primarily from the person himself. If he only demands a warm feeling from a partner, then he will not only be unable to love himself, but will not even feel love from a loved one.

There is a big gap between falling in love and love, but one feeling smoothly turns into another, depending on the readiness of the people themselves. Both of these feelings are wonderful, which is nothing to be afraid of. Therefore, it depends only on you what you can experience with your loved one.

How does passion turn into love?

When a man and a woman meet, passion arises between them. This is the love at first sight that many people sing about. Passion is based on sexual desire: a man and a woman are physically attracted to each other.

If partners are interesting to each other not only physically, but also intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, that is, a man and a woman have a desire to continue the relationship, then love arises. People are interesting to each other on a human level, perhaps by interests, by outlook on life, by habits, etc. Partners also arouse interest in their human qualities, which are rare, unusual, incompatible with each other, or simply pleasant and useful.

Passion and love arise by themselves. To get turned on, you just need to see the person who sexually attracts you. To fall in love, a partner just needs to tell something interesting, unusual, kind, exciting about himself. But when does love turn into love?

This, unfortunately, happens quite rarely, because love begins when a person begins to take responsibility for everything that happens to him with his partner. Responsibility is what determines the presence of love in the union of a man and a woman. When partners understand that they want not only to meet, but also to build a joint future, then they take responsibility for everything that will happen to them (including how the loved one will feel in this relationship). A person is responsible not only for himself, but also for his partner. A person is responsible for how relations will develop in the future, where they will live, what their contacts will be, etc.

When does love turn into love? When partners take responsibility for their loved one and for the relationships they build.


Obviously, passion, falling in love and love are different feelings. In order not to fall victim to your own delusions, it is better to understand this difference. This will allow you to maintain balance in situations that should not bother you at all.