
Tips for spending the weekend. How to have a fun weekend - the best ideas and options. How to spend a weekend with a child



The lifestyle of people is formed based not only on personal preferences, but also on marital status. Weekend plans take into account the desires of the household or the second half. How fun to spend the weekend with children, friends or loved one?

Weekend with children

Have a picnic. If the weather does not allow you to do it outside, sit right at home. Collect sheets, bedspreads, chairs and pillows to simulate a tent and have a picnic in it.
Go visit old friends or relatives you haven't seen in a while.
Spend time playing sports or team play. Go to the pool, gym or bowling alley.
Write a message to your family in the future. Draw a fun poster with photos and newspaper clippings. Seal it in some container (plastic bottle, box, etc.) and arrange that you will open the message on some significant date (age, anniversary).

Weekend ideas for couples

First rule: plan your weekend together. Even if you would like to surprise your partner, it is better to probe the soil and find out about the plans of the second half. This will get rid of a spoiled mood if it suddenly turns out that your plans for the weekend do not match.

What to do to recharge your batteries for the next week?

Learn something new together. Plan time so that every weekend you teach something to each other or learn something new together. Let's say you first teach your partner the basics of riding, then your partner teaches you how to play golf, and so on.
Go to another city. Sometimes you want to get away from the ordinary. Escape from the familiar environment and people together. If finances do not allow you to fly somewhere, go to a neighboring city. Visit the sights, walk around the center, dine at a restaurant.
Or stay at home, but turn off your phones, don’t go out to look, cook something tasty together, take a bubble bath, and then fantasize yourself.

If the season allows, then visit the amusement park. A small dose of adrenaline will not hurt, and a charge of positive is enough for the whole working week. And it's always nice to forget about the problems and plunge into the atmosphere of childhood.
Go to the gym together and make it a tradition. Sport is a useful and enjoyable activity that energizes.
. Couple dancing improves relationships and is good for muscle tone.
Do an audit in the closets and collect things for charitable purposes. Take them to the reception.

Weekend with friends

Plan a weekend for the whole company. Here are some great ideas:

Visit some recreation center or get out with tents in the nearest forest or to a reservoir. Weekends in nature are fresh air, fishing, fish soup, campfire gatherings, guitar songs and many other interesting activities. Nothing can replace long, heartfelt conversations with friends.
The lack of obligations to the family is a great reason to visit a nightclub. Over time, children will appear and such an opportunity will not present itself soon. Seize the moment! Well, what could be more pleasant than meeting the dawn: a sleepy city, calmness, sunrise.
Learn new things, learn to do something you haven't done before with your friends. Take courses or learn from each other. In any case, skills will increase your erudition and make.
Gather a large company and go to a water park or an amusement park. Needless to say, both are incredibly exciting.

Explore new places in your city or visit a nearby one. Even if you have lived in the same area all your life, there are always places that you have not yet seen. A leisurely walk promotes easy communication.
Have a game night. For such a case, purchase several types of board games and arrange a real tournament. Remember how popular checkers, backgammon, dominoes and lotto were ten years ago. Why not revive the tradition?

There are a lot of ideas for spending fun and unusual weekends. Turn on your imagination and bring them to life. Remember that the number of days off is limited, so don't waste your time. Learn new things, gain skills, visit places you haven't been before.

However, do not forget that sometimes a reboot is required when you don’t want to go anywhere and not be active. On a weekend like this, it’s quite possible not to get out of bed and watch all day long, turning off the phone and moving from the refrigerator to the bed. No matter how you spend the weekend, the main thing is that you like it and on Monday you feel rested and full of energy for new achievements and achievements.

March 30, 2014, 04:54 PM


The first thing that comes to mind is going somewhere together. In a cafe or at the cinema. Or you can remember your childhood and ride in the amusement park. Admit it, have you already managed to go around all the museums and theaters? So why not join the beauty?
Yes, and such favorite places for children as a zoo, a circus, a dolphinarium are also interesting for adults.

Of course, it is difficult to go somewhere if you have only 2 free days. Travel is better to postpone until the holidays. But you will have enough time to visit the nearest cities of the region. You can learn in advance about interesting routes, attractions and feel free to go. If the weather permits, you can walk together in your hometown. Believe me, you will see the usual streets in a completely different way than in the morning rush from the bus window.

In good weather, get out into nature. Go to the forest or to the pond. You can have a picnic, a photo shoot, swim, just take a walk and get some fresh air. It can be a walk for a couple of hours, or a small hike in which you can make a fire, spend the night in a tent. Grab a ball or badminton, warm up after sitting in the office. In winter, take a sled and feel free to play snowballs, build a snowman and ride down the hill.

But it happens that finances sing romances, or the weather let us down. Or you are so tired at work that you have neither the strength nor the desire to go somewhere. You can also have fun at home. For example, watching interesting films together. Or make something special. For example, in some families, they always bake a pie or an unusual dish for the first time on the weekend.

Plan your day from the evening. Write down the most important things, note how many minutes you can spend on them. Try to stick to your schedule in the morning. If you have one hour to visit the store, spend that time shopping. Make a list of necessary products in advance. Do not be distracted by extraneous phone calls and idle walks between the shelves.

Try to start the day on schedule. When you need to wake up at 7 am, do not lie down for an extra 15 minutes. This will not give you a good rest. But you have to hurry to get ready for work. In the running around, it is easy to forget the phone or the necessary documents. The vanity in the house will not add a good mood to family members. Therefore, it is better to distribute the morning hours so that each person can get together and have a quiet breakfast.

Routine homework can be made more fun. For example, play upbeat music. Or educate yourself and listen to an audiobook, an essential learning material. And you yourself will not notice how the mountain of washed linen will be ironed and placed in the closet. Buy headphones, and no one will stop you from enjoying your favorite musical or literary work.

Don't focus on one operation. But don't take on ten things at once. Be consistent and careful. By following these simple rules, spend the time freed from everyday problems in an interesting way. Make a cultural program with visits to theaters and exhibitions. Or have a picnic in nature, go hiking. Remember that weekends are primarily for relaxation.

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Many couples are faced with the fact that living together, having children and other worries eventually lead to the fading of feelings between spouses. Discontent is growing, it seems as if love has gone, and this is already the ground for the emergence of serious problems. It is possible and even necessary to resurrect feelings. In this situation, leisure will come to the rescue.

Joint leisure is an integral function of the family, as important as, for example, raising children. According to A.I. Antonov, the non-specific functions of the family are associated with the accumulation and transfer of property, status, the organization of production and consumption, recreation and leisure, with caring for the health and well-being of family members, with the creation of a microclimate conducive to stress relief and self-preservation. (Antonov A.I., Medkov V.M., "Sociology of the family" 1996)

In order for leisure to bring the expected benefits to relationships, here are a few simple recommendations.

1. Change the environment. If you are tempted to just sit in front of the TV together, drive this thought away, and go away from home yourself.

2. Spend this day together. Children, friends, good friends and relatives should not be with you on this day. Just the two of you.

3. Talk about whatever you like, except for family and domestic problems.

4. Try to get ready for the exit separately. A man does not need to see curlers, tweezers and other female attributes, especially on the day of a date.

5. Girls, be beautiful! Spend time on your transformation, make a holiday for yourself and your man.

6. It is important to choose the right event on the day of the date. Whatever you decide to visit, this event should be spiritually uplifting and inspiring for both of you. (Romantic movie in the cinema hall, classical music concert, jazz concert performance, etc.).

7. I recommend making a plan of events for the day in advance. So anxiety will disappear, and you will be calmer and more interesting. For some eccentric couples, it is recommended to leave room for maneuver in the schedule. Spontaneity in the right dosage can be a huge plus.

And finally, take this day as a holiday, appreciate the opportunity to be together. Your partner will also be infected by this magical mood.

Personal time can be spent interestingly and wisely. There are several ways to get the most out of your free time and diversify your leisure time.

Get a collection. Think about what you would like to collect, and start doing this exciting business. To become a collector, it is not necessary to have a lot of free space or extra money. Collected items can be quite small and inexpensive.

Get out of the box and take up a hobby that is completely out of character for you. It is logical to assume that a hobby that you have never honored with your attention may please you. Just try something radically new. Make a list of these activities and try one item each month.

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If you do not think about how to spend the weekend, it is very easy to become a hostage to the usual routine when you have free time. However, there are many activities that will allow you to spend a fun and useful weekend.

How to spend the weekend

1. Walk. Walking is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a healthy activity.

2. Visit the pool. Head to the sports complex for a swim.

3. Command. There are enough football, volleyball, basketball teams that you can join. Take the opportunity to meet new people during the competition, as well as have a fun weekend.

4. Go hiking. Plunge into the arms of the forest and feel unity with nature, surrounded by loved ones ... What could be better?

5. Meeting with friends. Organize a meeting with friends and spend the day off together talking and having fun.

6. Become a volunteer. Become a volunteer or part of an event. You can have fun, get free access to the event you are interested in, and meet new people.

7. Make homemade pizza. Are you not good at culinary delights? So it's time to upgrade your skills, as well as spend the weekend in a tasty and healthy way.

8. Drawing. All you need is pencils and paper. Give freedom to your imagination.

9. Origami. Get into origami. On many sites on the Internet you can find interesting patterns that you can implement using plain paper.

10. Creative writing. A computer, pen and paper is all it takes to become a writer. You don't have to be Hemingway, just start writing whatever comes into your head.

11. Build a home hut. Build a hut at home for yourself and your family, and enjoy childishness all day off.

12. Reading. Reading is a great way to make the most of your weekend. Stock up on interesting books and go to the world of new knowledge and.

13. Learn a foreign language. Nothing can stop you in your quest to master English, German, French, Spanish or even Chinese.

14. Get a pet. For example, a dog or cat can provide plenty of entertainment if you don't know how to spend your weekend.

15. Visit the ice palace. Skating will be a fun and interesting entertainment for you. You don't know how to skate? Okay, here's a reason to learn.

16. Get some sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation raises the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. In the short term, lack of sleep has a negative effect on feeling alert, reduces attention, and impairs memory.

17. Have a no-obligation day. You are so used to making plans, running somewhere, doing something. Arrange yourself a day off. Do what you want, and if you don't want to, don't do anything.

18. Take up meditation. can help reduce high blood pressure, reduce stress, and increase productivity, creativity and well-being.

19. Learn something new. Learning not only provides you with new knowledge, but also enhances your. Identify a skill that interests you that you want to develop, or an area of ​​expertise that you want to explore in more depth, and engage in self-improvement.

20. Analysis and improvement. Take the time to reflect on the events of the past week and think about your goals and areas of life that you can improve.

21. Visit an amusement park. Eat cotton candy, ride a roller coaster, relive childhood.

22. Go to a cafe. Here you can relax in a pleasant company, eat something sweet and not only.

23. Bowling or billiards. Spend your time combining sport, competition and recreation into one.

24. Cinema. Do you like to watch movies? Then you will definitely enjoy visiting the cinema.

25. Travel. Travel to another city and spend the weekend disappearing into a crowd of strangers.

26. Holiday for children. Take your kids to the circus, zoo or entertainment center and play board games with the whole family in the evening.

27. Extreme. If you don't know how to spend your weekend, then skydiving or rope jumping will help you remember these moments for a long time.

28. Paintball. You ? Then get together and take part in a military clash. The feeling of adrenaline and muscle pain will be provided to you.

29. Theater. Have you not visited this quiet cultural place for a long time? Maybe that day will come this coming weekend.

30. Hobby. The time has come to remember what you like and do it.

31. Football or hockey game. Are you an ardent fan and lover of team sports games? Then spending a weekend evening watching your favorite team play is what you need.

32. Quest or room of fear. For those who like to participate in intellectual events, as well as tickle the nerves, comments are unnecessary.

33. Dating girls. If you are not in a relationship, then go outside and.

34. Bath. The weekend will not be in vain if you decide to go to the bathhouse.

35. ATVs. Ride on ATVs and feel the full power of these monsters.

36. Romantic date. surprise: invite her to a romantic dinner.

37. Walk on bicycles. If you want to spend a fun, interesting and useful weekend, then go for a bike ride with your girlfriend.

38. Rest in the village. Rent a house in the countryside and have a grand reunion with your friends.

39. Hike to the mall. If you have not updated your wardrobe for a long time, it will not be superfluous for you to go shopping.

40. Water park. Become a part of this water fun, feel spontaneous and carefree.

41. Night club. If there is absolutely nothing to do, and the body needs rest, then why not visit.

42. Concert. Does your idol come to your or neighboring city? You should definitely visit his concert, feel what a live sound and a crowd of fans are like.

43. Meeting with parents. Do not forget about your closest people, especially if you have not seen them for a long time.

All week long, we look forward to the weekend - days when you can soak up your bed, not think about work, but do more pleasant things, like meeting friends, going to a club, having a picnic by the lake, watching an interesting movie or reading your favorite book. But in reality, everything looks a little different. The long-awaited weekend is coming, but it does not bring us the desired satisfaction. We have to finish the work that we did not have time to complete during the working week, unforeseen circumstances arise that distract us from the rest, and our well-being leaves much to be desired. It seems that on working days we feel much more cheerful and constantly in good shape, while on weekends we even manage our own thoughts with difficulty. Why is this happening?

According to psychologists, mental traps await us on weekends that prevent our body and mind from fully relaxing and resting. And if you do not learn to avoid these traps, this problem will continue to worsen.

Mental traps waiting for us this weekend

Encounter with chaos
If you conduct a survey, why do we wait for the weekend, the vast majority of respondents will answer: “In order to do absolutely nothing!”. Often this is exactly what happens, there comes a day of rest, when a person does not need to get up at a certain time and perform a set of conditional tasks. The brain in this case does not receive the task of planning the day, which means that thoughts do not have a clear direction. In this case, chaos reigns in the head. It is the lack of organized information that does not allow us to enjoy weekend vacations. On the contrary, it is thanks to a clear understanding of the tasks and a chain of conscious mind-building that we feel much more cheerful and active on working days.

Lack of planning
When a person has nothing to do with himself or he deliberately avoids any work, you can hear the phrase from him: “Can I finally rest ?!”. However, here another trap awaits us, namely, a bad mood. The fact is that when our brain is not focused on a specific task, and thoughts wander chaotically, at some point we stumble upon painful memories, unpleasant experiences and other negative thoughts, which invariably spoils the mood. According to psychologists, the fact that our thoughts in a dispersed state eventually rush to the negative is not surprising. By scrolling through negative situations in the head, the brain prepares for surprises that have saved a person’s life since time immemorial. However, the property, so useful in ancient times, today brings more inconvenience, preventing you from enjoying a pleasant holiday on the weekend. How to avoid mental traps and learn how to properly relax on non-working days? Here are some tips from reputable psychologists that will help change the situation for the better.

Weekend rules

1. Devote weekends exclusively to relaxation
How often do we spend our legal day off to complete things that we did not have time to streamline on weekdays? But this is a completely wrong approach. Try to plan your work week in such a way that there are no unfinished business on the weekend. To do this, it’s enough just not to put off things “for later”, but if necessary, stay after work for at least an hour and finish all the “incomplete work”. Remember, working on weekends not only takes up legitimate rest time, but also greatly increases the likelihood of stress, which ultimately leads to health problems.

2. Start relaxing on a Friday night
To quickly switch from work mode and set yourself up for a good rest on the weekend, make it a rule to arrange some kind of entertainment event on Friday night. You can organize a meeting with friends, go to the movies or go fishing. Any planned rest on Friday evening will increase the time of respite between working weeks and set you in a positive mood. But to abuse alcohol and "go away" after a hard working week is not the best solution. As life shows, such a vacation unsettles a person for almost the entire Saturday day and disrupts plans for the weekend.

3. Plan your vacation
This is one of the most important rules that are necessary for a good rest on the weekend. We have already mentioned the chaos that fills our brain in the absence of clear planning, which means that the only way to fully relax is to make an action plan for this period. There is nothing complicated about this, just as the weekend approaches, you should clearly understand for yourself what you will do on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe go shopping, then take a walk in the park, visit an exhibition, or go to a theater premiere. And so that your weekend goes according to plan without failures, notify your friends and loved ones in advance about your intentions and their participation in the upcoming event, and also purchase tickets. Moreover, in case of unforeseen circumstances and disruption of plans, you can draw up an alternative scenario for the development of events so that this day does not go in vain. According to psychologists, if you make a clear plan for the weekend, and do not try to do several things at the same time, you will be able to fully relax.

By the way, when planning your weekend, be sure to set aside a couple of hours for your personal needs. This should be exclusively your time when you can pay attention to your hobbies and needs. The main thing is not to forget about the rest of the family, because they should also have personal time that you need to reckon with.

4. Change the type of activity

In this advice, we do not call for a change of job, but only recommend changing the type of activity for a period of rest. If you want to fully relax your body and soul, your weekend activities should be radically different from what you do at work. For example, if you work in an office and sit at a computer all day, it will be useful for you to do physical labor, for example, work in a summer cottage or go on a camping trip. Conversely, if your profession involves hard physical labor, weekends should be days of complete physical rest, with a picnic in nature, fishing or watching your favorite TV shows. There are alternative recreation options, including staying in nature and not intensive sports. It can be cycling, swimming in the pool or any team sports that, in addition to a pleasant warm-up, will give you a boost of positive energy from communicating with friends. Whatever it was, stick to the main rule - rest on weekends should help you switch off from problems at work.

5. Don't oversleep the weekend
Most of us do not like to get up early and wait for the weekend only to lie in bed before dinner. However, in reality, it turns out that a person who wakes up at lunchtime feels overwhelmed, as if he did not get enough sleep at all. In everything you need to adhere to the measure and sleep is no exception. Experts in this regard recommend increasing sleep time on weekends by no more than 1.5–2 hours. For example, if on weekdays you habitually wake up at 6 am, then on Saturday and Sunday you sleep until 7:30 or 8:00. In addition, being in bed before dinner, you lose half the day off, which could be better spent. Thus, waking up early on the weekend, you will be in good shape and have a fresh mind, which means you will have time to redo a lot of planned tasks before lunch, after which the energy drops significantly.

6. Properly prepare for the work week
No matter how many days off the work schedule measures for us, the last day of rest comes, after which we need to go to work. For most of us, this is Sunday. To properly prepare for the new work week, do not plan tedious activities and active affairs after lunch on Sunday. It is better to organize pleasant gatherings with friends for this period, “wander” through the expanses of the Internet, go to the bath or soak in the bath. It is only important not to stay up late with a book or with your favorite TV series, because in this case you risk starting a new working week not getting enough sleep.

And finally. Do not be upset if some of the planned cases remain unresolved. Anything you didn't get done this weekend, just move it to the next one. Have a nice holiday!

First you need to understand that lying on the couch is not an option, it is a boring activity, the same as sitting at a computer and playing new games. It is better to do something interesting and exciting, at the same time you can learn a lot of new things. Next, you need to promise yourself that every weekend you will be productive, and will not be lazy and sit at home in front of a computer monitor. Life passes unnoticed, and you are wasting your time sitting in front of a TV or computer, don’t you really want to go to another city and see the sights or just take a walk in the park?
You need to get used to new sensations, and there are several goals: firstly, you will learn a lot of new things and experience new emotions, and secondly, you will have many topics to communicate with others. Here are some ways to spend your weekends with real benefits.
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How to spend the weekend with your loved one

Most women want romance, but men do not always strive for it and want to do something ordinary and standard, if hints of romance are not perceived by a man, you need to act differently. On the weekend, think of a plan for what you will do, it is desirable that it be very romantic. In the morning, bring your husband a delicious breakfast in bed, of course, this is non-standard, but it will make a great impression. The next time a man will do the same, because he will understand what you want. Then you can lie in bed, watch an interesting and romantic movie, and then give your loved one a massage or go to the bath with essential oils. You can buy lavender or rosemary oil, but rosemary is stimulating and sensitizing, so be careful.
You can improve the atmosphere in the bathroom with candles, beautiful glasses of champagne or wine, classical music and so on. In the evening you can take a walk in the park or go to a cafe, but this is very standard, it is better to go to the roof of the house and sit there with a bottle of champagne. Thanks to this, you will improve the quality of the relationship, see your lover from the other side, see how he will react to the care shown. It is advisable to arrange such days at least once a month and constantly change the plan of events so that it does not become boring. Of course, a man may not tell you if he liked the evening, so look at his reaction and behavior the next day.
Try to spend the weekend the way you want. Work takes energy and strength, you need to recover, and romantic evenings are very good for your state of mind and emotions, you can prepare and recharge for the next week to work more productively and know that you will have a great time again.

How to spend the weekend with benefit (20 options)

1) Start going to exhibitions, concerts, museums and theaters;
2) Find an interesting forum, make new acquaintances there and communicate more with people (less preferred option);
3) Go to the country or to the forest, take a walk in the fresh air;
4) Go to another city or fly to another country (takes a lot of time);
5) Have a photo day, take pictures of everything you see, or find an interesting location to shoot and take some memorable shots;
6) Go to visit those whom you have not seen for a long time, find out how they are doing;
7) Go to the pool or gym;
8) Read a book that you have long wanted to read;
9) Go hiking;
10) Go to the cinema or watch several films in a row at home;
11) Call your friends and figure out what to do on the weekend;
12) Go to a mosque or temple;
13) Drive a car around the city and the most interesting places;
14) Go to the rides;
15) Go shopping and buy new clothes;
16) Participate in a lottery, contest or promotion;
17) Skydive or hang glider;
18) Come up with a business plan and start developing your own business
19) Take a walk along the coast of the sea or river;
20) Study the list of restaurants in the city and go to several of them, compare the quality of service.

How to spend a weekend with a child

Children love to compete with each other and play new games, but it is desirable that adults come up with the rules of the game. You can organize contests and come up with a prize so that the children actively compete and want to win, otherwise they will not be interested in you. If you are on a picnic, you can arrange juggling competitions, for example, with potatoes. Of course, this is very difficult, but since children show interest in everything unknown, they will begin to learn juggling, especially if there is an attractive prize.
If you have gathered in nature with a large company, you can arrange team games and competitions, play games: the third extra, Cossack robbers, and so on. Also, children are very fond of excursions, if you tell them about insects, plants, animals and birds, they will listen to you carefully and believe your every word. Organize a plasticine modeling contest, for example, ask the children to mold a huge bear, be sure they will like it. If they get dirty in it, do not rush to worry, in the next article we will tell you - correctly and quickly.

Moms who often walk with children in the park can easily find something to do with them. Give your child colored chalk and ask them to write their name on the pavement, or the first thing that comes to mind. He will be very passionate about the process, and you can watch him and be glad that the child has finally taken up an interesting activity. Feed the city birds, show your child that birds love to make contact with humans. If you are walking with the whole family, you can show the child the sports ground and help him with pull-ups, let the father lift the child to the horizontal bar and give him the opportunity to hang a little, but you need to be very careful. In the future, the child himself will try to climb onto the horizontal bar. Experiment and come up with new activities for the child, but do not forget that he also needs to rest.