
Who was born on February 17th among the famous ones. Health and Diseases

Breast cancer

The zodiac sign of those born on February 17 is Aquarius. These are charming, erudite, intelligent and positive personalities. They often achieve success in their chosen field. These people are endowed with leadership abilities and know how to organize cohesive teamwork. They are not afraid of difficulties and responsibility, thanks to which they successfully cope with complex tasks.

Those born on this day are endowed with toughness and self-confidence. They strive to keep everything under their control, which they do well. Throughout their lives they fight for truth and honesty. They do not remain silent when injustice happens before their eyes. They always defend their point of view and do not give up in difficult unforeseen situations.

They are sociable and sincere individuals. They form strong friendships. However, not all of their friends accept their frankness and desire to tell the truth. Such people need the support of like-minded people and relatives.

Characteristics of women born on February 17

These women are endowed with kindness and developed mental abilities. From an early age they are characterized by independence. They are not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for them. They are always confident that they are right and defend their point of view to the last.

Such ladies are characterized by suspiciousness and distrust, which is why they are afraid of becoming the object of discussion of ill-wishers.

Characteristics of men born on February 17

These are active, diligent and strong-willed individuals. Throughout their lives they strive for self-education and self-improvement.

These men are full of innovative ideas. In their ideas they tend to go to extremes and excesses. Therefore, it is important for them to have patrons or close people nearby who will give wise advice and support.

Love horoscope

Those born on this day love to be the center of attention from fans. In companies, they willingly meet and communicate with people of the opposite sex. The social status of their partner is not important to them. These people are attracted to smart and talented individuals who inspire them to develop themselves.

Such men and women avoid long-term relationships. They prefer short novels filled with love adventures. People decide to start a family already in adulthood. In marriage they become loving and caring spouses. They can be too demanding of their other half and children.


Aquarians born on February 17 are harmoniously paired with Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra. Poorly compatible with Capricorns, Cancers, Scorpios.

The most suitable partner for those born on February 17

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 8, 12, 14
February: 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24
March: 7, 8, 10
April: 13, 15, 19
May: 2, 15, 22
June: 2, 11, 21, 22
July: 2, 3, 13, 17, 28
August: 7, 10, 12, 21
September: 14, 15, 25
October: 6, 9, 26, 29
November: 11, 23, 25, 27
December: 9, 14, 21, 26, 28, 29

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are endowed with insight and an analytical mind. They often achieve success at work and financial well-being. It is important for them to find a field of activity in which they can reveal their abilities. Thanks to their creative inclinations and developed imagination, these people often choose professions related to art. Business acumen allows them to successfully develop in business. The ability to find a common language with people and inner charm contribute to the establishment of partnerships. Next to such individuals are wise mentors and devoted colleagues who contribute to the development of the business.

Health horoscope

Aquarians born on February 17 are naturally endowed with poor health. They should be more attentive to the condition of the body and, if unwell, seek medical help.

These are sensitive and sentimental individuals. They often hold back negative emotions, which leads to overexertion and stress. Regular exercise and proper rest will help restore peace of mind.

Such people are prone to diseases of blood vessels, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. The horoscope advises regularly undergoing preventive examinations and not neglecting the recommendations of specialists.

Be tactful

In your statements you are often too straightforward and rude. This behavior hurts and alienates the people around you. Be softer and more tactful - this will help win the favor of your interlocutors.

Don't push away your loved ones

Loved ones and relatives can become a source of inspiration for you and support you in difficult situations. Listen to their advice and thank them for their help.

Work on your character

You have shortcomings that you often don't notice. Be critical of yourself and work on your character.

47th day in the Gregorian calendar

Holidays in countries around the world

Russia celebrates the Day of Fuel Service in the Armed Forces;
- All over the world I celebrate the day of kindness.

Holidays in Catholicism

Feast Day of Saints Alessio Falconieri, Constabilis and Fintan of Clonenagh;

Holidays in Orthodoxy

Day of Remembrance of the Venerables Isidore of Pelusiot, Cyril of Novoezersk (Novgorod), Abbot of Studios Nicholas the Confessor, Iasim the Wonderworker, Evagrius of Shio-Mgvim, as well as Abraham and Kopria of Pechenga, Vologda;
- day of remembrance of the founder of Nizhny Novgorod, the blessed Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky;
- day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Methodius, Bishop of Petropavlovsk, John, Alexander, Eustathius, John, Theodore, Sergius, Nicholas, Alexy, Alexander, Alexy, Alexander, Nicholas, Boris, Michael, Arkady, Alexy, Andrey, Nicholas, John, Peter, Dimitri presbyters and Seraphim;
- day of remembrance of the Venerable Martyrs Catherine, Raphaila, Maria and Anna;
- day of remembrance of the martyrs Jador, Theoktistus, Joseph of Aleppo, Falaley, John, Basil, Demetrius and Theodore;
- day of remembrance of the holy martyr Abramius, Bishop of Arville (c. 344-347);
- Memorial Day of Bishop John of Irinople;

Horoscope for those born on February 17

These people are naturally very vulnerable. Sometimes they resist this quality and oppose the whole world, although the fighting spirit does not last long. There is a constant struggle with themselves in their heads, which does not allow them to quickly decide what type of personality they will be in society. Their attitude to the outside world is devoid of rose-colored glasses and fairy-tale ideas. They understand the whole reality and often hide from everyone in their own corner. If someone close to you, or even a stranger, needs help, those born on February 17 will be among the first to respond.

Show business stars and cultural figures who were born on this day

- Agnia Lvovna Barto (born February 17, 1907) is one of the most famous and beloved children's poets and writers. The familiar children's poems “They dropped the bear on the floor” and “Our Tanya is crying loudly” belong to her pen.

- Igor Ivanovich Bochkin (born February 17, 1957) is one of the most famous Russian actors of the post-Soviet period. Bochkin’s first film work, which brought him fame, was the series “Goryachev and Others.” In addition, the actor took part in work on such films as “The Enchanted Site” and “Saboteur End of the War.”

- Evgeny Valerievich Grishkovets (born February 17, 1967) is one of the most famous writers and theater directors of our time. Known for being the only actor in many of his plays. The most famous theatrical production is How I Ate the Dog.

- Billie Joe Armstrong (born February 17, 1972) is one of the most popular and beloved rock musicians by modern youth. He became famous thanks to the work of the group Green Day, of which he is the founder.

- Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is one of the most famous socialites in the United States. She is the heir to one of the largest hotel chains, Hilton. The press reported that she was deprived of her inheritance, but this information has not been confirmed. She tried herself in cinema, on stage and in the modeling business, but gained fame thanks to her participation in social events and problems with the law.

Politics, society, state: which famous figures were born on February 17

- Pyotr Petrovich Schmidt (Lieutenant Schmidt) (born February 17, 1867) is one of the most famous revolutionary figures in Russia. the only officer of the Russian fleet who went over to the side of the revolution and supported the Bolsheviks. He was the leader of the Sevastopol uprising in 1905.

- Vasily Mitrofanovich Shatilov (born February 17, 1902) is one of the most successful Soviet military leaders who participated in the Great Patriotic War. It was under his command that on May 1, 1945, Soviet troops erected the Victory Banner over the Reichstag dome.

Figures in science and technology born on February 17

- Thomas Watson (born February 17, 1874) is one of the most significant figures in the field of informatization and the creation of electronic computers. It was under his leadership that a well-known company began work on introducing computers into people's everyday lives.

Athletes born on February 17

- Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963) is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. Jordan played for two NBA teams, the Chicago Bulls and the Washington Wizards. For his phenomenally high and long jumps, fans gave him the nickname “Air Jordan.” He is currently the only former player to own a franchise in the NBA.

Popularity on February 17 in the Yandex search engine

More than 207.6 thousand search queries directly on this day;
- more than 9 thousand requests per day on average over the last two years.

Numerology about the date February 17

On this day, conscientious and attractive people are born who win universal love. The natural inquisitiveness of the mind can direct them to the study of nature and natural science. Such people start work very slowly and thoughtfully, but when everything is decided, they quickly achieve their goals, and they are at a very high level. Too kind and warm relationships with family may sometimes seem like a burden, but it will be difficult to overestimate them in moments of difficulty. New relationships are not something unusual for such people, and they easily start them. The best professions will be psychologist, director and magazine editor. In any professional field, the main factor is perseverance and hard work. At times, you need to abandon the realism inherent in such people and relax, not paying attention to difficulties and problems.

Number with magical properties - 8;
- pomegranate will help maintain peace of mind;
- lucky numbers - 8, 26, 35;
- Wednesday and Saturday are positive days;
- April and August are favorable months of the year;
- favorable dates of each month - 8, 17, 26;
- Sexual horoscope: those born during the last days of summer, as well as Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, will become the best life partners and sexual partners.

Fighter's Day.

February 17th celebrity birthday- actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, basketball player Michael Jordan, singer Billie Joe Armstrong, actress Bonnie Raitt, model Paris Hilton

Personality of Aquarius born on February 17th- Unusually sensitive individuals born on February 17, at an early stage of their lives, create an amazing climate of increased danger around themselves and are ready to fight the whole world. Their internal content fully corresponds to the external manifestation of fighting qualities. They can begin to defend themselves from the very first steps. Some of those born on February 17 achieve victories, others suffer defeats. However, in any case, they will never sit idly by. Having achieved a certain success, people whose birthday is February 17 will again rush into battle and fight with the whole world, despite the fact that one fine day this fight may turn against them. This is why these people so often find themselves in extremely unpleasant situations from which it is difficult to find a decent way out.

Fearing criticism or negative perception, those born on February 17 very often begin to realize that they have a hypersensitive nature, which is unlikely to be able to help them survive, but rather, on the contrary. Of course, among them there are also those who will not pay attention to sidelong glances from others. Feeling that they are right, people whose birthday is February 17 will stop at nothing to defend the truth, even if using brute physical force. Unfortunately, those born on February 17 are susceptible to equal influence from both good and evil. If at a critical moment there is no person next to them who can tell them what to give priority to first, those born on this day may make the wrong choice and then sprinkle ashes on their own heads. Over time, their gentleness may give way to bile, which is unlikely to help them resolve problems that make it difficult to move forward.

Those born on February 17 are open to love. But because of their directness, they often remain alone. The most sophisticated individuals allow their inner impulses to develop in the right direction, using them not only in their personal lives, but also in work. Thus, the feelings of these people are transformed into positive energy, which helps them overcome the difficulties of life.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is February 17th? They are very realistic, honest and calm, which allows them to engage in contemplation when others are fussing. By the way, those around them are often mistaken, mistaking their calmness for passivity or a kind of state of shock.

Those born on February 17th deeply believe in putting their heart into every action. Human values ​​are truly important to them. If you look at it objectively, those born on this day are not that difficult to communicate with. Most of them are very sensitive to the problems of the people around them.

Advice for Aquarius born on February 17th- Be open to the world. At the very least, allow others to look into your world at least occasionally. Don't be too suspicious.

On this page you will learn about the significant dates of the winter day of February 17, what famous people were born on this February day, what events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and February 17 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the tenth of February left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the seventeenth winter day of February, February 17, what events and memorable dates it was marked and remembered for, who was born, signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on February 17 (seventeenth)

Giordano Bruno (Italian: Giordano Bruno; real name Filippo, nickname - Bruno Nolanets; 1548, Nola near Naples - February 17, 1600, Rome) - Italian Dominican monk, philosopher and poet, representative of pantheism.

Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981, New York, USA) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, model and designer.

Agnia Lvovna Barto (nee Volova). Born on February 4 (17), 1906 in Moscow - died on April 1, 1981 in Moscow. Russian Soviet children's poetess, writer, film scriptwriter, radio presenter.

Boris Anatolyevich Khvoshnyansky. Born on February 17, 1968 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian theater and film actor.

Edward Christopher Sheeran. Born 17 February 1991 in Halifax (West Yorkshire). British author and performer.

Ilona Alexandrovna Bronevitskaya. Born on February 17, 1961 in Leningrad. Russian pop singer, actress, television and radio presenter.

Denis Maidanov (02/17/1976 [Balakovo]) - Russian composer, poet, actor, music producer;

Jerry O'Connell (02/17/1974 [New York]) - American actor; Oliver Taylor Hawkins (02/17/1972 [Fort Worth]) - American rock musician;

Billie Joe Armstrong (02/17/1972 [Oakland, California]) - songwriter, singer and guitarist for Green Day;

Valeria Mazza (02/17/1972 [Rosario]) - Argentine fashion model and TV presenter; Denise Richards (02/17/1972 [Downers Grove]) - American actress;

Dominic Purcell (02/17/1970 [Wallasey, Merseyside]) - English-Australian actor;
Evgeny Grishkovets (02/17/1967 [Kemerovo]) - Russian playwright, theater director, actor, writer;

Michael Bay (02/17/1965 [Los Angeles]) - actor, director, producer;

Dan Whitney (02/17/1963 [Pony City]) - American comedian and actor;

Michael Jordan (02/17/1963 [Brooklyn]) - American basketball player;

David McComb (02/17/1962 [Perth] - 02/02/1999 [Melbourne, Victoria]) - Australian rock musician;

Natalya Starovoit (02/17/1962 [Omsk]) - dramatic actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation;

Lou Phillips (02/17/1962 [Subic near the city of Zambales]) - American actor;

Gregory-Said Bagov (02/17/1958 [Grozny]) - Russian actor;

Viktor Perevalov (02/17/1949 [Leningrad] - 07/05/2010 [St. Petersburg]) - Soviet Russian actor;

Sergei Baltacha (02/17/1958 [Mariupol]) - Soviet football player;

Don Coscarelli (02/17/1954 [Tripoli]) - American director, screenwriter, producer and cameraman;

Rene Russo (02/17/1954 [Burbank]) - American actress and former model;

Vyacheslav Malezhik (02/17/1947 [Moscow]) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, poet, composer, honored artist;

Zina Bethune (02/17/1945 [New York] - 02/12/2012 [Los Angeles]) - American dancer, actress, choreographer and teacher;

Raisa Nedashkovskaya (02/17/1943 [Old Sparrows]) - Ukrainian actress;

Mary Ann Mobley (02/17/1939) - film actress and television presenter;

Alexander Askoldov (02/17/1932 [Moscow]) - Soviet director, screenwriter and author of the famous “Commissar”;

Jiřina Iraškova (02/17/1931) - Czech actress; Hal Holbrook (02/17/1925 [Cleveland]) - American actor;

Rodion Alexandrov (02/17/1925 [Moscow] - 05/28/1993 [Moscow]) - leading actor of the Moscow Satire Theater;

Margaret Truman (02/17/1924 [Independence] - 01/29/2008 [Chicago, Illinois]) - American singer who later became a famous writer;

Mel Wells (02/17/1924 [New York City] - 08/18/2005) - American film actor;

Kathleen Freeman (02/17/1919 [Chicago] - 08/23/2001 [Hollywood]) - American theater, film and television actress;

Vladimir Shcherbitsky (02/17/1918 - 02/16/1990) - member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine;

Raf Vallone (02/17/1916 [Tropea] - 10/31/2002 [Rome]) - Italian actor;

Arthur Kennedy (02/17/1914 [Worcester] - 01/05/1990) - American actor;

Fyodor Odinokov (02/17/1913 [Voskresenskoye] - 02/19/1994 [Moscow]) - Russian actor;

Mark Lawrence (02/17/1910 [New York City] - 11/27/2005 [California]) - American actor;

Elena Kuzmina (02/17/1909 [Tiflis] - 10/15/1979 [Moscow]) - Soviet actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR;

Evgeny Abalakov (02/17/1907 [Krasnoyarsk] - 03/24/1948 [Moscow]) - an outstanding Soviet sculptor and climber;

Mary Bryan (02/17/1906 [Corsicana] - 12/30/2002 [Del Mar]) - American actress and film star;

Ruth Clifford (02/17/1900 [Pawtucket] - 11/30/1998 [Woodland Hills, Los Angeles]) - American actress;

Nikolai Anosov (02/17/1900 [Borisoglebsk] - 12/02/1962 [Moscow]) - Russian conductor, teacher;

Priscilla Bonner (02/17/1899 [Washington] - 02/21/1996 [Los Angeles]) - American silent film actress;

Maremyana Golubkova (02/17/1893 - 1954) - Russian storyteller. She recorded more than 400 songs, many proverbs, sayings, riddles, and tales;

Lyudmila Semenova (02/17/1899) - Russian actress; Arthur Artuzov (02/17/1891 - 08/21/1937) - Soviet counterintelligence officer, until 1927 he served as head of the country's counterintelligence;

Maria Jacobini (02/17/1890) - Italian actress;

Otto Stern (02/17/1888 - 08/17/1969) - physicist. Born in Germany, since 1933 in the USA. Developed a method they say. beams, measured (1920) the speed of thermal motion of gas molecules (Stern experiment), proved (1922) the existence of spatial quantization (Stern-Gerlach experiment);

Nina Manucharyan (02/17/1885) - Armenian actress;

Alvaro Obregon (02/17/1880 [Huatabampo] - 1928 [Mexico]) - President of Mexico in 1920-24, participant in the Mexican Revolution of 1910-17. In 1928 he was re-elected president. Killed before taking office;

Andre Maginot (02/17/1877 [Paris] - 01/07/1932 [Paris]) - French general, minister of war;

Georgy Gapon (02/17/1870 [Belik] - 04/10/1906 [Ozerki]) - priest, initiator of the creation of the pro-government organization "Meeting of Russian Factory Workers of St. Petersburg", secret police agent;

Pyotr Schmidt (02/17/1867 [Odessa] - 03/19/1906 [Berezan Island]) - revolutionary, democrat, one of the leaders of the Sevastopol uprising of 1905; Grigory Grumm-Grzhimailo (02/17/1860 [St. Petersburg] - 1936) - Russian geographer and zoologist, researcher of Central and Central Asia, the Far East;

Najaf-bek Vezirov (02/17/1854 [Shusha] - 07/09/1932 [Baku]) - Azerbaijani playwright, publicist, theater figure;

Friedrich Alfred Krupp (02/17/1854 [Essen] - 11/22/1902 [Essen]) - German steel magnate, head of the Krupp company;

Mstislav Novinsky (02/17/1841 - 1914) - Russian veterinarian, founder of experimental oncology;

Nadezhda Kokhanovskaya (02/17/1825 [Vesely farm] [Makarovka farm]) - Russian writer;

Fyodor Tolstoy (02/17/1782 [Kostroma province] - 11/05/1846 [Moscow]) - traveler, robber, brigand, blackmailer, card thief;

Charles Bourbon (02/17/1490 - 05/06/1527) - Duke, Constable of France from 1514.

Dates February 17

Libya celebrates Revolution Day

Spontaneous Kindness Day

International Pancake Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Nikola Studeny, the wolf matchmaker and the poppy sunset. It's time for the cold to return.

February 17 - memorable events and significant dates

in 1600 Giordano Bruno died, the scientist was burned in Rome on the Square of Flowers

Moliere, French playwright, literary father of Tartuffe, died in 1673

in 1740, a temperature record was recorded in St. Petersburg - the air froze to -40 degrees

in 1810 Abkhazia became part of Russia for the first time

Heinrich Heine, a German romantic poet and author of The Book of Songs, died in 1856.

Vera Kholodnaya, Russian actress and silent film star, died in 1919.

in 1971, Leonid Sobolev, writer, author of heartfelt stories about sailors, died

in 1979, the war between China and Vietnam began, in which the Chinese army faced only disappointments

in 1988, the poet and musician Alexander Bashlachev died, the Time of Bells ended

fashion designer Guy Laroche died in 1989

in 1994, the writer Alexander Chakovsky, author of the epic novel “Victory”, died

in 2006, the white magician, sorcerer Yuri Longo, who had the ability to resurrect the dead, died

In 2008, the Republic of Kosovo decides to secede from Serbia, which marked the beginning of numerous separatist secessions of various territories around the world in the following years.

Events of February 17

On February 17, the difficult path to the throne for Boris Godunov ended. The Zemsky Sobor swore allegiance to him.

Subsequently, crop failure and famine led to the discontent of the people, although Godunov did everything to help people survive.

The appearance of False Dmitry finally undermined his health, and in 1605 Boris Godunov died. He is buried in the Kremlin, in the Archangel Cathedral.

On February 17, according to the verdict of the Inquisition, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake. A follower of the teachings of Copernicus, the author of the idea of ​​​​the infinity of the universe, Giordano ridiculed the foundations of faith and tried to convict the Church of ignorance.

These attempts cost the thinker eight years of imprisonment. But even then Bruno did not renounce his convictions and died at the stake on February 17, 1600.


The Hermitage (a place of solitude) - appeared in 1764 as a private collection of paintings by Catherine II. On February 17, 1852, the New Hermitage opened and free access for connoisseurs of beauty was allowed there.

At that time, the museum consisted of five buildings, and by the beginning of the 19th century it collected thousands of paintings by famous artists.

The modern Hermitage consists of six buildings along the Neva, led by the Winter Palace. Today the museum's collection contains about three million different works of art.

On February 7, the Russian joint-stock company Gazprom was created. Today it is the largest gas company.

Gazprom's activities include exploration, production, transportation, processing, refining, sales and storage of gas. Gazprom accounts for 20% of global production.

Signs February 17 - Nikola Studenny's day

The day of February 17 is primarily known for severe frosts, which were called “Nikolsky frosts” in honor of St. Nicholas, whose memory is revered in Orthodoxy.

It was believed that this abbot and Greek confessor had the gift of healing, and therefore he is often prayed to on February 17 for healing from illnesses.

People nicknamed the day “Nikolai Studeny”, since severe frosts usually strike on February 17th. The peasants tried not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary.

There was a belief that it was on this day that animals organized games, and therefore it was very dangerous to appear on their path.

On February 17, women tried to redo all their housework. They cleaned the barn, looked after the animals, and read special protective prayers over the cattle to protect them from animals lost in the forest, which happened quite often.

Also on February 17, healers charmed the wind, made lapels and love spells, and treated diseases of the pancreas and stomach.

Folk signs on February 17

The weather is cold on Nikola. It's snowing often

On the full moon on Nikola there are many hares in the forest

Spruce branches bend towards the bottom - there will be snow. And if the branches are facing up, expect a clear day

Hunting on this day is unlucky. In addition, they say: “Only Nikola knows about animal tracks on this day.”

According to legend, wolves begin mating games on Nikola

You cannot prepare for a long journey on February 17th. If there is an urgent need to travel, you need to pray strongly to St. Nicholas

If a person is born into the world, he will be patronized by Nikolai Ugodnik himself. Such a person is recommended to wear tourmaline as a talisman.

Dreaming of a pig is a sign that difficult life trials lie ahead.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as which famous people were born today, on the seventeenth day of February, February 17, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is February 17th interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

February 17, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on February 17?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on February 17? What religious holidays are celebrated on February 17? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is February 17th according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with February 17th? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on February 17?

What significant historical events on February 17 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is February 17?

Which great, famous and famous died on February 17th?

February 17, the Day of Remembrance of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day February 17 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day February 17 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day February 17 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day February 17 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day February 17 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day February 17 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day February 17 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day February 17 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day February 17 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day February 17 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day February 17 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day February 17 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day February 17 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day February 17 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 17, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the seventeenth February day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Aquarians born on February 17th are charming, ambitious, smart and successful. You are a born leader, endowed with excellent management skills and high self-confidence. You persistently work your way up and constantly set yourself up for ever greater success. You work hard, persevere, and cope well with all the challenges that come your way. Stubborn and rebellious, if you want something, you will stop at nothing to achieve your goal.

Those born on February 17 often suffer from various skin diseases in their early years. This could ruin their entire future life. The risk of getting sick also extends to the throat, musculoskeletal system and circulatory system. Those born on February 17 should be wary of thrombophlebitis. They must be extremely careful about what they eat and follow a strict diet, as there may be digestive problems in the long run. For most people born on February 17, light exercise is acceptable. Work should alternate with rest.

Unusually sensitive individuals born on February 17, at an early stage of their lives, create an amazing climate of increased danger around themselves and are ready to fight the whole world. Their internal content fully corresponds to the external manifestation of fighting qualities. They can begin to defend themselves from the very first steps. Some of those born on February 17 achieve victories, others suffer defeats. However, in any case, they will never sit idly by. Having achieved a certain success, those born on February 17 will again rush into battle and fight with the whole world, despite the fact that one fine day this fight may turn against them. This is why these people so often find themselves in extremely unpleasant situations from which it is difficult to find a decent way out.

Zodiac sign February 17 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign belongs to the signs of the Air element, which are characterized by the following qualities: loyalty, generosity, dreaminess, idealism, open-mindedness.

Planet Ruler: . Her “gifts” to Aquarius are progress. Uranus is the patron saint of astrologers. The planet in exile is the Sun. Responsible for the inability to prioritize, as well as the lack of inner core.

The zodiac sign for the date February 17th is Aquarius. People born on this day are very smart, charismatic, hardworking, and lucky. They are excellent leaders and businessmen, self-confident and tough enough to hold all the levers of company management in their hands. They are determined only for success and confidently move up the career ladder. Often these people become workaholics, they devote a lot of time to work, are stubborn, do not back down from their goals, face challenges with their heads held high and boldly resist the blows of fate. They always achieve what they want, without deviating from the path to their desired goal. It is quite difficult to conquer them and make them obey.

Fearing criticism or negative perception, those born on February 17 very often begin to realize that they have a hypersensitive nature, which is unlikely to be able to help them survive, but rather, on the contrary. Of course, among them there are also those who will not pay attention to sidelong glances from others. Feeling that they are right, they will stop at nothing to defend the truth, even with the use of brute physical force. Unfortunately, those born on February 17 are susceptible to equal influence from both good and evil. If at a critical moment there is no person next to them who can tell them what to give priority to first, those born on this day may make the wrong choice and then sprinkle ashes on their own heads. Over time, their gentleness may give way to bile, which is unlikely to help them resolve problems that make it difficult to move forward.

Those born on February 17 are incredibly open to love and prone to strong friendships. But because of their sincerity and directness, they often remain alone. Those born on this day do not want to devote too much time to self-education, which is why they often ignore what can be fundamental in human contact and are deceived or abandoned. The most sophisticated individuals born on February 17 allow their inner impulses and sensitivity to develop in the right direction and use them not only in their personal lives, but also in work. Thus, the love of these people is transformed into positive energy, which helps them overcome the difficulties of life.

Those born on February 17 have a strong desire to do everything for their family, friends and, perhaps, even for strangers if they need their help. They are very realistic and usually manage to perceive the existing social order in which they find themselves. Although those born on this day are often provoked into reactionary actions, they are nevertheless not aggressive and quite rarely experience a depressed mood or anger. They are honest, calm, and physically strong, which allows them to engage in contemplation when others are fussing. By the way, those around them are often mistaken, mistaking their calmness for passivity or a kind of state of shock. Those born on February 17 deeply believe in putting their heart into every action they take. Human values ​​are truly important to them. They are capable of scoring goals from any distance. If you look at it objectively, those born on this day are not that difficult to communicate with. Most of them are very receptive and sensitive to the problems of the people around them.

Aquarius man - born on February 17

Men born on February 17 have the following traits: such a gentleman is humane, sociable, an innovative thinker. Unfortunately, men of this birthday are equally susceptible to the influence of both good and evil. That is why they are in dire need of the support of people close to them or true friends who, at a difficult moment, will help with advice and make the right choice that will not lead to failure.

Aquarius woman - born on February 17

Women born on February 17 are characterized by the following properties: such a lady is friendly, intelligent, liberal. These individuals are so suspicious that just one sidelong glance in their direction, or a fair remark, is enough to infuriate Aquarius for the rest of the day. Feeling or knowing for sure that they are right, these people will be able to defend the truth.

Birthday February 17

February 17 - what influence does your birth date have on your personality? People born on February 17 under the zodiac sign Aquarius are always ready to fight and have enough courage to confront the whole world. There is always a feeling of danger around them. In their soul there is complete harmony of internal energy and its external manifestation. As soon as they take their first steps, they learn to be independent; their indomitable spirit manifests itself already in childhood. They are familiar not only with victories, but also with defeats. But failures never stop their progress towards their intended goal. The successful completion of one task gives way to the beginning of the next project. Inaction is unbearable for them, but excessive assertiveness can get them into trouble. Once in a difficult situation, they will not always be able to find an acceptable way out of it without losing their reputation.

Someone else's condemnation or hostility has a strong influence on the receptive soul of people with a birth date of February 17, the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Their excessive dependence on human opinion hinders their progress, forcing them to think about their every step. They will not be able to achieve more, all the time looking at the opinions of others. Although some of them are determined enough to ignore gossip and judgmental remarks from society. If they are confident that they are right, nothing will stop them on their way to their goal, even if they have to use brute physical force. At the same time, they do not have a clear distinction between good and evil; they perceive the world around them in many shades. As a result, they may take the wrong path, which they will later regret and wonder how this was not noticed by them. With age, their character does not become softer, which makes it difficult for them to communicate with people.

People born on February 17 with the zodiac sign Aquarius live in anticipation of bright, pure love, but their excessive straightforwardness prevents them from maintaining long-term relationships. Deprived of the opportunity to realize themselves in their personal lives, they direct their unspent energy to fulfilling their work duties. This helps them move up the career ladder, directing their strength to overcome life's difficulties. They are quite cold-blooded and remain calm and unperturbed in a critical situation. From the outside, this may look like indifference or cowardice, but it gives them the opportunity to act slowly, with a cool mind.

People born on February 17 under the zodiac sign Aquarius try to put their souls into the work they do and believe that in relationships with people one should be guided by feelings, and not by prudence. They remain true to their ideals, living in their souls, throughout their lives. Although this does not help them communicate with the people around them. It is too difficult for them to openly express their emotions. At heart they are quite compassionate and empathize with the problems of acquaintances and friends as if they were their own.

Love and Compatibility

In your friendships, you are sociable and love to be in the company of interesting people from various social groups. You are attracted to smart, talented individuals who can teach you something and learn themselves. However, before the prospect of a long-term union, you hesitate. Having decided on a long-term relationship, you may turn out to be not only a devoted and loving, but also a rather demanding partner.

A good marriage, promising family understanding with trusting relationships, will take place in Aquarius with Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. With these signs, the best compatibility. There are also chances for a favorable marriage union, as well as for mutual understanding within the family of Aquarius with Aries, Pisces and Capricorn. At a later age - good mutual understanding with Leo. Be prepared to change yourself, and radically, of course, if you dream of creating a strong family with Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio or the same Aquarius. If you think that they will adapt to you, and unilaterally, do not count on it.

Work and Career

By nature, these sensitive Aquarians are very sensitive to criticism or negative attitudes of other people towards them. They understand how this interferes with life, and begin to build up an iron armor around themselves. As a result, they themselves are capable of showing cruelty and can even use force and violence if it seems to them that they are right. In an unfavorable situation, these people can even become real geniuses of evil. They need a highly moral and conscientious person nearby, who at the right moment could gently guide them on the right path and keep them from displaying the extremes of a warrior’s nature. Sometimes their innate softness and inner vulnerability mutates over time into bile and skepticism, which can make them extremely unpleasant in communication and prevent them from reaching the coveted peak.

For those born on February 17, friendships and love relationships are very important, but they are not often lucky in this area. This is due to the fact that those born on February 17 do not like to work on themselves and their character, they do not like to change, they are often too straightforward and rude in saying what they think, and this pushes people away. They also underestimate psychology, never study it, believing that they already have enough knowledge to build strong relationships, and often they do not want to learn and improve. As a result, it happens that they are simply used for their own purposes and abandoned, considered to be narrow-minded and stupid people. The most developed and creative people born on February 17 do not forget the most vulnerable sides of their nature, but learn to turn them into strength, using their sensitivity and subtlety in both work and personal life to achieve goals. They know how to make their love or infatuation also a source of strength and inspiration, which will give them wings and disperse the darkness.

Health and Diseases

Vulnerable places in the body of people born on February 17 are bones, blood vessels, heart, skin, throat. As we can see, there are many risks, so they need to be especially attentive to their health. Problems with the stomach and intestines are possible, so caution in eating is recommended, diet is simply necessary, and this directly affects the condition of the skin. You should definitely give yourself breaks from work, rest, and also play sports, just without overexerting yourself.

Aquarius, the zodiac sign of those born on February 17, gives these people very high sensitivity, but it manifests itself somewhat differently than in other people born in the first half of February. From early youth they feel the world is dangerous, but do not give up, do not look for a fortress and a safe haven, but begin to fight with the world around them, shaping themselves as a fighter, a warrior. They truly have the nature of a fighter. And these people believe that they simply cannot survive in our cruel world otherwise.