
Belarus celebrates the day of defenders of the fatherland and the centenary of the armed forces. Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of Belarus "This is a sacred symbol"


In particular, those whose work or service is related to the police, army or military position.

Today, on this day, it is supposed to congratulate all male acquaintances, from infancy to the elderly.

February 23 is celebrated in all post-Soviet republics, namely in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine and Transnistria.

What events happened on February 23rd? Why is this day a holiday?

Not many people know that the holiday, which is celebrated every year on February 23, has changed its name several times over the entire period of its existence.

In Soviet times, he was known as Soviet Army and Navy Day. And in 1918, during the appearance of this holiday, and until 1923 it was called Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany.

It was in 1923 when he was named Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, this date was made a day off for working people, they began to celebrate and honor it.

At the time of the Great Patriotic War, the date of February 23 became especially significant. It was during these years that she personified the fearlessness, courage and masculinity of Soviet soldiers.

After the country won, on this day, not only the government, but also ordinary citizens gave carnations and a postcard to war veterans.

Every student of the Soviet era should remember those days when he was given the address of a veteran and the money with which he had to buy flowers and a postcard. Students visited the veteran and congratulated him on behalf of the entire school.

In addition, every year on this day, a mandatory event was a visit to the monuments to the fallen soldiers of the Soviet army, and the laying of flowers.

This whole process was very revered and appreciated until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Over time, some states that became independent more than once made attempts to change the name of the holiday, others struck it out of the list of public holidays, and, therefore, it ceased to be considered a day off.

In 1993-1994, the holiday was renamed to Russian Army Day, and a year later it was named Defender of the Fatherland Day. As for Russia, the army has always been of great importance in the process of state formation.

In this regard, and at the moment it is customary on February 23 to congratulate all the guys and men, especially those who serve or have already served in the army. Also in Russia, a special state program has been developed to maintain order in places where soldiers are buried and on monuments.

When Ukraine became independent, initially, they tried to cancel this holiday, but they decided to postpone it to December 6, calling it Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

But in 1999, February 23 again received its well-deserved status of Defender of the Fatherland Day. They just didn't do it on weekends. Ukraine does not celebrate February 23 on a nationwide scale, only intra-family traditions remain, which involve congratulating all relatives and beloved men.

When Belarus was proclaimed an independent state, the holiday was called Day of the Defender of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of Belarus. In the Republic, traditions have also been preserved to congratulate familiar men and make gifts to the closest defenders of the fatherland.

At all times, various adjustments were made to this holiday, but the most important thing remained: this is its spirit. Whatever it is called, it is on this day that the warmest wishes are heard towards men and gifts are given, symbolizing strength.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Transnistria and South Ossetia annually on February 23. Among the people, this holiday is often referred to as "February 23", you can also often hear the names "All Men's Day", "Men's Day". In recent years, not only those who can rightly be called fighters for the Motherland, but also, in principle, men, youths and boys, have been congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day. On the part of the fair sex, they receive all sorts of signs of attention and gifts, while sometimes the true meaning of this holiday is forgotten.

Defender of the Fatherland Day originates from another holiday - the anniversary of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army in 1919, which was timed to coincide with the Red Gift Day, celebrated on February 17th. But due to the fact that February 17, 1919 fell on a Monday, both of these holidays were officially postponed to February 23. Then this holiday was forgotten for some time, but in 1922 it was resumed again. In 1923, the fifth anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated on a grand scale, since then the name "Red Army Day" has been assigned to February 23rd.

In order to justify the date of February 23 in the second half of the 30s. a myth was invented about the victory of the Red Army over the German army near Pskov and Narva. However, neither in the Russian nor in the German archives under the date February 23, 1918, no battles were recorded.

Later in the USSR on February 23, a national holiday was celebrated - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and only after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Be that as it may, for many years ladies have annually congratulated men who not only fought for the Motherland or served in the army and other law enforcement agencies, but also all men, because in essence they are also defenders - their family, children, country.

On February 23, do not forget to congratulate grandfathers, dads, husbands, brothers, colleagues and male friends. For a grandfather or father who fought, there will be no better gift than sincere warm words. Visit your grandfather, drink tea with him, talk about the sore. Call your father, tell him you love him. Congratulate not "for show", but with understanding.

As a present, small symbolic things are suitable. Surely, 90% of men annually on February 23rd replenish their stocks of panties-socks-handkerchiefs. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but you can move away from stereotypes and diversify your shopping list on the eve of February 23rd. For example, give dad and grandpa a gift expressing your care for them, giving comfort and warmth: warm slippers, a terry bathrobe, a thick winter sweater with a neck, knitted socks, a woolen scarf or mittens, a warm blanket that is so nice to hide in front of the TV or lying behind the newspaper.

You can give young people something with humor, even ironic. For example, find a toy helmet and a saber or a machine gun in the children's department, let the children feel like real defenders. If you are celebrating this holiday with a big cheerful company, prepare a surprise for the guys in advance with other girls. Buy vests, and not only for young people, but also for yourself (believe me, vests look very exciting on girls). Buy beer and dried fish (a classic of the genre - vobla), "serve" the table with old newspapers, faceted glasses. No napkins, forks and knives, everything must be in style. Present the guys with vests with the requirement to put them on immediately. Background music should be appropriate. Or maybe there is an accordion player among you, then the evening will definitely turn out well.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear men!

In 2018, February 23 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the holiday dedicated to all the defenders of Belarus. Defenders of the Fatherland Day acquired its familiar name in 1993, but its essence has remained unchanged for a hundred years: to give memory and respect to everyone who risks their lives for the sake of a peaceful sky above their heads.

The role of Belarus in the Great Patriotic War

World War II was the largest battle in the history of mankind and the contribution of Belarus was disproportionately large. Every third Belarusian participated in hostilities, which lasted over 3 years. The losses are staggering: out of 270 cities, 209 were destroyed or looted, more than 5,000 villages were destroyed. Many military scenes formed the basis of the paintings Belarusian artists of those years.

The Belarusian land was occupied, but this did not prevent the creation of the largest underground partisan movement in Europe. Thanks to him, he was able to dozens of successful fights against the enemy and help not only soldiers, but also civilians. By the end of 1943, the partisan movement controlled more than 60% of the occupied territory. In addition, there were about 1200 partisan detachments, which included more than 300 thousand courageous soldiers.

For three years heroic struggle behind enemy lines (from June 1941 to July 1944) partisans and underground accomplished many feats :

  • Killed and wounded about half a million German invaders and their accomplices
  • Destroyed 11,128 enemy trains and 34 armored trains, defeated 29 railway stations, 948 enemy headquarters and garrisons
  • They blew up more than 18,700 vehicles, more than 300,000 rails, blew up and burned 819 railway and 4,710 other bridges, destroyed over 7,300 km of telephone and telegraph communication lines
  • They shot down 305 aircraft, knocked out 1355 tanks and armored vehicles, destroyed 438 guns of various calibers, 939 military depots.

Subsequently, thousands of soldiers, commanders and generals received ranks Hero of the Soviet Union.

The exploits of Belarusians in WWII

Lev Mikhailovich Dovator (born February 20, 1903, native of the Beshenkovichi region) - commander of the famous cavalry corps, courageously defending the Soviet Union. Lev Mikhailovich's attack strategy could not be predicted by any of the opponents.

His cavalry smashed the headquarters and garrisons of the enemy, undermined bridges, destroyed communication lines, helped to liberate villages and cities. The Cossacks called him their favorite general and composed songs about the legendary Dovarov. The German fascists, trying to take revenge on Lev Mikhailovich, completely burned his native village. They even appointed for his capture an unimaginable reward for those times - 100 thousand Reichsmarks.

Tankman Gavriil Antonovich Polovchenya (date of birth 1907) deservedly received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, he commanded a special tank battalion, which became famous during the liberation of the occupied Belarusian land.

Once the tank of Captain Polovchenya broke away from his battalion and on January 11, 1942 alone broke into the village of Lugi, where the German regiment was resting. Using a cannon, machine gun and caterpillars, the tank crew destroyed 2 anti-tank guns, 6 mortars, 3 heavy machine guns, 97 carts with ammunition and other military equipment.

Khoruzhaya Vera Zakharovna was born on September 14, 1903 in the city of Bobruisk. This brave and courageous woman, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, was a partisan and fought against enemies until the last minute of her life.

Behind her shoulders are years of Polish prison and torture in Germany. Despite this, her exploits are forever captured in historical chronicles. Even during her lifetime, Vera Zakharovna was the idol of Soviet youth, being a model of courage and intelligence.

Where to celebrate February 23 in Minsk

We have compiled a list of the best pubs and restaurants where you can sincerely celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. A varied menu, a decent alcohol list and unobtrusive music - all this awaits you in the establishments from our selection.

  1. Cafe "Pivnyary" ( st. Lobanka, 77|/
  2. Bar «The Pub» ( st. Karl Marx, 6|
  3. Restaurant "Vinograd" ( st. Lobanka, 77)
  4. Restaurant Gambrinus ( sq. Freedom, 2 |
  5. Bar "Bar 13" ( st. Red, 13 |
  6. Restaurant Gvozd ( st. Timiryazev, 65 |
  7. Cafe "Skif" ( Independence Avenue, 34|

Today, most citizens consider February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - as the day of real men. On this day, everyone who is related to military service is officially congratulated, and not officially - the entire male population of the country is honored and congratulated. This is a men's holiday, when men rightfully accept gifts, congratulations and gratitude!

There are several versions of the origin of the holiday and the rationale for the date of its holding.

According to one version, in connection with the resumption of hostilities by the German and Austro-Hungarian troops, the Council of People's Commissars on January 28, 1918 published a Decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. The idea of ​​celebrating the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army arose in 1919 and was scheduled for February 23. But, as historical documents testify, they could not prepare for the celebration in time. The official celebration took place only in 1922. On this day, a military parade led by Trotsky took place on Red Square, which laid the foundation for the tradition of an annual national celebration.

According to another version, in order to justify the date of the holiday, Stalin in 1938 proposed to interpret the battle of Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918 as the decisive resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the true course of historical events was completely different. February 23 was declared the birthday of the Red Army and named "The Day of the Red Army's Victory over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918".

In fact, on February 23, 1918, the Red Army did not win, but lost its first battles to the Kaiser troops of Germany. In 1938, Stalin in his "Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" outlined a different version of the origin of the date of the holiday, absolutely unrelated to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 15 (28), 1918.

In the "Short Course ..." it was stated that in 1918 near Narva and Pskov "the German invaders were given a decisive rebuff. Their advance on Petrograd was suspended. The day of rebuffing the troops of German imperialism - February 23 - became the birthday of the young Red Army.

As historical documents indicate, this was partly true. The fighting near Pskov began on February 23, 1918. Then the Red Army thwarted the Germans' attempt to capture Pskov on the move. Only by the evening of February 24, under the cover of large-caliber guns, did the Germans break through the defenses of our troops. A week before, on February 18, 1918, the Austro-German and Turkish troops, violating the truce, which was concluded on December 2 (15), 1917, invaded Soviet Russia and proceeded to occupy Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states. On February 21, 1918, German troops captured Minsk. On February 23, the Germans sent a telegram (an ultimatum) to Lenin demanding that they accept their terms within 48 hours. The Bolsheviks did not wait so long and already on the morning of February 24, Lenin telegraphed to Berlin: "The Council of People's Commissars decided on the terms of peace proposed by the German government, to accept and send a delegation to Brest-Litovsk." On March 3, the "Brest Peace" was signed, according to which Belarus was given to the Germans. The Germans left Minsk only in December 1918, when Germany capitulated to the Western countries. Thus, on February 23, 1918, Belarus was under German occupation. Therefore, February 23 is rather a sacred symbol for Belarus, which is associated with the creation and operation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, which saved humanity from fascism. On this day, we pay tribute to all those who gave their lives for their Motherland and who, with their unparalleled heroism, defended the right of the Belarusian people to freedom and the opportunity to be a master in their native land.

In 1923, an order was issued according to which the holiday on February 23 began to have the name "Day of the Red Army and Navy." The holiday in the USSR was very revered and respected, although it was not a day off.

In 1946, this holiday was renamed - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In Soviet times, only military personnel and everyone who worked in a military organization had the right to a day off on February 23.

Currently, the holiday is celebrated as the "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus". This day is considered to be a national holiday in our republic, a day of memory of courage and heroism of all generations of defenders of the Fatherland who defended the independence of their native land.

We congratulate you today:
Men, defenders, heroes and soldiers.
We never wish you war
Loss, bitterness, sadness and loss.
May many of you not fight
And some don't even know how to shoot
We love you even without medals.
It's not important for men to fight.
And let it be like a reward for you
For all ages and times:
Those women who are next to you,
And true, reliable friends!
Peaceful sky, personal happiness,
True friends and a brilliant career!

After we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in November 2017, many state bodies and departments are also celebrating the centenary of their formation.

On February 23, 2018 Belarus celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Armed Forces. This is a holiday of heroism and courage, those who are always in defense of our Fatherland. In a word, this is a holiday of real men.

On the eve of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, in an exclusive interview with the editors of the newspaper and the site "Leader-Press", the military commissar of the Soligorsk and Lyuban districts of the Minsk region Nikolai Shepelevich spoke about the results of 2017 in the work of the military registration and enlistment office, today's pressing issues and how Soligorsk will celebrate the anniversary date.

Nikolai Nikolayevich says that in 2017, an important event took place in the military registration and enlistment office of the Soligorsk and Lyuban districts. A commission of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus worked here, and the personnel of the military commissariat passed this commission for a “good” rating. For such a high assessment of the work and for the responsible attitude to the passage of the commission, the personnel of the military commissariat of the Soligorsk and Lyuban districts were also noted by the leadership of the regional military commissariat.

As for the work to date, on February 6, the planned enrollment to the military enlistment office of young men who turn 16 in 2018 was completed. Despite the fact that the planned registration of 667 people has already been completed, this event will last throughout the year.

On February 12, 2018, the next conscription February-May-2018 began. Conscripts who turn 18 this year will arrive at the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination. After that, representatives of military units will visit the military commissariat to select young people by type of troops. Conscripts will be interviewed, their personal affairs and moral and business qualities will be studied. First of all, conscripts will be selected for the Ministry of the Interior, then for the Internal Troops, then for the Armed Forces of Special Operations, and so on.

- A man should be able to defend his homeland and serve in the army,- says Nikolai Nikolaevich. - During the period of service, the young man will grow up and decide in later life.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, using his personal example, says that in 1993, after the 8th grade, he entered the Minsk Suvorov Military School. After three years of study in 1996, he entered the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus at the Artillery Faculty. Then N.N. Shepelevich was sent to serve in the 5th Army Corps in Bobruisk, where he served in various positions. Since 2011, Nikolai Nikolayevich came to the city of Soligorsk to serve in the military commissariat, and by order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, on February 22, 2017, he was appointed to the post of military commissar of the Soligorsk and Lyuban regions. And he does not regret his life choice at all, but, on the contrary, he is proud.

- From time immemorial, the Armed Forces have been the defense of the state, without which it is impossible to do. It is necessary to have your own army, which at any moment will defend your state,- says Nikolai Nikolaevich. - And this year, on February 23, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. In honor of this significant date, the jubilee medal "100 Years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus" was issued. By Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated September 27, 2017 No. 356, medals will be awarded to military personnel who serve in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, who have achieved high results in their service activities, as well as veterans of the Armed Forces, the Great Patriotic War.

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the military commissar of the Soligorsk and Lyuban districts Nikolai Shepelevich congratulates all our veterans of military service, the Great Patriotic War, who went through a difficult path and did not spare their lives, defending their Motherland. The main thing is that their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren remember that they live in a peaceful land thanks to their immortal feat.

In the photo: military commissar of Soligorsk and Lyuban districts Nikolai Shepelevich