
Why don't I have enough money? Why is there not enough money


Do you work every day until dark, but still don’t have enough money? Yes, you can try to choose a different profession or rush to live somewhere where your monthly salary will be enough for a year, but there are also less complicated ways to resolve the issue. Most likely, the problem is that you don't know how to use money. Here are 10 tips to help prevent another financial collapse.

1. You don't party

When you get invited to a bar, do you refuse and spend time with your family? Well, most likely, the family will be better off if you are a more sociable guy. A study in the Journal of Labor Research found that frequent partygoers have a 7% higher income than regular guys. Of course, this has nothing to do with drinking. The number of useful connections you make in the company of new friends plays a role here. Yes, that’s what researchers say: “going to parties makes people money.” Did you think it was the other way around?

2. You still haven't quit smoking

Besides the fact that smoking is deadly, it also reduces the amount of money in your pocket. Yes, you’ve probably made such calculations more than once, but let’s once again estimate how much you spend on cigarettes per year. If you buy a pack of cigarettes a day, which cost about 100 rubles, then in a year they will cost 36,500. Imagine how many times you can take a girl to a restaurant with this money. In addition, constant smoking breaks during the working day do not allow you to concentrate on work, and as a result you achieve less results.

3. You can't imagine

When a potential employer asks you about the approximate salary you plan to receive, always name an astronomical amount. Researchers from the University of Idaho found that people who always dream big earn salaries that are 9% higher than realists. When you give yourself a goal to strive for, you psychologically set yourself up for higher income.

4. You're too kind

It sounds surprising, but good and positive guys usually get less money than aggressive, stubborn guys who love competition in everything. According to a study conducted at Cornell University, people who are harsher and more arrogant are more likely to achieve their goals. But, of course, you shouldn’t turn into a rude and bully: everything in your behavior should be in moderation.

5. You're skipping workouts (we warned you!)

If you lift iron, you'll lift money: A study conducted at Cleveland State University found that those who exercise have an average income 10% higher than lazy people who don't. The trick is this: if you can force yourself to exercise regularly, then you are more disciplined at work. In addition, physical activity leads to a surge of creative energy and a good mood.

6. You waste time on trifles.

How many times after work have you sat in front of the computer out of inertia? Imagine that every hour wasted reduces your salary. If you manage your time wisely, you will sleep enough, go to training on time and work more efficiently.

7. You don't take care of your appearance

The University of Miami recently conducted a study, the results of which showed that those who look sloppy earn salaries 4-5% lower than those whose shirts are always ironed. Take care of your hair and the condition of your clothes, and you will stand out from your colleagues. In addition, this is one of the good arguments for your superiors to promote you.

8. You don't listen to anyone

According to a study published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, people who are empathetic and respond strongly to other people's emotions are more successful in society than silent people. When you communicate with colleagues, you learn a lot of useful information about them, which can help you in establishing useful connections and in shaping your image. Instead of thinking about the answer that you will give at the end of your interlocutor’s remarks, let him speak out in full.

9. You rarely have sex

An active sex life, according to a study by scientists from Germany, is an important detail for all successful people. The survey found that people who have sex 1 to 4 times a week receive 3.2% higher salaries than those who do it less often. Frequent sex is a sign of life satisfaction, physical health and energy.

10. You don't get enough sleep

Add just one hour of sleep per week and you can achieve your goals many times more effectively. Scientists at the University of San Diego have found that good sleep increases performance by 10-15%!

Surely many people think why is there not enough money. And clearly they have already found the answer to this question. But I’m sure that most people are mistaken in explaining the reasons for the lack of money, or at least they don’t say enough. Either because they simply don’t understand it, or because they don’t want to admit it to themselves. Today I will tell you about why there is not enough money, on the other hand.

I think that many, even after reading this article, will think something like “yes, of course, it’s good for you to be smart, but if only you lived like us...”. To which I immediately want to answer: everyone chooses for themselves how to live, and I, and you, and all other people. And in order not to be unfounded, today I will give absolutely real life examples, including from my own life, not at all fictitious or embellished, which, I hope, will still reach you and show why many people are sorely short of money . That is, today’s article will contain a lot of memories and free thoughts, get ready...

So, when thinking about why there is not enough money, most people complain about their low income and ever-increasing prices. And those who do not have enough money to pay loans are also subject to “inhuman” lending conditions. You can’t argue with this: yes, wages and pensions are low, yes, prices are rising, yes, lending conditions are terrible. Another thing is important: this is only one side of the issue, but there is another, which for some reason they stubbornly do not want to pay attention to. This is your own financial literacy and skill.

It is precisely due to different attitudes towards money, different levels of financial literacy, different approaches to managing personal finances that different people, being in the same conditions, sometimes have significantly different values.

Many people believe that all their financial problems will disappear if they start earning more. And they also like to name a certain amount (well, let’s say, 2 times or 3 times more). I am now silent about the fact that they do absolutely nothing in order to increase their income, they just silently wait their entire lives for “extra” income to fall from the sky, let’s skip this point. I am absolutely sure that these people’s financial condition will not change at all, no matter how much they earn. Thanks to their incorrect, consumerist attitude towards money.

So, for clarity, I’ll start giving examples.

For those who don’t know yet, I live in Crimea. I have a friend, he has a family, and he works, let’s say, in the security forces. I was never satisfied with one salary, I always tried to look for other sources of income, to earn extra money somewhere. In addition to everything else, he also has “golden hands” and other hobbies that bring in a small income, so there have always been several sources of income, and this is wonderful.

So, despite all this, in Ukrainian times he constantly complained that there was not enough money. The salary was small, and if there were no part-time jobs, I don’t know what would have happened. But even with part-time jobs, there was not enough money for life, for a family, for children. There was never any special savings, it was impossible to save anything, everything that was earned was spent.

Russia has arrived. And she increased his salary from the start, attention, 7 times! He was simply beside himself with happiness. Now, finally, we will live - money fell from the sky! Part-time jobs were abandoned - now that’s enough! After a few months, a certain amount had accumulated and, to celebrate, a new car was bought (domestic, though). Moreover, he borrowed 80% of its value from his parents - with such a salary he will quickly pay it back, and you need to grab it before the price goes up.

2 years have passed, and what do we have now? There is not enough money, as before. Salaries have not changed, prices have increased 3-5 times or more. Part-time jobs have started again, but they are also not enough. Parents, naturally, have nothing to give money for a car; it can already be regarded as a gift (it’s fortunate that I didn’t take it, but I was also thinking about this!). With all this, the car has dropped significantly in price; now you can’t sell it even for half the original price. Again, everything that is earned is spent, again complaining that there is not enough money. Again, of course, no savings.

What changed when income increased 7 times? Nothing at all! Still not enough money!

And now what was happening to me at that time. After the events of March 2014, all my considerable savings were frozen for an indefinite period - they were on deposits in Ukrainian banks. Whether I would ever receive them at all was a mystery shrouded in darkness. There was a very small amount left on hand, to make it clear, I’ll say 5,000 hryvnia (at that time 15,000 rubles). There was some income, but only in the Internet sphere, and it was impossible to withdraw it from there then: there was no banking system.

What did we do then with my wife? We quickly, while prices were just beginning to rise, formed good food reserves, so good that there is still some left over, and we paid all utility bills for many months in advance. After which we almost completely stopped spending money - our monthly expenses decreased, attention, by 5 times! This is despite the fact that we have never suffered from squandering before.

Show me an ordinary family that can reduce their monthly expenses by at least 50%. Many are absolutely sure that even 10% is unrealistic, because they are already sorely short of money. And we reduced it by 80%! With prices rising every day! With inflation that is crazy for these times (in Crimea it was more than in Russia and Ukraine combined). Here's a personal example - it's real. At the same time, we didn’t feel any discomfort: we ate normally, but without excesses, rested on the sea - it was nearby, we walked mainly (but this is a common practice for us), we didn’t spend anything on entertainment, we didn’t buy clothes or expensive items - we had everything we needed So.

We did not know when we would be able to return at least some of the “stuck” savings, whether we would be able to withdraw my income at all, there was complete uncertainty, and until that moment it was necessary to stretch the remaining financial reserve of 15 thousand rubles as much as possible.

As a result, the first deposits were returned only at the end of August. That is, after 5-6 months (I don’t remember exactly from when we had this amount left). And for all these, say, 5 months, we spent only 4,500 rubles on current needs, attention. That is, about a third of the remaining amount, and they could live like this for at least as long. That's less than 1,000 rubles a month for a family of two!

Of course, as soon as the first savings were returned, it was already a “safety cushion” behind us, so the spending spigot could be opened a little more, which is what we did. Not instantly, of course, but gradually, and returned to their usual way of spending.

Why were we able to live like this on less than 1000 rubles a month, while others cannot save even 10% of their income? Of course, we already had absolutely everything necessary for life, including food supplies. But this, too, did not all fall from the sky - we provided all this for ourselves, and exclusively through savings - there were no loans.

What we have now. Of course, we didn’t return all the money that we had, a significant part was lost, but the losses have already been restored, we continue to accumulate, we spend a very insignificant part of the income (less than half).

Compare these 2 examples: one person’s income increased 7 times, the other lost income altogether and reduced expenses 5 times. 2 years have passed. And each of us actually returned to the level of our financial condition that was before: my friend - to financial instability, and I - to stability and almost independence (in other conditions I would call it independence, but not in our current ones, unfortunately, because that everything is very shaky).

Now I want to give another example, let’s say, from a past life. Also for those who believe that if you earn more, there will be enough money.

My regular readers already know that after college I went into the banking sector, where I first worked as a simple specialist, then gradually became the head of a branch. After some time, the same young guy came to the bank, who went through exactly the same path, and worked the same way as me: for about the same time (even more by a couple of years), in the same positions, with the same salary.

Our salary, especially as a department head, was high, so you understand - about 5 times higher than the average salary in the region. For good fulfillment of plans they gave bonuses even beyond this. That is, many only dreamed of such income, and thought that if they earned so much, then they would have enough money for everything!

And now let’s summarize: what my colleague and I left our banking jobs with: I worked there for about 9 years, he for about 11.

I made renovations in the apartment for 11 thousand dollars, bought a new apartment for my parents for 32 thousand dollars, bought a car for 15 thousand dollars, a garage for 3 thousand dollars - these are major purchases. I also quit with savings in deposits that exceeded my salary at that time by about 30 times.

He had a problematic mortgage behind him of about 20 thousand dollars, which he could not repay, despite very preferential lending conditions (as for a bank employee), several small consumer loans in cash and credit cards, the same overdue ones, which he took from other banks, to make mortgage payments, as well as a loan for a laptop (a very necessary thing, probably in such a situation).

The apartment, purchased with a mortgage, was eventually put up for auction: there was no way to repay it. All payments already made for it, it turns out, were wasted. Result: no apartment, no money, and still remaining debts.

Here is a clear example of two people who are in exactly the same conditions, earning exactly the same money, but they just manage it differently. I, taking advantage of the large income, created savings, which also brought income, growing exponentially, according to the principle of compound interest, and he simply enjoyed life and ate what he earned. The result is obvious.

I decided to give these two examples today as they are very illustrative. In fact, I know a lot of them: from my life, from the lives of acquaintances, people around me, bank clients, etc. And they all share a common principle:

If you don’t know how to manage money wisely and treat it as a consumer, you will never have enough of it, no matter how much you earn. I assure you - numerous examples confirm this.

If you don’t like my examples, look around, look at your friends, relatives, colleagues, you can probably find many such examples there too.

I hope now you understand why there is not enough money. Largely because you don’t know how to manage them wisely. There is no need to think that this is not about you or continue to blame it on external factors that you cannot influence. It would be much better to admit that there is a problem and try to solve it.

I hope that it was not in vain that I gave personal examples. In general, I don’t really like to do this, but they often ask, so I decided that this could somehow inspire and motivate you.

Therefore, change your attitude towards money, treat it like finances, manage your finances, and not the other way around, and then you will always have enough money for everything you need. Well, the site will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information support. See you again!

Hello, dear blog readers! Today I want to talk to you about what to do when you don't have enough money. The financial issue is always very acute. Where to find additional income, what is better to spend it on, where to get more, why it is not enough. All these questions torment millions of people. Let's try to figure out what to do about it.

Learning to live within our means

The first thing you need to do is calculate your monthly living expenses. Here you should include those expenses that are mandatory. Rent, telephone and internet payments, travel expenses, groceries, etc. Do not include here entertainment, vacations, meetings with friends, and other non-vital expenses.

Living within your means does not mean living in poverty and constantly saving on yourself. But when you need to pay off a loan, pay for children’s education, buy gifts for relatives, then you definitely need to get a budget book. It doesn't matter what it looks like. Paper version, program or just a notepad. The main thing is that you can see your financial flows with your own eyes. It is then that you will be able to understand what is worth giving up, where additional funds may come from, and what you can spend more on.

I think it is very important to keep a budget in a family. To avoid financial pitfalls, you don’t have to go into debt, live from paycheck to paycheck, counting every penny. Remember that there are purchases that are useless and carry nothing but a hole in money. One of these items is a television for one hundred thousand rubles. You can invest this hundred thousand in education, development, or invest in additional income.

Additional income

In any situation, you can find an activity that will bring you money. If you are a woman and are on maternity leave, then you will find the article “” very interesting. Remember, income-generating work does not have to be an office job. You can do copywriting, train as a manicurist and hair extension specialist, do online consulting and much more.

In addition, problems with money may arise if for some reason you were unable to obtain a profession. Then my article “” will be useful to you. One of my friends dropped out of college in her third year and is now actively involved in copywriting. With this she provides for both herself and her dog. Moreover, she actively helps her parents and often goes on vacation to the south of France.

Don't be afraid to start something new in terms of earning extra money. If you are sorely short of money, then take on any business and look for your own. You may be able to find your passion, not just a side income. A person is able to cope with any situation. The main thing is to act and not stop there.

Overcoming difficulties

Time flies at breakneck speed. Try not to waste it. A person always puts everything off for later. This may not happen later. And you might already succeed in something. Think about it at your leisure. After all, everything is in your hands and in your power. Only you decide how and what to do in life.

Money is a complicated issue. The level of comfort of a person's life directly depends on his earnings. First class on the plane, quality clothes, natural products. Anyone who earns enough can afford all this. Set yourself goals and strive for them. You can always earn more than you do now. You just have to work hard.

If you are faced with the fact that your partner does not help replenish the family budget, then the article “” will be useful to you. In a family, everything should be coordinated and discussed between spouses. Trust your partner and help in a difficult situation.

Don't make wealth your main goal. Engage in self-development and professional development. This, in turn, will attract financial flows to you.

Money should not become an end in itself. Otherwise, you may end up spending your whole life trying to earn enough, which is never enough.

I hope you can overcome your financial difficulties. Calculate your monthly expenses and distribute your salary wisely. Keep striving for something bigger and greater. Don't stop there, move forward.
We can resolve any financial issue if there is a desire. I am sure that everything will work out for you and you will start earning as much as you need for a comfortable life.

Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

At a time when I was still quite inept in managing my money, multiple situations arose when I didn’t have enough money for certain things, I had to somehow spin around, come up with something, which gave rise to constant problems and questions with money.
At one point, I decided that I was tired of it, and began to study these issues, so that I more or less understood the issue of personal finance, or rather their management.

First of all, I am writing this article for those people who have a difficult relationship with money. Such as constant debts, albeit small ones, a constant feeling that there is not enough money, fear of any troubles, because there is not a single free penny. If everything is in order with your money, I think this article will also be useful for you, maybe you can add or take something.

You can't spend more than you earn.
This is generally a fundamental dogma, usually all problems begin with this, if a person starts spending 110 dollars and earns 100, then sooner or later he will have problems with money.
It seems like how can you spend more than you earn? It’s very simple, one fine day, a person likes a car, but doesn’t have enough money for it, but he wants to buy it. Next, he takes out a loan or borrows money from friends and relatives and buys a car. So the man began to spend more than he earned.

It might be even simpler: I just spent a lot in a certain month, allowed myself too much, ended up borrowing money until payday, and it all started.
Usually, after debts, everything can start to spiral upward, the car breaks down, they were laid off at work, and so on, which will begin to lead to a constant minus in the balance sheet.
Nowadays, it’s very easy to start spending more than you earn, with all the credit cards, personal loans and other sweets.

Therefore, under no circumstances start living according to the principle “expenses exceed income,” it will end badly.

Spend less than you earn.
Continuation of the first rule is to spend less than you earn. If your monthly salary is $1,000, then the maximum you can spend is 999. Or better yet, even less, but more on that later.
This is necessary in order to develop a useful habit of not wasting money. If you spend zero every time, then any unforeseen event: car repair, phone replacement, illness. It will immediately drive you into the red, so you need to spend less than you earn.

Create your own financial cushion.
A continuation of the previous rule will be the rule of creating a financial cushion. A financial cushion is some savings that allow you, in the event of any life-related shocks related to money, to stay afloat for some time, to cover expenses without going into debt.

According to my personal estimates, the financial cushion should be at least 3 months of your income. The more, the better, of course, ideally - at least an annual salary. The advantages of this approach are that even a 3-month cushion will allow you, in case of an acute shortage of money, to live for six months in saving mode.

I emphasize that the financial cushion should not be touched under any circumstances, except for urgent need. This is an emergency reserve for a rainy day.
It is necessary to create it as quickly as possible, that is, before creating a financial cushion, you will have to tighten your belts.

Increase your savings
After creating a financial cushion, a person’s next task is to work for the future and growth, that is, to increase monetary savings for subsequent transactions with them.
Such transactions can be the purchase of your own real estate, a vacation, a car, investments in a business, investments and other issues that cannot be done simply with monthly income.

Here everyone already has their own limit, you can save as much as you want, you can collect money for something specific, but you have to do it. According to my personal estimates, you need to save at least 10% of your income. Earned $1000, saved $100. Preferably 20-30 percent, but a lot depends on how much you earn. 10%, in my opinion, anyone can save, but if suddenly you have a very small salary, which is barely enough to live on, then save at least 1 percent, the main thing is that it is constant and you cannot go below 1 percent, just raise the bar. First 1, then 2, then 5% and so on.

Live within your means
This means that in no case should you buy something that you can’t afford; if a phone costs $1,000, and your salary is $500, then you definitely can’t afford it, even if you have saved up the cost of the phone. That is, you need to adequately assess your income in relation to consumption.

For greater simplicity and understanding, here are some guidelines:
Mobile phone– the cost should be up to 40 percent of monthly income. If you earn 1000, then the maximum you can spend on a phone is 400. And best of all, if not more than 10% of your monthly income.
Automobile– its new cost should not exceed your annual income. If you earn $12,000 in a year, then this is the limit on the value of your car. And it’s best if the car costs less than your annual income.
Housing/apartment– the cost should be somewhere up to 6 annual income. If you earn 10 thousand a year, then the apartment can cost a maximum of 60 thousand. Better yet, 4-5 annual income

Based on these estimates, you can estimate the adequacy of expenses for any other consumption.

Why is it important to adhere to the framework that fits into the paradigm of living within your means? Because everything that goes beyond these limits drives a person into bondage, he is forced to work for this purchase and its maintenance. Here, as a rule, people start taking out loans and borrowing money.
By adhering to these frameworks, you can easily buy all this for yourself and further service it without any stress, absolutely comfortably. That is, you will still be the owner of what you bought, and not vice versa.
Adhering to such a strict framework is quite difficult, but it is quite possible that you will just have to come to terms with the fact that although you can buy a beautiful expensive car with debts or having saved up, which costs as much as 5 annual income, you will not buy it, because it is not for you pocket.

Of course, these are just rules that anyone can break for the sake of life's dreams: their own house, car or anything else. However, I should remember that by violating them you expose yourself to risks and push yourself into a bind. If you understand this and are ready to do this, then this is your personal business.

No need to create liabilities
If you think about it, from the financial side everything can be divided into what brings money and what spends it. Moreover, it would be a good idea to analyze absolutely any purchase from this point of view.

The simplest thing we can take is a car, in most cases, when it does not increase your income, let’s say you work as a taxi driver - this is a liability. And he will spend your money: on fuel, on maintenance, on price loss, on parking, on insurance, on taxes. In addition, most likely it will take up all this time. This is a typical passive. If you accumulate a large number of such liabilities, then you will only work for your own things.
Therefore, do not unnecessarily increase things that eat up your money.
Some people build huge houses, which they are then unable to pay for, because heating, taxes, electricity and maintaining the house in proper condition costs significant money. And the larger the house, the more money he will demand.

Even if we go back to the example of a car, we can look at cars that are the same price, but with different gas mileage. Let’s say one car will consume 10 liters per 100 kilometers, and another – 7 liters. The difference will be 3 liters. With a price per liter of gasoline of $1, and an annual mileage of 25,000 km. The difference in maintenance for these two cars will be $750 per year or $62.5 per month. It seems like a small thing, but with this difference you can buy a new expensive smartphone every year.

Therefore, you even need to analyze those liabilities that you need and see how to make them acceptable for both yourself and your wallet.

Do not take loans for consumption and purchases of things
This is generally a categorical point that many violate; never take out any loans or borrow money to buy cars, phones, clothes, furniture and other consumer items.

You must accept that such loans will drive you into the red; the interest on them will force you to pay much more than you would have spent buying this thing with your own money. This purchase will become a burden for you. And if something happens, like being fired from your job, the situation will get worse many times over.

Perhaps installments without interest may seem justified if the product is not sold at a pre-inflated price, but still, even when buying in installments, you should have the amount to purchase this product immediately and does not violate the adequacy of expenses relative to your income (see paragraph “ live within your means"). That is, by installments you simply save your money, since you now do not have to pay the entire amount at once.

Keep track of your finances, income and expenses
Few people actually do this, but it is very important. Record all your expenses, income, balance. Even if you just do it, it will help you become more disciplined in matters of money, it will help you see where it is spent, unconsciously you will notice how expenses can decrease.

In addition to all this, based on this, you can plan expenses, understand what you can afford and what you cannot, predict your financial situation, major purchases and much more for months and years ahead.

General conclusion from what has been said
As you can see, managing your finances is not such a big science as it might seem; quite simple things and actions lead to complete order in these areas and allow you to go from a deep minus to zero and start working in a plus.

I admit that sometimes someone cannot apply these rules, let’s say buying or building the house of their dreams, so for the sake of a dream you can deviate from the rules if you are aware of all the risks that may exist. In other cases, I recommend being responsible with your money, purchases and discipline yourself in these matters.