
E150 effect on the body. Making sugar color for spirits


The article describes the food additive (dye) sugar color (E150, caramel, caramel color), its use, effects on the body, harm and benefits, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: caramel, E150, E-150, E-150

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Sugar color, E150 - what is it?

Sugar, or caramel, color is a soluble food coloring. Sugar color (food additive E150) is produced either by simply exposing carbohydrates to high temperatures, or by adding various acids, alkalis and / or salts. This process is known as "caramelization". In this case, carbohydrates are oxidized much deeper than it happens in the production of caramel sweets.

Sugar color has the smell of burnt sugar and a bitter taste. The color of this food coloring varies from pale yellow and amber to dark brown. Depending on the method of production, food additive E150 may belong to one of the following classes:

  • E150a - simple sugar color I (simple caramel obtained by heating carbohydrates without using any chemicals); typical application examples: whiskey and other spirits;
  • E150b - sugar color II obtained by "alkaline-sulfite" technology (alkaline-sulfite caramel); typical application examples: cognac, sherry, some types of vinegar;
  • E150c or sugar color III obtained by “ammonia” technology (ammonia caramel); typical application examples: beer, sauces, confectionery;
  • E150d or sugar color IV, obtained by “sulfite-ammonia” technology (ammonia-sulfite caramel); typical application examples: soft drinks.

Food coloring caramel color is produced from available food raw materials, which contain fructose, glucose, invert sugar, sucrose, malt syrup, molasses, starch hydrolysates and its constituent elements.

As for acids, sulfuric, phosphoric, sulfurous, citric and acetic acids can be used in the caramelization process. From a number of alkalis, ammonium, sodium, potassium and calcium hydroxide derivatives take part in this process.

In addition, salts such as ammonium, sodium, potassium carbonate, bicarbonate salt, phosphoric acid salt (including monobasic and dibasic), sulfuric acid salt and bisulfite can be used.

Sugar color, E150 - effect on the body, harm or benefit?

Caramel color E150 is a worldwide approved food additive, however, the methods of its use and restrictions regarding the allowable amount differ in each country. Sugar color has excellent microbiological stability. Since the production of the specified food coloring takes place under conditions of high temperature, acidity and high pressure, it is absolutely sterile, because the listed conditions exclude the possibility of bacteria development.

Possible side effects from the use of products containing the food supplement E150 can be different: from allergic reactions to malignant tumors and a decrease in the absorption of vitamins.

The safest food additive from the E150 group is sugar color I - simple caramel. Caramel color E150b and E150d, due to the production technology, may contain traces of sulfites.

Caramel color is obtained from a number of elements. Certain ingredients used in its production may cause allergic reactions if the body is particularly sensitive to them, as well as in the presence of intestinal diseases or gluten intolerance. That is why people suffering from these disorders are advised to avoid products containing E150 dye, or at least determine the source of the additive before using them.

Food additive E150, caramel - use in food

Sugar color is one of the most famous and long used food colorings. The food additive E150 is an integral part of many food and beverage products produced by the industry, including dough products, beer, black bread, muffins, chocolate, biscuits, cough syrups, as well as spirits such as brandy, rum and whiskey; contain sugar color also chocolate-flavoured confectionery, glazes and sweet creams, decorations for ready-made confectionery products, fillings and gravies, potato chips, complex desserts, donuts, fish and caviar, frozen desserts, canned fruits, glucose tablets, sauces, ice cream, pickled vegetables and other pickles, soft drinks (especially cola and the like), candy, vinegar, and other foods.


When aging distillate in barrels, distillers often face the problem of the color of the drink, not everyone is satisfied with the light straw color characteristic of whiskey, rum or calvados from a barrel in which another drink was previously aged. The resources of the barrel are gradually depleted, and if the taste and smell are transferred to the drink in the required amount, then the color often remains quite pale.

In commercial production, this issue is a common thing and it is solved with the help of color, which is added even to very noble drinks made from cognac or grain spirits of a very long aging period.

On the reverse side of such drinks, the content of the dye e150a is indicated. Index "a" says that the dye is made from sugar without the addition of third-party ingredients and a small amount of it will not harm the flavor and aroma characteristics of the drink, but will affect the color, make it deeper and darker. Look at the bottles in your home bar and you are sure to find the presence of this ingredient on your favorite drinks.

Why not try to make it yourself, especially since we had several samples that would do well to slightly adjust the color by a couple of tones.

To make color, we took 150 grams of regular sugar and 150 ml of water.

Stir the sugar in the water to a syrup and began to heat it intensively, evaporating the water. At this stage, small white bubbles appear on the surface of the syrup.

After a significant amount of water has evaporated, the bubbles increase and the syrup begins to darken.

Here you need to be careful, since the caramelization temperature should be about 190-200 degrees, and above this temperature, the sugar begins to burn. Burnt sugar in the color will give unnecessary bitterness and can also cause the drink to become cloudy.

By the way, we were not able to withstand the syrup in the indicated range and for several minutes the temperature exceeded 200 degrees, while we smelled burnt sugar.

After reaching the temperature range, we monitor the color of the syrup and after it has become dark brown, stop heating and leave the syrup to cool to 60-70 degrees.

After cooling, add 100-150 ml of an alcoholic drink to it, which we plan to tint in the future. We added whiskey, but this color could probably be used for bourbon as well.

Try not to miss the point with the temperature, as at a higher temperature there is a danger of igniting alcohol, and at a lower temperature the syrup becomes too hard and it will be extremely difficult to dissolve it in alcohol. It took us about 30 minutes to mix and probably the longest procedure in the production process.

After the caramel has dissolved, it is recommended to lower the degree of color with water. Why do this we did not quite understand, but added 100 ml of water.

This completed the production process, we received about 180 ml of dye. This color scheme can be stored for quite a long time, the caramel dissolved in alcohol does not crystallize and the syrup remains liquid.

To test this syrup, we took

500 ml Corn Bourbon 65% ABV, aged for about 1 month on medium toasted oak cubes,

500 ml smoked malt whiskey, 42% abv, aged in medium toasted oak barrel for 6 months

500 ml of ordinary clean drinking water

When using food coloring e150a, dosages of 1-3 ml per 1 liter of drink are recommended, we took 1 ml per half liter.

When adding a dye to alcoholic beverages, we noticed a slight change in color, it did not change dramatically, but acquired a deeper shade. In our opinion, the addition of color did not affect the taste and smell, the initial flavor and aroma characteristics of these drinks were quite strong.

When adding a dye to a control flask with water, we noticed a significant change in color, based on this change, we can judge what effect the color really has on drinks already stained with oak. In the smell of water, we did not catch the extra notes, but in the taste they are quite a bit, but they appeared, we felt subtle shades of prunes and dried cherries.

Summarizing, in our opinion, such a dye can be used if your drink really requires a deeper and darker color, it does not give any additional noticeable taste or aromatic notes with its reasonable use. Moreover, there is no need to be afraid of using it, if you have prepared the color yourself, this is quite consistent with the idea of ​​craft drinks, as they are prepared with your own hands, with soul and imagination.

You can see in more detail the process of preparing and testing such a dye on our website. channel.

Caramel for moonshine is the final stage in the preparation of the drink. This process is no longer required for taste, but for the type of alcohol. Moonshine with brown shades looks noble and is somewhat reminiscent of cognac, whiskey and other expensive drinks. Sometimes, to taste, it will be difficult to distinguish correctly and qualitatively distilled moonshine from cognac.

But even after a long aging on oak chips or in barrels, the color of the drink remains light yellow. To achieve aesthetics, moonshine can be additionally painted. The procedure is used not only in relation to this type of alcohol. Cognacs are sometimes painted over at large factories. Moreover, most of the methods do not harm the taste, but even add additional charm and aroma.

Making caramel for moonshine

Drinks can be colored with herbs, decoctions and teas. But an interesting and easy way to color is caramel. It is added even to French cognacs. Caramel dye is called tint. If prepared correctly, it will not affect the taste of moonshine and will not make the drink cloudy. The procedure is easily carried out at home, and raw materials are always at hand.

And caramel color is a substance that does not fade even in the sun over time. The taste of caramel is felt in drinks only at a strong concentration or in low-alcohol products like beer. The technology is used not only for moonshine, but also for other types of home-made drinks.

Recipe for sugar color

To make caramel, you will need the following products:

  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Bottled water - 130 milliliters.
  • Vodka (distillate, alcohol 40 degrees) - 100 milliliters.
  • Citric acid - 5-6 grains. This ingredient is optional.

The essence of citric acid is that it makes the caramel structure more homogeneous. The number should not be large. Citric acid is more relevant for inverting sugar than for making color.

The algorithm of actions and caramelization of the drink is as follows:

  • Sugar is mixed in a saucepan with water in equal proportions (100 grams of sugar are taken per 100 milliliters of water).
  • The contents of the pot are brought to a boil. It is important that the container for making caramel has a non-stick coating.
  • As soon as the sugar began to melt, and the first bubbles appeared, and the consistency of the liquid became viscous, it is necessary to reduce the fire to a minimum.
  • After the water evaporates, the desired caramel shade will appear. The main thing at this stage is not to burn the sugar.
  • The desired color temperature is 190-200 degrees Celsius. If this figure is higher, then moonshine after adding caramel will become cloudy or darken too much.
  • As soon as the sugar reaches the color shade of the brewed tea, it must be removed from the stove. Approximately 15 minutes pass from the moment the water evaporates to the desired consistency and color.
  • The liquid must be cooled to room temperature, while it is important to stir the contents of the pan. The sugar will harden slightly during the process. If the caramel hardens completely, it will not be suitable for adding to moonshine, because it will not want to dissolve. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of boiling water, then the caramel will not harden even without stirring.
  • Citric acid is added to the color if desired.
  • Along with the acid, a small amount of alcohol (about 100 milliliters) is also added. It is important to add exactly the type of alcohol that will be mixed in the future. If you add another distillate or a drink with a different strength, then the moonshine will become cloudy after tinting.
  • Next, mix the caramel with a spoon until the liquid with alcohol becomes a homogeneous mass. This is a long stage.
  • If the caramel is very hard and does not want to dissolve, you can put the container back on the stove and warm it up a little. The main thing to remember is that alcohol with a high strength is heated along with it. Therefore, it is important to do everything in moderation and carefully.
  • When only small particles of caramel remain at the bottom, which is the norm, it is worth adding 30 milliliters of water. This is done in order to reduce the color strength to 40-45 degrees. Water is added right now, because according to the technology, burnt sugar must be dissolved in a liquid with a strength of 40-45 degrees.
  • As soon as the liquid stops dissolving the caramel remaining at the bottom, pour the finished color into a storage container (preferably a glass jar). The remains of burnt sugar can be crushed if desired and thrown into a container with color.

The result is a sugar concentrate with a rich dark color and a slight caramel smell. You can store this substance both in the refrigerator and at room temperature. Sugar coloring does not spoil for a very long time, because microorganisms do not start in it. But it is best to immediately use the color for its intended purpose.

There are no proportions for the amount of color for the distillate, it all depends on the desired shade and quality of the alcohol, its original color. To begin with, you can use a color scheme of two or three drops per liter of drink, mix, wait 3-5 minutes, and then, if desired, tint again.

The use of color shows the skill of the distiller and the desire to get the perfect alcohol. This procedure is carried out if there is time, as well as to surprise guests with the beauty of moonshine at home.

Sugar color, which is also called caramel or food additive E150, is essentially burnt, and has been known to mankind since the time when, in fact, sugar began to be produced. It was subjected to heat treatment, obtaining, depending on its degree, either a soft caramel mass or a solid substance with a characteristic taste. It was the coloring properties of the substance that were discovered a little later, and from about the middle of the 19th century they began to be used in food production. And today the food industry uses caramel "E150" to obtain the appropriate coloring of food.

Methods for obtaining the additive, its chemical properties

The substance is very easy to obtain at home - ordinary sugar is added together with the pan and dissolved over low heat. Optionally, you can add or . The longer the mixture is kept on the stove, the more bitter and dark the caramel will be. The sugar color obtained in this way can be dissolved in water, while it acquires a brown or dark brown tint. The resulting syrup can tint a drink or pastries.

For industrial purposes, the substance is synthesized from, or malt syrup.

According to its chemical structure, the E150 additive belongs to natural heteropolymer pigments with a complex structure.

The substance can be in a solid, thick or liquid state: in the form of a powder, granules, syrup or liquid solution. Coloring - beige, yellow-brown or dark brown. Sugar color or caramel has a characteristic smell of burnt sugar.

The additive has a high resistance to temperature and light effects, as well as to reactions with acids.

The melting points of sugar color depend on what feedstock it was obtained from: 145-149 degrees Celsius for glucose, 98-102 degrees for fructose, 160-185 degrees for sucrose, and, accordingly, the same melting parameters for caramel, made from these ingredients.

In addition to the main component, sulfuric, phosphoric, citric acids, ammonium, sodium, calcium and potassium alkalis can be added to caramel.

In addition to solubility in water, the substance has one more parameter: the degree of solubility in ethanol and.

A reservation should be made at this point - the fact is that several varieties of caramel are hidden under the designation “E150”, since the method of its preparation may include the addition of acids, alkalis, ammonium salts, sodium and potassium.

Thus, they distinguish:

  • simple caramel (E150a);
  • caramel synthesized using alkaline sulfite technology (E150b);
  • caramel obtained by ammonia technology (E150c);
  • caramel, which is made using ammonia-sulfite technology (E150d).

And if the first type, 150a, is insoluble in fats, then all other varieties are insoluble in alcohols. These characteristics directly affect in which products which type of caramel can be used.

Basically, the substance is used as:

  • dye (changes the color of the product, gives it more saturation);
  • emulsifier (in soft drinks prevents precipitation and turbidity).

Application in industry

The main “consumer” of sugar color is the food production industry. Food additive E150 can be found in various products. 150a is found in:

  • black bread, dough and pastries;
  • dairy products;
  • confectionery;

150b is used to make spirits and soft drinks. 150s - an ingredient for protein-containing drinks, sauces and beer. 150d is used in sweet sodas such as Coca-Cola, spirits, pet food. In addition, sugar color is a component of dry broths, canned meat, sausages and sausages.

The light-shielding properties of the substance do not allow food and drinks to oxidize; in non-alcoholic products, sugar color does not allow the appearance of flakes and sediment.

The effect of the supplement on human health

Food coloring E150 is approved for use in all countries of the world. There are no strict prohibitions and restrictions on this matter, however, in the USA there is a requirement for the E150d subspecies - its presence in the composition of the product must be indicated.

Regarding the benefits of eating sugar color, scientists today do not have any confirmed data. And the popularity and widespread use of the substance is due to the almost complete harmlessness to the human body. The possible harm from it is the same as from regular sugar - it can provoke allergic reactions and is contraindicated for diabetics. For overweight people and problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to limit the use of caramel and products with it in the composition. The danger in the composition of the additive may rather be residual traces of acids, alkalis and salts.

There is information that the type of E150d dye is a carcinogen, and in certain quantities provokes the appearance of malignant tumors, but science has no official confirmation of these data.

The sugar color food additive is perhaps one of the most ancient colorants and sweeteners known to man. From the very moment sugar began to be produced, man began to study its properties and tried to heat it, resulting in caramel. A simple and inexpensive substance of natural origin could not go unnoticed by food manufacturers. Already in the 19th century, when food began to be produced in factory conditions, the dye “sugar color” began to be used first in confectionery, later in drinks and other food.

Since this substance does not pose any significant harm to humans, it can be used in limited quantities by children and adults, with the exception of some exceptions for health reasons.

Cooks from ancient times have learned to use all kinds of food colorings in their craft. Changing the color of products is not easy, but very interesting. Warm brown shades are obtained thanks to a dye known as sugar color. In this article we will tell you how to make it and how to apply it.

Making sugar color

Making sugar color at home is not difficult at all. To prepare this dye, you only need sugar and, in some cases, water - nothing else.

Pour a few tablespoons of sugar into a metal bowl and put on a small fire. After a few minutes, the sugar will begin to melt and bubble. You need to remove it from the fire at the moment when it acquires the desired shade of yellow-brown color. Melted sugar should be poured into a bowl folded from food foil. It will be more convenient if this bowl is made square. The main thing is that it does not leak. For reliability, use two- or three-layer foil. When the sugar has cooled and slightly hardened, you need to make longitudinal and transverse grooves on it with a knife, trying to make the squares the same. Finally hardened sugar breaks easily along these grooves.

The use of sugar color

For coloring, take a few squares and fill them with hot liquid, then stir until the burnt sugar is completely dissolved. The resulting brown liquid can be used to change the color of drinks, cereals, broths, doughs, mastic, icing, fudge or jellies.

Sugar color is also used for coloring alcoholic beverages. cognac - the merit of this dye. On the labels it is referred to as E-150. To independently color an alcohol-containing drink, burnt sugar should be dissolved in the alcohol for which it is intended.


Food supplement E-150 has several additional markings, which are written in brackets, to the right of the main name. E-150 (1) is natural burnt sugar. All the rest are its synthetic analogues. They have the same color as natural burnt sugar, but they lack the traditional caramel flavor.

The benefits and harms of the dye

Burnt sugar is no more harmful than regular white sugar. In some cases, doctors recommend giving it to children for resorption from a dry cough. If we consider synthetic sugar color, its harm can only be noticeable if it is consumed in large quantities. In the composition of food products, it is usually a little, so you can not be afraid of unpleasant consequences.

Since many people believe that in the total mass of products that we bring from stores, the composition of artificial components is so large that our bodies do not have time to get rid of them, in this case we can only advise one thing - to cook our own food, and use semi-finished products as less often. If you learn how to make sugar color with your own hands, and this is not at all difficult, then you will certainly find its use in a variety of cases.

For example, you can make the famous creme brulee ice cream. It owes its unique taste and color to sugar color. If you cook it yourself from the best products, then it will turn out no worse than the creme brulee that was made in St. Petersburg before the invention of artificial flavors and dyes.

Creme brulee ice cream

Creme brulee ice cream is a dessert that allows you to enjoy all the advantages of sugar caramel - its most delicate taste and unusually appetizing color. The natural dye sugar color, as we wrote above, is in harmony with various products, but the palm can be safely given to dairy products. To make ice cream, you need 4 tbsp. pour spoons of granulated sugar into a non-enamelled metal bowl and melt. Boil should be until the caramel acquires a shade of onion peel. Bring 100 ml of cream to a boil and pour into caramel. Stir the creamy caramel and leave to cool.

Grind four egg yolks with three tablespoons of powdered sugar and combine with creamy caramel. Whip 600 ml of heavy (33%) cream with three tablespoons of powdered sugar. Combine whipped cream with caramel mixture and mix well. Place the creme brulee in a bowl and place in the freezer. To make the ice cream soft, it needs to be stirred every 15 minutes. The duration of freezing depends on the individual characteristics of the freezer. At -20 degrees, ice cream will be ready in one to two hours.

Coloring various desserts

The solid sugar color dye prepared according to our recommendation in many recipes is recommended to be dissolved in water, but, as practice shows, this is not always justified. In some desserts, excess water adversely affects the taste and texture of the finished dish. Since sugar color dissolves well in milk, and it is part of a large number of sweet dishes, it is better to take hot milk rather than water to dissolve burnt sugar.

Original ways to use sugar color

Sugar coloring of different shades allows you to make creams, jellies and other desserts with puff and decorated elements of different tones of caramel color. To obtain a sugar color of different shades, it must be removed from the fire at different times. At the beginning of boiling, the lightest tone is obtained, one minute after boiling - medium brown, and 2 minutes after boiling, the color of the color will begin to resemble an iodine solution. It is not necessary to overexpose sugar on fire - from a long boil it begins to taste bitter.

Sugar kohler has a peculiar taste that goes well not only with dairy products, but also with some fruits, such as apples and pears. It also harmonizes well with various nuts - it is no coincidence that this component is so popular with lovers of sweet roasting, which consists of roasted nuts and burnt sugar. By adding milk or cream and dried fruits to this duet, you can prepare the famous sherbet, which is so popular in the Middle East.