
How long to dry Ivan tea at home. Ivan-chai flowers - how to collect and dry? Ivan tea collection technology


Ivan tea, or narrow-leaved fireweed, has been used since ancient times as healing infusions, decoctions and simply teas. But, in order for the drink to be as healthy and tasty as possible, you need to know how to collect and dry fireweed correctly.

This can be done either in the usual grandma’s way or using modern technologies - dryers. Flowers and leaves are collected from the plant as raw materials.

Where and when to collect fireweed

Recommended collection time is from June to August (during the most abundant flowering). It is better if fireweed grows in a sunny clearing near a pond. There the plant contains a maximum of useful substances. You should not take plants from places close to roads. (Read about how to grow fireweed in the country).

Note: Only angustifolia fireweed is suitable for collection, and not its brother, wood fireweed. They can be distinguished by the height of the bush. Angustifolia fireweed reaches up to 2 m in height, when its counterpart grows no higher than 15-20 cm.

Assembly Rules

You can collect fireweed tea:

  • collecting leaves and inflorescences separately;
  • cut off the entire plant, leaving the petiole about 20 cm above the ground.

Leaves should be plucked off or trimmed with garden shears. When pruning, you must also grab part of the petiole on which it sits. For processing, the leaves must be of medium size (no need to take the largest ones from the bottom of the plant), even, without dark or light spots. There should be no cobwebs on the leaves.

Flowers must be taken fresh, not wilted. You can also collect unopened inflorescences. The flowers should also be free of foreign inclusions and stains.

Take note: It is believed that the younger the flowers and leaves, the more beneficial properties they contain.

Harvesting methods at home

After the leaves are collected, they must be dried. If there are no insects (aphids) on the leaves, then they do not need to be washed. If you do get aphids, then you need to soak them for 15 minutes in a container of water and strain.

The withering procedure consists of several stages:

When the foliage has withered, it must be allowed for further processing - fermentation.
Fermentation is the process of fermentation. From the damaged structure of the leaf, juice is released, in which the tea is fermented. The longer the process, the darker the tea will turn out. It is important not to miss the right moment and stop the process in time. After fermentation, the tea leaves are dried.

The leaves must be laid one on one in a not too thick layer. Roll them into a “sausage”. The process is reminiscent of rolling a rolling pin on a table. At this time, the integral structure of the leaf collapses and the juice begins to be released, so the leaves may become darker in color.

The resulting bundles of foliage must be folded in layers into an enamel pan or small basin. Cover the top of the container with a damp towel. Leave in this state for 3-4 hours in a warm place, possibly next to a radiator or stove.

The extent of the process can be determined by smell. Instead of a grassy smell, a light fruity aroma should come out of the pan (this is a sign that fermentation needs to be stopped).

There is another way to prepare fireweed. It's much simpler and faster. After drying, the leaves are passed through a meat grinder. Then they are put into disposable bags and sent to a pan for fermentation. Then everything is identical to the first method.

Drying methods and storage

The most popular drying method in city apartments is oven drying. To do this, the “sausages” are taken out of the pan and cut into small strips (or twisted leaves from bags).

Spread the tea in a thin layer on a baking sheet (it is better to cover it with parchment paper). Place in a cold oven, which is then heated to 90C.

Periodically (about every 10 minutes) the tea should be stirred, making sure that it does not dry out.

Readiness can be determined by the following signs:

  • the color of the tea leaves has become dark (like tea from a store);
  • The tea has dried up, but it still doesn’t crumble in your hands.

As soon as these signs appear, you can take out the baking sheet and put the tea away for storage.

Another way to dry tea is in a special electric dryer; it is also used for drying fruits, vegetables and berries. It sets a special mode and a certain time. The dryer is convenient because you don’t have to stand near it to watch or stir.

Dried and cooled tea is sent for storage. The ideal container is a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Tea can be stored in a jar all year. Storage temperature – from 10-20C. The container with tea should be stored in a dark place for the winter.

How to prepare Ivan tea at home, how to make delicious unusual tea from it, read a little below. For now, a few warm words about Ivan-tea. People say that it always grows in places after fires. This happened to my garden eight years ago. Gradually the house was rebuilt. Since then, a handsome, persistent guard has settled near him. It grows every season, pleases, calms with its presence, the beauty of flowering from late June to September.

Description of Ivan - tea

Its other names are fireweed, fireweed (from the word cinder), warm flower, down jacket, Ivan's grass.

All summer, the plant covers the ground with a pink carpet up to a meter high, and in the fall it covers it with a duvet - fireweed seeds are equipped with feathers 2-3 cm in size.

In the north of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Ivan-tea grows everywhere - in fields, forests, clearings, edges.

Several years ago, a hurricane swept through our forest, the broken trees were taken out, and thickets of fireweed grew in their place. This is a wonderful honey plant - if there is an apiary nearby, the bees will make very “correct” high-quality honey, as well as royal jelly and propolis.

Strong fabrics were previously made from the stems, and mattresses and pillows were stuffed with downy seeds.

When and how to collect fireweed for making tea

We are now interested in how to properly collect and dry Ivan tea to maintain health, use it all winter and make tea at home. There are two ways: the first is regular drying, in the other it is fermented.

Collected during flowering (July-September). Leaves scurry from top to bottom along the stem, stepping back from the base of the peduncle a few centimeters. They also don’t tear off the foliage until the end; they leave the willow grass with a source of food.

Later harvesting is not desirable, since the beneficial properties of fireweed decrease, the leaf becomes rough, and the flowers are replaced by seeds with powder puffs.

It is more convenient to prepare flowers separately. I dry them in running air and add them to the dried leaf of willow-tea for beauty.

The raw materials are dried under normal conditions, in the shade. You can use the oven. With the door open the temperature is 50-60 degrees. Brew like regular tea. While the season lasts, the grass is used fresh.

In my opinion, it is better to collect and prepare everything on our own, since in this case we will know that we will make healthy tea from fireweed.

Fermentation method

First, the leaves, scattered in a layer of no more than 5 centimeters, are dried for 10 - 12 hours. Then twist it with your palms until the juice comes out, transfer it to a container with closed sides (basin, bucket). Top cover with a wet cloth, kept at 25 degrees for 6-10 hours. At this time, fermentation takes place. The fact that the process is underway can be judged by the appearance of a specific sweetish smell.

Finally, fireweed is dried in the oven at 100 degrees for about half an hour, stirring and watching. With this heating we stop the fermentation process. Dry pink flowers are added separately to the resulting tea. It turns out beautiful.

The result may be a drink of different shades, since if the process takes different times, then the degree of oxidation of the leaves is different. Heating stops fermentation, resulting in low, medium and highly fermented herbs.

Both harvesting methods can be carried out at home.

In Russia they knew how to process fireweed and how to prepare it back in the 12th century (the village of Koporye near St. Petersburg). So it began to be called “Koporsky”. They brew it and drink it like tea, and you can add boiling water up to three times, without affecting the healing properties.

Store dry herbs in glass jars or craft bags for two years.

Now you know how to collect and dry ivan tea, ferment it and brew it.

Is fireweed tea without fermentation healthy? Undoubtedly. It’s just that in the fermented version, the healing substances are absorbed better.

The root of fireweed grows up to 70 cm. It is dug up in the fall, washed and dried. It tastes sweet and is pleasant to eat even raw. Dry root can be ground and added to porridge. Now I will prepare it too.

Those who want to independently prepare tea leaves for this healthy and tasty drink need to know how to collect and dry fireweed.

Properly prepared fireweed (fireweed, Koporye tea) has long been a worthy competitor to the best varieties of traditional tea. At the same time, it has a positive effect on human health. Its medicinal properties are many times superior to both black and green tea.

Basic information about the plant

Ivan tea (angustifolia fireweed) is a well-known medicinal plant. This perennial, whose height reaches 1-1.5 m, grows in almost all regions of Russia. It is found along roads, near bodies of water, in clearings, wastelands, and clearings.

Angustifolia fireweed blooms with red, pink, and purple flowers, collected in conical clusters.

All parts of the plant (flowers, leaves, roots) are used as medicinal raw materials. Fresh and dried fireweed is used to prepare tinctures, decoctions, and ointments.

Tea from this plant is a very effective remedy for the treatment of various diseases. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home yourself.

Ivan-tea is made by analogy with obtaining ordinary tea. The main point in its preparation is the fermentation process, which can last 3-48 hours.

The duration and temperature of fermentation affects the smell, taste and color of the final product. When making such tea at home, the result may be a product with a green, yellowish or dark tint.

Ivan tea is a herb containing a lot of chemical elements such as iron, titanium, nickel, manganese, boron, copper, potassium, calcium, molybdenum, sodium, lithium.

In terms of its value, it surpasses such products as seaweed, citrus fruits, and black currants. This plant also contains B vitamins, which affect the metabolic process in the human body.

Fireweed does not contain caffeine, oxalic, uric and puric acid, which not only have a detrimental effect on metabolism, but can cause significant harm to health. It has excellent taste.

Ivan tea is a valuable product that not only improves overall tone and gives strength, but also helps eliminate headaches and migraines, improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, relieves stress and tension, and alleviates the symptoms of epileptic diseases.

Ivan tea is used in the treatment of neuroses, mental and post-traumatic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, flatulence, enterocolitis).

It has a positive effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa, improves intestinal motility, normalizes metabolism, eliminates constipation, dysbacteriosis, heartburn, and has a choleretic and antiallergic effect.

Fireweed is an excellent prevention of oral diseases such as caries and periodontal disease.

It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the respiratory system such as ARVI, tracheitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Ivan-tea normalizes the temperature, eliminates chills and fever.

It is used in the complex therapy of tuberculosis. This plant is useful for anemia, metabolic disorders, weakened immunity.

Ivan tea is an excellent antioxidant remedy. It perfectly removes toxins, slags, radionuclides, heavy metals from the body. Fireweed is effective for alcohol intoxication, delirium tremens. This plant has proven itself in the treatment of cancer.

Ivan tea increases hemoglobin levels, normalizes water and electrolyte balance, and reduces blood pressure. One of its most valuable properties is that it is not addictive.

As a tonic drink, Koporye tea perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates. It can be used during pregnancy and lactation as it has virtually no side effects.

It is used in complex therapy of infertility in men and women. As an external remedy, fireweed is used to wash purulent wounds and various skin diseases. Ivan tea is used as a cosmetic product, adding it to creams, masks, and steam baths.

When and how to collect fireweed

People who want to prepare a healing drink from fireweed angustifolia are wondering how to properly collect and dry fireweed.

In different regions of the country, this plant is harvested in June-August. At the same time, it must bloom. Fireweed leaves and flowers are collected separately. This procedure is best performed in the morning. The color must be cut carefully, choosing only the blossoming buds.

You should not collect brushes with unopened flowers, as during drying they can ripen and release fluff, which impairs the quality of medicinal raw materials.

The leaves are plucked from the stem carefully, moving your hand from top to bottom with a sharp but light movement. For the preparation of raw materials, only whole and undamaged leaves are used. They should not have dark spots or holes. The top and bottom leaves are not suitable for making quality tea.

Initial drying

Before fermentation of fireweed begins, the collected leaves are washed, laid out on cotton cloth and left in the shade for 12 hours. This is necessary so that the raw material becomes slightly dried, soft and unbreakable.

Well-withered leaves do not produce a crunch when folded in half. Raw materials ready for fermentation, when strongly compressed into a lump, should not open or crumble.

How to ferment fireweed at home

At the moment, several technologies for preparing medicinal raw materials from this plant have been patented. A very important point in this regard is the fermentation process (fermentation process) of the collected parts of the plant, which makes fireweed tea the most effective and gives it a refined aroma.

During fermentation, oxidation by air occurs, which promotes fermentation processes. To start the fermentation process, the collected leaves and flowers are crushed to release the juice. After this, the content of useful substances in the green mass increases.

When preparing raw materials, metal objects should not be used to prevent increased oxidation and deterioration of the taste of tea. The most popular methods for preparing Koporye tea are:

Easy way

In this method, the collected leaves are cut and placed in a pan or bowl. They are not cut too large so that they give the maximum amount of juice.

The prepared raw materials are kneaded well by hand and left at room temperature in a jar or other container for fermentation. It can last 24-36 hours.

It should be remembered that the higher the temperature in the room, the faster the fermentation process takes place. The raw material, ready for drying, has a pleasant fruity aroma.

Fermentation by oppression

Under pressure, in which the collected raw materials are divided into 2 parts. Juice is squeezed out of one of them using a juicer. The second part of the raw material is placed in an enamel pan and poured with the prepared juice.

A weight is placed on top (a wooden circle or a lid with a heavy load of 15-20 kg). In this case, the juice should not touch the load so as not to spoil the taste of the final product. The raw materials are left to ferment for 36-48 hours.

Old Russian method

With the Old Russian method, the leaves are scattered in a layer of 5 cm. The raw materials are left for 12 hours to dry. At the same time, it is periodically turned over, not allowing the top leaves to dry out.

The prepared raw materials are rolled with the palms of the hands into small sausages until the leaves darken. They are laid out on trays and covered with a damp cloth. Leave the raw materials in a warm place for 6-12 hours. The fermented leaves are finely chopped.

There are 3 degrees of fermentation of fireweed tea:

  • light, in which the leaves are fermented for 3-6 hours. The final product has a mild taste and delicate aroma;
  • medium, which lasts 10-16 hours. This tea will have a moderately tart taste with sourness;
  • deep, in which the fermentation process lasts 20-48 hours. This tea will have a tart taste.

Photo: preparing raw materials for fermentation


After fermentation, the raw materials are roasted, during which the oxidation processes are stopped. The final quality of tea is greatly influenced by the time it is prepared.

So, the less time passes between the start of the fermentation process and drying, the less fermented it will be.

Depending on the technology used for preparing raw materials, Koporye tea can turn out to be green, red or long tea (black).

After the raw material changes color (darkens), it is dried in an oven or oven at a temperature of 100 ° C. To do this, the raw material is laid out on a baking sheet with parchment in a layer up to 2 cm thick.

If you don't have an oven, you can dry the leaves in a dry cast-iron frying pan. First, the raw materials are dried over low heat for about 40 minutes, and then the heat is increased to medium and the fireweed is brought to a dry state, stirring it constantly.

In general, the drying process of raw materials takes 1.5-2 hours. If during the drying process the temperature is below 60° C, you will get green fireweed tea.

The readiness of the tea is checked by touch. Well-dried tea resembles regular tea and has a rich and strong aroma. When squeezed, well-dried tea leaves break, but do not crumble into fine dust.

Drying inflorescences

Drying fireweed inflorescences is carried out similarly to drying leaves, but for a shorter time. If desired, you can mix dried flowers and leaves before brewing the drink to obtain a richer tea taste.

Storage rules

Dry fireweed tea is stored in a clean, dry jar, plastic containers or paper bags at room temperature.

To preserve its beneficial properties and taste, any container used must be tightly closed. This tea reaches commercial condition a month after storage.

Despite all the usefulness of fireweed, you should consult your doctor before using it, as in rare cases, some people have an individual intolerance to the components of this herb.

Also, you should not consume it in large quantities for a long time, as it can cause diarrhea.

Video: IVAN TEA: properties, collection, drying, fermentation

Ivan tea cannot be compared with any other plant in its importance in the healing treasury of the Russian people. Our ancestors drank a drink from it, knowing about the great healing power of grass, namely its leaves. There was a time when all of Europe could enjoy the exquisite taste of tea, which was in no way inferior to overseas varieties. Admirers eagerly awaited the arrival of merchants from the Russian land with truly golden, useful and fragrant goods.

Ivan-tea, also known as narrow-leaved fireweed, in English Fireweed, which is translated as “weed from fires.” The very first appears on lands devastated by fire to prepare the ground for colonization by other plants. The seeds of a giant flower, reaching up to one and a half meters, thanks to its volatility, can quickly populate vast areas experiencing problems due to disturbance of vegetation cover. Therefore, in wastelands and forest edges, in clearings and swampy places, we encounter the pink blaze of flowers of the miraculous fireweed angustifolia.

Not everyone knows how to properly ferment fireweed at home. To get a real natural product from leaves, you need to try very hard, prepare it correctly, or rather ferment it. It is possible to do this yourself with certain knowledge and experience. There is no point in simply drying and brewing the leaves. You will not get the taste, the result, or the desired effect. Watch the video and see the usefulness of this drink and the importance of preparing it correctly.

The secret of Ivan tea lies in fermentation. Only with proper processing of green raw materials can insoluble substances from plant tissue become soluble and easily absorbed by the body. And we will receive from this process the smell, taste and color of the desired drink, and most importantly, benefits.

Preparing a healing infusion is a process that involves several stages. You need to collect the leaves, wither them, roll them, carry out the fermentation process, dry them and store them properly. And then brew and drink, receiving true pleasure from the tea, a boost of energy and beneficial substances. Let's look at how proper fermentation of Ivan tea occurs at home and its methods.

How to collect and dry leaves

The collection of raw materials occurs during the flowering period of plants from June and throughout August. It is during this period that it gains its greatest strength. As soon as the fireweed blooms pink, people go for the leaves.

They are picked off until the flowers bloom. Then the plant’s strength dries up and begins to decline. They do not tear up foliage near public roads and collect them only in dry weather. You need to choose shaded places, along the edges of forest clearings. The leaf there is green, juicy and tender. It rolls better and is easier to prepare, and the tea itself tastes a hundred times better.

You need to support the stem with your left hand at the peduncle, and with your right hand you need to guide it from top to bottom, tearing off the leaves. The lower ones don't take it, they're rude. And 3-4 tiers are left under the flowers, taking care of the plant. So, it will be able to continue to raise moisture from the roots, collect dew, bloom and delight, and plant seeds. And the plant also tries for humans. It grew tall so that it would be easier to tear leaves from it without bending.

It is better to collect in batches of up to one and a half kilograms. Process one, go for the next one. Dry the flowers separately; you can then add them to tea.

It is necessary to wilt the raw materials, this later helps to curl the leaves. Check the collected leaves and remove any damaged ones. Inspect them carefully and remove snails and other insects.

The leaves are not washed so as not to remove beneficial microorganisms. They take an active part in fermentation.

Place linen or cotton towels in the shade, and a 3-5 cm layer of raw materials on them. If the weather is dry and sunny, dry for 4 hours, cool and rainy - 8 hours. Turn the leaves periodically so that they dry evenly. You can tell when the leaves are ready by the crunch of the central vein. Bend one in half, it crunches, which means increase the time. Soft and without crunch – ready for the next stage.

How to Roll and Ferment Leaves

In order to extract useful substances from the dried green mass as completely as possible, it is necessary to destroy the structure of the leaf before the formation of juice. To do this, choose one of three processing methods.

  1. Roll by hand. Take a few leaves and roll them between your palms into a tube. They will darken and juice will come out. The formed rolls are usually 10 cm long and one and a half centimeters thick (give or take). Of course, this method requires a lot of time, unless in a large company. Then the process will go faster.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder. Grind the raw materials in a meat grinder with a large grid. Fast and easy.
  3. Freeze in the freezer. Place the leaves in a clean, dry plastic bag and place in the freezer. There they will collapse evenly and release juice well. And it’s easy to roll the leaves after defrosting.

The main stage is the fermentation of fireweed. The quality of the process will affect the aroma, taste and benefits of the drink. If everything is done correctly, the result at its best will be achieved.

Place the prepared leaves in a plastic container, preferably an enamel pan, in a layer of 10 cm, press down a little and cover with a damp natural cloth (cotton or linen).

Place in a warm place to ferment. The fabric should be moistened at all times. To do this, carefully remove it and wet it again.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the fermentation process will take. The higher the room temperature, the faster fermentation will occur. You need to know that too high a temperature or overexposure of raw materials threatens to deteriorate the smell and taste.

When the color of the mass turns brown or blackens, and the smell becomes rich, floral and fruity, it means that the fermentation was successful.

There are three types of fermentation.

Light – until the first signs of a pleasant aroma, approximately 6 hours;

  • the mass is green;
  • light tea;
  • the aroma is strong;
  • the taste is soft and delicate.

Medium – usually from 10 to 16 hours,

  • with a pronounced aroma,
  • tart taste with slight sourness,
  • The drink itself has a rich reddish-brown color.

Deep – from 20 to 36 hours:

  • tart;
  • there is no sourness;
  • light aroma;
  • black tea color.

Try different types of fermentation and choose according to your taste. You can prepare teas of varying degrees of fermentation and then mix them. The main thing is not to miss the moment of the end of fermentation and not to let the mass become moldy.

Drying fireweed and storing raw materials

Loose leaf tea after fermentation will be obtained if the leaves are rolled by freezing or between the palms. The finished rolls are cut into discs (0.5 cm) with a knife and dried. We have granulated tea after rolling the leaf mass through a meat grinder. Here's how to dry fireweed tea correctly:

  1. After fermentation, carefully loosen the mixture so that it is free of lumps.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the prepared mixture 1 cm thick on it.
  3. Dry for two hours at an oven temperature of at least 100 degrees. Open the door slightly. To completely remove the moisture, after a while reduce the temperature to 50 degrees. Stir the future tea periodically and taste it by touch.
  4. The end of drying will be indicated by tea leaves, which, when squeezed, will break, but will not crumble. The color is like regular tea.
  5. Remove the pan from the oven and leave to cool. Pour the dry tea into a bag made of thin natural fabric, maybe into a pillowcase and hang it in the shade in the breeze.

There is also a way to dry it in an electric dryer. But there you need to lay out the mass with gaps and not tightly. This way the device will not overheat.

A thick-walled frying pan is suitable for drying, in which you need to simmer the mass and shake it for half an hour. Then, over medium heat, bring to a dry state, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon.
Don't let a burning smell develop. But it is also dangerous not to dry it completely; during storage, the tea may become moldy.

Do not dry the flowers of the plant along with the fermented foliage. They dry out faster, and at 100-degree temperatures they will simply burn. The best option would be the oven (50–60 degrees) and dry them very quickly to avoid loss of aroma.

To keep tea well, you need to prepare containers. Rinse the glass jars, sterilize them, let them dry, and the plastic lids should be clean and preferably new. Birch bark boxes, metal boxes, and disposable plastic containers are suitable.

Make notes on paper indicating the degree of fermentation and dates of preparation.
Do not prepare dry tea right away, let it age. The longer it is stored, the more impressive it is. Wait a month and brew. Dry tea can be stored for no more than 3 years. If you decide to drink the magic drink daily, store it in a metal box.

How to brew fireweed tea

Rinse a clean kettle with boiling water. Add 2 teaspoons of tea leaves and pour a glass of hot water (not boiling water). Cover with a lid and a towel on top for ten minutes. Pour into cups and be amazed at the unique aroma. The drink is already ready and there is no need to dilute it with water.

Pour the tea leaves again and let it brew for 15 minutes. The infusion will become even richer, more aromatic and tastier. This is the optimal time, otherwise it will overheat and the charm of the product will disappear. Use dry tea twice. During this time, it will give up all its beneficial substances.

Drink the drink hot, warm or cold. If you decide to reheat, do not bring to a boil.
In the old days, the healing remedy from fireweed was drunk with honey, dried fruits and jams. No sugar was added at that time, and it was already very good. We enjoyed and thanked the plant for its help for good health.

Try different mixing options with dried flowers, mint, oregano, and lemon balm. Dried blueberries, wild strawberries and raspberries. Here you can experiment to achieve new aromas and tastes.

Recipe for “Gorodets tea” from Margarita Voronina

Prepare two kettles. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry fireweed tea into a small one and pour a glass of very hot water for 10 minutes. Let it brew, pour the drink into a large container, and pour the steamed tea leaves again. So, at least four times.

Beneficial ingredients are consistently extracted from fireweed. The drink acts as a preventative against cancer. Fireweed tea will not stain tooth enamel. Its taste is unique, so don’t look for familiar notes in it.

The secret of fireweed has been revealed. The plant itself contains everything for fermentation. Wet, crumpled leaves are rich in vitamins, nutrients and intracellular enzymes that change the biochemical composition. The process is similar to self-digestion. At the same time, the leaves begin to darken and a pleasant smell appears.

By the way, any medicinal plants are fermented. Just imagine how many new healthy drinks you can prepare. Let’s take Bolotov’s famous kvass as a side dish. Would you like to know more about it?

Official medicine says nothing about taking Ivan tea. You can only rely on information from grandmothers who drink this drink and prepare it in dry form for themselves and for sale.
First of all, pay attention to the contraindications.

Drink tea for no more than 14 days and take a break. Otherwise, it may cause diarrhea. Although for some, the drink has become a daily drink.

The optimal number of glasses of aromatic potion is no more than seven.

Follow the brewing recipe: add a teaspoon of dry product to a glass of hot water.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous researcher Badmaev became interested in studying the properties of the magical plant, fireweed angustifolia, and proved its restorative powers by his own example. He devoted a lot of work to the healing gift of Nature. Tea was the main drink for scientists and doctors. And it was to him that Pyotr Alexandrovich was grateful to the joy of fatherhood at the age of 100 and his longevity of 110 years. Here is proof of the uniqueness of the drink!

If you come across a plant somewhere in nature, be sure to pick its leaves and flowers. Prepare fireweed tea at home and drink for your health. This is a powerful force bestowed upon man, which must not be forgotten.

Ivan tea is a tasty, aromatic and, most importantly, healthy drink that fully reveals its properties during the process of proper fermentation and drying. If you dry the plant, neglecting the fermentation process, the resulting drink will be cloudy with a primitive taste, but it is enough to prepare fireweed tea correctly and it will delight you with its incredible properties.

Nowadays, quite a few methods of drying and fermenting angustifolia fireweed are used, but the most convenient and simplest method of preparation is considered fireweed in an electric dryer e. Tea dried by this method is distinguished by its transparency, wonderful aroma, rich taste and, of course, many medicinal properties. Let's figure out whether it is possible to dry fireweed in an electric dryer and how to do it.

Features of drying fireweed in an electric dryer

So, the process of preparing fireweed begins with the collection of the plant; this occurs during the flowering of angustifolia fireweed. Further processing of the collected “harvest” occurs in several stages:

  • drying;
  • preparation in fermentation;
  • fermentation;
  • drying.

Drying is the initial stage of preparing fireweed; you need to thoroughly wash and sort out the collected leaves, then lay them out in a small layer of 2-3 centimeters on paper or a clean cloth. Place the spread leaves in a cool and dark place, as they should not be exposed to sunlight. Fireweed leaves should be dried at a temperature of 20 °C for 24 hours.

The next stage of drying fireweed in an electric dryer is preparation for fermentation. This process is the most labor-intensive, since you need to roll the leaves by hand or roll them with a rolling pin until the juice releases and darkens. In some cases, preparation for fermentation is carried out using a meat grinder, but it is believed that in this case the properties of the plant are slightly reduced.

Next, the leaves prepared for fermentation need to be transferred to a container and placed in a warm place. To obtain green tea, the container must be stored at a temperature of 25°C for 6-12 hours. Black tea will be obtained if you keep the container with tea at the same temperature, but for 24-36 hours, until a pleasant fruity aroma appears. Having kept the container with tea, you can start drying; here it is important to figure out how long to dry fireweed in an electric dryer.

Fireweed should be dried in an electric dryer at a temperature of 50-70°C for half an hour. During drying, the tea should be stirred periodically (at least twice). Since the power of an electric dryer can vary, it is important not to burn the plant or overdry it. Drying time depends on your wishes. And the time the tea is “baked” determines how strong it will be.

That is, figuring out how to dry fireweed in an electric dryer is quite simple, but this process must be treated with special responsibility. After drying, fireweed tea can be stored for two years in a dry, sealed container. After two years, tea may lose its taste and healing properties; it is recommended to prepare a fresh portion of Ivan tea annually.