
Biography and personal life. Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin: eight women and one wedding Personal life hockey player Alexander Ovechkin

Pathology of the uterus

Nastya's parents met in 1991 at the Odessa film festival "Golden Duke". 27-year-old millionaire ship owner Kirill Shubsky fell in love with the charming 35-year-old actress Vera Glagoleva at first sight and showered her with bouquets of roses and luxurious gifts. He surrounded Anya and Masha, daughters of Glagoleva from her first marriage with Rodion Nakhapetov, with care and attention. The actress could not resist the onslaught of an imposing businessman and responded to his feelings. She left the cinema, took the children and left for Switzerland with her beloved for two years. There, on November 16, 1993, their daughter Nastasya was born.

The girl was born under unusual circumstances. The doctors of the local clinic did not know Russian, and Vera had to call a friend who translated the recommendations of obstetricians to the woman in labor. From her first days, the baby was surrounded by love and adoration, all doors were open before her, her every desire was immediately fulfilled. At the same time, she grew up as a stubborn, self-confident and independent child, able to defend her point of view.

As a child, she was engaged in tennis, figure skating and gymnastics, later she became interested in ballet following the example of her sister Anya. As a teenager, she made her debut in Ca de Bou (2005), which was never completed. A year later, she played the role of the daughter of the heroes Alena Babenko and Ilya Shakunov in Vera Glagoleva's film The Ferris Wheel (2007).


After graduating from school as an external student, Nastya entered the VGIK at the production department, moved from her parent's house to a rented apartment. From that moment began her adult independent life. In 2009, she starred with her mother in her next film A Woman Wants to Know..., and two years later she took part in the debutante ball of the Chanel fashion house.

Her appearance did not go unnoticed, and Nastasya seriously thought about a modeling career. She began to receive invitations from prestigious glossy publications, and in 2015, dressed in a dress from Valentin Yudashkin, Shubskaya became the queen of a fashion show hosted on the 20th anniversary of the Russian Silhouette Foundation.

But the work of the model soon got bored with the ambitious girl and became more of a hobby for her. Nastasya moved to the United States and enrolled in acting classes in Los Angeles, intending to devote her future career to cinema.

Personal life of Anastasia Shubskaya

It goes without saying that from a young age, the charming daughter of influential and wealthy parents was surrounded by crowds of admirers. Nastya's first serious romance happened at the age of nineteen - with the famous financier Artem Bolshakov. Shubskaya was even going to marry him, but after the businessman left for the United States, their feelings gradually faded away.

But Nastasya did not stay alone for long, and soon rumors spread about her romance with world hockey legend Alexander Ovechkin. Their first meeting took place many years ago, at the Beijing Olympics, where Nastya came with her father.

Later, they crossed paths more than once in common companies, but they began to meet after Shubskaya described on her Instagram an incident that happened to her on vacation in the Emirates. Then the girl almost drowned, and Alexander considered it necessary to support her and inquire about her well-being.

Correspondence ensued, followed by a personal meeting. Since then, the lovers have not parted. In August 2016, they officially registered their relationship, and on July 8, 2017, they celebrated a luxurious wedding in Moscow. Anastasia took her husband's surname. Even before becoming the wife of the famous hockey player, Anastasia gave an interview to the wedding publication Wedding, in which she admitted that she was ready to become a mother: “Children should be born in marriage. Since we are planning children, why not legalize our relationship now.

One of the brightest representatives of hockey sports, Alexander Ovechkin, is a nugget and a talented player who managed not only to achieve great victories, but also to win the hearts of fans.

Many people know where Ovechkin plays, how much he receives, what awards he received, but in our article you can find out more detailed information, interesting facts from the life of an athlete. The personal life of Alexander Ovechkin was also quite interesting. Read on for the most juicy details from the career and life of a popular hockey player.

Surely, there is not a single hockey fan who would not admire the famous hockey player and would not like to know his height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ovechkin is also an important topic, especially for an athlete. Alexander Ovechkin weighs 99 kg, his height is 190 cm. In September 2018, he will turn 33 years old.

It's no secret that playing hockey requires excellent physical fitness. Alexander Ovechkin, in addition to training on ice, regularly visits the gym. One of the most frequently used exercise machines was a bicycle. Since hockey players often injure their knees, it is very important to warm up and train them on time, which Alexander Ovechkin does almost every day. Photos in his youth and now are different, because in his youth he was thin and with teeth, and now pumped up, toothless and slightly grayish.

An exercise called a bridge is very helpful and prevents back injuries. This is what helps to strengthen the back muscles. Of course, it is also important to swing your arms, bench press on the ball is what you need.

In addition to the above exercises, the list of daily workouts also includes running and balance exercises.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

The hockey player has long entered the world arena of sports and is very popular far beyond the borders of Russia, which means that the biography and personal life of Alexander Ovechkin are frequently discussed topics in the press.

Alexander Ovechkin was born in 1985 in Moscow. The future was a foregone conclusion, because the hockey player's parents are also famous and successful athletes. Father - Mikhail Ovechkin, football player of FC Dynamo, mother - Tatyana Ovechkina - basketball player, two-time Olympic champion. It would be strange if Alexander did not choose sports. Slightly surprised only by the sport that Alexander Ovechkin chose. No one in the Ovechkin family was fond of hockey, however, one day, the boy noticed a hockey game on TV and since then fell in love with this sport.

The father brought his son to the coach when he was already 8 years old, but the boys in the team played from the age of 5-6, and Ovechkin did not even know how to skate. The guy turned out to be extremely trainable and tenacious, and in a couple of years the whole country will talk about him.

Due to the tragedy in the Ovechkin family, when his brother died, he promised that at any cost he would take the most difficult peaks in memory of him.

At the age of 12, Alexander Ovechkin broke Pavel Bure's record for the number of goals scored, surpassing by three goals.

Soon, the hockey player began to play in the Russian national team, in the main team, and then he was invited to foreign hockey clubs.

17-year-old Alexander Ovechkin brought success to his team and began to attract the attention of foreign hockey clubs even more.

In 2005, Ovechkin signed with the Washington Capitals, who offered him nearly $4 million a season. The hockey player successfully played for this club, bringing new victories.

The multiple records that Alexander Ovechkin broke ensured him worldwide fame. From time to time, the hockey player also plays for the national team of his country, helping the team to reach a new level.

In 2008, the Washington team offered Alexander Ovechkin a record $124 million. Thus, he became the highest paid player on the team.

Eight years ago, the world famous hockey player took over as captain of the Washington Capitals team.

Everyone knows about Alexander Ovechkin as an athlete, but what kind of person is he really? In addition to sports, the famous hockey player likes to collect sticks autographed by the most popular and prominent hockey players in the world. His passion is expensive and exclusive cars and fast driving.

Athlete's teeth are a separate topic that deserves attention. The tough and assertive manner of playing Alexander Ovechkin often contributes to knocked out teeth. The hockey player's dentist has already made a fortune working with the athlete. Sometimes, Ovechkin inserts a removable prosthesis during the game, which looks indistinguishable from a real tooth.

Recently, a popular hockey player became the founder of the public movement "Putin's Team" and actively contributes to its promotion. It's no secret that the "Putins Team" is often used in the United States, which is where the athlete got the idea for the name of the movement in support of the president.

Many consider the "Putin Team" a PR move, for which the hockey player receives certain privileges, but the athlete himself has repeatedly assured the press and the public of the opposite. He has money, fame, he does not need anyone's support, but sympathy for Vladimir Vladimirovich is his own business. Alexander Ovechkin admires the President of Russia and supports him with pleasure.

Today, the Russian hockey player continues to beat his records and may be planning a move to another team. Despite the fact that in many hockey clubs there are a lot of young and promising guys, Alexander Ovechkin is distinguished by his exclusive style of play, and is also making progress in hockey and is not going to stop there.

It is estimated that the world famous hockey player earns over 14 million dollars a year. These are last year's statistics. In Forbs, the athlete ranked first in terms of income among the most famous Russian athletes.

Today, Alexander Ovechkin lives most often in the States, as he works there. Recently, a program about a Russian hockey player was aired, which covered his life outside of sports. After the marriage, Alexander Ovechkin bought a more spacious house, even rather a cottage, away from the bustle of the city. Before that, the athlete had an apartment, and a fan could come to him at any moment, which caused inconvenience. Now, in his country house, he has a fenced area, and much more space than in his previous housing. Perhaps the hockey player cares about the future of his young family, which plans to have kids in the near future.

Recently, the Russian national hockey team took Olympic gold, unfortunately, the athlete was not in the team. Someone says that he could not come because he played for his hockey club. But, Alexander Ovechkin is sincerely happy for the victory of his compatriots and may be going to take part in a new battle in four years.

The public noticed that there were no NHL players in the national team, most likely, this was originally planned.

World-famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin also does not forget about his personal life. The eminent hockey player was credited with novels with many celebrities, including foreign ones (Fergie). But there is no confirmation of this.

But the whole country watched the long relationship between Ovechkin and the Russian tennis player Maria Kirilenko. Young people met back in 2011 at a tennis match.

A beautiful love story of two popular athletes turned into something more. On the eve of the new year, in 2012, the hockey player made a marriage proposal to Mary. The girl agreed and everyone was looking forward to a magnificent celebration.

Two years later, the press learned about the break in relations between Ovechkin and Kirilenko. According to some reports, the tennis player could not tolerate the behavior of the groom, who loved to lead a free and independent life.

Nevertheless, the popular hockey player did not go single for long, apparently, he really wanted to start his own family, because already in 2017 he got a wife. The chosen one was the 21-year-old model Anastasia Shubskaya. It turns out that they had previously known each other and crossed paths several times at sporting events, but they did not go beyond simple communication. When Nastya reported on the social network that he almost drowned in the sea while on vacation in the Emirates, Alexander Ovechkin decided to support her. And so began the romance of young people.

In July of this year, the young family of the hockey player will be exactly one year old.

Family and children of Alexander Ovechkin

The family and children of Alexander Ovechkin is one of the favorite topics that is often covered in the media. The hockey player has not yet acquired children, but he already has his own family. By the way, the young couple admitted that they do not mind becoming parents, which they are working hard on.

Until last year, when Ovechkin tied the knot with Anastasia Shubskaya, his family was his parents. These wonderful people who raised a champion and proved by their own example what hard work can achieve.

Mom Alexander Ovechkin twice climbed the Olympic podium, a talented basketball player and the main muse of the hockey player. Despite the fact that basketball is a rather rough game, nevertheless, the son never complained about the lack of affection and tenderness.

But the father, a football player, first took Ovechkin to the coach, sincerely believing in the success of his son. It was the faith of the parents, their support that helped the hockey player achieve such heights in sports.

Few people know, but Alexander Ovechkin had a brother, 15 years older. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident. This was a big blow for him, because they had a warm and trusting relationship. From that moment on, the hockey player promised himself that he would achieve great success for two, no matter what.

Wife of Alexander Ovechkin - Anastasia Shubskaya

A previously little-known model, and now the wife of Alexander Ovechkin, Anastasia Shubskaya, became very popular after she had an affair with a hockey player. No, of course, Nastya was known in narrow circles, especially the elite, because she is the daughter of the famous actress Vera Glagoleva, and her father is Russian millionaire Kirill Shubsky. But the general public did not know about the existence of Anastasia Shubskaya. Thus, the girl managed not only to grab the most desirable and richest bachelor in Russia, but also to become popular thanks to his person.

Well, it should also be noted that the hockey player was also lucky with his wife, she is a real beauty with a dowry. Another important detail, the young girl (she is 24 years old) has a natural beauty, without any enlarged lips and breasts. This is a rarity, given the fact that Anastasia could afford it for a long time.

It is known that modeling is just a hobby of the wife of a hockey player, in fact, she wants to pursue an acting career.

In August, a month after the magnificent wedding of Shubskaya and Ovechkin, Vera Glagoleva passed away. Anastasia was very depressed and still can not survive the pain of loss.

A chic celebration on the occasion of the marriage of the legendary hockey player and the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva was not discussed except by indifferent people. As mentioned earlier, in July 2017, Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya tied the knot. The wedding, whose photos were viewed by millions of netizens, was very lush and sophisticated. The bride shone in a snow-white designer dress, and it was unusual to see Ovechkin in a suit and with a bow tie, but he looked chic.

The celebration was attended by many celebrities and the entire Russian beau monde. Young people and guests danced to songs performed by Nikolai Baskov. The newlyweds received many congratulations, in particular from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The bride was in one elegant wedding dress at the wedding ceremony, and later changed to another luxurious dress, in which she continued the fun at the banquet.

The entire hall for the celebration of the wedding was decorated with delicate roses, and cutlery and crockery were engraved with the young.

In addition to Russian show business and sports stars, representatives of the government were also present at the wedding of Alexander Ovechkin. One of them, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, distinguished himself in a special way. A video is available on the network in which a politician enthusiastically participates in a dance competition.

Alexander Ovechkin shared his emotions on social networks, posting several photos and videos from the celebration. Unfortunately, such an important day in the life of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya was soon overshadowed by the death of Vera Glagoleva. On his page in one of the social networks, the hockey player posted the last video, which captured his mother-in-law, and mourns the loss with his wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Ovechkin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Ovechkin have long been viewed by thousands of fans of the hockey player every day. In the popular social network Instagram, the athlete has over a million subscribers. Here Alexander Ovechkin regularly posts fresh photographs in which he is with friends, with his beloved wife. Often here you can also see videos of a famous hockey player. Interestingly, the athlete is an ardent admirer of President Vladimir Putin and is actively involved in the informal movement "Putin's Team". Alexander Ovechkin sincerely admires the work of the Russian president and strongly supports his policies.

As a sign of love for his wife Anastasia Shubskaya, the hockey player often shares photos with his subscribers, signing them with romantic posts.

The personal life of one of the best forwards in the history of modern hockey has never been constant - he had many novels, and only recently some stability appeared in it - he married a beautiful talented girl. The wife of Alexander Ovechkin, Anastasia Shubskaya, the daughter of businessman Kirill Shubsky and the famous, recently deceased actress and director Vera Glagoleva, became the only beloved woman in his life.

The hockey player, not hiding his happiness from meeting such a wonderful girl, at one time made a touching inscription on Instagram under Nastya's photo with a warm confession of his feelings.

They first met at the Beijing Olympics, where fourteen-year-old Nastya came with her parents. Only a few years later, Alexander, having seen a picture of Anastasia on Instagram, decided to recall his old acquaintance.

In the photo - Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

Then Nastya was already a graduate of VGIK, and Ovechkin was a three-time world champion. At first they just corresponded, and when Shubskaya flew to Los Angeles to take acting classes, the young people met at the Washington Capitals match, for which Alexander plays.

The first date took place in a restaurant, and the young people found out that they had a lot of common topics for conversation. Anastasia and Alexander felt great sympathy for each other and decided not to part again.

The future husband introduced Anastasia to his parents, and in September 2015, Alexander asked Nastya's hand in marriage from her parents. They also began to postpone the wedding for a long time and signed in one of the Moscow registry offices, after which they flew to America.

Wedding of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

The newlyweds postponed the celebration of the wedding until a later time due to the Ice Hockey World Cup in order to invite Alexander's friends on the team. The luxurious wedding took place in the Barvikha Luxury Village, the hall of which was strewn with tea roses and hydrangeas.

Wedding of Alexander and Anastasia

The bride and groom and guests were entertained by the stars of Russian show business - Iosif Kobzon, Nikolai Baskov, who read to Nastya and Alexander a personal congratulation from the president of the country.

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

One of the most famous novels in the personal life of the Washington forward before meeting Anastasia Shubskaya was a relationship with tennis player Maria Kirilenko. They met for three years, but this romance did not end with anything - the young people broke up.

In the photo - Alexander and Maria Kirilenko

Shortly after breaking up with Maria, Alexander began an affair with model Karolina Sevostyanova, but it turned out to be fleeting and ended after Ovechkin left for the States at the beginning of the new NHL season.

Personal life of Anastasia Shubskaya

Nastya is a graduate of the production department of VGIK, a model whose pictures periodically appear in fashionable glossy publications. She starred in two films, but her cinematic career has not yet advanced beyond this. Shubskaya devoted a lot of time to dancing, honing her half-dance skills.

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya now

In the spring of this year, information appeared that the wife of Alexander Ovechkin was preparing to become a mother. This news greatly pleased not only the spouses themselves, but also their many friends and relatives. Unfortunately, the joy was overshadowed by a sad event - Nastya's mother, actress Vera Glagoleva, died.

This was a real shock for all family members, Anastasia did not appear on social networks for a long time and did not post any news about how her family life was going.

In these difficult moments, her husband became her reliable support and support, without which it would be even harder for Nastya to survive such a difficult time.

In the family of the owner of the Stanley Cup Alexander Ovechkin replenishment - his wife Anastasia Shubskaya gave birth to one of the best hockey players in the world first child. The first to report this was a friend of the Russian striker, basketball player Vitaly Fridzon, and then the athlete himself confirmed his information on his Instagram, showing a photo of the tiny foot of a newborn.

Ovechkin thanked his wife, noting that "August 18, 2018 is the most beautiful day of his life." In an hour from the moment of publication, Alexander's post collected almost a hundred thousand likes. It is curious that the son's birthday happened on the 18th in the 8th month of the 18th year - and Ovechkin, as you know, plays in Washington and the Russian team under the 8th number.

Soon, Internet users were able to find out the name of the baby - the Washington Capitals Instagram congratulated their captain and noted the birth of Sergei Aleksandrovich Ovechkin.

As previously reported, the birth of Sergei Ovechkin took place in the United States. At the end of July, Shubskaya, answering questions from subscribers on Instagram, noted:

- Since my husband works in America, he needs to be here at the time when I am given birth. For me, the main thing is that on this day he was there, that's why we decided to give birth in America. (In any case, our child will be Russian), Anastasia wrote on the social network.

At the same time, just two weeks before the birth, Shubskaya posted a rather frank video on Instagram.

Child's name? In May, "7 days" reported that in the event of the birth of a girl, Alexander and Anastasia would name the child Vera - in honor of Shubskaya's mother, the famous actress Vera Glagoleva.

By the way, this Thursday marks the one year anniversary of her death from the disease.

As for the name "Sergey", which was given to the first-born, the hockey player named his son in memory of the deceased older brother. When Alexander was ten years old, Sergei Ovechkin died in a car accident.

Recall that Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya met in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics, and began dating seven years later - in 2015. In September of this year, the hockey player proposed to the girl, and in July 2017, a festive wedding ceremony took place.

Alexander Ovechkin, or Alexander the Great as fans call him, is a world famous ice hockey player. A man who devoted his whole life to sports, and did it with such conscientiousness that those around him could not help but appreciate it. The man has fans all over the world, his game is admired, they try to imitate, and even this applies to those who are passionate about hockey. And I must say that the man deserves it, if only because his game and the skills of an athlete are admirable. Alexander is fast, accurate, self-confident, he does everything possible to ensure that his team wins and brings success in sports to his native country.

And although, at times, his playing technique sometimes causes criticism and condemnation, he does not turn off his path, because he believes that he is doing everything right, otherwise there is no other way. In addition, his smile, where one tooth is missing, conquered any girl, made her interested in hockey, to understand that real men are very common among athletes. He was always distinguished by the desire to win, however, in sports it is impossible to do otherwise, because only the strongest and most purposeful survive here. Already from early youth, he showed excellent results in sports, outperforming not only his peers, but also those who were older and more experienced. Here Alexander was obliged not only to innate sports talent, but also to enormous work, which was not weakened for a single day.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ovechkin

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ovechkin, this is something that fans are very interested in, if only because it is unlikely that such a strong man can be weak or spineless, if only because they don’t like squishy people in sports. But to be more precise, today Ovechkin is already 31 years old, his height is 190 centimeters, and his weight reaches 99 kilograms. So we can say with confidence that we have before us a solid and tall young man who will demolish the wall without the slightest effort. However, even if you don’t know his parameters, it’s still not difficult to guess, you just need to take a quick look at this guy. Although the guy is completely different from the stereotyped Hollywood beauties, all the same, he has a certain flavor that makes him remember him for a long time.

The athlete himself, despite the fact that world fame has come to him, still continues to improve in sports achievements, go forward, do everything possible so that the public's interest in him does not subside, and, most importantly, so that his sporting achievements in hockey were more and more extensive. He sets new goals and achieves them by any means. But where did it all start? How did Alexander decide to become a hockey player, and how did he succeed? Let's look at all this in much more detail so that we can understand what we want to know about the athlete's life path. Fortunately, there is a lot of information about him, which can be found on any resource on the Web that is dedicated to public people.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

The biography and personal life of Alexander Ovechkin definitely deserves attention, if only because he has achieved a lot in sports, and he can be used as one of the best examples for others. Especially for those who also dream of linking their lives with sports. Probably, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the future athlete appeared in the same family, although not hockey players. His mother was a famous basketball player and her game brought a huge number of victories to the Soviet Union of that time. My father also did not lag behind, because he played in the Dynamo football team, and was also able to achieve certain heights.

So, from the earliest years the boy grew up in an atmosphere of sports, perhaps this is what helped him decide in life. The first hobby of young Alexander was fishing, which completely captured him. The bad weather did not even stop him, the boy simply put on a fur hat, took tackle, and went hunting for fish. The boy's love for hockey appeared when he was eight years old. He just saw the game on the screen, after which he realized that he was very interested in this game, even if at that time he did not even know the rules by which the players drove the puck on the ice. And when his father tried to change the channel, the boy yelled for it back, which for the first time showed how interested he was in following the course of events that he did not yet know.

After such zeal, the father of the future celebrity decided to take his son to a coach who would tell him whether he should engage in this type of game. But the coach flatly refused to take the boy into his group, because his peers had been training for several years, and the boy did not even know how to skate. Then Alexander went to another coach, persistently asked him to take up training. And then he agreed, but warned that all this would be very difficult. But the persistent guy decided not to give up, responsibly took up training. And although he had to learn basic skills almost from scratch, after a year he was able to catch up and overtake his rivals, and all those who studied with him.

At the same time, the boy showed great potential and remarkable athletic abilities. When Alexander was ten years old, a terrible tragedy happened in his family. The fact is that his older brother had an accident and soon died due to the fact that a blood clot came off. He always supported Alexander, believed in him. And then the young hockey player promised himself and others that he would play on the ice for both of them in order to honor the memory of a person dear to him. I must say that the brother also aspired to play hockey, but something didn’t work out for him, so it became a matter of honor for the younger brother to do it in such a way that each victory made the other proud of his achievements.

The fact is that it was the older brother who insisted that Alexander go in for this sport professionally, because the boy's parents themselves did not really want their son to go in for such a dangerous sport. Because of their ban, young Ovechkin stopped attending classes, but then two people intervened in the matter, who convinced his parents not to miss the brilliant prospects for a future celebrity. The first was just the elder brother Sergei, who was led to the success of the younger. And the second was the coach, who at that moment was training a little hockey player. They were able to convince parents that they should not forbid their child to prove himself, because a great future awaited him. As a result, the older brother, who played a huge role in the boy's life, crashed in a car accident. And although this brought a lot of grief to Sasha, he continued to go towards his goal with enviable persistence. And he succeeded, as evidenced by further achievements in the world of sports.

At the age of twelve, he won hockey matches, and even managed to break the record for goals scored, which previously belonged to a certain Pavel Bure. After all this, the hockey player’s career began to rapidly climb up the mountain, and although the young boy did not yet fully understand what prospects were open to him, he simply tried to win one victory after another in order to prove to himself, his loved ones, and everything world that with desire and perseverance, you can achieve any results that will cause admiration and bewilderment. Already in his youth, he showed such success that it was clear that the young man had chosen the right path. And the older he got, the more his soul was drawn to hockey.

And he repeatedly proved that he was ready for anything for this. For example, at the beginning of the 2000s, he suffered a groin injury, but anyway, he went to Turin, where the Olympics were held. And then he was recognized as the best player in the Winter Games, was included in the symbolic team, which, however, then remained without a prize. But this did not negate Ovechkin's merits to the country. Ovechkin's career has not ended for this, he still reaches heights, recently became the team captain, replacing the previous captain, who left for another team.

As for the athlete's personal life, it, as you can predict, has always aroused interest, both among journalists and fans of the hockey player. Very often, his name flashed on the Internet or in the press, where they tried to penetrate the secrets of the athlete's personal life. He is credited with a huge number of bright novels with famous Russian beauties, among which the name of Zhanna Friske also appears. That's just how true these rumors can be considered true, no one can say for sure. For a long time he met with a famous tennis player, whose name is Maria Kirilenko, and even an engagement was announced. But she never took place, Maria said to the press that she did not want to put up with “some habits” of the groom, therefore she wishes him further success in his career, but without her.

There were rumors that the reason for this was an intrigue with one young novice athlete, but again, no one can say for sure. But, nevertheless, his personal life improved, because he met a model, whose name is Anastasia Shubskaya, she is twenty-one years old. He once wrote to her on Instagram, after which their acquaintance began, which grew into a vivid and stormy romance. As a result, young people got married and, now, according to the press, they live amicably and happily. By the way, since this year, persistent rumors have begun to circulate that Ovechkin is going to leave the familiar club, in which he has been for many years, and move to another, whose name is still unknown. Maybe soon it will be possible to read about significant changes in the life of a great athlete.

Family and children of Alexander Ovechkin

The family and children of Alexander Ovechkin are what many fans of the athlete are interested in. It is known that today the actor is married to a young model Anastasia Shubskaya, the couple has no children yet, in any case, nothing is known about this to the press. Of course, the athlete’s family is made up of both Alexander Ovechkin’s mother and father, that is, parents who have forever remained dear and dear people to him. Now Ovechkin is happily married to his young wife, whom he chose from thousands of other contenders for his heart.

Especially considering that he already had an engagement that ended in nothing, allegedly due to the fact that a man could not get past other beautiful women. But maybe these were just rumors, because now the athlete is fine with his wife, so maybe the reason for terminating the engagement with his former lover was different. Now the hockey player has already settled down, lives happily with his wife, while they still do not have children, but most likely they plan to have heirs in the near future in order to raise worthy successors in their profession.

Wife of Alexander Ovechkin - Anastasia Shubskaya

The wife of Alexander Ovechkin, Anastasia Shubskaya, became his chosen one, who not only won his heart, but also forced him to put a stamp in his passport. The fact is that at one time, Alexander was already going to get married, and his bride was Maria Kirilenko, who is a famous tennis player. But after some time, at the initiative of the girl, the engagement was terminated, however, the reason remained unknown. Many argue that the reason was that the hockey player had an affair with another girl, an aspiring athlete who was distinguished by her youth, but this is not certain.

In any case, the engagement was called off, so the wedding never took place. After some time, another beauty came to replace the first beauty. Alexander read on his Instagram page that model Anastasia Shubskaya almost died while relaxing on a yacht. And then, worried about her condition, the guy wrote to her. A conversation began, as a result, feelings flared up that led to the wedding in 2017. Although the couple does not yet have children, it is quite possible that soon you will be able to read the news that the family is expected to replenish.

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya wedding (photo and video)

As mentioned above, the personal life of Alexander Ovechkin has always been of interest to fans and the press. He constantly started bright novels, which often did not lead to anything, except perhaps to a certain experience. But in the end, the athlete, nevertheless, was able to find his true happiness. You can verify this if you enter the query “Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya wedding photo” in Google. The search will immediately give fans all sorts of photos of young lovers together, who, by all indications, are quite happy. Now you can only watch how the family life of celebrities develops. Maybe soon we will be able to find out more about the couple, that they will soon have heirs and so on. In any case, if something changes in their lives, fans will definitely find out about it, because nothing can be hidden from clever journalists.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Ovechkin

Alexander Ovechkin is a bright, public figure, about whom you want to know as much as possible, especially if you are a fan of this athlete. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a lot of information about him on various sites on the Web, get acquainted with the most insignificant events of a guy’s career or personal life. True, it is difficult to imagine that he had minor events. But be that as it may, the main source that tells about Alexander Ovechkin is his personal Wikipedia page (,_Alexander_Mikhailovich), which contains general facts about him.

There you can see various details regarding his personal life, achievements in sports, facts about his childhood, and much more that may interest the average hockey fan or viewer. But if this is not enough for you, you can always turn to social networks for help, which is very convenient. Ovechkin's personal page on Instagram ( will acquaint you with his personal life in as much detail and truthfully as possible. Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Ovechkin will always help you get as close to a celebrity as possible. So, if it is important for you to learn about your favorite idol, you can turn to our resource. Of course, there is always the possibility of getting into a fake account, but with us, this risk is minimal, you will see only the truthful information that is posted by the hockey player himself.