
Children's educational and research project “Mysterious Magnet. Educational and research project “What kind of miracle is a magnet? Interaction with parents


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Educational – research project

"Mysterious Magnet"

Project participant: student

preparatory group

Nefyodov Artyom

Project leaders:

E.A. Boyarshinova

N.A. Zyryanova

Okhansk 2016

Target: introduction to the properties of a magnet


    Learn to examine objects and experiment with them

    Study the properties of a magnet

    Find useful uses of magnets for kindergarten games

    Enrich your vocabulary

Project type: cognitive-research, creative

Object of study: magnet, various objects, substances.

Hypothesis: possibility of using a magnet to create games

Problem: Our group had a “Science” week and we met scientists and conducted various experiments. I was most interested in the experiment with the magnet. I wanted to know how a magnet would act under different conditions. And I asked the teachers a question: “Can a magnet be used for games in our group?”

Research methods:

    Processing information from books, magazines, Internet resources



Project participants: Artem is a pupil of the preparatory group, teachers: Boyarshinova E.A., Zyryanova N.A.

Duration: medium term (1 month)

Materials: magnet, various objects (plastic, wood, cardboard, metal, glass, water, shower gel)

Vocabulary work: magnet, magnetism, force of attraction and repulsion.

Project stages


Conversations: “Who are scientists,” “What is a magnet?”, “Useful properties of a magnet.” Reviewing books and magazines with experiments.

I was interested in experiments with a magnet. I asked the teachers a question: “What else can you do with a magnet?”


Conducting research work on the properties of a magnet.

We conducted experiments with a magnet: the action of a magnet at a distance (experiment No. 1), through a liquid (experiment No. 2), through wood (experiment No. 3), through cardboard (experiment No. 4)

Making games with a magnet: “Labyrinth”, “Magnetic Theater”, role-playing game “Fishing”, “Flying Butterfly”


They proved that a magnet can be used for games. We showed games with magnets to middle and high school children and told them how a magnet works.

Science Day is celebrated annually in Russia. In kindergarten, this event does not go unnoticed; science week is held annually in the preparatory group. During the week, various experiments, reports and problem situations are planned that introduce children to scientific discoveries. As part of the “Week of Scientific Discoveries”, the children of the preparatory group and I held such events.

Monday - Robotics

During which children learned that robots are used in various fields: medicine, space, manufacturing, and for entertainment purposes. Children eagerly shared their impressions of where they saw robots.

Making a robot from boxes. The preschoolers called him Robik, and every day he brought interesting tasks for the children.

The teacher’s story about the scientific achievements of mankind, solving problem situations, such as “What would have happened if airplanes (computers, cartoons, etc.) had not been invented.”

Adding diagrams and drawings to the group for review.

Independent games with a microscope, magnifying glasses, glasses, sketches of observations in the book “What I Saw.”

Tuesday – water laboratory

Opening of a water laboratory. Robik brought the children water, paints, salt, stones, lemon, various containers, measuring spoons and much more, with which they can prove the children’s assumptions about the different properties of water.

Making colored ice floes for ice sculpture. We scraped the bottom of the barrel and collected various ice molds, liners, construction set parts and a bunch of other things where you can pour water. We also needed buckets of different sizes and food coloring. In the course of our activities, we consolidated methods for obtaining colors by mixing and found out the features of measuring the volume of liquid.

Viewing the presentation “Water in Nature”, the purpose of which was to find out children’s knowledge about water and its states of aggregation. We remembered that there is water in vegetables and fruits, because we watched how the water evaporated from them for a week, and then we placed it in liquid and the vegetables took their original form. We talked about the water cycle in nature and remembered the properties of steam.

Medium - natural electricity

Introducing children to natural electricity. Experiments with electricity always attract the attention of children. So this time we attached balloons to the wall, rubbed them with a cloth, and looked for electricity in woolen things.

Watching programs about scientific discoveries.
Construction of robots from different materials according to the proposed schemes. Preschoolers showed their imagination and made robots from paper, matches, and construction sets. Then they began to make cars, robotic rockets, etc.

Thursday – magnetic laboratory

Opening of a magnetic laboratory. We talked about minerals, remembered the properties of magnets, looked for objects in the sand with their help, and made theater characters move.

Solving puzzles on the topic of the week. I tried to select educational tasks for the children on the topic of the week: logic tables, puzzles, labyrinths, proof tests and noisy images.

Homemade preparations “TPP work”. Preschoolers, together with their parents, prepared short messages and presentations about the operation of power plants.

Experimenting with different materials. We put forward various hypotheses, and then proved or disproved them, like real scientists. We inflated a balloon on a bottle, tried to freeze sunflower oil, drown an egg and much more.

Friday – exhibition design, summing up

Thematic walk “The Snow Queen's Birthday”. During our walk, we helped the queen make treats: ice cakes and a huge cake.
Opening of the exhibition “Robotics” of joint works with parents.

Production of experimental diagrams, scientific booklets on the properties of water, soil, air, brochures “What is water for?” Children from the preparatory group showed this manual to the kids and told them about water.

Making a walkie-talkie - a phone for story games.

During the week we read educational tales by T.A. Shorygina, watched the vegetable garden on the window and ate onions of their own production.

Children are very inquisitive and, surprised by something, are ready to find out the reasons for the miracle. Parents should take advantage of these features to begin introducing their child, including restless ones, to science. Experiments are especially popular with children. Remember that children are always interested in educational activities in the form of games, and every parent can draw up a plan-scenario.

The article has prepared a selection of the simplest but educational experiments with a minimum of necessary props: you will need a magnet and a few other things that can be found in absolutely any apartment. Experiments with magnets for preschoolers can be carried out at home or demonstrated in nature.

At what age will a child understand experiments with a magnet?

In general, teachers do not make any restrictions: they show it both in kindergarten and at school. Children perceive magnetism as real magic; older children, through experiments with magnets, gain a deeper understanding of the phenomena occurring in the world around them. During experimental classes, curiosity develops and the child’s mental activity is activated. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the child will not understand the essence of the experiment. The development of cognitive interests is also a good goal of the magnet experience. And when the baby grows to new knowledge, you can repeat the lesson and explain the reasons for the phenomena occurring.

Experiment 1: what attracts a magnet

Conducting an experiment with a magnet is easy to organize. You will need several experimental materials - easy and familiar to the baby. For example:

  • handkerchief;
  • paper napkin;
  • pencil;
  • screw;
  • penny;
  • a piece of foam;
  • pencil, etc.

And, of course, a magnet. Invite your child to hold a magnet to each exhibit and observe.

This experience can be expanded by using products made from various metals: aluminum, gold, silver, nickel and iron. By conducting an experiment, you can explain the characteristics of metals, showing how iron is different from others.

Be sure to analyze the results of the experiment with a magnet. Children absorb knowledge like a sponge, so don’t be afraid to “load” your child with unnecessary information. It is at this age that the ability to learn and the desire to learn new things is laid down.

Experience 2: “Find treasure in the desert”

A very easy magnet experience for children in the form of a game. Place paper clips or other small iron objects in a container and cover them with flour or semolina. Invite your child to think about how to get the treasure. Sift? To the touch? Or maybe it’s more convenient with a magnet?

This experiment will help children understand that magnetism works on iron objects and through other materials such as paper and glass.

Place paper clips on a cardboard or wooden sheet and, moving a magnet under the material, demonstrate the movement of iron parts. The same experiment can be done with a sheet of glass. For example, on a regular coffee table with a glass top, place several iron objects and move a magnet from below.

Conclusion: a magnet can magnetize iron through paper of different densities, thin boards or glass.

By the way, the experience can be turned into another game. Make an applique on a piece of paper, for example, a flower meadow. Cut out a butterfly from colored paper, attach a paperclip to it and, using a magnet on the reverse side, “transplant” the butterfly from one flower to another.

Experiment 3: magnet, water and magnetic field

Experiments with water seem amazing to children. Take a glass or glass cup, place paper clips in it and start moving the magnet along the wall of the glass. Objects from the water will “crawl” upward following the movement of the magnet.

Another experiment is the action of a magnet at a distance. Draw lines at different distances on a piece of paper. Place a paper clip on each one. Ask your child to analyze the distance the magnet acts, bringing it closer to the experimental materials.

A magnet exhibits its strength only at a certain distance from an object. When the distance between the object and the magnet is significant, the object is outside the range of action. Thus, it is possible to reduce or even neutralize it.

This phenomenon can be shown using a coin. Tie it with thread, glue the thread to the cardboard and place it on the table. Bring the magnet to the coin at a distance of one meter. Move the magnet closer to the coin until the coin begins to move. Measure the distance with a ruler. Bring the magnet even closer so that the coin is attracted to it. Measure again. When the magnet is within the line, it attracts the coin. But when the magnet is out of line, the coin stays in place.

In this way, you will be able to explain the concept of a magnetic field and its properties, and then show it. The magnetic field is usually invisible, but using metal filings you can demonstrate its boundaries. Sprinkle metal filings onto a sheet of paper or glass, hold a magnet on the back side - the shavings will gather into a three-dimensional pattern. This is the influence of the magnetic field, which can be noticed by placing a magnet also on the bottom of the sheet under the area occupied by sawdust on the sheet. The shavings will be located along the field lines.

The magnetic field “jams” the sand

Another experiment on this property with sand. Dip the needle into the glass and pour some sand into it. Bring the magnet to the walls of the glass - the needle does not react to the magnet. Now place the needle in a glass of water and do the same with the magnet. The needle will follow the magnet to the edges of the glass.

Explain that a magnetic field penetrates water. If the walls of the glass consisted of some kind of magnetic material, then the needle would still be attracted to the magnet, but not with such force. The magnetic field would be weakened by the walls of the glass.

Experiment 4: conductor magnet

A magnet can transmit attractive properties through iron. For this experiment you will need a strong magnet. It is better to do actions vertically. Hang a paperclip to the magnet and the next paperclip to it. Ask your child to help you by attaching “links” to the magnetic circuit.

Another almost similar experiment can show that a magnetic field can be easily created artificially. Remove the magnet from the chain of paper clips; if you then bring them closer to each other, they will begin to attract, as if a magnet were working. This happens because the atoms in an iron object, under the influence of a magnetic field, line up in the same row as in a magnet, temporarily acquiring its properties.

Experiment 5: compass

You can demonstrate the effect of the Earth's magnetic field. To do this you will need a compass, a needle and a transparent plate. Explain all stages of conducting an experiment with a magnet.

Hold the needle on the magnet for a few minutes, then apply oil to it and place it in a plate of water. The needle will begin to move until it freezes in one position. Bring the compass to the plate; if the device is working properly, its arrow will show the same direction as the magnetized needle.

Tell your child that the Earth is also a magnet. And the planet’s magnetic field directs the magnetic compass needle north.

You can conduct an experiment with a compass in nature - it’s so exciting and even more educational. Of course, determining the direction in this way will not be very convenient, but it will be interesting. Thus, you will demonstrate an example of the “magical” properties of familiar objects that can replace a compass on a hike.

Miracle magnet

Not only the experiments with the magnet are interesting, but also the short story about it. Show your child that there are magnets in many things: phones, computers, cabinets, etc. Magnets are used in cars, electric motors, musical equipment, toys, etc. Tell your child:

  1. Origin of the magnet.
  2. About magnets in the solar system.
  3. About natural and artificial magnets.

An educational lesson can be conducted before the experiments, during the experiments, or after revealing all the secrets. We will help you a little, however, our material can be easily supplemented and expanded.

What is a magnet?

This is a body that can attract iron and steel objects. Known for a long time, the ancient Chinese knew about magnets more than two thousand years ago. Magnit - from the name of the region where magnetic deposits were discovered - Magnisia. This is in Asia Minor.

We have already said that the Earth is a magnet, add also that a magnetic field also exists in a person. Tell us about people who attract iron objects. There are many videos and photographs with examples on the Internet. The magnetic field in a person makes his energy shell visible through special equipment.

If you told your child about the galaxy, then he will find it interesting that the planets in the solar system are also giant magnets.

Tell your child about the types of magnets. There are natural ones - deposits of magnetic ores - and artificial ones - created by man from or using electric current.

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: children, teacher

TARGET: develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of becoming familiar with the properties of a magnet.


Learn to examine an object and experiment with it; form an idea of ​​the properties of a magnet; introduce the concepts of “magnet”, “magnetism”, “magnetic forces”.

Develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions; activate children's vocabulary;

Promote the development of independence and communication skills; cultivate accuracy in work and adherence to safety regulations.


CHILDREN'S AGE: 6-7 years


1. Formulation of the problem. This year our kindergarten is hosting a themed week “Young Explorer”

As part of this week, the children of the preparatory group came to the “Getting to Know the Magnet” lesson in the experimentation room. They liked the activity. Using a magnet, they examined the group and found objects that were magnetized and those that were not. At the next lesson, two girls asked the question “Is it possible to lift an object without a magnet?”

It was decided to take this issue as the basis for the project.

2. Discussion of the problem. The ability of magnets to attract objects to themselves has always amazed people. In order to reveal the secrets of a magnet, you need to study the literature and conduct a series of experiments.

3. Project work. To achieve our goal, we went to the amazing and magical world of magnets. Determined the properties of magnets

4. Project implementation.


Communication activities

“What is a magnet and magnetism?”;

"What is a magnetic field?"

Cognitive and research activities

“Is everything attracted by a magnet?”;

“Does a magnet work through other materials?”

“Is it possible to insulate a magnet?”;

“What determines the strength of a magnet?”;

“Do all parts of a magnet have the same strength?”;

“Why do two magnets sometimes repel each other?”;

"What is a magnetic field"

"Magnet artist"

"Creating a Magnet"

"Scissors magnet"

Motor activity

Outdoor games:"Magnet and balls"; "Fisherman";

Outdoor ball game“Attracts or not?”

Didactic games:"Magnetic mosaic";

"Magnetic ABC"; “Mathematical lotto on magnets”; Theater on magnets

Magnets are an important part of our daily life.

Magnets surround us everywhere, since all the devices we use in everyday life, one way or another, include magnets - mobile phones, computers, cabinet doors, stereos, electric motors, cars, displays, compasses, toys, various sensors and devices , research equipment and many other areas.

A magnet is a body that has its own magnetic field. The magnet got its name from the region where it was discovered - Magnisia. This region is located in Asia Minor. There deposits of magnetite were found in ancient times. The variety of magnet sizes is amazing.

Man is also a magnet, because... biocurrents flowing inside us create magnetic fields. For some people, these currents are so strong that they are able to attract metal objects like ordinary magnets. This leads to such a phenomenon as the aura - the energetic shell of a person, which can be seen with the help of special equipment.

In the end, the Earth, the Sun, Mars and all the planets included in our solar system are all also giant magnets that have been circling in an endless dance for billions of years.

Lifting cars, ships, generating electricity with magnetic generators - it is impossible to imagine these processes without the participation of magnets.

There are natural and artificial magnets. Natural ones are found in nature in the form of deposits of magnetic ores. Artificial magnets are created by man from ferromagnets.

Many scientists of the past and present have studied and continue to study magnets. Their research works are quickly picked up by developers of new devices, and the magnet again becomes of service to man.

So, welcome to the world of magnets!

What is a magnet?

Magnet is an object made of a certain material that creates a magnetic field. Each magnet has at least one north (N) and one south (S) pole. Scientists agreed that the magnetic field lines come out of the "north" end of the magnet and enter the "south" end of the magnet.

If you take a piece of magnet and break it into two pieces, each piece will again have a "north" and a "south" pole. If you again break the resulting piece into two parts, each part will again have a “north” and a “south” pole. It doesn't matter how small the resulting pieces of magnets are, each piece will always have a "north" and a "south" pole. It is impossible to achieve the formation of a magnetic monopole.

Magnetism. And yet, what is it?

Magnetism is a force that acts over a distance and is caused by magnetic fields. This phenomenon has been known to people for a very long time. It got its name from the city of Magnetia in Asia Minor, where deposits of magnetic iron ore - “a stone that attracts iron” - were discovered.

The first written evidence of human acquaintance with the magnetic properties of certain materials is more than two thousand years old.

One of the first practical uses of the magnetism of bodies is the compass. Our ancestors noticed: an oblong piece of magnetic iron, suspended on a thread or attached to a plug floating in water, is always positioned so that one end points to the north and the other to the south. The compass was invented in China about a thousand years before the new era; in Europe it has been known since the 12th century. Without this simple navigation device, the great geographical discoveries of the 15th - 17th centuries would have been impossible.

Application of magnet and magnetism

Now magnetism is widely used in science, technology and everyday life. Permanent magnets and electromagnets are used in generators that produce current and in electric motors that consume it; Most vehicles cannot do without them - a car, a trolleybus, a diesel locomotive, an airplane, a ship.

COMPASS, a device for determining horizontal directions on the ground. Used to determine the direction in which a ship, aircraft, or ground vehicle is moving; the direction in which the pedestrian is walking. (presentation on the topic “Compass”)

Magnets make our lives easier and entertain us, serving us in various electrical household appliances, as well as in tape recorders, radios and all kinds of toys. Finally, magnets are an integral part of many scientific instruments, ranging from small ones located on a researcher’s desk to huge accelerators measuring many kilometers in size. Magnets are mainly used in electrical engineering, radio engineering, instrument making, automation and telemechanics. Here, ferromagnetic materials are used for the manufacture of magnetic circuits, relays, etc.

But magnetic phenomena are now of interest not only to engineers creating new equipment. These phenomena are studied in relation to their specialty by doctors, biologists, geologists, and representatives of other professions. For example, geologists look for minerals based on anomalies in the Earth’s magnetic field, doctors, along with an electrocardiogram, take a magnetocardiogram from a patient - it gives them additional information about the work of the heart, and biologists study the magnetic fields created by living organisms, and the influence on them, in turn, of external magnetic fields.

Since the magnetic field affects all living things.

The magnetic field also affects plants. The results of some experiments have shown that the germination and growth of seeds depend on how they were initially oriented relative to the Earth's magnetic field. Changing the external magnetic field can either accelerate or inhibit plant development. (This can apparently be used for practical purposes.)

Why does a magnetic field affect a person? There are several hypotheses on this matter. One of them believes that the magnetic field affects the occurrence of some subtle biochemical reactions in the body. And although the influence of a magnetic field on chemical processes has recently been carefully studied (in particular, Novosibirsk scientists have achieved great success here), the physics of this process is not yet entirely clear.

The simplest conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that there is no area of ​​applied human activity where magnets are not used.

Magnetism in the Universe

Magnetic interaction plays an important role in the processes occurring in the Universe. Here are just two examples that confirm what has been said. It is known that the magnetic field of a star generates a stellar wind similar to the solar wind, which, by reducing the mass and moment of inertia of the star, changes the course of its development. It is also known that the Earth's magnetosphere protects us from the disastrous effects of cosmic rays. If it had not existed, the evolution of living beings on our planet would apparently have taken a different path, and perhaps life on Earth would not have arisen at all.

Magnetism is a comprehensive, global property of nature, but, unfortunately, we do not know much about it. Having mastered its secrets, we will not only solve many problems facing the creators of modern technology, but also understand how worlds are born and die in the space of the Universe surrounding us.

Earth Magnetism

But are magnets the only ones capable of attracting people?

The Earth behaves like a big magnet: it has its own magnetic field. This phenomenon is believed to be caused by iron and nickel in the Earth's inner core, which rotates with the globe. Magnetic field lines go from one pole to the other. But the fluctuations of this field - magnetic storms - no longer depend on the planet, but on the nearest star. During solar flares, streams of particles are ejected into space. They are called the solar wind. In a day or two, the particles reach the Earth. Bombarding the magnetic field of our planet, they cause magnetic storms and northern lights.

Summary of a lesson on experimental activities in the middle group on the topic: “Magnetism.”

Target: Development of children's cognitive activity in the process of becoming familiar with the properties of a magnet.
Introduce the concept of “magnet”.
Form an idea of ​​the properties of a magnet.
To develop the ability to acquire knowledge through practical experiments, draw conclusions, generalizations.
Cultivate friendly relationships and learn to work in a team.

Equipment and materials:
- iron, plastic, wood, rubber objects, a piece of fabric, paper; magnets of various types, cups of water, trays for handouts, paper clips, wooden sticks, cardboard.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Part I.
Organizing time.
- Guys, we have guests today, say hello to them. Now look at me with your smart eyes.
We will respond actively
To behave,
So that dear guests
We wanted to come again!
To become nature's friend,
Find out all her secrets,
Solve all the riddles
Learn to observe
Let's develop mindfulness together,
And our curiosity will help us find out everything.
He brings in a magic bag (with a note, a bolt and a magnet inside). "Dear Guys! I know that you are inquisitive and love to conduct different experiments - experiments. I am sending you an unusual item. Once you are familiar with its properties and experience it, we will see you. See you!"

Guys, what do you think this unusual item is?
Now let’s take turns touching this object, but don’t say anything out loud. Did you guess it? Yes, it's a magnet.
This subject is not simple,
It has one twist.
He can move objects
And attract iron.
You guys don't rush
Name this object for me (magnet).

Educator: That's right, it's a magnet (I take out the magnet).
Many, many years ago, ancient people who lived in the distant country of Greece learned about the existence of a magnet. It was found in nature, but magnets can also be made artificially by magnetizing pieces of steel.

Take the magnet in your hands, how does it feel? (Cold, hard, heavy). With a smell or not? Can I break a piece off of it? (children's answers)
- Who sent it to us, and what kind of bolt lies here? What are your guesses? (this is Fixik) picture or toy.
Educator: Guys, Fixik invites us to our laboratory. Welcome to our laboratory. We've been here more than once. Today we will experiment with a magnet and do experiments. I suggest putting on your hats and taking your seats.

Let's continue to explore the magnet and once again make sure what objects are attracted by the magnet?

Experience No. 1
The teacher invites the children to see what wonderful properties “magic” magnets have.
-Look, there are different materials on the tables. Which?
- Let's bring the magnet to the rag first. What happened?
What conclusion do we draw?
- Now let’s try to magnetize wooden objects (cubes). What happened?
-And now we have paper clips, bolts, coins left. Let's try to magnetize them.
-Well, what did we do?
-What conclusion can we draw? Why do you think nails, coins, keys and paper clips are attracted? What do they have in common? (if you find it difficult to answer, stimulate them with questions like this: think again, how others think, how to say it differently).
-That's right, well done, they are all made of iron
-The magnet only attracts iron objects. This property of magnetizing objects is called magnetism, from the word magnet.
Conclusion: The magnet attracts metal objects and does not attract paper, wood, plastic, or fabric objects.
"Trace of Children" (sketched)

Physical education minute (Dance “Fixies”).

Experience No. 2.
Vos-l: Imagine that a glass of water is a lake. This lake is littered with metal objects. Is it possible to clean it without getting your hands wet? (throws a paperclip into a glass of water) children's answers.
He suggests placing the magnet against the glass at the level of the paperclip. After the paper clip approaches the wall of the glass, you need to move the magnet slowly upward. As a result, the paperclip follows the magnet. It's easy to take out without getting your hands wet. Thus, the magnetic force acts through glass and water.
1. Magnets attract metal objects.
3. The magnet works through water and glass.

Well, guys, our research in the scientific laboratory has ended.
Did you like it? What experience do you remember most? Thanks for the work!
Let's say thank you to Fixie and goodbye!