
How to find out what a girl is like. How to understand that a girl wants you. How to understand that a girl is ready for a kiss


Greetings gentlemen, Alexander Panferov is in touch and today I will describe how to understand that a girl is excited and wants you, and also whether she wants sex or is it just flirting. I warn you right away that all the signals below should be considered comprehensively and in context.

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Often girls imitate sexual signals in order to simply achieve what they want through flirting and take control of a man’s mind. Yes, when we think about sex, we lose our vigilance and sanity, to put it mildly. Girls know about this and happily use it.

Sometimes such signals are even unconscious

As long as a man wants a girl, he is controlled and wants to please her. It was as if we were hinted throughout our childhood that if you want to fuck..., excuse me, sleep with a girl, you need to look after her, give her gifts, be nice, give compliments.

I'll disappoint you guys, this is not true. Such a scheme often only delays or even eliminates the moment of sexual intimacy. When a girl wants sex, she experiences similar sensations; a girl will fly over the ocean for the sake of good sex. But they approach the choice of a partner more selectively + social frameworks and beliefs about everything.

The guy is looking for a new one, and the girl is looking for a better one. Remember this phrase. But that’s not about that now. As I already said, we men are approximately 8 times worse at reading non-verbal signals. If we saw women's lust, we could take advantage of it too. Not for mercantile purposes like a woman, purely platonic, as befits a man)) In general, two people would be satisfied. And so we went to analyze the signals

Signals are false or meaningless

The girl put on a sexy dress- maybe she’s just used to looking good, it’s stupid to think that this is especially for you. And a large neckline is not a symbol of her availability; it is quite possible that she is aware of her beauty and has learned to command male behavior.

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Talks about a breakup— either she’s just stupid or she’s teasing, but she’s still stupid. This is a topic that is unpleasant for most men. She of course implies that she is free. But who likes to think about those who fucked her... loved her before.

A woman can look at you intently, and at that moment imagine how you fuck her...

He keeps his gaze on you for a long time- interest is focused on you, okay - she seems to like you! But the fact that she is ready to sleep with you, alas, does not mean.

Plays with hair- yes, these are very mediocre, but still sexual signals. At this time, the signal is outdated, as it is used simply as a technique to attract male attention by a girl. This is often just flirting.

Game with decorations- used to be considered a sexual signal, but I don’t take it into account. These fine motor skills are often used for calming. It is more likely that the girl is simply nervous or shy. maybe, of course, because he wants you. But it’s better not to take this signal into account.

How to understand that a girl is excited and wants a man?

TOP 20 clear signs that a woman is ready:

  1. Neck Showing - Baring the neck is an almost instinctive sexual signal that symbolizes trust and submission. In the animal world, the neck is a weak point; wolves bite into the neck of their enemies to kill. This gesture indirectly means that the girl is putting herself in your hands.
  2. Stroking is sexual stimulation. Pleasant sensations from tactile touches. And it doesn’t matter if she’s stroking you or herself when you see it.
  3. Invasion of your personal space - she goes for rapprochement. a direct and obvious signal of approach. But it may not mean lust.
  4. Random touches are random only for you.
  5. Tilt of the body - reaches towards the object of interest.
  6. Provocative questions - tilt your thinking, make you sexually daring. Congratulations, you are rocking emotionally. Maybe they're just teasing.
  7. Sexual themes - you are teased and tempted to think about sex in obvious ways.
  8. A girl's sexually aggressive behavior means that you missed all the previous signals and she does not intend to waste time. Knows what he wants.
  9. Licking lips is a symbol of swollen (excited) labia. Most girls are not aware of this, but use this technique.
  10. She sits on you, presses herself, rubs against you - she’s almost trying to fuck you... show some activity already.
  11. She is not embarrassed to be alone with you - this means that the girl trusts you and does not exclude the fact of sexual intimacy.
  12. The girl puts her hands between her legs - a gesture of restraining sexual tension. The gesture is indecent for women, which means it is often done unconsciously. Trying to control himself. This is a very powerful signal that the girl wants you, the ship has probably already leaked, well, you understand.
  13. Playing with hair - yes, these are very mediocre, but still sexual signals. The girl is a coquette, the gesture is as outdated as this concept.
  14. Showing your wrists - for example when smoking.
  15. Demonstration of armpits is as old as playing with hair, but these gestures (13,14,15) retain their relevance as sexual signals, since they are less often reproduced by girls consciously.
  16. Eyes - a playful, lively look, slightly closed eyes, brilliant fucking... Well, that's what I was often told. It is difficult at first to understand that a girl wants you by looking at you. Understanding what the eyes are saying comes only with experience of communication and with the development of the “Calibration” skill. One sage of seduction said: “Look for the devil in her eyes.”
  17. Trying to look after you - helpfulness is not flirting, it means that the girl really wants to please you in many ways. She cooks for you, gives you a massage, puts things in order, gives you something, even if it’s insignificant. This also includes the fact that the girl respects you. This is a good prerequisite for sex. Of course, there are exceptions, as with any rule, and maybe your home is just unbearably dirty, so you need to clean it up.
  18. I came to meet you in stockings - my favorite signal, I love stockings. This is their weapon of seduction, a good signal.
  19. Steals food from your plate - girls are happy to share food with a man they like. And they are more likely to refuse the offer of a person who is unattractive in her opinion.
  20. She is embarrassed by you and blushes when communicating - “if you can make her feel embarrassed, you can sleep with her today” is an old saying in seduction circles. A blush on the cheeks is a great signal.
  21. Gives you compliments - as we know, this is not quite the norm for a girl, she shows open interest in you and admiration.

Well, I wanted 20, but I got carried away, there are a lot more of them.

There are exceptions to any rule, and signals must be considered in context, and it’s good if they are groups of sexual signals. 1 or 2 sexual signals alone may not mean anything at all.

Do girls want sex and how often?

Believe me, they want it more than we do.

As I like to say, the phrase is absolutely justified and verified.

Girls are just as horny animals as we men.

Everything is equal. Social norms, of course, restrain women's behavior, but in their heads there is the same lust. One of my friends said:

If I woke up in the morning and didn’t masturbate, the day wasted.

2 weeks without sex and a lamppost turns me on.

Another quote from a woman’s mouth:

Yes, I want it every day, several times a day

Here I want to note, and this is important, these phrases do not apply to those guys who look mediocre, unkempt, fat, insecure, the reality is that you extremely rarely become the embodiment of women’s sexual fantasies. Therefore, sports will help you, a good hairstyle, style and tan. And yes, drive away any losers who will say that appearance is not important for a man. All the handsome guys, the freaks laugh at you.

She doesn’t necessarily become a world-class model, but she should have basic care and her own style.

Sorry if I overdid it, but I don’t care. I just want to touch some of the characters to motivate them. My intentions are pure and noble. There are no criteria that describe the correct facial features of a man, other than the usual proportions and symmetry, but the criteria that describe the number of abs are obvious.

In general, whoever does not strive for beauty loses most of the women in life. They have to be cunning, talk things down, cajole, but the handsome guys just take it and that’s it. Anything they want. Handsome people are believed more, listened to better, and many more bonuses. Being beautiful doesn't mean being stupid. Choose the path of development, your life, it’s up to you to decide.

Test the passage above through a woman's opinion, so you will know its truthfulness through their eyes.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you?

She lingers close to your face and looks into your eyes. The distance is sufficient to lean over and kiss. You did not understand? She expects this from you, kiss her already! In general, stop looking for the right moment, just kiss already.

How to understand that an older woman wants you?

Everything is the same, only they have even fewer problems. Libido in girls only increases with age, and so on until menopause. At the age of 40, if a woman wants sex, she behaves much like a 17-year-old boy, only much more confident and wiser.

Social pressure on girls

Girls are vulgar, but not in men's societies. remember this

Girls are always afraid of male judgment. And therefore, even if a girl really wants sex, she hides it. Standards of behavior, such labels in society as chastity, slut, whore, slut, nymphomaniac.

What good girl would like such labels, even chastity now sounds unpleasant “Virgin” as if there was something wrong with her. That’s why girls don’t discuss vulgarities in the company of men, but they don’t choose words among themselves. And of course, depending on what kind of company it is, it’s a group of men.

How can I refuse if I don't want her?

Hahaha guys)) Yes, this happens, I understand. Just be gallant and try not to offend her. She will still be offended!)) Girls are not so used to rejection, it hurts them terribly. Yes))

There is no need to do this; such views usually, on the contrary, bind you. Everything must be strict

If you are going to refuse, then you don’t need to squeeze her and excite her. And he clearly said once that you don’t want it now, and that’s enough. If you don’t understand, take her by the forearms and repeat, looking straight into her eyes.

If that doesn't work, call a taxi and send her home. In general, be cool. The man said, period, you don’t even need to explain anything. Just don't and control your behavior. If you say one thing and show another, she won’t believe you.

At such moments, you don’t think how to understand that a girl wants you)) When she tries to fuck you, excuse the expression. Favorite paragraph in this article)))) Thanks for the questions guys. Girls are unpredictable, after you don’t give her, she may even fall in love with you, she may even hate you. Although these are just 2 sides of the same coin.

As always, please look in context and try to get the gist. Once you grasp the essence, you will no longer need to analyze each gesture in detail.
Sincerely, Alexander Panferov.

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    Secret signs of desire

    To correctly recognize female signals, you need to trust your feelings and be extremely attentive to your interlocutor. A woman will always make it clear through body language and gestures that she feels when she is ready for intimacy and desires it. This becomes noticeable even if the lady hides her secret desires.


    When communicating with a woman, you should pay attention to her eyes. If they are slightly dilated and constantly look at the man, this is one of the signs that the woman wants to sleep with him. Most often, such a “call” can be observed in married women over 30 years old.

    Another sign would be the exact opposite sign: the girl deliberately avoids direct eye contact, but at times looks intently at the interlocutor if she thinks that he does not notice it. This signal is typical for young unmarried ladies who are embarrassed to openly show their interest.

    Fashion style

    If a woman wants intimacy, then you can tell by her clothes. Bare shoulders, a skirt or dress above the knees, a deep neckline - these signs can be regarded as an invitation to get to know your interlocutor better. During the conversation, the girl will touch her clothes, adjust something in it: this is how she “tells” the man that he needs to pay closer attention to her.


    During a conversation, a lady violates personal space, doing it subconsciously or with far-reaching intentions. She will touch the fingers, hands of the interlocutor, his clothes. Unexpectedly for the guy, she can even kiss him, as if as a joke, on the cheek or lips.

    If a woman gently touches a man's neck and hair, this is a clear signal of her desire to sleep with him.


    If a woman wants a man, her lips will be dry and she will lick them from time to time. The lady subconsciously experiences excitement, so in such a situation you can and should be more confident and persistent.

    Finger movement

    If, during a pleasant conversation, a girl begins to play with her strands of hair (twists them around her finger, often touches them), she unconsciously sends an erotic signal to her interlocutor.

    The same signals will come from stroking the earlobe and neck - these are erogenous zones, touching which subconsciously “gives away” the secret desires of the interlocutor. This is also evidenced by other indirect signs: if a lady runs her fingers up and down the stem of a glass, a cigarette, a lighter.


    This is one of the well-known and effective techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Many people do not notice that in those moments when they want to please their counterpart, they begin to unwittingly copy his actions - gestures, communication style, conversational pauses. You can understand that a girl wants a close relationship by her changed behavior, when she involuntarily begins to “mirror” the man.

    Choosing a topic for conversation

    If a lady is positive about getting to know the man she likes more closely, during the conversation she will voluntarily or unwittingly touch on intimate topics. We can talk about good friends, a new film, the plot of a book. The conversation will begin to flow with erotic overtones. There is no need to be afraid of these topics and avoid the conversation; you should support it using a good sense of humor.

    Obvious signals

    In addition to nonverbal hints, a girl can consciously let a young man know that she wants to sleep with him. Unambiguous signals include the following:

    • The lady offers privacy together under any pretext. In this case, it is worth weighing the pros and cons and making a decision. If for some reason sex is impossible (the girl is too young, the man is married and doesn’t want problems, there is no desire for intimacy), you should gently refuse the lady.
    • Showers your interlocutor with compliments regarding his appearance and figure. If the interlocutor begins to exaggerately praise the merits of her chosen one, it means that she is ready for an intimate relationship and makes this clear.
    • He openly says that he wants to sleep. For many men, such frankness of a woman is one of their favorite sexual fantasies. However, if it comes true, many representatives of the stronger sex may become confused and not answer the call.

Love is a wonderful feeling. Loving and being loved is the greatest happiness. But sometimes we cannot understand whether a person reciprocates our feelings, or whether it is worth showing signs of attention to him. Of course, it is accepted that men court girls, it has always been this way. A man is the head of the family, he creates his family well-being by choosing a girl as his wife. Representatives of the fair sex have also always been puzzled by the problem of choice. But in the modern world, either men have become shyer and more insecure, or ladies refuse too often. But a trend has emerged for girls to take the initiative first. The question immediately arises: should girls express affection first? Probably shouldn't be too persistent. However, it is possible to push a man towards courtship and show that you are interested in him!

Love does not love

Men and women are very different, and sometimes communication does not work out for the reason that they simply cannot understand each other. Girls are romantic, dreamy in nature, and men love specifics and express everything in their own words. If a guy likes a girl, he'll probably just come up and say so. It's not so simple with girls. Guys sometimes perceive signs of a girl's sympathy in the wrong way. For example, in the psychology of girls, there is such a feature as the expression of dissatisfaction with the object of attention. Girls have their own tricks. Therefore, if you see that she is looking at you somehow dissatisfied, just try to smile, say a couple of compliments and see how she blossoms. Rest assured, if she melts, she really likes you!

How girls show their love

  1. Character. Most girls live up to the title of the weaker sex. There are, of course, representatives with a strong character, they know what they want and expect to be conquered. There will be no compromises with such a lady. If you fall in love with such a girl, then act first and don’t miss the chance. Most girls have an easy-going, soft, good-natured character. Men are attracted to precisely this kind of feminine essence; they love feminine and good people. Love is, first of all, caring. If a girl likes a guy, then she will, first of all, take care of him, help with the housework, ask if he has eaten and if he is dressed warmly.
  2. Psychological support. Another fact that suggests that a girl is not indifferent to you is support. There is an opinion that a man becomes a real man only next to a real woman. And so it is. When a man hears praise and support addressed to him, he himself is filled with strength and becomes capable of much. Faith is the main sign of love. If you believe in someone and show your attention, then this person will certainly turn his attention to you.

Signs of a girl's sympathy for a guy cannot be put into a list and given a name. Just remember that a man must remain a man, and if you like a lady, then do not expect actions from her, act yourself and do not be afraid of anything! This is the only way you can prove to her that you are worthy of her sympathy and even love.

Women's tricks

Girls, for the most part, are modest, gentle and vulnerable creatures. Therefore, do not expect that a sweet, pretty girl will approach a guy and say that she likes him, even if she is head over heels in love. Most likely, she will resort to feminine tricks and tricks. Such signs of attention are called nonverbal signs of sympathy. These are glances, accidental touches to the object of adoration, a desire to stay longer in the company. Often girls resort to male help. This is kind of a trick. She just wants to show how weak she is so that you can help her. For example, when she sees the object of her love, a girl’s leg hurts sharply, and she needs support in the form of a man’s shoulder, or the lock is broken, and the guy must definitely fix it, so know, she’s just playing on your sense of pride. You can’t refuse such a lovely creature or admit that you don’t know how to do something?

You can talk for a long time about how girls show sympathy, but still not learn anything. Girls are very chaotic, their thoughts every second, words thrown casually can be poorly understood by you. If a girl wants to say something important, she will never say anything specifically, much less expect a declaration of love. Most likely, a man will hear words taken out of context, and then understand it as you wish. But still, there is one common sign of love: when a person is in love, next to the object of adoration, he becomes shy. And someone will have to overcome this shyness.

It's sad, but very often people use each other to get what they want. This problem can also exist in relationships between a man and a woman. If you feel like the girl you're dating is taking advantage of you, this article will help you determine if she really is. Thanks to the signs listed in this article, you can understand whether a girl is taking advantage of you or not.


Part 1

Pay attention to the first signs

    Assess your financial situation. Think about your financial situation. If you have a nice car and a lot of money, a girl may date you not because she has tender feelings for you, but because she is attracted to your financial status. Also, if you have social influence or are famous, then this could also be the reason why a girl is dating you.

    • Of course, you don't have to be rich or famous for a girl to take advantage of you. She can use you regardless of your financial condition. For example, if a girl is used to you driving her around when she needs it, then this may indicate that she is taking advantage of you.
  1. Note her desire for a prominent position. Think about whether the girl communicates with you only in order to attend interesting events to which you are invited. She may be eager for others to see her with you. She may also be using you to meet interesting people. Watch the girl. Pay attention to whether she wants to spend time with you or is pursuing her own selfish goals.

    • She may also be communicating with you for the literal free ride, or for you to meet her material needs.
  2. Pay attention to how she calls you on the phone. Some girls only call when they need something. Perhaps the girl wants you to fix something or provide her with other necessary help. Pay attention to how the girl talks to you on the phone. If a girl calls very rarely, once every few weeks, and every time she asks you for some favor, then most likely she is taking advantage of you.

    Pay attention to whether the girl is using you to move up the career ladder. If a girl is looking for an opportunity to talk to you at work, then most likely she is interested in getting a bigger position with your help. You can test a girl's true motives by inviting her on a date. However, remember, romance at work has many pitfalls. If a girl works at another company but only calls you when she needs help with work, most likely she is taking advantage of you.

    Pay attention to whether she is listening to you. When you're together, does she talk about herself all the time? If she's not interested in listening to you, chances are she's just taking advantage of you.

    Pay attention to whether the girl is guided only by her personal preferences when deciding where you will spend time.

    Perhaps she chooses activities that only she likes. In addition, she can only call you when a big concert is planned in the city or a new club is opening. She may invite you to go with her. However, be careful, she may be calling to get you to bear the expenses yourself. Pay attention to whether the thought of a long-term relationship causes panic in the girl.

    If she prefers an open relationship, then most likely she spends time with you to satisfy her sexual needs. She might just be deceiving you. Pay attention to whether the girl is using you to satisfy her sexual needs.

If she calls you after 10 or 11 pm, chances are she wants to have sex with you. However, don't jump to conclusions. Pay attention to the girl's work schedule. Perhaps she works late and therefore has to call you late at night. If you are satisfied with such a relationship, then you hardly need to worry about it. However, if you do not want your relationship to be limited only to sex, then most likely the girl you are dating is not the best option for you.

Part 3

    Pay attention to her attitude towards you Pay attention to whether the girl is ready to apologize to you.

Women are such contradictory creatures that sometimes men spend a lot of time learning to understand them. However, many young people never have success with the fair sex because they are not able to recognize secret signals, signs and hints.

And yet you can understand women by paying attention to their facial expressions, gestures, and behavior on social networks when corresponding. How to understand that a girl likes you? Observe her, recognize the signs of interest in you and act.

You've been communicating with a young lady for a long time, but you still can't understand whether she likes you as a friend or is there something more possible between you? Pay attention to her gaze, body position and involuntary (or voluntary) gestures.


Girlish eyes are truly a “deadly weapon.” When answering the question of how to tell if a girl likes you, watch her eyes. If she loves you or is passionate about you, then you will notice the following:

  • eye contact lasts longer than usual (at least 6 seconds);
  • the pupils dilate when the charming girl looks at you;
  • a classmate or company friend looks at you more often than at the people around you;
  • the girl looks sideways, as if looking in the other direction (the fair sex has excellent peripheral vision).

Remember that if a young lady looks at you, this does not mean that she likes you. Sociable people prefer to make eye contact with their interlocutors. Observe how she behaves with others. If a girl is reserved with other men, but flirts with you, you are not mistaken in her look!


Playing with curls is a favorite pastime of a girl in love or flirting. In addition, being next to a man she likes makes the young lady nervous, which also affects involuntary finger movements, including:

  • constantly touching your hair, throwing your bangs back or blowing them off your forehead;
  • twirling hair around a finger, pencil or other writing utensil (for example, at school or office);
  • throwing back the hair from the neck, and at this moment the girl is trying to catch your gaze.


When communicating with a cute young lady, pay more attention to her lips. To express your sympathy, a girl does not have to say anything at all. If she likes you, then she will most likely:

  • lick lips;
  • barely noticeably bite your lower lip;
  • smile seductively;
  • touching your lips with your fingers, as if wanting to check your makeup.

Body position

Observe the position of a girl's body during a conversation to understand whether the girl likes you. If she crosses her arms over her chest and doesn't look at you, you can assume indifference. Signs of interest and sympathy are movements such as:

  • tilting and turning in your direction during a conversation;
  • reducing the distance between you;
  • touch, even if fleeting;
  • pointing the toes of her shoes at you;
  • voluntary or involuntary mirroring of your actions and gestures.

However, do not forget that modest girls are often nervous and shy, so they begin to “squeeze”, and you may not find the above signs. Wait until she relaxes in your presence and let her know that you like her too.

The most important sign of a young lady's sympathy for a guy is flirting. A girl likes you (or even she loves you) if in your company she starts laughing, touching you, or getting into arguments. However, remembering that every woman is a bright individual, consider the following rules:

In addition, pay attention to changes in the young lady’s appearance. If she likes you, she will try to change her wardrobe, hairstyle or makeup. However, there are girls who look almost perfect in all situations. In this case, you need to observe her for some time to notice changes in her appearance.

It should not be assumed that the changes in the appearance of the young charmer are connected with her sympathy for your person. Some girls do not consider it necessary to change their appearance because they are self-confident and prefer to remain themselves.

To find out if a girl likes you, first of all, take a closer look at her behavior while communicating with you. A classmate at school, a young lady in a company, or a work colleague, when in contact with a young man she likes, begins:

  • listen to him carefully (and it’s not so important what he says), actively maintain a conversation on almost any topic;
  • smile at the guy’s jokes and laugh at the jokes and funny stories he tells (smart girls in love understand that even bad jokes need positive evaluation).

Interest in a guy when communicating on social networks

In this case, we will talk about how to find out from correspondence on VK and other social networks that a girl likes you. It’s quite difficult to determine a woman’s sympathy from a distance. However, there are several signs that will help you create at least a rough picture and determine how interested your interlocutor is in you.

Pay attention to such signs and features of correspondence communication on VK as:

  • the speed of her responses to your message (not the most accurate point, since the young lady may simply be very busy);
  • does she write to you first when you appear online or prefers to wait for your messages (modest girls may not write first);
  • numerous likes and comments on photos, videos or music clips on your VK page;
  • how detailed her messages are, whether she responds willingly, what words she uses (“clear,” “yes” are considered impersonal and indifferent words);
  • whether she likes to be frank with you.

To resolve all issues, force the situation. There is no need to ask every morning about the state of her affairs or the weather, just offer to meet, sit in a cafe or exchange phone numbers. If she refuses, you won't waste much time on fruitless courtship.

How to tell if a girl likes you?

There are a couple of simple but effective techniques that allow you to understand whether a certain young lady has warm feelings for you. In practice they look like this:

  1. Smile at her when she looks at you. Just like that, without any second thought. If a girl immediately returns your smile, this can be considered a good sign.
  2. Try to arouse jealousy by flirting a little with her friend or just another young lady in her presence. While flirting, carefully observe the response. The girl will definitely try to hide her irritation, but she can be given away by:
    • rapid breathing;
    • sharply changed mood;
    • nervousness;
    • any attempts to get your attention.

Of course, these signs are not enough to say with “reinforced concrete” confidence that a girl likes you. Perhaps the best solution would be to invite her on a date, to a cafe or cinema, where you can accurately answer the question that is tormenting you.

So, it should be recognized that young people cannot always accurately understand all the signs that the fair sex gives.

Remember that you cannot meet two identical girls. One, absolutely indifferent to you, may show almost all of the above signs of interest, the other, in love with you, will not show a single secret signal. Therefore, be patient, get to know your interlocutor better and feel with your heart whether she likes you.