
How is the labor pension calculated? How the future pension is formed and calculated. What documents need to be provided


Old age pensions are benefits that are paid every month. The amount of pension payments may vary. The amount of the benefit depends on the length of work experience or other charitable activities useful to society.

Old-age insurance pension is a payment that is paid to insured persons every month.

Its size is calculated based on several indicators:

  • The amount of wages;
  • The amount of remuneration or other payments;
  • The period of lost incapacity due to disability and/or old age (Federal Law on conditions for disabled people).

The structure of the Pension Fund has changed significantly recently. Now, in order to receive an old-age pension, you need to work officially. By law, employers pay monthly insurance premiums for their employees. The size depends on the salary. Interest on pension payments is calculated from it.

Please note: The amount of payment depends on the current salary.

All laws on pensions in the Russian Federation are presented below:

  • Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, which was adopted in 2013;
  • Federal Law No. 385 “On the abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners”;
  • Federal Law No. 424 “On funded pensions”;
  • Federal Law No. 422 “On guaranteeing rights in the formation and investment of pension savings”;
  • Federal Law.

The procedure for calculating pensions in the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 400 contains information on the calculation of old-age pensions. It provides the formula for calculation:

SP = (CPB * SB) + FV

CPB- the number of points that were accumulated by the insured person before the pension was calculated. Pension points are an indicator that will be needed to calculate your pension. It began to be used after the introduced reform. The amount of points depends on the length of service, the amount of deductions and the size of the official salary.

SB— point value. This indicator changes every year and is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

FV- fixed payment towards pension. It is established by the state. Its size in 2017 is 4805.11 rubles.

As the Federal Law states, to apply for a pension payment, contact one of the following institutions:

  • Branch of the Russian Pension Fund;

You can also make a payment in your personal account on the portal of the State Pension Fund of Russia.

Documents for registration:

  • Application for monthly benefits;
  • Identity card (passport);
  • SNILS;
  • Employment history;
  • Other documents that confirm work experience.

The Pension Fund does not have data before 2002. For this reason, it is necessary to provide documents with which the points can be calculated. The period for calculation is 60 months or 5 years (until 2002).

The law states that documents are verified within 10 days. The pension is paid from the date on which the application is submitted. It is impossible to receive payment before the rights to it have been received. However, lawyers advise filing documents before retirement.

Subsequently, pensions are paid once a month according to the procedure established by the Government.

The place where funds are issued depends on the choice:

  • Russian Post: to your home or in a branch;
  • Bank: on a plastic card or at the cash desk;
  • Special payment delivery companies.

Is work experience important?

The length of work experience is reflected in the amount of pensions and various government supports intended for retirees. Therefore, work experience is important only for people of retirement age. In the USSR, such experience was more important. However, it was not always possible to work for a long time in one company, even if the desire remains. Therefore, the advantages of continuous work experience are less than the disadvantages.

In principle, the impact of continuous service on the final amount of payment is the same as that of regular service. However, now citizens themselves choose how much and where to work. The main thing is to have the required number of years of experience before retirement age.

Many people wonder how to restore their work experience according to the law? Information about work experience can only be lost if you could not find the work record book or it was damaged. If a person has lost his work book, he must immediately contact the employer at his last place of work.

Please note: a duplicate is issued within 15 days after acceptance of the application.

Latest changes in the law for pensioners

The Federal Law “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019” was adopted by the State Duma on December 9, 2016, and approved by the Federation Council 5 days later of the same year. Changes have also been made to the latest edition.

Article 2

Article two of the Federal Law defines the main administrators of the revenues of the Budget Fund, as well as:

  • The list of chief administrators of the Fund's budget revenues is approved in accordance with Appendix 1;
  • The list of chief administrators of the sources of financing the Fund's budget deficit is approved according to Appendix 2 of this Federal legislation.

Article 6

Article 6 of this law defines the specifics of the resolution on the use of budget allocations. Funds come from the state fund to the budget for the payment of insurance pensions. In other words, they are used to financially support the payment of insurance pensions.


The Federal Law “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019” determines the amount of pension payments for 2017-2019. It contains the exact amounts of allocated funds, which are distributed among various categories of citizens.

To familiarize yourself with this Federal Law in more detail, to analyze the amendments and additions, go to.

1. What salary period is taken into account when assigning or recalculating a pension?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", when determining the estimated size of the labor pension, the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000-2001 are taken into account according to individual (personalized) records or for any 60 consecutive months (up to 2001 inclusive) on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies.

2. Is it possible to establish an increased basic part of the labor pension for persons who have reached the age of 80 - recipients of a disability pension of group 2 (2nd degree of limitation of the ability to work) who have at least 5 years of insurance experience?

Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” does not provide for the establishment of an increased basic part of the labor pension in connection with the achievement of the age of 80 for persons who are recipients of a disability pension of group 2. Since an increased basic part can only be established for an old-age pension, if there is at least 5 years of insurance experience, the pensioner should apply to the territorial Office of the Pension Fund at the place of residence for a transfer from a disability pension to an old-age pension.

3. Does a woman who is a recipient of an old-age labor pension (age 63) have the right to switch to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for her deceased spouse, whose death occurred in 1990, who had not reached retirement age at that time and was not a recipient of the pension? At the same time, at the time of death, the spouse was working, but the spouse’s earnings were the main source of the family’s livelihood.

Clause 6 of Article 9 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” provides for the right of members of the family of the deceased breadwinner, for whom his help was a constant and main source of livelihood, who themselves receive some kind of pension , switch to a survivor's pension.
To exercise this right, it is necessary that the family member of the deceased breadwinner belongs to the circle of persons entitled to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. A disabled member of the family of a deceased breadwinner is recognized, in particular, as the spouse of the deceased breadwinner if he (she) has reached the ages of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or is a disabled person with limited ability to work.
Thus, the spouse of a deceased breadwinner who receives an old-age labor pension can switch to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, provided that the assistance of the deceased breadwinner was his constant and main source of livelihood.
As documents confirming that the assistance of the deceased breadwinner was a permanent and main source of livelihood, certificates from housing authorities or local governments confirming that the applied family member is dependent on the deceased, certificates of income of all family members, and other documents containing the required intelligence.
The body providing pensions evaluates the information contained in the submitted documents and comes to a conclusion as to whether the assistance of the deceased breadwinner was a permanent and main source of livelihood for the applying family member or not.
If the body providing pension provision is unable to conclude that the assistance of the deceased breadwinner was a permanent and main source of livelihood for the applying family member of the deceased breadwinner, this fact can be confirmed in court.

4. In what case can a pensioner recalculate the insurance part of his labor pension, taking into account the insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation?

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” to a person who carried out work and (or) other activities for at least 12 full months from the date of assignment of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or insurance part of the labor pension for disability or from the date of the previous recalculation of the amount of the specified part of the corresponding labor pension, upon his application, the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for old age or the insurance part of the labor pension for disability is recalculated. The performance of work “for at least 12 full months” means a period of time from the date of appointment or previous recalculation of at least 12 full months. Consequently, in the specified period, the duration of periods of work may be less than 12 full months. At the same time, insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance must be paid for these months.
From the above it follows that the right to recalculate the insurance part of a labor pension arises only one year after the pension was assigned or recalculated taking into account the insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

5. Do working parents have the right to increase the basic part of the old-age or disability pension, taking into account dependents?

In accordance with Article 14 and Art. 15 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" from January 1, 2002, provides for the right to increase the basic part of the labor pension for old age and disability, taking into account dependents, regardless of whether the parents are working or No. An increased basic part can be established in this case for the pensions of both parents.
Until 01/01/2002, in accordance with Federal Law No. 340-1 of November 20, 1990 “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation,” an allowance for dependents was accrued to the old-age and disability pensions, and this allowance was set to the pension of one of non-working parents.

6. From what time is a social pension assigned to a disabled child?

A social pension for a disabled child is assigned on the basis of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision”. According to Art. 23 of this Law, a pension is assigned from the 1st day of the month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than from the day the right to it arises, regardless of the type of pension.

7. Is the time women spend on maternity leave included in special (preferential) length of service?

In connection with the entry into force of the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 No. 2-P on checking the constitutionality of certain provisions of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, the authorities Those who provide pensions, when calculating the duration of the insurance period and (or) length of service in the relevant types of work for the period before 01/01/2002, can apply the rules and regulations that were in force before the entry into force of the new legal regulation, regardless of whether the specified length of service has been completed completely or partially.
The period women were on maternity leave until October 6, 1992 was included in the special length of service giving the right to a pension due to special working conditions, in accordance with paragraph 21 of the Explanation of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1996 No. 5 “On the procedure application of the Lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give, in accordance with Articles 12, 78, and 78.1 of the RSFSR Law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR,” the right to an old-age pension in connection with special working conditions and to a long-service pension.” .
Thus, within the framework of the Constitutional Court Resolution No. 2-P dated October 29, 2004, Explanation No. 5 dated May 22, 1996 can be applied and the period of parental leave until October 6, 1992 can be included in the special (preferential) experience.
After October 6, 1992, the period of parental leave is not included in the special (preferential) length of service

8. Under what conditions can a labor pension be assigned to citizens who worked in the Far North or equivalent areas?

For citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in equivalent areas, a labor pension is established: for men upon reaching the age of 55 years and for women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have an insurance period of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.
For citizens who worked both in the Far North and in equivalent areas, a labor pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. Moreover, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.
Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are granted a labor pension with an age reduction of four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas.

9. What details must be contained in documents issued to confirm periods of work?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 555 “On approval of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions” establishes that documents issued to confirm periods of work, periods of other activities and other periods must contain the number and date issue, surname, name, patronymic of the insured person to whom the document is issued, date, month and year of his birth, place of work, period of work, profession (position), grounds for issuing them (orders, personal accounts and other documents). Documents issued by employers to the insured person upon dismissal from work may be accepted as confirmation of the insurance period even if they do not contain the basis for their issuance.

10. Is it obligatory for persons born in 1966 and older to pay a fixed payment aimed at financing the funded part of their labor pension for the periods 2002 - 2004?

For policyholders - individual entrepreneurs born in 1966 and older (and in 2002-2004 - men born in 1952 and older and women born in 1956 and older) the obligation to pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund budget in the form of a fixed payment in the part allocated to finance the funded fund part of the labor pension, terminates on April 12, 2005 - the date of proclamation of the rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 164-O, No. 165-O, and for policyholders who are lawyers engaged in private practice as notaries born in 1966 and older (and in 2002-2004 years - men born in 1952 and older and women born in 1956 and older) - from October 11, 2005 - from the date of entry into force of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2006 No. 582. Before these dates, the obligation to pay insurance premiums in the form The fixed payment for the funded part of the labor pension for these categories of policyholders has not been cancelled.

11. Can persons born in 1966 and older pay insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment aimed at financing the funded part?

The payment of insurance contributions ensures the formation of their pension rights and the acquisition of the right to receive a labor pension.
Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001) provides that the establishment of a funded part of a labor pension for the insured person is carried out in the presence of funds included in the special part of his individual personal account. At the same time, the legislator also connects the insured person’s right to receive the funded part of a labor pension with his or her reaching the generally established retirement age. Establishing differentiation in relation to the collection of insurance premiums to finance the funded part of the labor pension (depending on the age of the insured person) in a systematic connection with Articles 22 and 33 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 167-FZ of December 15, 2001), the legislator proceeded from the need to ensure that by the time retirement age is reached and a pension is assigned, the formation of pension savings sufficient to pay this part, which requires an appropriate period of time. In addition, no federal law has been adopted that would determine the expected period of payment of the funded part of the old-age labor pension in order to calculate its size (clause 9 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ).
Thus, the payment of insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment aimed at financing the funded part of the labor pension by policyholders born in 1966 and older (and in 2002-2004 - by men born in 1952 and older and women born in 1956 and older) seems inappropriate.

12. Since, in accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ, insurers making payments to individuals pay insurance premiums for the insurance part of the labor pension in the amount of 14% for persons born in 1966 and older, then in what amount should to pay insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment for the insurance part of the labor pension for individual entrepreneurs born in 1966 and older: 100 or 150 rubles?

In order to acquire pension rights, policyholders born in 1966 and older (and in 2002-2004 - men born in 1952 and older and women born in 1956 and older) pay insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment in the part allocated to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, in the amount established by Article 28 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ, i.e. 100 rubles.

13. Does the exemption from paying a fixed payment in the minimum amount provided for in paragraph 3 of the Rules for the payment of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in the form of a fixed payment in the minimum amount, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2005 No. 582 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), apply to past periods?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2005 No. 582 does not apply to past periods in terms of payment of insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment, and the right of non-payment arises for the insurers specified in paragraph 3 of the Rules from the moment of proclamation of the relevant rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation:
individual entrepreneurs and lawyers who are recipients of pensions established in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families - from May 24, 2005 - the date of proclamation of the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 223 - O;
individual entrepreneurs who did not carry out entrepreneurial activities due to being on parental leave until the child reached the age of one and a half years - from May 12, 2005 - the date of proclamation of the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 182-O;
private detectives engaged in the private practice of notaries - from October 11, 2005 - the date of entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2006 No. 582.

14. From what period of time are individual entrepreneurs exempt from paying insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment in accordance with the Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2005 No. 182-O, No. 213-O: from the day of birth of the child, or from the day following the day the maternity leave ends?

Individual entrepreneurs who did not carry out entrepreneurial activities due to being on parental leave until the child reached the age of one and a half years are exempt from paying a fixed payment:
in the event of the birth of a child after the proclamation of rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2005 No. 182-O, No. 213-O - from the day following the end of maternity leave;
in the case of the birth of a child before the above rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation came into force - from 05/12/2005, i.e. the date of proclamation of the above rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
In addition, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance for other periods listed in Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, in particular, for the period of receiving state benefits social insurance during temporary disability.

15. Are heads and members of peasant (farm) households and members of clan and family communities of small peoples of the North exempt from paying insurance premiums in the form of a fixed payment for compulsory pension insurance in accordance with decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2005 No. 164-O , No. 165-O, dated May 12, 2005 No. 182-O, No. 183-O, No. 210-O, No. 211-O, No. 212-O, No. 213-O, dated May 24, 2005 No. 223-O and resolutions Government of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2005 No. 582?

The specified categories of policyholders can be exempted from paying insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance only after making appropriate additions to the Rules for the payment of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in the form of a fixed payment in the minimum amount, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2005 No. 582.

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him have the right to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. According to subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the said Federal Law, disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner are recognized, in particular, as children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who are studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, in including in foreign educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if the referral for training was made in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, with the exception of educational institutions of additional education, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23 years .
Thus, the current pension legislation provides for cases when a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner cannot be assigned to disabled members of the family of a deceased breadwinner who are studying full-time in educational institutions. The legislator includes such cases as: training in educational institutions of additional education, as well as in foreign educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, without a referral for training. The legislator does not provide for any other restrictions on the right to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner in relation to these persons.
Taking into account the above, children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of a deceased breadwinner, until they reach the age of 23, can exercise the right to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner if, after graduating from a college or institute, they study full-time at another college or institute.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 213-FZ), the estimated size of the labor pension when assessing the pension rights of the insured persons is calculated based on the average monthly earnings of the insured person for the year 2000. 2001 according to individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system or for any 60 consecutive months on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies.
At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 12 of this article, when assessing the pension rights of insured persons, the procedure for confirming and increasing the earnings of the insured person, which was established for the assignment and recalculation of state pensions and was in force until 01/01/2002, is applied.
In accordance with Article 100 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation” in force until January 1, 2002 (as amended by the Federal Law of March 17, 1997 No. 52-FZ), earnings for calculating pensions include all types of payments (income) received in connection with the performance of work (official duties) provided for in Article 89 of this Law, for which insurance contributions were calculated to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
Types of payments for which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were not charged are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Along with these payments, earnings for calculating pensions include three types of payments not related to the performance of work, for which insurance contributions are not charged. These include: monetary allowances for military personnel and persons equal to them in pension provision, paid for the period of service (Article 90 of this Law); temporary disability benefits; a scholarship paid for the period of study (Article 91 of the said Law).
In accordance with the List of payments for which insurance contributions are not accrued to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/1997 No. 546, insurance contributions are not accrued, incl. for remuneration paid to citizens under civil law contracts, excluding remuneration paid under civil law contracts the subject of which is the performance of work or provision of services, as well as excluding remuneration under copyright contracts.
Thus, insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are calculated on the amount of royalties paid by employers - enterprises, institutions, organizations for the work performed by the author.
At the same time, for the first time, the payment of insurance contributions by organizations for state social insurance from the amounts of royalties in accordance with the Procedure for the payment of insurance contributions by enterprises, organizations and citizens to the Pension Fund of the RSFSR, approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated January 30, 1991 No. 556-1, began to be made from 01.01 .1991.
Taking into account the above, when assessing the pension rights of the insured person as of 01/01/2002, the amount of royalties may be taken into account as part of earnings, but not earlier than from 01/01/1991.
As for the amounts paid for the use of a created work of authorship, they are not in the nature of remuneration and are not subject to insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and, therefore, these amounts cannot be taken into account as part of earnings when assessing the pension rights of the insured persons as of 01/01/2002.

18. Citizen V. presented a salary certificate for the period of work from September 1987 to August 1992. At the same time, the certificate indicates the amount of the bonus for the 3rd quarter of 1992, paid in December 1992 (i.e. after dismissal). Is the specified amount included in the calculation of average monthly earnings for the purpose of assessing pension rights as of 01/01/2002?

The procedure for assessing the pension rights of insured persons as of 01/01/2001 by converting them (transformation) into calculated pension capital is determined by Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.
In accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 213-FZ), the estimated size of the labor pension is determined on the basis of the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000-2001. information from (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system, or from average monthly earnings for any 60 consecutive months on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies.
According to paragraph 12 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, when assessing the pension rights of insured persons, the procedure for confirming the length of service, including length of service in relevant types of work (and, if necessary, the earnings of the insured person), is applied, as well as the procedure for increasing the earnings of the insured person, which was established for the assignment and recalculation of state pensions and was in force until the day the specified Federal Law came into force.
Based on the provisions of Article 100 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation,” earnings for calculating pensions include all types of payments (income) received in connection with the performance of work (official duties), for which insurance premiums are charged to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, Article 102 of the said Law defines the periods for which the average earnings of the insured person are determined when assigning a pension: the last 24 months of work (service, except for compulsory military service) before applying for a pension or any 60 months of work (service) in a row during the entire working life before applying for a pension.
At the same time, in contrast to the previously effective provisions of the pension legislation, the provisions of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ established the possibility of calculating the average earnings of the insured person for 24 months only for a specific period of time, namely for the years 2000-2001. individual personalized accounting information.
Thus, when assessing pension rights, payments can be taken into account, including bonuses received during the period of work for which the pensioner’s average monthly earnings are calculated (for 60 consecutive months or for 2000 - 2001).
Taking into account the above, the premium for the 3rd quarter, paid after dismissal (in December 1992), is not a payment received during the period of work for which the average monthly earnings of the insured person is determined (from September 1987 to August 1992) and, therefore, indicated the bonus cannot be taken into account when assessing pension rights.

19. Can the provisions of paragraph 21 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, providing for a reduction in the expected period of payment of a labor pension, be applied to citizens who, before relocating to the territory of the Russian Federation, were recipients old age pensions?

Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (as amended by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 213-FZ) establishes the procedure for determining the amount of the old-age labor pension.
In accordance with paragraph 21 of this article, when the insurance part of an old-age labor pension is assigned for the first time at a later age than provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the said Federal Law, the expected period for payment of an old-age labor pension (clause 1 of this article) is reduced by one year per year. every full year that has elapsed from the date of reaching the specified age, but not earlier than from 01/01/2002 and not earlier than from the date of acquisition of the right to assign the insurance part of an old-age labor pension. In this case, the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, used to calculate the amount of the insurance part of the said pension, cannot be less than 14 years (168 months).
Thus, the provision of paragraph 21 of Article 14 of the said Federal Law, which provides for a reduction in the expected period for payment of a labor pension, cannot be applied to citizens who, before relocating to the territory of the Russian Federation, were recipients of an old-age pension.

20. On the establishment of a social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for a child who has lost a second parent.

The conditions for assigning a social pension are determined by Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”. In accordance with subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 and paragraph 3 of this article, children under the age of 18, as well as over this age, studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, with the exception of educational institutions of additional education , until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23, those who have lost one or both parents, and the children of a deceased single mother, are entitled to a social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
Paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001 determines in which cases the amount of the state pension pension is recalculated, and in which cases it is transferred from one type of pension to another. According to this paragraph, the pension amount can be recalculated in connection with a change in the disability group, the cause of disability, the number of disabled family members dependent on the pensioner, the category of a disabled family member of the deceased breadwinner, as well as in connection with a change in the conditions for assigning a social pension. In other cases, a transfer is made from one type of pension to another type of pension under state pension provision.
If a child who is a recipient of a social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for one parent loses a second parent, his category changes as a disabled member of the family of the deceased breadwinner, which is the basis for recalculating the amount of this pension. At the same time, the conditions for assigning a social pension do not change.
This means that in the event of the loss of the second parent, upon the corresponding application of the pensioner, the size of the social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is recalculated in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 in connection with a change in the category of a disabled family member of the deceased breadwinner from the term , provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the said Federal Law, i.e. from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the citizen applied for recalculation of the pension amount.
Taking into account the above, a child who is a recipient of a social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for a deceased father since November 28, 2008 and who applied for the said pension in connection with the loss of both parents on May 15, 2009 (the mother died in April 2009), should recalculate the amount of social security pensions in case of loss of a breadwinner from 06/01/2009.

21. On the possibility of accepting for production as a document confirming marital relations a court decision that established “the fact of actual marital relations.”

According to paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, court decisions that have entered into legal force are binding on all state authorities, local governments, public associations, officials, citizens, organizations without exception and are subject to strict execution throughout the Russian Federation. . This means that when a pensioner submits a court decision that has entered into legal force, its execution by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is mandatory. In the situation described in the appeal, citizen S. applied to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to establish a one-time payment in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 No. 247 “On a one-time payment to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War war of 1941-1945”, presenting the decision of the Gornomarisky District Court, which entered into legal force on March 1, 2011, in which the fact of the applicant’s condition in de facto marital relations was proven and in the operative part of the court decision it was established “the fact of the condition of citizen S., October 10, 1921 birth, in actual marital relations with B., born on November 23, 1914, died on November 5, 1994, from 1941 until the moment of his death.”
Taking into account the above, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to accept this court decision for production as a document confirming the marriage relationship, in order to formalize pensions and other social benefits, in particular, to establish S. a lump sum payment in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 24 2010 No. 247 “On a one-time payment to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

22. From what period is a pension granted to citizens who have moved to the territory of the Russian Federation from the CIS member states, to whom the payment of a pension at their previous place of residence has been terminated due to the expiration of the residence permit?

Issues of pension provision for these citizens are regulated by the Agreement on guarantees of the rights of citizens of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of pension provision dated March 13, 1992.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Agreement of March 13, 1992, when a pensioner resettles within the states party to the Agreement, payment of the pension at the previous place of residence is terminated if a pension of the same type is provided for by the legislation of the state at the pensioner’s new place of residence.
The timing of the assignment of pensions to citizens who moved to the Russian Federation from the states parties to the Agreement of March 13, 1992 is determined by letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 1994 No. 1-369-18, which stipulates that upon resettlement of a citizen who received pension in one of the states party to the Agreement of March 13, 1992, the pension is assigned from the month following the month of termination of payment of the pension at the previous place of residence, but no more than 6 months before the month of registration at the place of residence in Russia in the prescribed manner or recognition in the prescribed manner as a refugee or forced migrant.
It follows from this that in order to exercise the right to assign a pension, the specified category of citizens must meet the following conditions: the existence of the right to a pension of the same type, the presence in the passport or other identification document of information about registration at the place of residence and the availability of information about the termination of pension payment at the previous place of residence.
As follows from the appeal, a citizen of the Russian Federation moved to the territory of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Kazakhstan and applied to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for the assignment of an old-age pension on 04/01/2010. On the territory of the Russian Federation he has been registered at the place of residence since March 30, 2010. At her previous place of residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the pension was paid to her, taking into account the limitation of the validity of the residence permit until 03.10.2009.
Based on the above, if there is a right to an old-age labor pension on the territory of the Russian Federation, the applicant is assigned a pension in accordance with paragraph 1 of the letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated January 31, 1994 No. 1-369-18 from the month following the month of termination of payment of the pension at the previous place residence, but no more than 6 months before the month of registration at the place of residence in Russia in the prescribed manner, taking into account the day of termination of pension payment in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, i.e. from 04.10.2009.

23. On confirmation of the period of work of citizen L. from 07/07/1981 to 09/25/1992, which took place in Georgia (Georgian SSR).

In relation to persons who moved to the Russian Federation from the territory of Abkhazia before the date of its recognition by the Russian Federation as a sovereign and independent state (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2008 No. 1260 “On recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia”), and who applied for a pension before that date , the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Georgia on guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions dated May 16, 1997 should be applied.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Agreement of May 16, 1997, to determine the right to a pension, including a pension on preferential terms and for length of service, the labor (insurance) length of service acquired in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and Georgia (including before entry into force) is taken into account. force of this Agreement), as well as in the territory of the former USSR until December 31, 1991. In this case, the length of service is calculated according to the norms of the pension legislation of the Russian Federation.
As can be seen from the attached materials, citizen L. has the right to an old-age pension on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Georgia on guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of pension provision dated May 16, 1997, which entered into force on June 28 2002, and the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. When assigning the said pension to citizen L. from 06.11.2007, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation did not count the period of his work from 07.07.1981 to 09.25.1992 in the total length of service for calculating the estimated amount of the labor pension due to the lack of information about the renaming of the organization in which he was trained specified period of labor activity.
As for the requirements for the preparation of documents submitted by citizens who have moved for permanent residence to the territory of the Russian Federation from the states - former republics of the USSR, then, as a general rule, documents on length of service and earnings submitted for the purpose of granting a pension must be drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.
In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.2 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69, if during the employee’s work the name of the organization changes, then this is indicated in a separate line in column 3 of the “Information about work” section of the work book entry: “The organization such and such has been renamed to such and such date,” and in column 4 the basis for the renaming is entered - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.
Documents issued on the territory of Georgia (Abkhazia) must be properly executed and issued by state bodies and local government bodies. At the same time, we believe it is possible to include employers or state (municipal) bodies as the competent authorities of Abkhazia. In the event of liquidation of an employer or a state (municipal) body or termination of their activities for other reasons, these documents may be issued by a legal successor, a higher body or archival organizations that have the necessary information.
Considering that the territorial body of the Pension Fund in accordance with the Rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension and recalculating the amount of a pension, transferring from one pension to another in accordance with the federal laws “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation” , approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Pension Fund of February 27, 2002 No. 17/19pb, evaluates the submitted documents, including in terms of their proper execution, he has the right to additionally request the necessary documents from the applicant. If additional necessary documents are not submitted, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, has the right to decide on the establishment of a labor pension and calculate the amount of the old-age labor pension based on the relevant data available body, as of the day on which this body makes a decision on establishing a labor pension, and in accordance with the regulatory legal acts in force on that day.
Taking into account that the submitted work book was drawn up in violation of the requirements set by the Instructions for filling out work books, the actions of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to exclude from the calculation of the total length of service for calculating the estimated amount of the old-age pension for the period of work of the applicant from 07/07/1981 to 09/25/1992 , do not contradict the relevant legislation.
In this regard, it is necessary to explain to the applicant about the submission of the necessary documents confirming the period of work of the applicant from 07/07/1981 to 09/25/1992, and, if necessary, assist in obtaining them from the relevant competent authorities or local government bodies of the Republic of Abkhazia, employers.
Upon receipt of the necessary documents on the basis of a corresponding application, the amount of the old-age labor pension for citizen L. should be recalculated, taking into account the period established by Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 - from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the pensioner’s application was accepted on recalculating the amount of the labor pension upward by making an appropriate decision.

24. Is it possible to accept for pension purposes extracts from examination reports in medical and social examination institutions issued by the competent authorities of the states - former republics of the USSR?

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 1994 No. 1-369-18 and the instruction of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation dated January 18, 1996 No. 1-1-U, documents drawn up in foreign languages ​​are accepted when assigning a pension when provided that they are translated into Russian, if the accuracy of the translation (authenticity of the translator’s signature) is certified by notaries engaged in private practice, notaries working in state notary offices, as well as consular offices of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with paragraph 30 of the List of documents required to establish a labor pension and a state pension in accordance with the Federal Laws “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation”, approved by a joint resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002 No. 16/19pa, recognizing a person, including a child under 18 years of age, as disabled, as well as the period of disability, the date and reason for establishing disability are determined on the basis of an extract from the citizen’s examination report recognized as disabled, issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination.
Thus, taking into account the above requirements for the preparation of documents issued by the competent authorities of the states - former republics of the USSR, extracts available in the pension files of citizens confirming the recognition of persons as disabled, meeting the requirements of Russian regulatory legal acts on medical and labor (medical and social) examination and containing the necessary legally significant information for pension provision (full name; date of birth; date of disability; disability group; cause of disability; period for which disability was established; number and date of the document on the basis of which the extract was issued, etc. .), can be accepted for production for the purpose of providing pensions to citizens.
In the situation described in the appeal, a citizen who moved to live in Russia from a state - a former republic of the USSR (Ukraine) applied to the territorial body of the Pension Fund for pension provision. At the same time, in confirmation of the fact that he was recognized as disabled, an “Extract from the inspection report at MSEC” was presented, issued by the competent authority of Ukraine. The extract has been translated from Ukrainian into Russian, the accuracy of the translation (authenticity of the translator’s signature) has been certified by a notary, the document contains the necessary legally significant information for pension provision and meets the requirements of Russian regulatory legal acts on medical and labor (medical and social) examination. In this regard, the extract available in the pension file can be accepted for processing for the purpose of providing the applicant with a pension.

25. Can the periods of his work from 09/07/1962 to 06/04/1964 and from 06/13/1964 to 06/17/1968, coinciding in time with the period of study at a higher educational institution (from 09/01/1962 to 06/17/1968), taken into account when determining the amount of the long-service pension in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/12/1993 No. 4468-1?

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, military personnel (with the exception of citizens who served in conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen), subject to conditions in order to assign them an old-age labor pension provided for by Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, they have the right to simultaneously receive a long service pension or a disability pension provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families”, and insurance part of the old-age labor pension (with the exception of the fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension), established on the conditions and in the manner provided for by Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001.
According to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of this Federal Law, when calculating the insurance period required to acquire the right to the insurance part of an old-age pension for the specified category of citizens, it does not include periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities, taken into account when determining the amount of long-service pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I.
The specified periods are also not included in the total length of service when assessing the pension rights of military personnel as of January 1, 2002 (clause 8 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ).
Periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of a long-service pension in accordance with Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1993, are confirmed by a certificate developed for the purpose of implementing these laws .
In this certificate, the authorized bodies indicate the periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or the periods of service, work and other activities taken into account in the amount of the long service pension in accordance with Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 (indicating the beginning and end of such periods - day, month, year).
It should be noted that a period is understood as a period of time of a certain duration during which a person can carry out work and (or) other socially useful activities, taken into account for the purposes of pension provision.
In this regard, if several periods coincide in time (for example, work and study carried out simultaneously), only one of them can be taken into account.
Taking into account the above, since in the case under consideration, according to certificate No. PG-224227 dated September 19, 2008, when calculating the long-service pension for military pensioner V., the period “from September 1, 1962 to June 17, 1968” (5 years, nine months and 17 days) was taken into account, then the period from 09/07/1962 to 06/04/1964 and from 06/13/1964 to 06/17/1968 cannot be counted in the insurance (general labor) length of service to establish the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.

26. What is the procedure for recording the amounts of insurance contributions in the amount of the labor pension when assigning, recalculating and adjusting it?

The basis for determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pension is the estimated pension capital of the insured person, which is formed from the total amount of insurance contributions and other receipts to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the insured person and pension rights in monetary terms acquired before 01/01/2002.
At the same time, according to paragraph 1 of Article 29.1 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, when calculating the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taking into account which the size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the old-age labor pension) is calculated, the amount of insurance contributions and other income to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the insured person is taken into account starting from 01.01.2002.
When determining the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension and disability labor pension (Articles 14-15 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ), the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day on which the specified person the insurance part of an old-age labor pension or a labor disability pension is assigned.
Paragraphs 3 and 5 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ determine the procedure for recalculating the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension and disability labor pension in connection with the person’s performance of work and (or) other activities within 12 full months from the date of assignment of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or disability labor pension, or from the date of the previous recalculation (adjustment) of the amount of the specified part of the old-age labor pension or disability labor pension, and the procedure for adjusting (non-declaration recalculation) the size of the insurance part of the old-age and labor pension disability pensions from August 1 of each year.
The specified recalculation and adjustment is carried out according to individual (personalized) accounting data in the compulsory pension insurance system on the basis of information on the amount of insurance contributions that were not taken into account when determining the amount of the estimated pension capital for calculating the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or disability pension upon their appointment, transfer from one type of labor pension to an old-age labor pension or a disability labor pension, recalculation and previous adjustment.
When recalculating the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (clause 3 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ), as well as when making an adjustment (non-declaration recalculation) of the specified part of the old-age labor pension (clause 5 of Article 17 of this Federal Law ) the amount of the estimated pension capital taken into account as of the day from which the recalculation is made, and, accordingly, as of July 1 of the year from which the adjustment is made, is taken into account.
At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the size of the labor pension is determined on the basis of the relevant data available to the body providing pensions, as of the day on which this body makes a decision to establish a labor pension. pensions.
An extract from the individual personal account of the insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system (clause 14 of the List of documents required to establish a labor pension and a state pension pension in accordance with Federal laws “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 16/19pa dated 02.27.2002).
It should be noted that in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system” (as amended by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 213-FZ) reporting periods, for which the policyholder submits to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation information about the insured persons in the individual (personalized) accounting system, in particular, information about insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, the first quarter, half-year, nine months and calendar year are recognized.
In accordance with Article 8.1. of this Federal Law, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation receives and records information about insured persons in the individual (personalized) accounting system, as well as enters this information into the individual personal accounts of insured persons in the manner and within the time frame determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
In particular, the procedure for recording and using the specified individual information is enshrined in Part VIII of the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining individual (personalized) recording of information about insured persons, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 27, 2010 No. 550n ).
In this regard, after information about insurance premiums is entered into the individual personal accounts of the insured persons, the specified contributions and, accordingly, the estimated pension capital are considered “accounted for.”
Taking into account the above, to calculate the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (labor disability pension) when assigning, recalculating or adjusting it in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 5 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the amounts of insurance contributions are taken into account , which as of the day of the decision on the appointment, order to recalculate or adjust the specified part of the old-age labor pension (disability labor pension) are taken into account in the individual personal account of the insured person and, accordingly, are reflected in the extract from the individual personal account received for the purpose assignment (recalculation or adjustment).

27. What is the procedure for calculating the insurance period and length of service in the relevant types of work, which gives the right to assign an old-age pension to citizens of the Russian Federation who arrived from the republics of the former USSR that have not concluded agreements with the Russian Federation in the field of pension provision?

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ), insurance experience is understood as the total duration of work periods taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension and other activities during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted in the insurance period.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, periods of work and (or) other activities that were performed outside the territory of the Russian Federation are included in the insurance period in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation , or in case of payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 29 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ) .
Thus, periods of work after 01/01/1991 on the territory of states - former republics of the USSR, which are not parties to the Agreement on Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of pensions dated 03/13/1992 and other agreements in the field of pensions, can be taken into account when calculating the insurance period (experience in relevant types of work) required to acquire the right to an old-age labor pension, including an early old-age labor pension, subject to payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

28. A student receiving compensation in connection with caring for a disabled citizen has completed full-time studies at the university. Should he provide a certificate from the employment service instead of a certificate of training?

The issues of establishing compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled people of group I, disabled children under 18 years of age, as well as for the elderly who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, require constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years, are currently regulated by the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 No. 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 No. 343 “On making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens.”
Non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens have the right to a monthly compensation payment in accordance with the specified regulatory legal acts.
According to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons studying full-time in educational institutions are classified as able-bodied persons.
At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”, citizens undergoing full-time courses in educational institutions, institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education and other educational institutions are considered employed and for this reason these citizens are not registered with the employment service.
Often, these persons are denied certificates of non-receipt of unemployment benefits, which are necessary for the assignment of compensation payments.
In this regard, during the period of full-time study at an educational institution, a person caring for a disabled citizen, instead of a certificate from the employment service, can submit a certificate from the educational institution, indirectly confirming that he does not receive unemployment benefits.
At the same time, a certificate from an educational institution is valid until the date of graduation from the educational institution.
Since after this date a citizen, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1, is not considered employed and can be registered with the employment service, the compensation payment can be continued on the basis of a corresponding certificate from the employment service.

29. What documents can confirm the participation of deceased citizens in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in the exclusion zone in 1988-1990 for the purpose of assigning a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner?

In accordance with the Procedure and conditions for registration and issuance to citizens of a certificate of participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, approved by order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from 08.12.2006 No. 727/831/165n, the issuance of a new type of certificate is provided for family members, including widows (widowers) of deceased participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, specified in part two of Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 " On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,” i.e. family members of persons who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986-1987.
Clause 4 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, which regulates the assignment of pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner to family members of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, including spouses, does not establish a dependence rights to the specified pension from the year of participation of the deceased breadwinner in the named work.
In this regard, when deciding on the award of a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, documents confirming the participation of deceased citizens in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in the exclusion zone in 1988-1990 may serve as:
- a Russian-style certificate of a deceased participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, issued to him by the authorized bodies;
- primary or archival documents on participation in the performance of work in the exclusion zone in 1988-1990, including in the presence of a union-issued certificate;
- a court decision establishing the legal fact of the participation of the deceased breadwinner in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in the exclusion zone in 1988-1990.
Since in the situation under consideration A. does not have the appropriate certificates, the participation of her deceased husband in eliminating the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can be confirmed in court.

30. In what order are documents submitted for granting a pension in a foreign language reviewed?

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated January 31, 1994 No. 1-369-18 “On pension provision for citizens who arrived in the Russian Federation from states that were formerly part of the USSR”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 21, 1994 No. 497, documents, issued in foreign languages ​​in the member states of the Agreement on Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of pension provision dated March 13, 1992, are accepted for the assignment of a pension, provided that the accuracy of their translation is certified by notaries engaged in private practice, notaries working in state notary offices, as well as consular offices of the Russian Federation.
From the materials of the pension file of citizen M., it is clear that her old-age labor pension was established taking into account her earnings according to the salary certificate dated September 27, 2002 No. 17, issued on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The certificate is issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and contains all the necessary details. At the same time, the translation of the stamp and seal was carried out by a representative of the National Airline of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Khabarovsk, and the accuracy of the translation was certified by the leading consultant of the translation department of the Far Eastern Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries” dated 02/11/1993 No. 4462-1, a notary certifies the accuracy of the translation from one language to another, if the notary speaks the relevant languages. If the notary does not speak the relevant languages, the translation can be made by a translator, whose authenticity of signature is certified by the notary.
In the situation under consideration, the translation of the stamp and round seal on the submitted certificate cannot be accepted for production, because the authenticity of the translator's signature has not been certified by a notary.
Taking into account the above, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation should explain to citizen M. about the requirements for translation into Russian of documents submitted for the purpose of granting a pension in a foreign language, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

31. Rules for assigning social benefits and payments taken into account in the calculation.

The general rules for assigning social supplements to pensions are established in Parts 4 and 5 of Art. 12.1 of Law No. 178-FZ.
The federal social supplement to the pension is established for the pensioner by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation if the total amount of his material support does not reach the pensioner’s subsistence level. The subsistence minimum is determined annually by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of stay of the pensioner (clause 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 N 134-FZ “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”; hereinafter referred to as Law N 134-FZ). These additional payments are assigned in such an amount that the total amount of material support for the pensioner, taking into account the additional payment, reaches the cost of living of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but does not exceed the cost of living of a pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation.
Two values ​​are involved in calculating the size of the social supplement: the cost of living and the total amount of material support for the pensioner, which includes not only a pension, but also a number of other payments and income.
Therefore, a significant part of the provisions of Art. 12.1 regulates the procedure for calculating and documenting income included in the total amount of material support.
When calculating the total amount of financial support for a pensioner, the amounts of the following cash payments are taken into account:
1) pensions, including the amount of the due insurance part of the old-age labor pension in the event of a pensioner’s refusal to receive it in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 17 No. 173-FZ;
2) additional material (social) support;
3) monthly cash payment (including the cost of a set of social services);
4) other measures of social support (assistance) established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in monetary terms (with the exception of measures of social support provided at a time).
Given in paragraphs 1 - 3, part 2, art. 12.1 of Law N 178-FZ, the list of types of cash payments that should be taken into account when calculating the total amount of material support for pensioners is exhaustive and is not subject to broad interpretation.

32. On the appointment of a pension under the SPC, in connection with the death of the father - a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

The conditions for assigning a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner to family members of citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, as well as the circle of deceased breadwinners for whom the specified pension is established, are provided for in Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in Russian Federation".
Thus, disabled family members of citizens who received or suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster, citizens who became disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and citizens who took part in the liquidation consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone, a pension is assigned in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 17 of the Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, the survivor's pension for children who have lost both parents (children of a deceased single mother) is established in the amount of 250 percent of the social pension provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 Article 18 of the said Law.
At the same time, for the right to calculate the amount of a survivor's pension in the specified amount, the provisions of the Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ do not contain the conditions that both parents must be citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
In connection with the above, a child who has lost both parents, one of whom was a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a survivor's pension under the state pension provision can be established in the amount of 250 percent of the social pension provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Law dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ.

33. What exchange rate should be used when converting Uzbek soums into rubles when providing pensions to persons who arrived for permanent residence in the Russian Federation from the Republic of Uzbekistan?

The procedure for providing pensions to persons who came to live in Russia from the former republics of the USSR is regulated by the Agreement on guarantees of the rights of citizens of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of pensions dated 03/13/1992 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement dated 03/13/1992).
Paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the said Agreement stipulates that pensions are calculated from earnings (income) for periods of work that are included in the length of service.
Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 31, 1994 No. 1-369-18 clarifies that if the member states of the Agreement dated March 13, 1992 have introduced their own currency, the amount of earnings (income) is determined by converting foreign currency into rubles at the current rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of application for a pension (regardless of the periods for which earnings are submitted for calculating the pension).
When establishing a labor pension in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law of December 17, 2001), the pension rights of the insured persons as of January 1, 2002 are assessed by converting them into the estimated pension capital. In accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 30 of the Law of December 17, 2001, the estimated size of the labor pension when assessing the pension rights of insured persons who arrived from states party to the Agreement of March 13, 1992, can be calculated from the average monthly earnings for any 60 months consecutive works. Moreover, in the case of submitting average monthly earnings in foreign currency, the currency is converted into rubles at the current rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2002, regardless of the periods for which earnings are presented for calculating the pension. According to the table “Official rates of soft currencies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” published in the departmental supplement “Economic Union” to the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” dated 01/09/2002 No. 1, the rate of 100 Uzbek soums is 43 rubles 80 kopecks. At the same time, according to the table “Rates of foreign currencies to the ruble of the Russian Federation established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2002 for the purposes of accounting and customs duties”, published in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” dated December 30, 2001 No. 255, the rate of 1000 Uzbek soums is 43 ruble 80 kopecks. In connection with the discrepancy in the exchange rate of the Uzbek som in the above official sources, the opinion of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was requested. According to a letter from the Department of Operations in Financial Markets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the official exchange rate of the Uzbek soum against the ruble, established by the Bank of Russia as of 01/01/2002 , amounted to 43.8041 rubles per 1000 Uzbek soums. Taking into account the above, when establishing labor pensions for citizens arriving from the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to apply the exchange rate of Uzbek soums in relation to the Russian ruble: 1000 soums = 43.8041 rubles. At the same time, previously assigned pensions, taking into account the exchange rate of 100 Uzbek soums = 43 rubles 80 kopecks. are not subject to revision.

34. On the assignment of an old-age pension to citizen P. who moved to the territory of the Russian Federation from Kazakhstan, where he was given an “old-age” pension upon reaching the age of 55, as a victim of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the issuance of a certificate as a victim of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site was refused.

Pension provision for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan when they resettle from the territory of one state to the territory of another state is regulated by the provisions of the Agreement on guarantees of the rights of citizens of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of pension provision dated 03.13.1992, according to which pension provision for citizens of states - of the participants of the Agreement and members of their families is carried out according to the legislation of the state in whose territory they live.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Agreement of March 13, 1992, when a pensioner resettles within the states party to the Agreement, payment of the pension at the previous place of residence is terminated if a pension of the same type is provided for by the legislation of the state at the pensioner’s new place of residence.
The Agreement dated 03/13/1992 is applied taking into account the letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation dated 01/31/1994 No. 1-369-18, which contains provisions on the assignment of pensions to citizens who moved to the territory of the Russian Federation from the states party to the Agreement, from the month following the month of termination of pension payment at the previous place of residence, but no more than 6 months before the month of registration at the place of residence in Russia in the prescribed manner or recognition in the prescribed manner as a refugee or forced migrant.
Federal Law No. 173-FZ dated December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” establishes the following types of labor pensions: old-age labor pension (age), disability labor pension, survivor’s labor pension.
From the appeal it is clear that citizen Pivovarov V.S., who moved to permanent residence in the Russian Federation at the age of 69, was granted an “age pension” on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon reaching the age of 55, which was paid on October 31, 2010. In the materials of the pension case received from the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is a copy of a certificate confirming the right to benefits for a victim of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, issued on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 02/15/2011 Pivovarov V.S. applied to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for the appointment of an old-age labor pension, presenting a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a note of registration at the place of residence from 02/10/2011. At the same time, on the territory of the Russian Federation, V.S. Pivovarov the authorized body refused to issue a certificate as a victim of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, i.e. his status as a victim in accordance with Russian legislation has not been confirmed.
Taking into account the above and taking into account that the applicant, before moving to his place of residence in the Russian Federation, reached the generally established age of 60 years and had the required insurance period for the assignment of an old-age pension (5 years), we believe it is possible to consider him as a citizen entitled to a pension of that of the same type, and in this regard, assign an old-age labor pension in accordance with the norms of the Agreement dated 03/13/1992 from the deadlines established by the letter of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated 01/31/1994 No. 1-369-18, that is, from 11/01/2010.

35. The pensioner received a pension taking into account the increased basic part of the labor pension for a dependent student of a higher educational institution under a bachelor's degree program. In December 2009, the pensioner applies for recalculation of the basic part of the pension in connection with the enrollment of the specified dependent in the 1st year of a master’s program from September 1, 2009 of the same university. Is it possible to establish an increased basic part of the pension and from what period?

In accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, disabled members of the family of a deceased breadwinner are children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18 years, and also children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner, studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, including in foreign educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if the referral to study is made in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, with the exception of educational institutions of additional education, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23 years or children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are older than this age, if they are under the age of 18 years old became disabled.
This rule applies to students both in general education institutions and in vocational education institutions.
Higher vocational training programs are implemented at universities, academies, and institutes. According to Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, the main educational programs of higher professional education can be implemented continuously and in stages.
In the Russian Federation the following levels of higher professional education are established:
- higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of a bachelor’s qualification (degree) to a person who has successfully passed the final certification;
- higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of the qualification “certified specialist” to a person who has successfully passed the final certification;
- higher professional education, confirmed by awarding a person who successfully passes the final certification a Master’s qualification (degree).
Persons who have received state-issued documents on higher professional education at a certain level have the right, in accordance with the received area of ​​training (specialty), to continue their studies in the educational program of higher professional education at the next level.
The legislator explains that receiving education for the first time in educational programs of higher professional education at various levels is not considered as receiving a second higher professional education. Consequently, the student’s continuation of education under the subsequent level program also gives the right to establish an increased fixed basic amount of the labor pension.
As for the period from which the increased basic part of the labor pension should be restored, in this case the provisions of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 3 of Article 22 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ should be applied, i.e. from 01/01/2010.

The passions for discussing the pension reform of 2013-2015 have not yet subsided when the pension law of 2018 is approaching? The decision on the increase has been made, as announced by Dmitry Medvedev on June 14, 2018, so pension reforms are inevitable. Let's take a closer look at the trends in legislation in the field of pension provision.

Retirement age

The government proposes to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 for men and 63 for women, with the transition period starting next year in 2019 and lasting until 2028 for men and 2034 for women. This was stated by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, where the relevant bill was being considered.

As for workers from the Far North and similar territories, the retirement age for men will be set at 60 years, for women – 58 years.

Retirement age increase scheme

The first increase in the retirement age will affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964: they will have the right to retire in 2020 at the ages of 61 and 56 years, respectively. Men born in 1960 and women born in 1965 will retire in 2022 at the ages of 62 and 57 years, respectively. Men born in 1961 and women born in 1966 – in 2024 at the ages of 63 and 58 years; men born in 1962 and women born in 1967 – in 2026 at 64 and 59 years old; men born in 1963 and women born in 1968 will be able to retire in 2028 at the ages of 65 and 60, respectively.

At this point, having reached 65 years of age, the transition period of increasing the retirement age for men will end. Women born in 1969 will have the right to retire in 2030 at the age of 61; women born 1970 – in 2032 at the age of 62 years; women born in 1971 – in 2034 at the age of 63 years.

The increase in the retirement age does not affect current pensioners—about 46.5 million people. Those who are waiting for a pension to be assigned in the near future will not be affected by this law either and the pension will be assigned according to the old legislation.

A pension is a payment provided by the state to citizens who have reached old age. This type of compensation can be received by people who have sufficient experience for this and beneficiaries. For example, they can be received due to disability or loss of a breadwinner. After the reform, the state made changes to the calculation of these payments. Only the calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 remained the same.

How is the pension calculated today?

For citizens over 50 years of age, the calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 is carried out in a special way. The amount consists of a mandatory fixed state part and an insurance part. The value will depend on the following factors:

  1. person's age;
  2. number of years worked, profession;
  3. on the amount of salary received.

The procedure for calculating pensions for those born before 1967 depends on the following factors:

  1. Is the person a participant in the co-financing program? Co-financing is state support in the form of additional charges to old-age compensation, allowing a citizen to increase personal contributions to his future funded share. Several parties can participate in co-financing: the citizen himself, the state (this is voluntary and is carried out on the basis of an application), the employer (this is not mandatory, but many enterprises consider this an additional motivation as part of the social package provided to them)
  2. Does the citizen make regular payments towards the funded portion of future compensation?

Regulatory framework

The calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 is regulated by federal legislation 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. This law deals with aspects of calculating the insurance part. The following types of insurance pensions are provided: old-age insurance, disability insurance, accidental insurance. The regulatory framework also includes Federal Law 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions”, in which you can also familiarize yourself with aspects of pension payments.

General procedure for calculating pension payments

In order for a citizen to count on receiving benefits under the insurance part, the future pensioner must meet the following conditions:

  1. Men can count on compensation at the age of 60, women - at the age of 55 (some categories of people can apply for old-age compensation before this age).
  2. Insurance experience must be at least 15 years.
  3. The individual coefficients by which the IPC pension can be calculated are important. For each period of work experience, a person is awarded a certain point (coefficient). Their total must be at least 30.

If you need to calculate a pension for those born before 1967, each condition must be considered separately. Old-age labor compensation is assigned to people who have reached the age of 60 years for men and 55 years for women. There are certain categories of citizens who can count on early retirement and a well-deserved rest. These include:

  1. citizens who worked in certain conditions (harmful, etc.);
  2. having certain specialties and positions;
  3. having a certain length of service, labor or insurance.

These include:

  • persons who worked in underground structures or in workshops with elevated temperatures, under particularly difficult working conditions;
  • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy equipment;
  • railway workers;
  • geological prospectors, search engines;
  • working sea and river vessels;
  • miners;
  • aviation industry workers;
  • rescuers;
  • teachers;
  • doctors working with the population.
  • mothers of many children with five children, or two or more;
  • visually impaired or injured as a result of hostilities.

Early compensation includes a preferential type of pension, which can be received by the following groups of citizens:

  1. If their activity involved heavy physical labor or work in unfavorable conditions.
  2. If the work was carried out in the Far North or in an area equivalent to the same.
  3. If the working conditions included a certain deadline, after which, regardless of age, it was time to retire.

People raising children alone can count on the insurance share. If the sole breadwinner had a certain period of work, then the insurance share is also calculated. To apply for any type of old-age benefits, you need to confirm that the breadwinner is absent or has died by providing a death certificate or a court decision declaring missing.


The second condition for receiving insurance benefits is the insurance period. These are the periods of time during which a person made contributions to the Pension Fund. There are two types of insurance experience:

  1. ordinary– this is a type of length of service when contributions to the Pension Fund are made by citizens working under normal working conditions;
  2. special– unlike usual, this experience characterizes the type of work in special (for example, harmful or dangerous) conditions.

Work experience until January 1, 2002.

Calculation of length of service until January 1, 2002 is carried out in calendar order according to the actual duration of each period. Confirmation of the fact of work, military service or the period of child care, and for calculating the insurance portion, will be documents of personal storage. What a person must submit to the fund:

  1. work book;
  2. employment contracts;
  3. salary certificates for five consecutive years of work until 01/01/2002;
  4. military ID;
  5. child's birth certificate;
  6. Marriage certificate.

Only if these documents are available in the fund can he count on the timely assignment of a pension in the established amount. To record time worked, since 2002, an individual personal account with a permanent insurance number must be opened in the Pension Fund for each insured citizen. In it, government employees are required to reflect:

  • data on periods of labor activity;
  • information on wages until 01/01/2002;
  • amounts accrued and paid by the employer or personally insured person of insurance premiums.

Recording of hours worked since 2002

Information on periods of work and wages before 2002 in the Pension Fund is provided by the employer in 2003-2004. If during these periods the person did not work or the employer provided incomplete or unreliable information, then the fund will not have the necessary information. If the insured person doubts that all the information has been provided, then you can always contact and provide the missing information about length of service and salary until 2002. The following periods are included in the length of service:

  1. army, service in the police department;
  2. service in bodies and institutions of the criminal correctional system;
  3. receiving social benefits for temporary disability (maternity leave);
  4. child care up to 1.5 years;
  5. registration for unemployment;
  6. reassignment of a civil servant for employment in another area;
  7. participation in community service;
  8. exile or stay in prison or colony;
  9. caring for a disabled person;
  10. when a citizen reaches 80 years of age.

What periods are included in the length of service?

Based on the law, the minimum insurance period increases every month. In 2015 it was 6 years, in 2019 it will be 9 years, and in 2025 it will be 15 years. If, upon reaching old age, the minimum number of years of work has not been completed, then old-age insurance compensation will not be accrued. The insurance period is determined by entries in the work book showing the period of official employment of the employee.

If an employee’s work book is lost or some records are missing, the following documents will confirm the length of service:

  1. employment contracts;
  2. certificates issued to the employee at previous places of work;
  3. extracts from orders (for example, orders for hiring and dismissal);
  4. employee personal accounts;
  5. payroll statements.

Since 2019, innovations have come into effect for calculating pensions for those born before 1967 using new formulas. According to the law, people with 35 years of work experience are entitled to receive additional payment. And for those who have worked (officially) for more than forty years (40 years for women, 45 for men), when they retire, the state will pay an even larger bonus.

The third condition for receiving insurance benefits is individual coefficients. This is the number of points earned over 12 months or those periods that are included in the length of service. These coefficients are calculated depending on a person’s salary, subject to his official employment. The higher the salary, the higher the coefficients. The main condition is that before retirement the coefficients should not be less than 30.

Based on the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, increasing requirements for the minimum pension coefficient have been established. If, from January 1, 2015, old-age insurance compensation is assigned with a coefficient of at least 6.6, then with a subsequent increase in the coefficient annually by 2.4 by 2025, its maximum amount will be 30.

All periods will be included in the length of service if they included labor activity lasting at least one working day, during which deductions to the Pension Fund took place. Scheme for increasing the coefficient in the table:

Year of retirement

Minimum coefficient

from 2025 and later

Pension for those born before 1967

The Russian government is actively pursuing pension reform in 2019. The pension calculation for those born before 1967 consists of three parts. This:

  1. base share;
  2. Cumulative share;
  3. insurance

Basic part

Basic is a fixed compensation that every person who has reached old age receives, regardless of length of service. From January 1, 2002, the final base rate was set at 450 rubles per month. This amount is due to all citizens who have reached old age and have worked for more than 5 years. Its size is affected by a person's age.

Cumulative part of pension provision

This share is available only to those citizens who were born before 1967 and are participants in the OPS. It is formed if in the period from 2002 to 2004. The employer paid monthly insurance premiums for the funded share of labor activity in the amount of 6% of wages. It is formed on a voluntary basis for participants in the State Pension Co-financing Program and persons who allocated funds from maternity (family) capital to. The total amount going to the savings share should not exceed 463,000 rubles per year.

Based on the federal decree, paragraph 11 of Art. 31 “On investing funds to finance the funded part of labor benefits in the Russian Federation”, insured persons born before 1967, who have entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance and who have applied to transfer to a non-state fund (NPF), submit an application for refusal to finance the funded fund part and direction to finance the insurance part in the amount of 6 percent of the individual part of the insurance premium tariff.

Citizens can find out about their savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by writing an application in the prescribed form. Payments of state support, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to taxation and are not taken into account in calculations of personal income tax, with the exception of payments if the individual has voluntary insurance of the funded part.

Insurance pension

It includes all work experience accumulated by 2002, the amount of wages and a special coefficient. Let us analyze the methodology for calculating the insurance share, which should be calculated according to the following algorithm:

  • SP = PB * CB * PK1 + FV * PK2, where:
    • SP is the amount of funds calculated to pay the insurance benefit;
    • PB – points accumulated over time;
    • Central Bank – the price for 1 point established at the time of calculation;
    • PC1 and PC2 are increasing bonus coefficients for retirement at a later period;
    • FV – fixed amount

Procedure for applying for a pension

Find out about the procedure, how to apply for a pension, where to apply, and what papers are needed for this. It is recommended to start processing the payment in advance in order to have time to fully prepare the paperwork. With a complete package, you must contact the authorized body for the calculation and payment of benefits. There are step-by-step instructions for calculating payments and submitting documents to the Pension Fund. A complete list of documents is given below.

Deadlines for submitting documents

The second step is submitting documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. After collecting at any time after reaching old age (for women the age should be 55, for men - 60 years or more), you must contact the Pension Fund of your region to assign and calculate the amount of payments. Then the calculation of payments for those born before 1967 begins from the date of submission of the application with a complete set of documents.

Where to apply

If the Pension Fund requests additional information, the specialist accepting the documents does not have the right to refuse to submit the application. The applicant must provide the missing information within 3 months. If the deadlines are met, compensation will be accrued from the day the application is submitted. If the deadline is missed, the full package of documents will need to be submitted again, and the date of application for payment assignment will be changed. The application to the fund must be considered within 10 days from the date of submission of the full package of papers.

After calculating the payment, the moment of its receipt is important. If all documents are completed correctly and submitted on time, the amount will be calculated and issued within the 10th day. If the pensioner submitted bank card or account details, then the payment is made to it on the 10th day, and there is no need to apply anywhere. When receiving money by mail, there may be a delay of 1-3 days for the postal service to process the new application. If the amount is less than the subsistence minimum (it is 10-11 thousand rubles), contact the Pension Fund.

The last step applies to those citizens who continue to work after retirement. Payments are recalculated for them. It is necessary to submit to the Pension Fund a certificate from the place of work about the accrued wages for the year and the insurance compensations made, fill out and submit the corresponding application to the fund employee. It will be reviewed within 10 days. Each person chooses for himself whether to work or immediately after reaching old age to retire.

What documents need to be provided

The first step is preparing documents. There is the following list of papers:

  1. passport for Russian citizens or residence permit for citizens of foreign countries;
  2. all forms about studies and education;
  3. in the original and copies - work book;
  4. If necessary, certificates from the employer may be required;
  5. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  6. marriage certificate;
  7. a certificate confirming the place of residence and existing family composition;
  8. copies of dependents' identification documents;
  9. a certificate of the average salary of the employee at his last place of work;
  10. details of the banking institution that will deliver payments;
  11. application to the Pension Fund;
  12. certificate of average monthly salary up to 01/01/2002 for 60 consecutive months;
  13. a certificate stating that no other type of payment has been assigned to the person.

How to calculate your pension

Every person who retires can calculate their pension independently, knowing the formulas and parameters for calculating it. It is possible to make an online calculation, and there are also calculators available. If you can’t make the calculation yourself, you have the opportunity to contact the Pension Fund to learn how to calculate or request information about future income.

General formula

The formula for calculation will look like this:

  • P = PV + LF + MF, where
    • FV – fixed share (basic);
    • LF – cumulative fraction;
    • SP – insurance share.

The procedure for determining the insurance part

The fixed share is set by the state. Each citizen has his own savings share. Therefore, we need to know how the insurance share is calculated. There is a calculation principle for this:

  • SCh = PC/T, where:
    • SCh – insurance part;
    • PC – pension capital;
    • T – estimated time that compensation will be paid, measured in months

From this formula we do not know the value of pension capital, which must be calculated in a new way. The capital consists of the values ​​of the conditional pension capital (CPC) and the estimated payment (RP). Calculated using the formula:

  • RP = SK * ZR / ZP * SZP, where:
    • SC is the coefficient for length of service. It is equal to 0.55 (for men with 25 years of experience, women with 20 years of experience). For each year worked beyond the length of service, 0.01 is accrued, although this figure should not be more than 0.75.
    • Salary/salary is the ratio of wages to the average earnings in the country. Its level should not be more than 1.2.
    • SWP - the average salary is calculated by the Pension Fund in the amount of 1,671 rubles.

After calculating the estimated payment, you can find out the amount of conditional capital:

  • UPC = RP – BC / T, where RP is the estimated compensation, BC is the base part, T is the estimated time of payment, measured in months.

To calculate the insurance part, we only need to know the value of PC1, which can only be found in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). When you know all the data, you will be able to calculate the insurance share, and ultimately calculate what benefit you can count on when you retire. Every year the state increases pensions. This is affected by indexation and inflation. Indexation is an increase in the amount of payments that is made annually.

Calculation example

Citizen Sidorov Ivan Sergeevich, born in 1956, can retire in 2016. The citizen’s work experience is 29 years. His salary was 1,700 rubles a month. It is necessary to consider the calculation of pensions step by step:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to calculate the experience coefficient. For 25 years of experience, the coefficient is 0.55, for each subsequent year there is an increase of 0.01. The citizen's final rate will be 0.59 points.
  2. Divide the salary by the average salary, that is, 1700:1671 = 1.02.
  3. Substitute these numbers into the formula (see above) and find the pension capital indicator: 1.02 x 1671 x 0.60 - 450 (fixed payment in 2002) x 228 (approximate number of months of compensation) = 130564.66. This is how capital is calculated for 2002.
  4. Every year the government indexes pensions, because of this it is necessary to multiply the resulting number by the total coefficient: 130564.66 x 5.6148 = 733094.45 - this is the size of Ivan Sergeevich’s pension capital by 2019.
  5. A small allowance is made for the post-Soviet period of work from 1991 to 2002, it is equal to 0.1 of the amount of capital and amounts to 73,309.45.
  6. To all these allowances, you need to add the amount of compensation collected on the personal account, which the employer has paid since 2002. According to the Pension Fund, they amount to 856,342.10 rubles. Principle of calculation: add up all these numbers: 733094.45 + 73309.45 + 856342.10 = 1662746.00.
  7. Divide the amount received by the approximate period of benefit payment, so you will determine the benefit (228 months): 1662746.00: 228 = 7292.75.
  8. Multiply the individual pension coefficient (for contributions it was 106.393) and the cost of the point (in 2019 it was 78.28). You will receive an additional insurance portion: RUB 8,328.44.
  9. To the insurance part, add the basic fixed payment, the minimum amount of which is currently equal to 4805.11 rubles. You will receive a final payment, the size of which is (8328.44 + 4805.110) = 13133.55 rubles.


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A pension is a regular state benefit issued monthly. It is intended for citizens who are already elderly and have a certain work experience. Other cases of calculating a pension: in case of disability, upon loss of a breadwinner in the family.

Pension calculation

This state benefit is provided for citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached old age. It is also paid to those persons who continue to work. The process of paying pensions began in 1932, and has not undergone significant changes since then. How the old-age pension is calculated: for women this threshold is 55 years old, for the male population - 60 full years. There are persistent debates on this issue in the State Duma. It is quite possible that in 2-3 years the retirement age in Russia will increase, just as it is increasing in the CIS countries.

To calculate benefits, work experience is required, which must be at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men.

It is paid monthly by state social security funds. All issues are regulated by government agencies of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the law on pensions.

This benefit has three main types: for old age, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner in the family. But there are a number of other coefficients that are added additionally.

Old age pension

To receive it, a person must be of advanced age. How is the old age pension calculated? There are three main parts that make up the total payment amount: basic, insurance and savings.

When a citizen reaches 80 years of age, if he is not disabled and has no dependents, then the basic portion increases significantly. The calculation of pension capital is divided by the survival period. Since 2013, the official figure is 19 years.

Pension calculation

How is the pension calculated? Its calculation is made on the basis of legislation. This takes into account not only age, but also the citizen’s contributions to the Pension Fund, pension capital and a number of other indicators. How the insurance part is calculated: work experience up to 2002, average salary plus a special coefficient. It is already calculated by dividing the salary throughout the country for that period. The funded part is calculated in almost the same way as the insurance part, and the basic part is a constant value established by law, and it is indexed every year depending on inflation.

What does pension capital consist of?

Simply put, it consists of the amounts paid by the employer. This is a citizen’s account at the time the pension reform was carried out in 2002. Since 2010, capital has been increased by 10%. At the same time, it continues to increase annually by 1% for those who worked before 1991. To calculate the amount of accruals, there are a number of correction factors.

How is the old age pension calculated: calculation

For this, a special formula is used: SK x SZP x ZR / ZP, in which:

  • IC – insurance coefficient of accumulated experience. It is equal for men and women who have worked the minimum length of service – 55% of their salary. For each additional year, 1% is added. But it should be borne in mind that the coefficient will not be more than 75% of the salary.
  • SWP is the average monthly salary, which is established from July 1 to September 30, 2001.
  • ZR – average salary for any five years, or for the period from 2000 to 2001.
  • ZP is the average monthly salary in Russia for the same period.

The above formula is the answer to the question of how the pension is calculated.

What documents are required for registration?

The list of them is established in the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. It is this that prescribes the issuance of the necessary documents by special authorities, certified by seals and signatures.

We already know how labor pensions are calculated, now let’s talk about the list of documents for its registration. First you need to write an application to the Pension Fund. Next you need to provide the following documents:

  • passport, which must indicate place of residence, age and citizenship;
  • personalized account card;
  • a certificate of average income for 2000-2001, or for any five years before 2002;
  • birth certificates of children (for women);
  • military ID (for men);
  • documents confirming work experience (work book).

Instead of the latter, other documents (hire agreements, etc.) may be provided. If they are lost, the length of service is confirmed by the testimony of at least two witnesses who worked with the applicant during that period.

Payments to working pensioners

How are pensions calculated for working pensioners? The base rate is calculated in the same way as for those who have retired. In any case, the employer must transfer contributions to the Pension Fund, be they from wages or other remuneration.

Such people are also subject to pension insurance. Insurance amounts are paid by the 15th of each month. In case of late payment, penalties are established, and in case of partial or complete non-payment - a fine in the amount of 20% of all amounts unpaid by the employer. At the request of the pensioner, the manager is obliged to provide the Pension Fund with complete information about the transferred contributions. Based on these data, the Pension Fund recalculates benefits for working pensioners.

Disability accruals

This benefit is established in connection with permanent or long-term loss of ability to work. How is a pension calculated in case of incapacity? The amount of the benefit directly depends on a number of factors: the nature of the work and the reasons for which the disability occurred. At the same time, the circumstances of the citizen’s incapacity are also considered. This may be an injury sustained at work, as a result of which work becomes impossible in the future. In this case, the pension will be accrued regardless of length of service. In case of disability caused by illness, supporting documents are required.

The benefit is established for citizens who have the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, the recognition and purpose of which is determined by a special examination. It is carried out by a medical commission. To grant a pension, at least a minimum work experience is required. When conscripts perform military service, benefits upon the onset of incapacity are accrued regardless of their length of service.

Amount of benefit for incapacitated citizens

How is a disability pension calculated? It depends directly on the group. For the first it is assigned in the amount of 100% of the rate, for the second - 90%, for the third - 50%. Incapacitated citizens of group 2 can apply for an old-age pension, taking into account their length of service. In this case, it plays a role when the first disability was assigned.

Unemployed citizens with group 2, or recognized as disabled after reaching old age, as well as all persons with group 3 (if they have confirmed work experience), can receive a pension in the amount of old-age benefits.

Northern charges

Since 2007, pensioners have received additional pension supplements. They are intended for those who worked in the Far North, as well as in places that are officially equated to it. Thanks to this bill, the basic part of the pension is increased if the length of service has been fully worked out, or if old-age benefits are received early. This also applies to disability payments.

How the northern pension is calculated: those people who have dependents (disabled family members) also have the right to receive this supplement. In this case, the increase is calculated depending on the number of such citizens in the family (no more than three people). Those who have 15 years of experience in the Far North, and at least 20 in equivalent areas, are entitled to receive an additional northern coefficient.

A Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies

How are pensions calculated for police officers: payments for them are made at the rate of 54% of the salary. In this case, rank and length of service play a significant role. Indexation of monetary allowances is also taken into account. In accordance with the law, all accruals, thanks to amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation, are recalculated, regardless of the date of dismissal.

The maximum amount of payments, taking into account length of service, can reach up to 85% of the salary. How is pension calculated in Russia for police officers? Payments are calculated using the formula: salary + rank, plus a percentage of length of service. Next, the result is multiplied by 0.54 (monetary allowance). The monthly bonus is set depending on length of service:

  • 2-5 years – 10%;
  • 5-10 years – 15%;
  • 10-15 years – 20%;
  • 20-25 years – 30%;
  • over 25 – 40% (maximum).

What pension is due for an individual entrepreneur?

Since individual entrepreneurs are also their own employers, they pay pension contributions independently. How a pension is calculated for an individual entrepreneur: in addition to the basic part, benefits are subsequently calculated based on the transferred contributions. Such amounts paid ensure the right of the individual entrepreneur to receive a pension, which will be equivalent to the total number of payments that are on personal accounts.

An individual entrepreneur can count on receiving old age benefits from the state.

In this case, the calculation of length of service includes all periods when contributions were paid to the Pension Fund.

The list of documents that must be provided to receive benefits depends on the taxation system. The latter, in turn, changes frequently, so this question must be clarified directly when submitting an application.

A single tax is also equal to insurance pension contributions. For those individual entrepreneurs who worked before 1991, renting premises, the period must be confirmed by financial authorities or archival certificates of payment of the necessary payments. All periods in which payments were made must be confirmed.

New pension accrual

Pension reform has been going on in Russia for a long time; it will end on January 1, 2015. New rules for calculating benefits to citizens will come into force. It is clear how the pension is calculated now. What will happen from 2015? If previously it was possible to calculate the amount of benefits yourself, then in the future this will not be so easy. Pension points come into force, and accruals will depend not only on length of service, but also directly on the “white” salary from which payments are made to the Pension Fund.

Life moves forward and everything changes and improves regularly. What will happen in the future is not yet very clear, but the state will take care of its citizens in any case. Therefore, pensioners have no reason to worry.