
Shouting to the cooks for lunch. Chants in the camp. Children's chants for camps, schools and sports events. Let's eat pasta


Let there be puddles in the yard in the morning,
But the cutlets are on the table!

Hello, porridge, our joy!

We ate, we drank,
Don't forget about thanks!

We'll eat tomatoes now
And we’ll quickly climb into the mountains.

The head of the camp is coming,
He comes to our dining room.
Legs stomp stomp.
Eyes clap-clap.
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't drink milk?
He will scold him, he will scold him, he will scold him!

And today we have porridge. And you?
And we have a sandwich - here.
Yesterday they visited us
The boys' moms and dads.
Everyone ate too much candy
And they don’t want to eat porridge!

Today cabbage soup.
Thank you, very tasty!

To get the supplement,
You need to be friends with the chef!

Here the treat is set on the table.
To the group opposite -
Bon appetit.

Dear chefs,
Greetings to you!
We will remember for a long time
Your lunch is delicious!

We ate, we drank,
We killed the worm
We'll go and take a break
And we'll come back to eat again!

We're going to the dining room
We will gather the whole squad,
We will always eat
If the food is delicious!

We're terribly hungry
What to eat is no longer important!
We eat everything
This is our squad!

Drink, leaders, some tea -
This is a ration for you.

Let's eat pasta -
We will become like champions.

Now we've eaten gingerbread,
So that you don't snore at night.

There is nothing better in the world,
Than three servings of cutlets.

Thank you Heavenly Father
And a local chef.

We thank God for you,
For feeding us!

Deer has antlers
Well, we eat roga.
Thank God for legs
And the cooks for the food.

Oh, how delicious your lunch is
He saves us from troubles.
Now we don't know any worries
Thanks to you in return.

It's evening again, here again,
We'll eat porridge again.
Well, there is power in porridge
With gratitude from us,
To the cooks: “We love you!”

Thanks to our chefs,
What a great dinner they gave us.

Thank God for bread
And the cooks for lunch.

Musical soup given
We love to sing too.
We make a lot of sounds,
But that will happen later.

Thanks to our chefs
For macaroni and cheese,
For tomatoes and seagulls.

My dear buckwheat,
How we've been waiting for you,
But they waited longer for the cutlet
Make it thicker.

The buckwheat was delicious
Tulka is also okay.
But cabbage is the best
We love all chefs.

Pasta, pasta
We've been waiting for you for so long
, You have come and we are ready
Greet you all.

Today we ate porridge
And everyone looked at the plate,
And she was delicious
Since they cooked it for us
...(such and such).... cooks.

In the morning we get up again
And we're going to breakfast.
We see the mess and again,
Our appetite is a "5"!

We ate porridge
Ate cheese
We thank the cooks!

Who cooks for us? Cooks!
Who loves us so much? Cooks!
What should we tell the chefs?
Let's tell them: "Thank you!"

We are certainly not chickens,
But we are very happy for the porridge!
Porridge is always delicious
Our super cooks!

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart
Here's to a full belly of wonderful food.

We turn to you again with gratitude,
You cook delicious food for us, we want to eat again,
But we know that now our stomach is full,
A huge greeting from us with gratitude!

Thank you for dinner
We really needed him.

We are very tired
But we sat down at the table,
We saw borscht
And they forgot about everything!

To our team of chefs
We say thank you!
Everything was cool, just great
To glory and wonder!

We barely survived the night
And we waited for the morning,
Because they were waiting for breakfast
Dear chefs.

Thanks for the porridge
Thanks for the tea,
Kitchen, for lunch
Meet us again!

Dear, beloved,
Wonderful, beautiful!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
May the Lord bless you!

Even a cloudy morning
It won't spoil our breakfast.
We love milk soup
And thanks to the chefs!

We love stew very much
We love horns, we love tea,
After the general meeting
The kitchen welcomes us for a snack

To our brothers and sisters
Let's say bon appetit!

Let's not get tired of composing
Our loud shouts.
Let's not get tired of celebrating
Our chefs are talented

In preparing wonderful porridges
And delicious compote
Can't even compare to you
Neither Makarevich, nor the infantry!

We don't need a bream catch,
We love your pilaf very much!

Thanks to our chefs
for cooking delicious food for us!

We are athletes, guys!
All diseases - beware!
Before self-preparation
It's sports time!

Thank God
We thank God for you,
For feeding us!

Let's go on a hike
Let's go on a hike
What will the squad take with them?
Pot and spoon
A mug and potatoes!
Let's make soup, warm up tea.
Have fun and don't get bored!

With thanks
We turn to you again with gratitude,
You cook delicious food for us, we want to eat again,
But we know that now our stomach is full,
A huge greeting from us with gratitude!

We barely survived the night
We barely survived the night
And we waited for the morning,
Because they were waiting for breakfast
Dear chefs.

Hey you crazy kid
Hey, dashing kid,
It's time for us to get ready.
Bam - bom! Ta-ra-ra!
We are never bored.
The sun is shining brightly, brightly,
The sun is hot for us - hot!
Summer, air and water are our best friends!

Thank us
Thank you for eating
And everyone can cook!

Respect other people's opinions
Respect other people's opinions
For good communication.
If your hand is raised -
So, everyone is silent for now.

One two three four
One two three four,
Three, four, one, two;
- Who walks together in a row?
- Our squad is Christian!
Left, left, one two three...

All the guys are happy about the sunny summer
The counselor says a line, everyone repeats (It looks like a chant that you can say when going to the beach)
All the guys are happy about the sunny summer.
Relaxation, sea, friendship - what else do we need.
We promise to tan and never get sick.
Swim like dolphins
Arching your back.
Happy summer kids
Let's ring out a loud "HURRAY!"

Thank you Heavenly Father
Thank you Heavenly Father
And a local chef.

Param - parey
In: param - parey
D: hey
In: param - parey
D: hey hey
In: param - parey
D: hey-hey-hey
Q: What’s your mood?
D: (thumbs up) -in
Q: everyone is of the same opinion
D: yes
Q: All without exception
D: yes
Q: Well done

Let's eat pasta
Let's eat pasta -
We will become like champions.

We are brave and strong and dexterous
We are brave and strong and dexterous
Sports are always on the way!

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Go out and exercise
Go out and exercise
Wake everyone up for exercise.
All the guys say:
Physical exercise is a friend, guys!
Sportsman - October boy,
Get strong.
Exercise in the morning
Not to harm - to our benefit!

We ate, we drank
We ate, we drank,
We killed the worm
We'll go and take a break
And we'll come back to eat again!

I always have excellent food
I always have excellent food
Our chefs cook.
You want to spoil us!
Stop cooking delicious food!

Ate porridge
We ate porridge
Ate cheese
We thank the cooks!

There are no more beautiful clothes in the world
There are no more beautiful clothes in the world,
Than bronze muscles
And freshness of the skin.

Who walks with backpacks?
Who walks with backpacks?
Who is not familiar with boredom?
Those who are behind, don't lag behind.
Those who are tired, do not be discouraged!
Who wants to go with us?
Sing our song

To our brothers and sisters
To our brothers and sisters
Let's say bon appetit!

Winning is our destiny,
We will defeat you as always.

Even a cloudy morning
Even a cloudy morning
It won't spoil our breakfast.
We love milk soup
And thanks to the chefs!

Thanks to our chefs
Thanks to our chefs,
Well, double thanks to us!

We're certainly not chickens
We are certainly not chickens,
But we are very happy for the porridge!
Porridge is always delicious
Our super cooks!

Dear, beloved
Dear, beloved,
Wonderful, beautiful!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
May the Lord bless you!

Thank you very much
We express our gratitude to you,
Super-duper chefs!

Hey you crazy kid
Hey, dashing kid,
It's time for us to get ready
Bim-bom! Ta-ra-ram!
We are never bored.

To love sports, to be strong,
We gave our word to our homeland
Strengthen peace on earth.

Thanks for the porridge
Thanks for the porridge
Thanks for the tea,
Kitchen, for lunch
Meet us again!

Musical Dali Soup
Musical soup given
We love to sing too.
We make a lot of sounds,
But that will happen later.

Here's a frog along the path
Students stand in a circle. The presenter stands in the center, blindfolded, and says:

Here's a frog along the path
Jumps, stretches out her legs,
I saw a mosquito

Then he points to one of the children with his hand. The one he pointed to says: “Kwa-kwa-kwa.” Based on the voice, the presenter must determine which student it is.

Drink the leader of the seagulls
Drink the leader of the seagulls -
This is a ration for you.

Clouds in the sky
There are clouds in the sky, but it doesn't matter
Our camp is always great.

Thank you for the snack
Thank you for the snack,
He was very on topic for us.

Thanks to our chefs
Thanks to our chefs
For macaroni and cheese,
For tomatoes and seagulls.

One, two! - In order
One, two! - In order...
Three four! - Line up!
Three four! - To exercise!
One, two! - All!
Left - right!
Running - swimming!
We are growing brave
Tanned in the sun.
Our legs are fast
The marks are our shots.
Our muscles are strong,
And the eyes are not dull.
One, two! - In order,
Three four! - To exercise!

Now we've eaten gingerbread
Now we've eaten gingerbread,
So that you don't snore at night.

It's evening again
It's evening again, here again,
We'll eat porridge again.
Well, there is power in porridge
With gratitude from us,
To the cooks: “We love you!”

To our team of chefs
To our team of chefs
We say thank you!
Everything was cool, just great
To glory and wonder!

We love stew very much
We love stew very much
We love horns, we love tea,
After the general meeting
The kitchen welcomes us for a snack

There are laws in the camp
There are laws in the camp,
Fulfilling them is a duty and an honor.
You will keep pace with them
And you will find friends!
Games, dancing, laughter await us,
Inspiration and success!

In the morning we get up again
In the morning we get up again
And we're going to breakfast.
We see the mess and again,
Our appetite is a "5"!

It must be learned by heart in advance.
The presenter says a sentence, guys - only the last words.
All movements must be performed.
1. A new friend appeared - suddenly, suddenly.
2. Now we call our friends - in a circle, in a circle.
3. A round dance will gather - here, here.
4. He’ll dance with us - he’s coming, he’s coming. We talk and do everything together:
Let's hold hands
we'll gather in the center,
let's turn around together
and we'll come back.
(Repeat first four lines)
We say and do again:
Together we all step to the left,
two jumps let's start running,
stop and bend, squat, bow.
(Repeat first four lines)
We say and do again:
We all move to the right together,
Stop. Now we stand still, hands up, now forward.
We're doing a round dance again.

One, two!
Host: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Host: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Host: Who's coming?
All: Healthy squad
brave and cheerful
perky friends.
Host: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Presenter: Steady your feet.
All: Clearer step.
Detachment of young Leninists!
Presenter: We will preserve our health,
We value health.
And we give everyone recipes,
All: How to maintain health,
To be cheerful and cheerful
We will live until old age.

So that your day is okay
So that your day is okay
Start it off by charging.

The camp is a common home
The camp is a common home,
Keep it clean.
The natural world is a beautiful world.
Don't destroy him in vain!

Thanks to our chefs
Thanks to our chefs,
What a great dinner they gave us.

Thank God for bread
And the cooks for lunch.

Be healthy!
Be healthy!
Always healthy!
Our best friends!
Sun, air and water.
Sun, air and water.
Our best friends!

Our motto: Don't lose heart!
Go through everything and find out everything!

We don't need a bream catch
We don't need a bream catch,
We love your pilaf very much!

The buckwheat was delicious
The buckwheat was delicious
Tulka is also okay.
But cabbage is the best
We love all chefs.

Open the doors wider
Counselor: Open the doors wider
Children: Open the doors wider
- We are hungry like animals
- We are hungry like animals

We really want to eat
-We really want to eat

We'll even eat the turn
- We’ll even eat the turn

A, a
- Ah, ah

There is nothing better in the world
There is nothing better in the world,
Than a plate with three servings of cutlets.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart
Here's to a full belly of wonderful food.

I'm riding a tank
I see a cow
In a hat with earflaps
With a healthy horn
Hello cow
... How are you doing
Dj you speak English
What are you calling me names?
Sailing in a submarine
Cow again
In a mask and fins
With a healthy horn
Healthy cow
Where are you going?
Shrechen sie Deutsch
What are you calling me names?
I'm flying by helicopter
Cow again
By parachute
With a stern look
Hello cow
Where are you flying to?
Assalam alekum
What are you calling me names?

Who walks together in a row?
Who walks together in a row?
This is our fifth (third, first) squad!
Why are we walking together?
Because we need to eat.

Thanks to our chefs
Thanks to our chefs,
Well, double thanks to us!

Thank you for eating
And everyone can cook!

Thank you for dinner
We really needed him.

I have a train

I have a little train - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He carries me along the rails - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He has a chimney and a stove - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And the magic ring - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We will leave from the station - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He has four halls - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We'll go to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And maybe closer - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
Then the spring rain began - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And our little engine got stuck - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We are standing in a huge puddle - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
Here we have no time for Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

One, Two!
One, Two!
Three four!
Hey guys, step up!
There are probably no more fun, friendly guys in the whole world!
There is no sadness in our family,
We sing, we dance, we dance!
All activities are good
Let's have fun from the heart!
We can do everything ourselves.
We'll send an SMS to mom!
Hey buddy, don't be sad
Sing our song!

We defeated you again
We defeated you again
One two three four five.

Two bears were sitting
Two bears sat - Two bears sat
On a thin bitch - On a thin bitch
One sat properly - One sat properly
The other shouted "ku-ku" - The other shouted "ku-ku"
One peek-a-boo - One peek-a-boo
Two peek-a-boo - Two peek-a-boo
Both splashed into flour - Both splashed into flour
Mouth in flour - Mouth in flour
Nose in flour - Nose in flour
Both in sour milk - Both in sour milk

Whoever does exercises grows into a hero.

The one who wants to sail with us,
Must be dexterous and brave!

We are ready as always
It's easy to defeat you.

Our Tanya is crying loudly
Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river
Hush, Tanechka, don't howl
This is God's providence!

In preparing wonderful porridges
In preparing wonderful porridges
And delicious compote
Can't even compare to you
Neither Makarevich, nor the infantry!

My dear buckwheat
My dear buckwheat,
How we've been waiting for you,
But they waited longer for the cutlet
Make it thicker.

Speechesand chants

to the dining room:
- oops, oops, oops - we're going to the dining room
oops, oops, oops – the hungriest ones.

Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat!
Everyone, bon appetit.

The cooks make us soup, feed us potatoes,
We will work hard for this with a spoon.

We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

Together they took the spoons in their hands, quickly ate them, and cleaned everything up!

Let's go to the dining room in a crowd,
We take food boldly.
and together with a friendly crowd
we get down to business.

Where is the squad marching together in a row of cheerful (Shrekites)?
Let's hurry to where the pot of sauerkraut smells delicious.
where the chefs always feed us very tasty food.

We go to the dining room and sing a sonorous song
We really want to eat, we’ll eat everything in the dining room.
we are standing at your door, we are hungry like animals.
We want to eat quickly, quickly, open it quickly!

Hey, dashing kids! It's time for us to get together.
boom-bom! Ta-ra-ram! We are never bored.
look people! the squad is coming. that a hungry choir sings,
when the chef calls you to eat!
take a spoon, take some bread and sit down to dinner!
boom-bom! Ta-ra-ram! what the cook prepared for us.

Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,
a lot of fried potatoes,
a lot of soup, pasta,
we are running from all directions.

One, two - we want to eat,
three, four - we'll eat it all.
they won't give you potatoes,
we will eat all the spoons.
they won't give us a kettle,
we'll eat the boss.

- one two three four! three, four, one, two!
the sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!
Hurry up, my friend, get up and run out to exercise!
the sun is shining brightly! The sun makes us hot and hot!
Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!
sun, air and water are our best friends!

to the stadium.
who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey team, line up!
do you have a team? - There is! are the commanders here? - Here!
Come out to the field quickly to support the squad's honor.
We are going to the stadium, our squad will be champions!
muscles: strong! and everyone themselves: beautiful!
What enthusiasm, glad to see the sun? Hey athletes, line up!

who walks with backpacks?
- We are tourists!
who is not familiar with boredom?
- We are tourists!
The roads lead us forward!
our motto: “always forward!”
hey guys, step up!
What does a tourist take on the road?
- a song, a spoon and a backpack.
we are hungry like animals
open the doors wider.
food will be good for us -
will awaken new strength!
who's behind? – don’t lag behind!
who's tired? - Do not be upset!
whoever wants to come with us, sing our song.

- we jumped, we played, we were very tired.
Let's go to bed quickly, otherwise you'll miss your bed.
- the day has died down and at night the enveloping camp calls for sleep.
small: good night to you girls!
dev.: good night to you guys!
everyone: good night to you, our counselors,
Tomorrow we'll be on our way again.
- read, play. Exactly 10 – time to sleep!

for charging.
Go out and exercise! Wake everyone up for exercise.
all the guys say: physical exercise is a friend of the guys!
physical education…….. – child, get stronger!
Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it is to our benefit.
left! right! running, swimming.
We will grow up brave, tanned in the sun.



Speeches and chants

to the dining room :
- oops, oops, oops - we're going to the dining room
oops, oops, oops - the hungriest ones.

Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat!
Everyone, bon appetit.

The cooks make us soup, feed us potatoes,
We will work hard for this with a spoon.

We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

Together they took the spoons in their hands, quickly ate them, and cleaned everything up!

Let's go to the dining room in a crowd,
We take food boldly.
and together with a friendly crowd
we get down to business.

Where is the squad marching together in a row of cheerful (Shrekites)?
Let's hurry to where the pot of sauerkraut smells delicious.
where the chefs always feed us very tasty food.

We go to the dining room and sing a sonorous song
We really want to eat, we’ll eat everything in the dining room.
we are standing at your door, we are hungry like animals.
We want to eat quickly, quickly, open it quickly!

Hey, dashing kids! It's time for us to get together.
boom-bom! Ta-ra-ram! We are never bored.
look people! the squad is coming. that a hungry choir sings,
when the chef calls you to eat!
take a spoon, take some bread and sit down to dinner!
boom-bom! Ta-ra-ram! what the cook prepared for us.

Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,
a lot of fried potatoes,
a lot of soup, pasta,
we are running from all directions.

One, two - we want to eat,
three, four - we'll eat it all.
they won't give you potatoes,
we will eat all the spoons.
they won't give us a kettle,
we'll eat the boss.

Morning .
- one two three four! three, four, one, two!
the sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!
Hurry up, my friend, get up and run out to exercise!
the sun is shining brightly! The sun makes us hot and hot!
Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!
sun, air and water are our best friends!

to the stadium .
who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey team, line up!
do you have a team? - There is! are the commanders here? - Here!
Come out to the field quickly to support the squad's honor.
We are going to the stadium, our squad will be champions!
muscles: strong! and everyone themselves: beautiful!
What enthusiasm, glad to see the sun? Hey athletes, line up!

who walks with backpacks?
- We are tourists!
who is not familiar with boredom?
- We are tourists!
The roads lead us forward!
our motto: “always forward!”
hey guys, step up!
What does a tourist take on the road?
- a song, a spoon and a backpack.
we are hungry like animals
open the doors wider.
food will be good for us -
will awaken new strength!
who's behind? - don't lag behind!
who's tired? - Do not be upset!
whoever wants to come with us, sing our song.

- we jumped, we played, we were very tired.
Let's go to bed quickly, otherwise you'll miss the bed.
- the day has died down and at night the enveloping camp calls for sleep.
small: good night to you girls!
girl: good night, guys!
everyone: good night to you, our counselors,
Tomorrow we'll be on our way again.
- read, play. Exactly at 10 - time to sleep!

for charging.
Go out and exercise! Wake everyone up for exercise.
all the guys say: physical exercise is a friend of the guys!
physical education…….. - child, get stronger!
Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it is good for us.
left! right! running, swimming.
We will grow up brave, tanned in the sun.

- one, two, three, four, hey guys, take a wider step.
no, probably in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.
Our family is not sad, we sing, draw, and dance.
All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.
- one, two! guys! three! four! and girls!
one, two! who are we? - awesome guys!
We are not afraid of work and sadness,
We can't turn off the road.
We will always be together, we are now one family!

Who among us doesn't like boredom? - We!
Who's the jack of all trades here? - We!
who dances and sings? - We!
who takes care of clothes? - We!
puts it under the bed? - We!
Who keeps things in order? - We!
who says thank you? who thanks for everything?
well, of course, it’s us…….(name of the squad)

song - chant “we” (not recommended for use, but fun)

we are pi, we are pi, we are pioneers, we are.
we are kaka, we are kaka, we are going as one.
we are fluff, we are fluff, we are fluff, we picked flowers,
We're shitty, we're shitty, we're walking in step.
nasra, nasra, we were woken up early,
nasri, nasri, they fed us rice,
nahu, nahu, they sent us to the farm,
zazho, zazho, behind the yellow flowers.

chant song "taiga"

1. I'm going to the big taiga, mosquito bites my back,
suddenly an amba came out of the forest, take away my sausage.
chorus: tree on the left, tree on the right,
oh, what a big taiga, I can’t find the trail.
2. a wolf is coming at me, I take off my boot,
Oh. how my sock smells, the whole crowd scatter.
3. whoever knocks on my door, you see no one is home,
I'm your wife, I brought you kerosene. chorus.

song "orange"

1. I have one small orange,

2. I'll eat it. he will become mine completely,
My little and rotten orange.
3. so I ate it, it became mine completely,
My little and rotten orange.
4. I’m sitting on the potty and looking at the ceiling,
It's all your fault, you rotten little bastard.

"On the shore"

On the shore
Big river
Bee sting
The bear right in the nose,
The bear roared
Sat on a bee (on a stump)
And he began to sing:...
(Next you can sing a fashionable “repeat song.”)

“Riding on a Tank” (“Cow”)

I'm riding a tank
I see a co-ro-woo,
In a hat with earflaps,
Your horn is healthy.
Hello, ko-ro-va,
How are you doing?
Do you speak English?
What are you talking about?
Swimming in an underwater boat,
Ko-ro-va again,
In a mask and flippers,
Your horn is healthy.
Hello, ko-ro-va,
How are you doing?
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
What are you talking about?
I'm flying on the ver-to-le-those,
Once again the co-ro-va
On pa-ra-shu-te,
Looks stern.
Hello, ko-ro-va,
Where are you going?
As-sa-lam Ale-kum,
What are you talking about?

"Chicka Boom"

Chicka boom is a cool song.
Chika-boom let's all sing together.
If you need some cool noise,
Sing chicka boom with us!
I sing: “Boom, chicka-boom”!
I sing: “Boom, chica-raka, chika-raka, chika-boom!”
Oh! Ooh! Yeah!
And again?!
And all together?!
How about faster?!
(Repeat: very loud (quiet, slow, fast, etc.)

"O - peri - tiki - tomba" ("Africa")

O - peri - tiki - tomba!
O - musa - musa - musa!
Le - o - le - le!
Oh - pickel, oh - baby!
Le - o - le, o - le - woman - bark!
Oh, I eat bananas!
Oh, I eat oranges!
Oh, I eat pioneers!
Ema, ema, ema, eat!


And I was bitten by a hippopotamus!
And out of fear I climbed onto a branch!
And I’m sitting here, and my foot is there!
And I was bitten by a hippopotamus!
A! Aunt Manya! Aunt Manya! Aunt Manya!
A! Uncle Sanya! Uncle Sanya! Uncle Sanya!
A! Baba Dunya! Baba Dunya! Baba Dunya!
And I was bitten by a hippopotamus!
(You can use any names.)


Oh-oh - hello!
Balis bamba la-e!
Oh, kikilis bamba!
Oh, sawa wawabimba!
Ooh, I eat bananas!
Ay-wai lick!
Ay-wai lick lisa!
Komalumu vista!
Puba - beatm - beat!

“Bala - bala - mi!”

Bala-bala-mi! (Everyone: “Yo!”)
Chicka-chicka-chi! (Everyone: “Yo!”)
Chick! (Everyone: “Yo!”) Chick! (Everyone: “Yo!”)
Chick-chirp-chick-chick! (Everyone: “Yo-yo!”)

Speeches for summer children's camp are an integral part of uniting the children's team. Funny chants and chants are great for helping children in competitions and supporting their team. If you were looking for funny chants and mottos for sporting events, summer hikes and summer camps, then our article will definitely help you.

Choose a chant for the squad, for going to the canteen or for sports competitions, learn it together with the children and your team will definitely be the friendliest!

Chants for the squad

What would a summer camp be without squads and squad chants? Choose the one that suits you best among the rhymes we offer. Such a motto song will definitely help children who are strangers to each other feel more confident.

Hey guys, step up!
We can't be bored!
No, probably not in the whole world
More fun, more friendly guys.
We are not sad in our family,
We sing, we dance, we dance.
All classes are good -
Let's have fun from the heart!
We can do everything ourselves.
We'll send an SMS to mom!
Hey buddy, don't be sad
Sing our song!

One-on-one! Keep up!
There are a lot of us! There are many of us!
Ray the banner! The banner is flying!
Whoever is with us is braver!
And our motto is:
More action, less words!

One, two! Guys!
Three! Four! And the girls!
One, two! Who are we? -
Awesome guys!
We are not afraid of work and sadness,
We can't turn off the road.
We will always be together
We are now one family!

All the guys are happy about the sunny summer.
Relaxation, sea, friendship - what else do we need.
We promise to tan and never get sick.
Swim like dolphins
Arching your back.
Happy summer kids
Let's shout loudly - HURRAY!

Three! Six! Eight! Five!
We have arrived to rest!
Three! Fifteen! Eighteen!
We want to have a blast!

We are a squad soul.
The change is good with us,
We are strong and brave
How tanned the blacks are!

Singing: One, two!
Squad: Three, four!
Singing: One, two!
Squad: Three, four!
Lead singer: Who's coming?
Squad: Squad of the Healthy
brave and cheerful
perky friends.
Singing: One, two!
Squad: Three, four!
We will keep you healthy
We value health.
And we give everyone recipes,
How to maintain health
To be cheerful and cheerful
We will live until old age.

We are loud, we are curly,
We don't need peace of mind.
We are romantics, we are dreamers,
Pioneer combat detachment.

Squad songs

In addition to chants at camp, children invent or remake squad songs in their own way. The song is the soul of the squad, its words should be cheerful and well remembered. Here are some examples of squad songs.

Chika boom is a cool song
Chika boom is a cool song!
We all sing it together
We all sing it together!
If you need some cool noise,
If you need some cool noise,
Sing with us - chica boom
Sing with us - chika boom!
I sing - boom-chika-boom - 3 times
I sing - boom-chika-raka-chika-raka-chika-boom,
I sing - boom-chika-raka-chika-raka-chika-boom!

We are similar in some ways
And each of us
Still special
But here and now
Our hearts are in the same rhythm
They knock and shout
Our squad believes in the three colors of Russia!

On turns and currents
My generation is circling
Spins and breaks away
The counselor always smiles.

More than ever, we all are now
And on a long journey
And good morning.
We are like family
We are all friends.
And we can never lose heart!

Maybe when they were sad,
But they never despaired.
Together as one team:
Everyone is more stubborn than the stubborn.

Speeches for exercise

It’s impossible to go to summer camp without exercise, and this event also requires a speech. These funny chant poems will help set the kids up for a new day, make them smile and wake up.

One, two! - In order...
Three four! - Line up!
Three four! - To exercise!
One, two! - All!
Left - right!
Running - swimming!
We are growing brave
Tanned in the sun.
Our legs are fast
The marks are our shots.
Our muscles are strong,
And the eyes are not dull.
One, two! - In order,
Three four! - To exercise!

Go out and exercise!
Wake everyone up for exercise.
All the guys say: physical exercise is a guys friend!
You're an athletic child, get stronger!
Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it is good for us.
Left! Right! Running, swimming.
Let's grow up brave, sun-tanned.

Speeches for competitions

Speeches are needed at camp and for competitions. And not even one, but a couple - those who compete and those who are sick. Funny lines will help your squad defeat the enemy. Together with such chants, two-line chants are also suitable!

Winning is our destiny,
We will defeat you as always.
Our guys are better than yours
Our guys are prettier.
Our guys are more beautiful than yours
And, of course, stronger!

Our guys are cheerful!
Our boys are brave!
Both football and basketball
Ours will do yours!

Our opponent is very formidable
You can't take them that easily!
Only the wind will change it
And you'll get rid of the snot!

Forty eight, twenty six
There are arms and legs
Forty eight, twenty five
So we must win!
We're going to the stadium.
Our squad will be a champion.
Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun?
Hey athletes, line up!
Do you have a team? - Eat!
Is our captain here? - Here!
Get out on the field quickly
It's an honor to support the squad.

If ours win, we guys will kiss.
If ours sell you out, the cow will kiss them!

Children drink milk,
You are far from ours.
Children drink yogurt,
The victory is still ours!

Our opponent is just a monster
We respect them for good reason!
Guys, hit the ball quietly.
Don't kill the goalie!

Stolovsky chants or songs of gratitude to chefs

It’s not easy to march in formation to the dining room, but you can shout together something fun, perky and pleasant for the kitchen workers. Please the cooks with your chant and pay tribute to their work with a poetic chant.

With gratitude we come to you
Let's contact you again,
You cook delicious food for us,
I want to eat again
But we know that now
Our stomach is full
With gratitude from us
A huge hello to you!

We barely survived the night
We waited a little for morning,
Because breakfast is needed
Dear chefs.

Counselor: Open the doors wider!
Children: Open the doors wider!
- We are hungry like animals,
- We are hungry like animals!
- We really want to eat,
- We really want to eat!
- We’ll even eat the cook!
- We’ll even eat the cook!

The cooks are making soup for us,
They feed us potatoes
We're good for it
Let's work with a spoon!

Where they walk together in a row
How cheerful and nice is our squad?
Let's hurry to where it smells delicious
A saucepan with sauerkraut.
Where we will always be fed
Very tasty cook.

Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,
Lots of fried potatoes
Lots of soup, pasta,
We are running from all directions.
One, two - we want to eat,
Three, four - we'll eat it all!
They won't give me potatoes
We'll eat all the spoons.
They won't give us a kettle,
We'll eat the boss!
And the counselors for a snack,
It will be very tasty!

One, two - tomatoes
Three, four - cucumbers
Five, six - we are gluttons
Seven, eight - well done
One, two - apples
Three, four - pears
We're going to the dining room
We want to eat!

Wow! Wow! All right!
Wow! Wow! What are those sounds?!
This is us going to the canteen!
We are the ones shouting the chant!

Thanks for the porridge
Thanks for the tea,
Kitchen, for lunch
Meet us again!

We ate, we drank,
We killed the worm
We'll go and take a break
And we'll come back to eat again!

Evening chants before lights out

In the evening before lights out, you can also scream and then go to bed. Choose a catch-up chant for your squad.

We jumped, we played,
We are very tired.
Let's quickly go to bed,
Otherwise you'll miss the bed.
The day has ceased to make noise and is embraced by the night
The camp calls for sleep.
Boys - good night to you - girls!
Girls - good night to you guys!
All together: good night to you, our counselors,
Tomorrow we will be on our way again.
Read, play, and at 10 sharp it’s time to sleep!

Eaglets learn to fly
From the sofa straight to the bed.

Sleep, sleep, wards,
Pioneers and counselors!
Pioneers don't want to sleep
They laugh at the counselors.

Night is falling over us,
It's time for the counselors to sleep,
And children are allowed
Rage until the morning!

The camp is sleeping, the counselor has fallen asleep,
Only the boys are having fun!
And we’re not afraid of lights out,
Night, pillows, fair fight!

These are the chants we have on our page, but that’s not all. Look for chants for hikes and tourists on our website.

Speech is an important attribute of being in children's camp, at school competitions and in other games. Thanks to her, the team becomes more united and the atmosphere much more joyful. If you are puzzled by the issue of searching for slogans and mottos, this article will certainly become your assistant.


Perhaps you will remember your mottos and chants for the camp; you can come up with something at the family council, write it down and give it to the child with you, or give it to the teacher yourself. He will undoubtedly appreciate your contribution to the creative program. If writing a rhyme doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, various resources will come to your aid, which are simply full of interesting information and various plans for spending the most productive vacation.

The essence of the chant

Speeches for a summer camp or school are some kind of mottos to encourage children, create a positive environment, unite them into a team and a comic form of play. It is advisable to choose text without using complex, incomprehensible words; children do not remember such expressions well. It is preferable if it is a maximum of 4 lines - short, loud and clear.

It doesn’t matter whether you come up with chants for a camp in the dining room or organizing a game, the essence of the poem is this - it should be funny and understandable to both you and the child. Team mottos and chants are always appropriate during exercises, walks together, swimming and other activities. Be sure to involve the children in them; participation in the process itself makes them more independent. Entrust them with creating the chants themselves, let them name their squad, and also come up with a beautiful slogan.

Morning lineup

Speeches in the camp will help cheer up the squad during the morning warm-up. You can also learn them for school rulers. It will be easier for children to wake up and do a couple of simple exercises to start their new day in a great mood:

A new day has come for us,

The sun woke up

Hey guys, have fun!

Sing the song quickly!

Get ready to exercise, don’t be lazy while exercising!

It’s not for nothing that they say: physical education is a friend of children!

Left, right, up, down, you child, work hard!

You will be strong, brave, beautiful, tanned.

Good morning, combat squad,

How did you sleep? Is it good?

Come on, wake up, you brave people,

Let's play and have fun with all our hearts!

One two three four!

Three, four, one, two!

Look at us

All the guys are just great!

We are so great!

Champions, daredevils!

We will be the first everywhere:

In sports, in business and in work!

Let's go to the dining room

When getting ready for breakfast, lunch and dinner, chants for the camp in the dining room will become a kind of start for children before the long-awaited meal:

We are very hungry

We really want to eat!

We'll definitely eat lunch quickly

And we'll want more!

We haven't eaten for a long time,

Open the door quickly

Hands and face washed,

We wish you all a great appetite!

Stand up, squad, quickly,

We'll go have lunch.

Soup, cutlets, salad and compote -

Our belly will be happy with everything.

Let's eat pasta

We will become like champions!

Chefs, thank you!

Fed deliciously

We'll look again in the evening,

Let's wait for the cabbage.

Speeches in the camp when going to the dining room will make it possible to organize the children into a collective formation, avoiding the crush and bustle, since children usually run there at breakneck speed.

Also, with their help, you can all together and in an organized manner praise the cooks in the school canteen and wish bon appetit to the other children.

Physical training

When children have to take part in various activities, sports chants will come in handy more than ever.

They will perfectly put the guys in the right mood and set a good emotional mood:

Come on guys, start playing sports!

Let's squat - one, two, three!

We repeat - one, two, three!

No need to relax!

We should go for a run

A lap or two around the stadium!

Each of us will definitely grow into a champion!

To be the strongest, you have to work out,

Swim, run and dive, just don’t lie around!

We will pump up the muscles, hey, grab the dumbbells!

You can sing the song, it will be more fun!

They bent down - once, and sat down - twice.

We stretch our hands - higher, higher,

To reach the very roof!

Such chants at camp and school should be the basis for sports competitions and morning warm-ups. A good mood is the key to more productive physical activity.

For the whole squad

For greater team unity, a chant for the squad would not be out of place. The counselor or presenter begins the speech, then the children finish it together:

We hate boredom most of all! - This is us!
We are jacks of all trades! - This is us!
And we dance and sing? - This is us!
And do we take care of our clothes? - This is us!
Should we put it under the bed? - No, not us!
Do we keep everything in order? - Exactly us!
And say thank you? And thank you for everything? - Yes, of course, it’s us, mischievous daredevils!

These chants for summer camp will allow children to take walks, go swimming, and explore the world around them in a playful way, showing the cohesion of their squad:

Where are we going guys? Go to the stadium to play!

We've all gathered a long time ago, it's time for us to hit the road!

Then follow me, athletes, and don’t forget the ball!

We're going... for a walk now! (children continue)

Let's jump and...jump! (children continue)

Get in a row, guys!

Sing quickly, squad!

Team games

When games are organized by teams, in addition to the motto, be sure to come up with a chant. It should be short, concise and fully convey the entire mood of the team and its will to win.

You can also develop a team symbol, come up with an anthem, flag, paraphernalia, a certain style of clothing and other symbols. Mottos and chants for the camp during games of different teams should be easy to remember; we recommend thinking through organizational issues the day before so that children can prepare in advance.

  • Team "Airplane".

We will arrive anywhere - clearly, consistently!

We fly on the tops

We can handle the clouds!

The roar of the engine will soar into the sky!

Our strength is forever!

  • Team "Tank".

Quickly, deftly and skillfully - we get down to business boldly!

We will overcome any path,

We don't care about difficulties!

We roam the expanses of the Earth,

We don't care about any obstacles!

Evening chants in the camp

At the end, when all the children are tired and it’s time to get ready for bed, getting ready for the evening wash, you can cheer up with a couple of funny chants. Children can learn them on their own, and then read the chants all together, for example, in a formation when summing up the results of the day, showing other groups how they prepare for bed:

We jumped and played, so we were very tired.

Let's go to bed quickly, otherwise the bed will get boring.

We had fun all day long

And we got a little tired.

I have enough strength left to wash my face

And get everyone to bed!

Come on, children, go to sleep quickly,

Go to bed!

To gain strength again,

You need a lot of rest!

We jumped, we ran,

But the time to sleep has come.

Let's wash ourselves, get some sleep,

And tomorrow all over again!

We walked around, played enough,

It's time to go to bed.

Just don't forget

Wash your hands and face!

The kids will definitely enjoy completing tasks accompanied by a loud, humorous chant.

In the future, children will happily remember all the chants and chants, showing off these funny poems to others.