
What is the healthiest way to dry your hair: with a hairdryer or naturally? We wash, dry and comb our hair correctly. How to dry your hair correctly: effective techniques and tips Is it possible to dry your hair


Smooth and straight hair will never go out of fashion, because this style looks quite well-groomed and emphasizes the youth and beauty of the fairer sex. Many women think about the question of how to dry their hair so that it is straight. Professionals give many recommendations to help you create a perfectly straight and beautiful hairstyle that is suitable for both those with straight and curly hair. In the second case, installation takes longer, but the result will be simply stunning.

How to dry your hair completely straight?

Every fashionista can get straight strands at home (see), however, she can use the most destructive or gentle methods of straightening them. A straightening iron is an excellent tool, but heat treatment has a negative effect on the hair structure.

At home, you have the opportunity to turn to several options for harmless straightening of curls. The result of this straightening will remain until the next hair wash. The procedure can be repeated without much effort. To create this style you will need a comb and a hairdryer. For a better and longer-lasting effect, you can use masks and balms created on the basis of oils (see).

Curls may require more time and additional products, but the main styling tools will be a hairdryer, comb, and fixing products.

How to choose the right comb and hair dryer?

To answer the question: “How to properly dry your hair after washing?”, you should first learn about tools and means for fixing during drying. Women need to be careful when choosing the right comb and brush for their hair. Only the right choice can please the representatives of the weaker half of humanity with an excellent result.

A hairdryer that is weak in power and does not have many modes and additional attachments causes inconvenience. With this tool, women should not expect excellent straight hair results. Most likely, the result will look like the “dandelion” effect. To avoid letting your hair get into this state, you should initially think about buying a powerful hair dryer.

Women should choose a comb-brush for a specific and clear purpose - to dry straight strands. The bristles of such a tool can be created from a variety of materials: plastic, natural and combined. The price of a comb is directly proportional to its quality. A woman should remember that it is better to purchase a quality tool once than to treat her curls later, trying to restore them to a healthy appearance.

Important! The diameter of the comb should be quite large. The shorter the strands, the smaller its diameter.

Blow drying straight hair

How to dry your hair so that it is straight using a hair dryer? Straight hair is the most manageable. It is relatively easy for women to care for such hair. In some cases, straight curls can be unruly and fall out of style. This deficiency can be eliminated by using proper drying and fixing components for curls. To create the styling you need the following:

  • tool attachment;
  • round comb for strands;
  • elastic band for strands;
  • mousse for curls;
  • cream for moisturizing hair;
  • varnish or spray that ensures long-lasting styling.

First you need to dry your strands with a regular towel. In this way, excess moisture is eliminated and they dry faster. Apply mousse or cream to the hair to achieve a beautiful styling. The products are suitable for creating additional volume.

We put the nozzle on the hair dryer and turn on the medium power mode. We begin to dry the strands without drying them until the very end. When hair is about 80% dry, you should stop exposing it to warm air. The air flow should be directed from top to bottom. We lift the strands up and secure them with an elastic band. Afterwards we dry the curls located on the back of the head and neck.

Dried hair should be pulled to the side, achieving complete straightening, and fix the strands with one of the most gentle means.

Important! You should not use a lot of hairspray, as it can lead to the unwanted effect of dirty curls.

Natural straightening when drying straight hair

Natural methods of drying hair are absolutely harmless and quite simple. Among them are the following drying options:

  1. To keep your hair straight, wet strands can be wrapped around your head. This option can only be used by owners of long straight curls. In this case, you won’t be able to get the effect of perfectly smooth hair, but your hair definitely won’t stick out like a dandelion.
  2. Use special silicone products that smooth the strands. This helps style unruly hair. For those with curly hair, this product will be ineffective.
  3. A keratin procedure helps straighten your hair (see). After its implementation, you can go to bed even with wet strands.
  4. A fairly common way to maintain straight curls is a weak braid, which is braided by owners of long and medium-length strands. This helps keep your hair smooth and straight after drying.
  5. One of the effective ways of drying is to divide the strands into several parts and comb them for 10-15 minutes. During final drying. The curls will become much straighter than usual.

How to dry curly hair so that it straightens?

Many owners of curls dream of straight and smooth hair. Women often wonder how to properly dry curly hair? Representatives of the fair half of humanity with curly strands are not recommended to use a hair dryer or any thermal appliances, as they severely damage the hair.

To create the effect of straight hair, you should constantly use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. These products will perfectly protect against overdrying and the negative effects of thermal exposure. Slightly damp curly hair should be combed with a brush and dried with a hairdryer. The results obtained should be secured with sprays and serums. It is not recommended to use foams and varnishes, as they significantly weigh down the hair.

You can get perfectly smooth, straight hair quickly, effectively, without harm, not only in the salon (see), but also at home. To do this, you just need to take into account the characteristics of your hair, then the result will definitely please you. High-quality and proper care will definitely give representatives of long and short curls an excellent appearance. More information about drying can be found in the video.

After washing your hair, you need to dry your hair. You can do this very quickly with a hair dryer, but, unfortunately, a hair dryer damages your hair. That is why experts advise drying them naturally whenever possible.

If a woman is not in a hurry and she has the opportunity to slowly dry her hair and do her hair, then she should do just that. From frequent use of a hair dryer, hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out. Of course, it is very convenient to use, but we should not forget how harmful its frequent use is.

When drying your hair naturally, you must first pat it very gently with a towel. Wet hair is very susceptible to various types of influences. In order not to cause harm to them, you must first dry your hair slightly and then comb it. To comb slightly damp hair, you can use a wide-tooth comb.

The effect of a hair dryer on hair

Despite the fact that using a hair dryer is harmful to your hair, many women simply cannot give it up. Experts believe that a hair dryer can be used, but it should not be part of the system. This way you can only do it when you need to do it very quickly, and also before important events, going out, when you want to look very impressive.

To minimize harm from a hair dryer, you should use the most suitable model. For home use, a high-power hair dryer is not required. It is quite expensive, consumes a lot of electricity and has a very negative effect on the hair. It is better to choose hair dryers with medium or low power.

You need to dry your hair with cold or slightly warm air. It is better to avoid quick drying with a hot air stream, as it greatly injures the hair. It is advisable to spend a little more time on styling, but without harming your own hair.

Before blowing your head with a warm air stream, you can apply a special foam or gel to your hair to protect it from exposure to elevated temperatures.

When drying with a hairdryer, you should hold it so that the air flow is directed from the roots of the hair to the ends. This allows you to cover the hair scales, as a result of which their structure is preserved, and the hairstyle looks smooth and well-groomed.

The hairdryer should be kept at least 20 centimeters from the head. Closer contact of hair with air flow harms it, making it brittle. Compliance with all the above rules allows you to reduce the risk of using a hair dryer to a minimum.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! The topic we will talk about today is close to all of us girls, regardless of age. I decided to collect advice from trichologists, hairdressers, and stylists on the question of how to dry hair correctly? Personally, I’m always perplexed: why is it that after drying it at my hairstylist in the salon, my hair is fluffy and shiny, but when I do it at home, I end up with something fluffy, like a dandelion?

If these same questions concern you too, let's learn how to dry and style your curls correctly, regardless of their length and structure.

For different types of hair, for different lengths, there are their own rules of care. Despite this, there are some basic rules that apply to everyone:

  1. After washing, the hair in the towel should be wrung out, lightly and gently, but thoroughly. With intense friction, the structure is destroyed, the strands become brittle and split.
  2. Do not walk for a long time with wet hair - prolonged exposure to moisture is also unfavorable for our hair.
  3. Wrap your washed hair in a soft towel, leave it for 10 minutes, walk around without a towel for another 10 minutes, without combing: just time for breakfast or morning coffee. Only after this proceed to drying and styling with a hairdryer, or without it.
  4. The main taboo of grooming is going to bed with a wet head. It's not even about how the hairstyle will look in the morning. The friction that exists between wet hair and bed linen is detrimental to the cuticle.

How to dry your hair correctly: use a hairdryer

The hairdryer has long become an indispensable assistant, which allows us to reduce the time for morning procedures and makes it easier to style hairstyles of various types and lengths.

Is it harmful to blow dry your hair?

Some cosmetologists even suggest a number of advantages of such drying over the natural process. To prevent your curls from becoming dry and brittle, to keep them frizz-free and to fit well, follow simple but important recommendations:

  1. Don't skimp on the health of your hair. In cheap models, the power and air temperature regulators are often poorly configured.
  2. Start drying, a significant part of the moisture has gone into the towel.
  3. Monitor temperature and exposure time.
  4. Get into the habit of using heat-protective gels and sprays.
  5. Direct the air stream not randomly over the entire head, but divide the head into separate strands.
  6. End exposure to each zone with cold air.
  7. Process the curl from the roots, gradually moving to the ends.
  8. Dry long hair starting from the bottom of the temple. At this time, gather the central strands into a bun on the top of the head and secure with a hairpin. Gradually remove curls from the comb and work with them one at a time.
  9. Do not refuse to use a nozzle that regulates the air direction, this is especially important for weak and thin hair. In this case, it is appropriate to select a cold or slightly warm mode at high speed.

Important. Do not bring the electrical appliance closer than 20 cm to your head.

Dry it to create volume

To create a voluminous hairstyle with a regular hairdryer, you can use a round comb - a brush, an attachment for directing the air stream, a wide-tooth comb, varnish or other styling products:

  1. Using a comb, comb your hair gently until it is smooth and free of tangles.
  2. Twist individual strands of hair onto a round brush and dry them individually, starting from the base.
  3. Gels or styling serums are applied before drying, and the result is secured with varnish.

Volume with diffuser

The creators of hair dryers came up with a great thing for us girls - a special device called a diffuser. It looks like a round disk with protruding teeth. This attachment helps to significantly speed up the time and reduces the risk of drying out your hair. In addition to creating volume, a diffuser can be used when you need to smooth out unruly, wavy hair.

Advice. When choosing such an assistant for yourself, pay attention to the length and thickness of its “tentacles”. For those with short hair, a diffuser with short fingers is suitable, which means the spikes should be longer.

This is how it is with our girls: if the braids are straight and smooth, we want lush curls. Those with curls run to straighten and straighten them. Hair of different textures, especially after manipulations have been carried out on them, are also dried in different ways.

Curly hair

Typically, tight curls are always somewhat stiffer and denser than straight strands. When exposed to a hot jet, these qualities of curls are enhanced. Your curls will always attract attention if after washing you follow these recommendations:

  1. Curly hair is exactly the case when drying naturally in air is preferable to a hairdryer.
  2. If you have to wait a long time for it to dry without external intervention, choose a hair dryer with a diffuser or a hair dryer with a comb.
  3. Don't let your curls dry completely. Leave the ends wet and give them a spiral shape. Such wet curls will pull the curls down, slightly straightening them at the base.
  4. The exception is when, when styling, you want to slightly straighten the wavy strands with an iron - for this they must be completely dry. You should not overuse this method, so as not to damage the already weak protective coating.

With perm

Perm allows you to create a voluminous, long-term hairstyle on thin and sparse hair. After this procedure, special care is required:

  1. Dry the curl naturally, fluffing it with your hands from time to time for lightness.
  2. If you need to dry quickly, use the hairdryer's light, cool setting.
  3. Do not forget about special means to protect against overheating.
  4. Practice styling with large curlers.

What does the colander have to do with it, you ask? A kitchen device for this purpose is a fine sieve with a metal mesh. Using a simple device you can create beautiful small curls, like after light chemical treatment. Do it like this:

  1. Wash and towel dry your hair.
  2. Apply styling gel.
  3. Place wet hair in a sieve and blow dry through it.
  4. Do not bring the hair dryer closer than 20 cm from the sieve.
  5. The effect of this procedure is a light, pleasant curl.

After keratin straightening

Unruly fluffy strands become smooth and shiny after exposure to special mixtures with a high content of keratin. These products also contain nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Washing and drying your hair after straightening is somewhat different from the usual procedure:

  1. You can wash your hair only three days after applying the product.
  2. Dry quickly and with a very hot hairdryer.
  3. Use only special shampoos.
  4. Keep your hair away from moisture, and if it happens to get caught in the rain, turn on the hair dryer at high temperature as quickly as possible and dry quickly.

Extended curls

Modern methods of hair extensions allow you to successfully color them, all kinds of styling, toning, straightening or curling. The main caution is not to interfere with the fastening capsules. Considering this point, when drying hair extensions, apply the following rules:

  1. You can’t wrap a towel over your head, just pat your hair so that water doesn’t drip from it, and dry it naturally.
  2. Combing wet strands is also not recommended.
  3. If you are in a hurry and need to dry quickly, use a hairdryer with cold air, but avoid areas with capsules.

How to dry without a hair dryer

Do not think that drying a thick mop in the fresh air does not require following a certain algorithm. Prolonged exposure to moisture weighs down the hair and leads to hair loss. So let's take a look at the advice of experts:

  1. To make your hair less tangled after washing, be sure to comb it before the procedure.
  2. Wring out the wet strands separately with your hands.
  3. Wrap your head in a warm towel, which you preheat with an iron or on a radiator.
  4. After getting wet, change the towel with another, also warm one.
  5. Air-dry slightly damp hair and comb it only after that.

Drying your hair may seem like a simple task, but if you do it wrong, you risk ruining your hairstyle. There are many different hair types, and each one requires a different approach. In this article we will talk about how to dry curly, curly and straight hair naturally and using a hair dryer.


Drying hair naturally

    Dry your hair with a towel. If possible, use a towel or an old microfiber T-shirt. It is a soft material that works well for all hair types. Compared to regular towels, they are less likely to cling to hair and tear it. In addition, microfiber does not cause frizz.


    When drying naturally, we do not put as much stress on the hair as when using a hair dryer, which has a positive effect on its health.

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Laura Martin is a licensed esthetician based in Georgia. She has been working as a hairdresser since 2007 and teaching cosmetology since 2013.

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Detangle your hair after it is about 50% dry. Use a wide-tooth comb for this. Detangle your hair gradually, in small sections: start from the ends of your hair and slowly move towards the roots. Never start at the roots unless your hair is completely tangled, otherwise you may damage it and break it.

    • If your hair is tangled, apply a deep conditioner before brushing.
  1. Use your favorite hair product. This could be a styling gel or moisturizer that helps straighten your hair. You can also use a little light hair mousse for extra volume.

    Style before your hair dries. As you comb, style your hair the way you like. For example, you can curl several sections, straighten your hair, or vice versa - fluff it at the roots to give it volume.

    Drape a towel over your shoulders. This will keep your clothes dry, which is especially important in cold winter weather. If necessary, secure the ends of the towel with an elastic band or hair clip.

    Wait until your hair is dry and then style it if necessary. Once your hair is completely dry, you can apply a little styling cream or gel to it. If you have curly hair, add a small amount of hair oil. Apply a small amount of suitable product to your palm and rub it into your hair with your fingers.

    Naturally dry curly, frizzy and wavy hair

    1. Find a shirt or t-shirt that fits. Try to have it with long sleeves. Any shirt will do, but if you have thick and/or long hair, it's best to use a larger shirt.

      • T-shirts and shirts are made from softer fabric than towels. Because of this, they stick to the hair less, which reduces the likelihood of breaks and other damage.
    2. Gently squeeze out the remaining water from your hair and apply the product you like. For curly, curly and wavy hair, it is best to apply the product when it is still wet.

      • If your hair is tangled, comb it gently. Use a wide-tooth comb and grab small sections, starting from the ends of the hair. Do not use a hair brush.
    3. Lay the shirt out on a chair or table. Position it so that the sleeves and collar are facing you and the bottom is facing away from you.

      Bend over your shirt so that your hair lies on it. Try to place your hair in the center of the shirt. Tilt your head so that your hair hangs down and rests on the fabric, and your head is close to the shirt, but not touching it.

      Bring the edges of the shirt behind your head and wrap them around your hair. Grasp the edges of the fabric with your fingers, lift them from the chair or table and bring them behind your neck. Cover the back of your head and the back of your neck with the cloth.

      Pull the front of your shirt over your forehead. Take the shirt by the shoulders and pull it towards your forehead. Hold her tightly by the sleeves.

      Wrap the shirt sleeves around your head and tie them in a knot. Pull the sleeves to the back of your head. In this case, they should lie on top of the hem of the shirt. Tie the sleeves with a tight knot. If the sleeves are long enough, you can wrap them around the back of your head and tie a knot above your forehead.

      • In this case, the sleeves of the shirt form something like a turban on your head.
      • If the sleeves are too short, use a safety pin or hair clip to secure them together.
    4. Wait until your hair is dry. The time depends on how thick and long your hair is. Some people prefer to blow dry their hair after this.

    Blow drying curly hair

      Stock up on everything you need. Curly hair is different from straight hair and requires special care. It is also suitable for people with curly and wavy hair. You will need the following:

      • diffuser;
      • wide-tooth comb;
      • leave-in conditioner;
      • gel (optional);
      • serum or hair oil.
    1. Comb your hair and detangle it. Start from the ends of your hair and gradually move towards the roots. Use a wide-tooth comb.

      Apply some leave-in conditioner to your hair. Apply conditioner to wet hair. After this, gently squeeze out excess moisture from your hair.

      You can apply a little styling gel to your hair. Rub the gel through your hair with your fingers or a wide-tooth comb. Start at the roots and gradually work your way to the ends of your hair. After applying the gel, lightly shake your hair: this way you will give it shape. Although this step is not necessary, the gel will help give your hair the desired shape and texture.

      Place a diffuser on your hair dryer. This device will help you distribute heat and prevent excessive frizz. A diffuser will also help maintain the shape of your curls.

      Turn on low or medium mode and start drying your hair from the roots. If your hairdryer allows you to change the speed, set it to medium. Try not to blow air onto the ends of your hair. This is the driest part of the hair, and the less heat you apply to it, the better.

      After drying your hair, apply some serum or oil to it. To begin, scoop out just a pea-sized amount of product. Comb it through your hair with a wide-tooth comb if you want to straighten your hair, or use your fingers if you don't want to disturb the natural curl of your hair. Start at the front, at the hairline, and work your way back. Apply a small amount of serum or oil to your hair, starting at the hairline above your forehead.

      • If you use gel and your hair gets knotted after using it, comb it out with your fingers.
      • If you want to add volume to your hair, lightly massage your scalp with your fingers.

    Blow drying wavy and curly hair

    1. Stock up on everything you need. Curly and wavy hair looks very beautiful, but it is quite delicate and care must be taken not to damage it. If you have curly or wavy hair, you'll need to take extra steps to protect it from the heat of the hairdryer. You will need the following:

      • a hair dryer attachment in the form of a wide-toothed comb;
      • heat protective spray;
      • foam or mousse for hair styling;
      • serum or hair cream;
      • wide-tooth comb;
      • round ceramic brush.
    2. First, comb your hair. Use a wide-tooth comb and start from the ends of your hair. Comb from the roots only if the hair is not tangled.

      While your hair is still wet, apply hair product to it. If you are going to use a hair dryer, apply foam or mousse to style your hair. If you want to straighten your hair, use a styling cream or serum that will provide your hair with extra protection.

      Let your hair dry a little. Make sure your hair is thoroughly dry before you start blow-drying. If you start blow-drying wet hair, you can cook it and damage it.

      • When drying your hair, try dividing it into separate small strands.
    3. Apply some heat protection spray to your hair. Curly and wavy hair is quite delicate and should be protected from high temperatures.

    4. Start blow drying your hair. Use low or medium heat settings. Direct the air flow from top to bottom and keep the hair dryer at least 15 centimeters away from your hair. If you hold the hair dryer too close, you risk scorching or burning your hair, even when using a heat protection spray.

      • Dry your hair in small sections.
      • If you direct the air flow from top to bottom, you will prevent them from frizz.
      • Start drying your hair at the back of your head and gradually move forward. This way you can gather enough hair in the front.
      • Use a ceramic round brush to straighten your hair. Use your cheek and blow dryer to move from roots to ends.
      • You can dry your hair without a comb, but then you will have to use a flat iron to straighten it.

Text: Daria Burkova

It would seem that drying your hair is as easy as shelling pears: plug the hair dryer into the outlet, press the button and move your hand back and forth until the hair is dry. Unfortunately, in most cases, such a simple technique leads to hair becoming excessively dry, and styling can only be called creative. Every time we go to a beauty salon, we watch the master use a hairdryer in exactly the same way, and we can’t figure out how to repeat this magic at home.

The most meticulous ones collect information bit by bit during trips to the salon, ask the master to place his hand (doing it correctly the first time is borderline fantastic) and watch video tutorials on YouTube. The problem with blow-drying is so common that many salons even offer both group and private lessons for clients, where they are taught - yes - to move their hand back and forth correctly. During practice, each person acquires individual hair taming techniques and begins to understand how to direct air, where to hold a hair dryer, and where to hold a comb. Not everyone can take personal (or even group) lessons on blow-drying hair, and not everyone is ready to admit their own powerlessness. Let's figure out what we've been doing wrong all our lives and how to fix it.

Preliminary preparation

Hair oil with natural SPF Wonder Me Hair Oil
CHI Tea Tree Blow Dry Primer Lotion

We know that makeup begins with preparing the skin, and the same story with drying hair. Surely you have observed endless manipulations with hair in salons, which could seem like a meaningless waste of time, a skillful circus for the entertainment of the client, or simply a hairdressing secret shrouded in darkness. In reality, all this is done for the sake of the correct texture. Agree, foundation applies especially smoothly and smoothly to well-exfoliated and moisturized skin. The situation with hair is exactly the same. And if you additionally use a makeup primer (read: lotion for blow-drying), this will only add durability to the result.

A beautiful blow-dry starts with washing your hair, applying conditioner and using a mask regularly. The task of the latter is to improve the quality of the hair from the inside (restore, moisturize, nourish - each according to their needs), and the conditioner is to smooth the hair cuticle, which is opened by shampoos and even masks. On the days when you use a mask, apply it first, and only then apply the conditioner. According to top stylist at Sebastian Professional Urban Design Team Rufad Akhundov, in most cases, hairdressers offer salon clients moisturizing shampoos, conditioners and masks. They are the ones who best prepare the hair for the subsequent application of styling products and blow-drying.

This is especially important for creating curls with a brush while drying your hair: moisturized curls look more elastic and are easier to style. In this case, using an air conditioner is almost the most important step. Air flows should be directed parallel to the length of the hair so that the air slides along the cuticle. If you use conditioner first, your hair will be much smoother and shinier after drying. But more on that later.

After washing

Leonor Greyl Hairstyling Serum
Tangle Teezer Blow-Styling Smoothing Tool

The most important thing to do immediately after washing your hair and applying all the necessary products is to overcome the desire to twist your hair under a towel turban. Yes, it's convenient. But this is where the advantages of the ritual dear to the heart end. The whole secret of beautiful styling is in the smoothest cuticle, and the coarse fibers of a towel, especially a terry one, undo the work you did in the shower. The most you can do is wrap your hair in a towel for five minutes (yes, like in a salon) so that it absorbs excess moisture.

Here's a salon life hack: take a medium-sized towel (for example, 50 by 70 centimeters), bend it 15 centimeters along the long side, tilt your head down, place the towel in the center of the back of your head with the flap up, wrap your head in the towel, placing the free ends one on top of the other, tuck the free edge into a pocket, which was formed from the folding of the long edge. From a towel you need to make a “pipe” that wraps the length of your hair. Next you need to take the edge of the “pipe” (do not twist it!) and put it in the pocket at the back of your head. Voila. Do not keep it on your head for more than five minutes - styling products should be applied to damp hair.

Ideally, of course, the pattern of actions immediately after washing your hair should be slightly different. First, you need to blot your hair with a towel to remove excess moisture, then carefully comb it with a massage brush or a wide-tooth comb, and then blot your hair with a towel again. To apply styling products, we need slightly damp and cool, but not wet hair.

Styling products

Balmain Volume Mousse Strong
Kardashian Beauty Smooth Styler Blow Dry Cream

Next, you need to apply a leave-in hair conditioner, serum or moisturizing lotion to the length - the names may vary, but the essence is the same. Such products are found in the format of sprays, balms, creams, lotions, and their purpose is to further moisturize the hair and further smooth the cuticle. Once the leave-in conditioner is absorbed, you can begin applying styling products.

Apply volumizing products first - usually sprays or mousses. It is important to distribute the product along the root zone, but do not rub it into the scalp: if you do this, it will cause you problems, in fact, with. “An important point in creating hair volume: you need to immediately dry the root zone to fix the volume, and only then work with the texture along the length,” clarifies Rufad Akhundov. This can be done on the hottest setting to save time, but most likely you will find it more convenient to dry on medium air temperature and medium power.

When you have dried your roots one hundred percent (direct air only to the roots, without touching the rest of the hair), you can apply styling products to the length of your hair. These can be special creams for blow-drying, which additionally smooth the hair and protect it from thermal effects, hair oils, lotions to add smoothness, or special sprays to create texture - whatever you like. We advise beginners to stick to the first option to understand the basics. Once you understand how your hair should look after proper blow-drying, you can start experimenting with texture in your diet.

Blow drying

Finishing cream for hair shine Sebastian Professional Sublimate
Round brush for brushing Acca Kappa

Make sure the roots are completely dry and turn on the hair dryer at medium temperature and maximum power. Direct the air flow directly parallel to the hair to smooth the cuticle as much as possible. Use a very short side-to-side motion to avoid overheating your hair in one spot. At the stage of drying the hair length, you do not need to use a round brush, you only need your free hand. The maximum is a large massage brush with sparse plastic teeth. It will be useful primarily for those with very long hair to dry it evenly along its entire length. Dry your hair until it is ninety percent dry.

Then everything depends on personal wishes. If you already like the look of smooth hair, then turn on the cold air to maximum power and continue doing the same as when drying your hair. This simple step will set your style and give your hair extra shine. If you want maximum smoothness, then you can master the “brushing” technique: use a round brush on almost dry hair. To do this, stretch your hair in strands first at medium temperature with a hairdryer, and then in the same way at a cold temperature. If you want to make a small curl at the end, then turn on the hot air when you wind the hair onto the brush, and when removing the hair from the brush with a sliding motion, press the cold air button to fix the curl. In salons, stylists often simply turn the hairdryer backwards, but we do not advise you to repeat this at home - it can suck in your hair.

If you want to use a hair straightener after the hairdryer or curl it with a curling iron, then first dry your hair using a cold stream of air parallel to the hair. “When working with irons or curling irons, you should not set the temperature to maximum, this can lead to drying of the hair,” advises Rufad Akhundov. Then you can apply varnish - it will not only fix the styling, but also smooth out the small “antennas” at the roots. If desired, you can add a little shine spray after the varnish.

Choosing a hairdryer

Hairdryer Gamma Pui Aria Azzuro
BaByliss PRO Ferrari hair dryer

Hair dryer Valera Salon Exclusive