
Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic: Summary of educational activities for knowledge "Household Appliances" in the middle group. Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group "magic electricity" Drawing on the topic of electrical appliances in the senior group


Abstract of the GCD for drawing “Live, household devices” in the compensatory group for children with special needs./Lyudmila Nikolaevna Negulyay, additional education teacher in visual arts/

Target: Formation of fine arts and skills in children, development of creative abilities, fantasy, imagination.

Tasks: To consolidate children's ideas about household appliances and their purpose. Teach children to depict various household appliances by composing images from geometric shapes. Activate children's vocabulary when composing a descriptive story about the hero of their drawing. Learn to convey in a drawing not only the form, but also the mood, the character of the “revived” devices. By adding various details and small elements, ensure that what is depicted matches the intended image. Improve compositional skills, drawing techniques with colored pencils, and color perception. Develop accuracy, the ability to complete work, and the ability to listen to peers and adults.

Preliminary work: Work of a teacher and speech therapist on the lexical topic “Household Appliances.” Reading “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief” by K.I. Chukovsky, watching cartoons. A conversation about character traits and their manifestation in people. View the tables “Drawing the mood”.

Equipment: colored watercolor pencils (a feather is glued to the boxes), a sheet of A4 paper, a table “Drawing the mood.”

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part.

Guys! Our pencils today have acquired the ability to animate objects. Using pencils from a simple, non-magic box, I draw an ordinary light bulb. The lamp has a shape: (what?), color (what?). But this lamp has no mood, no character. And now I draw with pencils from a box with a feather. But first I'll blow on the pen. This light bulb is glad that it is so bright, it gives light, that’s what her smile is like. And she grabbed her sides with her arms, supporting her round tummy. Her legs are thin, like a spiral inside. And here are the shoes: bright, with laces.

And guess what devices are hidden in the riddles!

Wherever I go, there is order.

There are no wrinkles or folds.

The trunk is crawling along the floor.

The floor sucks like candy.

Right there, in the corner,

Handle with tube on cord.

Without a tongue he speaks, without ears he hears.


Let us turn into vacuum cleaners for a minute and put things in order.

Fathers! So much dust! (Spread their arms to the sides)

Where were you before?

You have completely forgotten me... (Waving with both hands)

Okay, okay, it's not scary, everything is clear (Clap their hands)

Amazingly dirty! Just great! (They shake a finger)

By the way! I'll take a look under the beds. (Tilts head to shoulders)

Then I walk along the carpet (we “run” along the table with our fingers)

And again I’ll freeze in the corner.

Conversation and demonstration of how to use geometric shapes to create the “figure” of a refrigerator, stove, vacuum cleaner, kettle.Children's stories about what kind of character their hero will be and how to convey his character.Drawing by design.(Blow on feathers, pencils become magical)We are organizing an exhibition of drawings. The guys talk about the work they liked and suggest how they would animate the device.

Lesson TOOLS. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES is held as part of the implementation of the author’s program “Cheerful Tongue”. Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist Kuzina Svetlana Borisovna, music director Nikitushina Lyubov Valerievna. MBDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 53 “Cheburashka”, Klin, Moscow region.

This is designed for children in the pre-school group.

Progress of the logorhythmic lesson TOOLS. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES

The entrance to the hall is accompanied by music from the cartoon “The Fixies” (“A knock-knock refrigerator and two fixies inside”).

1. Organizational moment.

  • Exercise “Scissors”, music by E. Makarov (collection “Music for morning exercises in kindergarten”, N. Metlov).
  • Exercise “Hatchets”.

2. Introduction to the topic. "Tools. Electrical appliances."

“Name household electrical appliances.”

3. Guess the riddles.

- Admire, look -
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever to us this winter
Brought from the store. (Fridge.)

— We have a robot in our apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness
And it hums like a TU airliner.
He willingly swallows dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze. (Vacuum cleaner.)

- I will say without bragging:
I will make all my friends younger!
Despondent people come to me -
With wrinkles, with folds,
They are leaving very nice -
Fun and smooth!
So I'm a reliable friend
Electric... (iron).

4. Singing “Sawmills” by O.S. Boromykova (collection “Correction of speech and movement”, Boromykova O.S., p. 5).

5. Game "TV".

The game is aimed at developing visual memory and the ability to reproduce a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material:

  • "TV",
  • rhythmic blocks,
  • themed pictures,
  • musical instruments or their substitutes.

Musical material:

  • musical fragments of various sizes (march, polka, Russian folk dance, waltz, Charleston, tarantella).

The game is played in two stages:

First stage.

The teacher asks the children to remember what they will be shown on TV. A certain rhythmic pattern appears on the screen, children memorize it, and then reproduce it one by one using musical instruments or their substitutes.

Second phase.

The teacher opens several pictures, and the children choose the one whose sound-syllable structure of the word-name corresponds to a given rhythmic pattern.

6. Physical exercise “Household Appliances”.

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, (Rhythmic bending of the fingers of both hands, palms facing forward.)
Where are you sticking your nose?
I'm buzzing, I'm buzzing (The same, but palms facing each other.)
I'm putting things in order. (Touching fingertips.)

7. Articulation-breathing and facial exercises (4 to 5 exercises of children’s choice).

  • Facial exercises

Express the emotional state associated with the events that happened, show: you are happy about buying a computer or video console, you are upset because the TV is malfunctioning.

  • Articulation exercises

— Mixer on: circular movements with the lower jaw. We draw the letter “o” with the chin when the mouth is open or closed.
— We turn the handle of the meat grinder: open your mouth as often as possible when pronouncing a syllable with a change in stress: “It would be, it would be, it would be, it would be, it would be.”
— The photographer looks into the lens: raise the left and right cheeks in turn.
— Ironing clothes: with the wide front edge of the tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom, and then pull the tongue into the mouth to the middle of the palate. Move the tip of your tongue along the hard palate, trying to touch the soft palate.

  • Exercise to develop speech breathing

The sounds of operating electrical machines: vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, washing machine. “J-z-z-z-z”, “d-z-z-z-z-z-z”.

8. Listening to the work “Lamp”, music by T. Chudova, words by A. Kondratiev (collection “Guselki”, issue 59, p. 18).

9. Exercise for hands.

Painters painting a house (Fists are lowered down. At the same time, raise your hands up, spreading your fingers to the sides.)
For your beloved children.
If only I can
Then I will help them too.

10. Game to develop spatial orientation “The guys have strict order.”

Children march around the hall and say the words:

— The guys have a strict order,
They know all their places
Come on, quickly repeat this,
I'll show you how!

After the last line, the teacher shows how to line up:

  • arms in front of you rounded - in a circle,
  • arms to the sides at shoulder level - in a line,
  • two arms stretched out in front of you - in a column.

11. Game-exercise “Vacuum cleaner and specks of dust” (collection “Corrective Rhythms” by M.A. Kositsyn, p. 121).

— Guys, imagine that you are specks of dust, merrily dancing in a ray of sun. The “specks of dust” swirl around themselves and, spinning slower and slower, settle on the floor. Suddenly the vacuum cleaner started working. (The teacher imitates the sound of a vacuum cleaner.) He collects dust particles. Whoever it touches gets up and leaves.

The teacher explains that when the “specks of dust” land on the floor, you should relax your backs and shoulders and, bending forward down, lower your arms and tilt your head.

Directly – educational activity for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old “Things that help us”

teacher Belobaeva Elena Valerievna

Description: a summary of direct educational activities for children in the preparatory group, the purpose of which is to summarize children’s knowledge about household appliances, their purpose and use in the modern world.

Target: Generalizing children's knowledge about household electrical appliances, their purpose and use in the modern world.
- involve children in playful and verbal interaction with peers;
- activate the names of household appliances, verbs;
- encourage you to independently compose short texts - descriptions;
- improve the ability to divide words into syllables of different syllabic structures;
- introduce safety rules when using electrical appliances.

Materials and equipment: cards for the game “One - Many”, pictures depicting modern household appliances and their ancient analogues, envelopes with chips, cards with words divided into syllables, the ABC of Safety training program, music for physical exercises, laptop.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting electrical appliances, guessing riddles, completing tasks on sound-syllable analysis of words, making attributes for the game. Organizing time.
Children stand in a “Welcome” circle.
- Shall we play today?
- Let's play!
-Are we reading today?
- We honor!
- Shall we not forget to dream?
- Let's not forget!
- Will we help each other?
- We will!

The teacher conducts a conversation:
- Guys, who needs help and why? (children's statements)
- How do you help your mother and grandmother at home?
- So, you can be called assistants?
- Who else can be called assistants?

Educator:- Do you know that not only people, but also things can be helpers! Listen to the poem:
We love our home very much,
Both cozy and dear.
But not everyone could
Redo a lot of things.
We need to clean the house,
Cook, wash,
And also iron the clothes...
How to cope with all the work?
And it’s wonderful that now
We have helpers.
They make our work easier
They save our time.
And they are brothers,
Powered by electricity.
Everyone understands and without dispute,
These are household appliances.
- Household appliances are our faithful assistants. Can you name the appliances that you have in your home (children's answers). Household appliances are complex devices that perform a wide variety of household tasks. Do you want to know more about them? I was sent invitation coupons to a hardware store, but it's a bit of an unusual store! There's a big sale today! Take apart the coupons, look at them, maybe you’ll find a pair for yourself to make it more fun.

Game exercise “One - many” Children are divided into pairs according to the principle of one refrigerator - three refrigerators, etc. In pairs they get to the store, on the chairs there are cards (price tags) with the name of household appliances (ho-lo-dil-nik, TV-le-visor, etc.)

Educator:- Don’t you find it somehow strange that there are no goods or buyers? So what should we do? Let's play ourselves! The children who have one item in the picture will be household appliances, the others will be buyers, and they also need to choose a cashier.

The teacher explains the task to each subgroup:
- household appliances must take a picture with the image of a household appliance, take the right place on the display window (find the corresponding card - price tag), make an advertisement for yourself.
- buyers independently in a subgroup repeat the rules of behavior in the store, take wallets with money - chips. They are explained that they must listen to the advertisement and purchase the item they like, the main thing is that they have enough money for it (1 chip - one syllable in a word, two chips - two syllables, etc.)
- the cashier (adult or child) checks the correctness of the calculation.

Game "Electrical Appliance Dispute"- the teacher invites each child to take on the role of one of the electrical appliances and prove that it is the most needed in the house. For example: “I am a vacuum cleaner, I am the most necessary electrical appliance, without me it is impossible to clean the apartment,” “And I am a washing machine, how difficult it would have been for my mother, if it weren’t for me, she would have washed all the clothes by hand!”

Buyers choose a product.

Game "Syllable Store"- customers choose the electrical appliance they like, go to the checkout, and pay for it with chips. They can take out a loan if they don't have enough chips.

Educator:- Congratulations on your new acquisitions!

Tell us about your shopping!
What about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping
About your purchases!

Game "My acquisition". Buyers should brag about their purchase. For example, today I bought a new TV, I will watch cartoons and fairy tales.

Musical physical exercise "Fixies".

Educator:- It’s good that there are things that help us! Some wash clothes, others help in the kitchen, others collect dust, and others store food. I wonder how people used to manage without such devices? (children's reasoning)

Didactic game "Before and Now".
The children are given cards. Task: find an analogue to a modern device.

Educator:- Why couldn’t there have been modern devices before? (there was no electricity, no electric current)
- What is another name for all household appliances? (electrical appliances)

I see a socket on the wall below
And it becomes interesting to me.
What kind of mysterious beast is sitting there?
Tells our devices to work?
The beast's name is electric current.
It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!
Keep your hands away from the current,
Don’t rush to stick your fingers into the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He will get angry and might kill.
Current is for electrical appliances, understand,
Better never tease him!

To use electrical appliances, you need to know safety rules.

View the story “Electrical Appliances” from the training program “The ABCs of Safety”.

The teacher invites the children to look at some rules for using electrical appliances. After watching, the teacher asks what rules the children can formulate and why they can’t do this:

Do not insert foreign objects into the electrical outlet, especially metal ones! Why? Because the current, like a bridge, will cross them to you and can kill you.
- Do not touch exposed wires with your hands! Why? An electric current flows through a bare wire not protected by a winding, the shock of which can be fatal.
- Do not touch switched on electrical appliances with wet hands! Why? You can get an electric shock because water is a conductor of electricity.
- Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended! Why? Because switched on electrical appliances can cause a fire. When leaving home, always check that the lights are off, the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron, etc. are turned off.

The teacher invites all children into a circle:

Guys, what assistants did we talk about today?
- What are they for, why are they important?
- What rules for using household electrical appliances have you learned?

Did we play today?
- Let's play!
-Did we read today?
- Read it!
- Did you help each other?
- They helped!
-Have we forgotten anything? Maybe we missed something?

Children:- We forgot to dream!

- Then I suggest you, in your free time, draw the household appliance of your dreams and come up with a riddle about it, you can do this together with your dad and mom.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Furniture and household appliances for little gnomes” in the senior group

Target: Expanding and deepening ideas about furniture, its purpose, details and parts; the materials from which it is made.


Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Furniture. Appliances".

Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that corresponds to a joyful mood.

Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands.

Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Guys, today a balloon flew to us, and there was a letter attached to it. Here it is.

"Hello guys!

Little gnomes from a fairyland are writing to you. We're in trouble. The evil witch turned our furniture and household appliances into sand. But she has bewitched the inhabitants of our country, and no one remembers what kind of furniture and household appliances there are. We sleep on the floor, we also eat on the floor, and our plates are also on the floor. Help us ".

Educator. Well, guys, let's help the little gnomes?

Children's answers

What kind of furniture do you know?

Children's answers

Educator. And what does a person need for even greater convenience?

Children's answers(Appliances)

Educator. List the household appliances you know.

Children's answers

Conversation about furniture, household appliances and their parts.

Educator. Guys, tell me why we need furniture? (chair, table, etc.)

Children's answers

Educator. Guys, do you know what parts the furniture has?

The table has a tabletop and legs.

A chair has legs, a seat, a back.

The chair has a soft back and seat, armrests, and legs.

The bed has a base, mattress, headboard, footboard (foot end).

The sofa has a soft long back and seat, armrests, legs.

The cabinet has walls, shelves, doors, legs.

The chest of drawers has walls, drawers, and doors.

Educator. Guys, why do we need household appliances? (vacuum cleaner, iron, etc.)

Children's answers

Educator. What parts do household appliances have?

(Show corresponding pictures)

The washing machine has a drum, a door, and a control panel.

The iron has a heating surface, a control button and a cord with a plug.

The vacuum cleaner has a body, a dust bag, a hose, and attachments for the hose.

Physical education minute.

Ball game: “Which one? Which? Which? Which?"

Educator. I will name the furniture and ask you a question, and you will answer me.

For example. What kind of chair? Wooden, comfortable, hard, tall. Etc.

Vacuum cleaner, what? Plastic, powerful. Etc.


Well, guys, you know everything about furniture and household appliances. How can we help the little gnomes?

"Electrical appliances." GCD on cognitive and speech development for kindergarten

GCD for children of senior and preparatory preschool age "In Search of Nolik"

Description of work:
I offer material that I hope will be interesting for teachers and educators working with children of older and preparatory age for school (5-7 years old). Children go on an exciting journey - a search in order to find Nolik (the hero of the cartoon "Fixies"), who has hidden in the group wall clock.
Target: Update children's knowledge on the topic "Electrical Appliances"
- correctional and educational: teach to form the diminutive form of nouns,
- correctional and developmental: develop cognitive interest; develop children's logical thinking by solving riddles, develop dialogical speech, develop auditory attention and memory;
- correctional and educational: to cultivate a culture of dialogue; ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor
Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, envelopes with tasks from the Fixies, a ball, an audio recording of physical exercises, pictures depicting the cartoon characters “The Fixies”, green, yellow and red palms

GCD move:

Children stand in a semicircle
We have known since childhood
Very wise words
Say hello when meeting
- Good morning!
- Good morning, my good friend!
-Good morning to all the people around!
-Good morning to the sky and birds!
- Good morning to smiling faces!
I really want everyone to have a good morning, good afternoon and good evening today! Especially for our children, because they came to kindergarten to play, communicate and learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Now join hands and create a chain of friendship
Children holding hands say the words:

We are the friendliest children
And we are no friendlier in the world!

Educator: Now, guys, sit down at the tables.
Guys, do you know that our fingers can talk?
Educator: I’ll teach you now! They will tell us the topic of our lesson.

What's that noise in this kitchen?
pinky curl
We will fry cutlets. flexion of ring fingers
We'll take a meat grinder rotating middle fingers around each other
Let's check the meat quickly. rotating index fingers around each other
Beat together with a mixer thumb rotation
Everything we need for the cake connecting the little fingers
To bake the cake quickly, connection of ring fingers
Let's turn on the electric oven. middle finger connection
Electrical appliances are a miracle! index finger movement
It would be bad for us to live without them. Shrug
(Taken from the Internet)
Educator: Have you guessed the topic of our lesson?
They are our faithful helpers. These are complex devices that are powered by electricity and perform a wide variety of household tasks. Some wash clothes, others help in the kitchen, others collect dust, others store food, etc. Electrical appliances save our time and energy. Imagine if all electrical appliances suddenly disappeared from your home. How much more difficult it would have been for people then!
Educator: Guys, listen to the music and guess what cartoon it is from? Can you name its main characters? (Simka Nolik Papus Masya Dedus DimDimych Nipper Bug Fire Igrek Spool Verta Professor Chudakov) Do you want to play with fixies?

And here they are! (a picture showing fixies is displayed)

Who are fixies? These are fictional characters who live in electrical appliances, care for them, repair them, and therefore extend the life of the appliances, and fixies, in turn, feed on energy from these appliances. Fixies help devices, and devices help fixers
Do you want to play with them? (Yes!)
Our task will be to find the smallest fixie - Nolik. He hid somewhere in the group, and his family came up with tasks for you and sent them by registered mail!

Educator: In order to find Nolik we will need to put together a puzzle. On the other side it will be written where he hid.

The first task of the fixy family: we need to guess all the riddles about electrical appliances.
Making riddles. Attaching subject pictures to the board.

Guess it quickly, my friend,
What kind of snow tower is this?
Protects us from the heat
Milk, sour cream, kvass. (Fridge)

In linen country
Along the Prostynya River
The ship is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen. (Iron)

Walks and wanders on the carpets,
He moves his nose around the corners.
Where I went, there was no dust,
Dust and litter are his lunch. (Vacuum cleaner)

What kind of miracle, what kind of box?
He himself is a singer and himself a storyteller,
And at the same time
Shows movies. (TV)

Only me, only me
I'm in charge of the kitchen
Without me, no matter how hard you work
Sit down without lunch...
(Electric stove)

There are round buttons on the sides of the box.
Right there in the corner there is a handle with a tube on a cord. (Electric kettle)

If you press the button
There will be music /music center/

Look at my barrel
The top is spinning inside me.
He doesn't hit anyone
But it will ruin everything! (Mixer)
(taken from the Internet)

The child who guesses the answer pins the object pictures on the board.
The first part of the puzzle is fixed on the board

Educator: The Fixies have prepared questions for us. By answering them, we can get another piece of the puzzle.
- What is each electrical appliance needed for? (Survey of each child)
- What electrical appliances are in the kitchen, bedroom, living room?
- What powers electrical appliances?
- Where does electricity live in each house?
- Why can’t you touch the sockets?
- What rule do you need to know and be sure to follow when you leave home?
Children answer in two or three sentences. For example: There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. Food is stored in it for a long time and does not spoil.

Putting another piece of the puzzle together

Educator: Guys, here is the next envelope with the task.
Call electrical appliances affectionately. I throw the ball, call the electrical device, and you speak kindly

Iron - iron, telephone - telephone, tape recorder - tape recorder, teapot - teapot, refrigerator - refrigerator, vacuum cleaner - vacuum cleaner, socket - socket
Let's continue:
Repeat and complete my sentence:
Grandfather gets milk from (the refrigerator) in the kitchen
Mom washes clothes in (washing machine)
Yulia watches the program “Good night kids” on (TV)
Grandmother cooks cabbage soup on (Electric stove)
Dad cleans the carpet (with a vacuum cleaner)
Mom whips cream (with a mixer)
Mom dries wet hair (PHENOM)

Connecting the next puzzle

Educator: Well done guys, let's open the next letter.

The teacher takes out sheets from the envelope and shows:
“NOISE” APPLIANCES A sheet of paper shows the outlines of electrical appliances that are hidden behind each other.

Children need to find them, name them and tell how they are used. The sentence should be like this (for example)
I have an electric lamp. I turn it on when I sit down to draw,
I have a sewing machine at home, my mother loves to sew,
I have a washing machine; my mother and I wash clothes together.
As a family, we love watching TV in the evenings.
On weekends, my dad and I like to vacuum the carpets.
When the laundry is dry, mom irons it and I fold it.
When guests arrive, we boil water in an electric kettle and drink tea with the whole family.

And now I will ask, children, to leave the tables and rest a little.
Let's do Nolik's favorite gymnastics. (The music center is turned on with a recording of a charging song)


Knock-knock TV,
Knock-knock TV,
Knock-knock TV
And two fixies inside.
Knock-knock TV,
Knock-knock TV,
Knock-knock TV
And two fixies inside

Educator: Well done guys, we had a rest and we continue

And in the next letter, the fixers suggest that we place electrical appliances in the apartment
(each child is given a picture with an electrical appliance on magnets, on the board there is a diagram of the apartment - living room, kitchen, bathroom) Guys, we complete the bath, kitchen, living room) When the children attach the appliances to the board, they explain why it is convenient for the appliances to be in a particular room.
Well done! Let's put the puzzle together!

Educator: Guys, listen to the poem carefully.
We have helpers
They don’t give up in difficult times.
If mom is all worried,
We get to work.
Here at the request “Help!”
Ironing dresses, ironing trousers,
Our hands can do everything.
The vacuum cleaner makes loud noise.
Our carpet shines like snow.
We haven't forgotten about laundry
Washed, scrolled.
And then rinsed
Our hands are not tired.
We dried our things
The clothes shine with cleanliness.
We sat down for a minute,
We watched TV.
We hear the phone ringing,
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.
We'll put the kettle on the stove,
Let's give tea to all the guests.
Our house is full of music,
We dance and sing in it.
How to behave in everyday life
We will learn in the garden. (taken from the Internet)
Tell me, what electrical appliances were discussed in the poem? (iron, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, TV, telephone, kettle, tape recorder)

Educator: Guys, we have completed the puzzle. Let's turn it over and see where Nolik was hiding?
On the back it says that the zero is hidden in the clock. The teacher removes the clock from the wall and pulls out a toy zero.
You did a great job with all the fixers' tasks! Thanks a lot!
Guys, let's remember what we talked about in class today? (Children's answers)
What did you like most about the lesson? (Children's answers)

Teacher: You know that fixies have this sign - a handle - a rostrum. Palm with three fingers spread. Sometimes it's a gesture of greeting, but more often it's a sign of a job well done.