
What to do with lactostasis? Lactostasis in a nursing mother: signs and methods of treatment, prevention Lactostasis in a nursing mother treatment with folk remedies

breast cancer

I want to talk about lactostasis. It so happened that several times I had to seriously try to solve this problem. The first time it came to mastitis and abscess, and I even had a small operation.

The problem of lactostasis, unfortunately, does not bypass any nursing mother (with rare exceptions). But it is necessary to warn and overcome it as soon as possible so that the whole process of breastfeeding is not upset. Of course, there is enough information on this issue, but I want to talk about the knowledge that was useful to me - I read a lot of literature and forums, and chose what was close to me, and, thank God, I solved the problem of lactostasis.

Lactostasis is a blockage of the milk duct, the cause of which is poor emptying of the breast or part of it. The breast consists of lobes (according to various sources - from 12 to 20), and each lobule has its own duct in the nipple. When it is felt that some kind of breast lobule is thickened and hurts, sometimes there is redness and swelling. If you express the breast, it is clear that milk is pouring from the nipple in a smaller number of streams or from some part of the nipple it drains a little, while from the rest of the parts it can still flow in streams.

Causes of lactostasis

To prevent lactostasis, you need to know the reason why it occurs.

Also, mastitis can be a complication after an illness. For example, if a woman was sick, she may develop infected mastitis in about 2 weeks - you need to keep this in mind and take extra care of your breasts.

Infected mastitis is already an inflammatory process and its treatment should be medical and timely. As a rule, a course of antibiotics is prescribed that are compatible with breastfeeding - do not stop breastfeeding at this point, otherwise you may never return to it. There is no need to be afraid of antibiotics - the disease is much more dangerous for both you and the child. In addition, you must definitely continue to express. Without pumping, medical treatment will not be effective.

Pumping should not be done manually - so that the infection does not spread to neighboring breast lobes. It is better to use an electric breast pump for this. It is impossible to do warm compresses with infected mastitis, as they can provoke an abscess. If all measures of treatment of mastitis are effective, then pumping is completed on the 10th day.

And I still had an abscess. Lumps of stagnant milk did not disappear in any way, and a purulent sac appeared inside. The main thing with an abscess is not to panic about the fact that you can only feed on one breast. You will be able to feed the child with this one healthy breast - and the right amount of milk will be produced, you may just have to feed a little more often.

Drainage is placed on the sore chest to remove pus from the purulent sac, plus, again, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Medicines are also selected compatible with breastfeeding. Pumping continues with a breast pump (in order not to affect the purulent sac, manual pumping is not recommended). Pumping is also needed so that lactation in the affected breast does not fade away, and after the end of treatment, you could return to feeding the baby from both breasts.

Self-treatment of mastitis is unacceptable, but it is quite possible to cope with lactostasis on your own, the main thing is to carefully monitor your breasts and take action in time.

I wish all breastfeeding mothers never experience this problem! But forewarned is forearmed!

I congratulate all-all with the coming New Year! May our children be healthy and happy!

The mammary gland is an organ located in the region of the anterior chest wall in front of the ribs. Available in both males and females.

The laying of tissue occurs even in the embryonic period, but the final formation is only at the stage of puberty and pregnancy. In men, iron is in an undifferentiated state. And in the female representatives it is a glandular and adipose tissue.

It belongs to the glands of external secretion, this is due to the fact that the product of its work is released into the environment. The glandular tissue is hormonally dependent, predominantly affected by prolactin.

Its structure is lobular, a ductal system departs from each lobule, which subsequently merges and is excreted in the nipple area. There are also extensions in which milk accumulates for subsequent feeding.

On the surface of the skin there is a nipple, which differs in color and structure of the tissue. It is necessary for feeding the child.

Functions of the mammary gland

The main functions are:

  • Milk production.
  • Production of hormones. So, with a large accumulation of adipose tissue in the organ, the process of estrogen secretion begins.
  • It's also an aesthetic function. necessary for the formation of the female constitutional type.
  • Erotic. It is due to the fact that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the nipple area, which play a role in the excitation of the body.

What is lactation?

This is the production of breast milk by the mammary gland of the female body. This function of the breast includes several successive stages, as a result of which the possibility of feeding the child is formed.

The process of milk production is possible only after the birth of a child, usually a full-fledged education begins on the 3-5th day. Before full-fledged lactogenesis, the production of colostrum, the primary milk, occurs.

What is lactostasis?

Lactostasis is a pathological process, which is characterized by the process of stagnation in the region of the lactiferous ducts. This is a common problem faced by almost every breastfeeding woman.

With the wrong tactics and ignorance of the initial symptoms, a powerful inflammatory process can develop, which in advanced stages leads to serious consequences, even death.

Most often, lactostasis occurs in young mothers, usually immediately after the birth of a child. During this period, the final formation of the milk ducts of the gland occurs, which causes severe pain.


The main reason for the development of lactostasis is a violation of the outflow of milk through the milk ducts.

Most often this is due to its initial accumulation in the gland and gradual thickening. Since milk in the early days has a rather thick composition, when it is in the chest for a long time, it turns into a thick cork, which is a curdled mass.

After the birth of a child, a woman experiences difficulties associated with feeding, because. at this time, it is accompanied by severe pain, and additional difficulties such as a flat nipple, the appearance of cracks, etc. may also arise.

In some cases, lactostasis can be associated with excess milk production, resulting in insufficient pumping after feeding. So gradually there is a preservation of the remains of milk in the ducts.

Signs of milk stasis

  1. The initial symptom of the development of lactostasis is the appearance of discomfort in the region of the gland, there is constant discomfort, as well as a feeling of heaviness in the organ. In this case, initially there is no pain syndrome.
  2. Another significant problem is the outflow of milk.. Its severity depends on the extent of the lesion.
  3. With a slight blockage of single lobules only a decrease in the amount of milk secreted from the gland may appear, provided that the diet is adequate and other reasons that contribute to a decrease in lactation.
  4. For massive blockage complete obstruction of the lactiferous duct may occur. If a woman does not start pumping on time, the process will continue to worsen.


Has the following symptoms:

  • The gland increases in size. In the initial stages of lactostasis and not abundant secretion of milk, this symptom grows slowly, but in the future a pronounced asymmetry is revealed.
  • With self-palpation, a woman can determine the presence of a seal, which is characterized by the development of tubercles, as well as seals of various sizes, most often irregular in shape. During palpation, discomfort or already severe pain may appear.
  • Lactostasis forms a constant feeling of bursting symptoms, with complete obstruction of the duct, they are most pronounced.
  • The skin on the affected area indicates the development of the pathological process, just as there is no initial rise in local temperature.
  • Well-being begins to change with severe discomfort, as well as the attachment of an infectious cause.
  • Fever and swollen lymph nodes characterizes the transition of the process to mastitis.


Therapy of lactostasis is quite diverse. It includes the use of non-pharmacological methods, as well as medicines.

The main limitation in the use of drugs is the effect through milk on the child's body, so the selection is based on the safest drugs.

Of the non-drug methods, massage and pumping are used. These two mechanisms ensure the reduction of congestion in the breast and the prevention of the transition to mastitis.

Of the drugs, these are drugs of local and systemic therapy. Local include ointments with a different mechanism of action, as well as compresses.

Of the systemic drugs, the most widely used:

  • Oxytocin. This is a synthetic hormonal agent, according to the mechanism of its action is similar to the natural hormone. It has a selective effect on the muscles of the uterus, as well as the lactiferous ducts of the mammary glands. The drug helps to relax the milk ducts and improves the excretion of accumulated milk from them. The drug is administered parenterally, for this, one milliliter of solution or one ampoule is used and administered intramuscularly. The number of side effects is minimal, but the drug is allowed to be used only after being prescribed by a specialist.
  • No-shpa. The drug has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, due to this effect, an analgesic effect is also achieved. Promotes relaxation of the milk ducts and easier discharge of milk. It can be used in various dosage forms, both tableted and in the form of a solution. It is preferable to use it intramuscularly, it can rarely be combined with other components for applying compresses.
  • Antibacterial drugs. The most popular of them is Amoxiclav. It is used as an etiotropic therapy and to prevent the transition of lactostasis to mastitis. It can be used in the form of tablets and solution. The course of therapy averages a week.
  • Dostinex or Bromocriptine. These are drugs that help stop lactation. Promotes inhibition of prolactin production. The main negative effect is the likelihood of a complete irreversible cessation of lactation, this is especially important in the early stages of a child's development, since the only way to feed will be artificial.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used for symptomatic treatment., they reduce body temperature, as well as the severity of pain.







The basis of non-drug treatment of lactostasis is breast massage followed by pumping. It is necessary to soften the formed traffic jams, as well as reduce pain.

For proper execution, you need to know a few rules:

  • First of all, use special products, mainly with a warming effect. It can be oils, as well as creams.
  • It is recommended to massage the tissue in the direction towards the nipple from the base. The entire gland should be covered without skipping sections.
  • In addition to the previous direction, they are used periodically and circular, they help improve blood flow. You can not make rough movements, everything should be done gently and carefully.
  • Seals soften gradually.
  • Finish the massage by patting the skin with your fingertips, as well as subsequent pumping.


You can use the following types of compresses:


This type of medicine is a popular and effective method of treating lactostasis. The advantage of ointments is local action.

The main mechanism of their action is the removal of edema, soreness, as well as the resorption of foci of compaction.

The main rule of application is application to the prepared, cleansed breast skin, without affecting the areola area.

Types of ointment:

  • Menovazin ointment (Menovazan). This is an alcohol-containing agent, with the addition of novocaine, as well as other local anesthetics. Used to reduce pain. The remedy is not the main one for the treatment of lactostasis, but is used as a symptomatic one. It is not recommended to apply it if the skin is damaged.
  • Levomekol. Antibacterial ointment containing chloramphenicol in its composition. It is used in the presence of signs of suppuration. Due to the content of a strong antibiotic, it is recommended to use without subsequent feeding of the child, but at the same time, pumping should take place regularly.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Has antimicrobial activity. It is currently used quite rarely, this is due to a strong irritant effect on the skin. Therefore, it is forbidden to use it in the presence of skin lesions. It is more effective in combination with other drugs, and not as the main drug.
  • Troxevasin. The drug, which has the main venotonic effect, is used in lactostasis to reduce the severity of edema and improve blood circulation. Contributes to the restoration of the normal functioning of the milk passages. The drug is used twice a day, with the use of massage movements during application. Lyoton has a similar effect, in addition, it has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ichthyol ointment. The tool has an antimicrobial effect, therefore it is used to prevent the transition of lactostasis to mastitis. The advantage of its use is a low resorptive effect, so the child almost does not receive antimicrobial agents through milk.


Pumping is the process of removing accumulated milk from the breast. There are several reasons why a woman is forced to use this method:

lactostasis- the process of accumulation and violation of the outflow of milk from the milk ducts. In this case, the effectiveness of reducing compaction in the tissues is evaluated.

The procedure should be long enough, on average it should be at least half an hour, but it is also impossible to express for a long time, this will be a factor in the development of tissue trauma. The frequency of pumping with lactostasis is on average once every two hours.

Prevention of accumulation of a large amount of milk in the gland. This is a physiological moment at the stage of breastfeeding, since a woman does not always have the opportunity to feed a child, but it is also impossible to leave milk.

To do this, a woman needs to empty the gland. It is carried out on average in the absence of feeding at the right time, as well as a feeling of fullness in the organ.

As a supporting point of maintaining lactation. Not always a woman can breastfeed, it can be diseases of both the mother and the child.

At the same time, during a long absence of feeding, the milk production process decreases or stops completely. The woman begins to express milk as it accumulates in the gland.

Some women resort to this method in order to increase lactation. This is true in the first days after childbirth, as well as moments when the number of feedings was reduced.

With the resulting lactostasis, it is necessary to take into account several rules regarding pumping:

Do I need to feed a child with lactostasis?

Many mothers are worried about whether it is necessary to feed the child with the formed lactostasis. Great doubts are associated with the fact that lactostasis provokes the growth of pathogenic bacteria that develop in the tissue.

But as soon as a woman notices the initial signs of pathology, she needs to change her lifestyle, including the feeding regimen. It should be done as often as possible.

For this, the baby is applied to the breast as soon as possible, even if a massage or pumping was previously performed. The most effective way to treat lactostasis is to feed the baby.

It is recommended to choose the most suitable pose. The maximum emptying of the milk ducts occurs in the place where the child's chin rests. Therefore, if a woman has identified a pathological site in the gland, then it is with an emphasis on it that feeding and decanting are performed.

If the child refuses to suckle with lactostasis, it is necessary to carry out independent pumping or with the help of devices, despite a strong pain symptom.

When to see a doctor?

Very often, a woman ends up in a hospital already at the advanced stages of the pathological process. This is due to the fact that at the initial stages, a young mother tries to treat the pathology on her own at home, using folk recipes, and does not always find time to consult with a specialist.

Therefore, in order to avoid a running process, you need to seek help as soon as possible, if only a woman notes any disturbances in the functioning of the gland, as well as a deterioration in well-being.

You can initially contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, both in a hospital and in a antenatal clinic. He will conduct an examination, help in finding out the cause of the development of the pathological process, give recommendations for treatment and prevention.

If there is a significant violation of general well-being, as well as a focus of inflammation in the gland, a surgeon's consultation is required. In some cases, hospitalization may be required for surgical treatment.

Therefore, if a woman draws the presence of such symptoms, she should contact a medical institution:


The following complications may occur:


Includes a set of measures aimed at proper breastfeeding:

After the birth of a baby, many young mothers face problems with breastfeeding. Lactation is a complex process that is associated with changes in a woman's body. It is important to closely monitor the condition of the breast in order to avoid serious problems. The most common of these is milk stasis.

What is lactostasis?

- this is the stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands. If a woman is faced with unpleasant symptoms - soreness in the chest, a feeling of heaviness, then it is necessary to independently examine the chest. If the cause is not eliminated in a timely manner, the condition can worsen significantly.

Often, stagnation of milk in a nursing mother is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature. Small seals and areas are formed in the chest, which, when pressed, begin to hurt. Lactostasis may occur after the birth of a second child. Stagnation of milk in the breast cannot be ignored because it leads to a more serious disease - mastitis.

Symptoms of lactostasis

Lactostasis in a nursing mother manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • the mammary glands increase in size, swell (the compacted areas are well felt inside the chest);
  • blockage of the duct becomes painful;
  • the skin acquires a reddish tint;
  • increase in body temperature.

If a nursing mother has a sharp rise in temperature, then this is a dangerous signal that cannot be ignored. Such a symptom suggests that a purulent-inflammatory process is progressing inside the mammary gland. body, it is urgent to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe a diagnosis and effective treatment.

The reasons

Milk stasis in a nursing mother never occurs on its own. Several factors lead to the development of this problem. Below are the most common causes:

Milk stasis can occur in women who rest while lying on their stomachs. In this position, the mammary glands are strongly clamped, so their ducts are blocked. Only a qualified doctor will help diagnose a problem such as lactostasis. Treatment at home can be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

Features of treatment

Treatment of the initial stage of lactostasis, in the absence of serious consequences, can be carried out at home. The main task of therapy is to restore the natural movement of milk in clogged ducts. There are several effective treatments that will help young mothers cope with lactostasis.


The baby can help the mother cope with the stagnation of milk. To do this, often apply it to the chest. It is important to find a comfortable and correct posture so as not to pinch the milk ducts. It is necessary to feed the baby at night. In most cases, such measures help to cope with the problem. But breast sucking can be uncomfortable. and sharp pain. To alleviate your condition, you must first express milk from the breast with your hands:

After manual pumping, the baby is applied to the breast. This sequence of actions should be done about three times a day.

Applying compresses

Another equally effective remedy in the fight against lactostasis is the application of compresses and the use of ointments at home. You can make compresses using the following products:

It is important to remember that with the progression of lactostasis in the mammary glands, compresses must be applied for at least 20 minutes.

Healing ointment

It is strictly forbidden to independently buy ointment in a pharmacy without a prescription from the attending physician. The most effective of them are Traumeel S, Arnika, Malavit. Before using them, you should consult a gynecologist who will study the indications and possible contraindications for use.

Massage and application of compresses help to solve the problem of milk stagnation. It is important to remember that doctors categorically prohibit the use of warming or warming ointments based on alcohol. Creams that are made with the addition camphor oil, can contribute to the inhibition of lactation.

Possible Complications

Some nursing mothers may experience negative complications that require immediate medical attention:

Preventive actions

Girls and women who have experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon should make every effort to avoid the development of lactostasis in the future. Self-treatment may not bring a positive result. It is important to correctly determine the cause and prevent the progression of stagnation. Doctors recommend following these guidelines:

  1. It is necessary to regularly change postures when feeding a child. Thanks to this, the baby will completely empty the breast and prevent milk stagnation.
  2. Proper attachment to the chest so that the ducts are not pinched.
  3. Feeding the baby is not on schedule, but on demand.
  4. After each application of the baby, you do not need to additionally express the breast.
  5. Every day, the chest should be washed with warm water.
  6. It is necessary to wear loose underwear so that it does not press and does not restrict movement. You can not overcool the chest.
  7. It is important to drink enough water and other fluids every day. A young mother should exclude from the diet food that contains a huge amount of animal fats.

Is it possible to continue breastfeeding with lactostasis

Doctors unequivocally advise young mothers not to stop breastfeeding the baby with the progression of lactostasis. When the first signs are found, it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast more often. Even pumping after a massage will not help completely empty the mammary glands.

In order for the baby to actively resolve the stagnation, it is important to apply it in different positions. This will help to quickly eliminate the milk plug, which causes discomfort and pain.

When to seek medical help

If girls and women notice minor manifestations of lactostasis, then urgent action must be taken. To do this, express the chest, do a gentle massage and apply a compress.

With a sharp rise in temperature body and an increase in compaction in the chest, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist who can prescribe an effective treatment. Physical therapy can help you deal with this problem. If symptoms of mastitis occur, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotic drugs.

All of them are selected strictly on an individual basis, depending on the complexity of the pathology. An important condition is compatibility with breastfeeding. Nursing mothers are forbidden to self-medicate, because there is a high probability of developing serious complications. Only a doctor can tell how to treat lactostasis and avoid unpleasant consequences.

One of the most pressing problems that concern women during breastfeeding is lactostasis. Lactostasis is the pathological stagnation of breast milk due to its excessive production and incomplete emptying during feeding.

In the initial stages, stagnation does not pose a threat to the life and health of a nursing mother. The danger arises in advanced forms, when there is a high risk of infection and signs of mastitis. To prevent this, it is important to carry out daily prevention of milk stagnation and recognize the first symptoms of pathology in time.

Etiology of the disease

The main mechanism for the occurrence of lactostasis is the stagnation of breast milk in nursing mothers due to incomplete emptying of the mammary glands after feeding. This creates favorable conditions for the penetration and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and infection.

Important! During breastfeeding, the areola of the nipples is inevitably damaged, which leads to cracks and microtrauma in young mothers. These skin lesions become a gateway for infection to enter the thoracic ducts. One of the ways to prevent mastitis during lactostasis and stagnation is the daily treatment of skin lesions in the chest area with antiseptic solutions and special creams.

The immediate causes of lactostasis are (what can not be done):

  • The complete refusal of the baby or the mother herself from breastfeeding, especially in the case when the nursing mother does not express breast milk at the same time.
  • Irregular, unsystematic breastfeeding: skipping feedings, feeding with mixtures in the first months of life, feeding the baby by the hour, and not “on demand”, which is not recommended.
  • Incorrect attachment of the newborn to the breast during feeding.
  • The refusal of a nursing mother to express milk after each feeding, especially in the first and second months of a baby's life, when milk consumption is less than the volume of production. This also cannot be done.

In the first month after discharge from the maternity hospital, milk production occurs in excess, as hormone production occurs in a chaotic, unsystematic manner. At this time, the baby consumes less milk than is produced by the mammary glands, which predisposes to the appearance of signs of lactostasis. Expressing milk after each feeding is the only way to prevent milk stasis in nursing mothers.


Remaining milk accumulates in the ducts, which causes an increase in pressure. The skin and subcutaneous tissue swell, a dense infiltrate appears in one of the breasts, painful on palpation. These conditions predispose to the penetration of infection, which aggravates the situation even more.

Part of the milk is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, which increases the fever, causing severe symptoms and signs of intoxication. Since the development of inflammation, edema and a rise in temperature, they are no longer talking about lactostasis, but about the development of mastitis.

Inspection and diagnostics

Diagnosis of stagnation is not difficult. The doctor makes a diagnosis only on the basis of the symptoms and complaints of the patient, as well as a thorough examination of the gland to identify signs of stagnation.

First of all, the areola of the nipple is examined for cracks and other damage, as these are the main gates of infection. The mammary gland itself is outwardly edematous, the skin is hyperemic. Then the doctor makes palpation: first in the upper and then in the lower quadrants. At the same time, dense, painful infiltrates are determined in one or several areas.

Additional examination methods are prescribed if there are signs of developing mastitis. To do this, a woman needs to conduct a whole range of laboratory and instrumental examination methods:

  • A general blood test, where characteristic inflammatory changes occur, allowing you to establish the bacterial or viral nature of the associated infection.
  • General urine analysis to determine the degree of intoxication and the severity of the general condition of the patient.
  • A biochemical blood test, where attention is paid to the protein composition, after which the degree of inflammatory dysproteinemia is established.
  • Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. This is an alternative to x-ray examination - mammography, which cannot be performed for nursing mothers. Ultrasound allows you to assess the density and size of the infiltrate, and also allows you to suspect the addition of complications in time, in particular a breast abscess. Conclusion Ultrasound is the main criterion for the severity of mastitis, which is used to judge the advisability of starting antibiotic therapy.
  • In case of a serious condition, the patient takes blood for sterility for the timely detection of septic complications.

What to do to prevent lactostasis

Conservative treatment is reduced to the prevention of milk stagnation and the creation of an outflow in the event of lactostasis.

The most effective way to prevent stagnation is to feed the baby on time “on demand”. Many nursing mothers adhere to the “by the hour” feeding system, which is not recommended. It is not necessary to wake and disturb the child in order to feed him. He will wake up when he is hungry. In this case, feeding is most effective, since a hungry baby will suck out more than a full one, which will prevent excess milk from stagnation in the mammary glands.

After each feeding, especially in the first month, a nursing mother needs to express milk from the breast from which the baby has recently eaten. This is an important procedure that is necessary for the prevention of lactostasis.

What to do if lactostasis has already developed

When the first symptoms of lactostasis appear, a woman should inform the gynecologist with whom she is observed and receive all the necessary recommendations from him.

In the first days, "drug-free" treatment is prescribed so as not to spoil the quality of breast milk in a nursing mother. For this, the patient is recommended to express daily. To facilitate the outflow of secretions from the mammary glands, before each feeding and pumping, a woman should do local warm compresses in the area of ​​the affected gland. Warming up makes feeding easier and more efficient.

The following techniques will help to warm up the chest:

  1. Warming the chest with warm water under the shower.
  2. Warming the breast with a towel soaked in warm water.
  3. Warming compresses on the chest (for example, from cabbage leaves).

After warming up, start feeding the baby. If the baby has not sucked out all the milk, the ducts of the mammary gland are emptied as much as possible by pumping.

Important! Since pumping with lactostasis is difficult, a special massage technique is used to help relax and expand the excretory ducts. The patient can learn more about this massage technique from a nurse or an antenatal clinic doctor.

The glandular tissue of the mammary glands consists of 15-20 large lobes, and they, in turn, consist of smaller lobes, in which milk is formed. During lactation, their size increases, which leads to an increase in the mammary glands. A milk duct departs from each lobe, in which young mothers often experience milk stasis during breastfeeding - such a process is unpleasant, but quite easily eliminated.

Hormonal regulation of the lactation process

Lactation is regulated by the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is considered the hormone of lactation: its level gradually increases from the first weeks of pregnancy, stimulating the start of milk production. It reaches its peak level immediately after childbirth. Oxytocin is a hormone of happiness, in combination with prolactin, it awakens maternal feelings. The more often a mother puts her baby to her breast, the more often and more actively these hormones are produced, stimulating milk production. Violation of their level can lead to lactostasis in a nursing mother.

Fact: immediately after childbirth, a woman does not yet have milk, instead of it, colostrum is produced in the first days - a thick yellowish liquid, maximally saturated with substances useful for the newborn.

Reasons for the development of lactostasis

Lactostasis is an obstruction of the milk ducts caused by stagnation of milk. This phenomenon occurs in almost every nursing mother, but the frequency of its occurrence and the severity of the course depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and some factors that contribute to the development of milk stagnation in a nursing mother.

Causes of lactostasis:

  • insufficient duration of feeding - the baby usually releases the breast on its own when saturated, and taking it away in the first months of life and limiting feeding in time can lead to incomplete emptying of the breast;
  • rare attachment to the breast - modern doctors advise to feed the child on demand and not to withstand several hours between feedings: with a long absence of feeding, the mammary glands overflow with milk, which can lead to lactostasis;
  • poor appetite in a child - milk remaining in the breast after feeding must be expressed in order to empty the breast completely. Often poor appetite occurs in weak, small and premature babies;
  • incorrect attachment of the child to the breast - the child must grasp the nipple correctly, if he sucks incorrectly, he swallows more air than milk, but at the same time feels a feeling of satiety;
  • frequent and abundant pumping - the mammary glands adapt to produce as much milk as the child eats. Too frequent pumping leads to an excess of milk, which, in turn, can cause the development of lactostasis;
  • lack of change of postures during feeding - for uniform emptying of the gland, it is necessary to periodically change postures;
  • pinching of the milk ducts - can occur with an incorrectly chosen position for feeding or when holding the breast with your hands. In this case, stagnation is formed in the adhered place or in the place of duct clamping;
  • early transfer of the child to artificial feeding - a sharp interruption of breastfeeding, especially in the early stages, leads to stagnation of milk;
  • improperly selected underwear - a tight bra pinches the milk ducts and causes milk stagnation.

Fact: most of the factors in the development of the disease are associated with the wrong actions of the mother; if lactostasis does not go away when they are eliminated, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the mammary glands.

Some causes of the development of this disease are a little more difficult to eliminate. Lactostasis can be the result of trauma to the mammary gland, individual characteristics of the structure of the breast, prolonged stress and excessive anxiety. In addition, during the cold period, a nursing mother needs to dress warmly: hypothermia of the breast also contributes to blockage of the milk ducts.

Symptoms of lactostasis

It is most convenient to express milk with a breast pump - such a device can be purchased at pharmacies

Symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother are expressed quite clearly. The disease is best detected at its first signs: in this way, its further development, which threatens to stop the lactation process, can be prevented.


  • pain in the mammary gland;
  • swelling of the chest, a feeling of heaviness, fullness;
  • the appearance of compaction, redness of the skin and local fever;
  • with lactostasis, massage and pumping of milk helps to alleviate the condition;
  • an increase in body temperature that increases over time.

Important: mastitis, unlike lactostasis, is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, deterioration in health, painful expression of milk that does not bring relief, and the possible appearance of purulent discharge from the nipple.

Treatment of lactostasis

Many nursing mothers do not know what to do with milk stagnation. Nevertheless, getting rid of this condition is usually not difficult, the main thing is to determine its development in time. With severe symptoms, the treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother can be medication: for this, Traumeel ointment, Malavit solution, No-shpa are used - these drugs will alleviate the course of the disease and prevent the development of mastitis. You can use other drugs that are approved for nursing mothers. Ointments must be chosen very carefully: they should not harm the child if they are accidentally ingested.

How to treat lactostasis at home:

  • frequent attachment of the child to the breast - attachment of the child on demand significantly reduces the risk of developing lactostasis;
  • carrying out breast massage - with soft circular movements, without strong pressure. Massage should be carried out for about 5-10 minutes every 1-2 hours. In no case should it cause pain, force should not be used to “break” lumps - this is the wrong method of treatment, so inflammation can only be increased;
  • applying a warm (not hot) heating pad before feeding promotes the outflow of milk;
  • you should try to sleep only on your back or on your side - when sleeping on your stomach, the milk ducts become clogged;
  • applying cold after feeding is necessary to relieve inflammation - the cold does not need to be kept for a long time, a few minutes are enough to alleviate the condition;
  • treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother should be accompanied by drinking water about two liters per day - insufficient drinking can lead to excessive milk density, leading to blockage of the ducts. Too much drinking is also not recommended - with a large intake of liquid, too much milk can be produced, which again can lead to lactostasis.

Tip: after pumping, you can attach the baby to the breast: suckling the baby is most effective in removing milk residues.

The main methods of treatment are regular attachment of the baby to the breast, application of heat before feeding and cold after. When feeding, you need to change positions as often as possible to evenly empty the breast. Particular attention should be paid to the stagnant area: it is necessary to choose the appropriate position so that the child can suck out the stagnant milk as much as possible. The remaining milk in healthy areas of the breast is best expressed to prevent the development of lactostasis in the new area.

The redness of the breast skin after lactostasis can last for about a week, the pain disappears after 2-3 days after following all the doctor's recommendations. Pumping after the disappearance of pain symptoms should be stopped. If the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, there is an increased body temperature, it is necessary to visit a doctor. He will prescribe an ultrasound scan and conduct a medical examination: check for redness, seals in the chest, the appearance of possible asymmetry. Mammography during lactation is strictly prohibited.

What can not be done with lactostasis

Treatment of lactostasis must be carried out correctly and not overdo it, otherwise it may adversely affect lactation and the health of the baby. It can also lead to aggravation of the disease or mastitis.

Measures prohibited for lactostasis:

  • you can not stop feeding the child with the affected breast - the child is the best helper for the treatment of this disease, and stagnant milk will not harm him in any way;
  • the constant use of heating pads for resorption of congestion can aggravate the course of the disease;
  • alcohol, iodine, camphor and some other compresses can cause skin burns, reduce milk production and worsen its taste, as a result of which the child may refuse to breastfeed;
  • drugs that reduce milk production do not contribute to the resorption of stagnation, but contribute to a shortage of milk;
  • the disease does not go away on its own - the absence of measures in this case is not a treatment;
  • it is impossible to carry out any procedures that cause pain: stagnation should disappear gradually, its abrupt elimination can lead to injury and other complications.

Tip: before carrying out a breast massage, you can lubricate the skin with baby oil to prevent injury.


The process of lactation is a responsible event for every young mother, which must be taken seriously. Neglect of all the rules for feeding a child can lead to lactostasis or a decrease in milk production. Before giving birth, it is necessary to fully study the intricacies of this process - then the possibility of complications will be minimized.