
How to apply perfume correctly: myths and reality. How to use eau de toilette correctly How to apply perfume to the skin

Breast cancer

In the material:

Three nose rule

Everything said below, although they are rules, is quite relative. When studying norms, you should look at them through the prism of sympathy for the aromas of your environment. Let's call it compromise of three noses, although in fact there may be many more noses. All three conditions must be met:

  • First nose. This is, in fact, yourself. Everything here is banal - you have to like the aroma. What, why, because of what - in this case, it doesn’t matter. One thing is important - you like the perfume.
  • Noses of the second level. This is your immediate environment: spouses, children, parents. These are the people who will come to smell your perfume most often and most closely. Should they like your perfume? It would be nice, but it’s not always possible to match your perfumes to the liking of all your loved ones. Therefore, the main condition here is: the aroma should not irritate. It's enough.
  • Noses of the third level. These are colleagues, classmates, friends, participants in events. It is impossible to choose perfumes to suit everyone's tastes., as they say, by definition. In a large group, there will always be someone for whom your scent is “no good at all,” “it would be better if it smelled like garlic,” etc. There is no need to waste time, nerves and money to please everyone - it doesn’t happen that way. Therefore, here is the main rule: perfumes shouldn't harm! Indeed, if your boss gets a headache from your perfume or a subordinate breaks out in a terrible rash, the scent needs to be changed. In cases of simple antipathy, let them resign themselves. You probably don't particularly like their choice either.

How to choose the right scent for you, the stages of development, how it sounds on different skins and other useful information have already been discussed in this article - if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to read it.

We will now move on to analyzing established stereotypes, rules and myths.

Places for applying perfume

These rules are, in most cases, correct in many sources. Indeed, it is better to apply perfume to the skin in places where the pulse is felt, as well as to the hair. The temperature in such places is a little higher, sweating is stronger than on smooth skin, but not as intense as, say, under the armpits - all this contributes to better development of the aroma and its long-term preservation.

If there is a dispenser, 1-2 “sprays” are carried out. Without it, a drop is applied to the pad of the index or middle finger, from which it is transferred to the appropriate places with light touches.

Main places for applying perfume:

  • wrists;
  • elbow bends;
  • neck back;
  • behind the earlobes;
  • breast hollow;
  • hair;
  • under the knees.

A little more about the low points. Sometimes strange questions arise, like why under the knees, “who will smell my feet?” I’m not going to get into your personal life, so we’ll get by with the physics of the process. Everything has been known here since school: warm air rises. The temperature of our points, as already mentioned, is higher, which means the evaporated aroma will rise.

During the day, people are in different temperature conditions, and the environment affects the revelation of spirits. Therefore, there are several points, almost along the entire height of the body. Sometime the neck will “work”, in other conditions the places under the knees will work.

I don’t think men need to strictly adhere to all these rules. Here the norm should come first - don’t overdo it! Although, if you have allowed yourself to “grow” the hollow of your breasts, then maybe this method is worth adopting. But better take care of yourself!

Arm's length distance

Increasingly, the “norm” comes across that a fragrance should smell fragrant at a distance approximately equal to an outstretched arm. Anyone who is even slightly familiar with perfumery understands the absurdity of this statement. Where, then, should we put such concepts as “sillage” (the distance from the point of application to the maximum accessible smell), which can be long and short? How to feel about a perfume whose sound many describe as “close to the skin”?

You can approach it from the other side. How are you going to measure this distance? Grabbing the air into the fist of an outstretched hand and quickly bringing it to your nose? Using expensive analyzers? Or will you place a dozen acquaintances at different distances from you and interview them? Agree, in any case, stupidity.

Sorry for the bad wording, but perfume has the trail that has. Any scent can be appropriate under the right circumstances. Of course, if your scent appears a few meters ahead of you, you may have gone too far. Everything should be within reason - this rule can be applied in any area of ​​life, incl. and in perfumery.

Don't mix scents

This is probably the most controversial point. Perfume is perfume, but in the modern world there are many other external odors on our body: deodorant, shampoo, soap / shower gel, washing powder, many hair products, creams, etc. All this, as a rule, has its own flavors, and whether they all come together is a big question.

There are often cases when, having purchased their favorite and very expensive perfume, people try to save money on the same deodorant. As a result, a luxurious, expensive smell is mixed with a cheap, often low-quality one. Which one will win? It’s easy to guess, but in any case, it will be the wrong perfume, and the overall impression may deteriorate.

It is no coincidence that famous brands began to produce perfumes, deodorants, etc. with the same (same) scent. This is, of course, the way out. Such smells do not conflict. However, collecting a whole arsenal of necessary products for one scent will cost a pretty penny. Considering that different occasions require different scents, the cost of such sets will not be affordable for everyone.

There is a way out, and it is in understanding simple things:

  • You can mix scents, the main thing is to do it right! There are even special perfumes designed to mix different scents.
  • Perfume is not the only smell. The overall impression is formed by a “cloud”. You need to experiment with it.
  • You don’t need to have the knowledge and sense of smell of a perfumer to pick out different scents in a general cloud. Just take a closer look at the reactions of others and listen to your feelings. There really aren't many flavors that directly clash.
  • Try select the easiest accompanying drugs, preferably neutral odors.

Experiment, try, practice shows that creating your own cloud is not at all difficult. And forget about “smells cannot be mixed”, if only because of the impossibility of fulfilling this “rule”.

There is a time for every perfume

This is the true norm. Everyone knows that there are rich, evening scents, and there are light, everyday ones. Here you can add green, aquatic perfumes, which are more suitable for warm weather; and heavy (for example, oriental) compositions, whose time is winter. All this is true, but if perfumery obeyed strict rules, it would be called mathematics...

You have to understand that cold scents actually retain great longevity in the cold, but we are with you - thank God! - we don’t live on the street, and sooner or later we will find ourselves warm. How will the same oriental perfume behave if it finds itself in a warm office? Will we turn into chemical weapons for those around us? This must be kept in mind when choosing a composition for daytime wear.

Another consideration is skin type. If you have already read the material “How to choose your fragrance” (the link is at the beginning of this article), then you know that oily skin “retains” the fragrance better, i.e. It lasts longer on the skin, but disperses less easily in space. With dry skin, everything is exactly the opposite - it evaporates quickly, but the smell is stronger. Based on this, among other things, perfumes are selected.

But perfumes are not always clearly winter or summer; many compositions are in between. This means that the same scent may well be a summer scent for girls with oily skin and a winter scent for dry skin. The solution is still the same - test the compositions you like under different circumstances.

Apply to clean skin

Hygiene is the key to health. This is not discussed. And the method of applying perfume is by no means of paramount importance here. The logic of this rule is also obvious: on clean skin the scent will not be interrupted by others. Do you think it's that simple? No matter how it is!

Everywhere has its “buts,” and clean skin is no exception. Just let's first determine that the alternative to clean skin (in our case) is not dirty. We will not consider options for lack of hygiene at all. Ugh! We will talk about the skin immediately after the shower and a few minutes later.

Problem #1. Oily skin

The effect of oily skin (long retention of perfume) is due to fatty particles contained in the fluids secreted by the sweat glands. It is the microscopic fatty layer on the skin that, when mixed with the components of perfume, retains the smell.

Now imagine that, wanting this effect, you apply perfume to skin that has just been cleansed with soap/gel. Basically, detergents are alkaline solutions designed to wash away grease. That is, immediately after the shower there is no “film”. There is no effect. While the fat is released, the perfume may evaporate. It's better to wait a little.

Problem #2. Dry skin

It would seem that if such issues arise with oily skin, then with dry skin everything should be the other way around. This is partly true. But not completely. More often this is true for men, but not because of anatomical features, but because, to put it mildly, we don’t care. Got into the shower - soaped up - rinsed off - got out. I dried myself off. If it's not laziness. And then he spanked, leaving wet footprints in the corridor.

For ladies, everything is completely different. Each of them knows that if dry skin is not treated with creams after a shower, it can begin to peel, peel, etc. and so on. The main thing is that after washing, products, often greasy, will be applied to the skin. And, as you know, they have their own scents, which should not always be mixed with perfume. It's better to wait for complete absorption.

What should those with normal skin do? Rejoice! You can apply perfume at any time. For mixed types, it is better to try different options and choose the most suitable one.

Problem #3. Molecule iso e super and similar

If you haven’t heard such a name as iso-e-super before, don’t be alarmed now. This (and many other similar) molecules are part of modern innovative perfume compositions, which sound special on everyone (at least, they try very hard to do so). The most famous example of such a perfume is Molecule.

Marketers claim that for the molecule to start working, it must “recognize a person’s personal code.” In simple words, our sweat is as individual as our fingerprints. Mixed with it, the components of the perfume react, transforming the composition into something original. In principle, this is the problem - if there is nothing to mix with, there will be no effect.

What happens if you apply it to clean skin and wait a little (until the sweat glands start working)? There will be an effect. Only often not the same as it was before. It’s not a fact that it’s worse, maybe just the opposite. You need to try both options, if you use such perfume!

Lack of hygiene is disgusting in itself, but sometimes it leads to surprising consequences. Take a look - there is a lot in it just on this topic, but, I warn you, reading may not be pleasant.

Perfume on Vaseline

The essence of the method is that first a small amount of Vaseline is applied to the skin, and then perfume is applied to it. This is good advice! You may have already guessed why. Vaseline creates the effect of oily skin and, accordingly, prolongs durability. You just need to understand:

  • The method is suitable for dry and normal skin. For a fat woman, it is, in most cases, meaningless.
  • Vaseline should be odorless.
  • Use Vaseline in small portions on small areas of the skin. It is not at all necessary to use this method for all application points.

Try artificially fattening your skin (I know it’s a stupid word, but I couldn’t think of anything smarter), maybe this method will suit you perfectly.

Don't put perfume on your clothes

Increasingly, “advice” began to appear not to use perfume on clothes. Like, fabrics hold it differently, exude it differently. Yes, in different ways, so what? Is this a reason not to use perfume on your clothes?

Indeed, natural, often woolen materials can retain the aroma for a very long time, and it is not a fact that the old one will not remain until the moment when you want to use a new one, and the time for washing has not yet come. Be careful, don't overdo it, and try, try, try!

Please also remember that some perfumes may contain dyes. It is not recommended to use them on light-colored items for purely practical reasons.

Don't rub perfume on your skin

This is one of the more recently introduced “rules” but has received a lot of publicity. The argument against is presented - attention! - the possibility of damaging perfume molecules by rubbing! Dear, lovely young ladies, if you know how to “squeeze molecules with your hands,” you are obviously entitled to some very prestigious scientific prize.

Nothing too bad will happen if you rub perfume on your skin. Oils will be absorbed better, alcohols will evaporate faster. Another thing is that some of the liquid will remain on the other hand, and, therefore, less in the right place.

Cloud Monroe

There is a well-known story (or maybe a legend) that one of Marilyn Monroe’s favorite ways to apply perfume was the so-called. "entering the cloud" The famous actress is credited with saying (the quote is probably not very accurate, but the meaning is): “sprinkle the perfume in front of you and enter this cloud of aroma.”

Such the method has the right to life, since the aroma will spread evenly. It’s just suitable for fairly rich ladies, because... the consumption of perfume will be staggering. People with more modest needs than Monroe are better off sticking to traditional methods.

Perfume on underwear

I read it literally a few hours before writing this material and... I’m still in shock. The essence of the “advice”: “apply perfume to the inner seams of your underwear.” I admit, I’m not a great expert in anatomy, and if I’m wrong about something, I hope women will correct me, but underwear (or rather, what’s underneath) and alcohol-containing liquids in my opinion very bad combination.

Okay, if we are talking about men’s “family” or women’s knee-length pantaloons, there is room for improvement. But I would not recommend using perfume “at the seams” in the minimalism that is currently accepted. A feeling of discomfort is the minimum that threatens such experimenters. Maybe if there's oil...

This is where we will probably finish our review of myths and real advice. If you forgot something or know new “rules” that are not reflected here, write in the comments. Let's figure it out together!

Don't be afraid to try, but know when to stop. Good luck, health and pleasant aroma!

Sergey Polie,

especially for the project YOUR-AROMAT.RU

Imagine a picture based on real events. A girl enters a room, a bus, an elevator, a minibus (it must be emphasized), and everyone suddenly begins to turn away from her, hide their noses in a scarf, and clutch their heads. Suddenly the young man can’t stand it anymore and says: “Girl, your perfume can poison insects.” People around do not intervene or even argue...

By the way, the girl smells not like cheap perfume from the transition, but expensive French perfume. But any, even luxury, scent. We present you with instructions on how to choose a scent for the day and apply it so that it becomes the highlight of your look.

Give preference to perfumes with daytime notes

It would be foolish to deny (only marketers can do this) that fragrances are divided by gender, season, and also by time of day. The last criterion should be especially taken into account if you work in an office. No matter how much you would like to envelop everyone in a flair of oud, woody and spicy notes, and transport those around you into an Eastern fairy tale, you shouldn’t do this. , during the day it is better to prefer an unobtrusive perfume, in which notes of delicate flowers and citrus fruits are the main notes.

This plate will help you navigate the compositions, which scents are considered daytime and which are considered evening. Look at the top and middle notes listed in the information about the scent you choose. They play a decisive role.

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Choose a scent in a specific concentration

Perfume can be presented in different concentrations. Perfume is considered the most persistent and fragrant. They usually contain 20-35% perfume dissolved in 90% alcohol plus a fixative. The aroma of perfume can last on the skin for up to 6–8 hours. Yes, thanks to this, the perfume is persistent, but it is also the most dangerous, since it is easy to overdo it. It is enough to apply an extra drop - and everything is gone.

Daytime perfumes are considered to be fragrances in several formats. Eau de parfum contains 12–15% concentrate dissolved in 90% alcohol. The smell lasts for 4 hours. An even lighter option is eau de toilette, which contains 6–10% concentrate in 85% alcohol. Its aroma lasts on the skin for 2-3 hours. You can enjoy the smell of cologne for no more than 2 hours, since it contains 6% perfume composition in 70–80% alcohol.

Apply Fragrance Correctly

But even in the lightest concentration with aroma you can ruin the image. For example, if you have been using perfume for a long time, then the olfactory receptors quickly adapt to the aromas and can seem to turn off if they mark a particular smell as safe - this phenomenon has been called olfactory blindness. Therefore, we often do not feel the aroma of our own perfume, we want to apply it again and again.

To make the aroma sound brighter and last longer, it is not the quantity that is important, but what areas you apply it to. The optimal places to apply perfume are the front of the neck, the back of the hand, the outer side of the forearm, and the back of the knees. It is at these points that the aroma will gradually unfold and remain much more persistent than on other parts of the body. Hair also holds the scent quite well. Only it is better to spray them with a special perfume mist that does not contain alcohol (it can dry out your hair).

If you wear bracelets or watches, it is better not to apply perfume to your wrists. The composition of the perfume may change, mixing with the smell of the material from which your accessory is made. After application, do not rub the perfume - this way you will deprive it of its initial notes.

And most importantly: apply perfume to moisturized skin. It is known that perfumes contain oils, and if the skin is dehydrated, it will simply “drink them” and the aroma will quickly disappear. Therefore, before using perfume, it is better to apply an unscented moisturizer to your skin.

For assistance in preparing the material, we thank our expert:

Ekaterina Matantseva, aroma diagnostician, founder of the natural cosmetics brand Mi&Ko

A single bottle of eau de toilette, even the most beloved one, is not suitable for constant use. Some scents work better in summer. As a rule, these are sea, citrus and green perfumes, whose smell is not suffocating and does not mix with the smell of sweat, turning into an unpleasant cocktail. In winter, such light scents do not sit so well, and you can use something heavier - with spices, alcohol, notes of tobacco and leather.

Don't give in to age

A man's age affects his sense of smell (in women this tendency is less pronounced). The sense of smell becomes dull, and the usual couple of “puffs” seem unnoticeable. I want to pour more fragrant water on myself to feel it. Don't fall for this illusion. If you are not sure, ask your colleagues or colleagues at what distance they can hear the smell coming from you. Ideally, people should smell your perfume only when they come within arm's length of you.

Also, the sense of smell can be dulled as a result of certain diseases. After recovery, try not to overdo it with the amount of perfume and do not choose new scents.

Use but do not mix

You don't have to buy cologne, shampoo, shower gel and aftershave from the same collection. However, if you want the perfume to sit perfectly on you, choose skincare products with a neutral scent that will not mix with your expensive eau de toilette.

Where to apply perfume

It is correct to apply perfume to those places where you can feel the pulse. These are the wrists, the depression between the collarbones, the chest in the heart area, the points behind the ears. If you use rich colognes and are afraid to overdo it, take a few spritzes into the air and stand in a fragrant cloud that will then settle on you.

The aroma moves upward, so you should not apply it exclusively to the area behind the ears - it will be practically inaudible to others.

You can also apply perfume to your hair, but keep in mind that the smell you are used to may change. Use cologne or eau de toilette only on clean hair and in small quantities.

But spraying clothes with cologne is not recommended. Firstly, stains from your perfume may remain on things, and secondly, on some fabrics the smell is heard differently, and sometimes it can become unpleasant (for example, perfume does not sit well on synthetics). You can apply a small amount of perfume to wool or fur.

Today website explains how men should use eau de toilette: where to apply, how much and in what life situations.

1 - Behind the ears 2 - Back of the neck 3 - Chest 4 - Shoulders

So, we can distinguish three situations for which the use of perfume will be different: this is a work/school situation, a date with a girl, a street/club situation.

There are also 4 points where it must be applied:

1 - behind the ears; 2 - back of the neck; 3 - chest; 4 - shoulders;

Note: On the shoulders, perfume is applied directly to clothing, the first three points are applied to the skin. One click is enough for each point. Before spraying on your shoulders, test on an inconspicuous place to see if any marks will remain, especially on light-colored fabrics.

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In a work environment, when you are indoors, it is better if you have a light, unobtrusive scent that does not bother any of your colleagues, so apply perfume only at point No. 1 - behind the ears.

How is this option better than the classic one, when you apply the scent to the front of your neck? It will not interfere with you, since it is not right under your nose.

Date with a girl

For a date, everything is more interesting. Apply to 4 places: once behind the ears, on the chest, and on the back of the neck.

Why on the back surface? In situations where a girl follows you, when you open the door for her, etc., she will smell the scent of your perfume.

Thanks to these four points, a kind of “aura” of perfume is formed around you and during hugs and kisses, the girl falls into it.

Street or club

On the street and in the club you need the full potential of your perfume, so use 6 points, plus a fourth one for those for a date.

Why are shoulders added here? When you walk, stand, sit, your shoulders are the closest part of your body to the people who are nearby, thanks to this, they will hear your aroma better.

Is the situation familiar? You opened the treasured bottle, pressed the spray bottle and... the magic disappeared. Instead of the fairies that danced to you from the blotter (or from the catalog page), you hear vigorous confectionery, wet pieces of wood or sticky cookies. Or maybe you're wearing your perfume incorrectly? How to apply perfume right, the expert advises. A must-read if you still think: generous “zilch” is enoughBy known pointA m– and you are at your best!

Material consultant: Oksana Shin, perfumery expert

First, let's talk about the mistakes we make. Many of us believe that applying perfume correctly means spraying it on our wrists in one concentration or another. In this case, don’t expect a beautiful and soft train. On this “side where the veins show through” you can “sprinkle” perfume in a store to try it. But in everyday use and before going out to a celebration, this is not our method.

How to apply perfume

Another popular method - using a spray bottle on the neck and under the ear - is not only not good, but also dangerous to health. The jugular vein passes through here. Perfume substances (and by perfume we usually mean eau de toilette and eau de parfum with a high alcohol content!) quickly reach the brain. Hence possible dizziness, swelling, allergic reactions. The expert of this material had a case when one of the fragrance lovers fainted, spraying a new perfume from a spray bottle onto her neck: she was allergic to some component of the fragrance. Plus, due to careless movement, splashes may get into the eyes, mouth, and nose. Therefore, under no circumstances should you choke yourself like that. If you really want to wear perfume “under your ear,” you should first apply it to your fingers – and then carefully touch the cherished points.

And, of course, there is no point in putting perfume on your clothes - stains may remain on them. Especially when it comes to delicate natural silk.

How to apply perfume correctly? The consultant of the article believes: they should be worn like a dress. There are four ways to parfum and it lasted longer, and opened melodiously, and the trail remained. Choose yours!

1. Cloud . D aleko is not secret a technique that for some reason we often neglect. You need to spray the aroma above your head from a spray bottle and enter this cloud. This is how we wear perfume from top to bottom like an outfit.

2. More moisture! Especially recommended by our expert. You should take a shower, pat your skin dry with a towel and use lotion - preferably with a weak fragrance (or without it at all!) or from the same series as your perfume. Then spray a cloud of perfume and enter it, so that the aroma gets on both the skin and wet curls. Through the pores opened after a shower, the lotion will better penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis and deliver fragrant substances there. We will “work” like an aroma lamp; parfum it becomes like our second skin.

Then we dry our hair with a hairdryer and get dressed. You can renew the aroma by entering it like a cloud. And you can do without it. It is the wet method of applying perfume that will provide us with a soft, unobtrusive and beautiful trail that will be pleasant to others.

3. Eastern (Arabic). This is applying perfume under the knees or in places closer to the heels where the Achilles tendons pass. The fact is that Eastern women are sure: if we perfume ourselves from above, then the aroma rises to the heavens like a bird. But we need to conquer people...

(!) We are talking about de toilette and de parfum with spray. Oil perfumes are worn differently. For example, at the points of the so-called upper triangle - on the temple area and the dimple under the throat.

4. In places. And one more reception, very similar to how we usually perfume ourselves - only without the shower from a spray bottle. You must first apply the perfume to your fingertips, and then touch the places where you want to “settle” the scent. This could be, for example, the border where hair begins to grow at the temples, the secret territory “behind the ears”, the same wrists, neck... But remember: spray perfume on the neck Yu It cannot be taken directly from the bottle. But you can apply it with your fingers wherever your heart desires!