
Registration of the group in the dow by February 23


Khomyakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna teacher of fine arts and technology. MCOU KhMR "Secondary school named after V.G. Podprugin in the village of Trinity".

Defender of the Fatherland Day

This holiday represents everything that women value in men: courage, strength, care and responsibility.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday primarily for the military. But at the same time, this is a holiday for all men, those who are ready at any moment to get into formation in order to defend their loved ones, their loved ones and their homeland with arms in hand. And since protecting the weak has always been an activity for real men, thenDefender of the Fatherland Day has long been firmly associated in our minds as a men's holiday.

This holiday, from the moment it appeared in our calendar, remains unchanged in its content and the level of popular love for it, but at the same timeDefender of the Fatherland Day It also has a very interesting history. Suffice it to say that during its existence it was renamed several times and arose under rather interesting circumstances.

What was the name of the holiday of all men in different years of our history:

1919 -1946 Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Day

1946-1992 (to May 7)Soviet Army Day (and Navy)

1993 – 1994 Russian Army Day

1995 – 2012 Defender of the Fatherland Day

From 2002 –Defender of the Fatherland Day public holiday

Why is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated on February 23?

Many holidays in our country (and in other countries) are tied to historical events. As a rule, these are victories or some other good or significant achievements for everyone, such as a harvest festival among all nations, or Victory Day, or Cosmonautics Day...

But what happenedFebruary 23 ? Was there some kind of victory or other great event? As it turned out, absolutely nothing happened on February 23. There was no reason for a celebration on this particular day. But there was a need!

Archival data suggests that the Red Army - the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was created by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on January 28, 1918. On the eve of the first anniversary of this event, the Chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army N. Podvoisky sent a request to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to celebrate this date as the anniversary of the formation of the new army.

But party comrades rejected the date of January 28 due to the fact that there was not enough time to prepare the celebration (the request from N. Podvoisky was considered only on January 23, 1919) and decided to combine Army Day with Red Gift Day (it turns out there was such a holiday) , namely February 17th. But February 17, 1919, fell on a Monday, and a message about this appeared in Pravda:

The celebration of Red Gift Day throughout Russia has been postponed to February 23. On this day, celebrations of the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, which occurred on January 28, will be organized in cities and at the front.

Like this. Apparently, they somehow noted it, after which, during the civil war, no one remembered this date, because the Soviet power itself was in question. But in 1922, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, named February 23 as the date of the anniversary of the formation of the Red Army.

In February 1995, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia” was adopted, which established a list of these dates. The days of military glory of Russia are the days of victories of Russian weapons, which played a decisive role in the history of Russia.

Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today is a holiday of all those who defended, are defending and are ready to defend the Fatherland.

We stand at the post, platoon and squadron,

Immortal as fire, calm as granite.

We are the army of the country, we are the army of the people,

Our history preserves a great feat.

Today marks one of the days of military glory of Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This date was established by the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of the Russian Federation

B. Yeltsin March 13, 1995.

It was generally accepted that on February 23, 1918, the Red Guard units won their first victories near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of the Kaiser’s Germany. These first victories became the “birthday of the Red Army.”

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In 1922, this date was officially declared Red Army Day. Later, February 23 was celebrated annually in the USSR as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the date was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. For some people, the holiday of February 23 remains the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies.

However, most citizens of Russia and the countries of the former USSR tend to view Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of the victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of real men, Defenders, in the broadest sense of the word.

Among the holiday traditions that have been preserved today in the former Soviet republics are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorial sites, holding festive concerts and events, and organizing fireworks displays in many cities.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday primarily for the military. But at the same time, this is a holiday for all men, those who are ready at any moment to get into formation in order to defend their loved ones, their loved ones and their homeland with arms in hand. And since protecting the weak has always been an activity for real men, Defender of the Fatherland Day has long been firmly associated in our minds as a men’s holiday.

We praise those who did not cry
From my pain,
But I didn’t hide my tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
I didn't celebrate the coward
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of humanity
Those who guard the Fatherland!

Even if service and work are not always easy,
We wish you to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles on you,
Then you can rise to the rank of general.
Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

February is the harshest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February?! By protecting our Motherland, you protect us - all those who need your strength and support.
Congratulations to you - soldiers of our happiness and safety!
We love you

February 23 is one of the few days of the year when men are surrounded by attention and given gifts, so it should not be considered a formal holiday. If Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming, it means that you need to prepare for it “on all fronts” and be sure to decorate your apartment by the morning of February 23rd. The stronger half will feel important and will definitely appreciate your efforts!

1. The symbol of the holiday is a star

Now there are many master classes and video tutorials on the Internet - stars can be made five-pointed or eight-pointed, using the kusudama technique, three-dimensional or 3D. Suitable materials include cardboard, plain paper, colored paper, magazines, old books and newspapers.

2. Flags with congratulations

Hang large garlands of colorful flags with inscriptions on the walls. Place larger flags, which are attached to sticks, on the tables. Despite the unpretentiousness of this decoration, it greatly diversifies the interior and creates a cheerful, festive mood.

Drawings hung on the walls will add a special, touching mood to the holiday. To do this, agree in advance with your children or nephews so that these drawings are ready by February 23. If there are no little helpers, get your or his drawings on “male” themes from the dusty archive!

4. Decorations made from ribbons in tricolor colors

You can decorate your house with bundles of ribbons in the colors of the Russian flag, placing them on large interior items - mirrors, cabinets, refrigerators. You can make entire compositions from them - balls, “trees” in pots and much more!

5. Numbers "23"

You can put the number “23” on the wall using multi-colored pieces of paper or writing blocks, yarn, thread or fabric. On each piece of paper, write a few congratulatory words - it will not only be pleasant to look at, but also interesting to read!

6. Origami shirts

You can make paper shirts yourself by decorating your bedroom closet, a panel on the wall, or making a garland out of them!

7. All types of troops!

An airplane made of candy, boats (which can be launched together in the yard with the first drop), small model cars - everything in the interior should remind you of men’s hobbies! Just hang a few boats, helicopters or homemade cars.

8. Photo corner

If your defender served in the army, let him remember his past army years. If not, the photographs may remind you of the sporting exploits of your youth and childhood in the yard, in the gym or at competitions.

9. “Men’s table”

Red napkins, blue candles and white dishes are a classic option in the tricolor range. Or - an authentic military theme: a plain dark green tablecloth, faceted glasses instead of cups, small thermoses, metal bowls, newspapers for dry rations.

10. Festive “bouquet”

There are a lot of options for designing a “bouquet”! You can make, for example, a bouquet of socks or a beer snack! Such a gift will decorate the room and bring pleasure to any defender!

Defender of the Fatherland Day occupies one of the most honorable places in our calendar, because for many years this holiday has been celebrated not only by the military. Literally from the very childhood they honor future defenders, give them gifts and organize tea parties for them. This tradition continues in schools and universities, and then smoothly moves to places of work. Workers relax at corporate events, and representatives of the stronger half of humanity again receive pleasant surprises.

Any celebration requires a special atmosphere, so in a new article we have prepared for you unusual ideas for decorating a room for the celebration of February 23.

Wall newspaper

We all drew wall newspapers at school. And including on February 23. In educational institutions, this type of design is considered a classic of the genre: girls diligently write congratulations, add drawings, photographs and other decorative elements. But in any team you can repeat a similar idea!

Imagine how pleasantly surprised your men will be if they see their image on a wall newspaper with a cool caption or congratulations.

Paper garlands

Another indispensable attribute of festive decorations are paper garlands. Volumetric and colorful, made of flags and stars, they instantly create a holiday mood.

You can easily make blanks for a garland with your own hands in kindergarten or school during labor lessons, or buy ready-made ones in a store. A garland in the form of the inscription “Congratulations on February 23” or “Happy Holiday” will also look very festive. Choose a garland>>


The easiest way to quickly and beautifully decorate any room is to hang balloons. Nowadays, they can be used to make real works of art: numbers, stars, tanks, weapons and even real soldiers! Even small balls just suspended from the ceiling will still create a festive atmosphere.

In any case, adults will definitely appreciate such decorations, and children will simply be delighted with the unusual figures and will certainly want to take pictures with them! Choose balloons>>

Russian coat of arms and flag

The coat of arms and flag are the main state symbols of the country, so they must be present at the holiday dedicated to February 23. Small flags can be placed on tables or one large tricolor can be hung on the wall.

In schools, during labor lessons, children will happily make crafts from paper or fabric dedicated to state symbols. Afterwards, these works can be turned into an exhibition.


The theme of camouflage at the holiday can be played up in any way you like: table decoration, balloons, decorative panels... Or maybe make a real shelter out of a raincoat tent in the office?

Draperies made from real camouflage fabric, which can be bought at any military paraphernalia store, will also look unusual. In any case, there is never too much camouflage on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Congratulatory posters

In addition to wall newspapers, you can draw or buy greeting posters with your own hands. This is also one of the simplest and most effective ways to decorate a room.

Posters are equally suitable for both kindergarten and office: the main thing is to choose the right theme! Soviet-era leaflets dedicated to Red Army Day will look very atmospheric. Select a greeting poster>>

Paper carnations

Paper pom poms actually resemble carnations, the most masculine of flowers. If you choose the right sizes and shades of such decorations, they will create a festive atmosphere in any room and will delight your protectors.

To decorate the ceiling, it is better to make large green and blue blanks and hang them with transparent fishing line, and small red carnations collected in bouquets will look unusual on the tables.


By February 23, you can set up a real photo zone in which both children and adults will happily take pictures. Equip it with themed props and several costumes that everyone can wear.

Such a corner with a photo zone will not only decorate the room, but will also allow you to have fun. Choose a T-shirt for Defender of the Fatherland Day>>

Kids toys

Ordinary toys that sometimes lie idle at home can help decorate the room. Cars, tanks, pistols and many other boyish treasures without any changes will turn into real props in one second.

They can decorate a table, diversify the decor and also be used for a photo zone. And rare specimens will fit perfectly into the theme of the exhibition. Choose a toy>>

Sweet compositions

Sweet compositions are perfect for decorating a holiday table in kindergarten and primary school. You can also place hand-made figurines of tanks, cars or airplanes everywhere. Such decorations can be beautiful and very tasty!

We hope you liked our original ideas for decorating a party room for any age. Put a piece of your soul into your decorations, and February 23rd will be wonderful!

In kindergarten?

Defender of the Fatherland Day or February 23 in kindergarten is a serious holiday. If earlier we glorified military service, and everyone dreamed of raising a truly defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. February 23 in kindergarten is a suitable occasion to tell the boys what courage and bravery are, to instill love for their country, and to raise patriots.

Defender of the Fatherland Day should be remembered by all children who go to kindergarten. Therefore, the task of educators is to figure out, together with the girls, how best to congratulate their boys on February 23rd.

The process of preparing for February 23 in kindergarten perfectly unites the group and develops the creative side of children’s character. Don’t miss this opportunity and devote the whole day to this memorable date.

Group decoration for the holiday.

You cannot celebrate February 23 in kindergarten without appropriate military decorations, especially if there are many contests and competitions.

Stars, banners, postcards, the flag of the Russian Federation, balls, ribbons, flags, planes and tanks - hung on the walls. Medals for battalion commanders, arrows with bows as weapons, toy pistols, swords and swords. You can make headdresses for “men” - a helmet, a cap, a cap, a budenovka and weapons (a saber, a balloon mace).

“Exhibition of military equipment and parade of troops” - line up all the soldiers, superheroes, equipment (cars, airplanes, rockets and ships) in orderly rows.

All this will help children be transported to a completely different “world” that requires ingenuity, courage and leadership qualities from them.

The first half of the day.

Before February 23, in kindergarten, you can give the children the task of preparing with their parents a story about defenders of the fatherland who perform feats every day: for example, firefighters and military personnel. Let the guys describe examples of their dangerous and difficult service.

You can agree and invite a policeman dad or a military dad. You'll see, the children will have a lot of questions: whether girls are accepted into the army, how to use a gas mask, and what needs to be done to receive a rank. If, for the sake of clarity, all the boys are given the feeling of being a soldier who is looking out for the enemy through binoculars, then the boys will become very proud.

What can you organize with children?

v Viewing an exhibition of paintings (“Three Heroes”, “Hussars”, “Knights”, etc.).

v Reading fiction - about the defenders of the Fatherland, our Motherland.
Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, A. Tvardovsky “Tankman’s Tale”, K. Selikhov, Y. Deryugin “On Red Square”, T. Belozerov “Eternal Flame”, etc.,

v You can listen with your children to musical works about the Motherland, the army, and epics retold for children “Bogatyrs and Knights of the Russian Land.”

v Children will be happy to listen to the stories of participants in the Great Patriotic War, and in the future children can tell themselves about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers who participated in hostilities, worked on the home front, children of the war, or about their fathers - defenders of the Fatherland.

During classes, make applications and crafts on the topics: “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Our Army”, “My Motherland”, “Victory Day”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”, etc. Then, you can organize exhibitions and competitions of works, mold 3 from plasticine heroes.

v You can organize a little themed entertainment:

Divide the boys into teams and arrange competitions for them to identify the bravest, fastest and most dexterous.

Borrow gas masks - putting them on will make small children laugh.

Girls are involved in the judging process; they can also provide the boys with the necessary details for holding the next competition.

To come up with fictional enemies who have captured girls, whom the boys must free, some can be given the roles of nurses from a military hospital providing assistance to soldiers who, according to the script, were also wounded. Some girls can be hidden anywhere in the kindergarten, and the scout boys can be given routes. To save others, you can ask for a deposit in the form of accurate hits on the target.

To imitate a victory fireworks display at the end of the day, you can burst balloons, which is sure to amaze the children.

It is better to change the group commander so that each boy can prove himself as a real captain.

After defeating the “invaders”, as gratitude for the rescue, the girls will give their souvenirs to the boys and invite them to sit at the “sweet” table.

Another option is when the girls will be princesses, and the boys will be knights who free them: either you need to awaken the princess from sleep (sing a song loudly), then cross the gorge (step from chair to chair), or solve an intellectual riddle. All these competitions will help the children feel that they too can perform heroic deeds. The main thing is to start, and then there will be no heroics.

The main thing is to interest the children, involve them as much as possible in the preparation process, and then there will be less work for teachers, and children will look forward to February 23 in kindergarten.


v For a walk, we dress like a soldier - while the match (flashlight) is burning

v We should not forget about sports games and competitions that can be played on the street.

These include competition games: “Battle of Maces”, “Capture of a Fortress”, “Dashing Rider”, “Cockfighting”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Clear the Field”, “Crossing”, “Report”, “Who is Faster/Farther” slide down the hill on sleds, skis, ice skates.

v During lunch, you can arrange the tables in an unusual way, for example, in rows and have lunch as in a soldier’s canteen, announcing a competition “Whose plate will be the cleanest.”


When getting up after a nap, you can use a sound signal

“Rota rise!”, or any other of the teacher’s choice.

1. Invite children to watch a cartoon:

2. Sadko the rich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

3. Cartoons from the series: “Epics. Vasilisa Mikulishna" (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

4. “The Childhood of Ratibor” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1973.

5. “Dobrynya Nikitich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1965)

6. “Ilya Muromets” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

7. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1978)

8. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (Kievnauchfilm, 1972)

9. “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”

10. “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych.”

v For free activities of children, you can use board games:

“Who needs what”, “Cut-out pictures”, “Who can assemble a machine gun faster”, “On land, in the air, at sea”, etc.

It has become a good tradition to hold the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday in kindergarten with the participation of parents and children. This phenomenon, of course, strengthens the patriotic education of children, contributes to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers, and instills in them the concept of the Motherland, family, and a sense of duty.

v Interestingly selected competitions for February 23 in kindergarten will not leave indifferent either the shyest boys or the most serious dads.

Teams are divided into an even number of people. It is advisable that both children and fathers take part in the competition. A ribbon is placed in the middle of the hall to mark the boundary. When the whistle blows, the teams begin to “blow” balloons into enemy territory. Whoever has more balls on the territory loses.

Participants are placed matchboxes on their shoulders. They must carry them without dropping them and pass them on to the next relay participant.

Children are given cards with a picture of a soldier, a bear, a wolf, and so on. They must show their gait.
This competition can be developed further - by offering, for example, instead of images of animals, various types of transport or troops. Parents must guess.

This competition does not need a detailed description. Participants are divided into two teams and alternately name men's professions. The task can be complicated by having children name professions, and parents giving examples of feats from history in these or military professions.

Participants are divided into two teams. First, one participant jumps. From the place where he landed, another team member begins to jump.

Only children can take part in this competition. Children wear hats or caps on their heads. The task is to take off the other person’s hat, but at the same time keep your own on your head - without giving it away.

Participants are divided into two teams. The children start the race and put on small fins. They must run around the chair and return to their starting position. The race continues with dads wearing large fins. Thus, the younger generation and the older generation alternate. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Participants are divided into two teams. Dads cross their arms and sit one child down. Whoever transports the most children wins.

At the end of the holiday, the results of the competition are summed up. All participants are awarded with certificates and chocolate medals. The matinee ends with the anthem of the Russian Federation, and the boys leave the hall on the count of one or two.

Irina Zhurikhina

On the eve of the holidays, teachers pay special attention design of stands in kindergarten. After all, a holiday is a happy and joyful atmosphere that unites families and kindergarten staff.

IN we try to design visual stands, use the creativity of your students as much as possible. So, for example, on the eve of the holiday of valor and courage, Defenders of the Fatherland Day - 23 February, we conducted a set of activities with children aimed at updating and expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about the various branches of our country’s military. For a week, every day, we looked at teaching aids and albums on the topic "Russian army", "Defenders of the Fatherland"; held discussions accompanied by presentations “Our army is strong - it protects us”, “So that peace comes to humanity throughout the whole of the great earth, we celebrate in February Defender of the Fatherland Day"; played various types of games (finger, didactic, mobile, board-printed, role-playing); got acquainted with the works of art by V. Malkov “We will serve in the army”, A. Nehoda "Pilots"; watched a cartoon about heroes and many others. etc.

The acquired knowledge was consolidated during creative activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué and designing from paper. The result of our creativity with the guys was a festive stand design.

Publications on the topic:

On October 11, a stand dedicated to the beauty of autumn was made by the hands of teachers and children. At the stand there were drawings by children about how they were.

I look through your publications with pleasure, there is so much new and unusual, interesting material! I save a lot every time.

Goals: Decorate the locker room for the holiday. Objectives: 1. Encourage children to be creative. 2. Learn to do nice things for loved ones. 3. Continue.

I would like to present to your attention a decoration made from colored paper. I used brightly colored paper, as well as white paper for the clouds, glue, etc.

As you know, there is now a big emphasis on working with the families of students in order to attract parents and increase their competence.

Mother's Day is the most reverent autumn holiday, celebrated at the end of November. And, of course, in kindergarten this holiday is given special attention.

Congratulations to all mothers on a wonderful holiday. Since ancient times, there has been a special attitude towards a woman-mother. She is respected, appreciated, revered. Mother.