
Ultrasound to find out if you are pregnant or not. When will an ultrasound show pregnancy?


At what stage can pregnancy be determined and is it possible to do this before the onset of missed menstruation? Pregnancy undoubtedly beautifies a woman. But besides this wonderful property, it has a number of signs by which many expectant mothers can understand that they are already pregnant. And medicine offers us many convenient methods for diagnosing our “situation”. These are special tests, blood tests and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

The absence of menstruation at the usual time may indicate that conception has occurred. The first day of missed menstruation is the period at which the test shows pregnancy with great accuracy. Special strips are immersed in morning urine, and if the level of hCG secreted by the chorion of the embryo is increased, the diagnostic result will be positive. By the way, you can now buy ultra-sensitive means for express diagnostics in pharmacies. Using them, you can determine pregnancy using a test already less than 2 weeks from conception, that is, approximately on the 25-27th day of the menstrual cycle.

Even earlier, you can try to donate blood for the same hormone. With the help of laboratory analysis, pregnancy can be determined before delay at a period of 7-10 days from conception. But usually it is not recommended to take it before the delay occurs due to the high probability of false results. And do not believe those who give different information regarding at what stage pregnancy can be determined by hCG in a woman’s blood.

In the early stages, pregnancy can be confirmed using an ultrasound examination. For examination, the transvaginal and abdominal methods can be used. The first has the ability to detect a fertilized egg as early as 3 weeks of pregnancy. But it is still impossible to know whether there is an embryo there or not. This will become possible only at week 5, when an ultrasound scan with an external sensor - abdominal - will also be able to “see” the woman’s new condition. By week 5, the embryo's heart begins to beat. Thus, pregnancy can be determined by ultrasound at 2-3 weeks from conception. And to see with your own eyes that the embryo is viable after another 1-2 weeks.

After the delay occurs, you can measure your basal temperature. Elevated readings (above 37 degrees) for three days most often indicate the presence of pregnancy. This method is good for those who keep a calendar of such measurements.

Of course, the most reliable way to confirm a special situation is an ultrasound examination or a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Well, a doctor's examination. But we all know other indirect signs by which suspicions about the possible approach of motherhood are increasingly increasing.

Within a few days after the expected conception, a woman may feel unwell, nausea, headache, and become irritable. Or, on the contrary, an increase in strength and excessive cheerfulness. It's all about the hormonal background, which actively changes during pregnancy. There may be slight bleeding, after which menstruation will no longer occur. The release of a small volume of blood is associated with the process of fixation of the fertilized egg on the wall of the uterus.

One of the common manifestations of the onset of fertilization is the appearance of tension in the breasts, pain, and changes in the pigmentation of the nipple areola. Everyone knows the changes in taste preferences during pregnancy. There are many jokes about herring with jam and other incompatible things. Often you want either salty or sour. This may also be explained by early toxicosis.

To be fair, it is worth noting that not all women feel the need for all kinds of food experiments during pregnancy. But the appetite changes more often. From complete reluctance to eat in the early stages to uncontrollable appetite in the second half of gestation. But again, everything is very individual. And it may be exactly the opposite or absent altogether.

Drowsiness and some skin rashes may complete the picture. In short, the condition may change noticeably, or it may begin to resemble a special situation only when the abdomen grows. However, intuitively, the woman will most likely understand that she is now the keeper of the little man.

All of these signs can “predict” pregnancy even before the onset of a missed period.

Well, they also say that seeing a fish in a dream definitely means pregnancy. Patience to you, future mothers, and happy fishing!

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Modern medicine has a wonderful opportunity to confirm the presence of a new life at an early stage. Ultrasound equipment in the hands of a specialist will be able not only to see, but also to take the first photo of a small person. Examination of a woman when planning to bear a child will help to correctly calculate the time of conception.

At what stage can pregnancy be determined by ultrasound?

Why is an examination needed, at what stage does an ultrasound show pregnancy? The questions that every expectant mother has are completely justified. To confirm that conception has occurred, after a rapid test with a positive result, in some controversial cases, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound. Additionally, a blood test is taken to determine the hormone hCG, which will naturally increase from the norm several days after the fertilization of the egg.

A study can be done after 5-6 days of missed period, when the fertilized egg is visible on ultrasound, but with such a short period of time, the embryo will be visible only during diagnosis by inserting a sensor into the vagina. Through the abdomen (transabdominal method) it will not be possible to see small changes in the uterus. For greater reliability, it is better to do it from 7-8 weeks, when an ultrasound will show pregnancy by any method.

Transvaginal ultrasound of early pregnancy

Ultrasound performed using a transvaginal sensor is considered the most reliable. The device, protected by a condom and inserted into the vagina, is located very close to the woman’s pelvic organs that are to be examined. At initial stages of 3 to 6 weeks, diagnosis is carried out only if there is a suspicion that the embryo has implanted in the wrong place and an ectopic pregnancy could occur.

More accurate data obtained using the sensor helps the doctor not to make mistakes in the timing of conception with an error of a couple of days. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account the structural features of a woman’s organs in order to make the correct diagnosis. The study should be performed with an empty bladder to avoid data distortion. It is recommended to visit the toilet immediately before entering the office and starting the procedure.

At what stage does an ultrasound show transabdominal pregnancy?

Data that allows you to see the results of a transabdominal examination can be obtained later, at the onset of 5-6 weeks. In this period, it is already possible to recognize the baby’s heartbeat. A sensor lubricated with a special gel is placed and moved over the surface of the abdomen. The monitor at this time shows the result of the state of the organs. The distance to the uterus is greater than with a transvaginal examination, so pregnancy can be recognized by timing with a difference of about 10-15 days.

In a woman who is overweight, it is more difficult to determine the cause of the delay, and to determine the exact period of conception. The larger the layer of fiber and fat, the later an accurate diagnosis will be made. A full bladder test is performed. To do this, first, at least a couple of hours in advance, you need to drink from one to two liters of still water.

At what stage will an ultrasound show pregnancy during a combined examination?

Every woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby must undergo a combined examination. Having learned that conception has occurred, the expectant mother can undergo a preliminary examination transabdominally, and then transvaginally as prescribed by the doctor (after 10-15 days of delay). If no deviations or threats to the mother’s health are observed, a visit to the ultrasound specialist is planned later.

Along with the ultrasound procedure at 11-13 weeks, a biochemical screening is performed, which shows possible pathologies of the unborn child. With the help of a double examination in the initial stages, it is possible to determine Down's disease and, at the request of the parents, to interrupt pregnancy if such a diagnosis occurs. Every expectant mother wants and should be sure that her unborn baby is developing in accordance with the norms. To do this, you need to monitor the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Is it possible to do an ultrasound in early pregnancy?

An experienced gynecologist will tell you at what stage an ultrasound scan shows the desired pregnancy. The vaginal sensor will determine the implantation of the egg as early as the third or fourth week. The ultrasound procedure is considered harmless for the unborn baby and his mother. The doctor prescribes it to all women who want to continue pregnancy in order to more accurately determine the gestational age of the embryo. During observation, this will help to judge the normality of growth development, correct formation, and also calculate the date when childbirth will occur.

Sometimes a married couple, for various reasons, waits for years for a positive result indicating that conception has occurred. In such unusual cases, when menstruation is delayed, transvaginal intervention with a sensor is not recommended, so as not to provoke a spontaneous miscarriage. Ultrasound to determine pregnancy in the early stages helps to confirm or refute the gynecologist’s assumptions on various issues. Thanks to diagnostics you can see:

  • fetal viability;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • number of fruits.

How long can an ectopic pregnancy be detected?

Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancy is not so rare, which threatens a woman with surgical intervention, and in some cases, the inability to have children in the future. The fertilized egg can be seen already from the twentieth day of fertilization. More accurate results using a vaginal sensor are obtained starting from the 5th week. An empty uterine cavity should be cause for concern and may indicate that a fertilized cell is in the tube. Additionally, blood donation for hCG is prescribed. The percentage of error is so minimal that it is not taken into account.

Timing of ultrasound during pregnancy

When the health of the expectant mother does not cause concern, and there is no pain or discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, there is no need to conduct an early ultrasound examination. Ultrasounds performed as planned allow the doctor to monitor the dynamics of fetal development. At different stages, pathology of both the mother’s and child’s organs can be detected. Three examinations with different periods of weeks of pregnancy are considered planned:

  1. 10-13;
  2. 18-21;
  3. 30-35.

Video: Ultrasound for early pregnancy

When an ultrasound will show pregnancy: this question is one of the most worrying for women. It arises when there is either a delay in the next menstruation, or symptoms that make you think about an “interesting situation”. But it doesn’t make sense to go the very next day after the delay - pregnancy is not immediately visible on an ultrasound, and the test is not the most informative way.

On what day should this diagnostic be carried out, which ultrasound diagnostic method to choose, what its results will depend on - we will consider further.

Fertilization can occur on the day of ovulation (approximately the middle of the cycle) or over the next few days, if the sperm has time to “get” to the egg.

Subsequently, this fusion of two cells must reach the uterus, penetrate into its mucous layer, where further development of the embryo will occur.

Conception is almost impossible if an ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes, which you did at the stage of planning a child, showed that these most important areas of the reproductive system are impassable.

In order for an ultrasound to determine pregnancy, several conditions must be met:

  • a sufficient period of time so that the “tubercle”, which represents the developing embryo, is not only visible, but also distinguishable from the polyp of the mucous membrane
  • the absence of an inflammatory process in the uterine mucosa, as it provokes its swelling - as a result, the fertilized egg needs to be larger in size to be visible
  • correct choice of diagnostic method
  • high resolution ultrasound scanner
  • the study is carried out by a sonologist who specializes in diagnosing pregnancy (doctors at multidisciplinary centers do this worse than sonographers at obstetrics and gynecology clinics).

At what day of delay will an ultrasound show pregnancy? If the qualifications of the doctor and the resolution of the device allow you to see a formation with a diameter of 3-5 mm, then you can find out whether you are pregnant or not already after a delay of 5-6 days. These 5 days will be approximately 3 weeks from conception.

It is more informative to undergo an ultrasound to determine pregnancy 10 days after the delay using a vaginal sensor. You should also know that at this time the sonologist does not diagnose “ectopic pregnancy”, but can only suspect it.

Types of ultrasound to determine pregnancy

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound is performed with a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina. It is considered the most informative method; it determines pregnancy at the earliest stages - from 3-4 weeks or even earlier.
  2. Abdominal ultrasound. In this case, the sensor is located on the front wall of the abdomen, and in order to “reach” the uterus it needs to cover a greater distance than during a vaginal examination. Accordingly, when will an ultrasound show conception? – 2 weeks later, that is, 5 weeks. And if a woman has a large layer of subcutaneous tissue, then later.

Each of these types has nuances of its use, which we will consider below.

Preparing for the study

In order to make the diagnosis more accurate, it is necessary that the gases in your intestines do not interfere with viewing the internal structures of the uterus and fallopian tubes. To do this, it is advisable that you stop eating within 3 days before the study:

  • legumes
  • cabbage
  • fresh fruits
  • baked goods
  • and drink carbonated drinks.

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13 goals for a second pregnancy ultrasound

This applies to both ultrasound diagnostic methods.

Transabdominal examination involves preliminary filling of the bladder. To do this, you need to either not urinate for 3 hours, or drink 2-3 glasses of still water an hour before the test, and then do not empty your bladder.

Before testing with a transvaginal probe, you must completely empty your bladder. To do this, it is recommended to come to the clinic a little early and visit the local toilet.

When is it necessary to do an ultrasound for pregnancy?

  1. If there is a delay in menstruation, the test produces a weak second line. In this case, before going for an ultrasound, you need to determine human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and remember its level. This may be needed in the future.
  2. If menstruation is delayed and the test is positive, if the gynecologist during the examination does not see signs that you will soon become a mother.
  3. If the delay is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. Your period was “delayed” by 1.5-2 weeks or more (“a failure” of 5-7 days is considered acceptable), then blood discharge of any volume and any color appeared, even if it is a small amount of brown discharge.

How the research is carried out

  1. A vaginal examination is performed with an empty bladder.
  2. The woman takes off everything below the waist, lies down on the couch and bends her knees.
  3. A small diameter sensor in the condom is inserted into the vagina.
  4. Determining pregnancy using ultrasound is possible from the 5th day of a missed period (better if later).

A 3D ultrasound is done during pregnancy in the same way. Using this method, ultrasound to determine pregnancy can be done from 7-10 days after the delay in monthly bleeding.

Interpretation of ultrasound diagnostic data

On ultrasound, signs of pregnancy in the early stages are as follows:

  • a drop-shaped or round hypoechoic formation is detected
  • its diameter is 3-5 mm or more (depending on the period)
  • the formation is surrounded by a thin membrane
  • if the pregnancy is uterine, this formation (fertilized egg) is located in the area of ​​the tubal angle of the uterus (less often - lower in the uterine cavity)
  • if the pregnancy is ectopic, the presence of a mass with these characteristics is described in the fallopian tube, in the cervix or in the abdominal cavity.

In addition, ultrasound can determine pregnancy indirectly - by the presence of the corpus luteum. Normally, this small endocrine gland should regress with the onset of menstruation. But if their due date has come and the corpus luteum is present, this indicates that you are probably pregnant.

The most common questions about ultrasound diagnostics

1. What does it mean if the test shows pregnancy, but the ultrasound does not?

These could be the following situations:

  1. You started this research early. Look again at how long it takes for an ultrasound to show pregnancy: at least 5 days must pass after the missed period. And this figure applies only to transvaginal examination.
  2. You have an ectopic pregnancy, which is not yet visible on an ultrasound. Don’t rush to panic, donate blood to check your human chorionic gonadotropin level. It must be at least 1000 IU/l. Retake this test after 1.5-2 weeks, the level should increase significantly (at 4-5 weeks it is 5-30 thousand IU/l).
  3. Somewhere there is an additional source of production of human chorionic gonadotropin, which causes the second line to appear on the test. This can be pregnancy pathologies such as hydatidiform mole, or some liver tumors. In this case, it is also necessary to conduct a repeated ultrasound examination and dynamic determination of hCG.

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What does a baby look like on an ultrasound from 36 to 40 weeks?

The absence of visualization of the embryo at the 7th obstetric week indicates that conception, if it occurred, is not developing.

2. When is the best time to do an ultrasound to determine pregnancy?

In order not to be tormented by the unknown, it is best to undergo diagnosis at the 5th gestational week, that is, 20-22 days from a missed period. Of course, you can see pregnancy on an ultrasound even earlier - 5-10 days after the delay.

But the mere detection of a fertilized egg does not mean that it is developing: there is such a pathology as “anembryogeny”. This means that the fertilized egg consists only of membranes, and there is no embryo in them.

It is at the 5th week that the heart of the embryo begins to contract for the first time, which can be recorded using a vaginal sensor (using the abdominal method - from 6-7 weeks). Further condition of the heart and blood vessels of the fetus will be helped by ultrasound ultrasound during pregnancy, which is carried out from the 24th week.

3. Where is this diagnosis done?

Where to get an ultrasound during pregnancy. This is best done not in multidisciplinary diagnostic centers, but in maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics, and family planning centers as a free option.

Paid ultrasounds for pregnant women can be performed in medical centers and clinics specializing in the diagnosis and management of pregnancy. The cost of research for short periods is from 1000 to 2100 rubles.

Prevention is better than cure

It has not been proven that ultrasound can harm the fetus, but the opposite is also unclear. Therefore, all experts in the field of ultrasound diagnostics have come to the conclusion that the first ultrasound should be done no earlier than 10-12 weeks, when the rudiments of organs and systems have already formed. Besides, vaginal examination increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.

Therefore, a test to determine pregnancy must be done according to the strict indications indicated above. Doing this for the sake of a photograph in a family album is an impermissibly careless attitude towards a child.

To protect yourself as much as possible from undergoing an ultrasound examination in the early stages, it is best to undergo an ultrasound examination when planning a pregnancy. This is done in the first half of the cycle (as soon as menstruation has ended) and provides information about the condition of the uterus and appendages.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude the presence of chronic diseases in yourself and the father of the unborn child. To do this, specialists such as an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist and cardiologist are examined; the woman donates blood to check the level of thyroid hormones, markers of viral hepatitis and TORCH infections.

So, when an ultrasound shows pregnancy, doctors will explain that the fertilized egg can be seen already 5 days after the delay. More precisely, so as not to have to repeat the study in such a short period of time, it is better to undergo this diagnosis 2-3 weeks after the first day of the “unstarted” period. If there are no contraindications, the optimal ultrasound technique for diagnosing conception is transvaginal.

Determining the gestational age by ultrasound is an important issue for every expectant mother.

Based on this, the extent to which the baby’s development corresponds to gestational age is assessed, and the approximate date of birth is calculated.

Obstetricians judge whether the fetus has enough oxygen and nutrients and determine some issues related to pregnancy and childbirth based on this parameter.

How to determine gestational age using ultrasound

  1. According to the woman's calculations. So, she may not know the date of ovulation (based on basal temperature or folliculometry, which is performed as a standard gynecological ultrasound) or the date of the sexual intercourse that led to conception. But all women know the date of the last menstruation, and from it the main calculation is made, which is called the obstetric period. Later, at 16-20 weeks, the date of the first noticeable motor activity of the fetus will also be a reference point.
  2. According to the gynecological examination - in the first trimester, according to the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus - in the second half.
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics significantly helps determine the period. We will look at it below.

When will it be known for sure that you are expecting a child?

At what stage will an ultrasound show pregnancy? Immediately after unprotected sex, even if it was oriented for ovulation, the fertilized egg will not be visible. You can see the embryo for the first time 5 days after the delay. But there are several nuances here:

  1. early diagnosis should only be done transvaginally, that is, by inserting a sensor into the vagina
  2. transvaginal examination is dangerous if conception is desired, but there is bleeding in any quantity and pulls in the lower abdomen
  3. Ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages should be carried out only when indicated: suspected ectopic pregnancy or hydatidiform mole. It has not been proven that ultrasound will be harmless at the beginning of fetal development.
  4. if there is a suspicion that the embryo is not developing (that is, the uterus is not enlarging according to the results of a gynecological examination), an ultrasound at short notice is done no earlier than 5 weeks. Only then and only the vaginal sensor will be able to see how the embryonic heart makes its first contractions.

An ultrasound detects pregnancy at 3 weeks or more. But transvaginally sent ultrasound will detect ectopic implantation of the embryo already on the 10-12th day of conception (abdominal examination - on the 20th day of conception). In addition, a blood test for hCG helps in differentiating between ectopic and normal embryo implantation.

Although it is known at what stage an ultrasound shows pregnancy (from the 10th day of delay - in almost 100% of cases), the device did not see it specifically for you, this may be as a result of:

  1. incorrect calculation of gestational age, that is, you went to the study early
  2. the study was carried out “through the stomach”
  3. quite old ultrasound scanner
  4. that you underwent the study in a multidisciplinary center and not in a specialized clinic
  5. the doctor’s qualifications to determine pregnancy so early were insufficient
  6. the test is false positive, but due to a corpus luteum cyst or other pathology
  7. there may be a miscarriage during this period, mistaken for menstruation, then the hCG, which created the second strip, simply has not yet returned to normal.

What are the benefits of early research?

Ultrasound at a short term can show the fetus if the hCG level is 1-2 thousand mU/l.

It helps the obstetrician with the following:

  1. making a diagnosis of “Ectopic embryo implantation”
  2. establishing the very fact of successful conception, clarifying the location of the fertilized egg
  3. finding out the reason for the delay of menstruation in the absence of a positive test (“two stripes” can cause uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts)
  4. calculating the gestational age using ultrasound: the earlier the fetal egg is measured, the more accurate this figure is, since at the beginning of pregnancy the development of the embryo does not yet have individual characteristics.
  5. determining the number of fruits (but this is not very accurate)
  6. determining the threat of miscarriage

If the study was done early enough to visualize the ovum, an “interesting position” can still be suspected by the presence of a corpus luteum measuring 16-25 mm in the absence of menstruation.

Accuracy of Gestational Age Calculation

Determining the gestational age up to 8 weeks is based on measuring the length of the embryo. Right now, ultrasound determines the period exactly up to 1-2 days, since during this period almost all embryos develop in the same way. 3D ultrasound is not performed so early during pregnancy, only in the second half.

In the second trimester and later, the number of days is determined by comparing such dimensions as head circumference, coccygeal-parietal distance, chest diameter, and length of tubular bones.

Here, the accuracy of ultrasound is much less, since the comparison is with the average standards for a given population. Each child grows and develops individually; in addition, growth occurs in waves. A 4D ultrasound during pregnancy will help to assess the correct development of the fetus in the second half.

How is gestational age calculated?

Specially compiled measurements and tables of standard indicators will help you calculate the gestational age using ultrasound. Thus, up to the 12th week, measurements of the internal diameter of the fetal egg (ID) are used, and from the 7th week the parameter of the coccygeal-parietal distance (CPR) is added to this indicator.

For example, for 7 weeks exactly the SVD indicators are 7-19 mm, and the CTE indicators are 8-11 mm. Already at 7 weeks and 1 day, SVD is 8-20 mm, and CTR is 9-12 mm.

Table of pregnancy dates according to ultrasound

weeks KTR Average Ø ovum BPR Average Ø yolk sac
5 2 18
6 5 22 3
7 9 24 4
8 16 30 6 4,4
9 23 33 8,5 4,6
10 31 39 11 5

Here you can see when an ultrasound can detect pregnancy - from the 5th week.

Evaluation of the fetus according to such parameters as indicated in the table is called fetometry. From the 3rd month, “age” is calculated using fetometry:

A week Biparietal
Hip Shin Shoulder Forearm
11 17-21 63-73 51-62 5,6-7,8
12 21-24 71-84 61-72 7,3-10,6
13 24-28 84-96 69-80 9,4-11,8
14 27-31 97-110 78-90 12,4-15,8
15 31 110 90 16,2
16 34-37 45-49 124-136 102-116 20-23 18-21,0 18-21 15-18
17 38-42 50-54 135-149 112-131 24-28 21-25 21-25 18-21
18 42-47 54-59 146-161 124-144 27-31 24-28 24-28 20-23
19 45-49 58-63 158-174 134-154 30-34 27-31 27-31 23-26
20 48-53 62-68 170-186 144-164 33-37 30-34 30-34 26-29
21 51-56 66-72 183-200 157-177 36-40 33-37 33-37 28,0-32
22 54-60 70-76 195-212 169-190 39-43 35-39 35-39 30-34
23 58-64 74-81 207-224 181-202 41-45 38-42 38-42 33-37
24 61-67 78-85 219-237 193-224 44-48 40-44 40-44 35-39

The most common questions about fetal ultrasound measurement

What stage of pregnancy does an ultrasound show?

There are two main ages of the fetus:

  1. obstetric – determined from the first day of the last monthly bleeding (the date of birth for this period is calculated as follows: from this date minus 3 months and plus 7 days)
  2. embryonic – from the moment of conception (this date is taken as the day of ovulation). It turns out shorter than the first by 2 weeks.

Ultrasound does not directly calculate gestational age. With the help of this study, an analysis is made of how many weeks (obstetrics are taken as a basis) the fetal parameters correspond to.