
Historical and class character of physical culture. History of development and regulation of physical culture and sports. Formation of the Russian Olympic Committee


Universities of the Russian Federation - 4 hours.

Education in medical and pharmaceutical

Physical culture and sport in Russia. Physical

Selection of a local dosage form

The nature of the skin lesion Localization of lesions Local dosage form
Acute inflammation Smooth skin Lotions
(hyperemia + edema +
+ wetting) ___________________________________ Hairy areas _____________________________ Lotions, aerosols ____________________
Subacute wake up restricted areas Pastes
leniya (hyper- on smooth skin
mia + edema) Disseminated you- agitated
rashes on smooth skin suspension
hairy areas, Powders
________ Folds
Chronic re- Any localization Creams, ointments
burning (hyperemia + infiltration) Limited areas Nails Occlusive dressings, plasters Lucky

Brief history of physical culture and sports. Basic concepts of the system of physical education, physical culture, physical training, physical condition, sports. Social needs in the emergence of physical culture. Fundamentals of legislation in the field of physical culture and sports. State and public forms of management of physical culture and sports in Russia. Government decisions on the development of physical culture and sports in the country. Goals and objectives of physical education in medical school. Organization and management of physical education. Building a course of physical education. Organization and content of the educational process in educational departments. Test requirements and responsibilities of students. Physical-improving and sports-mass work. Sports club activity. Organizational forms of work. Sports movements and traditions of the university. Sport in medical universities of the country. The role of graduates of medical universities in the development of the mass physical culture movement in the country. Professional feature of physical education in medical universities.

After studying the topic, the student must:

Have an idea about the social essence of physical culture and sports.

Own basic concepts in the field of physical culture and sports.

Know the main forms of physical culture and their purpose, the role of physical culture in the structure of vocational education.

Physical education- an organic part of human culture, its independent special area, at the same time it is a specific process and result of human activity, a means and method of physical improvement of the individual

Physical culture as a social phenomenon has occupied an important place in human life throughout its history. Along with the change in social relations, the essence and nature of physical culture changed. For example, in a classless primitive society, f / c was of a classless nature and was used in order to accumulate labor experience. and transmission of rational everyday movements from one generation to another.

Ritual dances, games and various competitions were used to train dexterous hunters, strong and enduring warriors. Physical exercise was not only public, but mandatory for everyone.

One can speak about the appearance of physical exercises as such only when they are separated from labor activity. Physical labor, for example, aims to produce a certain product. Of course, many labor operations affect the physical condition of a person, but this influence largely depends on the characteristics of the content and conditions of production and can be very different, including negative. (overload)

Physical culture classes differ from other types of activity (including labor) primarily in that they are aimed at developing our own physical conditions, i.e. motor skills, physical qualities, functionality, etc.

The main goal of physical culture is a positive impact on the vital functions of the human body. This is one of the main reasons that our ancestors came to understand that by improving their motor abilities, one can not only work more successfully, hunt and fight, but also physically develop oneself. This circumstance was a significant impetus to the emergence of physical culture in the ancient world.

An objective biological premise also played an important role in the emergence of physical exercises - motor activity is a natural human need. The physical exercises of an ancient man were part of his daily life - in the form of ritual dances, initiations, games imitating labor, military and other actions. Through them, the transfer of experience in the performance of certain movements was carried out, and this is the emergence of elements of physical education.

Physical education as a specific sphere of social activity, isolated from physical labor, arose about 8 thousand years ago BC.

For many millennia, man has been in a "competition" in strength, speed, agility and endurance with many types of animals. Hunting, gathering, fishing developed physical stamina, reduced sensitivity to injuries, developed observation skills, and replenished practical knowledge. The manufacture and use of hunting tools also required the proper physical development of a person, certain motor skills.

However, only the need for good physical development could not yet lead to the emergence of physical exercises. In ancient man, unlike animals, there was a social way of transferring experience (people kept tools and passed on from generation to generation the skills of their manufacture and use). This is what led the ancient man to pay attention to the phenomenon of exercise in the labor process.

Physical exercises were not only a means of preparing for the upcoming activity, but were also aimed at coordinating motor acts, cooperation, and developing a plan for joint actions. The ability to think allowed a person to establish a connection between preliminary preparation and the results of hunting. People learned certain activities in the process of improving their movements, in the course of communicating with each other, as well as when entering into certain relationships with the outside world.

The transfer of experience and its use in the process of communication is education - in this case - physical education.

In a tribal society, a new form of social organization arises, expressed in the conduct of a common economy, in a clear division of labor between the sexes. In addition to labor, military affairs also influence education, although there is still no permanent armed force, and clashes between tribes are unsystematic. In the tribal society, F.V. had a high level of development. According to ethnographic data, it is represented even among the most primitive peoples. The manufacture and use of hunting tools required strength, dexterity, and physical endurance. Their hunting system was perfect thanks to the accumulated experience. Dances, which had a variety of motor content, were also the subject of training.

Games were one of the main forms of this education. Unusually strong motor games were developed, numbering dozens of types. They were held with the participation of hundreds of players for several days. Indian dances (dances) were also numerous and multifunctional, they required strength and endurance from the participants and were a kind of sports exercises. Dances not only trained people, but also rallied them into a team.

In many American tribes, endurance tests were common (initiates ran long distances over rough terrain, dug holes, etc.), as well as various pain tests, which were considered a test of strength and spirit, necessary in an independent working life.

A common feature of F.V. of all the tribes of the tribal society is that the exercises were aimed not only at developing physical qualities, but also at educating stamina and will, so running, wrestling, various jumps, throwing, weight training, ball games became widespread. The content of physical education was also influenced by the geographical environment and natural conditions.

In a slave-owning society, physical culture acquired a class character and a military orientation. It was used to suppress the discontent of the exploited masses within the state and to wage wars of conquest. For the first time, systems of physical education and special educational institutions were created. The profession of physical education teacher appeared. Physical exercises were regarded on a par with classes in poetry, dramaturgy, music. The participants of the ancient Greek Olympic Games were: Hippocrates (medic), Socrates (philosopher), Sophocles (playwright), etc.

In the era of feudalism, the physical development of peoples was carried out in the process of labor activity, outdoor games, household, cultural and military nature.

During the period of capitalism, physical culture was placed at the service of strengthening the foundations of its political domination by the ruling class.

A feature of the development of physical culture in the period of capitalism is that the ruling class is forced to deal with the issues of physical education of the masses. This was primarily due to the intensification of labor, as well as constant wars for colonies, markets, which required the creation of mass armies well physically prepared for warfare.

During the period of the establishment of capitalism, a sports and gymnastics movement was born, circles and sections (clubs) for individual sports appeared.

During the existence of the USSR, the main social function of physical education was the formation of physically perfect, socially active, morally stable, extremely devoted to this system of healthy people.

Archeology and ethnography have made it possible to trace the development of man, and consequently, of physical culture, since ancient times. The results of scientific research allow us to conclude that from labor movements, vital actions, physical culture emerged into an almost independent type of human activity in the period from 40 to 25 millennia BC. The appearance of throwing weapons, and later the bow, contributed to the need to prepare food-getters, warriors, to develop and improve even then, in the Stone Age, the physical education systems that appeared, motor qualities as a guarantee of successful hunting, protection from the enemy, etc.

It is also of interest that many peoples have traditions and customs of using physical culture, its educational component in initiation rituals when moving from one age group to another. For example, young men were not allowed to marry until certain tests were completed - tests, and girls were not allowed to marry until they proved their fitness for independent living.

So, on one of the islands of the New Hybrids archipelago, holidays were held annually, culminating in “jumping from a tower” on land (L. Kuhn). A participant in this competition, to whose ankles a fixed rope of vines was tied, flies headfirst from a height of 30 m. When the head almost touches the ground, elastic vines contract and throw the person up, and he lands smoothly on his feet. In those distant times, those who did not pass this test were not allowed to the initiation ceremony, could not appear in public.

The physical culture of the primitive period, developing stamina, strong will, physical training of each member of the tribe, brought up among the tribesmen a sense of community in protecting their interests.

In the development of physical culture, Ancient Greece played a very important role not only in the time of the ancient Greek states, but in subsequent eras, up to our time, a lot is borrowed from the physical culture of Ancient Greece. Starting from physical exercises and up to the organization of competitions, including the Olympic Games.

Of particular interest is the physical culture of Ancient Greece, where “those who could not read, write and swim were considered illiterate” (Ageevets V.U., 1983), physical education in the ancient Greek states of Sparta and Athens, where gymnastics, fencing, horse riding were taught , swimming, running from the age of 7, wrestling and fisticuffs - from the age of 15.

An example characterizing the level of development of physical culture in these states was the organization and holding of the Olympic Games.

The world-famous great people of antiquity were also great athletes: the philosopher Plato - a fist fighter, the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras - an Olympic champion, Hippocrates - a swimmer, a wrestler.

All peoples had mythical heroes with supernatural physical and spiritual abilities: Hercules and Achilles - among the Greeks, Gilgames - among the Babylonians, Samson - among the Jews, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich - among the Slavs. People, exalting their exploits, victories in competitions, the fight against evil and the forces of nature, strove to be healthy, strong, skillful and hardworking themselves, which, of course, was reflected in the characteristics of education, physical education, and physical culture.

It makes sense to emphasize the importance of physical culture for the Greeks in the words of the great Aristotle: "Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity."

Military physical education is characteristic of the Middle Ages. The warrior-knight had to master the seven knightly virtues: horseback riding, fencing, archery, swimming, hunting, playing chess and the ability to compose poetry.

Sports as an integral part of physical culture have reached the greatest development in capitalist society.

Various forms of physical exercise have long been known to the Russian people. Games, swimming, skiing, wrestling, fisticuffs, horseback riding and hunting were widespread already in Ancient Russia. Various games were also widely used: bast shoes, towns, grandmas, leapfrog and many others.

The physical culture of the Russian people was distinguished by great originality and originality. In physical exercises common among Russians in the XIII-XVI centuries. their military and paramilitary character was clearly expressed. Horseback riding, archery, and hurdling were popular folk pastimes in Russia. Fisticuffs were also widespread, for a long time (until the beginning of the 20th century) they played an important role as one of the main folk original forms of physical education.

Cross-country skiing, skating and sledding, etc., were very popular among Russians. One of the original means of physical education was hunting, which served not only for fishing purposes, but also to show one's dexterity and fearlessness (for example, hunting a bear with a horn).

Hardening was carried out in an extremely peculiar way in Russia. It is a well-known Russian custom to douse yourself with cold water or wipe yourself with snow immediately after a stay in a hot bath. Valuable original types of physical exercises were also distributed among other peoples that became part of the multinational Russian state created later.

The emergence and strengthening of the noble empire of Peter I (XVIII century) also affected to a certain extent the state influence on the development of physical culture. This affected, first of all, the combat training of troops, physical education in educational institutions, and partly the education of the nobility.

It was in the era of the reforms of Peter I that physical exercises began to be used for the first time in Russia in the system of training soldiers and officers. At the same time, physical exercises, mainly fencing and horseback riding, were introduced as an academic discipline at the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences (1701), at the Naval Academy and other educational institutions. Under Peter I, physical exercises were also introduced in civil gymnasiums, and rowing and sailing classes were organized for young people. These measures were the first steps taken by the state to lead the cause of physical culture.

In the future, physical exercises are increasingly used in educational institutions, and especially in the system of military education. Much credit for this belongs to the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov.

In the second half of the XIX century. among young people, modern sports begin to develop in the form of sports circles and clubs. The first gymnastic and sports societies and clubs appear. In 1897, the first football team was created in St. Petersburg, and in 1911 the All-Russian Football Union was organized, uniting 52 clubs.

At the beginning of the XX century. in St. Petersburg, sports societies arose: "Mayak", "Bogatyr". By 1917, various sports organizations and clubs united a fairly large number of amateur athletes. However, there were no conditions for the development of mass sports. Therefore, in the conditions of pre-revolutionary Russia, individual athletes managed to show world-class results only thanks to natural data and the perseverance with which they trained. These are well-known - Poddubny, Zaikin, Eliseev and others.

With the advent of Soviet power, in pursuit of the goal of mass military training of workers and the education of physically hardened army soldiers, in April 1918 a Decree on the organization of universal military training (Vseobucha) was adopted. In a short time, 2 thousand sports grounds were built. In 1918, the country's first IFC was organized in Moscow and Leningrad. The question arose of strengthening the state forms of management of physical culture and sports work in the country. On July 27, 1923, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR on the organization of scientific, educational and organizational work in physical education was issued.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) “On the tasks of the party in the field of physical culture”, adopted on July 13, 1925, was a program for the development of the physical culture movement in the new conditions of a socialist society. The resolution defined the essence of physical culture and its place in the Soviet state, emphasized its educational significance, indicated the need to involve the broad masses of workers, peasants, and students in the physical culture movement.

In honor of the 10th anniversary of physical culture in the USSR (counting from the moment of the organization of Vseobuch) in 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad was held, which attracted over 7 thousand participants.

In 1931-1932. the sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” developed by a special commission of the All-Union Council of Physical Culture under the Central Executive Committee of the USSR is introduced. Over the years of the complex's existence, more than 2.5 million people passed its norms. In 1939, a new improved TRP complex was introduced, and in the same year an annual holiday was established - the All-Union Day of the Athlete. The policy of the state was also aimed at the development of mass tourism. Sections of tourism, mountaineering - rock climbing and later orienteering were in the post-war years in almost every educational institution, at enterprises and factories. The club system began to develop. Tourist clubs have become methodological and educational centers. The clubs trained instructors, coaches, section leaders. It should be said that the first tourist club in the USSR was organized in the city of Rostov-on-Don in 1937. It was a universal club that brought together lovers of all types of travel.

In 1957, there were more than 1,500 stadiums, over 5,000 sports grounds, about 7,000 gymnasiums; IN AND. Lenin in Luzhniki, etc.

After 1948, athletes of the USSR over 5 thousand times updated all-Union records in almost a thousand times - world records. The Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR played an important role.

Every year, international relations in sports are expanding. We are members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Council for Physical Education and Sports (CIEPS), the International Sports Medicine Federation (FIMS) and many others, members of the International Federation for 63 sports.

They take (begin) their history from 776. BC. They were held in honor of the conclusion of a truce between Hellas and Sparta. Competitions were held in different places in Greece - in Olympia (Olympic Games) in Delphi (Pythian Games), etc.

The ancient Olympic Games were held until 394. BC. in total they were held (there were 293. The games were held in Olympia on the banks of the Alpheus River.

Only free-born Greeks could participate in the Olympic Games. Slaves and women, as well as barbarians (foreigners) were not allowed to participate in the competition. The name of the winners was engraved on a marble column. The first winner of Koreb from Hellas is a cook.

The modern Summer Olympic Games arose at the end of the 19th century. In 1894, 1500 years after the ban at the suggestion of the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin;

(1863 - 1937), who convened the International Sports Congress, the International Olympic Committee was created, whose president was Coubertin (1895 - 1925). The text of the Oath of the Olympic Charter was approved at the congress. The motto of the Olympic Games “Faster, Higher, Stronger” The emblem of the Games 5 intertwined rings - the unity of the continents.

In 1914 In Paris, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the games, the flag of the Olympics was raised for the first time.

At the first games there were 13 countries competing in 9 sports. There were already 20 countries and 18 sports at the II Games.

The main dates characterizing the development of physical culture and sports in our country in the last century: in 1908, eight Russian athletes took part in the fourth Olympic Games. The first Russian Olympic champion - figure skater Nikolai Panin - Kolomenkin; 1913 - the first All-Russian Olympics; 1929 - By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars, compulsory physical education classes were introduced in universities; 1952 - the debut of athletes of the USSR at the XU Summer Olympic Games in Helsinki (medals: gold - 22, silver - 30, bronze - 19). Second team place after USA); 1956 - the debut of athletes of the USSR at the UP of the Winter Olympic Games in Cortino - village "Ampezzo" (medals: gold - 7, silver - 3, bronze -6; first team place); 1980 - XXII Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. Student of the Faculty of Technology Igor Sokolov - Olympic

shooting champion.

The last Summer Olympic Games (XXVIII) were held in 2004 in Athens, winter (XX-s) - in 2006 in Turin. The following will take place: summer - in Beijing in 2008, winter - in Vancouver (Canada) in 2010.
The Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) was established in 1993. At present, the RUSS is recognized as a single body for the management of student sports in the Russian Federation in higher education. Ministries and departments that have higher educational institutions in their jurisdiction, the Russian State Committee for Physical Culture and Tourism, RSCC actively cooperate with the Russian Olympic Committee, being its member, with government bodies, various youth organizations. RSSS joined the International University Sports Federation (FISU), takes an active part in all its events.

RSSS unites sports clubs, various physical culture organizations of more than 600 higher and 2500 secondary specialized educational institutions of the country. In the structure of the RSSS, regional bodies for managing student sports have been created. For sports, gyms, stadiums, swimming pools, ski bases, sports grounds of higher and secondary educational institutions are at the disposal of students. 290 sports and recreation camps operate in universities to organize summer holidays. About 10 thousand specialists conduct regular classes in physical culture and sports with students. More than 50 sports are cultivated in Russian higher educational institutions, the most popular of which are basketball, athletics, cross-country skiing, volleyball, football, table tennis, tourism, chess, and orienteering.

The Russian Student Sports Union annually holds national and regional championships in the sports included in the programs of the World Universiade and World Student Championships. In many sports, students make up the majority of Russian national teams and take part in the European and World Championships and the Olympic Games. RSSS is the successor of the abolished student DSO "Petrel", continues its idea and traditions. In the near future, it is planned to hold winter and summer All-Russian Universiades, the regular publication of its own printed organ, the creation of a fund for the development of student sports, the release of student sports lotteries and other events aimed at implementing the statutory tasks.

Increasing role of physical culture in modern society.

Physical culture has played an important role at all stages of the development of human society. Its role has increased significantly in modern society. This is due to the fact that today the proportion of hard physical labor has significantly decreased. If a hundred years ago 98% of the energy needed for material production was created by the muscular movements of humans and domestic animals, today this figure is
In everyday life and in production, manual labor was replaced by mechanisms and machines. Modern civilization, with its many benefits, has basically eliminated physical labor and physical activity - the main condition for the life and development of each individual in the centuries-old human history.
Lack of motor activity (hypokinesia and hypodynamia) led to the emergence of new, previously unknown diseases (endocrine and oncological) and more acute manifestation of such diseases as diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and digestive systems. There is a sharp increase in neuropsychiatric diseases. Experts attribute this primarily to the fact that with a significant reduction in physical activity, the neuro-emotional component of life has increased significantly.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

Higher professional education

"Ural State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Management, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

Department of Physical Culture

"The emergence and initial development of physical culture and sports. Physical culture and sports in the states of the ancient world"

Yekaterinburg 2008


1. The emergence of physical culture and sports

2. Physical culture and sports in the states of the ancient world

2.1 Physical culture in Ancient Greece

2.2 Physical culture in the countries of the Ancient East

2.3 "Royal period" (8th-6th centuries BC)

2.4 "Period of the Republic" (6-5 centuries BC)

2.5 "Imperial period" (31 BC - 476 AD)




The history of physical culture and sports studies the emergence and development of means, forms, methods, theories and systems of physical education at different stages of the existence of society. Being an important branch of the science of physical culture and sports, history considers them as part of the entire human culture. The evolution of physical culture from ancient times to the present day is traced on the basis of objectively operating laws of the development of human society.

The scientific and theoretical basis of the historical science of physical culture and sports is dialectical and historical materialism.

The application of dialectical materialism allows us to consider the entire course of development of physical culture and sports in the interrelationship of conditioning with other aspects of society. Showing physical culture and sport in continuous movement, change, history considers their development as a result of the struggle of new ideas with old ones. Dialectical patterns give us the opportunity to form a scientific understanding of the progressive development of physical culture throughout the history of society.

Based on the laws of historical materialism, the development of physical culture and sports is considered depending on the specific socio-economic formation, geographical environment, and national characteristics. Historical materialism makes it possible to reveal the class nature of physical culture, to understand that its true creators and creators are the masses of the people, and not individuals.

The history of physical culture and sports is a fascinating science. During its existence, it has accumulated a huge amount of interesting materials that clearly show the development of physical culture.

1. The emergence of physical culture and sports

The problems of people's lives in primitive society, their economic structure and culture have long been of interest to scientists from different countries. Some took spiritual, instinctive and biological motives as the basis for the development of human society (K. Bucher, K. Gross, G. Spencer, K. Diem). others proceeded from the conditions of the material life of primitive society, the labor activity of people, considering man as a biosocial being. Marxist-Leninist science also made it possible to consider the origin and initial development of physical education and sports from a materialistic standpoint.

The emergence of physical culture as part of human culture is due to the material life of primitive society, and this process proceeded with the interaction of the nature and level of primitive production (hunting, fishing, gathering), which constitute an objective factor, and the consciousness of a person, which is a subjective factor.

Modern science has established that the hunting of large animals must be attributed to the earliest period in the formation of human society. Collective hunting is a socially determined phenomenon: beaters had to coordinate their actions with the actions of other participants in the hunt. At the same time, it was necessary to show great physical strength, dexterity, endurance, perseverance and attention. In the process of collective hunting, human activity increased, skills were accumulated that were so necessary in the struggle for existence.

For many millennia, man has been in a "competition" in strength, speed, agility and endurance with many types of animals. Hunting, gathering, fishing developed physical stamina, reduced sensitivity to injuries developed observation, replenished practical knowledge. The manufacture and use of hunting tools also required the proper physical development of a person, certain motor skills. The primitive technique gradually changed - the speed of movements increased due to the use of throwing weapons. Archeology testifies that weak technical equipment forced man to act collectively during the Paleolithic period.

However, only one need for good physical development could not yet lead to the emergence of physical exercises. The most ancient man, unlike animals, had a social way of transferring experience (people kept tools and passed on from generation to generation the skills to make and use them). This is what led the ancient man to pay attention to the phenomenon of exercise in the labor process. Physical exercises were not only a means of preparing for the upcoming activity, but also served to transfer experience, were aimed at coordinating motor acts, cooperation, and developing a plan for joint actions. The experience of using physical exercises was recorded and consolidated in visual images of primitive art. The ability to think allowed a person to establish, in particular, the connection between preliminary preparation and the results of hunting. From this moment begins the gradual separation of a number of motor acts from the production basis and their transformation into initial physical exercises. These actions took place outside the direct production process (training in shooting for the accuracy of hitting various images of animals is known from archaeological sources). At the same time, the hunter was aware of the reality, and compared the correctness of his movements with real hunting, seeing the undoubted benefit in preliminary preparation.

A similar role was played by the ritual, which in this case also performed the function of preparing the forthcoming activity. The ritual had the proper psychological impact: it toned up the strength of the participants in the upcoming hunt, mobilized the will of the hunters.

The emergence of physical exercises should be attributed to the earliest, pre-religious period in the history of human society, when its rational, “meaningful” actions were not yet burdened with magical acts. Practical human knowledge arose much earlier than religion, they were passed down from generation to generation (tools, fire production, etc.). The ability for abstract-theoretical thinking, in which a person could overtake the course of events and thereby foresee the results of his own actions, helped to create conditions under which a person did not act on an object of nature (an animal during a hunt, an obstacle, etc.), but not on model (image). The future process of labor, the change in external nature, as it were, fade into the background, putting forward the improvement of man's own nature in the first place. Thus, the actions of a person were already directed inward.

2.Physical culture and sports in the states of the ancient world

2.1 Physical culture in Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece played a very important role in the development of physical culture. Not only during the existence of the ancient Greek states, but also in the subsequent era, up to our time, a lot is borrowed from the physical culture of Greece, from physical exercises to the organization of competitions, including the Olympic Games.

What are the reasons for such a high development of physical culture in Ancient Greece? Speaking about the historical significance of the slave system, F. Engels wrote: “only slavery made possible on a larger scale the division of labor between agriculture and industry and in this way created the conditions for the flourishing of the culture of the ancient world - for Greek culture.” Physical culture in ancient Greece developed as an integral part of ancient culture, starting from the earliest periods of its history. Even in the conditions of the tribal system, the Greek tribes paid great attention to physical education, as well as various competitions. Strength, dexterity, endurance, courage were highly valued, as this significantly increased the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, and the Greeks had to wage long wars to establish their dominance in the Balkan Peninsula and in the Aegean Sea basin. Based on their religious ideas, the Greeks believed that the gods were very fond of physical strength and its manifestation in competitions, so competitions of athletes very early become part of religious rites.

In the ancient Greek poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey", as mentioned above, various competitions of athletes in running, jumping, discus throwing, wrestling, fisticuffs in connection with any significant events are described in detail. It is not surprising that in a later era, physical education, like athletic competitions, acquired great national importance in ancient Greek policies (city-states).

Since Ancient Greece was not united into one state, there were few in each policy, and this forced the Greeks to take care of the education and military-physical training of each of them. The greatest attention was paid to young people, for which organized education systems are being created. Thanks to good physical and strong-willed training, the Greeks managed to keep in obedience several times the number of slaves that exceeded their number. “My wealth is my spear, my shield, my glorious helmet and the strength of my body. Thanks to them, I have everything I need, and I keep my slaves in subjection ”- approximately the words sound in one of the songs of the Spartan warriors.

During the heyday of ancient Greek culture (5-4 centuries BC), Athens and Sparta stood out the most. But if Athens was a progressive state, with a rapidly developing economy and culture, then Sparta was a conservative state, largely preserving the traditions of the tribal system, with subsistence farming, relying solely on military force. This determined the differences in the system of education. So, in Sparta, from a very early age, great attention was paid to the physical hardening of the child. As ancient authors write, parents were obliged to bring each newborn for examination to specially authorized (geronts). Healthy and strong children were left alive, and the weak ones were to be destroyed.

The education system in Athens looked different. This city-state needed not only physically strong, but also educated citizens who could trade, manage ships, and communicate with representatives of other states. Great importance in Athens was given to aesthetic education, singing, music.

As for other Greek states, they, as a rule, entering into an alliance with Athens or Sparta, largely imitated them in the education of the younger generations. The main goal of physical education in all Greek states was the training of a warrior, but the means of this education were of the same type.

2.2 Physical culture in the countries of the Ancient East

The sources of our knowledge about the physical culture of the countries of the Ancient East are, first of all, monuments of material culture, various images on the walls of temples, palaces and burial grounds, some monuments of ancient Eastern writing and partly the evidence of ancient authors. However, we still do not have a complete picture of the systems of physical education that existed at that time. We obtain the most complete data from the history of Ancient Egypt, partly Assyria and the Persian state. Some information is available about the development of physical culture in India and China.

A characteristic feature of the physical culture of the countries of the Ancient East was its military orientation. Various military exercises were widely used, including horseback riding, wrestling, swimming, hunting and some other types of physical exercises close to military affairs. So, for example, in Egypt, in the place of Beni Gassan, the burial ground of a nobleman, images of numerous techniques of freestyle wrestling and fencing with sticks were found.

A lot of monuments with images of royal hunting for wild animals have been preserved. This hunt had no practical value, but it was supposed to glorify the strength and courage of the monarch, who was not afraid of danger.

At the same time, various acrobatic exercises and other spectacular types of physical exercises were widespread among the people in the countries of the Ancient East. Strength and dexterity were valued very highly, the interest in the manifestation of physical strength among the population has always been great. Taking advantage of this, the clergy connected physical culture with religion, often turning competitions into a part of religious rites.

2.3 "Royal period"

The collapse of the patriarch and the period of military democracy created the conditions in Italy for the development of physical culture on a class basis. Drawings on vases and in Etruscan burial sites, discovered during the excavations, have preserved traces of competitions in athletics, wrestling and swimming in the historical period that preceded Ancient Rome. Similar monuments have been preserved from the life of the Greek colonies in southern Italy, with the difference that Greek-type gymnasiums and palestras were common here. Thus, the physical culture of Rome consisted of the features that distinguished the physical culture of the Greeks who inhabited Italy, who created their state of the Etruscans and the Latin tribes of the Latins. The sports games held by the union were most closely associated with rituals designed to ensure fertility, success in battle, with the remnants of totemism, tribal cultures, worship of family deities and veneration of ancestors. According to legend, the competition program included running, chariot racing, fencing and wrestling. The image of the main patron god, the ritual and the games themselves, with a change in the balance of power, gradually acquired an increasingly “Roman” character. At the games of the 8th-7th centuries BC, neighboring peoples were present only as guests. In history, a case is described when the Sabines were invited to cult competitions and robbed.

2.4 "Period of the Republic" (6-5 centuries BC)

At the end of the sixth century BC. e. the power of the Etruscans weakened. Rome drove out the last Etruscan king and became a republic. During the conquests, the structure of society gradually changed, and with it the nature of Roman physical culture also changed. Performances, during which young patricians and plebeians demonstrated their ability to wield weapons, disappeared from the circus arena. Male representatives spent their best years in military camps. As a result, there was no need to organize regular exercises and competitions. Former gymnastic traditions were forgotten or migrated to military camps as elements of military training.

In the higher circles, although not everywhere, the custom has been preserved to exercise in running, jumping, with dumbbells. In the spheristeriums built next to the palaces of the patricians, recreational exercises with a ball were carried out. Mastering the art of swimming was also one of the ethical norms. Many famous Roman citizens - among them Cicero - spent some time or another in the Greek gymnasiums. At the same time, the attention of the middle strata and the so-called. the ancient proletariat was only attracted to the playgrounds.

During the decline of the republic, gladiators were used in the struggle for power and committed murders. The opponents of Julius Caesar sarcastically remarked that already in the time of the aediles there were so many gladiators that thanks to them they kept the entire senate "in fear".

2.5 "Imperial period" (31 BC - 476 AD)

With the change of the political formation, and at the same time the way of life in the era of the empire, a new chapter began in the history of Roman physical culture. Physical culture turned from a means of inter-party battles into an object of "care" of the imperial power and began to perform representative functions. Emperors built huge baths, in the middle of which there was an open-air platform for visitors. Representatives of the most prosperous strata spent a significant part of their time here, communicating with each other. In addition to swimming, everyone here performed the most pleasant motor exercises for him. Some danced, jogged, wrestled, lifted weights, others had fun playing ball and board games. We can get ideas about gymnastic exercises in Roman baths from a letter from Seneca to his friend, in which he complains about the situation that prevailed there.

There were also aspirations in the Roman Empire on the part of the ruling class to cultivate competitions along the Greek lines. During the consular holidays, competitions were held in running, riding and rowing with the participation of the citizens of Rome. August tried to restart the Trojan games in the circus. More successful was the attempt of Domitian, whose games, established in 86, lasted until the collapse of the western Roman Empire.

The peculiar development of physical culture in ancient Rome is a valuable experience in the history of culture. It originated as a ritual frame for military exercises, served as a means of rallying the masses.


The history of physical culture and sports is an ideological discipline that has a great educational impact. In order to understand the features of the development of physical culture and sports in our days and the whole complexity of international sports relations, you need to know well the features of the development of physical culture in social formations that preceded our time, to understand the general laws of their development. The study of the history of physical culture of a primitive society is of great cognitive and scientific-theoretical importance, since we are talking about a materialistic understanding of the causes of its occurrence at the earliest stages of the development of human society!

We see how physical culture has changed people's lives in different eras. Sport and physical activity helped the development of man: from the primitive to the man of our days.


1. Kuhn, L. General history of physical culture and sports [Text] / Kuhn, L. - M.: Budapest, 1978. - 211 p.

2. History of physical culture and sports [Text]: textbook. for institutes of physical culture / edited by Stolbov, V.V. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983 - 359 p.

Lecture 1

Physical Culture and sport. Physical culture in the general cultural and professional activities of various segments of the population.

1. The history of the development of physical culture and sports in the world.

2. History of the development of physical culture and sports in Russia.

3. Physical culture and sports (PKiS) as social phenomena of society.

4. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports.

The history of the development of physical culture and sports in the world.

Of the numerous theories of the origin of physical culture and sports, three are most often mentioned: cult, game and labor. According to the researchers of the Ancient World F. Reinach, K. Dima, V. Kerbs, physical exercises in those distant times served as a kind of "accompaniment" to the then widespread magical actions. In the early Neolithic (VIII-III millennium BC), people, defenseless against the formidable forces of nature, tried to propitiate them somehow with the help of various rituals (for example, sacrifices, magical actions). Ritual procedures were supposed to ensure victory in the upcoming battle, success in hunting, and a good harvest. They were also used during initiations - the initiation of boys and girls into adult men and women. Rhythmic drum dances around fires and games vaguely resemble modern fitness and aerobics. Among the ritual movements, there were also those necessary in practical life. Throwing a spear or archery at an animal painted on a rock or earth developed an eye, developed the accuracy of hand movements, accuracy and armed a person with the skills necessary for a successful hunt. Sorcerers and magicians, shamans and healers created the most diverse, sometimes unique systems of health exercises.


Traces of physical culture and sports were found in the early states (IV-III millennium BC). Ritual competitions in honor of the god Marduk, the patron saint of Babylon, preceded the ancient Greek Olympics by more than a thousand years. These competitions included archery, belt wrestling, fencing with swords, fisticuffs, horseback riding, chariot racing, javelin throwing, and hunting.

In India and Persia in ancient times, hunting, horseback riding, fencing with swords, chariot racing, archery, ball and stick games were widespread. Horse polo, chess, field hockey and other games originated in India. Schools appeared in Persia, where children were taught horseback riding, throwing darts, and archery.

On cuneiform tablets, on the walls of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, scientists have found images of more than 400 types of physical exercises and games. Among them are wrestling, archery competitions, swimming, rowing, chariot racing, etc. In ancient Egypt, competitions in running, jumping and throwing, weight lifting, wrestling and fisticuffs, fencing, as well as various sports games were held in special rooms. In funerary inscriptions, the pharaohs glorified their physical fitness and athletic achievements.

Physical culture and sports reached their peak in the 8th-4th centuries. BC e. in ancient Greece, and above all in Sparta and Athens - states in which two different systems of physical education arose.


In the Middle Ages (V-XVII centuries), the Christian religion dominated in the field of upbringing and education. Asceticism was preached, caring for the body was considered sinful. In schools and universities, they were engaged only in the spiritual education of young people. And yet completely physical culture did not disappear, because it was necessary for the training of warrior knights. They required strength and power, dexterity and skill to achieve main The goal is to defeat and destroy the enemy. Considering only military affairs worthy of occupation, the knights significant part of life was spent in campaigns and battles.

Future warriors were taught horseback riding, fencing, hunting, swimming, archery, checkers, versification. Time was allotted for outdoor and military games - the French de paume (the prototype of tennis), the English sul (the prototype of football), Danish golf, the siege of the castle and the assault on the city walls. The knights were also fond of wrestling, hammer and spear throwing, long jumps, falconry, dog and horse hunting. Tournaments were organized to test their fighting qualities.


The rapid development of production and trade, the growth of cities, the great geographical discoveries v The Renaissance rapidly changed not only the face of the world, but also the view of man. Society again turned to the Hellenic ideals of harmony, beauty of the spirit, complemented by bodily perfection. And after that, a new worldview arose - humanism (from lat, humanus - "human"). Its ideologists saw one of the main tasks of society in the education of healthy, strong, cheerful and happy people, fully adapted to life. In the pedagogical systems developed at that time, an important place was given to physical training.

For example, the utopian socialists Thomas More (1478-1535) and Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), the largest Slavic thinker, humanist teacher and writer Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) argued that physical culture is a necessary element of harmonious development personality, and therefore gymnastics and military exercises should be placed on a state basis.

According to the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), "cultivating a healthy mind in a healthy body" requires a strict hardening regimen, simple food, exposure to air and the sun. And the French philosopher and educator Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) in his treatise "Emile, or On Education" (1762) advised to develop motor skills and abilities in children, using complete freedom of movement, games, swimming in cold water.

The Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) in his system of developmental education combined physical education (exercises with weights, wrestling) with work and household activities. In the book "Elementary Gymnastics" (1807), he divided all movements into elementary (in the joints of the shoulder, hips, etc.) and complex (running, jumping, dancing, etc.). Thanks to this classification, his system was called "articular gymnastics."

Under the influence of the ideas of Locke, Rousseau and Pestalozzi, physical education was established and took an important place in school programs and education systems.

New times - new customs. The rapid development of capitalism in Europe and North America made the “hero of the day” a person of a different warehouse - a purposeful and enterprising person, able to work from dawn to dusk and win in a tough fight for a place under the sun. In other words, a hardy person, resistant to hardships, with the will to win, what are the characters in the books of R. Stevenson and J. London: in the fight against the formidable forces of nature or with their own kind, they won who - money, who - happiness, and who - and a life. Much later, at the end of the 20th century, the same ideal was embodied in the heroes of Hollywood films. To develop such qualities, physical training is not enough; these are the valor of a true athlete.

Among the peoples living on the territory of modern Russia, physical culture originated (as well as throughout the world) in a primitive society. In the North and the Far East, people already in the IV-III millennium BC. e.moved by ski. Nanai, Mansi, Nenets competed in throwing spears, darts, axes, arranged sledge races, games of bear and deer. The coastal peoples (Koryaks, Nivkhs, Aleuts, etc.) built high-speed maneuverable kayaks (the prototype of the modern kayak) from whale bones and seal skins.

About the ancient Slavs, N. M. Karamzin wrote in “The History of the Russian State”: “Thinking ... that the main beauty of a husband is a fortress in the body, strength in his hands and ease in movements, the Slavs cared little about their appearance ... Mother, raising children, prepared them to be warriors and irreconcilable enemies of those people who offended her neighbors ... Folk games and fun, still diverse in the Slavic lands: wrestling, fistfight, running around - also remained a monument to their ancient fun...

The preparation of the Slav began at the age of two. At four they put him on a horse, accustomed him to a toy wooden weapons. By the age of 12, the boy mastered the throwing and shock fighting techniques and received military weapons in his hands, and at 16 he was initiated into the warriors.

The Eastern Slavs were skilled rowers. On boats they reached the Black Sea, the island of Crete and the southern coast of Italy, besieged Constantinople. The Byzantine emperor Mauritius (VI century) highly appreciated the military skill of the Slavs: “The tribes of the Slavs are numerous, hardy, easily endure heat, cold, rain, nakedness, lack of food ... take advantage of surprise attacks, cunning, and day and night inventing many different ways. They are also experienced in crossing rivers, surpassing all people in this. An important place in the physical education of the Slavs was occupied by games that consisted of dances, songs, round dances and competitions (towns, grandmas, "chur" - a kind of hockey, taking the "city", bear fights, cult games with a bull, hunting games, etc. ).

Later, wrestling, horseback riding, archery, lifting and throwing stones, and various outdoor games became especially popular.

At the end of the 17th - the first quarter of the 18th century, the military reform of Peter I had a decisive influence on the creation of a system of military physical training in Russia. In the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments organized by the young tsar, at first the main attention was paid to "fun" - war games. These were forced marches, hand-to-hand fights, bayonet fighting, overcoming obstacles, forcing rivers, storming skillfully built fortresses. Up to 40 thousand soldiers took part in such battles. Especially large-scale "combat" actions took place near the village of Kozhukhov in 1694. "Fun" became a good school for soldiers and made it possible to increase the combat effectiveness of the Russian army.

In the XVIII century. Noble youth received their initial education in schools, gymnasiums and cadet corps, where the main means of physical education were "rapier the science", horseback riding, pistol shooting, dancing, games.

They were also interested in sports games at the imperial court: they were fond of chess and checkers. A "professor of the ball game", discharged Catherine II of France, taught young nobles. In addition, they enthusiastically played shuttlecock, rounders, burners, croquet, etc. Aristocratic sports clubs appeared in Russia.

Some public figures suggested introducing compulsory physical training into the curriculum of Russian educational institutions at all levels. For example, the well-known journalist and publisher N. I. Novikov led a public movement for the creation of schools for the people. He was the first in Russia to apply the concept of “physical education.

At the beginning of the XIX century. Private schools for fencing, shooting, gymnastics, and swimming began to open in Russia. Arenas, shooting galleries, hippodromes, rolling hills were built. Manuals were published outlining the rules and fundamentals of technology, tactics and methods of teaching fencing, swimming, shooting and other sports.

Profound changes in all areas of life, including physical culture, led to the fact that noble clubs no longer met the needs of society in sports. And at the end of the XIX century. New, more democratic clubs began to emerge, cultivating amateur sports.

The first of these were the St. Petersburg River Yacht Club and the River Yacht Club in Moscow. Later, the same clubs arose in Kiev, Nikolaev, Odessa, Reval. The UNION Cycling Society, the Russian Gymnastic Society, V. Kraevsky's Weightlifting Club in St. Petersburg, and M. Kister's Boxing Arena in Moscow played an important role in the emergence of Russian sports.

Clubs and societies in other sports united in unions, organized competitions, and established contacts with foreign sports associations. A system of regional sports competitions began to be created, which were usually held for the prizes of the emperor or the grand dukes. At the end of the 19th century, Russian athletes gained fame in the international arena. At the same time, professional sports appeared. The strongest wrestlers and weightlifters competed for money in the circus arena. Valuable prizes were played in the races of cyclists on the track, equestrians on the hippodrome, motorcycle racers and aviators.

Records are not available to everyone. Another thing is mass sports. In the USSR, mass sports enjoyed privileges. The largest competitions in the country were the Spartakiads. 1928 The first one took place. A special place in mass sports in the Soviet Union was occupied by the fulfillment of the standards of the all-Union GTO complex - “Ready for work and defense of the USSR”. It was accepted in 1931. And included physical exercises from different sports - athletics, gymnastics, swimming, skiing, shooting, cycling, etc.

Physical culture (FC) - a part of the general culture of a person, aimed at its harmonious development, strengthening and restoring health. Physical culture and sports are based on various human physical activity. Physical culture most fully implements its educational and developmental functions in a purposeful pedagogical process. physical education. It acts as one of the factors of socio-cultural life, providing the biological potential of life, the way and measure of the realization of the student's abilities.

In Russia, the subject "Physical Physical Education" as a compulsory academic discipline at the university was approved by the Council of People's Commissars in 1929. So 76 years ago, university physical education was officially legalized.

Target teaching PE in higher education and higher education institutions - increasing the physical and mental performance of students, improving physical qualities, forming their personality PE, instilling knowledge, skills and abilities in future specialists to use PE tools in their professional activities.

To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

understanding of the role of physical culture in the development of personality and its preparation for professional activity;

· knowledge of the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and its role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

formation of a motivational and holistic attitude to physical culture, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement, the need for regular physical exercises and sports;

· mastering the system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and self-improvement of psychological abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture;

· provision of general and professional-applied physical fitness, which determines the student's psychophysical readiness for a future profession;

· acquisition of experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals.

In Russia, on January 13, 1999, it was adopted by the State Duma, on January 27, 1999 it was approved by the Federation Council, and on April 29, the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" was signed by the President of the Russian Federation. The new version of the law was adopted by the State Duma on November 16, 2007 and approved by the Federation Council on November 23, 2007.

This Federal Law establishes the legal, organizational, economic and social foundations of activities in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation, determines the basic principles of the legislation on physical culture and sports.

The main concepts used in this Federal Law:

1) type of program- a sports competition in a certain sport or one of its disciplines, as a result of which places and (or) medals are distributed among the participants in a sports competition;

2) kind of sport- a part of sports that is recognized in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law as a separate sphere of public relations, which has the relevant rules approved in the manner established by this Federal Law, the training environment, used sports equipment (excluding protective equipment) and equipment;

3) military-applied and service-applied sports- sports, the basis of which are special actions (including techniques) associated with the performance by military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies (hereinafter referred to as persons undergoing special service) of their official duties, and which are developed within the framework of the activities of one or more federal executive authorities;

4) mass sport- a part of sports aimed at physical education and physical development of citizens through organized and (or) independent classes, as well as participation in physical culture events and mass sports events;

5) national sports- sports that have historically developed in ethnic groups of the population, have a socio-cultural orientation and develop within one subject of the Russian Federation;

6) all-Russian sports federation- an all-Russian public organization that was created on the basis of membership, received state accreditation and whose goals are the development of one or more sports, their promotion, organization, as well as the holding of sports events and the training of athletes - members of sports teams;

7) sports facilities- objects of immovable property or complexes of immovable property specially designed for holding sports events and (or) sports events, including sports facilities;

8) organizer of a sports event or sporting event- a legal or natural person who initiates a physical culture event or a sporting event and (or) who provides organizational, financial and other support for the preparation and holding of such an event;

9)official physical culture events and sporting events- physical culture and sports events included in the Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international sports events and sports events, calendar plans for sports events and sports events of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

10) sports reserve training- a long-term purposeful educational and training process in sports in organizations of various organizational and legal forms operating in the field of physical culture and sports;

11) professional sports- part of the sport aimed at organizing and holding sports competitions, for participation in which and preparation for which, as their main activity, athletes receive remuneration from the organizers of such competitions and (or) wages;

12) sport- the sphere of socio-cultural activity as a set of sports that has developed in the form of competitions and special practice of preparing a person for them;

13) elite sport- a part of sports aimed at achieving high sports results by athletes at official All-Russian sports competitions and official international sports competitions;

14) sports disqualification of an athlete- removal of an athlete from participation in sports competitions, which is carried out by the All-Russian Sports Federation for violating the rules of a sport, the provisions (regulations) of sports competitions, for using means (doping) and (or) methods prohibited in sports (hereinafter referred to as doping means and (or) methods), violation of the norms approved by international sports organizations, and the norms approved by all-Russian sports federations;

15) sports discipline- a part of a sport that has distinctive features and includes one or more types, programs of sports competitions;

16) sports federation- a public organization that was created on the basis of membership and whose goals are the development of one or more sports, their promotion, organization, as well as the holding of sports events and the training of athletes - members of sports teams;

17) sports facility- an engineering and construction facility created for physical culture and (or) sports events and having spatial and territorial boundaries;

18) sports competition- a competition among athletes or teams of athletes in various sports (sports disciplines) in order to identify the best participant in the competition, held in accordance with the regulations (regulations) approved by its organizer;

19) sports events- sports competitions, as well as training and other events in preparation for sports competitions with the participation of athletes;

20) sports teams of the Russian Federation- teams of athletes belonging to different age groups, coaches, scientists, specialists in the field of physical culture and sports formed by all-Russian sports federations to prepare for international sports competitions and participate in them on behalf of the Russian Federation;

21) sports referee- an individual authorized by the organizer of a sports competition to ensure compliance with the rules of the sport and the regulations (regulations) on the sports competition, who has undergone special training and received the appropriate qualification category;

22) athlete- an individual involved in the selected type or types of sports and performing at sports competitions;

23) high class athlete- an athlete who has a sports title and performs at sports competitions in order to achieve high sports results;

24) trainer- an individual who has an appropriate secondary vocational education or higher professional education and conducts training events with athletes, as well as manages their competitive activities to achieve sports results;

25) physical education- a process aimed at educating a person, developing a person’s physical capabilities, acquiring skills and knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports in order to form a comprehensively developed and physically healthy person with a high level of physical culture;

26) physical education- a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities, improvement of his motor activity and formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development;

27) physical training- a process aimed at developing the physical qualities, abilities (including skills and abilities) of a person, taking into account the type of his activity and socio-demographic characteristics;

28) physical rehabilitation- restoration (including correction and compensation) of impaired or temporarily lost functions of the human body and abilities for social and professional activities of disabled people and people with disabilities using the means and methods of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports, which are aimed at eliminating or possibly more full compensation for disability caused by health problems;

29) physical culture activities- organized classes of citizens in physical culture;

30) physical culture and sports organization- a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form, carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports as the main activity. The provisions of this Federal Law regulating the activities of physical culture and sports organizations shall apply accordingly to individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports as their main activity.

Basic principles of legislation on physical culture and sports:

1) ensuring the right of everyone to free access to physical culture and sports as necessary conditions for the development of the physical, intellectual and moral abilities of the individual, the right to physical culture and sports for all categories of citizens and groups of the population;

2) the unity of the regulatory legal framework in the field of physical culture and sports throughout the Russian Federation;

3) combination of state regulation of relations in the field of physical culture and sports with self-regulation of such relations by subjects of physical culture and sports;

4) establishment of state guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of physical culture and sports;

6) ensuring the safety of life and health of persons involved in physical culture and sports, as well as participants and spectators of physical culture and sports events;

7) compliance with international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports;

8) promoting the development of physical culture and sports for the disabled, people with disabilities and other groups of the population in need of increased social protection;

9) interaction of the federal executive body exercising the functions of pursuing state policy, legal regulation, providing public services (including countering the use of doping) and managing state property in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports), executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments with sports federations;

10) continuity and succession of physical education of citizens belonging to different age groups;

11) promoting the development of all types and components of sports, taking into account the uniqueness of sports, its social and educational functions, as well as the specifics of its structure, based on the voluntary activities of its subjects.

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Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at improving health, developing the physical abilities of a person and using them in accordance with the needs of social practice. The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society: the level of health and physical development of people; the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, the structure of free time; the nature of the system of physical education, the development of mass sports, the highest sports achievements, etc.

The physical culture of the people is part of its history. Its formation, subsequent development is closely connected with the same historical factors that influence the formation and development of the country's economy, its statehood, political and spiritual life of society.

Sport is an integral part of physical culture, as well as a means and method of physical education, a system for organizing and conducting competitions in various complexes of physical exercises and preparatory training sessions. Historically, it has developed as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of people's achievements in certain types of physical exercises, their level of physical development.

Various elements of human activity have historically entered the sphere of sports. Sports, which have a long history, have developed from original physical exercises, forms of labor and military activity, used by man for the purpose of physical education in ancient times.

1. History of the development of physical culture

The term "culture", which appeared in the period of the emergence of human society, is far from unambiguous, closely related to such concepts; as "cultivation", "processing", "education", "education", "development", "reverence". This term in modern society covers a wide range of transformative activities and its results in the form of relevant values, in particular, "the transformation of one's own nature."

Physical culture is a part (subsystem) of the general culture of mankind, which is a creative activity to master the past and create new values, mainly in the field of development, health improvement and education of people.

In order to develop, educate and improve a person, physical culture uses the capabilities of the individual, the natural forces of nature, the achievements of the human sciences, specific scientific results and attitudes of medicine, hygiene, anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, military affairs, etc. Physical culture, organically intertwining in the professional-production, economic, social relations of people, has a significant impact on them, fulfilling a humanistic and cultural-creative mission, which today, in the period of higher education reforms and the revision of the essence of previous concepts, is especially valuable and significant.

Academician N.I. Ponomarev, relying on the results of a study of extensive material, came to the conclusion that became fundamental for the history of the emergence and initial development of physical education, that “man became a man not only in the course of the development of labor tools, but also in the course of constant improvement of the human body itself. The human body as the main productive force. In this development, hunting, as a form of work, played a decisive role. It was during this period that a person appreciated the benefits of new skills, vital movements, qualities of strength, endurance, speed.

Archeology and ethnography have made it possible to trace the development of man, and consequently, of physical culture, since ancient times. The results of scientific research allow us to conclude that from labor movements, vital actions, physical culture emerged into an almost independent type of human activity in the period from 40 to 25 millennia BC. The appearance of throwing weapons, and later the bow, contributed to the need to prepare food-getters, warriors, to develop and improve even then, in the Stone Age, the physical education systems that appeared, motor qualities as a guarantee of successful hunting, protection from the enemy, etc.

It is also of interest that many peoples have traditions and customs of using physical culture, its educational component in initiation rituals when moving from one age group to another. For example, boys were not allowed to marry until certain tests were completed - tests, and girls were not allowed to marry until they proved their fitness for independent living.

The physical culture of the primitive period, developing stamina, strong will, physical training of each member of the tribe, brought up among the tribesmen a sense of community in protecting their interests.

Of particular interest is the physical culture of Ancient Greece, where "those who could not read, write and swim were considered illiterate", physical education in the ancient Greek states of Sparta and Athens, where gymnastics, fencing, horseback riding, swimming, running from the age of 7 were taught. , wrestling and fisticuffs - from the age of 15.

An example characterizing the level of development of physical culture in these states was the organization and holding of the Olympic Games.

The world-famous great people of antiquity were also great athletes: the philosopher Plato was a fist fighter, the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras was an Olympic champion, Hippocrates was a swimmer and wrestler.

All peoples had mythical heroes with supernatural physical and spiritual abilities: Hercules and Achilles - among the Greeks, Gilgames - among the Babylonians, Samson - among the Jews, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich - among the Slavs. People, exalting their exploits, victories in competitions, the fight against evil and the forces of nature, strove to be healthy, strong, skillful and hardworking themselves, which, of course, was reflected in the characteristics of education, physical education, and physical culture.

A distinctive feature of the ancient Greeks was agon, i.e. competitive start. Noble aristocrats in Homer's poems compete in strength, dexterity and perseverance, victory brings glory and honor, not material wealth. Gradually, the idea of ​​victory in the competition as the highest value, glorifying the winner and bringing him honor and respect in society, is being affirmed in society. The formation of ideas about the agon gave rise to various games that were of an aristocratic nature. The oldest and most important games were first held in 776 BC. in honor of Olympian Zeus and since then repeated every four years. They lasted five days and during this time the sacred peace was proclaimed throughout Greece. The only reward for the winner was an olive branch. An athlete who won the games three times (“olympionist”) received the right to install his statue in the sacred grove of the temple of Olympian Zeus. Athletes competed in running, fisticuffs, chariot races. Later, the Pythian Games in Delphi (in honor of Apollo) were added to the Olympic Games - the award was a laurel wreath, the Isthmian (in honor of the god Poseidon) on the Isthmus of Corinth, where the award was a wreath of pine branches, and, finally, the Nemean Games (in honor of Zeus) . The participants of all the games performed naked, so women, under pain of death, were forbidden to attend the games. The beautiful naked body of an athlete has become one of the most common motifs in ancient Greek art.

Just as in Greece, from early times, various festivities and performances played an important role in the social life of Rome. At first, public performances were also religious ceremonies; they were an indispensable part of religious holidays.

In the VI century. BC e. they began to arrange performances of a secular (not religious) nature, and not priests, but officials began to be responsible for their conduct. The venue for such performances was no longer the altar of one or another god, but a circus located in a lowland between the Palatine and Aventine hills.

The earliest Roman civil holiday was the feast of the Roman Games. For several centuries it was the only civil holiday of the Romans. From the 3rd century BC. new representations are established. The Plebeian Games are of great importance. At the end of III - beginning of II century. BC e. the Apollo Games were also established, games in honor of the Great Mother of the Gods - the Megalen Games, as well as florals - in honor of the goddess Flora. These games were annual and regular, but in addition to them, extraordinary games could also be arranged depending on a successful war, deliverance from an invasion, a given vow, or simply the desire of a magistrate.

Games lasted from 14 - 15 days (Roman and Plebeian Games) to 6 - 7 days (Floralia). The total duration of all the holidays of these games (ordinary) reached 76 days a year.

Gladiator fights are developing unusually in Rome. Gladiator fights have been held in Etruscan cities since the 6th century BC. BC e. From the Etruscans they entered Rome. For the first time in 264, a battle of three pairs of gladiators was arranged in Rome. Over the next century and a half, gladiator games were held at the wake of noble persons, were called funeral games and were of the nature of a private performance. Gradually, the popularity of gladiator fights is growing.

In 105 BC. e. gladiatorial fights were declared part of the public spectacles and magistrates began to take care of their organization. Along with the magistrates, private individuals also had the right to fight. To give a performance of a gladiator fight meant to gain popularity among the Roman citizens and be elected to public office. And since there were many who wanted to get a magistrate's position, the number of gladiator fights is growing. Several tens and even hundreds of pairs of gladiators worth several hundred thousand sesterces are already being brought into the arena. Gladiator fights become a favorite spectacle not only in the city of Rome, but also in all Italian, and later in provincial cities. They were so popular that Roman architects created a special, previously unknown type of building - an amphitheater, where gladiatorial fights and baiting of animals were held. The amphitheaters were designed for several tens of thousands of spectators and exceeded the capacity of theater buildings by several times.

The number of performances, both private and public, in Rome and other cities and their duration constantly increased, and their importance grew more and more. At the end of the Republic, magistrates and statesmen considered holding public performances an important part of their state activities. Under the conditions of an aristocratic republic, where all power was concentrated in the hands of a narrow elite of the slave-owning class, the ruling group considered the organization of public performances one of the means to divert the broad masses of Roman citizenship from active state activity. Not surprisingly, the growth of public performances was accompanied by a decline in the importance of popular assemblies and their political role.

In 394 AD e. The Roman emperor Theodosius 1 issued a decree prohibiting the further holding of the Olympic Games. The emperor converted to Christianity and decided to eradicate anti-Christian games glorifying pagan gods. And one and a half thousand years the games were not played. In the following centuries, sport lost the democratic significance that was attached to it in ancient Greece.

Military physical education is characteristic of the Middle Ages. The warrior-knight had to master the seven knightly virtues: horseback riding, fencing, archery, swimming, hunting, playing chess and the ability to compose poetry.

Around the knights, whom some call fearless warriors, devoted vassals, defenders of the weak, noble servants of beautiful ladies, gallant cavaliers, in essence, the history of the European Middle Ages revolved, because at that time they were the only real power. The strength that everyone needed: kings, churches; smaller lords, peasants.

But it is not enough to pick up a weapon - you need to be able to use it perfectly. This requires relentless, tiring training from a very young age. No wonder boys from knightly families were taught to wear armor from childhood - complete sets for 6-8-year-old children are known. Therefore, a heavily armed rider must be a wealthy man with time. Large rulers could only keep a very small number of such warriors at court. Where to get the rest? After all, a strong peasant, even if he has 45 cows, will not give them away for a pile of iron and a beautiful horse, but not suitable for farming. There was a way out: the king obliged small landowners to work for a certain time for a large one, to supply him with the right amount of food and handicrafts, and he had to be ready for a certain number of days a year to serve the king as a heavily armed horseman.

A knight is an individual fighter, a privileged warrior. He is a professional from birth and in military affairs is equal to any of his class up to the king. In battle, he depends only on himself and stands out, he can be the first only by showing his courage, the quality factor of his armor and the agility of his horse. And he showed it with all his might. From the end of the 11th century, during the Crusades, spiritual and chivalric orders began to emerge with strict regulations governing military operations.

With the advent of the Renaissance, which restored interest in the art of Ancient Greece, they remembered the Olympic Games. At the beginning of the 19th century sport received universal recognition in Europe and there was a desire to organize something similar to the Olympic Games. Local games organized in Greece in 1859, 1870, 1875 and 1879 left some trace in history. Although they did not give tangible practical results in the development of the international Olympic movement, they served as an impetus for the formation of the Olympic Games of our time, which owe their revival to the French public figure, teacher, historian Pierre De Coubertin. The growth of economic and cultural communication between states that arose at the end of the 18th century, the emergence of modern modes of transport, paved the way for the revival of the Olympic Games on an international scale. That is why the call of Pierre De Coubertin: "We need to make sport international, we need to revive the Olympic Games!", found a proper response in many countries.

On June 23, 1894, in Paris, in the Great Hall of the Sorbonne, a commission for the revival of the Olympic Games met. Pierre de Coubertin became its general secretary. Then the International Olympic Committee (IOC) took shape, which included the most authoritative and independent citizens of different countries.

By decision of the IOC, the games of the first Olympiad were held in April 1896 in the Greek capital at the Panathini Stadium.

2. Development of physical culture in Russia

Various forms of physical exercise have long been known to the Russian people. Games, swimming, skiing, wrestling, fisticuffs, horseback riding and hunting were widespread already in Ancient Russia. Various games were also widely used: bast shoes, towns, grandmas, leapfrog and many others.

The physical culture of the Russian people was distinguished by great originality and originality. In physical exercises common among Russians in the XIII-XVI centuries. their military and paramilitary character was clearly expressed. Horseback riding, archery, and hurdling were popular folk pastimes in Russia. Fisticuffs were also widespread, for a long time (until the beginning of the 20th century) they played an important role as one of the main folk original forms of physical education.

Cross-country skiing, skating and sledding, etc., were very popular among Russians. One of the original means of physical education was hunting, which served not only for fishing purposes, but also to show one's dexterity and fearlessness (for example, hunting a bear with a horn).

Hardening was carried out in an extremely peculiar way in Russia. It is a well-known Russian custom to douse yourself with cold water or wipe yourself with snow immediately after a stay in a hot bath. Valuable original types of physical exercises were also distributed among other peoples that became part of the multinational Russian state created later.

The emergence and strengthening of the noble empire of Peter I (XVIII century) affected, to a certain extent, the state influence on the development of physical culture. This affected, first of all, the combat training of troops, physical education in educational institutions, and partly the education of the nobility.

It was in the era of the reforms of Peter I that physical exercises began to be used for the first time in Russia in the system of training soldiers and officers. At the same time, physical exercises, mainly fencing and horseback riding, were introduced as an academic discipline at the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences (1701), at the Naval Academy and other educational institutions. Under Peter I, physical exercises were also introduced in civil gymnasiums, and rowing and sailing classes were organized for young people. These measures were the first steps taken by the state to lead the cause of physical culture.

In the future, physical exercises are increasingly used in educational institutions, and especially in the system of military education. Much credit for this belongs to the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov.

In the second half of the XIX century. among young people, modern sports begin to develop in the form of sports circles and clubs. The first gymnastic and sports societies and clubs appear. In 1897, the first football team was created in St. Petersburg, and in 1911 the All-Russian Football Union was organized, uniting 52 clubs.

At the beginning of the XX century. in St. Petersburg, sports societies arose: "Mayak", "Bogatyr". By 1917, various sports organizations and clubs united a fairly large number of amateur athletes. However, there were no conditions for the development of mass sports. Therefore, in the conditions of pre-revolutionary Russia, individual athletes managed to show world-class results only thanks to natural data and the perseverance with which they trained. These are well-known - Poddubny, Zaikin, Eliseev and others.

With the advent of Soviet power, in pursuit of the goal of mass military training of workers and the education of physically hardened army soldiers, in April 1918 a Decree on the organization of universal military training (Vseobucha) was adopted. In a short time, 2 thousand sports grounds were built. In 1918, the country's first IFC was organized in Moscow and Leningrad. The question arose of strengthening the state forms of management of physical culture and sports work in the country. On July 27, 1923, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR on the organization of scientific, educational and organizational work in physical education was issued.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) “On the tasks of the party in the field of physical culture”, adopted on July 13, 1925, was a program for the development of the physical culture movement in the new conditions of a socialist society. The resolution defined the essence of physical culture and its place in the Soviet state, emphasized its educational significance, indicated the need to involve the broad masses of workers, peasants, and students in the physical culture movement.

In honor of the 10th anniversary of physical culture in the USSR (counting from the moment of the organization of Vseobuch) in 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad was held, which attracted over 7 thousand participants.

In 1931-1932. the sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” developed by a special commission of the All-Union Council of Physical Culture under the Central Executive Committee of the USSR is introduced. Over the years of the complex's existence, more than 2.5 million people passed its norms. In 1939, a new improved TRP complex was introduced, and in the same year an annual holiday was established - the All-Union Day of the Athlete. The policy of the state was also aimed at the development of mass tourism. Sections of tourism, mountaineering - rock climbing and later orienteering were in the post-war years in almost every educational institution, at enterprises and factories. The club system began to develop. Tourist clubs have become methodological and educational centers. The clubs trained instructors, coaches, section leaders.

During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet athletes contributed to the victory over the enemy. A number of athletes were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Skiers and swimmers provided invaluable assistance to the Soviet Army.

In 1957, there were more than 1,500 stadiums, over 5,000 sports grounds, about 7,000 gymnasiums; IN AND. Lenin in Luzhniki, etc.

After 1948, athletes of the USSR over 5 thousand times updated all-Union records and almost a thousand times - world records. The Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR played an important role.

Every year, international relations in sports are expanding. We are members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Council for Physical Education and Sports (CIEPS), the International Sports Medicine Federation (FIMS) and many others, members of the International Federation for 63 sports.

The Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) was established in 1993. At present, the RUSS is recognized as a single body for the management of student sports in the Russian Federation in higher education. Ministries and departments that have higher educational institutions in their jurisdiction, the Russian State Committee for Physical Culture and Tourism, RSCC actively cooperate with the Russian Olympic Committee, being its member, with government bodies, various youth organizations. RSSS joined the International University Sports Federation (FISU), takes an active part in all its activities.

RSSS unites sports clubs, various physical culture organizations of more than 600 higher and 2500 secondary specialized educational institutions of the country.


The harmonious combination of intellect, physical and spiritual forces was highly valued by man throughout his development and improvement. Great men in their writings emphasized the need for the comprehensive development of young people, without highlighting the priority of physical or spiritual education, deeply understanding how overestimation, the accentuated formation of any qualities lead to a violation of the harmonious development of the individual.

In this paper, the path that physical culture has made over a long time of its existence is considered. In particular, attention is paid to the Olympic movement, which has overcome many obstacles, oblivion and alienation. But despite everything, the Olympic Games are alive to this day. Today, the Olympic Games are one of the biggest events in the world. At the same time, it is worth remembering that professional sports are unthinkable without practicing the basics of physical culture.

At the present stage, the task of turning the mass physical culture movement into a nationwide one based on a scientifically based system of physical education, which covers all social strata of society, is being solved. There are state systems of program-assessment standards and requirements for physical development and preparedness of various age groups of the population.

Compulsory physical education classes under state programs are held in preschool institutions, in all types of educational institutions, in the army.

List of used literature

1. Amosov N.M. Reflections on health. M, 1987.

2. Weinbaum Ya. S. Hygiene of physical education: Proc. allowance for students of the faculty. physical resp. honey. institutions. M., 1986.

3. Evseev Yu. I. Physical culture (textbook for university students). Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2004

4. Kuhn L. "General history of physical culture and sports"; Moscow 1987.

5. Krushilo Yu.S. “Anthology on the history of the ancient world”, Moscow, 1980.

6. Olivova V. People and games. At the origins of modern sports. - M.: FiS, 1985.

7. Stolbov V.V. History of physical culture and sports. - M.: FiS, 1975.

8. Theory and methods of physical culture: Proc. allowance / Ed. Yu. F. Kuramshina, V. I. Popova. St. Petersburg, 1999. - 324 p.

9. Physical culture: Textbook for preparing for exams / Ed. V. Yu. Volkov and V. I. Zagoruiko. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2004. - 224 p.

10. Kholodov Zh. K., Kuznetsov V. S. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Proc. allowance. M.: Academy, 2001. - 479 p.

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"There is nothing nobler than the sun,

giving so much light and warmth. So

and people glorify those contests

there is nothing more majestic than

Olympic Games."

Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at improving health, developing a person's physical abilities and using them in accordance with the needs of social practice. The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society: the level of health and physical development of people; the degree of use of Physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, the structure of free time; the nature of the system of physical education, the development of mass sports, the highest sports achievements, etc.

The main elements of physical culture: physical exercises, their complexes and competitions in them, hardening of the body, occupational and household hygiene, active-motor types of tourism, physical labor as a form of active recreation for mental workers.

In society, physical culture, being the property of the people, is an important means of "educating a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection." It helps to increase the social and labor activity of people, the economic efficiency of production, the physical culture movement is based on the multilateral activities of state and public organizations in the field of physical culture and sports.

Sport is an integral part of physical culture, as well as a means and method of physical education, a system for organizing and conducting competitions in various complexes of physical exercises and preparatory training sessions. Historically, it has developed as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of people's achievements in certain types of physical exercises, their level of physical development. Sport in a broad sense covers the actual competitive activity, special preparation for it (sports training), specific social relations arising in the field of this activity, its socially significant results. The social value of sport lies in the fact that it is a factor that most effectively stimulates physical culture, contributes to moral, aesthetic education, and the satisfaction of spiritual needs.

Various elements of human activity have historically entered the sphere of sports. Sports that have a centuries-old history developed from original physical exercises, forms of labor and military activity used by a person for the purpose of physical education in ancient times - running, jumping, throwing, lifting weights, rowing, swimming, etc .; part of modern sports was formed in the 19-20 centuries. on the basis of the sport itself and related areas of culture - games, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, modern pentathlon, figure skating, orienteering, sports tourism, etc.; technical sports - based on the development of technology: auto, motorcycle, cycling, aviation sports, scuba diving, etc.

Physical education is an integral part of human life. It occupies a rather important place in the study and work of people. Physical exercise plays a significant role in the working capacity of members of society, which is why knowledge and skills in physical culture should be laid down in educational institutions at various levels in stages. Higher educational institutions also play a significant role in the upbringing and teaching of physical culture, where teaching should be based on clear methods, methods that together line up in a well-organized and well-established methodology for teaching and educating students.

The physical culture of the people is part of its history. Its formation, subsequent development is closely connected with the same historical factors that influence the formation and development of the country's economy, its statehood, political and spiritual life of society. Naturally, the concept of physical culture includes everything that is created by the mind, talent, needlework of the people, everything that expresses its spiritual essence, a view of the world, nature, human existence, human relations.

The words of the ancient Greek poet Pindar, written two thousand years ago, are not forgotten to this day. Not forgotten because the Olympic competitions, held at the dawn of civilization, continue to live in the memory of mankind.

Each Olympic Games turned into a holiday for the people, a kind of congress for rulers and philosophers, a competition for sculptors and poets.

The days of the Olympic celebrations are the days of universal peace. For the ancient Hellenes, games were an instrument of peace, facilitating negotiations between cities, promoting mutual understanding and communication between states.

The Olympics glorified man, for the Olympics reflected a worldview, the cornerstone of which was the cult of the perfection of the spirit and body, the idealization of a harmoniously developed person - a thinker and an athlete. Olympionics - the winner of the games - were paid honors by their compatriots, which were awarded to the gods, monuments were created in their honor during their lifetime, laudatory odes were composed, feasts were arranged. The Olympic hero entered his native city in a chariot, dressed in purple, crowned with a wreath, he entered not through an ordinary gate, but through a hole in the wall, which was sealed up on the same day so that the Olympic victory would enter the city and never leave it.

Origin of the Olympic Games

There are no number of myths - one is more beautiful than the other! about the origin of the Olympic Games. Gods, kings, rulers and heroes are considered their most honorable ancestors. One thing has been established with obvious indisputability: the first Olympiad known to us from antiquity took place in 776 BC.

Olympia - the center of the Olympic world

The center of the Olympic world of antiquity was the sacred district of Zeus in Olympia - a grove along the Alpheus River at the confluence of the Kladei stream into it. In this beautiful town of Hellas, traditional all-Greek competitions in honor of the god of thunder were held almost three hundred times.

Olympia owes its surviving glory entirely to the Olympic Games, although they were held there only once every four years and lasted a few days.

olympic fire

During the summer solstice, competitors and organizers, pilgrims and fans paid homage to the gods by lighting a fire on the altars of Olympia. The winner of the running competition was honored to light the fire for the sacrifice. In the reflections of this fire, the rivalry of athletes took place, the competition of artists, an agreement on peace was concluded by messengers from cities and peoples.

That is why the tradition of lighting a fire, and later delivering it to the venue of the competition, was renewed.

Among the Olympic rituals, the ceremony of lighting a fire in Olympia and delivering it to the main arena of the games is especially emotional. This is one of the traditions of the modern Olympic movement. Millions of people can watch the exciting journey of fire through countries, and sometimes even continents, with the help of television.

The Olympic flame first flared up at the Amsterdam Stadium on the first day of the 1928 games. This is an indisputable fact. However, until recently, most researchers in the field of Olympic history have not found confirmation that this fire was delivered, as tradition dictates, by relay from Olympia.

The beginning of the torch relay races, which brought fire from Olympia to the city of the Summer Olympics, was laid in 1936. Since then, the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games have been enriched by the exciting spectacle of lighting the fire from the torch carried by the relay in the main Olympic stadium. The Torchbearer Run has been the solemn prologue of the Games for more than four decades. On June 20, 1936, a fire was lit in Olympia, which then made a 3075 km journey along the road of Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Germany. And in 1948, the torch made its first sea voyage.

Greek games

A distinctive feature of the ancient Greeks was agon, i.e. competitive start. Noble aristocrats in Homer's poems compete in strength, dexterity and perseverance, victory brings glory and honor, not material wealth. Gradually, the idea of ​​victory in the competition as the highest value, glorifying the winner and bringing him honor and respect in society, is being affirmed in society. The formation of ideas about the agon gave rise to various games that were of an aristocratic nature (slaves, semi-free and foreigners could not participate in the games). The oldest and most important games were first held in 776 BC. in honor of Olympian Zeus and since then repeated every four years (the venue was Olympia in the Peloponnese). They lasted five days and during this time the sacred peace was proclaimed throughout Greece. The only reward for the winner was an olive branch. An athlete who won the games three times (“olympionist”) received the right to install his statue in the sacred grove of the temple of Olympian Zeus. Athletes competed in running, fisticuffs, chariot races. Later, the Pythian Games in Delphi (in honor of Apollo) were added to the Olympic Games - the award was a laurel wreath, the Isthmian (in honor of the god Poseidon) on the Isthmus of Corinth, where the award was a wreath of pine branches, and, finally, the Nemean Games (in honor of Zeus) . The participants of all the games performed naked, so women, under pain of death, were forbidden to attend the games. (both boys and girls performed naked in Sparta). The beautiful naked body of an athlete became one of the most common motifs in ancient Greek art.

The program of games presented:

One stadia sprint (192.27 m), From 724 B.C. added a run for a distance of 2 stages (384.54 m).

In 720 B.C. a long distance was introduced - a stadia-long circle (stadium) had to be run 24 times (4614 m).

From 708 BC - pentathlon (pentathlon): jumping, running, discus throwing, javelin (javelin) throwing, wrestling;

From 688 BC - fist fight;

From 680 BC - competitions in chariots harnessed by four horses; in the middle of the 7th century BC pancraty was added - a fight in which any tricks were allowed.

In 632 B.C. allowed young people to compete in running, wrestling, fisticuffs. Subsequently - races of warriors in full armor in chariots with a pair of horses, horse racing.

roman games

From an early time, various festivities and performances played an important role in the public life of Rome. At first, public performances were also religious ceremonies; they were an indispensable part of religious holidays.

In the VI century. BC e. they began to arrange performances of a secular (not religious) nature, and not priests, but officials began to be responsible for their conduct. The venue for such performances was no longer the altar of one or another god, but a circus located in a lowland between the Palatine and Aventine hills.

The earliest Roman civil holiday was the feast of the Roman Games. For several centuries it was the only civil holiday of the Romans. From the 3rd century BC. new representations are established. The Plebeian Games are of great importance. At the end of III - beginning of II century. BC e. the Apollo Games were also established, games in honor of the Great Mother of the Gods - the Megalen Games, as well as florals - in honor of the goddess Flora. These games were annual and regular, but in addition to them, extraordinary games could also be arranged depending on a successful war, deliverance from an invasion, a given vow, or simply the desire of a magistrate.

Games lasted from 14 - 15 days (Roman and Plebeian Games) to 6 - 7 days (Floralia). The total duration of all the holidays of these games (ordinary) reached 76 days a year.

Each festival consisted of several sections: 1) a solemn procession led by a magistrate who organized the games, called a pomp, 2) direct competitions in the circus, chariots, horse races, etc., 3) stage performances in the theater of Greek and Roman plays authors. The performances usually ended with a feast, a mass meal, sometimes for several thousand tables. The device games required a lot of money. For example, the Roman Games were allocated in the middle of the 1st century. BC e. 760 thousand sesterces, Plebeian Games - 600 thousand, Apollo - 380 thousand. As a rule, the money issued from the treasury was not enough and the magistrates responsible for organizing the games contributed their own money, sometimes exceeding the allocated amount.

Gladiator fights

Gladiator fights are developing unusually in Rome. Gladiator fights have been held in Etruscan cities since the 6th century BC. BC e. From the Etruscans they entered Rome. For the first time in 264, a battle of three pairs of gladiators was arranged in Rome. Over the next century and a half, gladiator games were held at the wake of noble persons, were called funeral games and were of the nature of a private performance. Gradually, the popularity of gladiator fights is growing.

In 105 BC. e. gladiatorial fights were declared part of the public spectacles and magistrates began to take care of their organization. Along with the magistrates, private individuals also had the right to fight. To give a performance of a gladiator fight meant to gain popularity among the Roman citizens and be elected to public office. And since there were many who wanted to get a magistrate's position, the number of gladiator fights is growing. Several tens and even hundreds of pairs of gladiators worth several hundred thousand sesterces are already being brought into the arena. Gladiator fights become a favorite spectacle not only in the city of Rome, but also in all Italian, and later in provincial cities. They were so popular that Roman architects created a special, previously unknown type of building - an amphitheater, where gladiatorial fights and baiting of animals were held. The amphitheaters were designed for several tens of thousands of spectators and exceeded the capacity of theater buildings by several times.

The number of performances, both private and public, in Rome and other cities and their duration constantly increased, and their importance grew more and more. At the end of the Republic, magistrates and statesmen considered holding public performances an important part of their state activities. Under the conditions of an aristocratic republic, where all power was concentrated in the hands of a narrow elite of the slave-owning class, the ruling group considered the organization of public performances one of the means to divert the broad masses of Roman citizenship from active state activity. Not surprisingly, the growth of public performances was accompanied by a decline in the importance of popular assemblies and their political role.

In 394 AD e. The Roman emperor Theodosius 1 issued a decree prohibiting the further holding of the Olympic Games. The emperor converted to Christianity and decided to eradicate anti-Christian games glorifying pagan gods. And one and a half thousand years the games were not played. In the following centuries, sport lost the democratic significance that was attached to it in ancient Greece. For a long time it became the privilege of the "chosen" fraud, ceased to play the role of the most accessible means of communication between peoples.

Revival of the Olympic Games

With the advent of the Renaissance, which restored interest in the art of Ancient Greece, they remembered the Olympic Games. At the beginning of the 19th century Sport has received universal recognition in Europe and there was a desire to organize something similar to the Olympic Games. Local games organized in Greece in 1859, 1870, 1875 and 1879 left some trace in history. Although they did not give tangible practical results in the development of the international Olympic movement, they served as an impetus for the formation of the Olympic Games of our time, which owe their revival to the French public figure, teacher, historian Pierre De Coubertin. The growth of economic and cultural communication between states that arose at the end of the 18th century, the emergence of modern modes of transport, paved the way for the revival of the Olympic Games on an international scale. That is why the call of Pierre De Coubertin: "We need to make sport international, we need to revive the Olympic Games!", found a proper response in many countries.

On June 23, 1894, in Paris, in the Great Hall of the Sorbonne, a commission for the revival of the Olympic Games met. Pierre de Coubertin became its general secretary. Then the International Olympic Committee (IOC) took shape, which included the most authoritative and independent citizens of different countries.

By decision of the IOC, the games of the first Olympiad were held in April 1896 in the Greek capital at the Panathini Stadium. The energy of Coubertin and the enthusiasm of the Greeks overcame many obstacles and made it possible to carry out the planned program of the first games of our time. Spectators enthusiastically accepted the colorful opening and closing ceremonies of the revived sports festival, awarding the winners of the competitions. The interest in the competition was so great that 80 thousand spectators could fit in the marble stands of the Panathini Stadium, designed for 70,000 seats. The success of the revival of the Olympic Games was confirmed by the public and the press of many countries, who welcomed the initiative.

However, even at the beginning of the preparations for the Games in Athens, difficulties related to the economic weakness of Greece were revealed. Prime Minister Trikonis immediately told Coubertin that Athens was not in a position to carry out such a major international event, associated with large expenditures of funds and volumes of work for the reconstruction of the city and sports facilities. Only the support of the population helped to overcome this obstacle. Prominent Greek public figures formed an Organizing Committee and raised funds. The fund for the preparation of the games received private contributions, which formed large sums. Postage stamps were issued in honor of the Olympic Games. The proceeds from their sale went to the training fund. The energetic measures of the organizing committee and the participation of the entire population of Greece brought the desired results.

And yet, the obvious unpreparedness of Greece for serious events of this magnitude affected, first of all, the sports results of the competition, which were not high even according to the estimates of that time. There was only one reason for this - the lack of properly equipped facilities.

The famous Panathenaic stadium was dressed in white marble, but its capacity was clearly insufficient. The sports arena did not withstand any criticism. Too narrow, having a slope at one edge, it turned out to be ill-suited for athletics competitions. The soft cinder track to the finish line had an increase, and the turns were too steep. Swimmers competed on the high seas, where the start and finish lines were marked with ropes stretched between the floats. In such conditions, one could not even dream of high achievements. It became clear that athletes cannot achieve high results in the primitive arena of the stadium. In addition, the unprecedented influx of tourists who rushed to Athens revealed the need to adapt the city economy to receive and serve them.

Currently, the Marble Stadium in Athens is not used for competitions, remaining a monument to the first games. Naturally, the organization of the modern Olympic Games is only possible for economically developed countries, whose cities have the necessary sports facilities and are well-equipped enough to properly receive the required number of guests. When deciding on the next games of 1900-1904 in Paris in St. Louis, the IOC proceeded from the fact that world exhibitions were held in these cities at the same time. The calculation was simple - selected cities in France and the United States already had the minimum necessary sports facilities, and preparations for world exhibitions provided conditions for servicing tourists and participants in the games.

The preparation for the games of the 2nd Olympiad did not add anything essentially new to the famous Parisian ensembles.

Quite good results were shown at the competitions of the Games of the 2nd Olympiad in Paris. However, calculations on the use of existing facilities and the combination of the Games with the World Exhibition did not justify themselves. Competitions were held in arenas that were far from each other and were not designed for a large number of spectators. Athletics was held in the Bois de Boulogne on the dirt tracks of the Resing Club, swimming in Asnieres, gymnastics in the Bois de Vincennes, fencing in the Tuileries, tennis on the Puteaux Island. The Paris Games became part of the program of the third World Exhibition. They attracted few spectators and were poorly reflected in the press.

Even less effective were the games of the 3rd Olympiad, held for the first time on the American continent in St. Louis. They were also timed to coincide with the 1904 World's Fair. The vast majority of participants were Americans themselves. Competitions were held mainly on the sports grounds of the University of Washington, designed for 40 thousand seats. The stadium's running track had a straight line - 200 m. The swimmers started in an artificial riverbed in the exhibition area from a hastily put together raft. These games left an inconspicuous mark in the history of the Olympic movement.

The organizers of the IV Olympiad in London took into account the mistakes of their predecessors. The White-city stadium with a grandstand for 100,000 seats was erected in the capital of Great Britain in a short time. A hundred-meter swimming pool, an arena for wrestling competitions and an artificial ice rink were also placed on its territory.

The Olympic Games in London marked the beginning of the construction of special sports complexes for their holding. The correctness of this decision was confirmed by the high results shown by the competing athletes at the White-city stadium, and the great interest in the games shown by sports fans and the press in many countries. When building "White-city", the architects for the first time raised the problem of creating a complex of sports facilities in one area.

The popularity of the modern Olympic movement was reinforced by the games of the V Olympiad in Stockholm. Their clear organization, and most importantly, a specially built royal stadium brought the games a well-deserved success. The small size of the stadium, a wooden canopy over the stands created good visibility and acoustics. The stadium was equipped with circular walkways and tunnels. All subsequent games left an indelible mark on the history of the Olympic movement not only in the form of high sports achievements, but also in the form of unique works of architecture, equipped with progressive technical devices that contribute to the high achievements of athletes, improving the structure of cities - the capitals of the Olympic Games.

The Games of the VII Olympiad of 1920 were held in the Belgian city of Antwerp. The Olympic Stadium was designed as an urban building. Here, for the first time, sports fans watched hockey matches played on artificial ice. For the competition of cyclists, a large velodrome "Garden-city" was equipped. A section of the Vilbreck canal was transformed into a water stadium for rowing competitions. The football tournament was held at the Beerschot Stadium. At the Olympic Stadium, during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, a white flag with five interlaced rings was raised, symbolizing the unity of athletes from all continents, and the Olympic oath was recited.

In 1924, the thirtieth anniversary of the Olympic movement was celebrated. The honor of organizing the games of the VIII Olympiad was given to Paris. This time, Paris was carefully preparing for the Olympic Games. To this end, an architectural competition was announced for the best design of the Olympic Stadium. The winner of the competition, M. Fort-Dujaric, developed a project for a modern stadium with stands for 100,000 seats, a complex of sports facilities for competitions in various sports and an Olympic village for 2,000 athletes. Although it was not possible to implement the project, it served as an incentive for the creation of similar complexes in the future. On the outskirts of Paris, the Colombe Stadium was built with stands for 40,000 seats, meeting the requirements of that time, but not distinguished by its particular beauty and convenience for spectators. Swimmers competed in the "Turret" pool. The games were a great success. High sports results were shown. More than 600 thousand spectators attended the competitions.

For this Olympiad, a dwelling was built for some of the athletes. These were wooden one-story houses with bathrooms and showers.

The Games of the IX Olympiad (1928) were held in Amsterdam, a major economic and cultural center of the Netherlands. Within the city limits, a stadium was built for the games, which adjoined the city park. Auxiliary rooms are equipped in the under-tribune space. The stadium for 40 thousand seats was distinguished by a tower above the stands, imitating a windmill.

The Games of the X Olympiad in the American city of Los Angeles (1932) marked the beginning of the formation of the city's Olympic complex, which included a stadium, a swimming pool, and the Olympic Village. The Coliseum Stadium (1923), built in the antique style, was reconstructed for the Olympics, its stands began to accommodate over 100,000 spectators. For that time, the stadium was the highest achievement of sports architecture. The Olympic torch burned above the central arch of the stadium. Having outlined a large program of the Games, the organizers were faced with the need to disperse the venues for competitions in various sports. So, rowers competed on a specially built canal in Long Beach, cyclists competed in the city of Passadena, where a temporary cycle track was built, which was dismantled after the Games. Equestrian competitions were held outside the city.

For the first time, an Olympic village was built for the resettlement of athletes. It consisted of 700 prefabricated residential houses located in its community center. The organization of the village provided favorable conditions for close contacts and mutual understanding between athletes from different countries.

However, the remoteness of the venue for the Games of European countries and the insufficient development of transport links had a negative impact on the number of participants.

In 1932, it was decided to hold the Games of the 11th Olympiad in Berlin. In 1933, the Nazis came to power in Germany. they began to use the preparations for the Olympics for their propaganda purposes. For the Games in Berlin, a complex was erected, which was distinguished by excessive splendor. The project of the architect Werner March was awarded a gold medal at the Games. The main arena of the stadium could accommodate 100,000 spectators. Another 150,000 watched the competitions held in the swimming pool, gym and stadium designed for hockey.

The Games of the 14th Olympiad, held in 1948 in London, showed with their own eyes how great is the desire of people for peace and mutual cooperation. Organized under the conditions of a brutal post-war austerity regime, they nevertheless attracted a record number of participating countries for that time (59) and many tourists.

No new sports facilities were built for the games. The old Olympic stadium, built for the 1908 games, was unusable due to a poor running track. The main sports facility of the Olympiad was the Imperial Stadium in Wembley with 60,000 seats. For the first time in London, swimming competitions were held in an indoor pool.

At Wembley Stadium, the solemn opening ceremony of the post-war games was greeted with enthusiasm. At that time, of course, they did not have to expect either high sports results, or splendor of design, or special worries about increased comfort for sports fans who came to England. But the very fact of holding a world holiday of physical culture shortly after the end of World War II became a confirmation of the life of the Olympic movement.

The Games of the XV Olympiad in 1952 in Helsinki turned out to be even more representative. It was there that athletes from the Soviet Union entered the Olympic arena among 69 national teams for the first time. Debutants, contrary to forecasts, have achieved amazing success. In the unofficial standings, they shared the first and second places on points with the generally recognized favorites - the US athletes.

The high sports results achieved by athletes at the Olympiad-52 were largely the result of optimal competition conditions created on facilities specially built for the games.

The stadium includes a running track (400 m), a football field, athletics sectors. The main tribune is covered with a canopy. Ancillary facilities are located below it.

1956 marked a new stage in the development of the Olympic movement. The Games of the XVI Olympiad were first held on the Australian continent in Melbourne. The remoteness of the new Olympic capital from the vast majority of developed countries, the peculiar climatic conditions created certain difficulties for the participants and guests of the games who arrived on the "green continent". But the organizers have made a lot of effort to overcome these obstacles. High sports achievements shown by the envoys from different countries became the best assessment of the organizing committee's activities.

Preparations for the games of the XVI Olympiad became an outstanding event for the architects of Australia and largely determined the nature of the further development of architecture on the continent.

The Games of the XVII Olympiad in 1960 in Rome can rightly be considered the beginning of a new direction in organizing the preparation of subsequent Olympiads. For the first time, an attempt was made to cover the entire range of issues to be resolved by the organizing committee. Along with the preparation and construction of sports complexes and individual facilities, much attention was paid to improving the infrastructure of the Olympic capital - Rome. New modern highways were laid through the ancient city, a number of old buildings and structures were demolished. Symbolizing the connection of the current games with the Ancient Greek, some of the most ancient architectural monuments of Rome were converted to host competitions in individual sports.

A simple enumeration of the Olympic facilities that were used to host competitions and accommodate participants in the Games gives some idea of ​​the scale of preparation.

Topped the list of the main Olympic stadium "Stadium Olimpico" with a capacity of 100,000 spectators. It hosted the opening and closing ceremonies of the games, as well as athletics and equestrian competitions.

One of the most notable objects was recognized as the "Velodromo Olimpico", on the track of which cyclists competed. This facility is still considered one of the best velodromes in the world today.

After the Olympics in Rome, experts began to attach great importance to the possibility of using facilities in the post-Olympic period.

The Games of the Roman Olympiad are also notable for the fact that television programs were broadcast from them to some European countries. Although the transmissions went on radio relay and cable lines, but this was already a sign of the scientific and technological revolution entering the sports arenas.

During the preparation of the Games of the XVIII Olympiad in Tokyo (1964), $ 2,668 million was spent, including $ 460 million to provide the material and technical base of the games, the rest of the funds went to organizational purposes and to the development of the city's infrastructure.

The organizers of the first Olympic Games on the Asian continent have prepared more than 110 different facilities for competitions and training of athletes. The huge capital of Japan has changed. New metro lines and a monorail city railway appeared. Dilapidated buildings were demolished and streets widened. To solve the transport problem of the city, high-speed highways were laid through it. Street junctions were built by building overpasses and bridges. The hotel industry of the Japanese capital has significantly replenished. The indoor facilities, the sports halls in Yoyogi Park, became the true center of the Tokyo Olympics. Their architectural appearance was borrowed from nature.

Olympic construction largely predetermined the future direction of urban development in Japan.

A characteristic feature of the Tokyo Games was the absolute entry of electronics into the Olympic arenas. Its use in sports refereeing has greatly increased its accuracy and efficiency. A new stage in the development of the mass media was opened by television broadcasts through space, which crossed the borders of the continents and attached an unthinkable number of viewers to what was happening in the Olympic arenas. The opportunity to see the Olympic Games to any person on earth immeasurably increased the popularity of the Olympic movement.

In 1968, the Olympic Games were held for the first time in Latin America. The city of Mexico honorably fulfilled the honorary duty of the host of the Games of the XIX Olympiad. This was largely facilitated by the growing flow of tourists from different countries, which has a beneficial effect on the Mexican economy, on the expansion of international contacts, contributing to the expansion of national culture.

The organizers of the Games of the XX Olympiad in Munich took into account the experience of Rome, Tokyo and Mexico City and did everything possible to surpass the achievements of their predecessors. First of all, the infrastructure of the capital of the Olympiad - 72 was improved. The grandiose Olympic complex of sports facilities "Oberwiesenfeld" was built anew. It included: a stadium of original design, a universal sports palace, an indoor cycle track and a swimming pool. In addition, a shooting complex, a rowing canal, a hippodrome and a number of other sports facilities were built. The organizers of the Games declared Munich the Olympic center of short distances and green landscapes.

Taking into account the unusual influx of tourists, the organizers reconstructed the city center, built metro lines, laid new access roads to the city, and increased the hotel stock 10 times. To accommodate the athletes, huge buildings of the Olympic village were erected, in which 10-15 thousand temporary residents could settle.

Starting preparations for the 1980 Olympiad, its organizers thoroughly studied the experience of their predecessors and the traditions of the Olympic movement.

The stadium in Luzhniki was determined as the main arena for the games of the 22nd Olympiad.

Physical training of feudal lords. Knight - professional warrior

Around the knights, whom some call fearless warriors, devoted vassals, defenders of the weak, noble servants of beautiful ladies, gallant cavaliers, in essence, the history of the European Middle Ages revolved, because at that time they were the only real power. The strength that everyone needed: kings, churches; smaller lords, peasants. The townspeople, however, did not need knights, but they always used their military experience. After all, a knight is primarily a professional warrior. But not just a warrior. Knight, rater, chevalier, etc. means rider in all languages. But not just a rider, But a rider in a helmet, armor, with a shield, spear and sword. All this equipment was very expensive: at the end of the 10th century, when the calculation was not for money, but for cattle, a set of weapons, then not so plentiful and complex, together with a horse cost 45 cows or 15 mares. And this is the size of the herd or herd of the whole village.

But it’s not enough to pick up a weapon - you need to be able to use it perfectly. This requires relentless, tiring training from a very young age. No wonder boys from knightly families were taught to wear armor from childhood - complete sets for 6-8-year-old children are known. Therefore, a heavily armed rider must be a wealthy man with time. Large rulers could only keep a very small number of such warriors at court. Where to get the rest? After all, a strong peasant, even if he has 45 cows, will not give them away for a pile of iron and a beautiful horse, but not suitable for farming. There was a way out: the king obliged small landowners to work for a certain time for a large one, to supply him with the right amount of food and handicrafts, and he had to be ready for a certain number of days a year to serve the king as a heavily armed horseman.

A complex feudal system was built on such relations in Europe. And by the XI-XII centuries. heavily armed cavalry became a caste of knights. Access to this privileged estate became more and more difficult, based already on generosity, which was confirmed by letters and coats of arms.

For an oath of allegiance to the lord, the knight received land with peasants working for him, the right to judge them, the right to collect and appropriate taxes, the right to hunt, the right to the first night, etc. He could go to the courts of the lords, have fun all day long, drink away, lose in the cities the money collected from the peasants. His duties were reduced to ensuring that during the hostilities he served on his grubs to the seigneur for about a month a year, and usually even less.

Well, how did the knights fight? Differently. It is very difficult to compare them with someone else, because they were militarily left to their own devices in Europe. Of course, infantry also participated in the battles - each knight brought with him servants armed with spears and axes, and large rulers hired large detachments of archers and crossbowmen. But until the XIV century. the outcome of the battle was always determined by a few gentlemen-knights, while numerous infantry servants were for the masters, although necessary, but only half the battle. The knights did not take them into account at all. And what could a crowd of untrained peasants do against a professional fighter clad in armor on a mighty horse? The knights despised their own infantry. Burning with impatience to fight with a worthy opponent, that is, a knight, they trampled on their horses who were interfering with their own foot warriors. With the same indifference, the knights treated riders without armor, only with swords and light spears. In one of the battles, when a group of knights was attacked by a detachment of light riders, they did not even budge, but simply slashed the enemy horses with their long spears and only then rode on a worthy enemy knights.

It was here that the real battle took place: two horsemen clad in iron, covered with shields, putting forward long spears, were knocked down from a raid, and from a terrible ram blow, reinforced by the weight of the armor and the weight of the horse, combined with the speed of movement, the enemy with a cracked shield and ripped open chain mail or simply stunned flew out of the saddle. If the armor held out, and the spears broke, cutting with swords began. It was by no means graceful swordsmanship: the blows were rare but terrible. Their strength is evidenced by the remains of warriors who died in the battles of the Middle Ages - chopped skulls, chopped tibia. It was for the sake of such a battle that the knights lived. In such a battle, they rushed headlong, forgetting about caution, about the elementary system, violating the orders of the commanders. Although what orders there were only offered to the knights to keep the line, they were asked.

At the slightest sign of victory, the knight rushed to plunder the enemy's camp, forgetting about everything - and for the sake of this, the knights also lived. No wonder some kings, forbidding fighters to break the battle formation during the offensive and the course of the battle, because of robbery, built gallows before the battle for unrestrained vassals. The fight could be quite long. After all, it usually broke up into an endless number of fights, when the opponents were chasing each other.

Knightly honor was understood in a very peculiar way. The Charter of the Templars allowed the knight to attack the enemy from the front and back, right and left, wherever he could be damaged. But if the enemy managed to force at least a few knights to retreat, their comrades-in-arms, noticing this, as a rule, hit a stampede, which not a single commander was able to stop. How many kings have lost their victory just because they lost their heads prematurely with fear!

A knight is an individual fighter, a privileged warrior. He is a professional from birth and in military affairs is equal to any of his class up to the king. In battle, he depends only on himself and stands out, he can be the first only by showing his courage, the quality factor of his armor and the agility of his horse. And he showed it with all his might. From the end of the 11th century, during the Crusades, spiritual and chivalric orders began to emerge with strict regulations governing military operations.

Martial arts of China

Due to the fact that in China there is a "craze" for martial arts and health-improving areas, physical culture plays an important role in education. From an early age, Chinese children are happy to come to classes. Already at the age of 5-6, they compete in competitions, participate in all kinds of spectacular events related to the traditions of the Chinese people. Education in children from childhood instills a reverent attitude towards their culture, their ancestors, roots. But the most important thing is that at the same time they get good physical development, knowledge of life philosophy and even "control" over their health. After all, such types as taijiquan and qigong are nothing but holistic healing. I want to note that older people are also engaged in recreational activities and sometimes even martial arts.

The beginnings of wushu arose earlier than Chinese statehood, but before the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. there were no systems (schools) of wushu yet, there was only the training of warriors, “military craft”. Initially, it had the form of dance-combat exercises, and later acquired the status of a paramilitary academic discipline in special educational institutions.

By the end of the III century BC. e. all individual training of warriors was united under the name "ui". This term persisted for many centuries and subsequently became synonymous with wushu. Wu yi included juedi (wrestling), shoubo (hand-to-hand combat), and a technique for working with weapons. The training was based on sets of formal exercises - ta-olu - which were performed both individually and with partners. The complexes imitated a fight with bare hands, a fight with a weapon, defense against an armed attack.

During the periods of "Spring and Autumn" (770-476 BC) and the Warring States (475-221 BC), the largest Chinese philosophers lived and worked: Confucius, Lao Tzu, Men Tzu , Chuang Tzu. They gave China a spiritual impulse that influenced the development of all of East Asia in the next couple of millennia. In the 1st century AD Buddhism began to penetrate China from India. All philosophical systems taught to see the common behind the heterogeneous things of everyday life. Since not only ordinary warriors were engaged in martial arts (even some emperors did not shy away from fighting on platforms), the Chinese martial arts gradually began to merge with philosophical systems, outgrowing the level of a simple set of combat techniques. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that they have not been lost for centuries, but have developed and survived to this day.

Around the 6th century, the Indian missionary Bodhidharma came to China, who began to preach Buddhism in the Shaolin Monastery near Luoyang. According to legend, it was he who founded the famous Shaolin wushu style. According to legend, later Shaolin monks helped return the throne to the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty - Li Shi-min - and he allowed the monastery to maintain monastic troops. A special term appeared - usen (monk-fighter).

In the Sung era (960-1279), many monks, including usens, began to leave for the world, resigning their monastic obligations. In the XII century. Shaolin Wushu fell into decline due to numerous persecutions of Buddhism and the Mongol invasion. But in 1224, a young man came to Shaolin Monastery and took the monastic name Jueyuan. Seeing the deplorable state of wushu in the monastery, he decided that the true tradition of martial art had been lost, and began to revive it. He, in fact, created a new style that has survived to this day.

Now the state is still pursuing a policy of turning wushu into a sport. Among young people who have not seen true wushu, chang quan and nan quan are popularized, as well as sports and health versions of ancient styles. Rules for conducting fights have been created (fighting by the rules is simply unthinkable in traditional wushu). As folk masters say, “to win fights according to the rules of sanshou, you need to practice boxing, not wushu.” Traditional wushu continues to exist, but does not intersect with the state.

The All China Wushu Academy is located in Beijing. In essence, it is one of the faculties of the local institute of physical education, but it enjoys some autonomy and works according to a special program, the purpose of which is to make this sport world-wide, to win universal recognition. In the meantime, hundreds of young people are taking a course of sciences at the Academy, who have sufficiently studied its techniques and methods since childhood, the origins of which are lost in the depths of prehistoric times.

History of hand-to-hand combat

The development of hand-to-hand combat BC

The formation of hand-to-hand combat is inextricably linked with the development of society. After all, the entire history of civilization is replete with military conflicts. The earliest references to hand-to-hand combat are found in the epic of the Middle East, India and China. And the first monuments of fine art with scenes of fights date back to the 4th-3rd millennium BC. For example, the image of two fighting men on a limestone slab for sacrifices found in Mesopotamia. Or a plate showing a duel using spears. A relief with a fistfight scene is known, dating back to the second half of the 3rd millennium. The earliest monument of Egyptian culture associated with wrestling is a depiction of a series of movements found in the tomb of Fiohhoten (mid-3rd millennium BC) in Saqqara. This testifies to the Pharaoh's mastery of the fighting technique.

The history of Egyptian culture is divided into 4 main eras of the heyday of the state, marked by the reign of 31 royal dynasties: the Old Kingdom (XXVII-XXIII centuries BC), the Middle Kingdom (XXI-XVIII centuries BC) , New Kingdom (XVI-XI centuries BC, late periods. Each era was a certain stage in the development of ancient culture and had its own characteristics.

In the era of the Old Kingdom, games reminiscent of military operations and the capture of captives were popular among children. In the images of the Middle Kingdom period, the games of children were replaced by the games of youth. For young men, the struggle comes to the fore. The image of a series of techniques indicates that the fight was preceded by special training, and many fights were held with the participation of a judge.

In the era of the Middle Kingdom, the number of troops increases, which is associated with campaigns in Asia Minor. There is evidence that wrestling has also been used to train troops.

During the period of the New Kingdom, professional warriors appeared. In addition, there is a hypothesis that the troops included special detachments of fighters. This is evidenced by a drawing (approximately 1410 BC) depicting a group of Nubian warriors with a standard, where two wrestlers are drawn.

Analysis of historical material shows that in ancient Egypt there were separate types of athletic competitions. The most common of them were wrestling, fisticuffs, martial arts with sticks, running, as well as boating competitions, the purpose of which was to turn the boat with the enemy crew using special long sticks.

Fisticuffs, wrestling, acrobatic exercises were extremely popular in another region of the Mediterranean - on the island of Crete, where in the III millennium BC. The Minoan culture was born. Martial arts were an indispensable attribute of all the festivities. Moreover, as the frescoes show, the equipment of the fisticuffs was similar to that of a military one. A metal helmet protected the head and face. Special leather strips and leather shoes protected the hands and feet from injury. The pinnacle of athletic performances in Crete, no doubt, was the cult martial arts with a bull, which was conducted in the form of an acrobatic game - jumping over an angry animal or onto it, followed by jumping off. These games under an hour ended tragically.

Thus, it can be stated that in this time period (until the 1st millennium AD, martial arts played an important role in the development of physical education systems in Egypt and neighboring countries. However, the assertions that martial arts existed as established systems of military training and education are incorrect. This happened only after the VIII Century BC It is interesting that almost simultaneously in Europe (in Greece) and in Asia (in India, China).

However, the RB systems were formed and developed separately and had significant distinctive features, which are explained by various climatic and geographical ethnic cultural and religious facts.

The population of ancient India had valuable traditions in the field of ritual health-improving gymnastics, dance and self-defense without weapons, and in ancient Indian descriptions for the first time there are mentions of such forms of duel and martial arts, the style of which is characterized by striking with a hand and foot on pain-sensitive parts of the body of the enemy, and as well as choking techniques. With the conquest of India by the nomadic tribes of the Indo-Aryans (1200-600 BC), caste differentiation occurs. The Aryans separate themselves into the Aryan caste and monopolize physical culture. People of non-Aryan origin were forbidden to exercise with weapons, yoga and horseback riding. In ancient Indian beliefs and epics such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana, describes the very high level of training of the Aryan castes. They were able to successfully fight against outnumbered opponents on the plains - on war chariots and on horseback, in areas flooded with water on elephants and boats, on wooded and bushy areas using a bow, on mountainous and hilly terrain - with a sword and shield. They also recognized duels with weapons and even bare hands as a factor that decides the fate of the battle. Despite the prohibitions of the Aryans, the Indian people continued to live, preserve and improve self-defense exercises without weapons. However, they did not find mass distribution and took place in the form of secret rites, hidden from prying eyes, to which only initiates were allowed. The methods of training under such conditions were extremely harsh. For comprehensive preparation, first of all, exercises were used that promote the development of psychological stability, self-confidence. To this end, training in self-defense exercises was carried out under a stream of water falling from a waterfall, on the edge of a sheer cliff or gorge, near a burning flame, the exercises alternated with jumping over the flame. In addition, they practiced being in heavy rain for a long time, sleeping on bare ground, taking combat poses or stances and being in combat poses for several hours, standing for a long time on their fingertips or holding their own weight, clinging to a stone ledge or a tree branch. We also used exercises related to transcendental (going beyond consciousness) autogenic immersion. Subsequently, such a system of physical exercises was not widely used in India itself, however, it was brought to China by Tibet, Japan and other countries bordering on them by wandering missionary monks. In Japan, they appeared in the Middle Ages in the form of the Yamabushi Buddhist sects and the secret ninja clans.

Along with India, in the period related to the III millennium BC. e in the valley of the Yellow River and the Yangtze in China, the first sprouts of systematic physical exercises appear. Along with the ancient holidays and the customs and rituals associated with them, in Chinese temples they often refer to what was supposedly written in 2698 BC. a book called "Kungfu", which for the first time systematized qualified descriptions of various exercises common among the people of therapeutic gymnastics, analgesic massage, ritual dances that heal from infertility, as well as "combat dances". Nevertheless, there is no exact evidence confirming this information yet, but it is fashionable to assume that we are talking about the "Book of Changes" ("I-ching") - a sacred scripture that has been the basis for the development of Lao philosophy for more than 3 thousand years. , historical science, astronomy, medicine and martial arts of the East. The Book of Changes consists of encoded mathematical and figurative symbols, which contain the achievements of ancient Eastern thought about the world and man. For martial arts, its significance has not lost its relevance in our time.

The medical and therapeutic movements and military training, which, in addition to owning weapons, included training in hand-to-hand combat without weapons, were seriously systematized already during the reign of the first dynasty of Chinese emperors - Shang (Yin - XIV-XI centuries BC. .).Historical sources indicate that the following elements formed the basis of military training: chariot competitions, archery, hunting, javelin throwing and hand-to-hand combat without weapons. When conducting fisticuffs, the ability not only to deliver accurate and strong blows, but also to dodge them no less skillfully in order to cause internal confusion in the enemy, i.e. was especially highly valued. convince him of his inability to resist and fight.

Thus, from about the VI century BC. e. Far Eastern martial arts began to take shape as complex systems that have not only a military focus, but also philosophical, religious, ethical, cultural, and even medical.

In the period of VIII-IV centuries. BC e. achieve a high development of martial arts in Ancient Greece, and first of all, in Sparta. Constant wars and the assessment of military prowess as the highest human dignity led in Sparta to the creation of a state-controlled system of physical education for young people (boys and girls). The physical education of young men was based on such exercises as wrestling, running, javelin and discus throwing, and was supplemented by various military, hunting games, as well as dances, the most popular of which was a military dance in full combat gear. Training grounds were called palestras (from the word "pale" - struggle). In the future, such a concept as palestry is formed, which includes many elements of physical education. Among the exercises related to the palestra, hand-to-hand fights, fisticuffs, freestyle wrestling, wrestling and throwing stones were of the greatest importance.

A little later, fisticuffs, freestyle wrestling and just hand-to-hand fights were transformed into pankration - "terrible" wrestling, as the ancient Greeks called it. He combined fistfighting and wrestling. As a complex system of great military and applied importance, pankration was widely used in Greece and was included in the program of the Olympic, Pythian and Isthmian games. Combat operations between the belligerents, who were armed with easily blunt and jagged weapons, could not do without struggle and pankration, especially since the belligerents did not seek to destroy the enemy’s manpower, but rather to capture it. It should be noted that in ancient Sparta, hand-to-hand combat was so integral to physical education that it was referred to only as "Spartan gymnastics." Hand-to-hand combat in the form of wrestling, fisticuffs and pankration was taught in the so-called gymnasiums (educational institutions in ancient Greek cities). The degree of physical fitness of young men was tested during the festivities. Young Spartans tested their strength and dexterity during cryptia - night campaigns in which they caught and killed fugitive helots. At the festival in honor of the goddess Artemis, the young men had to endure a serious test of will and courage - they were scourged.

The popularity of wrestling, fisticuffs, pankration in ancient Greece can be judged even by the fact that the outstanding philosopher and thinker Plato (real name Aristocles, 427-347 BC) was the winner in wrestling competitions at the Isthmian Games , and Pythagoras was the winner of the Olympic Games in fisticuffs.

It should also be said that hand-to-hand combat training in Greece was carried out in a complex manner, and was aimed at developing great physical strength, agility, speed, and endurance. So, in addition to regular training in handling weapons, fisticuffs, wrestling, running, jumping, and rock climbing were widely practiced.

With the conquest of Greece by Macedonia (337 BC), the further development of hand-to-hand combat was associated with Alexander the Great (Macedonian). However, the types of wrestling themselves have not undergone significant changes, although it should be recognized that as a result of the conquest of a significant part of the Ancient East by Alexander the Great, they spread far beyond the borders of Hellas.

From the 11th century BC Greece falls under the control of Rome. But the Roman conquerors did not make any changes to the existing types of wrestling, fisticuffs, pankration. In general, among the Romans, body training had an applied focus and was associated with military training. In fisticuffs, the fighters, who had previously used only a soft belt with which they wrapped their hands, began to use iron plates and copper hoops. Hand-to-hand fights began to take place more fiercely with a large number of injuries, injuries and damage. However, the feeling of fear of getting injured or a fatal blow made more serious demands on the technical preparedness of the fighters.

Not only a rough victory was valued, but also knowledge of technology, combat technology. "Chrysostom rhetorician" of the 1st century AD Dio Christosomos, as well as the renowned sophist Themisthios Ephrades, spoke with great admiration of Melonkomos' style as a fist fighter, achieving victories over his rivals without injuring them. "There was a fist fighter among our ancestors - Melankomos, who became famous thanks to the beautiful and magnificent art of movement. According to legend, Emperor Titus also loved Melankomos very much, as he never hurt anyone or even beat anyone, but only with the help of position and outstretched arms defeated his rivals, who left the battlefield, rejoicing in indulgence, even if he was defeated in battle.

Hand-to-hand combat played a large role in the possession of edged weapons. Until about 100 B.C. service in the army was one of the basic rights and obligations of a Roman citizen, and after the fall of the republic, the civilian army was replaced by a hired one. The Romans set up military camps and transfer the training of warriors there. Their training was based on systematic training, which included physical exercises, mainly in the period of the Roman Republic (V1-1 centuries BC) in training in the form of wrestling and training fights on wooden sticks. In addition, training was conducted in running, jumping, swimming and overcoming obstacles. An important detail is that at first the training of soldiers was carried out in the nude, and only after that with full combat gear. This contributed to the development of endurance, hardening of the body and reduced sensitivity to shock.

Starting from the 3rd century BC. in Rome, gladiator fights are held, engulfing the entire republic. The ability to fence, wield a spear and a trident, fight with a shield and a short sword or dagger, as well as the use of other types of edged weapons, was achieved by tough and sometimes merciless training methods. This contributed to the development of the technique and tactics of hand-to-hand combat.

In addition, the gladiators reached a high level of preparedness. This can be judged at least by the fact that only 70 rebellious gladiators under the leadership of Spartacus defeated the Roman detachment many times superior to them. Subsequently, the army led by Spartacus, who used gladiator training methods in preparing warriors, for many years dealt tangible blows to the military strength of the greatest state of the ancient world.

Hand-to-hand combat at the beginning of our era

Around the middle of the 1st millennium AD, the secret teaching of Tantrism was born in India. It was imprinted in the texts (tantras), which subsequently came to Tibet and China. Along with philosophical-religious and cosmogonic constructions, the doctrine developed various secret actions, including hand-to-hand combat of a clan nature. Mudras (gestures) that have come down to us from the Buddhist iconography of this theoretical teaching represent many well-known blocks (defenses) used in Far Eastern martial arts.

But their more important significance lay in the fact that they served as elements of meditation, i.e. means of psychological adjustment in extreme conditions. The names of the wise have been preserved: the mudra of concentration, the mudra of strength, strength and rage, the mudra of invisibility and invulnerability, the mudra of fearlessness. Tantric Buddhism, which developed the "teachings of the three sacraments" (thoughts, words and deeds), left a noticeable imprint on the martial arts in China and Japan, giving rise to a unique applied variety of yoga.

Generations of monks-warriors joined this esoteric teaching in order to acquire the "diamond fortress of the spirit." Due to the esoteric and clan nature, unfortunately little is known about the Tantric direction in hand-to-hand combat. Only a few names of systems and schools have survived. These are the schools of "White Crane", "Show Tao", "White Lotus", "Long Arm", "Iron Shirt", "Poison Hand".

At the beginning of the 11th century A.D. e. in China, the doctrine of the so-called "Taoist yoga" has already spread widely, which put forward many theories about the interaction of body and spirit. Until now, in the "Taoist yoga", which provided the basis for many styles and directions in hand-to-hand combat, a bizarre mixture of mysticism with deeply thought-out and reasonable research in physiology, psychology, autogenic training and reflexology has been preserved. However, it should be said that it was this kind of yoga that made a huge contribution to the development of the theoretical and practical base of martial arts.

Developing martial arts, Taoist masters developed poking methods of influencing various parts of the human body, both with bare hands and with the help of weapons. Poke blows were used not only in fisticuffs, but also in fencing with spears (the blows were delivered not only with a point, but also with a blunt end), sticks (poles), swords (hit with a hilt or scabbard). The defeat of vulnerable points was also the basis of the technique of poke strikes when using improvised weapons - nuntyaku (short clubs in a sling and tonfa - a short stick with a transverse handle).

The effect of actions on the points was associated with the biologically active centers of the human body, the impact on which, depending on the strength of the poke and the biological activity of the center at a given point in time, could lead to serious injuries and illness, or death. The Taoists also used the same pressure on points with the opposite purpose in the healing system of acupressure. In the Taoist yoga of wrestling, much attention was paid to psychological preparation.

The main attachment of a person, the Taoists said, is an attachment to life, so the fear of death keeps him in a constant sense of fear. In this regard, the Taoists paid great attention to the achievement of fearlessness and contempt for death in preparation for hand-to-hand combat. On this occasion, the treatise Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching" says: "I heard that who knows how to master life, walking on the ground, is not afraid of the rhinoceros and tiger, entering into battle, is not afraid of armed soldiers. The rhinoceros has nowhere to stick into "He has his horn, the tiger has nowhere to lay his claws, and the soldiers have nowhere to hit him with the sword. What is the reason? This is because death does not exist for him."

In the period 190-265. in China, the physician Hua Tuo created gymnastics, both health-improving and martial, from the point of view of martial arts, in the direction called "Games of the Five Animals". Gymnastics consisted of imitating some of the movements of a bear, tiger, deer, monkey and crane. The movements that Hua Tuo developed included jumping, swinging, tilting, rotating, as well as the conscious regulation of muscle tension and breathing.

However, the quintessence of "Taoist Yoga", which has received the widest distribution in the field of martial arts, has become "the doctrine of the activity of qi" (qi gong). As a universal method of psychophysical training, qi-gong in all its manifestations pursued one goal - to constantly accumulate qi bioenergy in the body, control and direct its movement to activate all physiological and mental processes.

A little later, in the 6th century, the Chan sect (Japanese - Zen) began to spread in China, and then Japan, which, calling for the strengthening of the body and spirit, developed a system of psychophysical training in oriental martial arts. The art of concentration, mobilization of will and vital energy, developed first by the theorists of the "Taoist yoga of struggle", and then by the Chan patriarchs, has become an indispensable tool for warriors and monks studying the art of self-defense.

Hand-to-hand combat of the Middle Ages in the countries of the Far East region

The Chan sect (Jap. Zen) served as a new impetus in the development of the art of self-defense. The founder of a new trend in Buddhism - Chan, Buddhism, was the Indian monk-missionary Bodhidharma (VI century). The legendary patriarch of Chan Buddhism began his activities in the Shaolin Monastery by teaching the monks the art of martial arts, combining hand-to-hand combat with special Chan psychotechnics.

One of the main methods of the Buddhist practice of psychic self-regulation was the so-called meditation (Sanskrit dhyana, Chinese chan-na, chan), and therefore in Chan Buddhism it has become one of the main methods of mental training and self-regulation. It should be noted that using the practice of mental regulation in the process of practicing martial arts, monks and warriors relied on traditions that were formed in the period of early Buddhism, prescribing in the learning process not only to subdue, educate and develop the will of a person or other mental functions, but also to control. Like the Taoists, practitioners of the Chan method believed that the strongest attachment that arouses the most acute emotions in people is their attachment to life. It is for this reason that they developed such forms of military applied art, through which the mental state of a person was tested. Martial arts were an excellent means of mental training. The very fact that in a duel a fighter faces real death contributed to the hardening of warriors "from the inside." Since the emerging feeling of fear in such conditions could completely paralyze all the actions of a warrior, the situation of martial arts, in which a fatal outcome was not ruled out, was regarded as especially favorable for training equanimity and detachment. In such situations, numerous emotions were aroused, to which it was necessary to practice dispassion or use to increase psycho-physiological activity in relation to the conditions of the battle. So, for example, outwardly it was necessary to be able to demonstrate rage, bitterness, fury, etc., while internally maintaining complete calm. Thus, already at the beginning of the Middle Ages in China, one of the leading places in the preparation of warriors for martial arts was occupied by psychological preparation. By this period, a large number of different schools and directions of martial arts appeared in China, and the process of their further development and improvement continues.

Approximately at the turn, starting from the 15th to the 17th centuries, they finally add up to the wushu system. Then the most famous directions stand out. Geographically, they are divided into northern and southern schools. The style features were that in the north more attention was paid to the technique of legs (kicks prevailed in the duel, including jumps;) in the south, punches were preferred. In addition, in both parts of the country, possession of a cold weapons and hand tools. These were spears, swords, knives, sticks, ordinary staffs, hoes, chains, crutches, etc. could also be used. In skillful hands, any object turned into a powerful means of protection. Hand-to-hand combat in China during the Middle Ages was formed as an integral system of physical and mental improvement. Moreover, hand-to-hand combat was considered as an excellent system of psychological preparation of a warrior.

Similarly, martial arts developed in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other neighboring countries of this region. In Japan, this is karate, jujutsu, aikido, judo. In addition, there were ninja and yamabushi clan sects in Japan, as well as a samurai training system. In Korea, hapkido and taekwang-do were common, and in Vietnam - Viet-vo-dao. In these countries, there were peculiar interpretations of Chinese wushu, reflecting national characteristics.

The secrets of martial arts in Japan are rooted in the early Middle Ages and have direct analogues in the martial arts of China, Korea, Vietnam, and Burma. They included training in fencing, possession of a spear, archery, vaulting, possession of a flail, horn, iron club, stick, pole, gaff and improvised weapons, and self-defense without weapons was also included. However, a characteristic feature of hand-to-hand combat in Japan, as in China, was psychophysical training. An important role was played by Zen Buddhism, which included breathing and meditative exercises in its practice. The purpose of psychophysical training in the training system of samurai, ninja and yamabushi was to acquire the mental ability to adapt to any extreme situation.

It should be noted that at the end of the Middle Ages, around the 17th century, an interesting type of martial art appeared on the American continent - capoeira. The history of the development of capoeira is connected with the colonial period in Brazil. Black slaves, delivered from the east coast of Africa, brought their rhythms and cult dances to Brazil. Disguising themselves as the performance of African warlike dances, the slaves developed techniques for defending and attacking an unarmed against an armed enemy. In the technique of capoeira, special attention was paid to dexterity and coordination of movements, attacks were practiced in jumps, flips, somersaults and even somersaults. In addition, movement in a handstand and in kicking from such positions were used. Currently, capoeira is part of the physical training program in the Brazilian army.

Hand-to-hand combat in Russia of the 6th-14th centuries

During the Middle Ages in Russia, elements of martial arts and some methods of hand-to-hand combat had pronounced features. First of all, this applies to fisticuffs that have become widespread.

In the squads, the training was of a complex, applied nature. Warriors were taught horse riding, archery, wielding a spear, sword, ax and other weapons. One of the forms of education was memorial games, which were arranged on mounds during the burial of comrades (trizna). The warriors stormed the hill, trying to capture its top. Russian warriors, as a rule, did not use heavy protective armor. The main qualities that the Russian warrior counted on in battle were dexterity, flexibility and quick reaction. Hand-to-hand (in the Old Slavic language - opash) means waving your arms.

However, it would be incorrect to say that hand-to-hand combat in Russia represented movements and blows only with hands. This is confirmed by old Russian expressions, such as "Moscow beats from the toe, meaning a sweep or kick with the front foot, which was widely used in fisticuffs in Moscow.

Fisticuffs in the Middle Ages in Russia were one of the ways to prepare warriors for battles. Fights were often fought with the use of protective devices that covered the arm from the wrist to the elbow. In battle, warriors often threw weapons to the ground and struck with forged handcuffs and calves that protected the arm to the elbow. In more ancient times, the bracer was simply a weaving of rawhide leather belts. This was due to the fact that the blow in the bracer was heavy, and the execution technique was carried out (with good preparation) easily and quickly. The legs were not neglected either. For their protection, chain mail or leather greaves were used. All sorts of hooks or spikes could be attached to the greaves with straps. Consequently, with the skillful use of such devices, the warrior's leg could represent a formidable force. Despite the fact that martial arts were called differently in different regions (the people of Vladimir - circled, the people of Pskov - skobar, etc.) and each locality developed its own favorite techniques, in the Middle Ages in Russia there were already four distinct directions in a fist fight - this is Ryazan, Moscow, Novgorod, and Vyatka. An example of military art and fortitude in Russia was also the period of the reign of Svyatoslav - 968. In Russia, folk epic songs were composed about heroes and good fellows, which describe their exploits and adventures. Among the people, these narratives were called "stars" or "oldies", testifying to their antiquity and claim to authenticity.

Russia spent 2/3 of its existence in wars. This allowed him to accumulate vast experience in martial arts. Bogatyrdom in Russia - valor, courage and bravery of warriors, their sacrifice for the sake of victory was based on the way of life and in the education of the Russians. In Russia, they were not afraid of death and prepared for it from birth. I would especially like to emphasize that the warriors were not just not afraid of death or despised it, but rejoiced in it - death for the good, dying with joy and a smile on their faces. There was no artificial, as in the East, preparation for death, which keeps a person in fear throughout life. In Russia, they were preparing for death, as for another unearthly life, and it was considered a great honor to die for the fatherland and for one's friends.

Games and physical exercises in work with children

From ancient times, the wisdom and experience of physical culture have come down to the present day, which play a huge role in everyday life. Various games and physical exercises of those times can be used in the current work with children, as well as teaching a healthy lifestyle.

As the child ages, exercise should take an increasing place in the daily routine. They are a factor contributing to an increase in adaptation not only to muscle activity, but also to cold and hypoxia. Physical activity contributes to the normal development of the central nervous system, improving memory, learning processes, normalizing the emotional and motivational sphere, improving sleep, and increasing opportunities not only in physical, but also in mental activity. To increase muscle activity, physical exercises are necessary to improve motor processes and skills, posture, and prevent the development of flat feet.

In preschool institutions, physical exercises are carried out in the form of group gymnastic classes and some sports entertainment. The child's clothing should be loose and not restrict movement. To add variety and fascination to classes, it is necessary to use various objects and equipment: balls, flags, hoops, benches, ladders. It is important that the inventory is appropriate for the height and age of the child.

From the age of 3, morning exercises can be done daily, initially from 5-6 minutes (3 years) and up to 10-12 minutes (6 years). In addition, it is planned to conduct physical education once a month for 15-20 minutes for children 3 years old and up to 40 minutes for children 6 years old. The duration of classes with children of the 5th year of life is 25-30 minutes. The introductory and preparatory parts of the classes take 6-7 minutes. At the 6th and 7th years of life, classes are held for 30-35 minutes.

In addition to special classes, children perform daily morning hygiene exercises, and during walks they play outdoor games, master some types of sports entertainment (sledges, skis, bicycles, scooters, swimming).

A special place is occupied by morning exercises, which should be introduced as an obligatory part of the regimen for a child from 5-6 years old. Morning gymnastics complexes should include imitation movements, exercises for the development of the muscles of the body, squats, pull-ups, walking, jumping and running.

In children of this age, exercises and movements should be associated with the game or imitation of the game. During classes, it is necessary to alternate exercises for all muscle groups. At the same time, walking, running, jumping, climbing are improved.

In the 4th year of life, children should fully master the skills of walking. To improve walking, children are given a different pace. In the classroom, walking is carried out in the introductory and final parts.

Starting from the 4th year, other forms of movements are improved. During the run, a short phase of flight, coordination of the work of the arms and legs should appear. Various exercises are used to develop the loco-motion of running - a change in the rhythm of running (acceleration and deceleration), hurdle running - the child must jump over the rope on the run. During exercises for the development of running and walking, it is necessary to monitor the position of the head and posture.

Children from 3-6 years old can ski, skate, ride a bicycle, scooter, master the elements of sports games - badminton, table tennis, football, etc. It is important to choose the right sports props, sportswear and shoes in such a way that they do not There was hypothermia and overheating during classes.

It is fundamentally important that in classes with 3-4-year-old children, complexity and labor intensity gradually increase. Also, gradually, exercises are included in the classes, which should be performed using various objects and technical means with the help of adults. Children especially love these exercises. It is most expedient to carry out physical exercises in the open air with the use of sports equipment-horizontal bars, ladders, logs, etc.

Morning gymnastics consists of running, 3-4 general developmental exercises, walking, running and jumping. Usually, gymnastics begins with a short walk and a slow run (20-30 s). After building, the children perform movements such as stretching. For morning exercises, exercises recommended for ordinary physical education are used: imitation movements, movements while sitting on a bench, lying on your back and on your stomach. Each movement is repeated 4-5 times, then running or bouncing. Finish the morning exercises with a calm walk.

Increased motor mode can be a factor in a significant reduction in the incidence of colds in children.

In recent years, methods have been developed for conducting physical education classes with children of preschool age in the open air throughout the year [Ivanova O. G., Frolov V. G., Yurko G. P.]. It has been established that if the developed methodology is followed, the level of health in children increases, and the incidence of disease decreases.

Systematic swimming also reduces morbidity, increases lung capacity, and skeletal muscle strength. However, such a hardening effect of swimming can only be achieved if the developed recommendations are followed.

It is necessary to accustom children to water from 3-4 years. To do this, you can swim in a clean open reservoir - in a lake, river, sea, swimming pool (open or closed). Adults enter a shallow place in the reservoir with the child. He is taught not to be afraid of water. The duration of a child's stay in water with a temperature of 25°C at the age of 4 years is 2-3 minutes.

Bathing and preparation for swimming in kindergarten, in the polyclinic pool are carried out by a teacher or

In a sitting position on the shore of a reservoir or in the hall, the child rests behind his hands, straightens his legs and makes several movements up and down. Then the same movements are made in the water at a shallow place in a reservoir or swimming pool.

Games and fun help to master simple but necessary movements in the water:

Herons. Children, having entered the water up to their knees, walk, raising their legs high.

Woodcutter in the water. 6-7 children, standing in a circle in the water up to their knees, spread their legs wider than their shoulders, fold their hands “in the lock”, raise them above their heads, then sharply lean forward - “cut the water”.

"Show me your heels." In a shallow place, rest your hands on the bottom, straighten up and stretch your legs back so that your heels are visible on the surface of the water.

Circle riding. The child puts on an inflatable rubber circle or sits on it and rides, raking his hands like oars.

Preparation for swimming of children of the 6th year of life. After repeating the exercises previously learned for mastering in the water, they move on to new exercises - they master the exercise for exhaling into the water, sliding on the chest, and leg movements.

First, they are taught to exhale into the water on the shore. Children are offered to blow off a small piece of paper from the palm of their hand. Then they move on to exercises in the water. The child is in the water at a depth to the waist, puts his lips at the level of the surface of the water and blows on it, like hot tea. Then he lowers his lips into the water and blows out of the water, then plunges into the water below the level of the eyes and does the same. Exercises are carried out several times in one session, repeating them at each subsequent session.

Immersion in water is nothing but an element of diving. The simplest diving exercises, in addition to the ability to hold your breath in the water and exhale, introduce the child to the lifting power of the water, which is a necessary skill in mastering swimming.

Gliding training. At the same time, they teach the child to maintain a horizontal position of the body in the water, to maintain balance. First, on land, the position of the body in the water is imitated. Children raise their hands up and stand on their toes; the head is held between the hands, looking straight, pulling up so as to be straight "like an arrow."

Gliding in water is carried out as follows. The child enters the water waist-deep facing the shore, then sits down and stretches his arms forward. Pushing off the bottom with both feet, it slides through the water. To reduce the specific weight of the body in water, and thereby facilitate gliding, at the first stage of training, children are asked to take a deep breath before repulsion and gliding. With systematic exercises, they quickly master the dynamic and static lifting force of water, begin to feel “reliance on water”.

Exercise for mastering sliding is performed 6-8 times.

Exercises to master the movements of the legs are first carried out on the shore, and then lying in the water in a shallow place. In the prone position in the water (on the back or stomach), the child leans on one hand. The legs must be stretched and spread shoulder-width apart and smoothly moved up and down. At the same time, the feet foam the water. The knees should not bend too much during this exercise. Such leg movements prepare the child for crawl swimming.

In the future, it is necessary to consolidate the learned movements in games and fun. You can offer children to walk in the water, helping themselves with strokes with their right and left hands, or in a shallow place, lying in the water, alternately rely on their right and left hands and thus move forward. In this case, the legs should move up and down.

Fountain game. 3-4 players enter the water in a shallow place and, holding hands, form a circle, then lower their hands, sit on the bottom, leaning back with their hands, and stretch their legs. At the signal of an adult, everyone simultaneously begins to beat with straight legs on the water, raising a fountain of spray.

At the 7th year of life, the exercises mastered in previous years of training are repeated: exhalation into the water, sliding. In one lesson, the number of such exercises increases to 12-20.

At this age, when fixing the exhalation exercise in the water, children are taught to open their eyes in the water, look around, and get toys from the bottom. These exercises are best done in pairs. To improve the skill of sliding, the number of exercises per session is increased to 8-10. The length of the slide increases. In this case, the child should push off with his feet more intensively. During this period, children are taught to make a gradual entry into the water while sliding.

The next stage in learning to swim is associated with mastering the ability to move the legs correctly when sliding both on the chest and on the back. To do this, first use a rubber circle or foam board. The child holds the circle or board with outstretched arms. Vigorously pushing off with their feet from the wall of the pool or the bottom, the children slide in an extended position. The up and down movements of the legs during the first exercises begin only at the end of the slide.

Swimming distance increases throughout the training cycle.

As they master the skill of sliding with a board or a circle, it is necessary to teach children to breathe correctly when swimming: exhale into the water, and when inhaling, raise their head only so that their mouth is above the water.

Learning the movements of the hands in the crawl swimming method itself is carried out as follows. You must first stretch your arms forward, and then move them to the thigh. The stroke is carried out alternately with the left and right hands. During the stroke with the right hand, the left is pulled forward. It is important to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs - with each movement of the arm, the legs perform 3-4 alternating movements. The distance that the child swims in the first lessons should be small. Having swum 4-5 m, the child should stand up, rest and only then swim again. Such periodic motor activity is completely physiological when learning new physical exercises. As the skills of moving arms and legs are mastered, the distance of independent swimming increases.

In addition to learning to swim, it is necessary to teach children to jump into the water.

The first jumps into the water are jumping feet first from a height that should not exceed half the height of the child. Then they increase the complexity of the jumps: first they jump to a depth to the chest, then to the neck, to the mouth, and finally, they dive headlong. The next stage is jumping to the depth, where the baby, after jumping, does not reach the bottom. The training cycle is completed by jumping from a gradually increasing height. A necessary element in learning to dive is the exercise of diving into the water head down. Diving develops the ability to overcome stressful situations, develop elements of courage and self-confidence.

The total duration of stay of children 5-6 years old in water, the temperature of which is about 24-25°C, is 10-15 minutes 2 times a week.


At the present stage, the task of turning the mass physical culture movement into a nationwide one based on a scientifically based system of physical education, which covers all social strata of society, is being solved. There are state systems of program-assessment standards and requirements for physical development and preparedness of various age groups of the population.

Compulsory physical education classes under state programs are held in preschool institutions, in all types of educational institutions, in the army.

Since ancient times, the Olympic Games have been the main sporting event of all times and peoples. In the days of the Olympiads, harmony and reconciliation reigned throughout the earth. Wars stopped and all strong and worthy people competed in a fair fight for the title of the best.

Over the centuries, the Olympic movement has overcome many obstacles, oblivion and alienation. But despite everything, the Olympic Games are alive to this day. Of course, this is no longer the competition in which naked young men took part and the winner of which entered the city through a breach in the wall. Today, the Olympic Games are one of the biggest events in the world. Games are equipped with the latest technology - computers and television cameras monitor the results, the time is determined to the nearest thousandth of a second, athletes and their results largely depend on technical equipment.

Thanks to the media, there is not a single person left in the civilized world. Which I didn’t know - I wouldn’t have seen the Olympics or I wouldn’t have seen the competition on TV.

In recent years, the Olympic movement has acquired a huge scale and the capitals of the Games for the duration of the Games become the capitals of the world. Sport plays an increasingly important role in people's lives.

Familiarization with the rich cultural heritage of ancient Rome, which was the result of the synthesis and further development of the physical cultural achievements of the peoples of antiquity (the ancient East and ancient Greece), makes it possible to better understand the foundations of European civilization, show new aspects in the development of ancient heritage, establish living links between antiquity and modernity, a deeper understanding of modernity.

We see that hand-to-hand combat is one of the oldest types of physical culture. Over the many millennia of its development and existence, it has become not only a method of self-defense, but also a way of spiritual and physical self-improvement of people. It is impossible to list the number of types and styles of hand-to-hand combat, each of which has its own historical and philosophical base. Unfortunately, recently the spiritual foundations of martial arts have been forgotten, mainly physical training and practical application are taken into account, while it is impossible to achieve perfect mastery of one or another type of martial art without knowledge of concentration and self-knowledge techniques.


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