
How to celebrate a silver wedding: useful tips. Silver wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary and what to give for it

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The wedding died down, the last guests dispersed, the newlyweds were finally left alone with each other. The first days of the joint life of the spouses imperceptibly flow into the first years, the first decades. And now it's almost 25 years of marriage. What kind of wedding, what to give - all these issues will have to be decided by both the invited guests and the heroes of the occasion themselves.

wedding anniversaries

For young spouses, every day spent together is a holiday. But there are more than enough reasons to celebrate living together. After all, almost every year you can celebrate a wedding anniversary.

  • In the first year from the date of the wedding, it is customary to celebrate a calico, or gauze, wedding. It is believed that the first year is the most difficult. Husband and wife are just getting used to each other, and everyday chores sometimes bring not only joy, but also unpleasant moments. Since chintz is a rather thin fabric, it has become a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.
  • In five years, you can celebrate a wooden wedding. It is believed that bonds that have lasted for five whole years are unsinkable and strong. It is customary to give various wooden objects for such a festival - from simple spoons and bowls to exquisite caskets and jewelry.
  • Pink, or tin, wedding is celebrated after ten years of marriage. A pink wedding is the first round anniversary, illuminated by tenderness and charm. At the celebration, it is customary to exchange tin wedding rings, which symbolize the flexibility and softness in the relationship of the couple.
  • After fifteen years of family relations, a crystal wedding is celebrated. Crystal is a symbol of clarity and purity of relations between spouses. On such an anniversary, crystal objects are usually given, and at the end of the feast, a crystal glass is broken for happiness.
  • Twenty years have passed, and the day of the porcelain wedding has come. porcelain is both more expensive and more delicate than crystal and glass. Therefore, such a long-term relationship is, on the one hand, fragile, and on the other, invaluable and stable. Porcelain items are given to a porcelain wedding - sets, dishes, figurines.
  • 25 years of marriage. What kind of wedding, what to give, are largely determined by traditions.

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the celebration is called the silver wedding. The first precious metal is durable, like the relationship of the spouses after a quarter of a century.

Silver wedding - a sign of family stability

So, 25 years of marriage. What kind of wedding, what to give, basically, the guests decide. But tradition has long dictated its own rules. It is believed that silver is a rather hard and durable metal. Year after year, marital relations become stronger and more proven.

Husband and wife have learned to understand each other from a half-word, sometimes even from a half-look. For a long time, the family has experienced many worries and joys. Managed to appear, and grow up children. And the celebration of the silver wedding becomes a well-deserved gift to the spouses for everything experienced together.

How to celebrate 25 wedding years

Silver is not only precious, but also a very noble metal. The planet of silver is the Moon, which symbolizes wisdom and intuition. Relationships between spouses become just as wise and intuitive. After so many years, 25 years of marriage should be well celebrated. What kind of wedding, what to give, what treats to prepare and whom to invite - the hostess is full of pre-holiday chores that are so reminiscent of the very first family holiday! You can celebrate at home, managing on your own. Or you can throw a feast with a mountain and invite guests to a fashionable restaurant. After all, a silver wedding happens once in a lifetime, and the memory of it should remain until the last days.

Traditions and customs

When celebrating a silver wedding, one should not forget about some traditions.

25 years of marriage! What kind of wedding, what to give and how to organize the celebration so that everyone - both the heroes of the occasion and the guests, are satisfied, largely depends on the owners of the house.

  • According to customs, guests for the anniversary must be invited 25 days before the celebration.
  • There should be a lot of guests, at least 25 people.
  • On the day of the celebration, the spouses should exchange silver rings, which they will wear on their right hand. Gold wedding bands are now stored in a box.

  • Great importance is attached to the weather on the day of the 25th wedding anniversary. It is believed that the sun and a clear sky promise a bright and happy family future. Cloudiness portends some difficulties in the life of the spouses.
  • The festive table can be rich and varied. But an essential dish is a loaf, which the spouses should cut together, holding on to one knife. Well, of course, champagne should flow like water on this day.

Joint gift to spouses

What is a wedding without generous gifts? What to give spouses who have lived together for 25 years? Of course, silver, as well as all sorts of interior elements trimmed with silver.

  • A beautiful grandfather clock or a picture in a silver frame can be a luxurious present.
  • A silver service or a set of silverware will not be superfluous.
  • A symbol of family happiness will be a silver horseshoe, subsequently attached above the front door. The product will become a kind of amulet, giving well-being and escaping from negative phenomena.

25 years of marriage… What kind of wedding, what is given in this case, depends on the imagination and capabilities of the guest. The main thing is that the gift should come from the heart and be given with generosity and good intentions.

Mutual gifts of wife and husband

Of course, a quarter of a century lived together is not complete without joint surprises of the spouses to each other. Often a husband asks himself: what to give his wife for 25 years? Which wedding will take on more mystery - with an advance romantic surprise or a traditional gift? Of course, almost everyone loves surprises. But diligent housewives, who become brides after 25 years of marriage, also prefer practical gifts.

Therefore, the best gift from a husband to his wife can be bed linen, household appliances, and even furniture. Of course, do not forget about gifts for the soul. A pleasant surprise will be a romantic trip or a subscription to the spa. Even the most captious lady will not be able to resist an exclamation of admiration when her beloved husband gives a present that she did not expect.

What should a wife give her husband? What wedding - 25 years? This is an unforgettable celebration, and the gift should also be memorable. For a man who is fond of ennobling his own home, a tool kit can be a great gift. Presents necessary for your favorite pastime - a hobby will be pleasant. For example, fishing rods, spinning, a set of original hooks will be a pleasant surprise for an avid angler.

Gifts for parents from children

And what can children give parents? Surprise also depends on the imagination and desire to please loved ones.

First of all, what is a wedding without flowers? 25 years! What to give parents, besides beautiful flower arrangements and lush bouquets? Of course, you can only get by with such a gift. But the spouses will be doubly pleased if the flowers are complemented, for example, an invitation to a romantic dinner for two in a cozy restaurant. Naturally, a couple should go to such an event only together.

Also, attending an interesting performance or going to the cinema can also significantly cheer you up. A more practical gift will be beautiful bedding, and even an orthopedic mattress, on which it will be comfortable to relax. However, even the help of children in organizing the celebration will be a pleasant surprise for parents. The main thing is to think over everything in advance and give yourself to the matter with all zeal.

Vika Dee

In folk traditions, a charter for a silver wedding has long been established. There are wonderful customs that are worth observing today: washing together, exchanging silver rings, drinking three bottles of wine hidden 25 years ago, drinking tea together.

Organization of 25 wedding years can be very different. Someone prefers to celebrate it at home without a toastmaster, for the closest and dearest. At home, you can really feel more relaxed, and the hostess of the celebration will be able to show off her culinary talents.

The idea of ​​holding a silver wedding anniversary in the family circle will only emphasize the love of silver "newlyweds" for home comfort and communication with family and friends in an informal setting.

If the spouses happen to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary in the summer, then it is best to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary in nature. It can be a cottage or a country cottage to set up tables in the fresh air. Set up something like an ordinary picnic somewhere on the shore a river or a forest edge - although a tempting idea, it does not go well with traditions: what about a wedding cake, without which the celebration of a silver wedding is simply impossible to imagine? Therefore, more civilized conditions are preferred.

How to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary of your parents to remember for a lifetime

Children should take an active part in organizing the anniversary, and so that it does not turn out to be too official, make up a comic script for holding a silver wedding, taking into account where it will be celebrated: in a restaurant or at home. Still better at home– a more spontaneous atmosphere will allow guests to feel more relaxed and have fun from the heart.

The house should be prepared for the celebration: since the wedding is silver, it should be decorated in silver tones. For this, silver foil and silver balloons are suitable. Guests and parents will be pleased with a poster with congratulations and a large photo collage, which presents a photo chronicle of the life of the spouses for a quarter of a century.

A musical selection of songs that were popular 25 years ago will make a huge contribution to creating a warm atmosphere. Some of them have already been forgotten, some still sound today, but how pleasant it will be for the heroes of the occasion and guests to hear the melodies of their youth again! A must for the music collection turn on the melodies that sounded at the wedding, especially the first dance of the newlyweds, which they will repeat with pleasure.

Usually they try to invite the same guests to a silver wedding as 25 years ago.

In fact, it is like a repetition of that solemn event and, at the same time, summarizing the results of 25 years of family life. You can repeat the ransom for a silver wedding, forcing the husband to pass the test again and answer many questions about his chosen one, whom he managed to study well over a quarter of a century.

The couple will again swear the oath of the newlyweds, and this is a great occasion to remember everything that was "in sorrow and in joy", and after that they solemnly handed an antique-style letter, made by children or friends, medals commemorating their merits in family life (“Best Husband/Dad”, “Best Wife/Mother”), as well as silver foil crowns.

Silver wedding celebration script ideas with contests

The "program of events" at the silver wedding is humorous. Competitions for celebrating the 25th wedding anniversary at the table are especially successful. Guests do not need to do anything, just remember in detail certain first wedding moments. This usually causes incredible animation and sincere laughter.

Funny competitions for a silver wedding for the bride and groom can be no less exciting, for example, who knows and remembers everything related to the family better. Spouses take turns answering questions about the date they met, the birthdays of all family members, each other's hobbies and habits, favorite foods, drinks, flowers, when and in what situation certain family photos were taken, etc.

Guests and children can act out funny scenes for the 25th wedding anniversary, parodying the spouses, their characteristic gestures and words. The fun scenario also provides for other contests and outdoor games, but it should be remembered that most of the guests who were present at the first wedding are far from twenty, so it is better to choose such contests and games that do not require much physical effort but only resourcefulness and a sense of humor.

How to celebrate 25 years of marriage together with your husband after the wedding

So the celebration of the silver wedding with all its attributes has ended, the luxurious cake has been eaten, the guests have dispersed, the golden wedding rings are in the box until next year, but this is not the end.

The wedding follows according to tradition honeymoon trip, so why not repeat it in 25 years, especially since the opportunities for this today are much wider? A honeymoon trip, albeit a short one, even if only for a few days, will allow you to escape from the usual routine and look at each other with new eyes in an unusual setting. Or just arrange a romantic evening just for the two of you, without children and grandchildren.

January 19, 2018, 18:40

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Silver wedding traditions

What to give a husband and wife?

The twenty-fifth anniversary of family life is called a silver wedding. This is the first wedding anniversary that "reached" the precious metal. It is no coincidence that twenty-five years of married life are crowned with silver. Live together in wealth and in poverty, in sorrow and in joy, in sickness and in health. Needless to say, not all couples are destined to celebrate the silver anniversary together. This anniversary means that the couple managed to save and preserve the silver of their love.

Like a porcelain wedding, this anniversary in different countries of the world has the same name of a silver wedding.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Like any wedding anniversary, the silver anniversary can be successfully celebrated in the peaceful atmosphere of a home holiday, without too much fuss. But hiding from family and friends an event of this magnitude is simply unfair. In the end, the anniversaries deserve a real holiday in their honor, and 25 years lived in love and harmony is the main confirmation of this.

The best option for a holiday would be to invite guests to a cozy restaurant or cafe. It is advisable to invite everyone who was at the wedding 25 years ago to the anniversary, but not less than twenty-five people - this is a tradition. By the way, invitations for guests to the silver anniversary should also be sent out no less than 25 days before the holiday.

For a family celebration to be held at the highest level, it is worth inviting a professional toastmaster and a photographer. Photography of the silver anniversary is a separate item of the wedding program. Is it worth missing the opportunity when all friends and relatives will gather?

Silver wedding traditions

This date has many of its old traditions. The spouses should start the festive morning with a kiss, which means that their feelings not only have not faded away, but are able to flare up with renewed vigor. Then follows the rite of washing, when the husband and wife draw water into a silver jug ​​and help each other to wash. Moreover, the washing itself occurs in three stages. The first ablution washes away the bygone years, and the spouses become a quarter of a century younger; the second - washes away all the old sorrows and worries. And for the third time, the couple wash themselves, meeting the dawn and a new life. After washing, a few drops of water should remain in the jug, which, evaporating in the sun, will take away all the old problems with them.

The most important ritual of a silver wedding is the exchange of rings. As a sign of eternal love, the spouses wear silver rings to each other. This ritual was usually performed at noon in the presence of the parents of the "groom" and "bride". Well, if the sun is shining at this moment - this is considered a good omen for spouses.

This ritual should be performed with the participation of friends who were witnesses at the wedding 25 years ago. For greater solemnity, the “bride” can put on her wedding dress, and the “groom” can present a beautiful wedding bouquet. Previously, a priest was invited to this ceremony, who again married the “newlyweds”, conducting the ceremony in accordance with all the rules. So if the spouses did not get married, but are thinking about it, it is difficult to imagine a more suitable case than a silver wedding. If you wish, you can also arrange a second wedding in the registry office, and then time will turn back.

Some married couples take off their gold rings on this day in order to wear silver ones all year round. In this case, the parents of the anniversaries put the rings in a special box and hand them to the “young” with parting words to keep their happiness and these rings. Other couples prefer to wear new silver rings over gold ones. And some prefer to wear new silver rings on the middle finger, next to the gold ones.

And finally, the last ancient ritual of the Silver Jubilee was the evening tea party of the “newlyweds”. After the guests left, when the festive table had not yet been cleaned, the wife treated her husband to fragrant tea, after which they set about cleaning together.

What to give for a silver wedding

The best gift on this day, of course, is silver. In the end, the anniversaries deserve expensive gifts: silverware, crockery, figurines and silver candlesticks. To emphasize family ties, it is customary for anniversaries to give not six cutlery, but a pair, for example, two silver spoons. A wonderful gift for a silver wedding is a watch as a symbol of time, past and future. It is very symbolic to present a silver cup to the anniversaries as a prize for a long married life.

The nobility of silver is best conveyed by jewelry. If this gift is given by a man, then it must be given to both spouses. However, it is better to present identical paired rings, pendants, medallions or bracelets to anniversaries. By the way, they can be supplemented with a commemorative engraving in honor of the anniversary.

It is also customary to give white flowers for a silver wedding - roses, orchids, peonies or lilies. You can give more original flowers, such as anthrinium, protea or craspedia.

Any household appliances can be a practical and quite appropriate gift for an anniversary, especially if it has a silver sheen. An original gift for two can be a paid table in a restaurant, theater or opera tickets, or maybe a trip abroad. You can please the anniversaries with a beautiful album for family photos.

Fans of symbolic gifts can solemnly present the heroes of the occasion with a silver medal for merits in building a friendly family, but there should also be two medals. Upon presentation, you can read a comic congratulatory telegram on behalf of the President of the country.

“Dear anniversaries! On behalf of the entire nation, I and my entourage congratulate you on twenty-five years of fruitful cooperation.

25 years ago you created a solid cell of our society. You have managed to harmoniously combine personal interests, the interests of the family and society: having received an unexpected increase in salary, you immediately invest it in the income of shops, which will then pay (maybe) taxes. I and my people thank you for the implementation of the state's demographic policy, you helped increase the population by as much as two people, and we hope that you will continue to pay attention to this issue.

Therefore, live, dear (names of spouses), in hope, love each other and pay taxes. And my friends and I will do everything to make your life and work easier with joyful surprises! Your legitimately elected President."

What to give a husband and wife?

A silver wedding is a great opportunity to give each other a nice gift. On such an important anniversary, you can present a silver souvenir or engraved jewelry. You can also order paired silver bracelets from a jeweler.

A husband should be presented with a silver chain, cufflinks, an ashtray or a good watch. People who have lived together for a quarter of a century are not prone to superstition. If the husband collects something, he will be pleased if you show interest in his hobby. Among the gifts may be collectible coins, rare editions of books or a musical instrument of a well-known company.

You can present your wife with a silver box, a beautiful mirror, a picture in a silver frame, a photo frame or a set of jewelry. A gift can be silver, for example, a set of bed linen or a phone.

How to celebrate a silver wedding?

First of all, there is an option with the wedding dresses of the bride and groom. What could be nicer to feel like newlyweds again? Although the wedding theme can be fully supported by special accessories, for example, hair ornaments or fresh flower boutonnieres. You can pick up a hat with a white veil that imitates a veil.

In any case, the outfit of the spouses must match the name of the holiday. For the anniversary, the wife can wear a silver-gray dress, made of plain satin or embroidered with sparkling sequins. A more festive look can be given to a modest outfit by adding silver jewelry - a clutch or shoes. The husband will match the celebration in a classic dark suit, complemented by silver cufflinks.

What to cook for a silver wedding?

At this holiday, guests are treated to an anniversary loaf, which the spouses cut like a wedding cake. There should be a variety of cold appetizers and several unusual salads on the table. Julienne can be served as hot appetizers. The main dish can be chicken baked with paprika, or veal roll with meat filling. Of alcoholic beverages, it is better to give preference to red wine and champagne - a drink without which no wedding can do.

Do not forget about the design of the festive banquet. It is better to decorate the table with silver dishes and large white flowers. And to leave the best memories of the anniversary, you can order fireworks in honor of the anniversaries.

As a dessert, guests can be offered a spectacular wedding cake with an airy creamy layer between biscuits. It can be completely covered with silver mastic or be snow-white with silver-colored ribbons. The cake can be originally served in the form of cupcakes on a multi-tiered stand, where there will be cakes below, and a small cake on top, which will be cut at the end of the banquet.

A silver wedding is not just an anniversary of married life whitened with silver - it is only half the way to a golden wedding. So let all hardships and problems be left behind, and on the way to happiness you will find the most important thing - love, which becomes stronger every year!

Silver wedding comes after 25 years of marriage from the date of marriage. A man and a woman are preparing to celebrate the anniversary, puzzling over how to spend such a significant day. It is important to take into account all the main points so that not only the guests, but also the heroes of the occasion are satisfied.

Silver wedding traditions

Washing. In order to fully comply with the tradition, on the morning of the wedding day, you need to collect spring water in a crystal jug and start joint water procedures. The couple wash each other's faces three times. The first ablution takes with it the burden of sad events that have passed over the years of being together. The second time, all minor problems are washed away, and the third rinse takes away possible worries about the future.

Now you need to wipe each other's faces with a white towel, which is a symbol of endless love and mutual fidelity. After that, the heroes of the day expose the jug to the sun so that the remaining drops evaporate, taking with them possible pain and adversity.

Exchange of rings. The ceremony corresponds to the name, the spouses buy the silver rings they like in advance, after which they put them on each other's fingers in the circle of relatives and friends. Silver symbolizes the strength of love and the inextricable bond between a man and a woman, which has existed for 25 years.

Exactly at 12:00, husband and wife exchange new rings, and the old ones are removed and put in a box for 1 year. Many people wear silver up to their 30th anniversary, it all depends on personal preference. The tradition assumes the presence of witnesses who were next to the newlyweds 25 years ago. If the anniversaries celebrate the celebration in another city or country where this is not possible, the rule can be omitted.

After the ceremony, the heroes of the occasion go to celebrate a feast with those invited. This is followed by a romantic candlelight dinner at your favorite restaurant, and only then comes the time for the third tradition.

Tea drinking. The ceremony is suitable for those who celebrate the celebration with their families; the ceremony is not held at a noisy party. Tea drinking begins after the last guest leaves the house. The wife brews two cups of strong sweet tea, after which the anniversaries begin the ceremony.

It is important to take into account the fact that the tea party is held immediately after the departure of the guests, so it is impossible to clear the table. The ceremony is a symbol of confidence in the future. The ceremony shows that, despite the hustle and bustle and a large number of people around, the husband and wife find time for family conversations, home comfort, sincerity and love.

Silver Wedding Celebration Ideas

romantic celebration
Many couples choose to celebrate their silver wedding as a couple, and this is quite normal. A good option would be a trip abroad, namely to Paris. There is no city in the world more romantic than the French capital. Thousands of visitors flock here every year to admire the bewitching architecture, nature and works of great artists. What could be better than a romantic dinner at a restaurant on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower? Only a day trip along the Champs-Elysées with a mandatory visit to the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral.

Those who plan to hold a celebration in nature should take a closer look at the tent. Such a device in the summer will save you from the scorching sun, and in the fall it will shelter you from unexpected rain. Decorate it with garlands, Chinese lanterns, balls, beads and colorful ribbons. Use silver glitter varnish, it is easily sprayed onto the fabric and lasts more than a day. Take care of the presence of lanterns that will light up after sunset. As a place of celebration, go to the banks of a river, lake or green lawn. For lovers of extreme sports, you can climb the mountains, but not too high, so as not to turn the celebration into a camping trip.

Theme party
In recent years, the silver wedding themed trend has become popular. All invitees and heroes of the occasion dress in the same style. You can have a cowboy party or dress up as Victorian characters, dress up as sailors and pirates. You can also use images of cartoon characters, giving the celebration a youthful enthusiasm. This option is suitable for cheerful spouses who go through life with humor.

Classics of the genre
The couple invite the same guests and witnesses as 25 years ago, after which they live the wedding day again. The wife puts on a wedding dress, and the husband a suit, the anniversaries book a restaurant where they celebrated their marriage 25 years ago, and stop by the registry office. A similar method will bring nostalgia, return you to the days of youth. All friends and acquaintances have been walking side by side with you for 25 years, the celebration will turn out to be very touching. If the wedding dress has not survived, you should wear any other white outfit, complement it with a diadem, necklace and white gloves. You can cover your face with a veil, giving the image a zest. To show the continuity of generations, it is recommended to dress a niece or granddaughter in a similar outfit, and then give her a small bouquet. Together, the ladies will look very touching, the guests will not be able to hold back the tears of delight, tenderness and boundless happiness.

Celebration with family
Couples who prefer coziness to noisy parties should pay attention to celebrating with their families. Husband and wife, by their actions, emphasize that they want to share their happiness with relatives and friends. As a venue for the event, a cottage or a private house is suitable. If there is no opportunity to celebrate the anniversary in the private sector, hold a celebration in the apartment. Many real estate agencies rent cottages, so you should consider this option.

How to invite guests to a silver wedding

If your celebration involves a lot of people, it's important to get it right.

First you need to send out invitations to all relatives and friends exactly 25 days before the day of the celebration. This need is due to the fact that each passing day symbolizes a year of living together. Please note that if you send postcards by mail, they must be sent earlier so that the invitations arrive on time. We recommend using email or courier delivery.

You need to invite 25 people to a silver wedding, including witnesses. In this case, the symbolism lies in the number itself, the anniversaries show honors to those invited, making it clear that the attention of loved ones who have been there for all 25 years is important for them.

When you have decided on the place of celebration, feel free to proceed to the decor of the room. Given the theme, it is worth giving preference to silver colors. It is important to understand that not everyone will like dreary gray napkins or balloons, so dilute the nondescript mass with bright shades. Purple, purple, green, pink, red and blue colors go well with silver. Such combinations will decorate the room in a modern and solemn way. Do not get carried away with bright colors, silver should prevail.

  1. Take care of the silver tablecloths that will set the tone for the entire room. Don't buy the usual greys, go with sequins and lots of rhinestones, or do your own painting with flannel silver thread. Decorate the room with 25 balloons. You can number each of them and give them to guests after the celebration. As for the walls of the room, use silver flowing fabrics tied in the middle with beads or ribbon.
  2. Get as many metal details as possible to decorate the table. These can be coasters for fruits and snacks, plates with a silver edging, cutlery made of natural silver. Precious metal is an extremely expensive pleasure, so buy 1 set for yourself, and offer guests ordinary appliances. Do not forget about the glasses, decorate them with silver ribbons and order the appropriate inscription.
  3. Take care of the availability of candle holders in silver. When the dance of the spouses begins, the lights will go out, and the candles will create a cozy and a little intimate atmosphere. All attention will be directed to you.
  4. Do not forget about floral arrangements. You can pick your favorite flowers in the country, and then take them to professionals so that they make beautiful sets. In addition to decorating the room, it is worth making small bouquets that will be intended for guests. Order compositions based on the number of invitees, so that everyone takes a piece of a significant day with them.
  5. To emphasize the number of years lived together, make a collage of photos, draw themed posters and hang them on the walls. Place a small album next to it in which the invited guests will write congratulations and wishes to the anniversaries.

Is there an important day coming up? Choose a celebration option based on your general wishes. Take your guests to nature or host a party in retro style. Those who do not like noisy companies should give preference to celebrating in the family circle. Romantic couples can safely fly to Paris for new experiences, you will not only have a good time, but also enrich yourself spiritually.