
"Physiogel": reviews. Cream "Physiogel" for dry and sensitive skin. Cosmetics. The use of physiogel cream for cosmetic purposes Physiogel cream for facial skin, composition, instructions for use


Women know that the key to the beauty of their skin is its regular hydration. Today, there are many different cosmetic products on the shelves of stores. How to understand their effectiveness? Will the product only give a temporary positive effect? Employees of the Irish company Stiefel Laboratories also thought about the same. They have developed a range of completely new care products for dry, flaky and sagging skin called "Physiogel". Cream, shampoo - this is a set of products of this company. Today we are interested in product number one. We'll talk about him.

The composition of the product

The developers of the formulations of these products claim that they have created completely unique products that allow not only to care for the skin, but to stimulate it to self-moisturize. Many experts have already called the appearance of these funds a breakthrough in the field of beauty. What is so unique about this miracle cosmetics under the brand name "Physiogel"? Cream, customer reviews confirm this, it has good efficacy against. The following components are present in these products: squalene, coconut and shea butter, ceramide 3, caprylic triglycerides, hydrogenated lecithin and glycerin. The manufacturer claims that these cosmetic products contain plant-derived lipids related to our skin. That is why our body perceives them as "their own". At the same time, the composition of the products does not contain such familiar components that can hardly be called useful: emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives, flavorings.

Overview of funds

Moisturizing brand product called "Physiogel" - fluid cream. Designed for Has a light texture. Relieves irritation, redness, itching, neutralizes free radicals.

Cream for sensitive and irritated skin. Suitable for eliminating the first wrinkles, as it has antioxidant properties. The cream well soothes irritated skin, reduces itching and inflammation, and gives a feeling of comfort.

Intensive cream for very dry skin. What distinguishes this product from any other brand called "Physiogel"? Intensive cream has a high lipid content (41%). Therefore, it is recommended for the care of very dry, flabby, dehydrated skin. It can be used as a protective agent in the cold season.

Moisturizing lotion. It can be used for any type of skin, but is especially indicated for dry and flabby skin.

Cream for daily care of dry and sensitive skin. It is applied in the morning and in the evening. What is good about this brand product called "Physiogel"? The cream, the instruction to it confirms this, contains unique natural lipids related to our skin. The tool does not cause irritation at all. It cares for very dry skin, giving it comfort and a feeling of smoothness.

Shampoo for dry scalp. For those who have experienced a similar problem, this product is recommended. Dry constant irritations, a tendency to allergies - this is a list of indications for the use of this shampoo.

Gentle cleanser for all skin types. Can also be used without water. It is used to cleanse sensitive skin in the morning and evening. Does not cause irritation and the formation of comedones.

Why "Physiogel"?

We all know that our skin needs vital moisture. As long as the water balance is maintained in the cells of the epidermis, everything is fine. As soon as it is broken, our skin becomes dull, becomes pale, dry, peeling and redness appear on it. We put on it and it shines with health again. It would seem that everything is simple. But it is not so. All modern cosmetic moisturizers can be conditionally divided into two groups with different mechanisms of action. The products of the first option create a protective film on the skin that prevents moisture from evaporating. As a rule, these products have a fatty or oil base. One has only to wash, as dry skin reappears. It is urgent to apply a new layer of cream. Means from the second group contain special components that bind water in the cells and prevent it from leaving them. Such ingredients in creams include glycerin, butylene glycol, urea, propylene glycol, lactic acid and others. Products with this composition are effective only until they are washed off the face. Feeling tight after cleansing your skin? So for moisturizing, just such a tool was used. Dermatologists from Stiefel Laboratories have created completely new products that do not belong to either the first or the second group. They don't just hydrate the skin. Due to the content of lipids of natural origin, they restore its protective layer from the inside, giving a long-term effect. And all products of the brand called "Physiogel" have this effect. Cream, consumer reviews of which we will consider below, is one of the best-selling face and body care products today.

How to use

The question arises: "Do such unique beauty products have to have some special way of application?" Far from it. Like any cosmetics, Physiogel cream is used. For the face, this method is as follows: lubricate the skin twice a day in the morning and evening after cleansing it.

Indications for use

Increased skin sensitivity, tendency to irritation.


Peeling on the skin.

She is prone to allergies.

The presence of mimic wrinkles.

Also, after some cosmetic procedures, such as chemical peeling, "Physiogel" (cream) can be used. The instruction to it says that the remedy can be used in complex therapy for the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema.

Customer Review: "The best cream for dry skin"

The cosmetics manufacturer of this brand claims that its products are a breakthrough in the field of face and body care products. But is it so highly appreciated by buyers? Let's see what they say about the company's products under the Physiogel brand. “The body cream of this manufacturer is the best product of this kind,” many consumers are sure. They write that it is odorless, which is also important, not sticky, quickly absorbed, does not stain clothes, perfectly moisturizes the skin, and gives a feeling of comfort. What else do you need for a good body cream? And now let's check another means of the Physiogel brand - consumers are more often positive about it.

Women write that applying it is a pleasure. It is not thick, not sticky, and can be used as a make-up base. Tonal means lay down on it very well. Skin looks fresh and radiant throughout the day. What is especially pleasing, according to our lovely ladies, is that the cream does not just create a similar effect, but really works. And its action does not disappear after washing. The manufacturer says that the cream moisturizes the skin for three days. Consumers confirm this by saying that after cleansing the skin, there is no feeling of tightness and dryness.

Perfect "winter" cream

Everyone knows that our skin needs more care and protection in cold weather. In winter, you need to give preference to creams on a fatty basis with a thick consistency. This is exactly what Physiogel (face cream) is. The instruction to it says that it well restores the natural protective barrier of the skin. Many women, having appreciated this property of the product, have already tried it in the winter and were satisfied.

The cream is an excellent effective remedy for cracked heels. Everyone who has this problem is rushing about in search of a good remedy. That is exactly what this product is. According to the assurances of some buyers, it is enough to lubricate their heels several times in a row at night, and in the morning they will be like a baby's. And cracks and dryness in this area will cease to bother.

. “As a restorative mask, the cream of this brand can be used,” the women are sure. For those to whom it does not suit for some reason, it can be advised to do this: lubricate the face for 20 minutes, and then remove the remnants of the product with a cotton sponge and cool water.

Some consumers use "Physiogel" cream for hand skin care. They write that there is no better way to do this: it absorbs quickly, does not smell, does not leave greasy marks, and does not stain clothes.

Negative Feedback

Let's see, why didn't some consumers like Physiogel (cream). Negative reviews indicate some of the shortcomings of this tool. First, it is high cost. So, for example, a cream-fluid for the body of this company costs from 590 to 640 rubles in different pharmacies. And the price of a face cream is also at least 500 rubles. According to many buyers, it is too expensive. Secondly, these products are only suitable for people with dry skin types. Only in this case they "work" well. There are a lot of negative responses from people that when using creams of this brand with combination and oily skin, they clog pores, which leads to inflammation. In addition, some women have a shiny skin after applying them.

You have to cover it with powder, which in turn can also cause irritation. Thirdly, the manufacturer's assurances that the cream can be used to care for sensitive skin prone to allergies are not confirmed. It turns out that the product itself can provoke a rash and itching. Numerous consumer comments testify to this.

We talked about face and body skin care products under the brand name "Physiogel". The cream of this brand is now in high demand among our women.

Physiogel (Physiogel), is the result of painstaking research work of scientists in the field of dermatology. The tool was developed by the Irish company Stiefel, which has been manufacturing products for healthy and problematic skin for more than 165 years.

Under the Physiogel trademark, a whole range of products is produced: shampoos, body lotions, cleansers, creams. All of them contain a minimum number of components, due to which, the preparations are distinguished by their hypoallergenicity. The complex does not contain: alcohols, preservatives, parabens, fragrances and dyes. It is not for nothing that leading specialists in dermatology from 60 countries prefer this brand for prescriptions to their patients.

Physiogel preparations are ideal preparations for the constant care of the epidermis, especially if it is sensitive or prone to allergic reactions. A good effect from the use of the complex is observed in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema and flaky skin.

The composition of the cream Physiogel AI

There are no unnecessary ingredients in the composition of the drug. All components are perfectly balanced in it. The composition of the product contains lipids (similar to the lipids of the human epidermis). The cream has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin and prevent the loss of moisture, which leads to long-term hydration. No matter how dry the dermis is, the drug will still moisturize it and relieve irritation.

Cream Physiogel AI consists of the following ingredients:

  • Ceramide 3 - softens and makes the epidermis elastic, as it is a neutral lipid and natural ceramide, of plant origin;
  • Xanthan Gum is a moisturizer with moisture-retaining properties;
  • Sodium Carbomer, Hydroxyethylcellulose and Carbomer are common thickeners;
  • Squalane - this component is found in the sebaceous glands at a concentration of 12-14%, and is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. It has a moisturizing, nourishing and wound healing effect;
  • Butyrospermum Parkii - Shea butter, due to its unique emollient and protective properties, is widely used in cosmetics;
  • Hydrogenated Lecithin - has a moisturizing and antioxidant effect, being a natural phospholipid;
  • Cocos Nucifera - coconut oil. It contains acids of organic origin that create a protective film and soften the skin: oleic, linolenic, linoleic, lauric, stearic and others;
  • Pentylene Glycol - is a moisture-retaining component, as well as an organic solvent;
  • Glycerin - Glycerin is known to be an emollient;
  • Caprylic triglyceride - prevents moisture from escaping from the dermis. Mainly extracted from coconut oil;
  • Aqua - ordinary water.

The preparation has a delicate, non-greasy texture and is odorless. If you apply it, absorption is not instantaneous. A protective film on the skin is formed after the product is completely absorbed, as a result of which, its surface acquires a slight sheen. The drug can be used as a base for makeup, it perfectly holds powder and foundation, which lie flat.


Thanks to the Dermo-Membrane Structure (DMS), which was based on the natural barrier properties of the epidermis, and Palmitoyl Ethanol Amide (PEA), which is a natural skin component, the drug well eliminates irritation and itching.

Also, about how Physiogel AI affects the epidermis, we can say the following:

  • there is a restoration of the affected areas of the dermis;
  • moistening of the layers of the epidermis;
  • the skin performs all its natural functions, and the cream applied to it does not interfere with this;
  • the agent is capable of acting at the cellular level;
  • the lipid layer is restored, namely, the restoration of the water-lipid protection of the epidermis, which reduces redness, the sensitivity of the dermis to irritants and prevents dehydration of the epidermal cover;
  • keratinized areas are softened;
  • irritations are removed in a gentle way;
  • the skin, under the influence of the drug, acquires the property to level off.


Physiogel AI is used for a large number of different dermatological diseases. Allergic dermatitis is no exception.

Physiogel AI cream is widely used in a complex of measures for allergic and atopic dermatitis in children and adults, since, in addition to relieving the unpleasant consequences of allergies, it is able to protect the epidermis.

It is possible to use Physiogel AI for psoriasis and other diseases of the epidermal integument, accompanied by their dryness and flaking.

The drug is allowed for use by pregnant women, both for therapeutic purposes and for prophylactic purposes. Physiogel AI can be used for a long time, on any part of the dermis.

Note - Physiogel AI is not a medical drug, and for dermatological diseases should be used only in combination with drug treatment prescribed by a doctor.


If there are allergic rashes on the skin, then the drug is applied 2 times a day, to relieve itching and inflammation, after taking antihistamines. The effect of the treatment can be observed after the second application.

With pronounced skin lesions with various dermatitis, the remedy can be used more often than 2 times a day.

After stopping the use of Physiogel AI, the protective effect continues for several days. If necessary, the application of the drug can be repeated.

Physiogel does not leave marks on clothes, does not have a strong smell.

Contraindications and side effects

No undesirable side effects have been found when applying Physiogel AI, even with long-term use at high doses.

For reinsurance, the instructions provide for individual intolerance to the individual components of the cream, which can be expressed as an allergy. But in practice, such cases were not observed.

Physiogel AI can be easily purchased at the pharmacy chain at a price of 500 to 700 rubles per 50 ml tube.

Other Physiogel Brand Products

Cream Physiogel - also has a moisturizing effect, it contains 29% lipids, due to which the epidermis is intensively nourished, especially if they are dry and inflamed.

In composition, this drug is similar to Physiogel AI, with some differences, but in action, it is no worse than the latter.

Cream Physiogel can be used for: diabetic epidermal irritations, atopic dermatitis, overthrow of a different nature, allergic external manifestations, in the form of itching and rash. Also, the tool is often used:

  • with dry dermis, due to external factors (frost and wind);
  • if there is a physiological, age-related dryness of the skin;
  • after applying cosmetic procedures, both in the salon and at home.

Physiogel (Physiogel) Intensive cream

As the name implies, the product has a more intense effect than the above creams.

Of the positive properties of Intensive Cream, the following can be distinguished:

  • anti-comedogenic (does not contribute to blockage of the pores of the epidermis) property of the drug, allows it to be used in the complex therapy of acne on the face;
  • in addition to applying to the face, the product can be used to apply to problem areas of the epidermis on the hands, feet (it softens cracked heels well), etc .;
  • the use of the cream is permissible on the epidermis of any age, but the effect is most noticeable on mature skin, since after its application, wrinkles and folds are noticeably smoothed, and the appearance of the dermis changes for the better.

Physiogel (Physiogel) Lotion for face and body, 200 ml, contains 17% lipids. The product is mainly used for deep cleansing of the skin. The lotion is recommended to be used in combination with other preparations of the Physiogel series for the treatment of dermatitis, including those caused by allergies.

The product is applied to the surface of the skin with a cotton ball, and wiped in a circular motion, after which, it is not required to wash off the drug.

Lotion application:

  • the product is used for the care of any type of skin;
  • can be used after cosmetic procedures;
  • if there is skin sensitivity to soap, followed by irritation after its application;
  • lotion can be used to remove make-up for those who have dry or sensitive skin, so as not to use soap and water.

Physiogel (Physiogel) Shampoo plus, 150 ml. This hypoallergenic shampoo contains panthenol and conditioner, thanks to which the hair acquires shine and volume. The shampoo can be used by both children and adults.

This tool is indispensable for regular use, especially if you have dry and brittle hair, because it contains components that cleanse and nourish the scalp.

Shampoo is used in the usual way: a small amount is applied to the palms, and then to wet hair, after which it is necessary to do a light massage to rub it into the scalp, and do not rinse for about 2 minutes. After that, the hair can be washed and dried (it is not advisable to use a hair dryer, as it can dry out the skin and hair).

The pharmacy chain offers patients with dry skin and those suffering from dermatitis a large selection of emollients to moisturize and nourish the epidermis. The effectiveness of Physiogel AI is noted by 90% of consumers, which can be seen on the website

Bio Mimic manufactures several products for the treatment of dermatitis, guarantees the quality and hypoallergenicity of products.

The main properties of the remedy

With allergic dermatitis, most baby creams do not moisturize the baby's skin, they can only cause irritation and redness. Physiogel AI cream is ideal for the care of irritated, inflamed skin. The tool is recommended to use:

Physiogel AI does not contain parabens, fragrances, silicone. Basically, in the products of this line, natural ingredients:

The tool perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, dermatologists often prescribe it to patients for the treatment of allergic dermatitis.

The preparation for moisturizing the skin should be selected taking into account the symptoms of the disease. With excessive dryness and peeling, it is best to use light creams, milk.

Using emollient, follow the rules.

The choice of a nutrient must be agreed with the attending physician.

How is it applied?

The use of Physiogel AI depends on the localization of skin rashes, severity, type of disease.

Cream-fluid is produced for the body, for sensitive and very sensitive skin. The price for 200 ml ranges from 500-700 rubles.


As with all medicines, there are contraindications to the use of Physiogel AI. The use of creams, lotions is not recommended:

Treatment of allergic dermatitis should be comprehensive, include vitamin therapy, strengthening the immune system. Emollients are used as one of the most important components of therapy.

Patients note that if Physiogel AI is used for a long time, following the application rules and doctor's recommendations, the skin becomes more elastic, velvety. Dryness, irritation, peeling, minor damage disappear.

Physiogel AI is used for sensitive problematic skin with irritation and inflammation, including due to dermatological diseases. The use of a cream or other form of a drug with a similar composition helps to restore the health of the skin.

Composition and form of release of the drug

Physiogel AI is available for sale in pharmacies in several versions:

  • Milk for face and body.
  • Cream fluid.
  • Lotion.
  • Face cream.

The main advantage of Physiogel is its natural herbal composition, which significantly reduces the risk of allergy to the drug.

The main active components of the agent in each form of release are as follows:

  • Lipids that help nourish and hydrate the skin.
  • Natural cannabinoids to relieve inflammation and itching.
  • Shea essential oil, which has a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin.
  • A triglyceride that has the ability to soothe and soften the skin.
  • Coconut oil that actively nourishes the epidermis.
  • Squalane to control water balance.
  • Skin softening ceramide.
  • Glycerin to ensure fluid flow.

As part of Physiogel AI there are no fragrances, dyes, parabens, fragrances and other chemical elements.

pharmachologic effect

The action of the drug is aimed at restoring the water balance of the skin and treating its lesions resulting from a dermatological disease. Creams and lotions are used to reduce and further relieve inflammation, swelling, eliminate rashes and peeling of the skin in dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other diseases.

Physiogel AI has antioxidant and antihistamine effects, which is beneficial in the treatment of allergic manifestations. In addition, the cream helps to restore the structure of the epidermis and prevents possible loss of skin moisture.

Indications for use

Cream and lotion Physiogel are prescribed for such conditions:

  • Manifestations of atopic and allergic dermatitis.
  • Excessive dryness and irritation of the skin when you should use the drug for daily care procedures.
  • Acute and intolerable itching.
  • Psoriasis.
  • various dermatoses.
  • High sensitivity of the skin to external stimuli.
  • Eczema.
  • Blackheads and acne.
  • Rosacea.

It is allowed to use Physiogel AI cream to care for children's skin during periods after bathing, as well as to protect the baby from the effects of weather conditions.

Instructions for use

Physiogel is an effective and harmless drug for the treatment and restoration of the skin in children and adults, but the features of using the product have their own differences.

For adults

The adult age category is allowed to use the drug in all forms of release in the absence of contraindications. Creams, milks and lotions should be applied to the affected skin in a thin layer from 1 to 3 times daily, depending on the severity of the disease or the purpose of the product.

For dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, according to the instructions, it is recommended to apply Physiogel in the morning and evening, as well as when itching occurs. For daily skin care, you can limit yourself to applying to dry and flaky areas once a day (preferably in the morning).

For kids

Moisturizing and soothing creams are allowed to be used for children's skin from two weeks of age.

In infants, immunity is weakened, and the skin is too susceptible to external stimuli, which requires the regular use of Physiogel AI. For the same reason, the use of the drug is recommended to be limited to one application per day to protect the skin of the baby and two - for diseases. Use the product in the form of a body cream or milk in the same way as in adults - a thin layer on the affected and sensitive areas of the skin.

During pregnancy and lactation

Due to the absence of harmful impurities and exclusively herbal composition, the use of Physiogel AI is allowed for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


There are contraindications for the use of the drug. Their list includes the following factors:

  • Hypersensitivity and allergy to Physiogel components.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Severe burns.
  • The presence of open wounds, purulent inflammation and trophic ulcers.

It is necessary to carefully apply the product to the skin of the child in the mouth, mucous membranes and around the eyes..

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of the drug is impossible, since its composition has an extremely positive effect on the skin.

Side effects of Physiogel appear only due to its contact with open wounds, ulcers and other areas of the skin with external lesions. In such cases, burning and soreness occurs. As a matter of urgency, it is necessary to rinse the inflamed area with enough water to relieve side symptoms.

Interaction with other medicines

Physiogel AI is allowed to be used with any drugs, since they do not affect its effectiveness.

Drug analogues

The main and only drawback of the product is its price: 600-700 rubles. If it is too expensive for the patient, it is recommended to use Physiogel AI analogs:

  • Elokom.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Akriderm.
  • Bepanten.
  • Radevit.

Physiogel AI quickly acts on inflamed areas, helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore the healthy appearance of the skin of adults and children.

Physiogel - a cream that activates the natural moisturizing factor of the skin, restores and strengthens the skin. Physiogel is called a "smart" cream - it adapts to the characteristics of the skin. The tool is popular - many buyers were convinced of its effectiveness.

The manufacturer of the Physiogel line is the Stifel company. This series includes products for cleansing and skin care, as well as hair shampoo. All products are based on the DMS complex - it is identical to the membrane structure of skin cells. Due to the structural similarity, the complex effectively affects the skin and does not disturb the natural processes of the epidermis.

Who is shown Physiogel

Indications for the use of Physiogel cream

  1. Care for skin prone to allergic reactions;
  2. Care for sensitive epidermis;
  3. Daily care for dry, dehydrated skin;
  4. Elimination of peeling, tightness and itching of the skin;
  5. Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  6. Caring for the delicate skin of children, including newborns;
  7. To protect the epidermis exposed to negative environmental influences;
  8. To preserve the youth of aging and withering skin;
  9. For skin diseases with rash (rosacea, acne).

The effect of Physiogel cream

Physiogel has a multifunctional effect:

  • Restores the skin;
  • Moisturizes the epidermis;
  • Preserves the natural processes and structure of the skin;
  • Influences at the cellular level;
  • Restores the natural lipid layer of the skin;
  • Adapts to any type of skin;
  • Softens the superficial keratinized layer of the epithelium;
  • Gently cares for irritated skin;
  • Evens out the skin and smoothes wrinkles;
  • It provides the necessary care for the epidermis during skin diseases, when the use of conventional products is not recommended.

Despite the fact that the cream is hypoallergenic, an individual reaction may occur due to intolerance to the components of the drug. Before using a cosmetic or medical product, be sure to test for sensitivity.

Benefits of Physiogel cream

The tool is unique in its kind and has a number of advantages:

  1. There are not many components in the cream, but each has an intense effect;
  2. Does not cause irritation even on inflamed and sensitive skin;
  3. Does not violate the natural balance of the skin;
  4. Does not contain harmful components, emulsifiers, refined products, fragrances and dyes;
  5. Keeps the skin fresh and hydrated for 12 hours;
  6. Improves the appearance of the skin and its health;
  7. Suitable for any type of skin;
  8. Can be used for children and adults;
  9. Recommended for regular use for mature epidermis.

Cream Physiogel for dry skin is a universal remedy. It can be used at any age, does not harm the skin and has an excellent healing effect.

Composition of Physiogel cream

Physiogel cream for dry and sensitive skin contains only high-quality and active ingredients:

  • Shea butter is a substance that has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. It contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids that restore the skin and its lipid barrier.
  • Coconut oil - has softening and nourishing properties. It eliminates dryness and tightness of the epidermis.
  • Triglyceride is a highly active component that softens the skin, eliminates irritation and itching. Triglyceride is characterized by sebum-regulating and keratoregulating action, and also soothes the skin.
  • Squalane is a substance that prevents dehydration of the epidermis by creating a protective breathable film on the skin. It softens dry and keratinized epithelium, gives the face softness and velvety.
  • Ceramide is an emollient component that eliminates roughness of the skin.
  • Glycerin is a humectant that saturates the cells with moisture and prevents its evaporation.
  • Lecithin is a hydrogenated component, identical in structure to the cells of the lipid layer of the skin. It contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Consistency, viscous structure and transparent color give this product components such as gum, carbomer and hydroxyethyl cellulose.


The price of Physiogel cream is approximately 550 rubles per 75 ml tube.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of Physiogel cream:

  1. Apply the product to clean and dry skin;
  2. Evenly distribute the cream according to the application technique on the face;
  3. Use the product twice a day, observing the regularity of use;
  4. During the period of skin diseases, it is recommended to use Physiogel in combination with drugs.


Diana, 25 years old, Moscow: “I have problem skin with peeling and rashes, which periodically becomes dehydrated. It's hard to find a good moisturizer that can deal with dry skin without clogging pores or causing breakouts. But I found it - my perfect moisturizer. Physiogel for the face eliminates dehydration of the skin, does not cause the effect of a mask, prevents the appearance of inflammation and eliminates them. The consistency of medium density, absorbed in a minute. The tube is large and lasts a long time. I am satisfied with the Physiogel cream and the reviews about it are good. ”

Lyudmila, 36 years old, St. Petersburg: “My combination skin gets dehydrated and sensitive in winter. I found an excellent remedy that suits me, eliminates inflammation, peeling, moisturizes enough. I used Physiogel for the first month only at night, and after and during the day. It is well absorbed, does not cause oily sheen on the face. Peeling on the face disappeared almost immediately, the skin became soft and velvety, the complexion evened out. When summer came, I noticed that Physiogel is not suitable for me as a day cream. But for the winter I will buy again. »

Alexey, 19 years old, Moscow: “After acne treatment, the doctor recommended Physiogel cream as a moisturizer. It suits my dry skin very well. The consistency is not dense, it is absorbed in 30 seconds. The only negative is that sometimes black dots appear in the T-zone, I suspect that Physiogel is not suitable for oily skin. ”

Other products of the Physiogel series

In addition to the usual moisturizer, the manufacturer offers a number of products with a specialized action. Cream Physiogel intensive is one of them.

Cream Physiogel Intensive

  • It is recommended to use in the cold season to protect and restore the skin from cold and wind;
  • Used for sensitive and chapped skin;
  • Can be used on face, hands and body;
  • It has a triple effect: nourishes, moisturizes and restores the epidermis at a physiological level;
  • Eliminates dryness, tightness and peeling of the skin;
  • Can be used for adults and children;
  • Does not contain harmful substances, fragrances, hormones, dyes and emulsifiers;
  • Has a rich texture.

Price: 600 rubles.

Cream Physiogel A.I. - This is another tool from this series. Unlike the main product, it has a limited purpose: the treatment of itching, irritation and burning.

Cream Physiogel AI

  • Designed for irritation of the skin, which arose after cosmetic salon procedures, facial cleansing and skin care;
  • Recommended after exposure to artificial and solar ultraviolet rays;
  • Recommended for skin care in diseases that are accompanied by itching, burning and inflammation;
  • Has an antioxidant effect;
  • Contains a large amount of lipids that adapt to the physiological characteristics of the epidermis;
  • Moisturizes, regenerates and nourishes the cells of the dermis;
  • Does not contain harmful components;
  • Can be used for adults and children.

Price: 650 rubles.


Cream Physiogel is a product that has a unique composition and useful properties. This product acts delicately, does not disrupt the natural processes of the skin and does not affect the lipid balance of the epidermis. The cream does not have special instructions for use. Physiogel can be used to care for inflamed and irritated epidermis during skin diseases.

Selection based on your interests: