
Let's learn to walk beautifully. What is correct gait? Confident gait of a man


There is an opinion that you can tell a man's character by his gait. Is it really that simple? It would be great - I could take a look at the person and see whether he would be suitable as a partner or not. Read about this and more in this article.

How to determine character by gait?

Experts are sure that there is some pattern here, because every person tends to move in a certain way. Some people run quickly in small steps, others walk slowly and measuredly.

Extroverts energetic and the gait corresponds - hurrying, purposeful. Introverts on the contrary, they often move slowly, relaxed and a little lazy.

It should be noted here that you need to pay attention to the image as a whole, because the whole body is involved in walking:

  • Posture- “core”, our entire disposition and mood can be seen from it. A stooped back, sloping shoulders, a downcast gaze - everything speaks of insecurity. A person most likely doesn’t care what he looks like, he has experienced a lot of disappointments and sees no point in forgetting about them. So he lives, immersed in negative thoughts. Straightened shoulders, a straight back and a bold look speak of strong features. Even if there are problems, they are solvable and life is beautiful - this is the main thing;
  • Speed ​​and stride length almost directly depend on personality characteristics. If the steps are small and awkward, such an individual needs to work on self-esteem; if the steps are wide and swift, then you have a real egoist; slow and firm are a sign of confidence;
  • Foot position also important. They can be bent with their capes inward or outward, lifted off the ground, or shuffled.

As you can see, gait is not only the size of the step, but also the image as a whole. Try not to miss anything when drawing conclusions for yourself.

Position of hands and head: what can be said about personality?

Hands- one of the main indicators of our mood. When we worry, we fiddle with our clothes, we think, we lock them in place.

So be sure to take a look at them:

Yes, so many indicators need to be merged together to get an overall, most reliable picture of what is happening. It's not always possible to do this.

A man's gait and his character

Now, more specifically, about men. So, pay attention if he:

  1. Places feet with toes inward- an insecure, timid, uncommunicative person. Having connected your life with this, you must prepare to take the initiative in everything;
  2. Places heels inward- a cheerful eccentric, if you talk to him, you risk losing your peace. Such a gentleman is obsessive to the point of disgrace, so if you are not in the mood for long-term communication, do not start it;
  3. Shoulders, look at them. Widely spread - in front of you is a confident and purposeful person. Twitching them when walking - nervousness, most likely you have a choleric person with all the attendant features;
  4. And of course, Steps. Fast, small, silent - in front of you is a deceiver and a rogue. Wide, fast, silent - this is how good-natured people with a gentle character and an open soul usually walk.

What other types can there be, and how are they related to personality traits?

Romantics, poets and people overloaded with problems walk slowly, measuredly, not paying attention to those around them. Typically, such people devote a lot of time to themselves and little to others.

What other options might there be?

  • Sometimes it is difficult to tell how a person moves. He walks neither slowly nor quickly, his hands are in his pockets and it seems that nothing in this life worries him, there is nowhere to rush and nothing to do. But usually this is a sign of leadership, apparent calm is just a “mask”, since others should not know what is going on in his head;
  • A firm gait, neither fast nor slow, arms bent at the elbows - you see determination itself. But you shouldn’t joke with this type, he has no sense of humor at all, and only understands “dry” speech. However, he is always responsible for his words and will not chatter just like that;
  • Arrogant and narcissistic people stride theatrically. Their movements are slow, their legs stand strictly straight or slightly with their toes turned outward, their back is the standard of even posture. After all, everyone should see that there is no less, no more, but Brad Pitt himself.

Of course, not everything is so simple, perhaps today the guy is just tired and moves his legs slowly, and his arms are down. In fact, he is purposeful and strong, kind and cheerful. Therefore, your conclusions should not come only from the primary view.

Character based on a woman's gait

Scientists in Western Scotland have even conducted a number of studies on this topic. And they managed to find out that a girl’s mood and her sexual preferences can be determined by as she goes.

Women, of course, skillfully hide, walking freely from the hip, as this makes them seductive, and they try to walk that way. But still, some points can be distinguished in any gait:

  • If the step is wide and confident, and the hips sway noticeably, this lady is doing well in life. Most likely, she has a permanent partner and a job, which is facilitated by her strong character and natural feminine wisdom;
  • When a girl does not walk, but swims - slowly, beautifully swaying her hips - she is looking for a companion. Now she is single and she is not happy with this state of affairs. Personal traits include a calm disposition and self-confidence;
  • When a girl walks clumsily, waddles, she is no longer looking for anyone; rather, in front of you is a housewife or a divorcee. Hunters don't walk like that. But this in no way characterizes her as a person. Usually girls with waddle movements are soft and good-natured people, they are not calculating, rather romantic and believe in miracles.

Today, many women are emancipated, they don’t need guys next to them, because they can do everything. These move quickly, waving their arms; swaying their hips is out of the question.

What conclusions can be drawn? To recognize a man’s character by his gait, it is necessary to evaluate not only his step span and speed, but also the position of his hands and the tilt of his head. Only by taking into account the general appearance can one draw conclusions, and even then they do not always correspond to reality.

Video: how to understand what a man will be like in a relationship by his gait?

In this video, psychologist Alena Ulyanova will tell you how a guy’s gait can tell what he’ll be like in bed:

Let's learn to walk beautifully.

We will talk about how a man's gait affects his position in society and self-confidence.

A person can communicate not only with words, but also with everything else. Self-expression is manifested in so-called body movement and behavior. That is, they include:

You may ask why is all this so important? I will answer. Yes, because this is communication with people, including women. Nowadays, these facts are very important, because modern society is associated with actions and sensations.

Example: You are in a company and are nervous about something. Anyone who is in this company will understand your condition by elementary actions, voice, speed of body movements (male gait). Just like them, you too can understand when someone is happy, sad, excited, tense, sincere, etc. Looking at body movements, you can understand a lot about a person. As my friend says: “I can only understand what a man is like in bed by looking at his masculine gait.” And this is absolutely true, every girl with a new relationship increases her experience of studying and recognizing men.

In general, if you leave the house and don’t look very good, then that’s what you really are, but if you come out looking like a super guy that all the girls are hanging on to, then this will probably be the case. All women initially select a man for themselves primarily based on how he looks and carries himself through life. And that's okay. Every girl wants to be walked next to her not by a bore with a crooked back, but by a handsome guy with whom others would like to go, so they immediately try to find out what you really are like.

1) Watch your posture. At one time I already wrote a wonderful article about this, now the argument is from a completely different steppe: an aikido trainer constantly tells us that a good fighter always monitors his posture and always maintains a vertical position of the body axis. In addition to the fact that all muscles work (maintaining the verticality of the central axis is not so easy), the body is always open for any movements and turns. Draw a mental line between your butt and your head - this is your axis. And it must be vertical.

Watch how models do it at a fashion show! After all, in modeling schools they are specially taught to move most effectively. Pay attention to how the guys hold themselves, move, step and turn.

2) There is no need for the earth to shake. Don't stomp! Bear, or what? :) Seriously, people who stomp heavily when walking are considered clumsy in almost all cultures. The only exception is if you weigh more than 120 kilograms, are 2 meters tall, and your passport says something like “Nikolai Valuev.” In general, if you are a really big man, stomp to your health - it won’t work out any other way!

3) Watch several films with actors such as Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Dane Cook. Pay attention to the components of their gait: it is both agile and slightly rough.

4) Be more confident! If you firmly know where you are going, then your entire appearance will affect your gait. Confident people move, I’m not afraid of a tautology, confidently and even with authority, this is always noticeable. Over time you will learn, it is easier than it seems.

5) Sign up for a martial art class that involves throwing! At first glance this may seem strange, but I want you to be taught how to maintain your stance and balance. How many nerds have you seen in the same subway and on the streets who are unsteady on their feet?! Yes billions! And a woman always wants her man to stand firmly on his feet.

6) Take your time. Walk slowly, even if you are late. It’s better to arrive calmly and be late than to run, out of breath and stretch three times along the road.

7) Always look ahead. Imagine that you are playing a shooting game: your gaze should always be directed towards the target. This will make you look purposeful.

8) When walking, slightly rotate your shoulders around the central axis. looks very impressive and rocks the torso on the go.

9) Gait also depends on the development of the muscles of the legs and back, so I advise you to practice.

When you walk, your hands should not move wildly in different directions.
Don't look at the floor.
Straighten your back.
Chest forward.
Take your hands out of your pockets.
Rotate your shoulders.
Walk with long steps, but slowly.
Try to be everywhere, radiating confidence.

Gait can tell a lot: about a person, his lifestyle and hobbies. Physical health will depend on how a person moves. Therefore, sometimes the gait has to be adjusted so that a person looks beautiful and is healthy.

Why is gait important?

Gait is formed in the process of human life. It is determined by the following factors: heredity, lifestyle, activity, structure of the musculoskeletal system, motor habits and stereotypes, psychological trauma, diseases. Even a bad mood can change your gait. The person will begin to stoop and drag his legs behind him.

How to learn to move beautifully

Changing your gait is very difficult. It will take constant monitoring of your body and movements to develop a habit. If a person slouches or has a clubfoot, then the correct body position will be uncomfortable for him. To transform, you will need more than just walking near the mirror at home. It is necessary to develop a whole range of measures that will allow you to change your gait, become more graceful and elegant. A sports doctor, fitness trainer, or massage therapist will help with this.

Exercises to form a beautiful gait

It is necessary to tone the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs. You won’t be able to do this with the power of thought; you need intensive training in the gym. Any healthy person can change their gait if they really want to. A set of exercises will be selected individually to develop the necessary muscle groups. One of the most common exercises is the Figure Eight. You need to make movements with your hips that describe the contour of the number. The shoulders remain motionless. You can perform the exercise to music in several approaches.

To remove stiffness in movements and make your gait light and graceful, you need to work on stretching. To learn how to do the splits, you will need to stretch your hip muscles. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and try to slowly reach the floor with your hands. You need to fixate in this position for 15-20 seconds. Lying on the floor, you can bend your leg at the knee and try to press it to your body with the opposite hand. This is an exercise to stretch the outer thigh. You can also alternate between walking on your toes and on your heels, on straightened and bent legs.

Correct body position

Correct foot placement is the key to a beautiful gait. When walking, the foot first rests on the heel, then on the middle of the foot, then on the toes. Socks should be slightly turned to the side. It is this movement that is physiologically correct. During the movement, the leg goes forward, and the torso moves behind it. The step size should be equal to three foot lengths. You need to develop the habit of walking correctly.

Moving around with a book on your head will help you get rid of slouching. This exercise can be done at home at any convenient time. It will also help you get used to holding your chin high. To remember the correct body position, you need to stand against the wall, press your head, buttocks, heels and shoulders against it.


How to change your gait

Beauty and HealthBody careFoot care

Secrets of an easy walk

There is hardly a person who would not like all his movements to be light and beautiful. This is especially true for women. However, there is a misconception that only young girls and young women who want to attract male attention should monitor their gait and movements.

Of course, many women and girls really care about their gait, but recent studies conducted in fitness clubs have shown that many people, no matter what age they are, are interested in a beautiful gait from a completely different point of view - as an important component of physical health .

An incorrect gait can indeed cause a number of pathological changes in our body. At first they will be almost unnoticeable, then your health will worsen, something will start to hurt somewhere, and then chronic diseases will appear.

What affects gait

What influences our gait? A person’s gait depends on many factors: structural features of the musculoskeletal system, the condition of bones and joints, established motor patterns and habits, psychological problems and sensations. Some of these factors can be acquired during life, and some are even inherited.

However, gait, which is initially genetically determined, changes throughout our lives. Gait is affected by lifestyle, degree of physical activity, possible injuries and illnesses, mood changes and many more reasons. Every person is influenced by these factors to one degree or another: some less, some more strongly.

Gait disturbances: stooping, clubfoot

The most common gait disorders are:

Slouch. There are two types of stoop: a gait with the head down and a gait with the shoulders down. Both types of stooping lead to the chest organs being compressed, the heart and lungs begin to work in the wrong mode. The heart, which is in a compressed state, strives to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems, but the body still receives blood in which there is less oxygen than necessary. Clubfoot. This is how people walk whose feet, as if by themselves, turn inward. It’s as if all our muscles decided to live their own lives, and nothing depends on us. Muscles can be in normal tone, or they can be in hypertonicity or hypotonicity, and it is very difficult to control this when everything is running.

If the balance of the muscles that provide movement during a step is imbalanced, this can lead to bowed legs. When the muscles of the outer thigh are in hypertonicity, the legs become curved in an X-shape, and the foot tends to turn inward, and the person “bumps” when walking. Hypertonicity is a condition when muscles are under constant excessive tension. In this state, they are shortened and tightened, so a person quickly gets tired under load and his coordination of movements decreases. Hypotonicity is the opposite condition, where the muscles are stretched and relaxed, and it is difficult to “make” them work.

Incorrect position of the legs leads to the fact that a person feels uncomfortable when walking and gets tired quickly. Ultimately, this can even lead to flat feet. If muscle tone has deviations in one direction or another (hypertonicity, hypotonicity), then sooner or later this leads to gait disturbances - both in women and men.

How to learn to walk beautifully

When we see a person with weak legs, a protruding stomach, or walking with a heavy gait, it is clear that there is a violation of harmony and health here. A person’s muscles get used to holding the body in a certain position, and any new position is perceived as incorrect and uncomfortable.

Have you noticed how fashion models walk on the catwalk? The gait, which involves swaying the hips, is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. When we place our foot “from the hip,” the steps can be taken quite wide, even in very high heels. However, the vast majority of women are not fashion models, and do not even intend to become one. What to do if you just need to change your gait for the better?

First you need to put all the muscles of the body in order - this is mandatory. However, you should not think that you can learn to walk correctly on your own by practicing at home in front of a mirror. Perhaps this may seem excessive to some (after all, we already know how to walk), but it is better to seek help from a specialist - a fitness consultant or instructor. A specialist will develop a training program based specifically on your characteristics and type of build, and teach you how to walk beautifully - and this cannot be done in one day.

First, you should consult a sports doctor, and only then start training, yoga classes and catwalk lessons. It is also necessary to visit a SPA salon, a massage therapist, etc.

A beautiful gait depends on the tone of the muscles of the legs, abdomen and back, and it is impossible to control this consciously. Only constant strength training will help here. There is an opinion that only long-legged people can learn to walk beautifully. Perhaps this opinion is based on the fact that models usually take tall girls and boys.

However, any healthy person can learn to walk beautifully, no matter what type of legs they have. There are four types of legs: long thin, meek full, O-shaped and X-shaped.

With the first two types, everything is somewhat easier: they just need to train constantly, performing traditional exercises for a general decrease or increase in muscle volume. The third and fourth types require a special approach.

To eliminate individual gait defects, you need to correctly determine the condition of the muscles, and only a specialist can do this. Some muscle groups may be in a state of hypertonicity, while others, on the contrary, may be hypotonic.

In both cases, the exercises are individual, and a specialist should monitor their implementation, at least periodically. Training at home is also possible in principle, but in this case everything will be much longer and more difficult. First of all, you need to learn all types of exercises, learn how to perform them correctly, and only then train systematically, gradually introducing weights - mini-barbells, dumbbells, etc.

Experts today talk about two types of catwalk gait: classic and French catwalk. In the classic fashion show, the feet are placed on the same line when walking, and in the French fashion show, they are slightly crossed. During classes, all muscles are first warmed up: shoulders, hips, knees and feet. It is imperative to warm up the lumbar muscles, as the lower back bears the heaviest load. A class in heels lasts about an hour: steps, posing and defile are studied.

Standing beautifully is also not easy, although it seems easy, and at first everyone has difficulties. After all, you need to stand at ease and smile, while at the same time fully controlling the position of all parts of your body.

Walking correctly is even more difficult. After all, gait, like many other human features, is a habit, and habits are developed and reinforced over a long period of time. This is why classes with a trainer, especially group ones, are much more effective than independent attempts. When beautiful and correct movements are repeated automatically, then a beautiful gait will become a habit.

Gait exercises

Professionals advise performing the simplest and most accessible exercises to improve your gait.

Eight. This exercise is considered the simplest. For clarity, draw a figure eight on paper. Try to move your hips, describing the contours of a figure eight as accurately as possible. Try again and again, increasing the range of motion and keeping your legs straight. The shoulders should remain motionless. Then try doing this movement in a step, to the music. If your muscles are too tense, do some simple stretching exercises. Leg-split. This exercise for stretching the muscles of the inner thigh is known to everyone, but without a preliminary warm-up, especially if you have never been flexible, you should not do it. Start by bending toward the floor with your feet wide apart. First, bend down very slowly, reach your hands to the floor, and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. The outer thighs will be stretched by lying on your back, bending one leg at the knee, and gently pulling it to the side with the opposite hand. Then do the same with the other leg.

Any stretches are the best exercises for forming a beautiful gait. After all, gait is beautiful when the body is flexible, and flexibility is achieved by stretching. In this way, you can develop the mobility of muscles and joints, improve your health, and make your life longer and more fulfilling.

No wonder they say that a bad gait will spoil even the most beautiful woman, and a beautiful gait will turn anyone into a queen. If you look at a woman walking, then by her gait you can determine how many problems she is “carrying”, how highly she values ​​herself and whether she is happy.

« What distinguishes a businesswoman from a woman..... head slightly raised, eyes downcast, shoulders pulled back, gait free from the hips. Men don't let a woman like that pass! It’s hard to disagree, but I’ll argue about the hips; you shouldn’t overuse the swaying of the lower part of your body, so as not to give your gait a vulgar appearance.

What to pay attention to when walking

So, is it really that hard to master? correct walking"? Let's figure it out.

Let's start by learning the following basics of correct gait for girls:

  • The back should be straight;
  • Learn to place your feet correctly. Imagine a line drawn in front of you and yourself walking along it;
  • Shoes should be comfortable, remember that everything in the shoe including the last, heel and size should be comfortable for you. Agree, if shoes cause you discomfort, then it’s difficult to talk about a beautiful gait;
  • Pace. How many times have we noticed that we are constantly rushing somewhere, we have things to do that we must do, not be late, be on time. A woman who rushes somewhere does not attract attention as a woman. Think about it, because in fact, it is not so much time that determines the pace, but the pace of the thoughts that worry us. Therefore, the correct gait for girls and women begins not from the hip, but from the HEAD.

Remember, if you walk with a light feminine gait, you “fly”, but you don’t fly like an “Arrow” train, but radiate confidence, softness, smoothness. The undeniable fact is that no matter how beautifully and expensively a woman dresses, if she slouches, if she goes “half-bent,” unfortunately, she no longer seems like a woman.

It is rather a tired, driven creature, burdened with worries, problems and troubles. When you walk down the street, along an office corridor, or walk along an alley in a park, watch your gait. Remember, she does almost EVERYTHING as a woman.

Exercises to help correct your posture

If you want to walk beautifully and have perfect posture, you need to train the muscles of your legs and back.

How to master correct gait and posture?

There are simple but effective exercises for this:

  • Take a book and, placing it on your head, try to take a few steps around the room so that the book does not fall. After you achieve tangible results and can not only walk, but even dance with a book on your head, it is advisable to increase the number of books;
  • Stand straight, spread your arms to the sides. At the count of “one-two-three”, take them back as far as possible, at the count of “four” return them to their original position;
  • If you have a “wall bar” or a crossbar at home that you can hang on, “Hang” on it periodically for 1-2 minutes. This will relieve tension in the back muscles and help the spine straighten;
  • 4) Stand near the wall at the level of outstretched arms near your head and start doing push-ups - 20-30 times per approach. There may be several of them during the day. After a week or two, your muscles will remember the position of your body and will constantly remain in it, making your gait beautiful and your posture ideal.

To achieve results, training must be done every day. You can relax when it becomes clear that your posture and gait are no longer the result of your self-control, but a habit.

Basics of correct gait for men

« I recognize my sweetheart by his gait“- the confident, measured, calm gait of men has always attracted attention from women. Try to move naturally: the step should not be too wide or small. Do not jump or make sudden movements - a man’s gait should be confident.

Try to ensure that when walking you step on the entire foot, and not on the heel or toe. At the same time, do not clubfoot. Especially if nature has blessed you with legs like a cavalryman.

Walk slowly. In general, avoid walking at a fast pace. Women perceive it better when a man walks with a “lion’s” move, as they say, “waddle.” But don't confuse this with crawling" tired orangutan" By such a correct male gait, you can immediately determine that its owner is a man who is self-confident, calm and balanced.

Separately, I want to draw attention to the hands. Where should you put your hands when walking? First of all, the arms should not hang or dangle as if they exist separately from the body - this looks unnatural.

Relax your arms and swing them slightly in time with your movement. In no case should you actively gesticulate while walking: firstly, there is a possibility of them touching someone walking next to you, and secondly, this gives the overall image a certain hysteria.

And now about the eternal - “hands and pockets”. There is absolutely no need to keep both hands in your pockets at once. It makes people around you feel unsafe and is definitely off-putting. Still, it’s better when your hands are visible. But, if you really can't stand it, try keeping only one hand in your pocket.

Walking in heels

High heels, a graceful gait, straight posture, hundreds of admiring glances and not a drop of fatigue - this is every girl’s dream! After your gait has been adjusted, begin taking your first steps in heels. If previously heels could not be given the title of “an integral part of your wardrobe,” then before your spectacular first fashion show you will have to practice.

Most women and girls with little experience wearing heels are faced with an imbalance and, as a result, instinctively begin to lean forward; this is unattractive and incorrect.

The starting point for walking correctly in heels should be your straight back. How to check yourself for “slouch”? You should lean your back against the wall so that your heels touch the wall. At the same time, the wall should touch the buttocks, back of the head and shoulder blades. If this is not the case, then you are used to slouching and you need to control yourself.

Also, people who, on the contrary, abuse heels are not always a role model, and the reason is simple - banal fatigue. What to do to avoid this? In fact, there is nothing complicated here either.

First, be sure to take off your shoes whenever possible and change into something more practical to give your feet a rest. Secondly, do not forget to perform special exercises.

So, first thing. Stand straight, lower your arms along your body. Bend your leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and stay in this position for half a minute. To make it easier to maintain balance, it is not forbidden to hold on to any piece of furniture.

Do this exercise for five sets on each leg. This way you will learn to maintain balance and strengthen your foot muscles.

The following exercise will help you stretch your Achilles tendon and work your calf muscles. To perform it, any elevation will suit you, for example, it could be a simple step.

Stand with your toes on the edge of the step, you can secure yourself by holding on to something, and begin to lower yourself down until you feel the strongest stretch. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat it 5 more times.

We will talk about how a man's gait affects his position in society and self-confidence.

A person can communicate not only with words, but also with everything else. Self-expression is manifested in so-called body movement and behavior. That is, they include:

You may ask why is all this so important? I will answer. Yes, because this is communication with people, including women. Nowadays, these facts are very important, because modern society is associated with actions and sensations.

Example: You are in a company and are nervous about something. Anyone who is in this company will understand your condition by elementary actions, voice, speed of body movements (male gait). Just like them, you too can understand when someone is happy, sad, excited, tense, sincere, etc. Looking at body movements, you can understand a lot about a person. As my friend says: “I can only understand what a man is like in bed by looking at his masculine gait.” And this is absolutely true, every girl with a new relationship increases her experience of studying and recognizing men.

In general, if you leave the house and don’t look very good, then that’s what you really are, but if you come out looking like a super guy that all the girls are hanging on to, then this will probably be the case. All women initially select a man for themselves primarily based on how he looks and carries himself through life. And that's okay. Every girl wants to be walked next to her not by a bore with a crooked back, but by a handsome guy with whom others would like to go, so they immediately try to find out what you really are like.

Let me explain in more detail: Imagine yourself as a girl. Would you waste your time communicating with a boring donkey? The maximum you can give him is a message in the direction of the “beautiful distant one.” But if a confident guy walks into a bar, approaches the most beautiful girl and starts talking to her, then she will leave such a guy next to her.

If you dress the bore the same way this cool guy was dressed, if he walks like a guy with money, then in this situation the girl will also find time to chat with him.

Let's ask ourselves the question: Who are these tough guys? Who are they and where did they come from anyway? Maybe these are superstars, company directors, successful businessmen, children of rich parents, etc.? If you observe their gait, manner of speaking, and behavior, you will notice that these people are completely calm, as if they always have everything under control. They just ooze this confidence.

Let's take a look at the most common mistakes when meeting a girl:

Speech quickly so you can say everything.
They talk too much to hide their insecurities.
Confused about topics.
They drink for confidence.
Girls ask too many questions.
Incorrect body position: legs apart, back with a question mark, tilted towards the interlocutor, etc.
Trying to buy a girl a drink and she thinks you're trying to get her drunk.

All of these actions contradict familiarity, exuding uncertainty and insecurity. Now let's figure out how to behave correctly.

When you walk, your hands should not move wildly in different directions.
Don't look at the floor.
Straighten your back.
Chest forward.
Take your hands out of your pockets.
Rotate your shoulders.
Walk with long steps, but slowly.
Try to be everywhere, radiating confidence.
Don't be afraid to invade a person's personal space. If you do everything right, then this space simply does not exist.
Do not dress in dark colors.
When you talk, touch the girl, but not sexually, she will eventually touch you too, which will bring you closer to sex.
And another important thing: it doesn’t start when you meet a girl, but in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, and this is true.

They say it's very good men's gait training, the ability to speak and the art of presenting oneself - training by Lera Kryaneva. Unfortunately, I don't know if this is true.