
Fragile twig bazhov short. Fragile branch. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

fragile twig

Danila and Katya, the one who rescued her fiancé from the Mistress of the Mountain, had a lot of children. Eight, listen, man, and all the boys. Mother was jealous more than once: at least one girl to keep an eye on. And the father, you know, laughs:

– Such, in sight, our position with you.

The kids grew up healthy. Only one was unlucky. Either from the porch, or from somewhere else he fell off and injured himself: his hump began to grow. Baushki ruled, of course, but it didn’t work out. So the hunchbacked one had to toil in the wide world.

Other kids - I noticed - angry come out in such and such a case, but this one is nothing - he grew up cheerful and a master at inventions. He was the third in the family, and all the brothers obeyed him and asked:

- You, Mitya, what do you think? What do you think, Mitya, what is it for?

Father and mother often shouted:

- Mityushka! Look! Okay, in your eyes?

- Mityayko, did you notice where I put the sparrows?

And then Mityunka was given that his father deftly played the horn from his youth. This one will also make a pickle, so she exactly pronounces the song from him.

Danilo, by his skill, nevertheless earned well. Well, Katya did not sit idle. So, it means that they raised a family, they didn’t go to people for a piece. And Katya took care of the childish clothes. So that everyone was on the right: pimes there, fur coats and protcha. In the summer, of course, and barefoot is fine - your own skin, not bought. And Mityunka, how pitiful he is of all, and there were boots. The elder brothers did not envy this, and the little mothers themselves said:

- Mommy, it's time, go, Mitya start new boots. Look - they don’t climb on his leg, but they would have just happened to me.

You see, they had their own childish cunning, as if Mitina's shoes were to be attached to herself as soon as possible. So they have everything smooth and rolled. Neighbors scoffed directly:

- What kind of robots does Katerina have! They will never have a fight between themselves.

And this is all Mityunka - the main reason. He is like a light in the forest in the family: he will amuse someone, he will warm someone, he will lead someone to thoughts.

Danilo did not allow the children to his craft until the time.

“Let them,” he says, “grow up first.” They will still have time to swallow some malachite dust.

Katya and her husband are also in complete agreement - it's too early to start a craft. Moreover, they came up with the idea of ​​teaching children, so that, therefore, to read and write, to understand the figure. There was no school according to the situation at that time, and the older brothers began to run to some craftswoman. And Mityunka is with them. Those guys are quick-witted, the craftswoman praised them, but this one is completely excellent. In those years, they taught in a tricky way, but he takes it on the fly. The craftswoman will not have time to show, - he pondered. The brothers were still pushing warehouses, and he was already reading, know the words to catch. The master has often said:

“I never had such a student.

Here father and mother take it and be a little proud: they brought Mityunka boots in a better shape. It was with these boots that they had a complete revolution of life and came out.

In that year, listen, the gentleman lived at the factory. Apparently, he blew some money in Sam-Petersburg, so he came to the factory - if I can scrape it out, they say, somehow.

In such and such a case, it is clear how one cannot find money, if one manages it wisely. Some clerks and a clerk stole how much. Only the gentleman did not even know how to look in this direction.

He was driving along the street and noticed - at one hut three little children were playing, and all were wearing boots. The master looms with his hand to them: come here.

At least until that time Mityunka had not been led to see the master, but he probably admitted. The horses, you see, are excellent, the coachman is in shape, the carriage is varnished and the rider is a mountain-mountain, swollen with fat, barely tossing and turning, and in front of his belly he holds a stick with a gold knob.

Mityunka became a little shy, nevertheless grabbed the little brothers by the hands and led them closer to the carriage, and the master wheezes:

- Whose are they?

Mityunka, as the eldest, explains calmly:

- Stone cutter Danila's sons. Here I am Mitriy, and these are my little brothers.

The master turned blue from this conversation, almost suffocated, only molests:

– Ox, ox! what do they do! what do they do! Ox, ox!

Then, apparently, he sighed and roared like a bear:

- What's this? A? - And he shows the guys on his feet with a stick. The little ones, of course, were frightened, rushed to the gate, but Mityunka stood there and could not understand what his master was asking about.

He set up his own, yells in discord:

- What's this?

Mityunka is completely shy, and he says:

The gentleman here, as if paralyzed, was enough, he wheezed at all.

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Danila and Katya, the one who rescued her fiancé from the Mistress of the Mountain, had a lot of children. Eight, listen, man, and all the boys. Mother was jealous more than once: at least one girl to keep an eye on. And the father, you know, laughs:
– Such, in sight, our position with you.
The kids grew up healthy. Only one was unlucky. Either from the porch, or from somewhere else he fell off and injured himself: his hump began to grow. Baushki ruled, of course, but it didn’t work out. So the hunchbacked one had to toil in the wide world.
Other kids - I noticed - angry come out in such and such a case, but this one is nothing - he grew up cheerful and a master at inventions. He was the third in the family, and all the brothers obeyed him and asked:
- You, Mitya, what do you think? What do you think, Mitya, what is it for?
Father and mother often shouted:
- Mityushka! Look! Okay, in your eyes?
- Mityayko, did you notice where I put the sparrows?
And then Mityunka was given that his father deftly played the horn from his youth. This one will also make a pickle, so she exactly pronounces the song from him.
Danilo, by his skill, nevertheless earned well. Well, Katya did not sit idle. So, it means that they raised a family, they didn’t go to people for a piece. And Katya took care of the childish clothes. So that everyone was on the right: pimes there, fur coats and protcha. In the summer, of course, and barefoot is fine - your own skin, not bought. And Mityunka, how pitiful he is of all, and there were boots. The elder brothers did not envy this, and the little mothers themselves said:
- Mommy, it's time, go, Mitya start new boots. Look - they don’t climb on his leg, but they would have just happened to me.
You see, they had their own childish cunning, as if Mitina's shoes were to be attached to herself as soon as possible. So they have everything smooth and rolled. Neighbors scoffed directly:
- What kind of robots does Katerina have! They will never have a fight between themselves.
And this is all Mityunka - the main reason. He is like a light in the forest in the family: he will amuse someone, he will warm someone, he will lead someone to thoughts.
Danilo did not allow the children to his craft until the time.
“Let them,” he says, “grow up first.” They will still have time to swallow some malachite dust.
Katya and her husband are also in complete agreement - it's too early to start a craft. Moreover, they came up with the idea of ​​teaching children, so that, therefore, to read and write, to understand the figure. There was no school according to the situation at that time, and the older brothers began to run to some craftswoman. And Mityunka is with them. Those guys are quick-witted, the craftswoman praised them, but this one is completely excellent. In those years, they taught in a tricky way, but he takes it on the fly. The craftswoman will not have time to show, - he pondered. The brothers were still pushing warehouses, and he was already reading, know the words to catch. The master has often said:
“I never had such a student.
Here father and mother take it and be a little proud: they brought Mityunka boots in a better shape. It was with these boots that they had a complete revolution of life and came out.
In that year, listen, the gentleman lived at the factory. Apparently, he blew some money in Sam-Petersburg, so he came to the factory - if I can scrape it out, they say, somehow.
In such and such a case, it is clear how one cannot find money, if one manages it wisely. Some clerks and a clerk stole how much. Only the gentleman did not even know how to look in this direction.
He was driving along the street and noticed - at one hut three little children were playing, and all were wearing boots. The master looms with his hand to them: come here.
At least until that time Mityunka had not been led to see the master, but he probably admitted. The horses, you see, are excellent, the coachman is in shape, the carriage is varnished and the rider is a mountain-mountain, swollen with fat, barely tossing and turning, and in front of his belly he holds a stick with a gold knob.
Mityunka became a little shy, nevertheless grabbed the little brothers by the hands and led them closer to the carriage, and the master wheezes:
- Whose are they?
Mityunka, as the eldest, explains calmly:
- Stone cutter Danila's sons. Here I am Mitriy, and these are my little brothers.
The master turned blue from this conversation, almost suffocated, only molests:
– Ox, ox! what do they do! what do they do! Ox, ox!
Then, apparently, he sighed and roared like a bear:
- What's this? A? - And he shows the guys on his feet with a stick. The little ones, of course, were frightened, rushed to the gate, but Mityunka stood there and could not understand what his master was asking about.
He set up his own, yells in discord:
- What's this?
Mityunka is completely shy, and he says:
- Land.
The gentleman here, as if paralyzed, was enough, he wheezed at all:
- Hrr, hrr! What has it come to! What has it come to! Chrr, chrr.
Then Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the master did not talk to him, poked the coachman in the neck with the knob - go!
This gentleman was not of a firm mind. From his youth, such things were noticed behind him, by old age he became completely dependent. He will attack a person, and then he himself does not know how to explain what he needs. Well, Danilo and Katerina thought - maybe it will work out, he will forget about the kids until he gets home. But it wasn’t there: the master didn’t forget the children’s boots. First of all, he settled on the clerk.
– Where are you looking? There is nothing to buy shoes from the master, but the serfs drive their children in boots? What kind of clerk are you after that?
He explains:
- Your, they say, lordly mercy Danilo was released for quitrent and how much to take from him is also indicated, but how he pays regularly, I thought ...
- And you, - he shouts, - do not think, but look at both. Wow he got it! Where is it seen? To assign him a quitrent on four.
Then he called Danila and himself explained to him the new dues. Danilo sees - completely nonsense and says:
- I can’t leave the lord’s will, but only such a quitrent is also beyond my power to pay. I will work like others, according to your lordly order.
The gentleman, you see, is not on the lip. There is already a shortage of money - not up to stone crafts. At the time, and that to sell, which is left from the old years. It is also not suitable for any other work of a stone cutter. Well, let's dress up. No matter how much Danila fought back, the master appointed him twice the quitrent, and if you don’t like it - uphill. That's where it went!
Of course, it was bad for Danil and Katya. Everyone was pinned down, and the worst thing for the robots: they sat down to work until they were old. So they never got to learn. Mityunka - he considered himself the most guilty of all - he himself climbs to work. I will help, they say, my father and mother, and they again think their own:
“And so it is with us that he is unhealthy, and if you put him in jail for malachite, he will be completely exhausted. Because - around in this case is bad. To prepare the additive pitch - you won’t breathe the dust, to beat the gravel - take care of your eyes, and to dilute the tin with strong vodka on the field - it will suffocate in pairs. They thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​sending Mityunka to study cutting.
The eye, they say, is grasping, the fingers are flexible and there is no need for great strength - the work is most according to it.
The cutter, of course, was related to them. They attached him to him, and he was a happy lad, because he knew that he was a smart kid and not lazy for work.
This cutter was so-so mediocre, he made a stone of the second, or even the third price. Still, Mityunka learned from him what he could do. Then this master says to Danil:
- We need to send your boy to the city. Let him get to the real point there. He has a dexterous hand.
So they did. Danila and the city never knew each other on a stone business. I found someone I needed and attached Mityunka. He got here to the old master of stone berries. Fashion, you see, was to make berries from stones. Grapes there, currants, raspberries and protcha. And there was a setting for everything. Black, say, currants were made from agate, white ones were made from durmashkas, strawberries were made from wax jasper, and princesses were glued from small slit balls. In a word, every berry has its own stone. There was also an order for the roots and leaves: some ofat, some of malachite or eagle, and there also some stone.
Mityunka took over this whole set-up, but no, no, and he will come up with his own way. The master at first grumbled, then began to praise:
“Perhaps it comes out more alive that way.
Lastly, he declared:
- I see, boy, your talent for this matter is very big. It's time for me, old man, to learn from you. You have become a master at all, and even with fiction.
Then he paused a little, and punishes:
“Only you, look, don’t let her go!” Fiction something! As if her hands were not beaten off for her. There were such cases.
Mityunka, it is known, is young - without attention to this. Still laughing:
- It would be a good idea. Who will fight off her hands for her?

1) Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

2) "Fragile twig"

4) Genre: tale

5) Year of writing: 1940. This year the Soviet-Finnish war ended, a peace treaty was signed. The Second World War is gaining deadly momentum ... The next, terrible, year is the beginning of the Second World War, which claimed millions of lives.

6) The place of action of Bazhov's tales is the Urals. The story is enchanting, bewitching, and you won’t notice how you find yourself in the world of stone mines full of extraordinary events; in the world of stone-cutting workshops and the creators themselves.

7) Main characters:

Danila is a great, master, hardworking.

Katya is kind, selfless. Mitya is kind, cheerful, talented. The clerk is a toady, a coward. Barin - evil, cruel, greedy. The girl is a lively, cheerful, faithful friend.

8) The plot of the work:

A story about how the family of master Danila and Katya lived. One of their children, eight boys - Mitya was hunchbacked, but capable of mastery. Because of the large lord's dues, the family had to live hard. And Mitya learned to be a lapidary, became a good master. From serpentine and slag he made a beautiful fragile twig with gooseberries. But the master did not appreciate this delicate work.

9) Feedback (my opinion):

The vocabulary of the tale is remembered; P. P. Bazhov writes all the tales in an unusual literary language. I especially remember the episode when the master began to trample on a fragile twig, and Mitya could not stand it and hit the master with a stick.

Mitya is a nugget, a clever one; only a great master is able to create a miracle and no evil forces can break him. I think that together with the girl they will find another place where they will be happy.

Updated: 2018-08-06

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Useful material on the topic

“Danila and Katya, who rescued her fiancé from the Mistress of the Mountain, had a lot of children. Eight, listen, man, and all the boys. Mother was jealous more than once: at least one girl to keep an eye on. And the father, you know, laughs: - Such, apparently, is our position with you. The kids grew up healthy. Only one was unlucky. Either from the porch, or from somewhere else he fell off and injured himself: his hump began to grow. Baushki ruled, of course, but it didn’t work out. So the hunchbacked one had to toil in this world ... "

A series: Malachite Box. Ural tales

* * *

by the LitRes company.

Danila and Katya, the one who rescued her fiancé from the Mistress of the Mountain, had a lot of children. Eight, listen, man, and all the boys. Mother was jealous more than once: at least one girl to keep an eye on. And the father, you know, laughs:

– Such, in sight, our position with you.

The kids grew up healthy. Only one was unlucky. Either from the porch, or from somewhere else he fell off and injured himself: his hump began to grow. Baushki ruled, of course, but it didn’t work out. So the hunchbacked one had to toil in the wide world.

Other kids - I noticed - angry come out in such and such a case, but this one is nothing - he grew up cheerful and a master at inventions. He was the third in the family, and all the brothers obeyed him and asked:

- You, Mitya, what do you think? What do you think, Mitya, what is it for?

Father and mother often shouted:

- Mityushka! Look! Okay, in your eyes?

- Mityayko, did you notice where I put the sparrows?

And then Mityunka was given that his father deftly played the horn from his youth. This one will also make a pickle, so she exactly pronounces the song from him.

Danilo, by his skill, nevertheless earned well. Well, Katya did not sit idle. So, it means that they raised a family, they didn’t go to people for a piece. And Katya took care of the childish clothes. So that everyone was on the right: pimes there, fur coats and protcha. In the summer, of course, and barefoot is fine - your own skin, not bought. And Mityunka, how pitiful he is of all, and there were boots. The elder brothers did not envy this, and the little mothers themselves said:

- Mommy, it's time, go, Mitya start new boots. Look - they don’t climb on his leg, but they would have just happened to me.

You see, they had their own childish cunning, as if Mitina's shoes were to be attached to herself as soon as possible. So they have everything smooth and rolled. Neighbors scoffed directly:

- What kind of robots does Katerina have! They will never have a fight between themselves.

And this is all Mityunka - the main reason. He is like a light in the forest in the family: he will amuse someone, he will warm someone, he will lead someone to thoughts.

Danilo did not allow the children to his craft until the time.

“Let them,” he says, “grow up first.” They will still have time to swallow some malachite dust.

Katya and her husband are also in complete agreement - it's too early to start a craft. Moreover, they came up with the idea of ​​teaching children, so that, therefore, to read and write, to understand the figure. There was no school according to the situation at that time, and the older brothers began to run to some craftswoman. And Mityunka is with them. Those guys are quick-witted, the craftswoman praised them, but this one is completely excellent. In those years, they taught in a tricky way, but he takes it on the fly. The craftswoman will not have time to show, - he pondered. The brothers were still pushing warehouses, and he was already reading, know the words to catch. The master has often said:

“I never had such a student.

Here father and mother take it and be a little proud: they brought Mityunka boots in a better shape. It was with these boots that they had a complete revolution of life and came out.

In that year, listen, the gentleman lived at the factory. Apparently, he blew some money in Sam-Petersburg, so he came to the factory - if I can scrape it out, they say, somehow.

In such and such a case, it is clear how one cannot find money, if one manages it wisely. Some clerks and a clerk stole how much. Only the gentleman did not even know how to look in this direction.

He was driving along the street and noticed - at one hut three little children were playing, and all were wearing boots. The master looms with his hand to them: come here.

At least until that time Mityunka had not been led to see the master, but he probably admitted. The horses, you see, are excellent, the coachman is in shape, the carriage is varnished and the rider is a mountain-mountain, swollen with fat, barely tossing and turning, and in front of his belly he holds a stick with a gold knob.

Mityunka became a little shy, nevertheless grabbed the little brothers by the hands and led them closer to the carriage, and the master wheezes:

- Whose are they?

Mityunka, as the eldest, explains calmly:

- Stone cutter Danila's sons. Here I am Mitriy, and these are my little brothers.

The master turned blue from this conversation, almost suffocated, only molests:

– Ox, ox! what do they do! what do they do! Ox, ox!

Then, apparently, he sighed and roared like a bear:

- What's this? A? - And he shows the guys on his feet with a stick. The little ones, of course, were frightened, rushed to the gate, but Mityunka stood there and could not understand what his master was asking about.

He set up his own, yells in discord:

- What's this?

Mityunka is completely shy, and he says:

The gentleman here, as if paralyzed, was enough, he wheezed at all:

- Hrr, hrr! What has it come to! What has it come to! Chrr, chrr.

Then Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the master did not talk to him, poked the coachman in the neck with the knob - go!

This gentleman was not of a firm mind. From his youth, such things were noticed behind him, by old age he became completely dependent. He will attack a person, and then he himself does not know how to explain what he needs. Well, Danilo and Katerina thought - maybe it will work out, he will forget about the kids until he gets home. But it wasn’t there: the master didn’t forget the children’s boots. First of all, he settled on the clerk.

– Where are you looking? There is nothing to buy shoes from the master, but the serfs drive their children in boots? What kind of clerk are you after that?

He explains:

- Your, they say, lordly mercy Danilo was released for quitrent and how much to take from him is also indicated, but how he pays regularly, I thought ...

- And you, - he shouts, - do not think, but look at both. Wow he got it! Where is it seen? To assign him a quitrent on four.

Then he called Danila and himself explained to him the new dues. Danilo sees - completely nonsense and says:

- I can’t leave the lord’s will, but only such a quitrent is also beyond my power to pay. I will work like others, according to your lordly order.

The gentleman, you see, is not on the lip. There is already a shortage of money - not up to stone crafts. At the time, and that to sell, which is left from the old years. It is also not suitable for any other work of a stone cutter. Well, let's dress up. No matter how much Danila fought back, the master appointed him twice the quitrent, and if you don’t like it - uphill. That's where it went!

Of course, it was bad for Danil and Katya. Everyone was pinned down, and the worst thing for the robots: they sat down to work until they were old. So they never got to learn. Mityunka - he considered himself the most guilty of all - he himself climbs to work. I will help, they say, my father and mother, and they again think their own:

“And so it is with us that he is unhealthy, and if you put him in jail for malachite, he will be completely exhausted. Because - around in this case is bad. To prepare the additive pitch - you won’t breathe the dust, to beat the gravel - take care of your eyes, and to dilute the tin with strong vodka on the field - it will suffocate in pairs. They thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​sending Mityunka to study cutting.

The eye, they say, is grasping, the fingers are flexible and there is no need for great strength - the work is most according to it.

The cutter, of course, was related to them. They attached him to him, and he was a happy lad, because he knew that he was a smart kid and not lazy for work.

This cutter was so-so mediocre, he made a stone of the second, or even the third price. Still, Mityunka learned from him what he could do. Then this master says to Danil:

- We need to send your boy to the city. Let him get to the real point there. He has a dexterous hand.

So they did. Danila and the city never knew each other on a stone business. I found someone I needed and attached Mityunka. He got here to the old master of stone berries. Fashion, you see, was to make berries from stones. Grapes there, currants, raspberries and protcha. And there was a setting for everything. Black, say, currants were made from agate, white ones were made from durmashkas, strawberries were made from wax jasper, and princesses were glued from small slit balls. In a word, every berry has its own stone. There was also an order for the roots and leaves: some ofat, some of malachite or eagle, and there also some stone.

Mityunka took over this whole set-up, but no, no, and he will come up with his own way. The master at first grumbled, then began to praise:

“Perhaps it comes out more alive that way.

Lastly, he declared:

- I see, boy, your talent for this matter is very big. It's time for me, old man, to learn from you. You have become a master at all, and even with fiction.

Then he paused a little, and punishes:

“Only you, look, don’t let her go!” Fiction something! As if her hands were not beaten off for her. There were such cases.

Mityunka, it is known, is young - without attention to this. Still laughing:

- It would be a good idea. Who will fight off her hands for her?

And so Mityukha became a master, and still quite young: he had just begun to break through his mustache. He did not miss orders, he always has a lot of work to do. The shopkeepers in the stone business realized vividly that this guy smells like a big profit - they give him orders one after the other, just have time. Mityukha came up with this:

- I'm going to go home. If my work is needed, they will find me at home. The road is not far, and the load is not large - bring the material and pick up the crafts.

And so he did. The family were delighted, of course: Mitya came. He also wants to amuse everyone, but he himself is not sweet. At home, almost a solid malachite workshop has become. Father and two older brothers are sitting at the machines in maluha and younger brothers right there: who is sawing, who is grinding. In the mother's arms, the long-awaited one-year-old girl trembles, but there is no joy in the family. Danilo really looks like an old man, the older brothers cough, and it’s sad to look at the little ones. They fight, fight, and everything goes into the master's quitrent.

Mityukha was thinking here: everything, they say, came out because of those boots.

Let's get on with our business. It is at least small, but there are more than one machine tools for it, a tool is also required. It's all a trifle, but she needs a place.

He settled down in the hut opposite the window and fell down to work, but he thinks to himself:

“How to get berries from the local stone to sharpen. Then the younger brothers could be attached to this business. He thinks and thinks, but he does not see the way. In our area, it is known, chrysolite and malachite come across more. You can’t get chrysolite cheaply either, and it doesn’t fit, and malachite is only for leaves and that’s not at all suitable: it requires a mandrel or gluing.

Here he is at work. The window in front of the machine is open for summer time. There is no one else in the hut. The mother has gone somewhere on her own business, the kids have fled, the father and the elders are sitting in a malukh. Can't hear them. It is known that you can’t sing songs over malachite and don’t pull on a conversation.

Mityukha is sitting, turning his berries from merchant material, and he himself is still thinking about the same thing:

“What kind of cheap local stone could be used to drive the same craft?”

Suddenly, some kind of woman’s or girl’s hand slipped through the window, with a ring on her finger and in her sleeve, and she placed a large serpentine slab directly on Mityunka’s machine, and on it, as on a tray, a travel juicer.

Mityukha rushed to the window - there was no one, the street was empty, exactly no one was walking around.

What's happened? Jokes who is joking or what an obsession? He looked at the tile and the sap and almost jumped for joy: you can carry cartloads of such material, and you can see it can be made from it, if you choose and try with skill. What only?

He began to think about which berry would be more suitable, and he himself stared at the place where the hand was. And here again she appeared and puts a burdock leaf on the machine, and on it are three suitable branches: bird cherry, cherry and ripe, ripe gooseberries.

Here Mityukha could not resist, ran out into the street to find out who was playing jokes on him. I looked around everything - no one, how it died out. Time is the hottest thing. Who should be on the street at this time?

He stood for a while, went to the window, took a piece of paper with twigs from the machine and began to look at it. The berries are real, alive, only the wonder is where the cherry came from. It’s easy with bird cherry, gooseberries are also enough in the master’s garden, but where does this one come from, if such a berry does not grow in our area, but as if it is now plucked?

I admired the cherries so much, but nevertheless the gooseberries fell to him more dearly and suits the material even more. I just thought - a hand stroked his shoulder and stroked:

"Well done, they say! You get the point!"

Here it is clear to the blind whose hand it is. Mityukha grew up in Polevaya, heard about the Mistress of the Mountain at least once. So he thought - at least she would show herself. Well, it didn't. She regretted, apparently, disturbing the hunchbacked guy with her beauty - she didn’t show up.

Here Mityukha took up the juice and the serpentine. Went over a lot. Well, I chose and did it with ingenuity. Sweat. I first turned the gooseberry berries into halves, then I adjusted the recesses inside, and even went through the grooves where necessary, where I left the knots again, glued the halves, and then they were clean and turned. A live berry came out. I also carved the leaves thinly from the serpentine, and managed to attach thin spines to the spine. In a word, varietal work. In each berry, exactly the grains are visible and the leaves are alive, even a little with flaws: on one hole, as if pierced by a bug, on the other, again, rusty spots fell. Well, as there are real ones.

End of introductory segment.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Fragile twig (P. P. Bazhov, 1940) provided by our book partner -

Danila and Katya, the one who rescued her fiancé from the Mistress of the Mountain, had a lot of children. Eight, listen, man, and all the boys. Mother was jealous more than once: at least one girl to keep an eye on. And the father, you know, laughs:

“This seems to be our position with you.

The kids grew up healthy. Only one was unlucky. Either from the porch, or from somewhere else he fell off and injured himself: his hump began to grow. Baushki ruled, of course, but it didn’t work out. So the hunchbacked one had to toil in the wide world.

Other children, - I noticed so, - are angry on such and such an occasion, but this one is nothing - he grew up merry and is a master at inventions. He was the third in the family, and all the brothers obeyed him and asked:

- You, Mitya, what do you think? What do you think, Mitya, what is it for?

Father and mother often shouted:

- Mityushka! Look! Okay, in your eyes?

- Mityayko, didn’t notice where I put the sparrows (adjusted for unwinding yarn. - Ed.)?

And then Mityunka was given that his father deftly played the horn from his youth. This one will also make a pickle, so she exactly pronounces the song from him.

Danilo, by his skill, nevertheless earned well. Well, Katya did not sit idle. So, it means that they raised a family, they didn’t go to people for a piece. And Katya took care of the childish clothes. So that everyone was on the right: pimes there, fur coats and protcha. In the summer, of course, and barefoot is fine: your own skin, not bought. And Mityunka, how pitiful he is of all, and there were boots. The elder brothers did not envy this, and the little mothers themselves said:

- Mommy, it's time, go, Mitya start new boots. Look - they don’t climb on his leg, but they would have just happened to me.

You see, they had their own childish cunning, as if Mitina's shoes were to be attached to herself as soon as possible. So they have everything smooth and rolled. Neighbors scoffed directly:

- What kind of robots does Katerina have! They will never have a fight between themselves.

And this is all Mityunka - the main reason. He is like a light in the forest in the family: he will amuse someone, he will warm someone, he will lead someone to thoughts.

Danilo did not allow the children to his craft until the time.

“Let them,” he says, “grow up first.” They will still have time to swallow some malachite dust.

Katya and her husband are also in complete agreement - it's too early to start a craft. Moreover, they came up with the idea of ​​teaching children: so that, therefore, to read and write, to understand the figure. There was no school according to the situation at that time, and the older brothers began to run to some craftswoman. And Mityunka is with them. Those guys are quick-witted, the craftswoman praised them, but this one is completely excellent. In those years, they taught in a tricky way, but he takes it on the fly. The craftswoman will not have time to show - he pondered. The brothers were still pushing warehouses, and he was already reading, know the words to catch. The master has often said:

“I have never had such a student. Here father and mother take it and be a little proud: they brought Mityunka boots in a better shape. It was with these boots that they had a complete revolution in life and came out. In that year, listen, the gentleman lived at the factory. Apparently, he blew some money in Sam-Petersburg, so he came to the factory - if I could scrape it out, they say, somehow.

In such and such a case, it is clear how one cannot find money, if one manages it wisely. Some clerks and a clerk stole how much. Only the gentleman did not even know how to look in this direction.

He was driving along the street and noticed - at one of the huts three children were playing, and all were wearing boots. The master looms with his hand to them - come here.

At least until that time Mityunka had not been led to see the master, but he probably admitted. The horses, you see, are excellent, the coachman is in shape, the carriage is varnished and the rider is a mountain of mountains, swollen with fat, barely tossing and turning, and in front of his belly he holds a stick with a gold knob.

Mityunka became a little shy, nevertheless grabbed the little brothers by the hands and led them closer to the carriage, and the master wheezes:

— Whose are they?

Mityunka, as the eldest, explains calmly:

- The stone cutter Danila's sons. Here I am Mitriy, and these are my little brothers.

The master turned blue from this conversation, almost suffocated, only molests:

- Oh oh! what do they do! what do they do! Oh oh. Then it is clear that he sighed and roared like a bear:

- What's this? A? -And he shows the guys on his feet with a stick. The little ones, of course, were frightened, rushed to the gate, but Mityunka stood there and could not understand what his master was asking about.

He set up his own, yells in discord:

- What's this?

Mityunka is completely shy and says:

The gentleman here, as if paralyzed, was enough, he wheezed at all.

Hrr, hrr! What has it come to! What has it come to! Chrr, chrr.

Then Danilo himself ran out of the hut, only the master did not talk to him, poked the coachman in the neck with the knob - go!

This gentleman was not of a firm mind. From his youth, such things were noticed behind him, by old age he did not become independent at all. He will attack a person, and then he himself does not know how to explain what he needs. Well, Danilo and Katerina thought - maybe it will work out, he will forget about the kids by the time he gets home. But it wasn’t there: the master didn’t forget the children’s boots. First of all, he settled on the clerk:

— Where are you looking? There is nothing to buy shoes from the master, but the serfs drive their children in boots? What kind of clerk are you after that?

He explains:

- Your, they say, lordly mercy Danilo was released for quitrent and how much to take from him is also indicated, but how he pays regularly, I thought ...

“And you,” he shouts, “do not think, but look at both. Wow he got it! Where is it seen? To assign him a quitrent on four.

Then he called Danila and himself explained to him the new dues. Danilo sees - it’s completely nonsense, and says:

- I can’t leave the will of the master, but only such a quitrent is also beyond my power to pay. I will work like others, according to your lordly order.

The gentleman, you see, is not on the lip. There is already a shortage of money - not up to stone crafts. At the time, and that to sell, which is left from the old years. It is also not suitable for any other work of a stone cutter. Well, let's dress up. No matter how much Danila fought back, the master appointed him twice the quitrent, and if you don’t like it - uphill. That's where it went!

Of course, it was bad for Danil and Katya. Everyone was pressed, and the guys were worst of all: they sat down to work until they were old. So they never got to learn. Mityunka - he considered himself the most guilty of all - he himself climbs to work. I will help, they say, my father and mother, and they again think their own:

“And so he is unhealthy with us, and put him in jail for malachite - he will be completely exhausted. Because - around in this case is bad. To prepare the additive pitch - you won’t breathe the dust, to beat the gravel - take care of your eyes, and to dilute the tin with strong vodka on the poller - it will suffocate in pairs. They thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​sending Mityunka to study cutting.

The eye, they say, is grasping, the fingers are flexible and there is no need for great strength - the work is most according to it.

The cutter, of course, was related to them. They attached him to him, and he was a happy lad, because he knew that he was a smart kid and not lazy for work.

This cutter was so-so, he was average, he made a stone of the second, or even the third price. Still, Mityunka learned from him what he could do. Then this master says to Danil:

- We need to send your boy to the city. Let him get to the real point there. He has a dexterous hand.

So they did. Danila in the city had a few acquaintances in a stone case. I found someone I needed and put Mityunka in. He got here to the old master of stone berries. Fashion, you see, was to make berries from stones. Grapes there, currants, raspberries and protcha. And there was a setting for everything. Black, say, currants were made from agate, white ones were made from durmashkas, strawberries were made from wax jasper, and princesses were glued from small sherl balls. In a word, every berry has its own stone. There was also an order for the roots and leaves: some ofat, some of malachite or eagle, and there also some stone.

Mityunka took over this whole set-up, but no, no, and he will come up with his own way. The master at first grumbled, then began to praise:

“Perhaps it comes out more alive that way.

Lastly, he declared:

- I see, boy, your talent for this matter is very big. It's time for me, old man, to learn from you. You have become a master at all, and even with fiction.

Then he paused a little and punished:

“Only you, look, don’t let her go!” Fiction something! As if her hands were not beaten off for her. There were such cases.

Mityunka, you know, young - without attention to this. Still laughing:

- It would be a good idea. Who will fight off her hands for her?

And so Mityukha became a master, and still quite young: he had just begun to break through his mustache. He did not miss orders, he always has a lot of work to do. The stone business shopkeepers quickly realized that this guy smelled like a big profit - they give him orders one after another, just have time. Mityukha came up with this:

- I'm going to go home. If my work is needed, they will find me at home. The road is not far, and the load is not large - to bring the material and pick up the crafts.

And so he did. The family were delighted, of course: Mitya came. He also wants to amuse everyone, I myself am not sweet. At home, almost a solid malachite workshop has become. The father and two older brothers are sitting at the machines in malukha, and the younger brothers are right there: some at sawing, some at grinding. In the mother's arms, the long-awaited one-year-old girl trembles, but there is no joy in the family. Danilo really looks like an old man, the older brothers cough, and it’s sad to look at the little ones. They fight, fight, and everything goes into the master's quitrent.

Mityukha was thinking here: everything, they say, came out because of those boots.

Let's get on with our business. It is at least small, but there are more than one machine tools for it, a tool is also required. It's all a trifle, but she needs a place.

He settled down in the hut opposite the window and fell down to work, but he thinks to himself:

“How can I get berries to sharpen from the local stone? Then the younger brothers could be attached to this business. He thinks and thinks, but he does not see the way. In our area, it is known that chrysolite and malachite are more common. You can’t get chrysolite cheaply either, and it doesn’t fit, and malachite is only found on leaves and that’s not at all found: it requires a mandrel or gluing.

Here he is at work. The window in front of the machine is open for summer time. There is no one else in the hut. The mother has gone somewhere on her own business, the kids have fled, the father and the elders are sitting in a malukh. Can't hear them. It is known that you can’t sing songs over malachite and don’t pull on a conversation.

Mityukha is sitting, turning his berries from merchant material, and he himself is still thinking about the same thing:

“What kind of cheap local stone could be used to drive the same craft?”

Suddenly, some kind of female or girlish hand slipped through the window - with a ring on her finger and in her sleeve (in a bracelet. - Ed.), - and puts a large serpentine tile directly on Mityunka's machine tool: and on it, as on tray, juice (slag from copper smelting. - Ed.) road.

Mityukha rushed to the window - there was no one, the street was empty, exactly no one was walking around.

What's happened? Jokes who is joking or what an obsession? He looked at the tile and the sap and almost jumped for joy, carrying carts of such material, and you can make it out of it, you see, if you choose and try with skill. What only?

He began to think about which berry would be more suitable, and he himself stared at the place where the hand was. And here again she appeared and puts a burdock leaf on the machine, and on it are three berry branches: bird cherry, cherry and ripe, ripe gooseberries.

Here Mityukha could not resist, ran out into the street to find out who was playing jokes on him. He looked at everything - no one, how it died out. Time is the hottest thing. Who should be on the street at this time?

He stood for a while, went to the window, took a piece of paper with twigs from the machine and began to look at it. The berries are real, alive, only it's a miracle - where did the cherry come from. It’s easy with bird cherry, gooseberries are also enough in the master’s garden, but where does this one come from, if such a berry does not grow in our area, but as if it is now plucked?

I admired the cherries so much, but nevertheless the gooseberries fell to him more dearly and suits the material even more. Just thought - a hand on his shoulder and stroked.

"Well done, they say! You get the point!"

Here it is clear to the blind whose hand it is. Mityukha grew up in Polevaya, heard about the Mistress of the Mountain at least once. So he thought - at least she would show herself. Well, it didn't. She regretted, apparently, disturbing the hunchbacked guy with her beauty - she didn’t show herself.

Here Mityukha took up the juice and the serpentine. Went over a lot. Well, I chose and did it with ingenuity. Sweat. I first turned the gooseberry berries into halves, then I adjusted the recesses inside, and even where necessary, went through the grooves, where I left the knots again, glued the halves, and then they were clean and turned. A live berry came out. I also carved the leaves thinly from the serpentine, and managed to attach thin spines to the spine. In a word, varietal work. In each berry, exactly the grains are visible and the leaves are alive, even a little with flaws: on one hole, as if pierced by a bug, on the other, again, rusty spots fell. Well, there are real ones.

Danilo and his sons worked at least on a different stone, but they also understood this matter. And my mother worked in stone. Everyone can't stop looking at Mityukhin's work. And then they are surprised that such a thing came out of a simple coil and road juice. Mitya and most love it. So how is work! Subtlety. If anyone understands, of course.

Mitya made a lot of juice and serpentine afterwards. Helped the family a lot. Merchants, you see, did not run around this craft, as they paid for a real stone, and the buyer, first of all, snatched out Mityukhin's work, therefore, it was excellent. Mityukha, therefore, drove the berry. And he made bird cherry, and cherries, and ripe gooseberries, but he didn’t sell the first branch - he left it for himself. He tried (intentioned. - Ed.) to give the girl one, but he took all the confusion.

The girls, you see, did not turn away from Mityukhin's window. Although he is hunchbacked, he is a guy with conversation and fiction, and his craft is amusing, and not stingy: he used to give a handful of balls for beads. Well, no, no, the girls will run up, but this one most often had a backlog in front of the window - to shine their teeth, to play with their scythe. Mityukha wanted to give her his branch, but he was afraid:

“They’ll also make a girl laugh, or even consider her an insult.

And that gentleman, because of whom the turn of life happened, was still puffing and puffing on the ground. In that year, he betrothed his daughter to some prince or merchant and collected her dowry. The field clerk took it into his head to serve. He saw Mitin's twig and, apparently, also understood what kind of thing it was. So he sent his ohlests with an order:

“If you don’t give back, take it away by force. So what? It's business as usual. They took away a twig from Mitya, brought it, and the clerk put it in a velvet box. As the master arrived in Polevaya, the clerk now:

Get, do me a favor, a gift for the bride. The right thing.

The master looked, also praised at first, then asked:

— What stones are made of and how much do the stones cost? The clerk replies:

- It is surprising that from the very simple material: from the coil and slag. Here the master immediately suffocated:

- What? How? From slag? My daughter?

The clerk sees - something goes wrong, he turned everything on the master:

“It was he, the rogue, who slipped it on me, and even told me Thursdays for a week, otherwise I wouldn’t dare.” Barin, know, wheezing:

- Bring the masters! Get the master!

They dragged, of course, Mityukha, and, you know, he recognized his master.

“This is the one ... in boots that ...”

How dare you?

He rushed at Mityukha with a stick.

Mityukha at first could not understand, then he understood and said directly:

- The clerk took it from me by force, let him answer.

Only with the master what a conversation, all his wheezing: - I'll show you ...

Then he grabbed a twig from the table, slapped it on the floor and started trampling on it. In the dust, of course, crushed.

At this point, Mityukha was taken for a living, even shaking. It’s enough to say - who will fall in love if your dear invention is crushed with wild meat.

Mityukha grabbed the master's stick by the thin end, and as soon as he cracked the knob on his forehead, the master sat down on the floor and rolled his eyes.

And what a marvel - the clerk was in the room and as many servants as you like, but everyone seemed to be petrified - Mityukha came out and disappeared somewhere. So they couldn’t find it, and then people saw the handicraft of it. Those who understand, they recognized her.

And there was another note. That girl who washed her teeth in front of Mityukhin's window also got lost, and also with the end.

We have been looking for this girl for a long time. Apparently, they reasoned in their own way that it was easier to find her, because a woman is not used to going far from her places. Her parents were attacked:

- Specify a place!

And yet they didn't make any sense.

Danila and his sons were pressed, of course, yes, apparently, they regretted a lot of dues - they retreated. And the gentleman was still suffocating for a while, nevertheless, he was soon crushed by fat.