
Bird made of cotton wool and glue. How to make a bullfinch from threads with your own hands: a master class with step by step photos. We make a beautiful bullfinch from felt with our own hands in a step-by-step MK


Bullfinches from cotton wool MK For work we will need: 1. cotton wool 2. white PVA glue (which is better in building stores in a bucket) 3. paints - gouache is better, but watercolor will also work 4. bowl for glue 5. glass for water 6 .water 7.threads ordinary for sewing 8.beads for eyes 9.brushes of various calibers from 1 to 6k 10.glue like "Titan" - for gluing birds on a twig 11.napkins 12 polystyrene 13.thin wire In a bowl we dilute PVA glue and water, 2 glue: 1 water We tear off from the main piece of cotton wool, a piece the size of a palm. Approximately form the body and head. Quickly dip the carcass on all sides in a bowl. BUT that she would only get wet from above. WHAT WOULD NOT WET EVERYTHING! We smooth the body with our hand and pull cotton wool from the sides and wrap it inward, tighten the place between the tail and the body with a thread, leave the end of the thread about 20 cm long. And again brush the whole bird with a solution of glue and water. if the tail is large, we cut it at our discretion, that we didn’t smear it with homework ... we hang our blanks by the thread (which we left long) and dry. when hanging, the breast is rounded, and if planted and dried, it is crushed! when the birds have dried up, they have flaws, then the head is small or dents, we smear the place of restoration with an adhesive solution, apply a piece of cotton wool And we smear the backs again on top of us, which are also not even, so we also smear them, we also smear the fleece on top and on top. on a bird that has a too small tail, we immediately lay down a long piece of cotton wool and coat it. ONLY DO NOT STRONGLY WET, AND THEN WHEN DRY IT WILL SHIN! as a result, we get neat lush birds Beak do this: roll a small piece of cotton wool into a ball, soak in glue and form a cone. Glue the beak to the body first grease this place with glue. If you want to make a take-off chick, then you need a thin, easily bending wire. Then the bumps on the back will close after the wings are in place. We pass the wire through the back, bend the wings as needed and stick the edges again into the back with thin pieces of cotton wool, wrap the wing and smear it with a brush, of course you will have to urinate, the cotton wool sticks to your hands. the second wing is exactly the same. Having completed the wings, we close the back with a piece of cotton wool and coat it on top. after we closed all the flaws and attached the wings, again we dry them by hanging them. After drying, the birds are light and have a dense crust that is easy to paint. Now you can cut the hanging threads. A dry bird can be held by the tail and painted (it has dried up and will not fall off) Let's start painting! Here, everyone has their own vision, as they like, I have more cartoonish ones. paint the breast so that there are no gaps, thick and bright paint. AND DRY! We paint over the back and sides with gray paint. Again in drying in black (watercolor, gouache seemed grayish to me), we draw “hats”, wings and ponytails. We paint the beak with white gouache, feathers on the wings and under the tail :) in the places where the eyes are planned, we drip glue and put beads, such a Snegiryok came out! Ready to sit on a branch. Because I do MK after crafts, I didn’t make a tree anymore, but I’ll tell you how I did it. A nail breaks through the prepared board, turn it over so that the hat is at the bottom, and the tip sticks out, we attach 2-3 branches to it with wire. Then we coat the “trunk” with glue and wrap it with napkins. Again, glue it on top. Dry and paint in the color of the bark. Styrofoam broke hands, on a grater it was strongly electrified. we smear tree branches with Titan glue and sprinkle with snow from polystyrene foam. Landing sites for birds are also glued with "Titan". in the evening they collected the crafts, in the morning it was no longer possible to tear off the birds. Thank you for your attention!

The bullfinch is a beautiful winter bird that adorns the snow-covered branches of trees and delights the eyes of people. Of course, the crafts of this bird belong to the winter season. This article will present master classes for making bullfinches quickly and simply with your own hands.

We make a beautiful bullfinch from felt with our own hands in a step-by-step MK

For a festive home decoration, a Christmas tree or a souvenir for loved ones, bullfinches made at home with warmth and love from fabric, such as felt, are perfect.

In order to sew a bullfinch, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • black, white, gray and red felt;
  • a pair of black beads (small size);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • burgundy ribbon or lace.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a pattern for the future felt bullfinch, which will consist of four different parts, namely the upper part of the craft, the tummy and two parts of the wing.

Now you need to sew the red parts of the pattern to the black ones. Thus, we get two sides of the body of the future felt bullfinch. We sew the two resulting parts, while leaving a small hole in the belly area in order to further fill the toy with padding polyester. After it is filled, we sew up the tummy with red threads. Next, we sew the white and gray parts of the wings, we also fill these parts of the toy with padding polyester and carefully sew up the holes. We sew the wings to the body of the bullfinch. You need to make eyes. We make them from white felt and beads. At the final stage, you need to sew a ribbon or lace to the toy.

The bullfinch is ready and can decorate your home. It took quite a bit of materials, time and, of course, love.

We make a bullfinch from cotton in a step-by-step lesson for beginners

In order to make a bullfinch from cotton wool using the papier-mâché technique, you will need the following materials:

  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;
  • newspaper;
  • toilet paper.

First you need to form a ball with a diameter of 7-10 cm, we make it from a newspaper. To make the surface of the ball smoother and even on top of the newspaper, we wrap it with toilet paper. Next, you need to take the wire and make a loop out of it, fix it on the resulting ball.

Let's prepare the cotton. It needs to be stratified into wide thin plates and well lubricated on both sides with PVA glue. We wrap the ball with the resulting smeared cotton details, straighten the layers and make sure that there are no uncovered places left, 3-4 layers of cotton wool will be enough. We form wings, tail and beak from the remaining cotton wool smeared with glue.

We dry cotton bullfinches for a day and paint the resulting birds with acrylic paints. If desired, you can add glitter or sprinkle with artificial snow, and it will not be superfluous to cover the craft with varnish for durability.

A paper bullfinch can be made using the quilling technique. The product will be very beautiful and original.

Necessary materials:

  • quilling paper (in a set 5 cm);
  • quilling tool;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • paper - A4 (white).

We twist a strip of black paper into a “roll”, remove it from the winding tool and let it straighten out a little, fasten the free edge with glue, shape it into a triangle with our fingers - the beak of the future bullfinch is ready.

We begin to make details for the bird's head. We twist the "roll" of black color, give the details the shape of a crescent. The next "roll" should be in the form of a drop. Next, fold the new strip in half and twist the ends in one direction on each side, form drops with your fingers. We fix everything with glue. We make the next part of the head in the same way, only we give it an oval shape. The last part will be a leaf-shaped detail. We glue all the details to a white sheet, forming the head of a bullfinch.

From the details in the form of a crescent and a leaf, we form the body of a bird and also glue it to the sheet. The wings are made of black and white paper. For a red belly, details in the form of a curl, a drop and a leaf are suitable. Glue to the abdomen on sheet A4. The tail of the bullfinch is three pieces of white color in the form of leaves.

Optionally, you can make a branch on which the bullfinch will be located. Green paper must be formed into 20-30 round "rolls", shaped into leaves and fastened together. Arrange the leaves so that the bullfinch sits on them. That's all, the quilling bullfinch is ready.

Yarn can be used to make many different toys. Usually, when creating such products, they use a crochet or knitting needles. But in order to make a bird out of yarn, it is not at all necessary to comprehend the science of knitting. We offer you a very easy way to create a toy that does not take much time.

To create a bullfinch from threads you will need:

  • threads (black, gray, red);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • cardboard;
  • beads (2 pieces);
  • seed.

A piece of cardboard measuring 9 by 12 cm is wrapped 50-55 times in length with black threads. On one side, cut the threads. We make 45-50 turns along the width of the cardboard with red threads and cut them. We also do it with gray threads. Now we make the body of the bullfinch with black and red threads, applying red threads across the black ones. We connect the black threads, and push the red ones back.

It remains to attach the eyes - beads and a seed - a beak.

We will analyze in detail cross-stitch in several techniques

For cross stitch bullfinch you will need:

  • canvas;
  • threads;
  • hoop;
  • needle;
  • PVA glue;
  • felt-tip pen.

To begin with, we prepare the canvas by lubricating its edges with PVA glue. We divide the fabric into squares 10 by 10, for ease of work, you can select them with a simple pencil. We embroider the bullfinch according to the scheme in one or three threads. Different thread thicknesses will help highlight the largest parts of the embroidery or add volume where needed. Be sure to embroider the background in one thread.

Embroidery should start from the darkest color. It is necessary to monitor the accuracy of the wrong side, so that when framing the work, unwanted knots do not stand out and do not spoil the entire appearance of the embroidery.

It is important to determine your level of complexity and choose embroidery in relation to it, so that the picture turns out to be correct and beautiful.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, after the listed options for making bullfinches, it would be appropriate to offer a video selection that will help you become more familiar with the different methods and techniques for making these crafts. Happy viewing.

Bullfinches are very bright, elegant and, of course, winter birds. I'll tell you how pretty quickly (not counting the drying time) you can make New Year's bullfinches for the Christmas tree using the cotton papier-mâché technique.

You will need:

PVA glue;


Toilet paper;

Acrylic paints.

From the newspaper we crumple dense balls with a diameter of 7-10 cm.

To soften the contours, we crush toilet paper on top.

From any side we make a dent with a finger (we form the line of the head)


We twist a loop of wire and fix it on our ball by twisting the free ends of the wire under the dent.

We prepare cotton wool. We stratify it into thin, but rather wide plates.

We generously coat each of them with PVA glue on both sides.

Just wrap our ball and smooth the layer. If there are uncovered places left, cover with the next layer, starting from them.

Three layers is enough.

Add details - tail, wings and beak. We coat a thin plate on both sides and fold it several times, giving the desired shape (tail and wing). Before lubricating the wing plates, it is necessary to select two plates of the same size in advance. For the beak, just a small lump is enough.

Well, the birds are ready, it took quite a bit of time.

I put a New Year's cap on one of the birds.

We leave to dry for about a day.

It remains only to paint the birds with acrylic paints or a mixture of gouache and PVA. Here is a simple scheme. Paint the loops in the color of the surface from which they come out.

Or sprinkle snow from semolina on PVA glue, and arrange a nest for them in the interior during the holidays

Natalia Samsonova

Dear colleagues! I present to your attention bullfinch made with sewing thread. They will perfectly decorate and complement the interior of the group, locker rooms in kindergarten in the winter.

To make two we need snowmen:

1. Silicate stationery glue in a plastic bottle.

2. Spools of thread No. 40- 60 : two spools of black and one spool of magenta (red) thread.

3. Glass vase for spools of thread.

4. Scissors.

5. Thick needle.

6. Four fingertips.

7. Paper: white, black (for making eyes, beak).

8. PVA glue for gluing parts.

Manufacturing sequence bullfinch.

First you need to inflate four fingertips to the desired size.

Then put the spool of black thread in a glass vase so that the thread from it unwinds easily and freely.

Pass the end of the thread through the needle and pierce the bottle of stationery glue with it.

Remove the needle, wipe it and put it back in place. After that, pull the thread several times in different directions, check whether it easily passes through the punctures in the bottle. Then you need to take an inflated ball from a fingertip in your left hand and start, slowly, wrapping it with a thread soaked in glue - making a cocoon.

Similar work is being done with the other three cocoons: two black and one magenta (in red). Put wet cocoons to dry on oilcloth. They will be ready in about 4 hours.

When the cocoons are dry, you need to remove the fingertips from them. To do this, carefully pierce them with a needle and remove the fingertip through the cell in the thread mesh.

Then we take a raspberry cocoon and cut it in half: makes two breasts for two bullfinch.

We connect each half with a black cocoon and glue it with glue.

From the remaining fourth black cocoon, cut out the details for bullfinch: 2 tails and 4 wings.

We attach the cut out parts to the torsos bullfinches with PVA glue.

Next, from a small piece of black paper, we fold two small cones: two beaks are obtained. Then, from small squares of white and black paper, cut out small circles for the eyes. We impose black and white circles on each other and connect with a drop of glue. Now glue each bullfinch eyes and beak with PVA glue.

So we got two cute bullfinch.

I hope you liked them: weightless and openwork from a magic web!

Bullfinch is one of the most popular winter crafts. How to make a bullfinch with your own hands? The most beautiful voluminous bullfinch is obtained from threads.

Do-it-yourself bullfinches from pompoms and threads are made very simply, and the result will surely please you. Follow us and carefully look at our photos.

Bullfinch is a favorite of adults and children. How to make a bullfinch from threads with your own hands?

To make a bullfinch you will need:

  • black, gray and red yarn
  • scissors
  • seed
  • two factory eyes
  • glue moment

First you need to cut the yarn into pieces about 35 cm long. The number of pieces of each color depends on the thickness of the yarn. On average, there are about 50-60 of them.

We take red threads, put black threads on top of them. Exactly in the center we tie them tightly together with a black thread.

We bend the ends of all black yarn from one side to the opposite. We put it on top and tie it with a gray thread along with red yarn (approximately in the middle). Leave the ends of the gray thread hanging freely.

We take the gray yarn and put it under the loose ends of the red yarn.

We bend down the red yarn, bending around the gray. We tie it with the free ends of the gray thread to the tail of the future bird.

We start the ends of the gray yarn from the bottom up and back to the tail. Align symmetrically. We tie everything with the same gray thread.

We tighten and trim the threads.

We remove the excess if it sticks out somewhere.

Using glue, glue the beak seed and eyes.

The master class "how to make a bullfinch out of thread" is coming to an end.

You can attach a thread to such a bullfinch and use it as a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year. Get a very cute New Year's gift.

Christmas tree decoration "Bullfinch"

Fluffy cute bullfinch will be loved by both children and adults.

Bullfinch from threads (video master class):