
How to talk to a girl correctly. How to communicate with a girl. Understanding the value of words


Do you want to meet a girl who works in your office and looks like Angelina Jolie? Or with a blonde beauty at a party to which your friends invited you? Follow our tips in this article and you will be able to start a conversation with a girl in any situation.



    Give her a compliment. Be sincere and polite. Tell her that she has a beautiful smile and that you like the smell of her perfume. Make her feel special. But don't overdo it with compliments, otherwise she will think that you are insincere.

    • Tell her: “You have a beautiful smile!”
    • Or: “Very beautiful dress - red suits you.”
  1. Use a pickup line. A good pick-up line will make a girl laugh and will definitely get her attention. Don't say bad and vulgar phrases. The most important thing is to say them confidently, so don't be shy!

  2. Give nonverbal cues. Nonverbal signals are the language of your body: postures, facial expressions, gestures. Use them to add a romantic touch to your words.

    • Keep your body "open". Maintain eye contact with the girl and smile!
    • When you tell her a story, sometimes touch her hand or forearm.
    • Avoid “negative” gestures: don’t cross your arms, don’t frown, don’t look down.

When you notice a girl you want to talk to, don’t stand still, shifting from foot to foot, casting a languid glance at her. Start moving towards her right away and you will be rewarded with increased interest in yourself. If your goal is simply to get acquainted, you need to act quickly and confidently. And end the conversation at the peak of the girl’s emotions in order to leave a pleasant aftertaste after communicating with you.

The first thing you need to do to start communicating is to get rid of obsessive thoughts and start taking action.

Let's say you met a girl with whom you want to start a conversation in a cafe, on the street, or in a club and you want to get to know her or start a conversation. Let's not talk about the fact that you should be neatly dressed, washed and your breath smells good. This should be a matter of course. You need to pay attention to what is happening around you or you have seen some distinctive feature in a girl that is worthy of attention. Originality doesn't hurt. Pay attention to a beautiful brooch or hat, interesting manicure, fashionable hairstyle. For example, if you notice handmade clothing or accessories (for example, a beaded bracelet), you can say that it looks great and ask if the girl made it herself.

Below we will look at examples of starting a conversation with a girl, so let's get started.

  • Girl, can you tell me how to find the way to your heart?
  • Appearing like a wounded person, approach the girl with the question: “Call an ambulance, I was just shot by Cupid!”
  • Hello, there are so many people around and we are standing alone. My name is Seryozha.
  • Take a closer look at that guy in the raincoat - I think he's watching us. Let's leave here.
  • The weather is good today. It seems to me that you are involved in this - I’m just conducting research on the influence of beautiful girls on the weather. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
  • Give the girl a flower and tell her that a very shy person who really liked you asked her to give it to her. When the girl asks who it is, tell her your name and if you don’t know each other yet, introduce yourself.
  • Do you go to this place too? I have never seen such beauty here.
  • What a beautiful brooch you are wearing. She perfectly highlights her owner.
  • Girl, I think I saw your photo somewhere. Only in life you look much better.
  • Have you by any chance seen my dog ​​here? She broke off the leash and ran away, and I have to give her a rabies vaccination today.
  • Oh, do you go to this store too?
  • Girl, you can’t tell me where the nearest cafe is. You look so delicious it makes me hungry.
  • Write some original note to the girl, silently push it into her hands and leave. There must be some intrigue to interest her. For example: “I know what you did last summer, if you don’t want everyone to know about it, here’s my number 8...” After she calls, say that you just liked her and didn’t know how to approach her.
  • I forgot my phone number, can you lend me yours?
  • Girl, do you think the New Year will be this year or next?
  • Approach the girl, hug, kiss, say: “Masha, you have changed so much, you have become so prettier, I’m very glad to see you,” she says with an expression of not understanding anything: “I’m not Masha,” you answer: “Oh, you’re also a name changed"
  • How did you know I was here?
  • As you pass by a girl, say: “It wasn’t you who pinched my butt just now? ... No? ... It’s a pity.”
  • If we were in the last row of the cinema right now, I would hug you, and maybe kiss you. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

Chatting on the Internet has long become one of the popular opportunities to meet a girl.

Many pretty women are not opposed to making an online acquaintance with an interesting young man and establishing a relationship with him.

Standard techniques for dating online are not suitable, because a pretty girl receives a lot of messages online asking for communication and may simply not pay attention to the next message. The usual greeting “Hello! What are you doing?" causes nausea in most women, it has become so washed out.

Originality of the first phrases- a guarantee that the girl will pay attention to the young man and want to get to know him better.

At the same time, there is no need to overcomplicate the meaning of the first phrases, otherwise the young man simply will not be understood.

You should carefully study the girl’s profile and find out more about her friends, interests and hobbies, and favorite places she visits.

If you wish, while getting acquainted with the profile, you can find something that will be equally interesting for both - a hobby, a place or type of recreation, etc. For example, having learned that a girl visits a swimming pool or sports club, you can tell her that you also go there often. This will allow you to continue correspondence on a common topic, and in the future, designate a meeting place.

If a girl is interested in communication— topics can gradually be diversified by telling stories from life (preferably funny), reporting about your hobbies and interests, thoughts and feelings.

Don't tell everything about yourself at once, but in order to interest the girl and push her into dialogue, you still need to provide personal information. When talking about yourself, it is worth asking your interlocutor questions from time to time, asking about her life, thoughts and experiences.

It is possible that she is trying to meet someone she loved and broke up with, and therefore decided to meet again on the Internet.

At the beginning of dating, questions about your personal life should be asked carefully., excessive importunity can ruin in the bud any desire to prolong communication on the World Wide Web. Questions about her work or studies, favorite films and music, and hobbies are quite acceptable. If a girl makes contact and answers questions with pleasure, you can start asking deeper questions.

In those cases when a girl is not prone to verbosity, pauses can create awkward situations, so the young man will have to talk more. It’s worth having a conversation, not only talking about yourself and your loved one, but also about general topics, otherwise communication can quickly become boring. Girls are very attracted to communicating on VKontakte with small stories about domestic events: a mother’s love for a dog, a father’s interest in football, told with funny and sweet details.

Starting to meet a girl you like on the Internet, for example on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, don't pretend to be someone else and attribute unusual qualities of character, wealth in the form of several executive cars and a mansion in a southern resort. Such lies make it almost impossible to transfer relationships into the real world, where the deception will immediately emerge.

It doesn’t matter whether she becomes a friend or a lover - if you like a girl, then you need to write to her about it. Most importantly, we must not forget that women like compliments, but you should not overuse flattering praise. The main thing for girls- sincerity in communication, and then the acquaintance will be long and pleasant.

So, to summarize:

  1. We carefully study the girl’s profile with whom you intend to start communicating and explore her interests and hobbies;
  2. The first message must be original, and not just “Hi. How are you?” that hundreds of other guys send her. Stand out from the crowd and let yourself be noticed!
  3. Don't tell everything about yourself at once, but please share a little information. This way you will maintain interest in communication! If there is a pause, you can tell some funny story from your life.
  4. During the correspondence, ask questions to your interlocutor about her work and hobbies. Even if she's not exactly sociable, this will get her talking a little. But don't be too pushy!
  5. Don't impersonate someone else. If you don’t want to talk about something, then just don’t write about it, but don’t invent something that doesn’t exist. Deception will still emerge when you switch from communicating on the Internet to real, live communication.

Meeting or talking to a girl is a serious challenge for shy guys. In their case, we are not talking about the usual slight jitters, but about a real tsunami of fear and excitement. Sean Cooper, a man who got rid of shyness on his own, is sure that all these troubles can be overcome. Below are some of his recommendations to help combat shyness and make conversation more relaxed.

3 reasons why you are afraid of girls

1. Feelings of inferiority

Just the sight of someone attractive makes you nervous, and the thought of approaching her makes you terrified. Why? Because you consider yourself unworthy of this beauty. Think of women whose appearance is far from your ideal. Surely their company causes less discomfort.

The point is that men make too far-reaching conclusions based only on a woman’s external data. But imagine: what if she’s stupid? Or does she completely lack a sense of humor? Or do you just have nothing in common? You don’t know this person yet, but you are already sure of her magnificence (and your inadequacy to it).

As a result, feelings of inferiority deprive you of confidence and prevent you from expressing your individuality.

Advice: Remember that appearance speaks more about genes than personality. So don’t rush to deify a stranger and add yourself to the list of unworthy ones. It’s better to find out in practice what kind of person she is.

2. Obsession and unrealistic fantasies

Shy guys tend to choose one girl as the object of their dreams. You can connect with a beautiful person with just a couple of short conversations or smiles: for a shy person this is enough to imagine a future together in every detail. What happens in the end? The guy pushes himself so hard that when it comes to taking decisive action, he gets lost under the weight of high expectations.

You thought about her for so long and turned her into such a perfect being that you were paralyzed with fear.

Sean Cooper

Another scenario: you finally dare to ask her out on a date, but after three minutes of conversation you realize that she is not the beautiful lady in your head. And based on a three-minute conversation, you decide to retreat without really getting to know the girl.

Advice: say “stop” to empty fantasies and direct your energy to communication. Well, remember that there are many cute and interesting girls in the world. Obviously, you shouldn't focus on one that you're barely familiar with.

3. Procrastination

Guys who suffer from shyness or have little relationship experience may wait a long time to talk, touch, or have a first kiss. But the longer they wait and the more they think about it, the stronger the fear becomes.

Advice: act impulsively. All thoughts that appear after the first impulse are aimed at dissuading you from doing something. After all, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

How to talk to a girl

1. Structure the conversation correctly

Cooper mentions the chain message method. You've probably already used this technique, but perhaps not entirely correctly.

Its essence is as follows... Any, even the most insignificant information becomes the starting point. Then a clarifying question is asked. Based on the answer to this question, the following replica is constructed. And further down the line.

Example of a failed conversation:

A: Hello! Where are you from?

IN: From Chelyabinsk.

A: Oh, and what are you doing there?

IN: Working.

A: Where, if not a secret?

IN: At the factory.

A: And by whom?

IN: Milling machine operator, *&%+#!

Mistake A is that he approached the conversation too formally. As a result, it came down to a banal listing of facts, which made milling machine operator V. go berserk.

Advice: rely on emotions, not boring data.

Exercise “Conversation Map”

Take a blank sheet of paper. In the middle, write a word that can serve as a conversation starter or that you often hear from girls. Now draw the rays that extend from it. They will be the directions of the conversation. Formulate them as statements or as questions. The main thing is that they relate to emotions and values. The more directions you come up with, the better.


  • Starting word: psychologist.
  • Branch-emotion: How do you feel when you enter into such close relationships with different people?
  • Branch-value: you must be a very caring person if you chose this profession.

Sudden pauses in conversation, Cooper says, are normal. What is not normal is that you feel awkward and uncomfortable about them. It is these feelings that you need to fight.

The first thing to do is to realize that you are not a toastmaster, but an accomplice in the conversation. There is no need to blame yourself for not being able to react instantly and figure out how to continue the conversation. This will only increase the stupor.

The second rule is to remain relaxed. If you're nervous about silence, it automatically becomes awkward.

The third rule (and tip) is to naturally continue the conversation. This is where situational comments can help. The essence of the method is to pay attention to what is happening in the outside world, and not try to frantically find a topic in your head (which becomes completely empty due to stress).

When you are relaxed and not focused on internal search, the dialogue ceases to be forced.

3. Learn to talk about nothing

Another problem many shy people have is that they believe that every conversation needs to be meaningful. At the same time, conversations are constantly happening around, the content of which many instantly forget.

These are annoying or confusing, and their participants may seem simply narrow-minded. However, these people have no difficulty initiating contact and get their dose of social interaction. And this is worth learning from them.

Where to begin? Stop thinking and allow yourself to be spontaneous. Be in the present moment without worrying about what you said 10 seconds ago or what you need to say in another 10 seconds.

Trust your brain, and don't try to squeeze all the juice out of it. In fact, this is a powerful device with a decent amount of information. You just need to let him do his job.

4. But just in case, have a list of topics.

Prepared topics are like a cheat sheet: you don’t have to use it, but you feel more confident with it. The range of topics that you can talk about with a girl does not need to be kept in mind all the time. It is enough to outline it and leave it on the periphery of consciousness: if something goes wrong, you can always use it.

Sean Cooper suggests nine areas from which to draw conversation ideas:

  1. Hobby.
  2. Work, study.
  3. Trips.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. Food, cooking.
  6. Past experience.
  7. Observations of the present (situational comments).
  8. Future plans.
  9. Human relationships.

As a practice, you can come up with five example topics for each of these areas.

Another option is to talk about what you really know a lot about, and try to interest your interlocutor in this. You will feel more confident in your field and be able to open up.

Another alternative is to let the girl talk about what she understands, but at the same time remain genuinely passionate about the topic. Genuine interest is always felt. And it attracts.

Of course, you shouldn’t follow all the advice at once. Try one technique, then another, check in practice in which situations they work better, or choose the one you like best.


So last time we looked at the 10 main mistakes when meeting girls. Now we will try to start a conversation with them.

Today, all dating with girls has mostly moved online. Now the armchair knights are honing their skills there and showing how cool they are.

Very, very few guys meet in person. And that's good for you, because the chances are huge. But how to make acquaintances without screwing things up? After all, many guys, when a beautiful unfamiliar girl comes across their way, stick their tongues up their ass and waste their chance.

I want you to understand that meeting beautiful girls is fun and easy. I will help you in this matter, trust me. I know how to conquer a girl.

How to start a conversation with a girl?

Dating is nothing more than a skill. And any skill can be practiced until it becomes automatic. The more communication you have with the female sex, the easier it will be.

The only thing that separates a guy who knows how to pick up girls well from a guy who doesn't is the amount of humping. Naturally, there is no need to stupidly bomb the approaches. This needs to be done with your head and understanding of what and how you are doing.

Situational dating method:

This is the most effective way. Once you master it, you will no longer depend on circumstances.

The situations are completely different. And this is what unites you and the girl.

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

Get it 3 video lessons from a closed course “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES”

Reasons why you are having difficulties with a girl;
- The mindset of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with the girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

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Important! No small talk like “Hey, let’s get acquainted!” and so on. This creates an extra barrier. You immediately start talking. This gives you the impression that you already know each other. And it’s easier to communicate with friends. And here are examples of phrases.

Phrases for meeting a girl:

  • “What train are you waiting for?” - if in the subway. A question with light banter.
  • “When this train arrives, I’ll be eager to go home” - on the subway. “Oh, it’s cramped here, though, let’s maybe push everyone apart?” - during rush hour on the metro/minibus.
  • “What’s going on here that there are so many people?” - in a club or at a party.
  • “I wonder how long we have to wait in line?” - in the shop.
  • “Why are only one/two/three cash registers working, let’s have a fight with them?” - in the store in line.
  • “Delicious tea/coffee/ice cream/salad?!” - sitting down next to a girl in a cafe or restaurant.
  • “Shall we buy condoms?” - in line at a pharmacy or store.
  • “Hi, I advise you to order this... (name of dish)” - when you were sitting in the restaurant, and she just came in and took the menu.
  • “Stop basking in the sun, let’s go swimming” - on the beach.
  • “How do you like your water?” - on the beach.
  • “Come on, maybe we can go down the steepest hill?” - In aquapark.
  • “We’ve fed our cars, now maybe let’s organize a siesta for ourselves?” - at a gas station.
  • “With light steam, everything went well there without any incidents?” - when she comes out of the toilet.
  • “Which movie did you get tickets for?” - to the cinema
  • “I advise you to go to this ... (name of the film) movie” - to the cinema.
  • “Stop sitting on your phone, let’s work out” - in the gym, when a girl was glued to her iPhone.
  • “Are you going to pump your butt today?” - in gym.
  • “You eat so deliciously that I wanted it too” - in a cafe or on the street.
  • “Can you swim with a hatchet?” - in a swimming pool.
  • “Can you lie on your back in the water?” - in a swimming pool.
  • “Where are you running like that, try to catch up with you” - when she quickly walks somewhere.
  • “Take this here ..... (point to any product that catches your eye)” - when she chooses dumplings for herself) in the supermarket.
  • “Why did you come here so early/late” - in a club, cafe.
  • “Aren’t you afraid to walk through the park/street alone so late” - in the park, on the street.
  • “The weather is great, I agree,” sitting down next to the girl on a bench in the park.
  • “You can’t walk down the street in just a T-shirt/top, you’ll injure all men. They look at you like that, but they’re afraid to approach you” - this is a powerful approach. This is how you show off your balls and show who the Alpha is.
  • “She’s always late” - when a girl stands and waits for someone. (meaning girlfriend).
  • “She dressed well” - when one girl looks at the other.
  • “Moves well” - in the club, pointing to another girl she is looking at who moves really well.
  • “Now it’s going to rain, let’s run away” - when thunder rumbles or rain drips.

  • “Stop being sad, you’ll find a new guy for yourself” - when she walks or sits somewhere sad.
  • “You looked at me so that only vulgar thoughts came into my head,” when she looked at you with interest. And then immediately you have already set the format you “need”.
  • “What a vulgar look you have,” when she looked at you with interest.
  • “Everything has died down here, let’s move to another place” - in the club.
  • “It’s kind of boring here, but I know where it’s fun, let’s get out of here” - in a club or establishment.
  • “What are you girls gathered in honor of?” - a group of girls.
  • “I like your hairstyle, very stylish and bold.”
  • “Your manicure is beautiful, just the way I like it.”
  • “Your skin is delicate” - when you touch it already.
  • “You look very sexy and drive men crazy, why are you acting so cruelly” - on the street, in an establishment.
  • “I see all the men are looking at you, but no one dared to come up,” sitting down in a restaurant/cafe.

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    Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

    1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
    2. The mindset of a successful man;
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    Your changes after watching the video tutorials:
    - You realize where your limiting beliefs about girls come from;
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    - You will learn to behave correctly with a girl.