
Class hour “We are all so different. Class hour "WE are so different" Jean Jacques Rousseau


About the author:
Name: Bayzhanova Elena Leovna
Educational institution: Yakorskaya secondary school
Position: primary school teacher
Pedagogical experience: 22 years
Qualification category: I category

Classroom hour

"We are so different,
but we are one family
(conflict and ways to resolve it)

Classroom hour
Topic: “We are so different, but we are one family” (conflict and ways to resolve it)

Goal: development of communication skills.

1) to acquaint students with the concept of "conflict", "compromise", familiarity with the concept of "tolerance", the meaning and relevance of its formation as a moral quality of a person.
2) to promote the development of communication skills, skills of working in cooperation, the formation of a respectful attitude towards people.
3) to form the ability to analyze conflict situations and their own actions
4) development of responsibility for one's actions
5) show the importance of mutual understanding

Form of work: group, individual
Equipment: slides, a magic ball, subject pictures for the game, “human qualities” cards, “rules of communication” cards, “situation” cards, an umbrella and a cat mask, “kindness stars”
Class hour progress
I Greetings.
Hello guys! I'm glad to see you at our class hour. Greet your guests, give them your smile.
II Introduction to the concept. Interest call phase.
Let's remember the fairy tale by G. Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen": (music sounds - D Shostakovich Prelude No. 5) slide 1
Once upon a time there was a troll, angry and deceiving. He made such a mirror in which everything good and beautiful was reduced several times, and yet the worthless and ugly, on the contrary, appeared even brighter, it seemed even worse. Faces were distorted to the point that it was impossible to recognize them; if someone had a freckle or a mole on his face, it spread all over his face. All the students of the troll talked about the mirror as if it were some kind of miracle. slide 2
And so they ran with the mirror everywhere; soon there was not a single country, not a single person left that would not be reflected in it in a distorted form. And then one day it escaped from their hands and shattered into smithereens. Millions of its fragments have done a lot of trouble. They scattered all over the world, sometimes they fell into people's eyes, and so they remained there. A man with a splinter in his eye began to see everything upside down or to notice only the bad side in every thing. For some people, the fragments hit right in the heart, and it turned into a piece of ice.
I think that the fragments of this mirror did not hit any of you in the eye or in the heart.
III Circle of Joy. Psychological attitude
I have in my hands a magic ball that will help us create a round dance of friendship. Passing it to each other, we will say good things about our neighbor. We know that a person feels wonderful only when he hears something good, kind, pleasant. I'll start first and you continue. The one to whom the ball was handed over should stand up, saying kind words and pass it on to another. Then come to me.
Each of you learned something good about yourself. Let's use this positive advice. Now we will try to set ourselves up for a cheerful and kind wave. Let's do it with words. Hold hands, close your eyes and repeat after me:
I only think of the good
I see only good
I hear only good things.
I only say good things
I only do good
And now, guys, we will go on a journey to a fairy-tale land. This country is special because it is amazing and beautiful (pause). There are many different cities and villages in this country. Each of them has its own little wizard (pause). Little wizards: Tanya, Adelina, Olya, Yegor, Alisher, Maria, Daniel, Dasha, Alena, Daniyar, Rustam Zhenya are very caring. They love to do good deeds. All wizards walk the streets flooded with sunlight, smile at people and give them good deeds. They help the elderly to cross the road, do shopping in the store, do something around the house: tidy up, give tea; small children are helped to get dressed, walk and play with them. Adult people are very fond of little wizards for their kind hearts, adult deeds and great care.
Kind and caring wizards are you, my dear children! A kind and caring person is always necessary for a person and is needed by the world, the Universe, the country, the family. Let's remember this. Good?!
When living together
What could be better!
And there's no need to fight
And you can love everyone.
This fabulous country is called "My family". (Slide 3 with class photo) Family is not only your parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, but also our school, class, where you spend most of your time. I think you consider your class as a second family?! The theme of our class hour is called: “We are so different, but we are one family” (in chorus) side 4
And I walk only the path of goodness! (everyone opens their eyes and sits down.)
IV Message of the topic of the class hour
V Division into groups. Game "Find Your Own Kind"
But before we go on a trip, we will play a game with you
"Find your own"
. I will put a drawing in your hands, and you will find "your own kind", unite in triplets. It is impossible to talk about it.
I draw the attention of the children to the fact that one student remained.
What is your drawing? (storm cloud)
How do you think it feels to be alone without friends?
What would you suggest doing? (children's answers)
I agree with you. I would take him on my team and become friends with him, despite the fact that he is a “thundercloud”. It would rain from this cloud, and after the rain we would have fun and run through the puddles.
We must accept every person for who they are.
VI Discussion of the concept of "tolerance"
A) concept disclosure
The ability to accept a person as he is is called tolerance.
Have you heard this word?
Does anyone know what it means? (children's answers) - slide 5
"tolerance" is tolerance for a different way of life, behavior and customs, religion, nationality to other people's opinions and actions, the ability to treat them without irritation.
The word tolerance has almost the same meaning in different languages: slide 6
In English, the willingness to be tolerant
In Chinese, to be great in relation to others.
In Arabic - mercy, patience, compassion
In Russian - the ability to accept a person as he is
In Kazakh - a manifestation of respect for one's neighbor
On November 16, residents of many countries celebrate the International Day of Tolerance or Tolerance Day. Slide 7
I chose the sun as a symbol of tolerance.
Why do you think? (The sun is one and it heats the whole Earth with its heat).
B) Work in groups.
The qualities of a person's character are written on your tables
Discuss in groups and choose what character traits a tolerant person has, and what personality traits prevent him from being one?
1st group 2nd group 3rd group 4th group
Mercy Honesty Sensitivity Caring
Aggressiveness Tolerance Trust Delicacy
Courage Anger Irritability Violence
Indifference Collaboration Empathy Selfishness

What qualities do we put on a tolerant person? (students go to the board and attach)
What cards are left? (called) How to call a person with these qualities?
A person with such qualities is called an intolerant personality (slide 8 appears on the board)
tolerant. intolerant
Mercy Aggressiveness
Courage Indifference
Honesty Anger
Tolerance Irritability
Cooperation Selfishness
sensitivity cruelty
Intolerant individuals divide the world into two parts: black and white. There are no halftones for them. There are only two kinds of people - bad and good. They divide the emphasis between “their own” and “them”.
“There is no pure white, pure black man, all people are motley” - said
M. Gorky (slide 9)
A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself and those around him.

VII Disclosure of the concept of "conflict" and ways to resolve it
A) scene. N. Abramtseva. "We talked"
-Now your attention is presented to the scene "We talked"
Once upon a time there was a blue umbrella. Blue, blue. Even in the most inclement weather, and the umbrella did not know any other weather, it seemed bright and cheerful. Umbrella was very fond of his work as an umbrella. No matter how hard the rain was, not one of the smallest raindrops could fall on the hostess of the umbrella. He didn't allow it. Returning home, the umbrella liked to dry off, warm himself by the radiator. And then they closed him, hid him in a silk case, and he slept until the next rain. Once, when the umbrella was drying, a cat approached him. She stared at the wet umbrella for a long time. And then she said:
You have strange taste. Walking in the rain... Everyone knows that there is nothing better than the sun.
- I'm not just walking, - the umbrella swayed on its splayed spokes, - I see off the hostess. I'm not afraid of rain. But this... What did you say? Sun, right? Who is this? I do not know him.
- How?! - the cat opened wide its green eyes with yellow speckles. - How?! Don't you know the sun? The cat nearly suffocated.
“No,” said the umbrella calmly, “we never met.
– Yes you that! The cat stretched its neck and twitched its tail. She almost got out of herself.
– What are you! Where are you looking when you walk?
- Well ... - not at all embarrassed, he began to explain the umbrella. - Sometimes I look at my reflection in a puddle, sometimes I look at the sky. - Here! the cat rejoiced. - Exactly! You look at the sky. And in the sky, blue, blue ...
“Wait,” interrupted her umbrella, “what makes you think that the sky is blue?” Grey sky.
And since the cat was completely dumb with confusion, he continued:
- Well, yes. Grey. Just like you.
“You,” the cat hissed, “what is it!” She coughed in outrage. - What are you talking about? It's blue! Blue! How are you...
Both were silent. They were thinking about something. Then the cat sighed and tried to start over.
“So,” she said softly. - The sun lives in the sky. Do you know what it is?! It - It's like... It... Well... Shines! The cat tilted its head to the side. She wasn't sure she made it clear. But it seems she was wrong. Umbrella understood everything as best he could.
“I see,” he nodded, “now I understand everything. You're just talking wrong. It's not called the sun, it's called a lantern. More specifically, lights. There are many of them,” the umbrella said simply and confidently. So confident that the cat could only gasp in a whisper and back away. “She’s strange,” thought the umbrella, “to mix everything up like that ...”
And the cat sat on its mat and tried to understand at least something. Maybe I understood.
- Why did the umbrella and the cat not find understanding?
Why do you think people look at the world around them differently?
How could you help them understand each other?
– Is it worth it to enter into an argument and seek understanding from someone who does not want to understand you?
- What can misunderstanding and rejection of another person lead to? (to a quarrel, fight, argument, war) In a word, this leads to conflict.
B) let's talk
What do you understand by the word "conflict"? Slide 10
A conflict is a clash of different interests, views, opinions, expressed in an aggravated form, or a situation in which two or more people cannot reach agreement among themselves.
slide 11
- What causes conflicts?
- Continue the offer.
Conflicts arise when...
- someone takes other people's things without permission;
- someone accidentally pushes or hurts someone;
- someone deliberately hurts someone;
- someone sticks to someone;
- someone teases someone (etc.).
I offended a man, people
Reluctantly, lazily, without guilt ...
I forgot the eternal foundations
I didn't want to contain myself
And a bad hurting word
He planted a hilt in his chest.
- Tell me, did it happen that you offended someone from your relatives and friends for no reason?
- Did you regret it?
Are there any conflicts in the class?
What is the most common cause of conflict in the classroom? How does this affect the overall atmosphere in the classroom?
C) Exercise "Sculpture"
1. Sit on the edge of a chair, raise your head high, straighten your back.
2. Lean back in your chair, raise your head, cross your legs, cross your arms over your chest.
3. Stand up, lower your head and shoulders, clasp your hands behind your back.
4. Raise your head, straighten your shoulders, spread your legs wide, hands on your hips.
- In what situations do you take this pose?
What do you want to show, express?
- What impression does such a pose make on others? (refer to guests)
Tell me how your body feels?
What do you think this exercise teaches? In an unnatural position, without movement, a person feels tension throughout the body. And the longer he stays in this position, the more intense his body. Conflict is also an unnatural human condition. Conflict leads to mental tension and stress.
Therefore, it is better not to bring things to a conflict, but to resolve all issues peacefully, with dignity and humanely. That is, to come to an agreement. A striking example is this illustration slide 12

- How can the conflict be resolved? (children's answers)
- Conflict can be resolved both positively and negatively
slide 13
- How do you understand the expression - "to find a compromise"?
– . “Compromise is an agreement based on mutual concessions.” slide 14
Collaboration is participation in a common cause.
The negative side of the conflict - slide 15
D) Work in groups. Analysis of conflict situations slides 17-19
Each group receives a worksheet (Instruction + situation).
- Read the given situation.
- Suggest different ways of behavior in this situation and choose the best one.
Variants of conflict situations:
Situation #1.
One of your classmates deliberately pushed you and knocked you down. How will you do it?
Situation #2.
Is it customary to give birthday presents in class? You receive a gift from a classmate who has offended you recently and you don't like it. How will you do it?
Situation #3.
A classmate took your pen (other thing) without permission. How will you do it?
Situation #4
At the celebration, someone took a seat next to your best friend, and you so want to sit together.
.This once again proves that in different situations we behave differently. But in any situation, you need to find a compromise, resolve it peacefully, be tolerant and not lead to conflict.
VIII Rules of communication.
Students work in groups to develop communication rules. Then they read. And then the rules drawn up by the teacher appear on the board.
Communication rules: slide 20
1. Be calm and self-possessed.
2. Respect others and yourself.
3. Learn to listen and understand.
4. Don't interrupt.
5. Do not insult, do not call names, do not deceive.
6. If you do not understand something, clarify, ask a question.
7. In controversial cases, ask someone to judge you.
8. Make an effort to resolve differences.
9. Analyze your actions. Learn to admit your mistakes.
Communication is the basis of conflict resolution slide 21
Remember the rule of high culture:
slide 22
What is tolerance?
Maybe love for grandma?
Or maybe it's what mom
Did I bring it for my birthday?
I realized that this is respect
Not only to my own opinion.
See someone else's pain
I think I already can.
Give a coin to a beggar
Help the elderly.
I will not leave a comrade in trouble,
I will not let anger into the class.
If you are tolerant of friends,
You can listen to anyone.
Ready if needed
You always come to the rescue.
Believe in miracles, kindness.
Respect adults.
Don't be rude to mom and dad
You don't hate the little ones.
So it's not for nothing that everyone says
That you are tolerant.
Stay with them always
Be still gallant.
What is tolerance?
Kindness, love and laughter.
What is tolerance?
Happiness, friendship and success.
If everyone is tolerant of each other,
Together we will make our world tolerant
IX Reflection
A) Do not forget to give good
Neighbors, relatives, friends.
It's like true magic.
Will always come back to you in a circle.
B) We are all different; everyone has their own characteristics, not to mention the inner world. We must respect the individuality of each person, because we are all human. We have differences, but each of us is unique and needed by others.
I want to read you a poem, lines, which touched me very much.
(read by heart)
Come look into my eyes
And gently touch his shoulder.
There's a tear on his cheek
And resentment in the soul of the fire.
His pain was divided into two,
Help him, he is your friend.
Put a star in the palm of your hand
And give this star to a friend.
Let her have it with you
Will lead to a beautiful distance.
We can give warmth, kindness to each other while being here in the classroom
Because: We are so different, but we are one family (in unison) slide 23

Share the star with the guests who came to our class. Write good wishes to them.
(the soundtrack of K. Orbakaite's song "The world in which I live" sounds, students give stars of kindness to guests and go to the center of the class)
Christina Orbakaite.
1. The world I live in
It's called a dream.
If you want, I'll take you with me
Do you want me to share with you?
I will give you love
I will teach you to laugh. 2 times
You will forget about sadness and pain,
You will swim in the clouds.
2. Look, colorful rain,
The wind sings with inspiration.
You did not notice that you are walking on a rainbow,
My world - how beautiful and bright it is.
X Total
- I thank everyone for their active participation, and the guests for their attention! Our class hour is over.
slide 24

Classroom hour

“We are all so different, but we are together!”

Goals: development of constructive communication skills, fostering a sense of tolerance in students


show the similarities and differences between people

introduce the concepts of "tolerance", "tolerance"

to cultivate attentiveness and responsiveness towards other people

Slide #1

1. Organizational moment of the lesson.

Hello guys

I am very glad to see your kind faces, radiant eyes!

Classroom theme: We are all like ……………., but we are………………………..

Clear? No. The game will help us.

The game, "What are we ..."


Raise your hands who loves to play football;

Stand up those with blond hair;

Now stand up those who have dark hair;

Clap those who love to draw;

Stomp your feet those who have brown eyes;

Say "woo" to those who have many friends;

Shake your head those who love animals;

Wave your hands to those who are in a good mood today.

Clap, those who have a birthday in the fall

So what are we……. We are all different. The first word was written down.

But we ... ... people, live on planet Earth,

We are so different, but we go to the same school, study in the same class, celebrate holidays together, love to dance, play different games, eat sweets, go on excursions, i.e. we are together. We add a word. The theme of our class hour is "We are all so different, but we are together."Slide #2

Slide #3

Indeed, all people are different, we differ in our appearance, nationality, customs, traditions, outlook on life. Someone said that we live on planet Earth. Yes!

Think and say what qualities of character a person living on planet Earth should have with whom it is easy to communicate and make friends. A poem will help.

People to the world

Born different:

Dissimilar, idiosyncratic.

To others

You were able to understand

need patience

Cultivate in yourself.

Need with good

Come to people's houses

friendship, love

Keep in your heart!

(tolerance towards other people, kindness of soul, love, friendliness - sympathy, disposition towards someone, trust)

Enough or we will add to the list. I show, you read, if you agree, we take. Compassion, intolerance, mercy, anger, sensitivity, respect, understanding, selfishness, indifference, rudeness, misunderstanding,forgiveness, sensitivity, the ability to empathize understanding. Do you like such a person, do you want to be friends with him?

All these qualities are inherent in a tolerant person.

Slide number 4

What is tolerance?

(Tolerance is the ability, the ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people).

The definition of TOLERANCE has its own history:On the edgeXVIII- XIXcenturies in France lived a certain Talleyrand Perigord, PrinceBeneventsky. He distinguished himself by the fact that under different governments (and under the revolutionary, and under Napoleon, and under King LouisXVII) remained permanently Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He was a man talented in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability totake into account the moods of others, respect but treat them, look for solutions to problems in the least infringing way the interests of other people. And at the same time maintain their own principles, strstrive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey the circumstances to you. . This man possessed such secrets of communication.

Today, the definition of the word "tolerance" in different languages ​​of the globe sounds differently:

(Slide number 5)

(Slide number 6) It is thanks to the qualities of a tolerant person, despite the fact that you are all different - both externally and have different interests, abilities and talents, you are still together. And if all people on Earth are tolerant, then wars and quarrels will disappear, people will not suffer and hate each other.

It is impossible to please everyone, it is impossible to love everyone, it is impossible for all the guys in the class to be devoted friends. Because we have different upbringing, desire to learn, needs, character, tastes, temperament, etc. But we can live in harmony with each other, appreciate each other, accept him as he is, i.e. be tolerant. It's complicated. And it's impossible to learn it all at once. This is a lot of work, a lot of work on yourself!

First of all, tolerance is manifested at home, at school. Everyone knows that we need to live together, but sometimes it's hard to hold back when we see the shortcomings of others. Sometimes we get the feeling that we are being picked on, striving to be strong, we become intolerant and remain alone. How can we become tolerant? First of all, you need to be yourself, see your mistakes.

"Are you tolerant?"

W. - Let's play. I name the situation, and you raise the red circle if the first expression suits you, the black one - the second.

The younger brother broke your toy.

1. You forgive him.

2. You hit him.

You had a fight with your sister.

1. You will try to explain to her and make peace.

2. You take offense and take revenge.

You are treated cruelly.

1. You respond in kind.

2. You say "no" and seek help.

You are in a hurry to a friend's birthday party, and an unfamiliar grandmother asks you to help her cross the road.

1. You leave, explaining that you are in a hurry.

2. You help her.

You are dissatisfied with yourself.

1. You say that there are no people without flaws.

2. You blame everything on others.

I'm glad all of you were basically raising red circles.

U. To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

Slide number 7

I would also say that TOLERANCE - it is the ability to live in a world of dissimilar ideas and people.

Not only people can be tolerant. But also the heroes of our favorite cartoons.

Tolerance in cartoons

Do you want to know who they are?

    The most tolerant cat in the world, famous for his call to live together. (Leopold)

    They sang a song together, lying in the sun. (Lion cub and turtle)

    This girl helped three companions to fulfill their most cherished desires. (Ellie)

    Their family adopted a little boy in the jungle. (Wolves)

    The love of this girl turned the monster into a beautiful young man. (Belle)

    What helped Little Raccoon make friends with the pond dweller? (smile)

    Guys, who helped Little Raccoon with good advice: go and just smile? (Mother)

Mothers are the most tolerant people on earth. They love their children and always help them regardless of the color of their eyes, hair and skin, occupation, character and age.

And now, let's formulate a rule, from all that we learned in our lesson. This rule should be very important for all of us, and we should always follow it!

We formulate the rule:“To offend someone because he is not like you is impossible.” This rule, we will keep in our hearts, deeds and deeds!We are all different, but still we are together!

What is the name of the quality of a person who knows how to accept another person as he is? (Tolerance)

What do we conclude guys? I think that we need to live in peace and harmony with each other; not to offend another person just because he is different from us, it is necessary in life to show benevolence to others, to do good, to be able to reckon with the interests of others, to show respect for other people, than we can help each other, relatives, friends who need help.

We are a family

We are always together.

Smile at the neighbor on the left

Smile to the neighbor on the right!

Guys, be patient with each other.
Be tolerant.

Tell me, guys, have you often heard kind words addressed to you - compliments? But this is very pleasant, because along with pleasant words you give your interlocutor a good mood and a piece of your heart. Let's play a compliment game.

From what you have said, we can conclude:

U. Thank you for your cooperation.


to other people

kindness of soul


















Based on the age and psychological characteristics of children aged 12-13, at the beginning of the school year, much attention is paid to interpersonal relationships, a culture of behavior, conflict resolution skills, the formation of a sense of ownership, and the development of empathy.

Most often, students have been studying together for more than a year and know each other quite well. But after three months of summer vacation, children come to school matured, with different experiences and, perhaps, with a changed outlook on many things. Therefore, a deeper familiarity allows you to identify these changes and contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of security and trust, which is necessary for a successful learning process.

Purpose: to increase the cohesion of the classroom, the development of the team as an integral group subject.

  • creation of a trusting atmosphere for communication and a favorable socio-psychological climate in the classroom;
  • development of empathy of training participants in relation to each other;
  • formation of interaction skills in the classroom;
  • development of the internal unity of the class.

Detailed class schedule

Exercise "Different - the same"

Purpose: formation of an idea of ​​the unity of the general and individual of each human personality.

Time: 7-10 minutes

Group format: small groups of 3-4 people.

Required materials: the same items in the number of groups - acorns, pieces of wood, pebbles (same color and appearance).

  1. Discuss with the class how you might describe a common item over the phone. What words do we use to describe what a brick looks like? (Answers expected: angular, clayey, heavy, may be white or orange.) How would we describe, for example, (name the item you have in stock) an acorn? (Oval, brown, capped or not, etc.)
  2. Divide everyone into small groups of 3-4 people (no more than eight groups).
  3. Give each group one acorn (or other object). Ask him to consider him very carefully, to get to know him better, to get to know him. Especially note that acorns should not be marked, scratched, and even more so destroyed - for some guys, "get to know" means "find out what's inside."
  4. Collect the acorns from the groups and put them in the box.
  5. Ask the group members to come to the box and choose their acorn.
  6. Ask the groups to explain how they recognized THEIR acorns. (The hat is cracked, there is a crack on the side, etc.)
  7. When each group has found their acorn, discuss the following questions:
  • Who found his acorn quickly? Who found it difficult? Why?
  • Were you worried that someone else would get your acorn? Why?
  • Do you still think that all acorns are the same?
  • How to describe a person? Is it possible to find a certain number of people with the same appearance? What can be different in people besides appearance?
  • What in your eyes makes this or that person different from others?

Exercise "Two people"

Purpose: to demonstrate to students that their opinion of a person depends on their own desire.

Time: 5 minutes

Materials needed: two sheets of poster paper, tape, colored markers.


  1. Call two volunteers. It doesn't matter who it will be. Put them in front of the whole class.
  2. Ask students to name 10 differences between volunteers in 2 minutes. These can be either external signs or known facts about them. Record the differences on a sheet of poster paper.
  3. Then, also in 2 minutes, ask them to name 10 signs (properties, qualities, both external and well-known) that are common to these participants. Also fix on poster paper. Thank the volunteers
  4. Ask participants what was more difficult for them to look for: similarities or differences? Why?
  5. Point out to the students that they have successfully found both the differences and the similarities of the volunteers in a fairly short time. And that the search for similarities or differences occurred after the task of the teacher. Those. was set to "Find Differences" - and they were found. The installation "Find similarities" followed - and no less successfully they were found as well. Conclusion: it all depends on the person himself. If he wants to, even in the most unpleasant person he will find something that will unite them, even if only for a short moment. And if he doesn’t want to, he will see only dissimilarity in his best friend.

Ex. "Find similarities/differences"

Purpose: To help students recognize that there are differences between individuals in the classroom, as well as many similarities between them.

Time: 15 minutes

Required materials: Form (Appendix 1) and a pen for each student.

  1. The exercise is carried out in the "anthill" mode (each one approaches each in free movement).
  2. Each student receives a form, which he must fill out, finding similarities and differences with each student in the class.
  3. Time to complete the task is limited. This activates the participants and motivates them to quickly create contacts.
  4. Issues for discussion:
    • Did you enjoy this task? Why?
    • Which of your classmates surprised you by their similarity with you? Otherness?
    • Who would you like to keep in touch with?

Fairy tale "The Boy with Two Eyes"

Far, far away in space, there is a planet just like Earth. People living on the planet are exactly the same as us, except for one thing - they have only one eye. But this is a very special eye. With their single eye, they can see in the dark. They can see very, very far and even through walls.

Women on this planet have children, just like those on earth. One day a strange child was born. He had two eyes! His mother and father were upset, but the boy grew up a happy child. His parents loved him dearly and took great care of him. But they were worried that he was so unusual. They often took the child to the doctors. Doctors shook their heads and said, "Medicine is powerless."

The older the boy got, the more problems he had. He could not see in the dark and had to walk with a flashlight. When he went to school, it turned out that he could not read as well as other children and teachers had to deal with him extra. He could not see at a distance, so he used a special telescope. And only then did he see other planets, like his classmates. Sometimes, on the way home, he felt very lonely. "I can't see what others see," he thought, "I should see what others can't see."

And one amazing day, he discovered that he could see something that others could not see. This was not at all black and white, like everyone else. He told his parents HOW he sees. He dragged them out of the house and told them about his amazing discovery. They were amazed! His friends were also amazed. He told them amazing stories. He used words they had never heard before: red, blue: and orange. He spoke of green trees and pearly flowers. Everyone wanted to hear how he sees the world. The boy told delightful stories of deep blue seas and waves with white frothy scallops. Children loved to listen to his stories about fabulous dragons. They trembled as he described their skin, eyes, and fire-breathing mouths.

One day he met a girl. They fell in love with each other. And she didn't care that he had two eyes. And he found that it didn't bother him anymore either. The boy became very famous. People flocked from all over the planet to hear his stories. Then they had a son. The kid was no different from other children on the planet. He only had one eye.

Issues for discussion:

  • Is it easy to be a boy with two eyes on a planet of one-eyes?
  • What did you feel after listening to this story?
  • What emotions did the character in the story evoke in you?
  • What difficulties did the boy have to overcome?
  • What (or who) helped the boy overcome his problems?
  • Are there people around us who are different from everyone else? Give examples. What is the difference?
  • How do you feel about them?

Exercise "Domino"

Goal: creating a trusting atmosphere for communication and a favorable socio-psychological climate in the classroom.

Time: 10 minutes.

  1. Ask one member of the group to start the game by inventing and naming two moments characteristic of himself - characterizing him from the outside or from the inside. "On the one hand, I have a dog, on the other hand, I love chocolate."
  2. That member of the group who has the same characteristics should take the predecessor by the hand that he raised, naming a character trait or some detail about himself. "On the one hand, I also love chocolate, on the other hand, I have a younger brother."
  3. If one of the hands does not have a matching property, ask the owner of the hand to pick up another attribute or property of a more general nature.
  4. Ultimately, the whole group forms a circle (or a closed chain).

RESULT: We are all very different - and this is wonderful! But if we take a step towards each other, the world will become better, kinder, happier! And we can do it!


1. To promote the formation of a respectful attitude and tolerance towards people of different nationalities, different social classes, other religions.

Class tasks:

1. To teach students to reflect, draw conclusions within the framework of the moral problem under discussion.

2. To educate internationalism, humanity, respect for other people, regardless of their nationality.

3. Introduce students to the concept of "tolerance"

Preparatory work:

1. Questioning students and processing questionnaires

2. Preparation of messages by students about famous people of different nationalities.

3. Preparation of national dishes.


1. Does the color of the skin and nationality of a person affect his intellectual and moral qualities?

2. Does kindness depend on nationality?

3. Do you have friends of other nationalities.

4. Do your parents have friends of other nationalities!?

5. How would your parents react to the fact that your friend came to your house, whose nationality is different from your nationality?

Lesson equipment: Interactive whiteboard, computer for playing musical accompaniment.

On the board are the words:

Tolerance is the great art of people trying to understand each other.

Class hour progress

Teacher Reads a poem by S. Marshak "The World Round Dance":

Poems for children

All peoples and countries:

For the Abyssinians

And the English

For spanish children

And for the Russians


Turkish, German,


Negroes, whose homeland -

African coast;

For the redskins

Both Americas.

For the yellows

Who needs to get up

When we go to bed

For the Eskimos

What's in the cold and snow

In a fur bag

For the night;

From tropical countries

Where in the trees

Do not count the monkeys;

For kids

Dressed and naked

Those who live

In towns and villages...

All this noisy

perky people

Let it gather

In one round dance.

North of the planet

Let him meet the South

West with East

And the kids are with each other!


- What is this poem about?

(That children of all colors should be friends with each other.)


- Why should all children, regardless of nationality and skin color, live together?

(So ​​that there is no war on Earth and everyone lives happily.)


May 9, 2010 is a significant date in the history of our country. 65 years ago our country was liberated from the Nazi invaders. Much has happened in more than half a century. The society, territorial boundaries of the country, its economic and cultural appearance have changed. But the respect and boundless gratitude to the people who gave their lives to serve the Fatherland remain unchanged. People of different nationalities and religions fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, when the Nazis captured Russian cities, many Russians were evacuated to the south, where the war had not yet reached. They were warmly received by people of other nationalities: Tajiks, Uzbeks, Georgians, Armenians, etc. Russians were provided with housing, food, clothing and other necessary things. People did not look at the fact that the refugees were not of their nationality, with a different eye and skin color! And that is why our country won such a hard and terrible war. People helped each other, did not let the weak die, all united together against a common enemy - the Nazis. If we live in peace with all people, then there will be no wars, terrorist attacks on Earth.


“Children must understand that people, even if they are of a different nationality, must be treated with respect, understand their grief, sympathize with them in trouble.

The world, like nature, is diverse, and that is why it is beautiful. Its beauty lies in the fact that peoples and nations live on Earth, unique in their culture, traditions and customs. And we are all people of this planet and are connected with each other by visible and invisible threads. To be tolerant of each other, to try to understand each other, regardless of nationality - this is a great art and it is called tolerance.


Now let's try to explain what the word "tolerance" means.

Children's statements.


- To understand what tolerance is, I will tell you the parable "Good family"

Chinese parable "Good family"

Do you agree with what the head of the family wrote on a piece of paper?

Love, forgiveness, patience - this is tolerance.

I depicted the word tolerance in the form of the sun. Let's draw your answers in the form of rays. You can choose from the following words:

Patience, sense of humor, misunderstanding, respect for the opinions of others, ignoring, selfishness, goodwill, self-control, intolerance, expression of disdain, irritability, ability to listen to an interlocutor, indifference, cynicism, understanding and acceptance, sensitivity, curiosity, humanism, unmotivated aggressiveness.


- First of all, tolerance is manifested at home, at school. Everyone knows that we need to live together, but sometimes it's hard to hold back when we see the shortcomings of others. Sometimes we get the feeling that we are being picked on. In striving to be strong, we become intolerant and remain alone. How can we become tolerant? First of all, you must remain yourself, see your mistakes. Let's play. I name the situation, and you raise the red circle if the first expression suits you, the black one - the second.

The younger brother broke the toy.

1. You forgive him.

2. You hit him.

You had a fight with your sister.

1. You try to talk to her.

2. You take offense and take revenge.

You are treated cruelly.

1. You respond in kind.

2. You say “no” and seek support.

You are dissatisfied with yourself.

1. You say that there are no people without flaws.

2. You blame everything on others.

You don't feel like going for a walk with your loved ones.

1. You throw a tantrum.

2. You go for a walk with them.


- At school, as elsewhere, everyone is different: there are small, big, thin, fat, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians ... Why do we sometimes laugh at them? Because we are afraid of them, we do not want to share or we are not sure of ourselves. To be tolerant means to respect others, to be attentive to people, regardless of differences. It means paying attention to what brings us together.

Is it possible to live peacefully and not quarrel?

How to do it?

Yes, you need to show respect for a classmate, regardless of his nationality, religion, respect for his values ​​and traditions. It is necessary to understand that your neighbor, a person who differs from you in his way of thinking, style of clothing, he is not necessarily your enemy.

What examples of tolerant behavior can you give?

"Golden Rules":

Do not do to others what you would not want from others.

Do not do to another what hurts you.

In joy and in sorrow, we must treat all people as we treat ourselves.

As you think of yourself, so think of others.

If you follow these rules, you can avoid conflicts. Conflicts are as old as the world. People have always tried to understand the world and each other. Sometimes it's difficult because not everyone sees problems the same way. Listen to an Indian tale and try to determine the reason for the error of the sages.

The Wise Men and the Elephant

Long ago, in a small town, there were six blind wise men. One day an elephant was brought into the city. The wise men wanted to see him. But how? “I know,” said one wise man, “we will feel it.” “Good idea,” said others, “then we will know what kind of elephant he is.” So six people went to see the elephant. The first felt a large flat ear. It moved slowly back and forth. "The elephant is like a fan!" shouted the first sage. The second wise man touched the elephant's legs. "He looks like a tree!" he exclaimed. “You are both wrong,” said the third, “he is like a rope.” This man groped for an elephant's tail. “The elephant is like a spear,” exclaimed a fourth. “No, no,” shouted the fifth, “an elephant is like a high wall!” He spoke like this, feeling the side of the elephant. The sixth wise man pulled the elephant's trunk. “You are all wrong,” he said, “an elephant is like a snake.” - "No, on the rope!" - "Snake!" - "Wall!" - "You're wrong!" - "I'm right!" The six blind men screamed at each other for an hour. And they never knew what an elephant looked like.

Targets and goals:

  1. Create conditions for the formation of tolerance for differences between people (individual, differences in gender, age, social status, nationality, race, worldview).
  2. Students should be aware of the diversity of people, learn to accept the differences between people as a positive fact.

Event progress

I. Presentation and introduction. Exercise "Call, call, they will call ..."

The students sit in a circle and all in turn, starting with the leader, say: “When I was very young, my name was Vasenka, now at school my name is Vasily, and when I grow up, they will call me Vasily Petrovich.” (Slide 2)

For many children, their names and patronymics, pronounced aloud, sound unusual, but at the same time they increase the child's respect for themselves and their parents, give a guide to the future, to growing up.

Conclusion: We want to be treated with respect, to be affectionately called by our first names, but for this we need to understand people ourselves, feel their mood, and try not to offend anyone.

II. From the history

Let's remember what tolerance is. Let's turn to history. (Slide 3)

On the edge In the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevent, lived in France. He was distinguished by the fact that under different governments he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, seek solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time, maintain their own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey the circumstances.

The name of this person is associated with the concept "TOLERANCE".(Slide 4)

Let's define what tolerance means. (Slide 5)

And get acquainted with the rules of tolerant communication. (Slides 6,7)

III.Demonstration "We are all different, and yet we have a lot in common." (Slides 8-25 to Zemfira's song "We are all so different")

We all live in society, there are people around us and we must learn to live in peace and harmony.

IV. Exercise "Similarities and Differences" (Slide 26)

The word "PEOPLE" is written on the board, and then the board is divided into two halves, one of which is signed "SIMILARITY", the other "DIFFERENCES". Further, the students name, and the teacher writes down the similarities and differences between people living on planet Earth.


1. How do the similarities and differences of people affect the life of society?

2. Nationality affects the relationship of people?

3. Faces of people of what races and nationalities are difficult for you to distinguish?

4. What religions do you know?

5. Do different religions unite or divide people?

6. How does the presence of physical disabilities in a person affect communication with other people?

7. How do old and young people communicate with each other?

Conclusion:(Slide 27) A person is judged by what his profession is, how he builds relationships in the family and with others. They highlight the features of speech, the ability to competently and clearly express their thoughts, without resorting to vulgar expressions. People are different, and so is their culture. Alienation and hostility in the perception of another culture is a very common phenomenon in our lives. It comes from the fear of the unknown. Expectations of hostility from the other group, a feeling of discomfort from the intrusion of "strangers" into one's usual life. Maybe it's much easier to live in a world where all people are the same?

v. Exercise "Let's dream ..." (Slide 28)

Imagine that the time will come when all people on Earth will become exactly the same (height, hair and eye color, clothing, amount of knowledge, etc.)

1. What will this world be like? How will people live in it?

2. Is it good or bad that we are all different?

3. How to live in a world where there are so many different people?

Conclusion: (Slide 29) differences complete and enrich society. To live in peace, one must learn to live by solving problems and tasks on the basis of cooperation.

VI. The game "I think so ..." (Slide 30)

There is a line (middle) on the floor, on the one hand (+) - I agree, on the other (-) - I disagree. The host reads out the statements, those who agree with the statement stand on the side where (+), if they do not agree on the side where (-), if you have no opinion on this issue, you stand in the middle. During the game, the results are summed up after each statement.

Ø spring is better than autumn;

Ø the coolest cartoon "Pokemon";

Ø the most important subject is mathematics;

Ø playing "computer" is more fun than watching TV;

Ø it is better that the lessons are shorter, but there would be more of them;

Ø the most beautiful pet is a cat;

Ø the coolest music is rock and roll;

Ø fishing is old-fashioned;

Ø learning a foreign language is easier than learning physics;

VII. Exercise "Learning to appreciate individuality" (Slide 31)

Teacher: And what are we ourselves? How are we different from each other? We often want to be like everyone else and suffer because we feel we are different. Sometimes, it is really good that we are like everyone else, but, nevertheless, our individuality is also important. It can and should be appreciated. Now each of you will write about some 3 distinctive positive features that distinguish you from others. This may be a recognition of their merits, talents, life principles (only positive qualities). The assignment takes 3-5 minutes. Sign your names and give the papers to the teacher. Read aloud and the class must guess who it is. If they do not guess, then the author calls himself.

Conclusion: you need to appreciate your individuality and the individuality of your partner. (Slide 32)

VIII. creative work . "Tree of Tolerance" (Slide 33)

Pupils write on pieces of paper in the form of a leaf of a tree what needs to be done so that the school becomes a “Space of Tolerance”, the pieces of paper are pasted on a symbolic drawing of a tree without leaves, and it is hung out in the classroom. Teachers and students, reading the inscriptions on the leaves of the "Tree of Tolerance", learn about the problems in their school and do not forget about the "Day of Tolerance".

IX. Final word of the teacher

So, let's treat each other with a greater degree of patience, respect, predisposition, sympathy, understanding, and then it would become much easier for us to live in peace and harmony.

And I really want the following phrase to become your main rule in life: “Do not evaluate people, but appreciate them” (Slide 34)