
Drawing on the theme of goodbye summer. Comprehensive thematic planning Topic: Goodbye, summer! Hello, autumn! Preparatory group. Progress of the drawing lesson “Colors of Summer”


Comprehensive thematic planning

Group: preparatory

Subject: Bye, summer! Hello, autumn!

Target: Expand children's knowledge about autumn, form generalized ideas about it as a season, the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature. Reinforce knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Expand ideas about the display of autumn in works of art (poetic, visual, musical). Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Development of interest in depicting autumn phenomena in drawings and applications. Continue to introduce children to agricultural professions.

Final event: exhibition “Bouquet of Summer”

Changes in the subject-development environment:

Thematic corner:

Center for role-playing games: Selection of attributes for the role-playing game “Toy Factory”.

Center for productive activities: create conditions for independent creativity; offer children outlines of various types of stencils: materials and tools for drawing, modeling, appliqué and artistic work.

Working with parents: Recommendations for parents on preparing for the school year.

Folder moving: “Tasks in the upbringing and development of children in the seventh year of life”

Interaction with society: A tour of the nurse's office. Excursions and targeted walks: around group premises; visiting the kindergarten kitchen


Joint activities of teacher and children:

Anticipated independent activity using a developmental environment

Used Books

in the direct (organized) educational activities of a teacher with children

V educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities and regime moments

Cognitive development

Expand children's knowledge about autumn, form generalized ideas about it as a season, the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Topic: How nice it is in our garden. Goal: To expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, its employees, and the rights and responsibilities of children attending kindergarten. Develop speech. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and others.

Getting to know nature.

D/I “We know the numbers” Goal: repeat numbers from 0 to 10, consolidate the ability to lay them out from counting sticks

Include games on the topic, children's books, illustrations and pictures depicting autumn and summer.

Exhibition of illustrations about summer.

Set of toys

Dybina O.V. Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Page 33

Bondarenko T. M. “Organization of direct educational activities in the preparatory group” P.130

Physical development

Formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere

Outdoor games:




Individual work:

Balls, jump ropes, cubes, hoops, gymnastic sticks

MM. Borisov “Sedentary games and play exercises” Pp.

Formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastery of its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.)

Morning exercises. 1 COMPLEX

Breathing exercises "Blow out the stubborn candle"

Visual gymnastics “Oh, how long we’ve been writing.”

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers

Theatrical game"Seryozha"-15

To develop a sense of confidence in children in a new environment. Promote friendships

Situational conversation“Why is it customary to say hello”

Attributes for staging.

MM. Borisov “Sedentary games and play exercises” P. 15

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature

Forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life: Situational conversation “How to behave properly at the table” Purpose: To remember the rules of behavior during meals.

Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness:

Familiarization with the rules of safe road traffic:

Didactic material for demonstration.

Belaya K.Yu. Zimoshina V.N. et al. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. Page 66

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity

Self-service: consolidate the ability to dress and undress quickly, neatly, and maintain order in your closet.

Cultural and hygienic skills: strengthen the ability to monitor the cleanliness of clothes and shoes.

Socially useful work: develop learning skills.

Labor in nature: raking fallen leaves, collecting autumn leaves for a herbarium, collecting flower seeds.

Labor equipment.

Speech development

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech

Enriching the active vocabulary

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature

Speech development

Subject: Story on the topic “Tanya’s first day in kindergarten”

Target: ex. in compiling a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher; learn to build a plot on your own; ex. in the formation of the plural genitive case. numbers of some nouns, in word formation; closed ability to differentiate the sounds -ts, and -ch

Topic: “First day” A. Aleksin

Goal: To teach emotionally, to perceive the content of the story, to comprehend the content of what is read;

Consolidate knowledge about the features of the story, its composition, differences from other literary genres;

Form an evaluative attitude towards the characters of the work.

Conversation with children “How I spent my summer”

Goal: develop dialogical speech, cultivate the ability to listen to others.

Conversation “Why are books needed?”

Conversation “What I saw on the way to kindergarten” Purpose: to learn to compose a coherent story from personal experience.

D/i “Indicate the sound” Goal: to develop phonemic awareness by indicating the first sound in a word.

Looking at soft toys and making up fairy tales.

Goal: develop the ability to write a short, consistent story

Individual work

Speaking tongue twisters.

Mnemonic tables for describing toys

Reference pictures for composing a story, d/i, subject pictures, employment centers.

Ushakova OS. Speech development in children aged 6-7 years. Page 53


Artistic and aesthetic development

Development of imagination and creativity

Implementation of independent creative activities of children

Drawing by Design Topic: Our summer is flying away. Purpose: To create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing.

Drawing (subject)

Application. Topic: Our flowerbed Purpose: Learn to cut flowers from paper squares folded twice diagonally and make multicolor flower corollas from them, placing the cut out shapes on top of each other; show petal options (round, pointed, with teeth); developed compositional skills - create patterns from flowers in flower beds of various shapes, cut out of green cardboard.

Individual work: drawing “Beautiful Bouquet” Improve the ability to paint over an image with pencils without going beyond the outline, adjust the pressure.

Looking at photos of summer holidays.

Equipment for drawing (paper, stencils, pencils).

Drawing with chalk on asphalt.

Komarova T. S. Visual arts classes in kindergarten. Page 138

Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Page 20

Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Page 24

Subject : " Bye, summer! Hello, autumn!

Group: preparatory

Day of the week


Group, subgroup




Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Morning exercises.


Learn the active game “It’s boring, it’s boring to sit like that” -12

D/I “We know the numbers” Goal: repeat numbers from 0 to 10, consolidate the ability to lay them out from counting sticks.

Reading of the poem by V. Voronko “So the summer has flown by”

D/i “What is missing” Goal: to develop attention.

Exhibition of illustrations about summer. independent activity in activity centers, duty in a corner of nature.

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.


Physical development.

Speech development

Drawing by Design Topic: Our summer is flying away. Goal: Creating conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing.

Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Getting to know the world around you Topic: How nice it is in our garden. Goal: To expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, its employees, and the rights and responsibilities of children attending kindergarten. Develop speech. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and others.

Physical development.

Physical education in the air


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Observation of plants: Inspection of the flower garden on the site. Note which plants bloom well in the flower garden, which ones are already fading, are there any seeds? Learn to determine the degree of seed ripeness. Tell us that the seeds are collected only when they are ripe.

Train children to jump forward

Situational conversation “How insects behave at different times of the day”

Collect sand in the sandbox. Independent activity during a walk. s/r games at the request of the children.

Independent motor activity: teach children to organize games independently, act as game organizers, drivers, presenters.

Work before bed

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes.


Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Board and printed game “Pick a Pair” To develop the ability to select pairs of objects according to a given characteristic.

D/i “Say the opposite” - learn to select words that have opposite meanings -

Work in the book corner: solving riddles about summer - learn to solve the riddle, give reasons for your answer, develop the ability to compare the description with a real natural phenomenon. Develop logical thinking and imagination.

Visual activities for children, if desired, offer coloring pages based on theme. Goal: development of fine motor skills, learning to paint evenly with pencils without going beyond the outline of the drawings.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

P/i “Traps”, children’s independent activities. Weather observations (compare the weather in the morning, afternoon and

In the evening)

Planning educational work

Subject : "Bye, summer! »

Group: preparatory

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Morning exercises.


Review of educational books.

Experimental and research activity No. 1. "Rostock"

Breathing exercises "Blow out the stubborn candle"

Individual work

D/i “Say the opposite” - learn to select words that have opposite meanings -

D/i “Long, wide” - consolidate the ability to compare the length and width of objects using a conventional measure

Exhibition of encyclopedia books, a set of subject pictures. Observations on indoor plants. Purpose: to consolidate the structure of the plant

Joint acquisition of board and printed games to enrich the spatial development environment.

Clarification of information about children and parents.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

FEMP Repetition.

Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: Story on the topic “Tanya’s first day in kindergarten”

Purpose: ex. in compiling a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher; learn to build a plot on your own; ex. in the formation of the plural genitive case. numbers of some nouns, in word formation; closed ability to differentiate sounds -ts, and -ch

Physical development.

Physical training.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten. Walk around the garden and note what changes have occurred. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the area. Ask who cares about it.

P/i “Mirror” Purpose: to teach children to repeat movements after the leader, to develop attention

Exercise children in jumping over a short rope

Remind children to help each other, remember forms of polite requests and the ability to thank

C/R games of children's choice, work assignments, taking out jump ropes for games and exercises.

Work before bed

Remind children of the rule “Every toy has its place” Goal: to cultivate a desire to maintain order in the group


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Printed board game “Mathematical Lotto” Teach children to correctly name numbers from 1 to 10 and relate the number to the number of objects.

Form the grammatical structure of speech.

Articulation gymnastics “Smile”

D/i according to Z.K.R. "Guess and name"

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds (G) Learn to select words with a given sound from a group of words, from a speech stream.

Creative workshop: drawing “Children on a walk” Goal: to teach children to conceive the plot of a drawing, to bring the idea to the end.

Attributes for staging, equipment for work, equipment for drawing (paper, stencils, pencils).

Productive activity: collective cleaning of the group room.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Low mobility game “Who is missing”.

Independent play activities on the site, remind of a friendly attitude towards each other.

Planning educational work

Subject : "Bye, summer! »

Group: preparatory

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Morning exercises.


D/i “Describe the toy.” Goal: ability to compose a descriptive story using a table.

Visual gymnastics “Oh, how long we wrote”

Game exercise: “Trace the picture” Develop motor skills of the fingers.

Conversation “Toy Factory” Purpose: to introduce toy manufacturing technology

Learn finger gymnastics “Girls and Boys”-11

A set of toys, mnemonic tables for describing toys, art. literature, d/i.. duty in a corner of nature

Individual conversations with parents about “Cleanliness and appearance of children”

Consultation for parents “Toys for children’s development”


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Getting to know nature . Topic: Conversation about summer. Goal: To summarize and systematize the idea of ​​summer according to the main, essential features: length of day and night, temperature conditions, weather phenomena (thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning, sunshine), state of plants (growth and flowering, ripening of berries and fruits), features of animal activity In the woods. Clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural labor in the summer. Learn to establish a connection between a set of conditions (heat, light, moisture) and the condition of plants and animals. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly and understandably to others. Foster a desire to share your knowledge and memories with peers

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Drawing (subject) Topic: Decorative drawing on a square Purpose: To consolidate the ability to design a decorative composition on a square, using flowers, leaves, arcs. Learn to use well-matching colors.

Artistic and aesthetic development.



Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Flower garden observations. Goal: to note the state of the flower garden (the plants have finished growing and are beginning to fade), to remember what they were like in the summer.

D/i “Guess the flower from the description.”

P/i “I was born a gardener”

Exercise children in hitting the ball against the wall and catching it with both hands.

Situational conversation “Games in the yard.” Goal: to develop skills for safe behavior on the street.

Work on the site - collecting flower seeds. Purpose: to introduce the technique of collecting seeds.

Outdoor materials: balls, toys for children's games.

Independent motor activity: teach children to independently organize their leisure time, apply motor experience.

Work before bed

Situational conversation “How to behave at the table” Purpose: To remember the rules of conduct during meals


Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Creative workshop: “Fantastic toy” Purpose: to teach how to make toys from waste material, to develop imagination.

Individual work

D/i according to Z.K.R. “Speak correctly” Develop the ability to correctly use nouns. in plural number of births. case.

Thematic role-playing game “Drivers and pedestrians” (to expand knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street: explain the algorithm for crossing the roadway at an unregulated crossing; learn to solve traffic situations using a model and predict your behavior in certain circumstances.

Fiction, a set of waste materials, attributes for s/r games, construction sets of various types.

Independent activity of children in the design center.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Weather observations.

d/i “What has changed.” Goal: to teach children to notice changes in nature, voice them, and develop observation skills.

P/i "Carousel".

Independent play activities of children in the area

Planning educational work

Subject : "Bye, summer! »

Group: preparatory

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Morning exercises


D/i “What is made of what” Purpose: to consolidate ideas in various materials.

Visual gymnastics “Oh, how long we’ve been writing.”

D/i “What kind of toys are these?” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify toys according to different criteria

Conversation “What kinds of toys are there?” Goal: to introduce children to toys from different countries, toys of the distant past

Looking at soft toys and making up fairy tales. Goal: develop the ability to write a short, consistent story

Free activity for children in activity centers. Canteen duty. Goal: to develop the ability to negotiate the distribution of assignments.

Ind. Conversations with parents about purchasing stationery. goods for activities with children.

Involve parents in replenishing the corner of nature with new indoor plants.

Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

FEMP .Repetition

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Reading fiction. Topic: “First day” A. Aleksin (reading) Purpose: To teach emotionally, to perceive the content of the story, to comprehend the content of what is read; consolidate knowledge about the features of the story, its composition, differences from other literary genres; form an evaluative attitude towards the characters of the work.

Physical development.

Physical training.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Observations of clouds (shape, color, how they move, why). D/i “What does a cloud look like?” Purpose: to develop imagination and fantasy

D/i “Where do the clouds float?” Purpose: to learn to determine the direction of the wind.

P/I “Occupy a house”

Practice climbing the gymnastic ladder in an alternating manner.

Remind children that they need to take care of their appearance, cleanliness of clothes, and hairstyle.

Work on an activity: offer to draw flowers on the asphalt with crayons. Make children want to draw.

Experimenting with paper tapes “Where the wind blows”

independent activities of children on a walk, games of their choice. Pay attention to the relationships between children and ways out of conflict situations

Work before bed

Situational conversation “Rules of behavior in a group.” Goal: to develop the ability to maintain order in a group


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Games in the corner of physical development: “Ring throwing” To develop the ability to play, following the rules, to develop accuracy.

Ind. Working with children, pronouncing tongue twisters.

Reading of the poem by V. Voronko “So the summer has flown by”

Purpose: to introduce the work, to teach how to reflect your impressions in speech.

Hood. literature, attributes for s/r games, occupancy of employment centers, board and printed games

Independent activities of children in employment centers.


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Wind observations. Purpose: to teach using paper tapes to determine its strength and direction. Independent play activities of children in the area.

P/i "The third wheel".

Planning educational work

Subject : "Bye, summer! »

Group: preparatory

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Morning exercises


D/I “What comes first, what comes next” Purpose: to consolidate the seasons, the sequence of days of the week.

Breathing exercises "Blow out the stubborn candle"

D/i “Indicate the sound” Goal: to develop phonemic awareness by indicating the first sound in a word

Situational conversation “Why is it customary to say hello” Goal: to cultivate a culture of behavior

Examination and comparison of pictures and reproductions depicting summer and autumn. Determination of their main features

Reference pictures for composing a story, d/i, subject pictures, employment centers. Dining room duty Purpose: to consolidate the skills of performing the duties of duty officers.

Ind conversations with parents about the cleanliness of their children’s appearance.

Involve dads in collecting sand in the sandbox.

Direct educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Application. Topic: Our flowerbed Purpose: Learn to cut flowers from paper squares folded twice diagonally and make multicolor flower corollas from them, placing the cut out shapes on top of each other; show petal options (round, pointed, with teeth); developed compositional skills - create patterns from flowers in flower beds of various shapes, cut out of green cardboard.

Artistic and aesthetic development.



Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Target walk to the intersection. Goal: expand the understanding of your hometown, its streets, consolidate traffic rules, knowledge of road signs.

P/i "Empty Space"

Exercise children in moving around the court and in tackling the ball from the opponent. Organize goalkeeper training. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, increase interest in sports.

Situational conversation “Rules of behavior in nature” Goal: to consolidate the rules when collecting plant seeds

Experimenting with flying seeds (maple wings).

Independent activity of children during a walk, games of their choice. Pay attention to relationships during games.

Work before bed

Communication “What first, what then” Goal: to consolidate the sequence of dressing for a walk


Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Theatrical game "Seryozha"-15

To develop a sense of confidence in children in a new environment.

Promote friendships.

Review fire safety rules.

Articulation gymnastics “Smile”

Individual work: drawing: “Beautiful bouquet”

Improve the ability to paint over an image with pencils without going beyond the outline, and adjust the pressure.

Reading of the poem by V. Voronko “So the summer has flown by”

Introduce a new work. Introduce children to literary creativity.


children's activities in employment centers. Work on caring for plants (which ones need watering before the weekend)


Cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Observations of weather changes.

Children's independent play.

P/i “On one leg”, “Classics”

Tatyana Gordeeva

Non-traditional drawing technique (with a foam sponge):

"Bye, summer!"

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress,

Grow up, dress up,

In a little white dress.

Light, airy,

Obedient to the wind!

Foam sponge– a great tool for drawing with kids. Using foam rubber in drawing allows you to achieve an unusual imprint of a design on paper, which cannot be done with a regular brush. This type of technique is very suitable for depicting animals, as it conveys the texture of the fluffy surface of an object, as well as for creating colored backgrounds in different compositions (image of snow cover, water surface, leaf fall, etc.). In general, drawing for children is a small game .

Tasks at work:

1. Introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques.

2. Development of fine motor skills and creative imagination.

3. Foster a love of art.

Materials used in the work:

2. Gouache / watercolor

3. Round piece of foam sponge

Work progress:

1. Hello guys! Autumn is already approaching outside the window, the magical and sunny summer is coming to an end! Today we will draw with you. and what we draw, a riddle will tell us!

As a child, with a yellow head,

In his youth, completely gray-haired,

But there is no such thing as old,

He flies away in white fluff! (E. Telushkina)

Of course it's a dandelion!

Dandelion is familiar to us as a small sun and white fluff. And if you blow on it, its seeds scatter far around. You and I will draw a dandelion - a white fluffy one! Which will be symbolic by the end of summer. And we will paint not with a brush, but with a foam sponge!

2. Guys, let's start drawing. First we need to draw the background. We will need gouache (blue, green, brush, water. Wetting the brush in water, dipping it in paint, we make a background. Leave a green background on top, paint the rest blue. Leave the sheet to dry.

Let's also draw some trees in the background to make our dandelion meadow look more natural. We take a large brush, and swing from right to left, leaving traces of greenery. Next, while the paint is not dry, use the back of the brush to make patterns of trees.

Now let's get to the fun part - take a piece of foam rubber, dip it in white paint and leave a mark on the green background - this is the head of our dandelion. Using a brush, paint the foliage in green. We make as many dandelions as you want! OK it's all over Now! Our clearing is ready!

3. Guys, everyone is great! Everyone completed the task! Our beautiful dandelions - fluffies are ready! In conclusion, let’s play an interesting game with you: “Collect a flower”

Didactic game: “Collect a flower”

Equipment: petals cut out of cardboard in 2 colors, 2 cores.

Progress of the game: At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to collect a flower of a certain color. (Yellow or red). The player who collects the flower first wins.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “Goodbye, Summer!” Goals: 1. Create a festive mood. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. 3. Perform dance movements 4. Teach.

Spring has ended and the long-awaited summer has arrived! Throughout May, the guys and I talked about the signs of spring. What happened in the beginning: snow, ice, icicles.

Team work in non-traditional painting techniques, painting with a sponge - “Summer, how wonderful it is!” Objectives: 1. To introduce a new type of non-traditional.

Objectives: expand knowledge about animals, instill love for them; teach children to draw a portrait of a furry animal; continue to teach children.

Lesson notes. Drawing with a foam stick “Teddy bear”. Middle group Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”.

Scenario for the final event “Goodbye, summer, goodbye!” (addendum to the project “Happy Summer”) Presenter. Hello, I’m glad that the nicest and most fun guys have gathered today. I have a question for you. Which time of year is greater?

Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Goodbye, summer”

Lesson 1. How I spent my summer

(Free choice of material)

Program content. Bring back pleasant memories of summer. Give children the opportunity to independently choose the material and method of conveying their impressions. Develop the ability to write a composition on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the ability to draw with gouache. Develop artistic taste, fantasy and imagination.

Handout. Landscape sheets, simple pencils, gouache, watercolors, colored pencils, wax crayons, brushes, rags, palettes, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson

Talk to your children about where they were in the summer and what they remember most. Ask them to think about what they would like to convey in the drawing (someone will draw how he was at sea, another - how he swam in the river, a third - will depict his life in the village, etc.).

Children themselves need to outline the outline drawing with a simple pencil, and then draw up the work in color.

You can end the lesson with L. Daskalova’s poem “Tears for Summer”:

A wonderful summer has ended.

There are gold coins in the grass.

The birch tree quietly falls to the ground

Leaf gold -

Farewell tears...

Lesson 2. Flowers in a vase

(Watercolor painting)

Program content. Learn to draw flowers from life. Strengthen the ability to draw curved lines with a brush. Practice painting with watercolors. Develop visual memory by constantly comparing the image with nature.

Demonstration material. Flowers (daisies, forget-me-nots, asters, etc.) in a plain vase, simple in shape.

Handout. Sheets of watercolor paper, pencils, watercolors, brushes, rags, palettes, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson

Place the flowers in a vase. Together with your children, look at the shape of the vase. Thin curved stems come from the vase in different directions, which should be painted with the end of the brush. There are flowers on them. Discuss the structure of a flower with the children.

Invite the children to draw a still life on their own, achieving a resemblance to life. The drawing should begin with a vase, which should be placed at the bottom of the sheet so that there is enough space for the flowers.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Summer is ahead” Lesson 35. Basket with flowers (Colored paper. Applique from cut out parts of an object and weaving. Team work) Program content. Encourage children to create teamwork. Learn to make flowers and arrange them

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Goodbye, summer” Lesson 1. How I spent the summer (Free choice of material) Program content. Bring back pleasant memories of summer. Give children the opportunity to independently choose the material and method of conveying their impressions. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 41–42. Houses of the Three Little Pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning how to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

From the book Lepka with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Summer is ahead” Lesson 69. Khokhloma patterns (Gouache painting) Program content. Expand knowledge about Khokhloma fishery. To cultivate interest and love for the art of Khokhloma masters, to teach how to highlight plant and grass patterns. Continue to teach children

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Teach children to draw small and large objects consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue learning how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate responsive

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Sun and cloud (Finger and palm drawing. Gouache) Program content. Continue to strengthen the technique of palm typing and finger drawing. Continue learning to draw dots with your fingers. Material. Sheets of blue paper

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Swan on the lake (Modeling from plasticine using natural materials) Program content. Strengthen the ability to combine natural materials and plasticine in crafts. Practice connecting parts. Learn how to complete a craft

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to bring a product to the desired image using plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the book French children always say “Thank you!” by Antje Edwig

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Beautiful butterfly (Applying plasticine to the surface) Program content. Continue to teach children to apply plasticine to the surface in a thin layer inside the outline of the design and decorate the product. Develop speech and thinking. Teach with

From the book All the best methods of raising children in one book: Russian, Japanese, French, Jewish, Montessori and others author Team of authors

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to introduce children to cool tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cool colors. Introduce opportunities

From the author's book

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 71. Dandelion (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Drawing with the palm) Program content. Continue to learn how to convey the shape and structure of an object in a drawing, use different techniques (drawing with a palm, a brush, and a poke with a hard

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of an object) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to form a whole from several parts; apply glue to the part and stick it

From the author's book

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Bugs (Colored paper and magazine pages. Collective plot application from prepared parts of objects) Program content. Continue to teach children how to compose a collective composition; bring the product to the desired image with

From the author's book

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Summer sky (Drawing with wax crayons and a brush. Watercolors) Purpose. Teach children to draw a sun with wax crayons, consisting of a circle and short lines; tint paper.Handouts. Album sheet, wax crayons,

From the author's book

From the author's book

Goodbye “Did you say goodbye to the doctor?” Every day of my work is filled with these parental questions. Saying goodbye when leaving the office (just like saying hello when entering) is a strict requirement of French education. They die from

for children of senior preschool age

Target: Summarize and systematize the idea of ​​summer as a time of year according to the main, essential features: length of day and night, temperature conditions, weather phenomena (thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning, sunshine), state of plants (growth and flowering, ripening of berries and fruits), features of life activity insects Clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural labor in the summer. Learn to establish a connection between a set of conditions (heat, light, moisture) and the condition of plants and animals. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly and understandably to others. Foster a desire to share your knowledge and memories with peers. Introduce children to the Day of Knowledge holiday. Clarify basic knowledge about the school. To instill in children a desire to study at school. To make children want to become schoolchildren. Cultivate interest and the need for knowledge.


"Visiting Summer"

Conversation"Visiting Summer" Goal: To develop children's ability to experience pleasure from encountering summer phenomena. Observation-experiment of the sun (through colored glass, sunglasses, colored mica). Goal: consolidate knowledge about inanimate nature, develop observation, attention, curiosity; enrich your vocabulary; Compare the shape of the sun with the shape of a circle. Help you feel the warmth of the sun: warm your palms, find objects in the area that have warmed up from the sun’s heat

Lyrics “Make a wish” C. Learn to come up with riddles about summer phenomena

Reading the poem “So summer has arrived” by V. Danko

M. Prishvin “Golden Meadow”

Drawing by DesignTopic: Our summer is flying away. Goal: To create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in a drawing, to learn how to create a harmonious color composition, conveying with colors your impression of summer; improve skills in working with paints.

Puppet show"Stolen Sun" Goal: to please children, activate their speech and emotions, consolidate knowledge about the importance of the sun for all living things.

Role-playing game: “A trip to the sea” C. continue to work on developing and enriching the plot of the game: Encourage children’s desire to come up with new themes for games. To develop children’s ability to develop a plot based on knowledge gained from perceiving the environment

Situational conversation“On the benefits and harms of sun rays”. Purpose: to remind children that the sun is not always good for living nature: sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun causes skin burns and sunstroke in people.

Outdoor game "Sun and Shadow". Goal: to practice running in all directions, in formation in a column behind the teacher. Outdoor games “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: to teach how to navigate in space. “Jump higher” Purpose: to teach how to act on a signal. "Wolf in the Moat" "Earth, water, fire, air"

Ts. continue to teach how to overcome the obstacle course, jump easily, silently.

« The red summer has passed » .

Conversation« The red summer has passed » . Goal: To summarize and systematize the idea of ​​summer according to the main, essential features: length of day and night, temperature conditions, weather phenomena (thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning, sunshine), state of plants (growth and flowering, ripening of berries and fruits), features of animal activity In the woods. Clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural labor in the summer. Learn to establish a connection between a set of conditions (heat, light, moisture) and the condition of plants and animals. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly and understandably to others. Foster a desire to share your knowledge and memories with peers

Experiment"Water in a Vessel"

Looking at the sand. Goal: continue to familiarize children with the properties of sand (wet sand molds, but dry sand does not); compare sand and pebbles (the stone is hard and the sand is loose).

Compiling and recording stories “Wonderful Summer”

Reading of the poem by V. Voronko “So the summer has flown by” by G. Novitskaya “Dandelions”, “Chamomile”

Modeling flowers (bas-relief). Goal: To teach children to sculpt flowers, conveying the characteristic features of their appearance. Learn to plan work, select the right amount of material, determine the method of sculpting.

Drawing “Pictures on the Sand”

Collecting materials for compiling the “Summer Finds” collection.

P/game: “Hunter and Hares” - develop reaction speed, dexterity, orientation. in the space p/i “Freeze”. “We are cheerful guys” “Animals have gathered at the edge of the forest” (round dance game) P/i “Cat on the Roof” P|game: “Birds and a cat” (by analogy Sparrows and a car) “Homeless hare”

Football game

"Flower Summer"

Conversation - consideration "A variety of flowers". Goal: look at the flowers, compare them by size, shape, color

Observations of flowers on the territory of the camp “Journey to the Land of Flowers” ​​Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the variety of flowers and their structure; continue to introduce how to care for flowers; cultivate a love for nature and respect for it

D/i “Find the plant by description” “Find out by part.” “Fold a flower” “Assemble a flower from geometric shapes.” “Name the extra flower” “Sort out the flowers” ​​“Loto”, “Find the same one”, “Collect a bouquet”, “In the meadow”, “When does this happen? ", "Seasons", "Summer" "Find only meadow flowers among the flowers" Cut-out pictures "Flowers".

D/i “Guess the flower from the description.” D/i “Flower Lotto”, “Magic Flowers”, “Each Plant in Its Place”, “Small, Small, Less”

Reading A.K. Tolstoy "Bells".

Experimenting with paper strips “Where the wind blows”

Application."Our flowerbed" Goal: Learn to cut flowers from paper squares folded twice diagonally and make multicolor flower corollas from them, placing the cut out shapes on top of each other; show petal options (round, pointed, with teeth); develop compositional skills - create patterns from flowers in flower beds of various shapes, cut out of green cardboard.

Laying out a mosaic of a flower meadow. "Flower Ball"

Listening to the music “Chamomile Rus'”.

S/r game "Flower Shop" s/r "Flower Studio". C. Contribute to the development of goal-oriented activities of the child, acquaint them with the professions of adults that are understandable to them. Teach purposeful play action with toys

P/i “I was born a gardener” ball game “I know 5 flowers” ​​P/i “Mirror” Purpose: to teach children to repeat the movements of the leader, develop attention P/i “Sly Fox”, “Wolf in the Moat”

"We fly, crawl, buzz..."

Conversation-discussion"We fly, crawl, buzz..." Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about insects, their diversity, distinctive features, nutrition, movement; develop phrasal speech, activate vocabulary on the topic.

Conversation-observation “From the life of ants.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the lifestyle, habits and benefits of ants. Watching the ant trail. Goal: to clarify knowledge about the behavior and habitat of ants. Experiment: dip a cleaned stick in sugar, lower it into an anthill and observe the release of formic acid; block the ant path and observe the actions of the ants.

Conducting an interview “Let’s get to know each other (on behalf of insects)

Learning the poem “The Hardworking Bee”

Reading "Sweet Summer"

Construction from waste material “These funny insects”

C. develop children's imagination and creativity.

Drawing “wet” “Beauty Butterfly” T. recall the technique of drawing double images using the “wet” method

Holiday"What grew in the garden" and photo report “In the garden and in the garden I am a growing assistant” Goal: to expand ideas about summer, about seasonal changes in nature; give an idea of ​​the role of the sun in the life of man and all living things; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of summer nature; develop children's creative and constructive abilities.

Design of the exhibition “Ringing Summer”: homemade books, collection, photographs, creative works (drawings, crafts)

Competition game:"Bees"- "Wasps"- "Bumblebees". Goal: to develop motor skills, agility, speed, and a sense of mutual assistance.

Breathing exercises.


P/i "Bees", "Bear and Bees."

Day of Knowledge

Excursion to school No. 36 Purpose: to draw attention to the architectural features of the school structure. Offer to observe physical education lessons, examine the sports ground and the area near the school, its building. Ask why there are so many windows, why the windows are so big.

Explain the proverbs to the children: Learning is the path to skill. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. To live wisely is to amuse yourself, but to live without intelligence is torment. A mind is good, but two are better. Gaining intelligence is not making a garden. Knowledge is the best wealth! Game - fantasy “When I will be a student...” Purpose: development of fantasy and imagination, analytical thinking, improve speech, social skills. Situational conversation “Why you need to study?”

Reading L.N. Tolstoy's "Filippok" E. Uspensky "Cheburashka goes to school" V. Dragunsky stories about school

Holiday "Day of Knowledge!" C. Introduce children to the Day of Knowledge holiday. Clarify basic knowledge about the school. To instill in children a desire to study at school. To make children want to become schoolchildren. Cultivate interest and need for knowledge

Quiz-entertainment"Want to know everything!" Purpose: to provide initial knowledge about the right to education; clarify knowledge about Knowledge Day; to teach to take initiative in order to acquire new knowledge, to consider an exhibition of school supplies and ways of using them, to receive joyful emotions from acquiring new knowledge, to develop attention to one’s mental and emotional sensations, to identify acquired knowledge and skills, to generalize and draw conclusions.

Games with water, sand and natural materials “Boats”. Low mobility game “Show the animal” (imitation of movement, animal habits) P/ game: “Sparrows and cars” - dexterity, ability to act on a signal.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap". “The Fox in the Chicken Coop” C. Improve motor skills and orientation in space

Thematic week “Goodbye, summer!”

for children of primary preschool age

Time: 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017

Target: clarify and expand children’s ideas about summer phenomena; continue to work on developing children’s interest in the summer season, consolidate children’s knowledge that the world around them is multicolored and diverse, give an understanding of the role of the sun in the life of humans and all living things; to form primary research and educational interest during experimentation with water and sand; clarify children’s ideas about flowers and insects; expand children’s understanding of the world around them, the phenomena of reality, based on the child’s life experience, and promote a cheerful, emotionally rich holiday for children.

Cognitive-speech direction

Artistic and creative direction

Musical and theatrical direction

Physical education and health direction


“Sunny, smile!”

Situation of activating communication “Wonderful summer” looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays, summer landscapes

Conversation-observation"Sun rays" .

Speech game“Kuzovok” (summer words). Di“Find the same one”, “Collect a bouquet”, “In the meadow”, “When does this happen? ", "Seasons", "Summer"

Reading nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket"

Drawing “Colors of Summer”

Puppet theater “Stolen Sun”

Situational conversation “About the benefits and harms of sun rays.”

Outdoor game "Sun and Rain". P/i "At the bear in the forest"

« Summer fantasies»

Experiment"Water in a Vessel"- “Warm or cold?” Goal: to prove that the sun's rays heat water.

“Sand – what is it?” Goal: continue to familiarize children with the properties of sand (wet sand molds, but dry sand does not); compare sand and pebbles (the stone is hard and the sand is loose).

Didactic game “What will I build from sand?”

Reading the nursery rhyme “Water, water”

Drawing with sticks “Pictures on the sand”

Game "Soap Bubbles"

Breathing exercises “Blow up the balloon”

p/i "Bubble", "Stream"

"Flower Summer"

Observations of flowers on the territory of the camp "Journey to the Land of Flowers"

D/i “Fold the flower” “Assemble a flower from geometric shapes.” “Find the same one”, “Collect a bouquet”, “In the meadow” Reading the poem: “We have asters growing: both blue and red...”

Application “Beautiful Flowers”

Drawing with chalks on asphalt of different colors.

Game-situation “We lived with grandma”

Finger gymnastics “Flowers” ​​“Katya took the watering can”

Outdoor game "Living Flower Bed".

P/i “Carousel”, “The chicken went out for a walk”

"We fly, crawl, buzz..."

Conversation-discussion“What do children know about insects?”.

Reading “The Tsokotuha Fly” by K.I. Chukovsky

Modeling "Ladybug"

Design of the exhibition “Ringing Summer” creative works (drawings, crafts)

Logorhythmic exercise “Butterfly”

Breathing exercises “Ladybug”

P/i “Spider Bug”, “Bear and Bees.”

"Bye, summer!"

Games with water, sand and natural materials

Water games "Let's launch the boats".

Game "Drowning - Don't Drown"

Solving riddles about summer

Reading “Our Tanya” by A. Barto, nursery rhymes “Rain, rain...”

Drawing "Rain"

Holiday "Day of Knowledge"

P/n “Cucumber, cucumber...” “Shaggy Dog”

Round dance game “We went to the meadow” “Like in our meadow”