
13 years of experience, what will be the pension? Insurance experience - what it includes, how it is calculated. Minimum work experience


In order to mitigate the consequences of the pension reform, in addition to the general increase in the retirement age by 5 years, the new law will provide additional benefits for early retirement for certain categories of citizens.

One of these benefits is the provision of early pension based on length of service. If it is at least 37 years for women and 42 for men, then it will be possible to apply for an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier than the new prescribed retirement age, which will begin to gradually increase from 2019 and will reach 60 years for women and 65 years for men (by 2028).

The main limitation is that it will be possible to become a pensioner early due to long-term work activity no earlier than upon reaching the age of 55 or 60 years (for women and men, respectively). That is, it will not be possible to reduce the general retirement age valid until the end of 2018 in this way.

In the first 2 years of the new reform (in 2019 and 2020), it will not be possible to take full advantage of the new pension benefit - i.e. It will still be impossible to reduce the retirement period by 2 years, since in any case it cannot be less than now - 55/60 years (see table of retirement by length of service).

When determining the right to a benefit, all periods included in the insurance period will be taken into account (i.e., both periods of work and other taken into account “non-work” periods determined by law - for example, caring for each child until the age of 1.5 years).

It is also necessary to understand that the benefit provided for by the new law for a long insurance period of 37 years for women and 42 years for men will not in any way affect the general requirements for length of service! Those conditions, the fulfillment of which is already provided for in order to receive an old-age insurance pension on a general basis, do not change during the reform and will remain the same.

Experience giving the right to early retirement (for women and men)

The law on raising the retirement age, adopted by the State Duma in the third (final) reading on September 27, 2018, initially provided an additional basis for early retirement - the presence of a long insurance period, which allows you to become a pensioner 2 years earlier than the period provided for by the new law (taking into account transitional provisions).

The original version of the bill also contained a restriction according to which it was impossible to take advantage of such a benefit before the age of 55/60. However, the length of service that gives the right to such a benefit was reduced by 3 years for women and men during the discussion of the bill in comparison with the original version.

Let us recall that the government draft law initially established standards allowing for early retirement status at 40 years for women and 45 for men. It was with this content that the draft was adopted by deputies in the first reading in July.

During a televised address to the population of the country, Vladimir Putin announced the need to reduce the proposed parameters so that such a benefit would become more accessible. Corresponding amendments to the draft law were introduced by the President in September. In them, the length of service requirements were relaxed to 37 and 42 years (that is, 3 years).

What insurance periods count towards early retirement?

The length of service for early retirement is calculated in calendar order. When calculating, only the insurance period will be taken into account, including:

– Periods of work or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund.

– Other periods during which contributions to the Pension Fund were not deducted, but in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”, they are counted towards the insurance period (pension points can also be awarded for them).

In particular, countable “other periods” include those during which the Russian:

– looked after each child until he reached 1.5 years of age, but no more than 6 years in total;

– cared for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child or a citizen who has reached 80 years of age;

– served in the military or other equivalent service;

– received social benefits. insurance during temporary disability;

– received unemployment benefits;

– upon the direction of the employment service, moved to another area for further employment;

– participated in paid public works;

– was in custody as a person unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, etc. periods.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ, the above periods will be counted into the insurance period if before or immediately after them there were periods of work or other activity during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund.

Early pension based on length of service from 2019 (table)

Having accumulated the required number of years of service (37 for women, 42 for men), a citizen will be able to apply for an old-age insurance pension early - two years earlier than the retirement age provided at that time. However, due to the fact that this age standard will increase gradually from 2019, not all citizens who have worked the required number of years will be able to become pensioners 2 years earlier.

In fact, in the first years of the reform this decrease will be for fewer years:

– In 2019, the retirement age in Russia on a general basis will be 55.5 and 60.5 years. Citizens who have worked the required number of years for early retirement will be able to reduce their retirement age by only 6 months - that is, they will be able to become pensioners at 55 and 60 years old (according to the standards of the old law). This change will apply to women born in 1964 and men born in 1959.

– In 2020, the decrease will already be 1.5 years, since the retirement age standard this year will be 56.5 and 61.5 years. According to these conditions, women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be able to become early pensioners based on length of service at the ages of 55 and 60 years.

Early retirement by year of birth in the presence of long insurance (work) experience can be presented in the following table:

Table - Retirement length in Russia according to the new law 2018

Note: GR - year of birth; PV - retirement age.

After the final retirement ages for Russians are established - 60 and 65 years old, the age for early retirement will also be finally fixed at 58 and 63 years old. According to these standards, women born in 1968 will be able to become pensioners. and men born in 1963

What length of service is needed to receive a pension under the new law in 2018-2019?

With the implementation of the pension reform since 2019, no additional conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension have been introduced, however, the requirements for the minimum required length of service began to increase even earlier - in 2015.

Every year the minimum required value of this standard increases by 1 year:

– for 2018 the standard is set at 9 years;

– in 2019 it will take 10 years;

– in 2024 the final value will be established - 15 years.

But it is worth recalling that in addition to long-term employment, there are 2 more conditions, the fulfillment of which is required for registration of old-age insurance payments, these are:

– achievement of the prescribed retirement age (will gradually increase from 01/01/2019 to 60/65 years for women/men);

– presence of the minimum required number of pension points - IPC (standards are increased annually by 2.4 points until the standard is reached at 30 points).

Therefore, to retire in 2018, you need to reach the age of 55/60 years, have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 IPC. In 2019, these standards will be changed to 55.5/60.5 years, 10 years of work activity and 16.2 points.

The minimum necessary requirements will be adjusted after 2018. All planned changes to retirement conditions by year are presented in the table below:

Note: PV - retirement age

What changes can Russians expect in the near future in their pension provision?

From January 1, 2015, it is planned to introduce a new procedure for the formation of pension rights of citizens in Russia. The changes will affect the assignment of old-age labor pensions.

Currently, new rules are being developed with the participation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, as well as relevant ministries and the Pension Fund of Russia. The government has set several tasks at once. It is important to provide guarantees for pensioners not lower than the subsistence level, to increase the role of length of service in calculating the size of a pension and to cover the entire working-age population with pension insurance, that is, to ensure mandatory payment of insurance contributions.

How are the new pension rules better than those in force today? What are their main differences?

Today, the size of the old-age labor pension depends primarily on the amount of insurance contributions that employers pay for the employee during their working life to the compulsory pension insurance system. At the same time, the length of insurance (work) experience has virtually no effect on the size of the pension. As a result, it turns out that the pension rights that are formed among working citizens are inadequate to the obligations to pay them pensions.

The current procedure for calculating old-age labor pensions is unfair to the most economically active category of the population, to those who plan to lead an active working life for a long time. Pension payments to citizens with little work experience are made in approximately the same amount as to citizens with a long work experience.

Remember, at one time the inclusion of military service, university studies and parental leave in the length of service was abolished. Now what should we do about it?

I can say that now a positive decision has been made regarding two of the listed insurance periods. That is, the state will pay for military service per person into the Pension Fund. He will have a pensionable service and pension rights will be formed.

Holiday to care for the child. Today, the period for which the state takes over and pays the tariff to a woman who is on maternity leave is three years. Under the new pension system, this period increases to 4.5 years.

As for studies, it is not supposed to be included in the length of service and here’s why. The fact is that the choice of higher education today is the decision of the person himself. Basically, what is he studying for? So that later you can get a good job and a high salary. And since the formula takes into account experience and wages, if he loses in experience, he will make up for it with high wages. After all, those who have not studied will have lower wages.

Is 5 years of service enough to receive an old-age pension? Will this rule continue?

The minimum length of service to receive an old-age pension is now 5 years, that is, when a man reaches the generally established retirement age of 60 years, and a woman 55 years of age, and with 5 years of experience, citizens acquire the right to a pension. And today they receive it in the amount of the subsistence minimum (this is just above five thousand rubles). Of course, this is unfair to other workers who have a long work history, so a decision was made, starting in 2015, to increase the required length of service by one year and increase it gradually. Thus, by 2025, the minimum total work experience to receive a pension will reach 15 years.

But what about those who have less than 15 years of experience? Will they be deprived of their pension?

Those who have a total length of service of less than 15 years have the right to apply to the Pension Fund for a social pension (women at 60 years old, men at 65 years old). In addition, a social supplement to the pension is made up to the subsistence level of the pensioner in the region of his residence.

The conditions for granting a labor pension for disability and loss of a breadwinner remain the same.

What is the role of seniority in the new pension formula?

If your total insurance experience by the date of assignment of your labor pension is more than 35 years, then, according to the new rules, the labor pension will be assigned in an increased amount. For each year of work experience from 30 to 40 years for women and from 35 to 45 years for men, 1 pension coefficient is additionally accrued. For 35 years of service for women and 40 years for men, an additional five pension coefficients are accrued.

Will the retirement age be increased?

According to the new rules for calculating pensions, every citizen has the right to decide for himself when (after reaching retirement age, of course) to apply for an old-age pension. After all, we have already said that the higher the length of service, the higher the pension coefficient!

Or maybe it’s worth working some more without applying for a pension in order to receive it in an increased amount. For each year of later application for a pension, 1 pension coefficient is accrued. It's profitable! At the same time, while continuing to work, you can increase your work experience.

In order for every citizen to be able to calculate his future pension, . Each citizen can enter his parameters there and calculate an approximate pension, and decide how much it is profitable for him to retire. The pension calculator is posted on the websites of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The developed calculator is intended to calculate the conditional size of the old-age labor pension in 2013 prices using the current pension formula and the formula that is currently being developed.

Important! The calculator is not intended to calculate the size of the pension of current pensioners, citizens who have less than three years left before retirement, as well as disabled people, incapacitated citizens and citizens who have lost their breadwinner, military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, individual entrepreneurs, workers in hazardous and hazardous industries who have the right for early retirement.

Work experience can be:

  1. General.
  2. Special – characterizes only certain industries, positions and professions. For example, special working conditions, disabilities of varying severity. Also, monetary remuneration for length of service depends on the length of special service.
  3. Continuous – characterizes a certain period of time during the entire period of operation. In some cases, this may affect the receipt of additional benefits and allowances.
  4. Strakhov.

Total experience

Total work experience– represents the sum of the duration of labor and socially useful activities, as well as periods of activity that are stipulated by law. Based on the total experience, the size is determined:

  • old age pensions;
  • in some cases it may be necessary to determine the size of the long-service pension.

There are two key points for inclusion in the experience:

  • Professional activities must be carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary for payments to be made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the total length of service can include a period of work that was carried out outside the country, but subject to:

  • that this clause must be spelled out in an international treaty;
  • contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Total experience includes:

  1. The period when one of the parents provides constant care for the child until he reaches one and a half years old. It should be taken into account that there is a limit - no more than four and a half years in total for each of the parents. Important
  2. , previously, until January 1, 2014, the length of service included a period of no more than three years. Consequently, with an increase in this period, the amount of labor pensions, which was established before January 1, 2014, is subject to recalculation.
  3. The period of temporary disability during which payments for compulsory social insurance (sick leave) were received.
  4. Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and equivalent to it.
  5. The time when a citizen was in custody or in prison due to unjustified criminal prosecution.
  6. The period when a citizen is registered with the employment service and at the same time receives.
  7. The period of participation in public works that are subject to payment.
  8. The time of moving or relocating for the purpose of employment to another area, provided that this is carried out in the direction of the employment service. It should be taken into account that there is a limit - no more than four and a half years in total for each of the parents. The length of time the spouses of contract servicemen lived in places where they were unable to find employment due to the lack of such opportunity.
  9. , in total this period should not exceed five years. It should be taken into account that there is a limit - no more than four and a half years in total for each of the parents. The period of time when constant care is provided for a disabled person of the first group, for a pensioner whose age is over eighty years.
  10. , care should only be carried out by an able-bodied person. The period of stay abroad by the wives/husbands of employees who are sent to carry out professional activities in diplomatic and consular institutions of the Russian Federation. Important,

in total should not exceed five years. concerning the period of full-time study for students. Until January 1, 2012, full-time education, along with work, was included in the general education system. But in connection with the current pension program, periods of study are not considered work activities, since the payment of insurance contributions to the country’s Pension Fund does not occur, which means that this period will not be included in the calculation of a future pension.

All of the above activities will be counted towards the length of service only if the requirement is met.

Professional activities must be strictly required before and after them. It is worth considering that there is no duration limit.

Periods that are not included in the total length of service:

  1. Training, various courses for training/retraining of personnel.
  2. The period of residence of citizens in occupied areas during the Second World War.
  3. Staying in concentration camps during the Second World War.
  4. Accommodation during the siege of Leningrad.
  5. Time for parents and other legal representatives to care for HIV-infected minor children.

Confirmation of work experience can be done in two ways:

  1. Based on entries in the work book of the established form. If you lose your employment contract, you can provide a contract, an order for hiring, as well as statements of deductions made from salaries.
  2. Corroboration by testimony of two or more witnesses. This method can be used, for example, if documents are lost during a large-scale natural disaster.

Calculation of total work experience

A citizen must first calculate his or her total length of service at the time of retirement. According to Russian legislation, full length of service is 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Provided that the length of service is fully developed, the size of the future pension will be calculated based on the employee’s average earnings and will be equal to 55% of it.

The current pension program proposes to increase the length of service coefficient for overtime over the established years; for 1 year there is an increase of 1%, but not higher than 20%.

Thus, all pensioners who continue to carry out professional activities are adjusted to the length of service coefficient.

Work experience can be calculated in two ways:

  • simple;
  • preferential.

With a simple method, counting can be done manually, but a more convenient way is to use a special computer program. When calculating manually, it is best and most convenient to calculate when all the data is summarized in a column. The calculation is carried out for each individual place of work of a citizen.

To do this, it is necessary to subtract the date of his first working day from the date of dismissal of the employee and add one day. The result will be the sum of all the results obtained. It is worth noting that a whole year of experience is 12 calendar months, and a month consists of only 30 days. It should be taken into account that there is a limit - no more than four and a half years in total for each of the parents. Keep in mind that if there are no exact dates of entry in the labor record, then the beginning and end of the period is considered to be the middle of the month (15th day) or the middle of the year - July 1.

Based on the legislation, every citizen needs to have at least five years of work experience to receive a basic old-age pension. If the work activity will be more than five years, then the following formula is applied.

The result of the ratio of all payments made by the citizen to the pension fund to the total number of months during which the state undertakes to pay the pension (228 months) is added to the basic pension.

Continuous experience

Continuous service does not have any effect on the amount of pension. But there are cases when, nevertheless, when calculating the total length of service, it becomes necessary to compare the data obtained with continuous experience. If, during comparison, the total length of service is less than continuous, then the amount of benefits will be determined based on data from continuous work experience.

Continuous service will be maintained if:

  • when changing jobs, the period of cessation of work activity did not exceed one calendar month;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative and the temporary break until employment at a new enterprise was no more than 3 weeks;
  • the woman is pregnant, has children under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16 years of age;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative, due to the fact that the husband/wife was transferred to another location to continue professional activities or retired.

Continuous length of service will not be maintained if the employment contract was terminated due to:

  • systematic failure to fulfill their direct labor duties;
  • absence from work for a valid reason;
  • being drunk at work;
  • if a court verdict comes into force, according to which the worker is sent to prison.

So, let's summarize some conclusions from the article:

  1. The size of the pension is directly affected by the total length of service.
  2. Labor activity is included in the calculation of total length of service provided that it is carried out on the territory of the state and social payments are made.
  3. To receive a basic pension, you must have no more than five years of total work experience.
  4. To receive social benefits, for example, when calculating sick leave, in a 100% amount, you must have at least 8 years of working experience.
  5. You can confirm your experience using entries in the work book or using witness testimony.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the total length of service for each employee can be carried out not only by the pension fund, but also by the personnel department at work, which is required to have a special computer program.

Every citizen should think about the size of his future pension in advance and consciously make a choice of work in favor of an organization that pays wages officially, and not in envelopes, since the size of the pension will be calculated based on the average salary of the employee.

Retirement is an important moment in the life of any person. There are often situations when only a few days are not enough to accrue the full insurance portion. Since January 2015, new ones have come into force, according to which the system for calculating seniority has changed. Thus, the role of income generated by the employer has increased, and the duration of the direct employment relationship has almost ceased to influence the size of the future pension. Despite this, a clear number of years was allocated for the calculation of pension payments in the future. In this article we will understand what a person’s work experience consists of and how it affects the size of the pension today.

Types of work experience in Russia, what is included in the general working experience, retirement age for women and men

The 2015 pension reform led to numerous changes to the entire pension system. Since that time, points have come into force, and the attitude towards work experience has also changed. Previously, pensions were awarded to people who had reached retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men). Figures may vary depending on the region and operating conditions. With the launch of the new pension system, the requirements for calculating pensions have changed. Several types of experience, a minimum threshold, and the required number of points are identified.

Calculation of preferential

The legislation identifies a number of professions that are entitled to receive benefits, including in relation to pension accruals. For them, the minimum age for calculating a pension is reduced. You can read more about preferential length of service in this. This category includes:

  • citizens working in hazardous production conditions or unfavorable conditions;
  • persons working in the Far North and equated to them.

To calculate a preferential pension, you should personally contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, since not all employers provide the necessary lists of their employees on time. The list of industries and professions is constantly changing, so the Foundation itself is simply not able to independently control this issue. The grace period for retirement is calculated depending on gender, the availability of preferential and special experience.

The conditions for granting a preferential pension to citizens working in hazardous or heavy work were established in 1956.

Development of insurance

Calculation and development of insurance experience. After the new pension system came into force in 2015, the concept of “work experience” was abolished. It was replaced by a new concept - it is today that determines the amount of future pension accruals.

According to the law, a citizen's insurance period is the period of time when he was officially employed, and the employer made regular contributions. It does not include the so-called non-insurance periods (child care, military service, receiving unemployment benefits and others). Initially, the duration of the insurance period was determined to be 5 years, this period increases every year.

The period of insurance coverage is calculated individually and depends on the person’s age and the beginning of the employment relationship.

Developed special experience for retirement

This is the total duration of work in industries related to socially beneficial activities. For the first time, a list of such labor areas covered by benefits based on special length of service was published in 1990 in Federal Law No. 340-I. Special length of service is accrued for workers in the medical and pedagogical fields.

After subsequent updates to the legislation, the term was officially excluded, but today it continues to be mentioned indirectly, for example in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this concept was replaced by preferential length of service. Closely related to special experience is the amount accrued to military personnel and civil servants, but these are completely different concepts.

Work experience represents the entire period of official employment of a person before he retired. Today, such a concept is used as the insurance period, which is the time when the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund for his employee. Therefore, it is worth considering how many years of experience women and men need to retire, as well as when this can be done ahead of schedule.

Last changes

Recently, the state leadership has made significant contributions regarding pension provision. Thus, from 2019, bonuses will be calculated at a rate of 25% for those pensioners who live in rural areas. Moreover, they must have an official experience in the field of agriculture of more than 30 years.

To calculate a pension, a citizen must have work experience

Retirement age

Due to recent innovations, citizens are wondering how many years of work experience are needed for a pension in Russia. It was designed for ordinary citizens to start receiving a pension. As a result:

  1. Persons who planned to become pensioners in 2019 will now be able to do so in 2020.
  2. The situation is similar with those who thought of getting it already in 2020. They will have to wait until 2022.
  3. Citizens who intended to apply for a pension in 2022 will do so 4 years later.
  4. And after 2023, all people in Russia will retire 5 years later than today. Now the minimum age for men is 70 years, and for the fairer sex it is 65.

It is worth mentioning separately how much northern experience is needed to retire. For persons living and working in the Far North or territories officially equivalent to it, all benefits were retained.

They have the right to receive a pension for women at 50 and at 55 for men.

Changes in pension legislation in terms of raising the retirement age will not affect certain categories of people. Thus, these include those citizens who are raising a disabled child under 8 years of age, as well as women who have given birth to 5 or more children. Additionally, they include people with disabilities (for example, due to visual impairment).

Only those citizens who have not been able to accumulate a sufficient number of pension points throughout their working career are entitled to receive this type of payment. So, to receive one such point, you need to have a salary of at least 8,500 rubles. This amounts to 1 minimum wage. As a result, a person must accumulate a minimum number of points within 30 years. There have been no changes in legislation in this regard. But at the same time, the main blow from raising the retirement age falls on people with low wages or who are not officially employed.

The retirement age changed in 2018

What is taken into account for calculating pensions?

Before the 2002 reform, citizens’ future pensions were determined by how long they worked. Thus, the minimum length of service then was 20/25 years, respectively, for women and men. Moreover, every year that a citizen worked additionally brought the person an additional payment.

However, due to the reforms carried out in this industry, the overall length of service has ceased to play an important role. Since then, the main thing has been the amount of deductions transferred to the Pension Fund from the salary.

The higher a person’s official income level, the higher his pension will be in the future.

Additionally, there are several “Non-Insurance Periods” during which people also have their length of service credited.

But this is done only when the person was previously officially employed. These periods are considered to be:

  1. The parent goes on maternity leave until the baby is 1.5 years old. But in total this period cannot exceed 6 years. This is the equivalent of looking after 4 children.
  2. Service in the army, border authorities, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Federal Penitentiary Service.
  3. Diseases that render a person temporarily unable to work.
  4. A court decision on wrongful imprisonment, as well as a person’s presence in a pre-trial detention center or places of deprivation of liberty.
  5. Citizen participation in various public or social works.
  6. Care provided for a pensioner over 80 or a disabled child.
  7. The spouse of a military personnel who is serving outside the country. But at the same time he does not have the opportunity to officially work.

In the absence of such conditions, the accrual of length of service occurs exclusively on a calendar basis. In addition, there are a number of categories of employees who are awarded correction (increasing) factors:

  1. 1.5 – for persons who were exposed to radiation in the process of eliminating the consequences that arose during the Chernobyl accident, with the exception of military personnel.
  2. 2.0 – citizens working in special leper colonies or other institutions fighting serious diseases. This category also includes people undergoing military service.
  3. 3.0 – participants in combat operations, as well as persons undergoing treatment or rehabilitation as a result of injuries received due to war.

A number of citizens have the right to early retirement

What is not taken into account when calculating

How long must you work to receive a pension? People need to take into account the time that is not counted in the process of accruing experience. These periods are considered to be:

  1. Time worked by a person under the laws of another state. If a person lives permanently in Russia, he is entitled only to a social pension. It is assigned to him after reaching the appropriate age.
  2. The period of service preceding the registration of a pension as a disabled person or any other work activity taken into account in the process of calculating the amount of payments.

Early exit

Most Russian citizens who have worked for about 20 years want to start receiving their pension as early as possible. However, only persons listed in the list of Federal Law No. 400 have the right to receive an early pension. At the same time, citizens who meet a number of requirements have the right to begin early payments. Due to this, several of the following categories can apply for an early insurance pension:

  1. Persons whose work is considered dangerous or socially significant. These include: military personnel, teachers, miners, rescuers and others. In this case, the minimum acceptable experience is 15 years. To confirm it, account statements, copies of employment contracts, and salary slips are used.
  2. People who have social reasons for this. Thus, people who worked in the Far North, as well as territories that are equivalent to it, have the right to receive an early pension. In addition, visually impaired people, people injured as a result of military operations, as well as mothers of large families have a similar opportunity. The minimum acceptable experience is 15 years.

Continuous work experience

For that. In order for Russian citizens to receive a pension, they need to have continuous work experience. An ordinary person who does not live in the Far North is required to work for at least 30 years, receiving the minimum wage. If he works in the northern territories, this period is reduced to 15 years.