
Three ways to wean a baby from a pediatrician. Learning to express breasts with your hands Hand expressing breast milk - how to do it right? Tips for parents – Union of Pediatricians of Russia


But there's another problem- if the child is firmly sucked, then how to remove the nipple from the baby's mouth?

Sucking- an inborn reflex of the newborn. He needs it in order to survive. Therefore, a healthy newborn, if it sucks, it sucks.

In no case do not pull the nipple out of the baby's mouth - it will be very painful (it can come to bruises and cracks in the nipples). Also, it is not always possible to wait until the child falls asleep soundly and releases the breast on his own (and if mom needs to go to the toilet?)

The only way to painlessly remove the nipple from the baby's mouth during feeding is to insert the mother's little finger into the baby's mouth and only then calmly remove the breast!

Should I breastfeed?
How to express milk?

Whether a mother will be able to breastfeed her child for a long time and with pleasure depends largely on how she will do it in the first week after childbirth. Our tips will help you survive the difficult period of starting lactation without hassle.

Surely you have watched with tenderness more than once videos in which newly born cubs of animals, hobbling on legs trembling with weakness or funny paws moving, reach for their mother's nipple. These tiny, often still blind lumps are controlled by a powerful force - the thirst for life. That's what nature intended.

AND the health of the little man largely depends on how quickly after birth he will be attached to the chest. The colostrum released in the first hours is a real maternal blessing for your baby in an independent life. This is the strongest amulet against many infectious (and not only) diseases and an invaluable source of nutrients.

Unfortunately, colostrum very quickly loses its beneficial properties, after a few hours remaining just a high-calorie food. Therefore, for many years the World Health Organization has strongly recommended Breastfeed all babies immediately after birth. Not for feeding - for a healthy future.

Not all children, being in a state of postpartum stress, are able to immediately actively suckle. Do not worry: the first tiny drops of colostrum are easily released when you press the areola. The kid will just lick them off. Then he will sleep soundly for several hours, resting after a difficult period of childbirth. But when mom starts to really feed him, teaching him how to take the breast correctly - read here.

With the correct technique of attachment to the breast, feeding does not cause any difficulties for either the mother or the baby. Please note: the child will correctly grasp the nipple if he not only has his mouth open, but also his tongue sticks out a little forward and is bent in the form of a boat. Then his mother's breast will be accepted by him gently, as in folded palms, and he will suck it so that the movements of the rough tongue will give mom unearthly pleasure.

Detailed technique for proper attachment to the chest is described here. Its observance by 99% will insure a woman from the formation of monstrously painful nipple cracks, from lactostasis and mastitis. And the baby will not suffer from intestinal colic and endless regurgitation.

In fact, the baby does not suck milk, but presses the skin of the nipple and areola against the sky, while actively moving the tongue in the direction from the gums to the throat. That is, milk, as it were, is squeezed out of the milky passages, and very quickly, since negative pressure is created in the oral cavity, which has a strong suction property. If at this time you try to take the breast from the child, taking the nipple out of your mouth, you will most likely not achieve anything but a strong and painful overstretching of the skin of the areola. As a result, nipple cracks are formed, which heal poorly and increase rapidly due to constant skin irritation with frequent feedings.

How to take a breast from a toddler without unpleasant consequences? The easiest way - slightly open his gums by entering through the corner of his mouth with the tip of his finger. Air will enter the oral cavity through the resulting gap, the pressure will equalize. It remains to press a little on the skin of the chest near the baby's lips so that the nipple pops out on its own.

The second option is slower. press the baby lightly on the chin and hold it like that. You will feel how your finger prevents it from strongly squeezing the gums and pressing the tongue against the palate. With each movement of the lower jaw, the suction force will decrease, and soon the baby will release the nipple on its own.

Often, mothers try to pinch the baby's nose so that he, gasping for breath, opens his mouth and releases his chest. This is not physiological and can be dangerous for the baby.. Children breathe very fast (at least 40 breaths per minute) and do not know how to hold their breath. Imagine what will happen if the baby feels a lack of oxygen at the moment when he has a lot of milk in his mouth? Throwing his chest sharply, he can take a strong breath, aspirating (inhaling) food into the lungs. As a result, at least an attack of choking cough that frightens the mother cannot be avoided, and in the worst case scenario, the baby will develop aspiration pneumonia.

Today on-demand feeding found to be optimal for newborns. That is, the mother gives the baby a breast every time he gets hungry. How to determine if he really wants to eat - see here.

After birth, the volume of the stomach in a child is approximately 2 ml. Every day it increases, reaching 70 ml by the end of the week. This means that at first, even despite the high calorie content of colostrum, the baby will ask to eat very often. We'll have to be patient. By the time of discharge from the hospital home, the interval between feedings will be from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

What does it depend on:

  • from the gestational age, maturity, weight of the child;
  • from his temperament (there are children who are lazy or active suckers);
  • on the health of the baby.

Uniform recommendation for infants over 2 weeks - no more than 40 minutes. It has been proven that about 90% of the milk the baby drinks in the first 5 minutes, and then simply satisfies his need to suck. The exception is the so-called "lazy suckers", who are not allowed to work actively due to their temperament or health conditions. But even these babies, if you wake them up well before feeding, eat up in 7-10 minutes, then fall asleep soundly and only lick the nipple or passively swallow the milk squeezed into their mouth. No matter how many months mother has been feeding, if the areola is irritated for more than 40 minutes, there is a risk of cracking the nipples.

For newborns, the rule is different. Babies are still weak, their stomach volume is small, and colostrum is very high in calories. The skin of the breast in a woman is tender and sensitive - the risk of cracking is the highest. Therefore, active sucking is allocated for the first two days for 5 minutes, for the third - 10, then - you can add 5 minutes every day, smoothly reaching 40. If mommy distinguishes whether her baby is actively sucking or is already just indulging, you can follow this advice: wait until he is full, give him another 5 minutes to enjoy and wean.

The first few months after birth - definitely feed. The circadian rhythms (including the daily routine and food intake), according to which all people live, are developed gradually. For babies, it makes no difference what time it is on the clock, the moon is shining or the sun is shining. In their life, the main thing is the needs of their body, among which hunger is one of the strongest. Without satisfying it, he will not be able to fall asleep (and will not let you), he will not develop correctly.

At home, babies begin to endure 6 hours or more at night between the ages of 4 and 11 months (again, everything is very individual). Therefore, there is only one advice: follow the needs of the baby. Keep the night feeding until he wakes up for a really big meal. If you notice that he sucks reluctantly, quickly falls asleep without eating the usual portion - it's time to give water instead of milk and after a few days completely stop feeding at night.

In any - as long as both of you are comfortable. At first, while learning feeding skills and getting used to each other, it is easier to do this while sitting in a chair with armrests or lying on your side. So the mother's breast hangs a little over the baby's face, giving the areola the most suitable shape, and milk can be sucked with less effort.

Read more about the selection rules and options for baby feeding positions here.

For a baby, the only "native" and safest source of both food and liquid is only mother's milk. A healthy baby does not need to drink water. Therefore, to take the initiative immediately after childbirth, begging for a bottle, and even more so to boil water itself, is to harm your child.

In the maternity hospital, a pediatrician may advise you to drink some water in the following situations:

  • dehydration of the child due to too high air temperature in the room (more often in the summer heat);
  • the need to help the baby cope with physiological jaundice.

After being discharged home, as long as the little one is purely breastfed, the only reason to give him water is his overheating.

Can. And you can give smoked sausage, and pickles. And pamper you with oranges on the occasion of your birthday. The result will still be about the same: many hours of screaming due to painful intestinal colic, diathesis and problems with the stool. Because ANY food, except for breast milk, is absolutely alien to a baby. He needs time for his intestines and immune system to mature and be ready to accept other food. Have you seen animals push away their cubs, giving them to other nursing mothers: a dog - a horse, a cat - a goat? Why should a healthy little man from a healthy mother be fed cow's milk formula? Comments are superfluous.

There are very few situations in which a woman who has given birth does not have milk, or there are long-term medical contraindications for breastfeeding. None of the richest laboratories in the world has been able to invent an artificial mother's milk substitute that matches its value. Only breastfeeding for at least 6 months will provide the baby with physical and mental health, and his mother - a volcano of unforgettable positive emotions.

How amazing it would be for our grandmothers and great-grandmothers to know that breastfeeding now raises so many questions! Previously, this was the most common and natural process, but at present, breastfeeding requires consultation and detailed information.

Let's try to understand the nuances and rules. Let's start from the very beginning.

In order for the feeding of the child not to cause you inconvenience, it is necessary to prepare comfortable conditions for yourself. Children eat differently, someone is active and eagerly drinks milk, someone is distracted and stretches out the pleasure with a truly gourmet approach.

In any case, you and your baby will not “manage” in a couple of minutes, so try to get comfortable.

So that your back does not numb, your shoulders and arms do not get tired, consider how you will breastfeed your baby, where you will sit or lie. We’ll talk about feeding positions a little later, but for now we’ll just take into account the basic requirements for your convenience.

  1. An easy chair with a pillow under the back is well suited for feeding.
  2. Not bad if there is an opportunity to organize some kind of footrest.
  3. Your hands should be free to hold the baby and guide his mouth. The more relaxed your posture, the calmer you feel, the more comfortable your child will be.
  4. Take care of the lighting. It is not necessary that a bright lamp or sunlight hit the baby directly in the eyes, but in complete darkness there is more chance that the child will fall asleep without having eaten.
  5. Maybe you want to take advantage of some of the benefits of civilization if the baby eats for a long time. Let you have a book, a cup of tea (only not hot), just in case, a phone so that you don’t have to jump up, disturbing the child.

Now that you have prepared for yourself a comfortable and cozy place for feeding, you should decide in what position you prefer to feed your baby. The correct posture when feeding will ensure the comfort of the child, the correct grip on the breast and the comfort of the mother.

What is the best position for breastfeeding? Women usually breastfeed in a sitting position. It is for such a classic position that we arranged a feeding area for ourselves.

In this position, mothers prefer to feed during the day. For night feeding or for breastfeeding a newborn baby, the lying position is very comfortable.

Mom should sit, leaning back in the chair, holding the child in the crook of her arm. The baby's head is slightly raised.

Very handy for night feedings. Mom lies on her side, the child puts on the side facing her. If necessary, you can put the baby on a pillow, but, basically, mothers put the baby's head on their forearm, as if hugging him.

Mom puts a pillow under her shoulders, puts the baby on her stomach, turning his head towards the chest. This position is convenient at the beginning of feeding, when milk is gushing out - there is no risk of choking.

When you and your baby learn to understand each other in half words, you will surely find other options for feeding positions that will be convenient for both of you.

A newborn is born and almost immediately feels the appearance of appetite. While he was in his mother's warm "house", he did not feel hungry, as he constantly received nutrients through the umbilical cord. Now everything is different, and he needs to eat differently.

Babies know how to eat right from the moment they appear and instinctively reach for their mother's breasts. By the way, the early attachment of the child to the breast in the maternity hospital is based on this instinct.

It is advisable to do this in the very first minutes after the birth of the child, thereby forming in him the correct ideas about breast capture, and in the mother's body, "starting" the processes of lactation.

If you do not immediately teach the newborn to take the breast correctly, this can lead to problems. Incorrect grip can cause cracks and bruises in a woman, cause seals and other painful complications, and in a child, air enters the ventricle, flatulence and bloating.

By the way, how to take a breast from a child? Some young mothers complain that the baby does not “give” her breasts in any way, causing severe pain.

Important! Never pull your breast out of your baby's mouth. He holds it quite tightly in his mouth, and may not agree with your idea at all. By pulling the breast out of the baby's mouth, you risk hurting yourself and even injuring it.

What should not be done?

Some mothers suggest pinching the child's nose so that he releases the breast. This is not worth doing! Firstly, it is very unpleasant for the child, and secondly, trying to breathe, the baby instinctively leans back. Yes, yes, with your nipple in your mouth. It can be very painful.

How often should you breastfeed your baby? How long? Each mother decides these questions for herself. There are two points of view on this matter, each of which has its followers and admirers.

Feeding on demand means that the mother breastfeeds the baby as often as the baby asks for it. This method of feeding is recommended by WHO experts as the most useful and natural.

Feeding on schedule

However, you can breastfeed according to the regimen. Many pediatricians believe, by the way, that this method also has a right to exist.

The most important thing is for a mother to learn to understand her child. If he asks for breasts, it always means that he is hungry and malnourished. The baby needs constant confidence that his mother is nearby, and only physical contact can provide him with this.

That is why the ideal option would be feeding according to the regime ... established by the child himself. Applying to the mother's breast for the first time very often, over time, the child himself enters a more or less stable rhythm.

Once you get used to it, you will know for sure that your baby is getting exactly what he needs.

Many women, speaking about breastfeeding, imagine with horror a lot of complications and painful sensations. Actually it is not. Proper feeding will ensure you complete comfort and no problems.

But in order for you to have information and be prepared, we will talk about the most common difficulty in breastfeeding - lactostasis.

Lactostasis or otherwise milk stagnation is formed due to various reasons, but in no case is it an obligatory component of breastfeeding. Be armed with information, do everything right and this trouble will pass you by.

The causes of milk stasis can be as follows:

  • chest compression: sleeping on the same side, too tight bra;
  • feeding the baby in only one position, when not all ducts are involved;
  • long breaks in feeding or excessive pumping, as a result of which more milk is produced than the baby can eat;
  • fatty foods and / or insufficient fluids in the mother's diet.

The main salvation for lactostasis is straining. Of course, there may be pain, but it is better to be patient now than to bring it to inflammation.

Before pumping, apply a warm compress to the chest, knead the stagnant points. The best option would be frequent breastfeeding.

To avoid congestion, be sure to follow the rules of breastfeeding and feed your baby on demand.

This is a rather complicated question and each mother decides it herself. However, we note that according to the recommendations of WHO and UNICEF, breastfeeding is considered beneficial up to 2 years of age!

Medical research proves that breast milk provides the baby with not only food, but also immunity and natural protection against disease. In modern countries with a high level of development of medicine and hygiene, breastfeeding a child up to a year is considered optimal and quite sufficient.

Of course, circumstances may vary, but the main points that characterize the appropriate time for weaning are as follows:

  1. The child knows how to go to spa

Some young mothers who have chosen the path of natural feeding are faced with the problem of the baby's lack of suckling skills at the breast. The task of a young parent is a gradual and consistent approach to teaching a child such a skill. First of all, you need to stock up on patience and free time. In this matter, you can take the advice of pediatricians or breastfeeding specialists.

Choosing a position for feeding

The comfort of feeding, as well as the speed of the child acquiring the skills of sucking the mother's breast, depends on the correct choice of the occupied one. An important detail is not only the location of the baby in the mother's arms, but also the correct grip of the mother's nipple. First of all, a young mother needs to take the baby in her arms, paying attention to the location of his body and head. The mother's hand is a support for the back and neck of the newborn.

Many women prefer to put the baby to the breast while lying on the bed in the side position, while the baby is located next to the mother. Before putting the baby to the breast, make sure that the baby's head is slightly elevated. If the head position is correct, then the newborn's chin is slightly below.

Nipple grip rules

This criterion is one of the most important parameters of basic latch-on skills. Provided the correct position, the tip of the nipple is located at the level of the baby's nose. Latching on the nipple can be initiated if the infant's mouth is wide open. Most newborns do this intuitively. If the baby finds it difficult to act, then the mother should be helped.

To do this, gently press the index finger on the baby's chin. After the reflex opening of the mouth, the mother should gently bring the child closer to the mammary gland. With a proper grip, the newborn's mouth should contain not only the maternal nipple, but also part of the surrounding halo.

In this case, the lower lip of the child should be in contact with the mother's breast with the inside. Young mothers need to make it a rule that it is necessary to bring the baby closer to the mammary gland, and not vice versa. When holding a newborn in your arms, make sure that the baby can freely move his arms and legs, and also grab the nipple.

Important! In order to make sure that the nipple is gripped correctly, it is recommended that the mother pay attention to the baby's cheeks. If the parent did everything right, then the child's cheeks look slightly swollen. When the cheeks are retracted, the capture has not occurred correctly, and this procedure must be repeated.

In order to speed up the capture of the nipple by the baby, it is pre-moistened with a small amount of breast milk. It is not at all necessary to wash the mammary glands with water before each feeding. It is enough for a nursing woman to follow the rules of daily personal hygiene, which she adhered to before pregnancy. Frequent exposure to water and cosmetics on the mammary gland leads to such consequences as the surrounding halo.

In the process of feeding, it is necessary to ensure that the baby's nose is not tightly pressed against the mammary gland. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to breathe normally.

To speed up the process of mastering the skills of sucking the mother's breast, you can use the following tips:

  • In order for the child to quickly acquire the skills of sucking the mother's breast, it is recommended that the woman maintain regular bodily contact with the baby. The parent needs to carry the child in her arms as often as possible, put her to sleep next to her, stroke her head;
  • For the entire period of breastfeeding, the baby's contact with other family members is limited. Procedures such as putting to bed, bathing and feeding should be carried out by the mother of the child;
  • During the period of habituation, the baby's stay in crowded places is reduced to a minimum. This activity will provide a calm environment around the child and create favorable conditions for learning new skills;
  • If the baby is not configured to receive information, then breastfeeding is postponed for a while. Breastfeeding experts strongly recommend breastfeeding on demand;
  • A young mother should not be afraid of experiments in the selection of new positions for feeding. An alternative to the normal position is breastfeeding while lying on your side, sitting or standing. In the room where feeding takes place, all extraneous sounds (radio, TV) are eliminated.

The sucking reflex in newborns is inherent in nature. From the first minutes of life, it is recommended to put the baby to the breast in order to calm down after the birth process and the stress experienced. But, sometimes, it is impossible to do this - these are complicated births, and general anesthesia, premature births. The woman is forced to observe bed rest, and the child at this moment is fed with mixtures from a bottle in the children's department or he is in a special box.

Then you can not be surprised that the child takes the breast incorrectly, because with artificial feeding you do not need to strain, the mixture saturates faster. Another thing is breastfeeding. It takes effort. Infants even have specific blisters on the lower lip from regular feeding.

There are so-called "sloths" who are simply too lazy to strain and they quickly fall asleep in the process. It is believed that in such children the hunger center in the brain matures later, they gain weight more slowly. But even such a reason is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding and you need to continue. Sooner or later, this nerve center will wake up, and the baby will begin to eat more actively.

How to get a newborn to eat

What prevents the baby from taking the nipple correctly:

  1. Alternate breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Sucking on a pacifier. An incorrect grip is formed, which then affects breastfeeding.
  2. Stagnation of milk in the mother. The longer the feeding process is delayed, the harder it is for the baby to take the first sip. Therefore, if the baby completely sucks out one breast, then it is recommended to express the second a little. This is good for the mother, as there is less risk of mastitis, and for the child.
  3. . The chest can cover the nose of the baby and he will have nothing to breathe. As a result, he will constantly open his mouth and twist to breathe. The same thing happens when the baby has a runny nose.
  4. Cracked nipples and bleeding can change the taste of milk, so the baby may refuse to eat. And the mixture will be treated well.

The first thing mom needs to do is tidy up her breasts, using special ointments for healing wounds. At this point, milk must be expressed so that it does not disappear completely. Some authors write that later lactation can be restored, but according to reviews on the forums, not everyone succeeded and had to be transferred to artificial nutrition.

The second is to stop giving bottles and. Pacifiers are not so scary if the baby eats breast milk well. There are universal children who eat from everything that is offered. It's good that most of them are.

Start feeding your baby on demand rather than on a schedule. This method is long gone. Babies who are always close to their mother eat better and sleep better. Co-sleeping also promotes better contact and faster relearning from bottle to breast.

Proper attachment of the baby to the breast

The fact is that the child is not just sucking badly or refusing to eat. He has reasons for this, about which he cannot tell his mother. The problem can come from both the mother and the child.

From mom's side:

  • the position for feeding is incorrectly chosen - the baby is far from the nipple, just hangs on it and tries to hold it;
  • hard breasts - the baby cannot suck milk.

From the side of the child:

  • the baby is weak or sick;
  • premature baby;
  • short frenulum - hard to suck;
  • facial muscle tone.

If the usual measures to retrain the baby do not work, you need to see a doctor. There are also breastfeeding consultants who will show you how to teach your baby to latch on properly. Usually such a person is invited home and in practice they find out what the problem of the mother or child is.

It depends on the correct application whether the child will receive as much milk as he needs, or will starve.

Choosing a position for feeding

Of the common causes, the choice of posture is the most common problem. Mom should be comfortable. To do this, you need to provide support for the back. If the process takes place while sitting, the elbows should also rest on something so that it is not difficult to support the child at the right distance from the nipple. The legs should rest on an elevation - a bench, a folded blanket on the floor, a roller.

Easy to feed your baby

  1. From under the arm, when the child's body is located on the side of the mother on a raised platform. Suitable for twins, allows you to relax your back as much as possible while the baby is eating. One hand is free and it is easy to properly push the breast so that the nipple enters the mouth along with the areola.
  2. Lying. Best for feeding before bed. Mom lies on her side, the child is turned to face her chest. With the second hand, you can take and give the nipple several times until it grabs correctly.
  3. In the cross cradle position. The baby's head lies in the left hand on the right side. It is convenient to teach to take the breast with the right hand.

Without additional support in the form of a pillow, relying only on the strength of the hands, it will be inconvenient for the mother to control the process and she will quickly get tired. The traditional position of the baby in the arms with one shoulder raised by the mother is not suitable for "training" to capture the nipple.

Nipple grip rules

How should a baby breastfeed correctly?

  1. The nipple touches the sky. You can check by putting a clean finger in your baby's mouth. He draws it in and a vacuum is formed, which then makes it difficult to pick up this finger. If this does not happen, the baby does not know how to suck properly.
  2. The nipple enters the mouth along with the areola. Just do it quickly, otherwise the baby may bite and injure the chest.
  3. Does not slip on the nipple during feeding.
  4. There are no smacking sounds, only swallowing.
  5. If you look from below, you can see the tongue located between the chest and lower lip.
  6. The chin moves and freezes in the down position while the baby draws in the liquid.

Signs of a bad grip:

  • extraneous sounds;
  • mouth is not wide open;
  • the areola is visible, there is one nipple in the mouth;
  • Mom is in pain.

Improper sucking ends with the fact that the baby does not receive enough milk and behaves restlessly.

How to teach your baby to breastfeed properly

Techniques that help to establish proper sucking:

  • pressure on the chin so that the baby opens its mouth wider;
  • finger feeding with a tube - used for mastitis in the mother, allows you to determine how the baby sucks the finger correctly.

Some children need to be trained for a long time until they learn. According to mothers, some made 20 to 30 attempts per application. The training sometimes dragged on for a month or two. But if the mother does not stop trying, the children sooner or later become accustomed to the breast.

How to know if your baby is breastfed

Babies gain weight more slowly - this is normal. The main thing is that the baby completely sucks out the entire portion of milk regularly. To understand if the baby has enough nutrition, you need to analyze:

  • the amount of urine per day - if 4 - 5 diapers change per day, completely wet, then everything is in order;
  • regular daily stools - 5 to 8 times a day;
  • emptying of the mammary gland after feeding;
  • stool becomes a light mustard color by the third day after birth.

Well-fed baby, although this sign is not decisive.

The main thing in breastfeeding is the perseverance of the mother, which helps to preserve natural nutrition, which subsequently affects the baby's immunity. Therefore, you need to continue to teach the child to eat mother's milk until he succeeds.

Every nursing mother at some point in her "career" feels the need to express milk. Of course, we have an easier time than our mothers and grandmothers, who were forced by Soviet punitive pediatrics to squeeze themselves “dry” after each feeding. Today there is enough information about the correct organization of breastfeeding, which does not require routine pumping. And yet, sometimes knowing how to pump your breasts can be a huge benefit.

Why breast pump

Expression of milk from the breast can be of two types: for the sake of the breast or for the sake of milk.

Breast pumping is needed when the supply (production) of milk exceeds the demand (needs of the baby). Milk comes in, but there is no one to suck it out. Perhaps mom is at work or breastfeeding is over. For prevention, it is necessary to express without fanaticism, only when discomfort (seals) is felt, only until this discomfort disappears. We must not forget that as much milk will come as was spent.

Manual expression of breast milk - how to do it right? Tips for parents – Union of Pediatricians of Russia

How amazing it would be for our grandmothers and great-grandmothers to know that breastfeeding now raises so many questions! Previously, this was the most common and natural process, but at present, breastfeeding requires consultation and detailed information.

Let's try to understand the nuances and rules. Let's start from the very beginning.

How to prepare a place for feeding?

In order for the feeding of the child not to cause you inconvenience, it is necessary to prepare comfortable conditions for yourself. Children eat differently, someone is active and eagerly drinks milk, someone is distracted and stretches out the pleasure with a truly gourmet approach.

In any case, you and your baby will not “manage” in a couple of minutes, so try to get comfortable.

Proper organization of the place

So that your back does not numb, your shoulders and arms do not get tired, consider how you will breastfeed your baby, where you will sit or lie. We’ll talk about feeding positions a little later, but for now we’ll just take into account the basic requirements for your convenience.

  1. An easy chair with a pillow under the back is well suited for feeding.
  2. Not bad if there is an opportunity to organize some kind of footrest.
  3. Your hands should be free to hold the baby and guide his mouth. The more relaxed your posture, the calmer you feel, the more comfortable your child will be.
  4. Take care of the lighting. It is not necessary that a bright lamp or sunlight hit the baby directly in the eyes, but in complete darkness there is more chance that the child will fall asleep without having eaten.
  5. Maybe you want to take advantage of some of the benefits of civilization if the baby eats for a long time. Let a book, a cup of tea (only not hot), just in case, a phone be in your close access so that you don’t have to jump up, disturbing the child.

Choosing a position for breastfeeding

Now that you have prepared for yourself a comfortable and cozy place for feeding, you should decide in what position you prefer to feed your baby. The correct posture when feeding will ensure the comfort of the child, the correct grip on the breast and the comfort of the mother.

What is the best position for breastfeeding? Women usually breastfeed in a sitting position. It was for such a classic position that we arranged for ourselves a place for feeding.

In this position, mothers prefer to feed during the day. For night feeding or for breastfeeding a newborn baby, the lying position is very comfortable.


Mom should sit, leaning back in the chair, holding the child in the crook of her arm. The baby's head is slightly raised.

Lying on your side

Very handy for night feedings. Mom lies on her side, the child puts on the side facing her. If necessary, you can put the baby on a pillow, but, basically, mothers put the baby's head on their forearm, as if hugging him.

Lying on your back

Mom puts a pillow under her shoulders, puts the baby on her stomach, turning his head towards the chest. This position is convenient at the beginning of feeding, when milk is gushing out - there is no risk of choking.

When you and your baby learn to understand each other in half words, you will surely find other options for feeding positions that will be convenient for both of you.

How to apply the baby to the breast?

A newborn is born and almost immediately feels the appearance of appetite. While he was in his mother's warm "house", he did not feel hungry, as he constantly received nutrients through the umbilical cord. Now everything is different, and he needs to eat differently.

Babies know how to eat right from the moment they appear and instinctively reach for their mother's breasts. By the way, the early attachment of the child to the breast in the maternity hospital is based on this instinct.

It is advisable to do this in the very first minutes after the birth of the child, thereby forming in him the correct ideas about breast capture, and in the mother's body, "starting" the processes of lactation.

Possible consequences of improper attachment to the breast

If you do not immediately teach the newborn to take the breast correctly, this can lead to problems. Incorrect grip can cause cracks and bruises in a woman, cause hardening and other painful complications, and in a child - air entering the ventricle, flatulence and bloating.

How to properly breastfeed a baby?

  1. Position your baby facing you so that his mouth is very close to your chest.
  2. Please note that the baby's nose should be very close to the breast, but not pressed against it strongly. If the breast is too full, you will have to hold it down a little so that the baby can breathe comfortably.
  3. If the nose is too far away from the breast, this means that the baby has to stretch his neck to grab the nipple. He will not be able to eat like this for a long time, he will get tired and refuse to eat.
  4. In the mouth, not only the nipple should be captured, but the entire areola, the baby's lips are slightly turned outward.
  5. Listen to how the child eats. If you hear sucked in air, smacking and other extraneous sounds, then the breast is taken incorrectly. You need to change the position and give the breast in the right way.

How to take the breast from the baby?

By the way, how to take a breast from a child? Some young mothers complain that the baby does not “give” her breasts in any way, causing severe pain.

Important! Never pull your breast out of your baby's mouth. He holds it quite tightly in his mouth, and may not agree with your idea at all. By pulling the breast out of the baby's mouth, you risk hurting yourself and even injuring it.

Effective ways to take the breast

  • Insert your little finger into the corner of your child's mouth. He will immediately open his mouth a little and you can pick up the breast.
  • Another way is to use only your finger. Gently press the side of the nipple and move it to the side.

What should not be done?

Some mothers suggest pinching the child's nose so that he releases the breast. This is not worth doing! Firstly, it is very unpleasant for the child, and secondly, trying to breathe, the baby instinctively leans back. Yes, yes, with your nipple in your mouth. It can be very painful.

Feeding on demand or "diet must not be broken"?

How often should you breastfeed your baby? How long? Each mother decides these questions for herself. There are two points of view on this matter, each of which has its followers and admirers.

Feeding on demand

Feeding on demand means that the mother breastfeeds the baby as often as the baby asks for it. This method of feeding is recommended by WHO experts as the most useful and natural.

Pros of this option

  1. It is extremely beneficial for lactation. Milk is produced exactly as much as the child needs.
  2. The child gets "his" without stress and worries. Gaining good weight and height.

Feeding on schedule

However, you can breastfeed according to the regimen. Many pediatricians believe, by the way, that this method also has a right to exist.

The advantages of this mode

  1. Mom receives a certain regime, thanks to which she can plan her life.
  2. The child gradually gets used to the diet and the rest of the time he is more calmly awake or sleeping.

The most important thing is for a mother to learn to understand her child. If he asks for breasts, it always means that he is hungry and malnourished. The baby needs constant confidence that his mother is nearby, and only physical contact can provide him with this.

That is why the ideal option would be feeding according to the regime ... established by the child himself. Applying to the mother's breast for the first time very often, over time, the child himself enters a more or less stable rhythm.

Once you get used to it, you will know for sure that your baby is getting exactly what he needs.

Milk stasis or lactostasis

Many women, speaking about breastfeeding, imagine with horror a lot of complications and painful sensations. Actually it is not. Proper feeding will ensure you complete comfort and no problems.

But in order for you to have information and be prepared, we will talk about the most common difficulty in breastfeeding - lactostasis.

What is lactostasis?

Lactostasis or otherwise milk stagnation is formed due to various reasons, but in no case is it an obligatory component of breastfeeding. Be armed with information, do everything right and this trouble will pass you by.

Why does stagnation occur?

The causes of milk stasis can be as follows:

  • chest compression: sleeping on the same side, too tight bra;
  • feeding the baby in only one position, when not all ducts are involved;
  • long breaks in feeding or excessive pumping, as a result of which more milk is produced than the baby can eat;
  • fatty foods and / or insufficient fluids in the mother's diet.

How to help yourself?

The main salvation for lactostasis is straining. Of course, there may be pain, but it is better to be patient now than to bring it to inflammation.

Before pumping, apply a warm compress to the chest, knead the stagnant points. The best option would be frequent breastfeeding.

To avoid congestion, be sure to follow the rules of breastfeeding and feed your baby on demand.

How long to breastfeed?

This is a rather complicated question and each mother decides it herself. However, we note that according to the recommendations of WHO and UNICEF, breastfeeding is considered beneficial up to 2 years of age!

Medical research proves that breast milk provides the baby with not only food, but also immunity and natural protection against disease. In modern countries with a high level of development of medicine and hygiene, breastfeeding a child up to a year is considered optimal and quite sufficient.

When can you start weaning?

Of course, circumstances may vary, but the main points that characterize the appropriate time for weaning are as follows:

  1. The child knows how to go to bed without the mother's breast.
  2. Milk teeth have already stopped erupting.
  3. You taught the child to calm down not only at the breast.
  4. Breastfeeding is not the main meal of the day.

Undoubtedly, up to 4-6 months, the child needs exclusively mother's milk. At the age of one or one and a half, when complementary foods are introduced, milk is no longer the only one, but still carries the protection of the baby's health.

Is there any benefit from breast milk for a one year old baby?

There are opinions that after a year there is nothing useful for the child left in breast milk, and for this reason, breastfeeding should be stopped.

However, it has been proven that during this period the nutritional value of milk decreases, but the content of nutrients, on the contrary, increases. Milk is made close to colostrum. And despite the fact that the child needs more complete food, mother's milk is still very useful.

Basic principles of weaning

If you decide to wean a baby, try to do it in such a way as to reduce negative impressions for all participants in the process:

  • the child must be absolutely healthy;
  • it is better to choose gradual weaning. Cancel one feeding at a time;
  • evening feeding should not be chosen for cancellation, as this can lead to problems with bedding and sleeping at night. And a sleepy child will ask for more breasts during the day - a vicious circle will turn out;
  • seek support from loved ones. It is good when the father or other relatives can distract the baby during weaning from feeding.

At what age would you approach the abolition of breastfeeding, do not forget that this process means more than just eating for the child. This is the most important act of love and trust, maintaining a close bond between mother and child.

We are sure that in any situation you will be able to give the child as much love as he needs. And a little more on top!