
How to arrange Halloween at home: ideas for the holiday. How to celebrate Halloween: the history of the holiday, traditions and ideas for celebrating How to celebrate Halloween - traditional dishes for the festive table

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With the onset of a gloomy rainy autumn, you really want to have fun and fool around from the bottom of your heart. An excellent occasion for a party with family and close friends will be the eve of All Saints Day, which has been traditionally celebrated in America and many European countries for many years. If you wish, you can celebrate Halloween at home, decorating it with themed trinkets and transforming into a charismatic "evil spirit" for one evening.

Decorating a house for Halloween is a very important issue, since it is the right entourage that will create the appropriate mood at the party. You can start from a specific theme, such as a cemetery or an old haunted house. Or you can create a general ominous mood and decorate the house for Halloween with your own hands, using improvised means.

From black paper, you can cut out figures of bats, skulls, bones, imps, witches, and use tape or paper clips to attach frightening silhouettes throughout the room.

Before you decorate your house for Halloween, it is recommended to stock up on reflective paint in advance: with its help, you can decorate the figures, which will mysteriously flicker in the dark, creating the right mood.

From wire, you can very quickly make creepy spiders and hang them in the corners on a web woven from ordinary knitting threads. It's a good idea to paint white table tennis balls to look like human eyes. You can organize a little turmoil by scattering them in the most unexpected places, slipping them into the pockets of guests' clothes, or simply placing them in a transparent glass vase.

When organizing a Halloween party at home, it should be remembered that traditionally orange and black are considered the main colors for this holiday. If possible, it is necessary to beat the interior of the room in this color scheme. For example, lay an orange tablecloth on the table and arrange black dishes.

Lighting plays an important role in the design of a room. Candles or lanterns placed everywhere will be a great decoration for Halloween.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas on how to celebrate Halloween at home, it is only important to dream up a little and do not forget to prepare in advance for the upcoming party.

Making a pumpkin lamp

An obligatory attribute of the holiday is a large orange pumpkin with an image of a scary face with a candle lit inside. It can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store, or you can make it manually.

When wondering how to make an unusual candlestick at home, you should stock up on a sharp knife, a pumpkin of the desired size and patience. Carefully cutting off the top with a tail, it is necessary to remove all the pulp from the pumpkin with a spoon, and then, having outlined a grinning face with a pencil, cut out holes in the form of eyes and mouth. It is advisable to deal with this issue in advance so that the homemade lamp has time to dry.

Having installed a pumpkin on a windowsill or at the entrance to the house, it is enough just to put a lit candle or a flashlight inside, as everything in the area will be illuminated by a flickering light, and the lamp itself will create the necessary surroundings in a matter of seconds.

Halloween dishes and their decoration

To properly celebrate Halloween, you need to think over a suitable menu in advance. Of course, dishes can be the most familiar, but it’s still worth it to beat them correctly. So, small plastic or rubber spiders, worms, snakes, flies will be an excellent decoration for festive dishes. These cute creatures are the best fit for the main theme of the holiday, and enhance its main emotion - fear, and it will be very funny to celebrate Halloween at such a table.

If there are no small children in the house, you can pour beetroot juice imitating human blood into glasses and glass bottles, stain a couple of knives in it and lay them out on the festive table.

If you want really “terrible” dishes, then you can buy round candies in the form of eyeballs, bake “bloody” cupcakes with red icing, and decorate them with such “eyes” on top.

Ideas for a festive feast can be very different. If you are not too lazy, you can bake "Witch's Fingers" cookies, which will look like chopped off phalanges. The similarity will be enhanced by the halves of almonds located in place of the nails.

However, the main decoration of the table for this holiday should be a pumpkin-based dish. It can be anything: pumpkin pie, cream soup, sugar-baked pumpkin slices, pies, or pumpkin pot roast.

Festive dress code

How to celebrate Halloween at home in a fun and relaxed way? Well, of course, it is necessary that everyone present at the party be dressed in fancy dress. It is not at all necessary to buy them in a store, because you can create a real masterpiece from improvised means, and borrow ideas from the fabulous folklore of different countries.

Each family has a couple of old white sheets that can be used to create unique ghost costumes (draw big black “hole” eyes and a mouth open in a scream) or a skeleton (depict ribs). It is easier to prepare a mummy costume: it is enough to cut the sheet into strips of fabric and wrap it around a person. As a budget option for these purposes, you can use toilet paper and adhesive tape.

Turning into a bloodthirsty zombie is also not difficult, because for this intimidating look, an unnecessary T-shirt, torn to shreds and stained with red paint, as well as matching makeup, will do. There was a desire to scare your loved ones and strangers on the street? Then it is worth buying themed lenses for the eyes, which in the dark glow with a red or phosphorescent sheen.

Girls can put on an ordinary dress for the holiday, complement it with a black witch's hat, which is not difficult to make from cardboard, tights in a large mesh, long false nails and bright jewelry. Appropriate makeup and a little madness in the eyes - and that's it, the image of a witch is ready!

How to celebrate Halloween at home with friends

How to spend Halloween at home so that you can remember this holiday for the next year? In addition to jewelry, outfits and feasts, you should take care of the entertainment program.

You can arrange a real costume ball of Satan, choosing the appropriate music, or beat a scene from your favorite horror movie, distributing roles among all those present.

Don't forget about Halloween contests. The competition called "Apple" is traditional. However, it is only suitable for participants without facial makeup. Its essence is to eat with your hands tied apples floating in a basin of water.

Ideas for Halloween contests at home can be borrowed from wedding scenarios, only slightly adjusted to fit the theme of the party. An excellent end to the celebration of All Saints Day will be a joint walk with a frightening make-up through the streets of the city. But you should be especially careful not to spend the rest of the holiday explaining your good intentions to law enforcement officials to demand sweets and goodies from passers-by.

How to have Halloween at home with kids

Perhaps the most grateful audience for the celebration is the kids, who are always ready to fool around for glory. Children expect from Halloween, first of all, bright emotions, fun, freedom of action and, of course, more sweets!

Parents should organize a garden table for their offspring and their friends and think over amusing Halloween contests. By the way, the fun of diving into a container of water for apples will be very popular among children.

It is recommended to warn the neighbors in advance, and, having stocked up with a large bag for all kinds of goodies, demand them with a menacing look of “Sweetness or dirty tricks!”. Children take part in such extortion with great pleasure, and then they remember it for a long time, eating delicacies on both cheeks.

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Halloween is celebrated on October 31 every year. All Saints' Evening is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, but nowadays it is celebrated almost all over the world. If you want to celebrate Halloween, you have several options! You can have a party with friends or family, you can decorate the house and participate in various activities. Have fun and enjoy the holiday with family and friends! Plan and prepare everything in advance - then you and your loved ones can enjoy a fun Halloween holiday!


throw a party

    Ask everyone to design their own costume. One of the hallmarks of Halloween is the opportunity to dress up in fun costumes. If you are going to have a party, ask all guests to come in costume. If you want, you can even arrange a competition in which there will be several categories: "The scariest costume", "The funniest costume" and so on.

    • You can have a themed party and ask guests to dress up according to the theme. For example, try throwing a sci-fi Halloween party or a Dracula themed party.
    • Remember that not everyone likes to dress up. If guests don't want to wear costumes, don't push it.
  1. "Get an apple." This is a traditional Halloween game that many people enjoy. Simply place a few apples in a bucket or bowl of water and have your guests take those apples out with their mouths. It might get pretty interesting! Especially if you want the party to be fun and festive, not scary.

    Watch scary movies. If you want, you can arrange a movie screening party. Show each other your favorite horror movies that are perfect for this holiday: The Exorcist, The Sixth Sense, and any other Halloween-themed movies.

    • If you decide to treat your guests to alcohol, offer a drinking game where everyone needs to drink for a reason. For example: "Drink every time someone screams." Approach this game responsibly and stop drinking if you feel dizzy or start to lose your bearings.
  2. Put on creepy music. Make a spooky playlist with different scary songs like "Somebody's Watching Me". Include the theme song from the movie Rosemary's Baby in your playlist - it will definitely help set the right mood!

    • Keep in mind that not everything about the party has to be scary. You can also turn on the fun song "Ghostbusters" or "The Monster Mash".
  3. Prepare Halloween themed drinks. Make a creepy drink by mixing dark juices (blackberries and cherries) to make a blood-colored drink. You can add "eyeballs" there by placing blackberries in lychees. Then put the lychee in the glass of the drink so that the berries float on the surface.

    • If you're hosting an alcohol party, consider making the same cocktail, but with vodka, liquor, or rum added. But make sure that guests drink responsibly, which is called "wisely".
  4. Prepare treats for Halloween. There are many different treats that can be prepared for this event. You can buy sweets and sweets - such sweets are usually put in a bag for children who go to ask for sweets. You can try making Halloween themed cakes. For example, bake pumpkin or cat shaped cookies and top with orange or black icing.

    • For guests who take care of their health, it is better to prepare fruits and vegetables.
  5. Welcome to Halloween night! If you live in your own house, you can try to go to the neighbors to beg for sweets (traditionally). Take a bag of sweets with you and treat everyone who comes to beg for them from you with sweets.

    • If you have pets at home, it is best to take them to the yard or to another room. Perhaps the neighborhood kids will drop in on you.
  6. Make a mummy door. An easy way to decorate an apartment is to make a mummy door. Just run toilet paper or strong white paper along the door. Then cut out two eyes from cardboard or plain paper and stick them on the door to make it look like a mummy.

    Hang some ghost balloons. Inflate the balloon, place it in a white plastic bag, secure the bag around the base of the balloon with a rubber band. Take a marker and draw the eyes and mouth on the balloon to make a Halloween ghost.

Traditionally, the holiday of evil spirits is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. It originated in the pre-Christian era and was considered the most important in the Celtic tribes. It all started with the Celts ... At this time, they ended the harvest period (calendar summer) and a cold and long winter period began. According to legend, on the same night, the gates to the other world opened, the line between the world of the living and the dead was erased. In order not to become the prey of spirits, the pagan Celts dressed up in animal skins, tried to coax them with treats, and gathered near the fire. Today, dressing up in costumes, gathering in noisy companies and eating something sweet has become a tradition almost all over the world.

Night in the style of "Twilight"
Vampires are very much in vogue these days. A prerequisite for guests, of course, will be the presence of sharp fangs, a powdered deathly pale face with bruises under the eyes, dark clothes.

It will not be difficult to create a certain entourage and atmosphere in the house. On a large sheet of drawing paper, draw ghosts, witches, blue faces with bruises, with nooses on the neck or with an ax stuck in the skull. Attach the drawing to the window to create the feeling that all this evil is rushing into the house. Candles, lanterns, “deaf” soulful music, “blood” poured into glasses are the most important attributes of this party. By the way, to prepare the blood, grate the beets and boil them in a small amount of water. Then add a little sugar, vodka and vinegar to this mass. Strain the cooling contents of the saucepan through several layers of cheesecloth, and pour the cake again with water, vinegar and sugar and boil again. Secondarily brewed blood can be used, for example, to water a crime scene, but it no longer looks and flows as realistic as the primary one.


Halloween pumpkin story
Smiling pumpkin! The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "Halloween".

This obligatory attribute of the holiday is called the Jack-O-Lantern. This Jack tricked the devil himself twice. But after death, he did not go to heaven either because of his vicious life, or to hell - the devil, during Jack's lifetime, swore not to take his soul. Now the unfortunate one is doomed to wander the world with a pumpkin head and a smoldering corner inside it.
Diversify the classic Halloween holiday with the game "Dead Jack".

In a dark room, lay out Jack's "body parts". Dead Jack's "heart" can be a peeled, rotten and wet tomato. Boil slimy pasta - "guts". A couple of large grapes will serve as the "eyes" of the dead Joe. Dead Joe's "hair" - a wig is pulled over a ball or balloon. A pickle of a suitable size is cut in half - these will be Dead Joe's "ears". Heated tomato juice, poured into a jug, will pass for the "blood" of dead Joe.

The Night of the Scariest Movies
Watching the best films that have become horror classics, your guests will appreciate. Spread around the house objects that have become important details of the films you are going to watch. It can be a saw or hanging toy mice, human heads (fill a regular balloon with bright red paint). It will be great if the guests will resemble heroes from horror. For example, someone can come in a death costume from Scream, in the easily recognizable guise of Freddy Krueger or a girl from a well that causes panic with her appearance ... Costumes of monsters, zombies, vampires, witches - everything will be relevant on this horror night!

To continue the evening in a "dark" atmosphere, you can tell fortunes as a joke. Thinking of something, cut the apple in half. If you damaged the seeds, then difficulties await on the way to your plan, but if all the seeds are intact, then the desire will soon come true.

Halloween photo session
Do you want to spend Halloween unforgettable, both literally and figuratively? Arrange a "terrifying" photo shoot! For this, of course, it is necessary to come up with images, create an entourage and arrange everyone for joint creativity. Fortunately, not so many things will be required to implement the plan. Try to ride a mop and jump in the air, dressed up in a hoodie - you get a flying witch. Ask two friends to hold an unfolded white sheet, place a bright light behind it and photograph the mysterious shadows of your guests lying on this sheet. For the model, the main thing here is to take a more dramatic pose. Stunning photos will be obtained if you "accidentally" take a picture of a vampire or a murderer doing their daily business: "drinking" human blood, eating people, washing an ax from blood ... You will remember this night forever! And there will be something to show on social networks.

devil's ball
Have you dreamed of attending Satan's ball from The Master and Margarita? You have a great opportunity to organize such a ball yourself, to be its hostess! Warn your friends about the strict dress code. Mandatory costumes will, of course, be Lucifer himself, witches, zombies, werewolves, demons, skeletons, as well as world-famous sinners - Jack the Ripper, Freddy Krueger, Charles Manson, Bloody Mary ... For Satan himself, prepare a throne: a chair or chair covered with red cloth. To the music from the opera "Valkyries" by Wagner, a diabolical ball will begin, where all the evil spirits, waltzing, will forget about their evil deeds.

One of the fun of this evening can be the transformation of a witch or a vampire into a mummy. The competition for the best mummy is an old fun competition that leaves neither participants nor spectators indifferent. On command, wrap the “victim” with toilet paper from head to toe. Whoever has more open, not covered with paper body - he lost. The winner becomes Satan's helper and deserves a glass of mulled wine.

Text: Harina Yana

Photo: kinopoisk, Eastnews, Fotolia/

Halloween is one of the most anticipated events of the year. On the eve of All Saints' Day, on the night of October 31 to November 1, thousands of people around the world celebrate this fun holiday: dress up in costumes, have parties and masquerades, guess and tell each other scary stories, participate in fun competitions, go home and collect sweets.

Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, and is especially popular in the United States and Canada. The holiday is no less popular in non-English speaking countries (France, Germany, Japan, etc.), and in recent years Halloween has been celebrated in Russia as well.

In fact, this holiday was not associated with jokes and fun. Halloween goes back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Scotland and Ireland, or rather, to the holiday Samhain which marked the end of the harvest. The Celts celebrated the New Year on November 1st. They considered the post-harvest season cold and dark and associated it with the extinction of life (for this reason, Halloween is also called the holiday of death). The Celts believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, the spirits of the dead return to Earth. It was believed that the spirits brought trouble and destroyed the crop, but also helped the druids predict the future.

On the eve of November 1, the Druids made giant bonfires, around which people gathered dressed in animal heads and skins (to scare away the spirits). At the end of the holiday, the Celts lit their home fires extinguished the day before with the fire of a sacred fire (it was believed that this rite would protect from troubles in the harsh winter).

In 43, the Romans conquered the Celtic lands and settled on their territory, as a result of which Samhain was combined with the Roman holidays of Feralia, which was celebrated at the end of October and was dedicated to death, and Pomona, which glorified the goddess of trees and fruits. The symbol of Pomona was an apple, and, by the way, this custom has survived to this day - on Halloween day, games and fortune-telling with apples are traditionally held.

In the 800s, the influence of Christianity spread throughout the Celtic lands and, wanting to distract the British from pagan customs, Pope Boniface IV decided to approve November 1 as All Saints' Day.

Today, Halloween is one of the most fun holidays and certainly does not evoke associations with the extinction of life, and the dark and otherworldly is presented in a playful way. However, some traditions of the Celts are still reflected in the modern celebration of Halloween. So, for example, people still dress up as witches, vampires or fairy-tale creatures, and instead of a fire, they decorate the streets and houses with luminous pumpkins.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

jack o lantern

A pumpkin with a candle burning inside is the main symbol of Halloween. It is also called Jack's lamp (English Jack-o "-lantern - Jack Lantern). According to the Irish legend, the cunning and greedy blacksmith Jack lived in the world, who twice managed to deceive the Devil himself. Somehow the miser suggested that the Dark Lord drink in tavern, but he had nothing to pay, and then he asked the Devil to turn into a coin. The Devil fulfilled his request, and Jack took and put the coin in his pocket with a silver cross so that the Devil could not take on his original appearance. The Evil One had to promise the blacksmith that he would not will claim his soul after death - the only way he could get freedom.

On another occasion, cunning Jack asked the Evil One to climb a fruit tree and, as soon as he complied with his request, he scratched a cross on the tree. The Devil had to give Jack 10 years of life in order to be free again.

However, Jack soon died. He could not get into either heaven or hell, and his soul wandered the Earth, illuminating its path with a piece of coal thrown at last by the Evil One. Jack put the ember into the turnip so that it would not go out, and began to roam the world. And so the name of the lantern appeared - Jack's Lantern. In Ireland and Scotland, the lamp was made from turnips and potatoes, in England - from beets. They began to make a Jack-o'-lantern from a pumpkin in America - a European tradition came along with emigrants from Great Britain.

Today, a pumpkin with a burning candle inside is an indispensable attribute of Halloween. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, and evil spirits, and the fire that scares them away. Jack lanterns will decorate any home, and making lanterns will give you a lot of fun and pleasure!

Making a lamp is not difficult. You just need to cut the top of the pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds from it, apply the desired pattern with a marker, and then cut it out along the contour. After that, a candle or a glass jar wrapped in a garland is placed in the pumpkin.

Usually some kind of grimace is depicted on the pumpkin, but any other pattern can be applied. It can be a fairy-tale hero or a character from a movie or cartoon - whatever!


Other fun traditions include a ritual called "Trick or Treat!" (“Treat me, otherwise you will regret it!”). On the night of November 1, children dressed up in costumes of witches and ghosts knock on houses and beg for sweets, and in case of refusal they promise to do some dirty trick, for example, to smear the doorknob with soot. Of course, few people refuse to fill the pockets of the kids with sweets, it's not for nothing that the most candies are sold on Halloween.

The tradition of going from house to house appeared in the Middle Ages and was associated with Christmas. In Great Britain, in ancient times, on the eve of All Saints' Day, poor people went from house to house and begged for "spiritual cakes", and in gratitude they promised to pray for the souls of the deceased relatives of the owners of the house.

Other holiday traditions

In Europe and America, costume parties with dances, games and competitions are held on this day. Many traditional games and rituals are associated with apples, since the holiday falls on the harvest of this fruit. So, for example, one of the most popular games is catching apples from the water with your hands behind your back. Also on Halloween, many girls arrange fortune-telling. There is a belief that if you throw an apple peel into a fire or just throw it over your shoulder, it will take the form of the first letter of the name of the future groom. To see the betrothed, you should sit at midnight in front of a mirror with an apple in your hand. And if you put an apple under your pillow on the night before Halloween and make a wish, and eat the apple in the morning, then the wish will certainly come true.

To find out how married life would turn out, the girls threw two chestnuts into the fire: if the fruits burned nearby, this meant peace and harmony with the spouse, but if they rolled apart, then quarrels and discord were inevitable in the life of the young.

How to decorate your house for Halloween?

Original pumpkin decorations

Of course, the main decoration of Halloween is the Jack O'Lantern. Pumpkins with burning candles can be placed throughout the house or simply left on the windowsill. You can carve different grimaces or patterns on pumpkins, or you can write something.

To diversify the interior, you can buy pumpkins of different colors or paint them by applying some kind of pattern, pasting them with pebbles or sparkles.

You can also use a pumpkin instead of an ice bucket to chill your drinks!

An original pumpkin vase will decorate your holiday table

What to cook for Halloween?

Like any holiday, Halloween has its own traditions and customs, but the festive table has no traditions as such, which leaves room for imagination.

It can be something original, interesting and unusual, or even scary. Or you can create a family tradition and cook some kind of dish every year, for example, apple or pumpkin pie. By the way, pumpkin and apples are the main ingredients of the festive table.

Halloween Recipes


Salad "Orange Nightmare"


orange - 8 pcs

wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.

maple syrup - 2 tbsp.

mustard - 2 tsp

lemon juice - 1/2 tsp

ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

freshly ground black pepper

salt - 1/4 tsp.

olive oil - 1/4 cup

lettuce with arugula - 1 bunch

toasted pumpkin seeds - 1/2 cup

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the top of the orange and cut out the pulp. If necessary, cut the bottom a little so that the oranges can be placed. Cut the pulp of four oranges into a bowl, prepare orange juice from the rest of the pulp.

2. Cut out a lantern from oranges with cut holes for eyes, nose and mouth. Whisk together orange juice, vinegar, maple syrup, mustard, lemon juice, ginger, pepper, and salt. Add the oil and beat the dressing again with a whisk.

3. Mix washed greens with orange pulp and dressing. Fill the prepared oranges with salad, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds on top.


Pumpkin pie with condensed milk

This pumpkin pie is made in America for Thanksgiving, but why not make it for Halloween too? Such a cake will decorate any holiday table and cheer you up!


For 8 servings

1 unbaked shortbread pie base


400 g (approx. 2 cups) pumpkin puree

1 can of condensed milk

2 eggs (separate whites from yolks)

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg (can be replaced with ground allspice)

1/2 tsp salt

Streusel crumb:

2 tbsp flour

4 tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp ground cinnamon

30 g cold butter

1 cup chopped walnuts

Cooking method:

Preparation: 30 min | Preparation: 1 hour

1. Preheat the oven to 220 C.

2. In a large bowl, combine pumpkin, condensed milk and egg yolks. Stir in 1 tsp. cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt. In a large glass or metal bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gently add to pumpkin mixture. Pour the filling into the pie base.

3. Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven. While the cake is baking, make the streusel crumble: In a small bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Blend in the cold butter with a fork or in a stand blender fitted with a pastry attachment until the mixture is crumbly. (Or just rub everything with your hand) Stir in the chopped nuts. Sprinkle the top of the cake with this mixture.

4. Reduce heat to 180 C. Bake another 40 minutes, or until done.

Apples in caramel


For 6 servings

6 wooden sticks

350 g soft caramel or toffee

2 tbsp milk

Cooking method:

1. Remove the petiole from each apple and stick a wooden or plastic stick in the center. Grease a baking tray with butter.

2. Put the toffee and milk in a microwave safe bowl and heat for 2 minutes (set for 1 minute, stir, then another minute).

3. Quickly cover each apple with caramel on all sides (dip in a bowl, holding a stick, and twist). Place on prepared baking sheet and let cool. It is better to put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

You can sprinkle apples with icing, sprinkle with nuts, chocolate chips or confectionery sprinkles!

Witch Cupcakes


50 g semi-sweet chocolate

1/4 cup prune juice

3/4 cup flour

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg yolk

1/3 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup unsalted butter


1 cup peanut butter

120 g cream cheese

4 cups confectioner's sugar

2 tbsp. l. milk

1 drop green food coloring


12 chocolate chip cookies

50 g fried coconut

12 small candies

12 cupcake cups (with paper liners)

Cooking method:

1. cupcakes: Preheat oven or oven to 150 degrees. Place paper liners in cupcake cups.

Put the chocolate and prune juice in a heat-resistant bowl, heat in the microwave on low power until the chocolate melts completely.

2. Whisk flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. In another bowl, beat the egg and 1 additional egg yolk with a mixer (2-3 minutes). Slowly pour in the buttermilk, butter, vanilla and melted chocolate mixture, stir. Add flour mixture and beat thoroughly.

3. Pour the batter into cupcake molds, fill them halfway. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes. Readiness of cupcakes to check with a toothpick. Cool the finished cupcakes for 10 minutes.

4. Glaze: Beat butter, peanut butter and cheese in a large bowl using a mixer. Gradually add confectioner's sugar and milk, mix well. Add food coloring as desired. Cool down.

5. Decoration: For the witch hat cone, cut out the center of each cupcake with a "corner cone" using a knife. Place frosting in a "slide" down the center of each cupcake to fill in the hole and make the face. Put a cookie on top of the glaze - as the basis for a hat. Place the cupcake cones on the cookies, decorate the edges with confectionery sprinkles or small sweets. Use coconut for hair and candy for eyes and nose. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.

Pumpkin roll with Philadelphia cheese cream


150 g pumpkin

0.75 cup flour

0.75 cup sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp ground cinnamon

2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar


250 g cream cheese (like Philadelphia cheese)

0.75 cups of powdered sugar

2 tbsp. l. butter

1 tsp vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

Preparation: 15 min | Cooking: 25 min

1. Preheat the oven to 190 C. Peel and grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater. In a bowl, mix sugar, flour, baking powder, cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Whisk the eggs until foamy and mix thoroughly with the pumpkin. Combine the two mixtures together and stir again.

2. Grease a baking sheet with oil and cover with parchment. Pour batter onto baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.

3. Cover the table with a towel, sprinkle it evenly with 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar. Remove the finished dough from the oven and carefully place it parchment-side up on a towel. Without removing the parchment, carefully roll the cake into a roll and cool.

4. Filling: Warm butter to room temperature. Mix cream cheese, butter, icing sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl. Beat the mixture with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

5. Unroll the roll and remove the parchment. Spread the dough evenly with the cheese filling and, using a towel, roll the dough back into a roll. Cut the ends of the roll with a knife and decorate the roll with powder.




white rum 4/5

dry white vermouth 1/5

olives for decoration

Cooking method:

1. Pour clean food ice into the shaker, pour in all the ingredients and shake thoroughly for 30 seconds.

2. Brush the edges of a chilled glass (martini glasses) with orange juice or lime juice and dip in powdered sugar; decorate with olives.

Spicy Apple Punch (non-alcoholic)


For 6 servings

apple juice - 1 l

lemon - 1 pc.

cinnamon - 1 stick

star anise - 2-3 pcs

Cooking method:

1. Pour apple juice into a large saucepan; add star anise, cinnamon stick broken into pieces and thinly sliced ​​lemon.

2. Heat over low heat for 10 minutes so that the punch is well brewed.

Serve warm in cups or tumbler glasses.

Red cocktail


cranberry juice - 30 ml

strawberries - 500 g

grenadine 10 ml

Cooking method:

1. Puree strawberries with a blender

2. Pour into a glass and add juice and grenadine

Cold punch with ginger ale, grenadine and strawberries


lemon juice - 2 cups

orange juice - 2 cups

grenadine 2 cups

ginger ale 3 l

strawberries 400 g

Cooking method:

1. Mix freshly squeezed lemon and orange juice with grenadine and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours

2. Slice fresh strawberries

3. Before serving, mix all the ingredients and pour the punch into glasses

Bloody eye cocktail


For 1 glass

gin / vodka - 60 ml

dry vermouth - 15 ml

olive stuffed with a piece of pepper - 1 pc.

large radish (the olive should fit into the radish) - 1 pc.

"Bloody eyes" must be prepared in advance, at least a day before the holiday!

Cooking method:

1. Remove the skin from the radish so that only red stripes remain, imitating blood vessels.

2. Using a small knife, cut a hole in the radish the size of the olive to be inserted.

3. Put each prepared radish in an ice mold, fill with water and put in the freezer.

4. When you prepare a cocktail, simply combine vodka or gin with vermouth and dip an ice cube with a “bloody eye” into the glass.

Vampire Kiss Cocktail


50 ml vodka

50 ml champagne

20 ml raspberry liqueur

Cooking method:

Decorate the rim of the glass with drops of "blood". Pour vodka into a glass, 10 ml of liquor, then champagne. Pour the remaining liquor along the knife to the bottom to form a sediment.

Kids love telling scary stories and watching horror movies! Usually parents try to protect their children from such entertainment, but once a year you can allow yourself to relax and arrange a “nightmare” holiday.

halloween at home

Of course, we do not encourage you to send your child to the neighbors and beg for sweets, as they do in the USA. You can arrange a holiday in your own apartment by inviting a few small guests. Most likely, they have never participated in such entertainment and will be completely delighted with your evening!

scary crafts

Start with invitations for guests. Let them be mysterious and mysterious. You can artificially age the paper by dipping it in a tea solution, and make an application of ghosts and bats.

The second important activity is pumpkin carving. Children will be happy to participate in this exciting process that develops imagination and perseverance. If you don't feel like carving a pumpkin, check out our quick table decoration ideas.

If guests arrive without costumes, get them involved in making masks. Together with the children, make cardboard masks according to pre-prepared stencils - for example, masks of black cats and cats. Thus, each guest will immediately receive a homemade costume.

Terrible sweets

Traditionally, Halloween sweets are made with pumpkin, corn, and apples, i.e. seasonal products. In addition, for a children's holiday, you can do something themed.

3 recipes for Halloween:

  1. witch eyes
  2. Meatballs in tomato sauce garnished with black olives are a simple and tasty dish for Halloween dinner.

  3. witch fingers
  4. Bake finger-shaped shortbread cookies. Don't forget to add the almond nail!

  5. Mummies in dough
  6. An ordinary sausage in dough will turn into a mummy if you wrap the dough around so that only a small piece of sausage remains on top. And on this “head” attach eyes made of black pepper with peas.

And for dessert, please the little ones with caramel-covered apples and cookies in the shape of ghosts or maple leaves. Cooking ideas for children's Halloween, see here.

Nightmare Entertainment

Prepare music from a horror movie, blindfold the children and invite them to the panic room. First have the children dip their hand into a bowl full of eyes (peeled grapes), then touch earthworms (cold spaghetti with butter) and jelly.

And then turn off the light, light the candles and remember the scary stories that were told to you at the pioneer camp at night! Children will be surprised that mom knows so many interesting things about yellow curtains and a black spot. If you can’t remember anything from your childhood, read Eduard Uspensky’s “Horrors”.

The evening can be completed by watching a family "horror movie". Even though Halloween is not our traditional holiday, do not miss the opportunity to organize unusual entertainment for your child.


What to watch on Halloween with kids

  1. Casper
  2. Hocus pocus
  3. The nightmare before christmas
  4. TV series "Goosebumps" or "Are you afraid of the dark"
  5. Coraline

How to celebrate Halloween at school

Halloween at school

In many Russian schools, Halloween is already celebrated annually - at least during an English lesson. Prepare a costume with your child and talk about holiday traditions in English-speaking countries.

If your school is planning a tea party, make candied pumpkins and themed cupcakes, or buy ready-made sweets like gummy worms and spiders.

3 ideas for simple costumes:

  1. Ghost.
  2. Yes, yes, this is the same “little ghost from Vazastan”, in the role of which Carlson acted. Take a sheet, make slits for the eyes and mouth and circle them with black markers for brightness. Adjust the length of the sheet according to the child's height. And the ghost girl costume can be decorated with a bow.

  3. Witch.
  4. You will need a pointed hat made of black cardboard, a black mesh tutu skirt and a broom. Making this outfit will take you a couple of hours: build a hat, sew a mesh onto an elastic band and you're done!

  5. Devil.
  6. Additional props for this costume are horns, ponytail and trident. Clothing can be ordinary - black jeans and a red T-shirt for a boy or a red and black dress for a girl.