
Kids about space in the first junior group. Project “Cosmonautics Day” in the second junior group. Educational field "Communication"

Pathologies of the uterus

Educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development

Form of activity: journey

Kind of activity: cognitive, speech

Target : To form in preschoolers primary ideas about the Universe, stars, and space.


Educational objectives:

- develop interest in space exploration;

- expand children's knowledge about the astronaut profession;

- learn to form phrases;

- activate preschoolers' vocabulary: Space, astronaut, planet spacesuit, rocket, star, solar system.

Developmental tasks:

Develop communication skills; the ability to think, reason, answer with complete answers;

Train visual memory, logical thinking, attention, imagination, visual and auditory perception.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate love and respect for our common home - the Earth;

Develop friendly relationships;

Cultivate interest and curiosity;

Activate creativity and imagination.

Preliminary work :

Acquaintance with space, planets;

Reading books about space;

Examination of illustrations and pictures;

Making riddles.


Illustrations: cosmonaut, spacesuit, Vostok spaceship,image of Yuri Gagarin, solar system planet, star, buttons...

Expected Result:

Developing interest in the topic “Space”;

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary;

Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of educational activities:

EducatorGuys, I think I found something.What do you think this is? (Star). Where did she come from?(Fell from the sky).She is not an ordinary star, but a magical one. Close all your eyes(space music, the Star appears).

Hello guys. I fell from the sky, my home is space. And I want to return home.

EducatorDo you want to help our star return home?

How can a starlet return home?(children's answers)

Guys, please look at the screen, it shows different types of transport. Please name what types of transport are shown on them?(Plane, ship, train, bus, rocket).

Guys, which one of them can you go on a comic journey?(On a rocket).

The sun is shining in the clear sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

And below are forests and fields

The ground is spreading.

1. Today is April 12th - Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday, first of all, of astronauts and those who participate in the creation of space rockets. Today we will find out who astronauts are.

2. It was on April 12 that our cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made his first flight (Photo show). His flight into space was the very firstdifficult and dangerous.

And now Polina will tell us a poem about the first cosmonaut

Yu.A. Gagarin.

He is a brave and courageous pilot(Pauline)

He glorified the country throughout the world.

Gagarin was the first in the world

Who flew into space

Well done!

Yuri Gagarin flew into space (showing a picture of the Vostok spacecraft).

Educator: But the fact is that in space it is very, very cold. If you go into space without a special suit, you can instantly freeze and turn into ice. In addition, there is very little air in space and an ordinary person will not be able to breathe in it.

Educator: What do you guys think: “What should we put on so as not to freeze?” (Children's answers).

And here’s what an astronaut’s suit looks like, it’s called a spacesuit. Say the word SUITSUIT with me. Well done!

Educator: The spacesuit is very warm and protects the astronaut from the cold in outer space. (Children look at the drawing of the spacesuit).

Educator: And now I will ask you to sit down at your space tables and listen to the task.

A didactic game “Choose a spacesuit by size” is being held.
In front of you multi-colored astronaut suits, please help me collect them.

Show the tallest, the middle, the shortest.Well done boys!

Educator: - I’ll tell you a riddle.


A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it for that

Do it fast... (rocket)

Do you guys want to fly into space? (Answers from the guys)

Physical education minute ( Sounds like cosmic music)

Start the engines.

(Rotation of outstretched arms)

Connect contacts.

(All children squat)


(Sharply straighten and jump, arms up, stretch up with arms raised).

Educator: - Guys, we are in space.

Our star lives here. (Answers from the guys, show the picture)

Asterisk: Yes, guys, this is my home.Look, I'm not alone here.Come closer to take a closer look at my neighbors (look at a picture of the solar system)

Star pays attention to the sun - it is the largest.

Guys, look at the blue planet -this is our planet earth.

Star : What do you think: “Why is there so much blue on her?” (Children's answers). Well done! How interesting! How colorful they are!

Game "Parade of Planets".

Educator : Guys, do you want to play the game “Parade of Planets”?

I will ask you to come to the table and look at the planets of the solar system.

Educator : I have a surprise for you. Look how many interesting and colorful buttons there are here.Buttons are not simple, but magical, large and small. You need to pick them up by color and size. See how they attach.

Star: I chose a button - the sun, it lives here. Guys, choose your button...

Educator: Star, show me where your home is.This is where I live. It's time for me to say goodbye to you guys. After all, I'm already home! Farewell!

Well done boys! It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.Guys say goodbye to our star (Guys say goodbye).

Physical education minute ( Sounds like cosmic music)

Start the engines.

(Rotation of outstretched arms)

Connect contacts.

(Bring your hands together, touching your fingertips frequently).

Prepare for rocket launch.

(All children squat)


(Sharply straighten and jump, arms up, stretch up with arms raised).

(Cosmic music sounds.)

3. Final part.


- Well, you guys and I have safely returned to kindergarten.

The teacher asks the children:

Did you guys like our trip?

Do you remember what was interesting today?

Where are we have you guys visited?

Who did you meet?

Who will you tell about our journey?

Guys,you completed all the tasks, and for this I want to give you small gifts (stickers).

In your free time, you can invite children to draw space, stars or planets.

Abstract of the educational activity “Journey into space”, second junior group.

Continuous educational activities of the teacher and children.

Educational areas: social-communicative, speech development, cognitive, physical development.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the astronaut profession.


Educational: give an idea of ​​the planet Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

Developmental: develop thinking, memory, imagination, fantasy. Give an idea of ​​the profession of astronaut.

Speech development: expand your vocabulary with new words space, astronaut, Earth, rocket, spaceship, star, spacesuit.

Develop the ability to conduct dialogue and answer questions.

Material for the conversation: images of the Earth, Moon, Sun, photos of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, image of a rocket and an astronaut. Hoops for outdoor games, cardboard medals.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures on the topic, building a rocket from a construction set, watching cartoons on the topic.



Guys, tell me what flies higher than the birds (children's answers: airplane)

Is it possible to fly into space on an airplane? (children's answers) That's right - you can't fly into space very far. Do you know what they fly into space on? (children’s answers) They fly into space on spaceships (picture demonstration). Let's build a spaceship and go into space! (Children place chairs next to each other.)

Everyone take your seats! Buckle up! There is always a countdown before the launch of a spacecraft. Let's count together. (Let's say 5 in a whisper, increasing the strength of our voice for each count). 5-4-3-2-1- Start

Finger gymnastics:

"Astronaut" .
The stars shine in the dark sky,
(Fingers clench and unclench)
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
(Palms clasped above head)
The day flies and the night flies
And he looks down at the ground.
He sees the fields from above,
(join fingers)
Mountains, rivers and seas.
(Hands spread to the sides)
He sees the whole globe,
The globe is our home.
(Palms over head “roof”).

There is a window in the spaceship, do you know what it's called? The porthole is round in shape. Let's fold our fingers to make a circle and look through our porthole. (Demonstration of a photo of the earth from space) Look, we are flying past our planet. Do you know what it's called? Our planet is called Earth. What shape does our planet have? (children's answers). Do you know that our planet is called the globe? Why? (children's answers) That's right, it has the shape of a ball.

What colors do you see on our planet? (children's answers) Blue is seas and oceans, green is forests, yellow is deserts. Our planet is very beautiful and colorful.

We fly further. What do we now see through our porthole? We are flying past the Sun. The sun is a star, it is like a coal, very hot and bright. (demonstration of pictures). What shape is the sun? (children's answers) Is it also round, like our planet? What colors do you see in the Sun? Yellow and orange. This is because the Sun is a hot ball, so we can't land or even get close or we'll burn up! We don't want to burn, do we? Then we fly on.

We're flying past the moon! Tell me, what shape does the Moon have? (children's answers). That's right, it is also round, like the Earth and the Sun. What colors do you see on the Moon? (children's answers). There is only gray color on the Moon. This is because there is no life on the Moon, it is cold and uninhabited. Let's land and look at the stars from the Moon. Let's descend and land! We exit the spaceship.

Red and yellow cardboard stars are scattered on the floor.

Oh, guys, look, there was a real starfall here, look how many stars were attacking, you need to collect them! Let the boys collect the red ones, and the girls the yellow ones.

Well done! You did it so quickly! And now we need to fly back, we need to catch the spaceships, we take our seats while the music plays. (Children stand in unfolded hoops.)

Has everyone taken their seats? Then let's go! Countdown: 5-4-3-2-1-Start!


Everything is ready for flight (hands forward, up)

All the guys are waiting for rockets (hands together above their heads)

Not enough time for takeoff (we walk in place)

The astronauts stood in a row (jump, hands up, clap)

Bowed to the right, to the left (tilts)

Let's bow to the earth (bend forward)

Now the rocket has flown (jumping on two legs)

Our cosmodrome is empty (sit down).

The children return to their chairs.

Educator: guys, let's look out our windows and see what we're flying past! (children put their fingers in a circle and look). Demonstration of a picture of the starry sky.

We see stars!Tell me how many stars are there in the sky? Lots and lots! Can you count all the stars? (children's answers). No, there are countless of them. What is the name of the sky with many stars? -Star.

What is the affectionate name for a star? -Star.

Astronauts fly in space among the stars, from planet to planet. Do you know who was the first to fly into space? (children's answers). The dogs Belka and Strelka were the first to fly into space (photo demonstration). They were sent on reconnaissance, and when they returned, the first man flew into space. His name was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. (photo demonstration). The astronaut is dressed in a special suit and a special helmet called a spacesuit. The suit protects the astronaut. Since there is no oxygen in space and a person cannot breathe, the astronauts take oxygen with them from the Earth in special cylinders, which the astronaut has behind his back. This is how you can breathe in space.

Demonstration of a picture of a clearing with flowers.

Educator: guys, we are landing! Here we are back at our kindergarten!

Did you enjoy our trip? What have we seen in space? (Earth, Sun, Moon, stars). Who remembers the names of the dogs who were the first to fly into space?

What was the name of the first cosmonaut?

You were all brave and dexterous, like real astronauts. I present you with medals! (hands out cardboard and foil medals to children)

Today I would like to bring to your attention a summary of a thematic lesson dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in the second junior group of kindergarten.

Children by nature are very curious, they are attracted to everything mysterious and unknown, so this topic will evoke positive emotions in students. Now, at the age of 3-5 years, modern children are interested in spaceships and aliens, but their knowledge is superficial, based on viewing information that is not always sufficiently informative and understandable for their age. Sometimes they associate Space with Star Wars, pirates, etc. aggression, which is broadcast in the media.

Goal: formation of basic knowledge about space, stars, cosmonauts, the names of the planets of the solar system, the holiday that exists in Russia - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day through the integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social -communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Materials: demonstration material about space (photos, illustrations).

Pre-work: viewing visual aids depicting a telescope, making a telescope (coloring paper towel rolls).

1. Educational:

  • Explain the meaning of the words “cosmonaut”, “spaceship”, “cosmodrome”, “weightlessness”, “space suit”, “gravitational force of the earth”, “Solar system”, “star”, “astronomer”.
  • Develop the ability to use new words in speech, encourage children to answer questions.

2. Developmental:

  • Develop fine and gross motor skills,
  • contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste
  • create conditions for an emotional response when learning new knowledge
  • introduce a sense of rhythm by listening to poems, develop memory and speech

3. Educational:

  • Develop the ability to communicate and negotiate with peers in the process of joint activities
  • To promote respect for people in interesting and dangerous professions, to help understand the importance of their work for society and individuals.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Guys, we received a letter, written by Lisa Barboskina (the hero of the famous animated series “Barboskina”), she is very upset, because her brother Druzhok wants to become an astronaut and fly into space, but she doesn’t know who an astronaut is and what he can do fly there.

Educator: Guys, do you know who an astronaut is? (children's answers)

Q: That's right, this is a man who flew into space on a spaceship.

Q: Do you want to become an astronaut and go on a space journey? Then we need a spacesuit - this is special protective clothing for working in outer space, because there is no air there and it is very, very cold:

GAME "Cosmonaut":

I want to become an astronaut! (hands on belt)

I put on a spacesuit (imitation of dressing)

I'll fly on a rocket (raise your arms up and connect above your head)

And I will open all the planets (make a big circle with your hands)

Q: Guys, the first person to fly into space was our compatriot Yuri Gagarin, and before man’s flight dogs named Belka and Strelka visited space and returned safely to Earth a day later.

Q: On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew around our planet Earth, where we live, on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, and from the next year, at the suggestion of the country’s second cosmonaut, German Titov, the holiday began to be celebrated in our country Aviation and Cosmonautics Day every year.

B: reads V. Stepanov’s poem “Yuri Gagarin”, the children all repeat it several times together (then the children stand in a circle):

In a space rocket, (move in a circle, holding each other's hands)

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars. (raise hands up)

Sings songs about it (arms raised up, body swaying)

Spring drops: (they lower their hands and hold hands)

They will be together forever (converging to the center)

Gagarin and April!

Q: So, young cosmonauts, what will we fly into space on?

D: On a rocket!

Q: Where can we get a rocket, because we only have modules, but no spacecraft.

Children offer to build a rocket (there are illustrations of a rocket hanging on the stand).

Build a Rocket GAME


Flies from the Earth into the clouds

Like a silver arrow.

Flies to other planets


Children:. (rocket)

Q: That’s right, astronauts fly into space on a rocket (spaceship), and where does it take off from, do you know? The rocket is launched from the cosmodrome, this is a specially designated and equipped place from where rockets are launched into space (show photo).

Q: Now, take on the road, in your opinion, everything you need and get ready for the flight.

Q: (Children sit on the carpet around the built rocket). 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – START!

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

Whichever one we want -

Let's fly to this one!

Q: Guys, what do you think, an astronaut should have excellent health, be fearless, strong, smart, because he has to work in unusual conditions, in zero gravity. What do you think it is - weightlessness? (Children's answers). Let's think about what it is?

(The teacher shows a photo of astronauts in the zero-gravity zone).

In Space, a person is not affected by the gravitational force of the earth, due to which we stand firmly on our feet and do not fall, there is no gravitational force there, so astronauts cannot stand on their feet, they seem to “float”, but not in water, but in air.

GAME "Zero Gravity"

The teacher invites the children to get up from the carpet and jump up as high as possible.

Q: While you guys are in the air, you don't feel the weight of your body. You can also feel weightlessness on Earth when you are in an elevator, at the moment it begins to move down, when you jump on a trampoline, when you are driving a car and suddenly fall into a hole.


The rocket has a driver (raise your arms up and connect above your head)

Zero gravity lover (put your arms to the sides and shake your body)

In English, astronaut, (arms spread to the sides and shrug)

and in Russian... (Cosmonaut) (hands on belt)

Children imitate the movements of astronauts in space, smoothly move their arms, “float in the air”

Q: Now let's see what items you took with you on your space journey. (Children show spoons, forks, blanket, fruit)

Q: Guys, you won’t be able to eat with a spoon and fork in space. Why do you think, probably because of weightlessness, right? It won't be possible to put food on plates either, because it will scatter all over the spaceship, because... there is no gravitational force of the earth. That's why astronauts take food in special tubes, similar to toothpaste. And you won’t be able to sleep on the pillows either, they will simply fly away from under your head. There are no beds in space either. The astronauts sleep in special sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the rocket (The teacher shows a photo).

Q: Guys, let's play the game “Breakfast for Cosmonautics.”

GAME “Breakfast for astronauts”.

Children eat fruit puree from a doy-pack from a well-known baby food company. Young astronauts just need to press on the bag and eat the puree themselves, without spilling a drop on themselves, having first unscrewed the caps.

V: Well, guys, we’ve refreshed ourselves! Did you like the astronaut breakfast? Now we get into the rocket and fly back to the kindergarten.

Children join their hands above their heads and “fly” several circles around the room, accompanying their flight with characteristic sounds, and each land on their own “cosmodrome” - a chair.

Q: So we arrived on earth. And now we are in the laboratory, prepare your telescopes for observations (this is a special device that allows you to observe stars, greatly enlarging and zooming in on the image) now we will be astronomers (scientists who observe celestial bodies: stars, planets, i.e. what is happening in space).

The teacher distributes paper towel rolls that the children have previously painted in different colors.

Q: Astronomers, now you will observe the planets through a telescope, and I will show you the planets of our solar system on a flannelgraph.

GAME “Exploring the Planets”

Q: Guys, all the planets of our solar system revolve around the sun (attach a yellow circle, and then as you read the poem, attach other planets of different colors and sizes to the stand).

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto. (A. Hight)

Q: Guys, do you want to make a model of our Solar system? Just how can we do it, can you tell me? We have glue, cardboard, models of planets (cut out circles of different colors), a photograph - a sample of the Solar System.

APPLICATION “Planets of the Solar System”


black or dark blue cardboard, glue, cotton swabs, red, yellow, blue gouache, pre-cut circles of colored paper - planets:

Mercury is a small brown circle;

Venus – a larger pink circle;

The earth is a blue circle, slightly larger;

Mars is a red circle the size of a pink circle;

Jupiter is gray in size like blue;

Saturn is white with a ring the size of gray;

Uranus – blue, same size as blue;

Neptune - purple, like blue;

Pluto (optional, as scientists now tend to agree that Pluto is not a planet) is white in size, about the same size as brown.


  1. We glue the sun - a yellow circle.
  2. We glue other planets around the sun.
  3. We glue a pre-cut ring around one of the planets (Saturn).
  4. Using cotton swabs of the suggested colors, we make dots - these are stars.

Q: Guys, do you look at the sky late at night? What do you see there? Probably the stars, the moon, right? Do you know that earlier in ancient times people thought that stars were silver nails driven into the sky, but in fact they were hot balls of gas, and our Sun, which shines so brightly in the summer, is also a star. And the color of a star depends on the temperature of its surface. So, the hottest stars are those with a blue or white color, less hot ones emit a yellow color, and just hot ones emit a red color. Let us draw colorful stars using cotton swabs, and we will get a wonderful picture of space.

Q: Guys, Lisa Barboskina is very worried and worried about her brother Druzhka, how can we calm her down, show her how interesting it is in space, how beautiful it is? Look at the pictures you made about space, and do you want to show her? Let us make an exhibition and show it to everyone, Lisa Barboskina and your parents and grandparents.

(The next day, leave a letter from Lisa Barboskina and read it to the children when they come to kindergarten:

“Dear guys, I am very grateful to you for your beautiful works, now I see why my brother Druzhok so wants to fly into space, because it is so interesting and beautiful there. Thank you very much!!! Lisa Barboskina")

Q: Did you guys like our adventure today? What new words have you learned? Do you remember what games we played today? What do you remember most? Did you manage to build the rocket right away or did you have any difficulties? What do you think, if there were no such wonderful professions as astronaut, would people know so much about space as astronomer?

Title: Summary of a comprehensive thematic lesson “Space” for children of the second junior group
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, game activities, 2nd junior, middle group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 466 “Zhemchuzhinka”
Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod city

Marina Topychkanova
Summary of GCD in the second junior group on the topic: “Space for kids”

GCD purpose: formation of ideas about space.

Program content

Educational objectives:

Expand children's knowledge about the astronaut profession;

To develop an interest in space exploration;

Learn to form phrases;

Activate preschoolers' vocabulary: space, planets, satellite, universe, solar system, space station, tube, etc.

Developmental tasks:


Communication skills;

Ability to think, reason, respond with complete answers;

Visual memory, logical thinking, attention, imagination, visual and auditory perception.

Educational tasks:

Bring up:

Love and care for our common home - the Earth;

Friendly relationships;

Cultivate interest and curiosity

Creative activity and imagination.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with space, planets, globe. Reading books about space, looking at illustrations. Making riddles.

Material: presentation “Space”, soft blocks.

Expected Result:

Interest in the topic “Space”, activation and enrichment of vocabulary.

Respect for nature.


In the black sky until dawn

Lanterns shine dimly.

Flashlights - Flashlights

Smaller than mosquitoes.

(Stars) (Slide 2)

A telescope will help you see how many stars are in the sky. (Slide 3)

– And the biggest star is the Sun ( Slide 4)

It is very large and warms everyone - explosions are constantly happening there and therefore it is warm from them.

– There are still planets revolving around the Sun. (Slide 5)


Any of us can name all the planets in order:

One - Mercury, Five - Jupiter,

Two is Venus, Six is ​​Saturn,

Three - Earth, Seven - Uranus,

Four - Mars,

Behind him is Neptune, he is the eighth in a row,

And behind it already, then the ninth planet called Pluto

– And all this is called the Solar System.

– What is the name of our planet? (Earth) (Slide 6) It is also called the Blue Planet, why? In the entire solar system, on our planet alone, people live, there is life. What does she look like? (per ball).

There is always a moon near our planet; it is a satellite of our earth. (Slide 7)

– The place where not only planets are located, but also comets is called space. (Slide 8).

Guys, would you like to go to space? What will we fly on, what kind of transport? (Rocket) (Slide 9)

Let's build a rocket from soft blocks. (children build a rocket, put chairs around)

Game "Let's fly into space"

Task: develop dexterity, reaction speed, motor skills of children.

All players stand in a circle, hold hands and walk, saying the text:

Fast rockets are waiting for us -

For walks on the planets,

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers.

Having uttered the last words, the children give up and run to the rockets.

– Soon in April there will be a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. Many years ago, our man first visited space.

His name was Yu. A. Gagarin (Slide 10)

And the very first people to go into space were the dogs Belka and Strelka. (Slide 11)

– There is also a space station in space. (Slide 12) Where it is possible to conduct experiments and study life in space.

There is no air in space, and astronauts do not walk there, but fly. (Slide 13)

In space, astronauts also do warm-ups, so now we’ll spend a minute of exercise,

together with cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin. (Slide 14)

To warm up

Get ready to warm up!

Turn right - turn left,

Count the turns

One-two-three, don't lag behind. (Rotate your body to the right and left.)

We begin to squat - One, two, three, four, five.

The one who does exercises

Maybe we should do a squat dance. (Squats.)

Now let's raise our hands

And let's drop them with a jerk.

It's like we're jumping off a cliff

Summer sunny day. (Children raise their straight arms above their heads, then with a sharp movement lower them and move them back, then with a sharp movement up again, etc.)

And now walking in place,

Left-right, stop, one-two. (Walk in place.)

Now you can eat, but what do they eat in space? There is special food for astronauts, and they put it in tubes (Slide 15, so that she could not fly around the ship, because there is weightlessness in space (Slide 16,17)

Let's look at our planet from space again. How beautiful she is! (Slide 18)

There is one garden planet.

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling birds, migratory.

Only on her alone do they bloom,

Lilies of the valley in the green grass.

And dragonflies are only here,

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

But it's time for us to return home. How will we fly home? There are special capsules for return. (Slide 19,20,21)

Well, here we are at home! (Slide 22,23,24)

Did we have an interesting trip? Which of you would like to become an astronaut, and why? What would you do in space? Would you like to fly to another planet, what would you do there?

If you met the inhabitants of another planet, what would you say?


How should we treat our planet? What needs to be done to make her even more beautiful?

In your free time, you can invite children to draw space or planets.

(with photo)

Teacher of the 2nd junior group “Solnyshko”, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Tomsk

Fomina O.N.

Problem: children do not know the holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about the first flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin into space. This project was created to solve this problem.

Justification of the problem:

1. Insufficient attention of parents to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day.
2. Children’s superficial knowledge about space, the first person to fly into space, the existence of a holiday in Russia - Cosmonautics Day.

Type of project: educational and creative, short-term

Project goal: Formation of ideas about space, cosmonauts, to introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, with the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.

Project participants: children of the junior group “Solnyshko”, parents, teachers.

Project duration: 2 weeks


1. Give children knowledge about the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about space, about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. Arouse interest in looking at illustrations about space. Teach activity and collectivism.
2. To develop children’s speech, imagination and thinking, the ability to interact with each other, to encourage children to work together.
3. Foster respect for people working in space. Instill love and pride for your country. To develop in children the ability to listen to adults.
4. Activate the vocabulary: planet, space, constellation, rocket, spacesuit, moon, universe, astronaut.

Expected results:

1. Children’s interest in the topic of space, the manifestation of their cognitive activity.
2. Children take the initiative on their own: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions; They construct rockets from building materials, construction sets, according to their own ideas, and show creativity and detail in their work.
3.They enjoy drawing, sculpting, and playing.
4. Participation in joint activities of parents, celebration of Cosmonautics Day.
Project activity product: Group and reception design; exhibition of children's works "Space through the eyes of children"; travel folder for parents ““ Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin - The first man in space. History of astronautics".

5. Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

6. Master class for parents on origami rocket making techniques.

Project implementation:

1. Working with parents:
- consultation “Introducing a child to space”;
- folder - moving “Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin - The first man in space. History of astronautics";
- conversation “What forms of work can be used when introducing children to space, the Cosmonautics Day holiday, the first cosmonaut”;
- crafts and drawings made together with children “Space through the eyes of children.”
2. Viewing a multimedia presentation about space and spaceships, astronauts

3. Working with children:

Review of material on the topic “Space”
- Conversation “What kind of sky is it?”;

Conversation - reasoning “What would I like to see in space!”
- Lesson: development of speech “Profession - astronaut.”

Role-playing game “Flight into space”;

Application with drawing elements “Space travel”;
- Reading poems, asking riddles on the theme “Space”;
- Laying out rockets, stars, airplanes, suns from counting sticks (by overlapping) (or laying out geometric shapes);
- Finger gymnastics “Clouds”, “The sun is shining”;
- Physical education lesson “Rocket”;

Result of the work:

1. Exhibition of works “Space through the eyes of children”
2. Collective work with children “Space travel”

3. master class for parents on origami rocket making techniques.
4. Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.