
Pineapple symbol. What is pineapple famous for? Oranges and tangerines


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Symbol of fertility. Emblem of Cybele. A pineapple on top of the column is an attribute of Marduk.

Meanings in other dictionaries

A pineapple

(Ananas) gen. herbaceous tropical plants of the bromeliad family. The leaves are fleshy, broadly linear, spiny-toothed at the edges, up to 80 cm long. The infructescence is golden-yellow, consists of many ovaries fused with the bracts and the axis of the inflorescence, forming a powerful infructescence resembling a cone. 5 - 6 species in tropical America. A. true (A. comosus, or A. sativus) is widely cultivated in many...

A pineapple

PINEAPPLE is a genus of herbs in the bromeliad family. 5 species, in tropical America. Juicy, large (occasionally up to 15 kg), sweet and sour, aromatic fruits are edible. Cultivated since ancient times, mainly in the tropics. Fiber is obtained from the leaves of some pineapples. ...

A pineapple

PINEAPPLE, a genus of perennial herbs (family > bromeliads). 8 species, in tropical America. Juicy large (up to 15 kg), sweet and sour aromatic fruits are edible. Cultivated since ancient times in tropical countries, mainly in the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, Malaysia, Mexico, and Cuba; in Europe - in greenhouses and greenhouses. A fine fiber is obtained from the leaves of some pineapples. ...

A pineapple

(Ananassa sativa Lindl.) is a plant from the Bromeliaceae family. Common A. is native to tropical America and grows wild, e.g. on the sandy coast of Northern Brazil; It is cultivated in the warm countries of Asia and Africa and even Europe, surviving here in the open air only in southern countries, and is also bred in greenhouses. The first information about him is contained in Oviedo’s work “Natural History of India” (15...

A pineapple

Eat pineapples, chew hazel grouse. Razg. Joking. 1. Invitation to the table. 2. Advice to enjoy the last moments of a serene life on the eve of something. change. /i> The first line of V. Mayakovsky’s couplet (1917). Dyadechko 2, 56. ...

A pineapple

(Malayan: ananas, or nanas). An aromatic fruit exported from Peru and now grown throughout Europe in greenhouses. (Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Chudinov A.N., 1910) small. pineapples or nanas. A well-known fruit brought from Peru and now grown in greenhouses. (Source: “Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with meaning...

A pineapple

a genus of herbs in the bromeliad family. 5 species, in tropical America. Juicy, large (occasionally up to 15 kg), sweet and sour, aromatic fruits are edible. Cultivated since ancient times, mainly in the tropics. Fiber is obtained from the leaves of some pineapples. ...

A pineapple

m. American plant and fruit Ananassa sativa, confined to our greenhouses. This pineapple is not about you, vm. this kvass. He sniffs pineapples with a pig's (rotten) snout. Pineapple Pineapple jam, ice cream. Pineapple color, smell. Pineapple, pineapple w. pineapple m. establishment, greenhouse for growing pineapples. | He has a sweet tooth, a pineapple lover, and a pineapple lover. ...


Velvet is a legendary unfading flower. A symbol of immortality, faith, fidelity, constancy in love. In China, during the Moon Festival, amaranth was sacrificed to the moon hare. ...

Pineapple is not one of the most popular tattoos, however, this does not mean that it does not have even a small percentage of demand in modern society. The very appearance of this fruit instantly takes on a magical meaning in the human mind.

Pineapple is a symbol of limitless flight of thought and greatness. Typically, tattoos of this type are worn on their bodies by people engaged in creative activities.. A pineapple tattoo can play the role of a kind of amulet that can enrich a person with various creative abilities, as well as bestow the ability to pay attention to the manifestation of unusual properties of objects that at first glance may seem completely unremarkable.

The Pineapple tattoo is most appropriate for individuals with creative thinking, as well as those whose thought process constantly throws out some creative ideas.

Pineapple, as a symbol, has acquired the meaning of luck in Chinese culture. Translate the word pineapple into Russian from the Chinese version, and it will literally sound like “accompanying good luck.” According to tradition, in Asian countries, the pineapple is a symbol of the benevolence of human destiny, an indicator of the wealth of the person who wears a tattoo with the image of this fruit.

Also, such an image can characterize the person wearing it as a person who is accompanied by success in life, and abundance and comfort always reign in the home. A pineapple tattoo can also mean peace of mind.

The meaning of the Pineapple tattoo for guys

Since ancient times, in Western countries, the image of a pineapple applied to a man’s body has acquired the meaning of a high individual status in society. Nowadays, this tattoo appears as a symbol that characterizes a man as a person who has achieved great success in business.

The meaning of the Pineapple tattoo for girls

A pineapple tattoo applied to the body of a girl or woman represents the meaning of deep sensuality and the richness of the inner world. The creative feature that the Pineapple tattoo contains characterizes a person as a delicate and very vulnerable nature.

Pineapple Symbol of fertility. Emblem of Cybele. The pineapple on top of the column is an attribute of Marduk.

Dictionary of symbols. 2000 .


See what "Pineapple" is in other dictionaries:

    a pineapple- and m. pineapples, German. Pineapples 1. Tropical herbaceous plant with large juicy, aromatic fruits in the form of a cone. BAS 2. Among other things that are found in his garden, the American pineapple is worthy of surprise. Schumacher... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    The king of tropical fruits, pineapple, which is everywhere displayed in store windows, is no longer a novelty even for residents of the northern regions. The juicy berry in a luxurious scaly robe is in particular demand in the winter season. And no wonder. After all… … Culinary dictionary

    - (Malayan ananas, or nanas). An aromatic fruit exported from Peru and now grown in greenhouses throughout Europe. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PINEAPPLE small. pineapples or nanas. A well-known… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    A pineapple- A pineapple. Fetus. PINEAPPLE, a genus of perennial herbs (bromeliad family). 8 species, in tropical America. Juicy large (up to 15 kg), sweet and sour aromatic fruits are edible. Cultivated since ancient times in tropical countries, mainly in Hawaii... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A pineapple- Pineapple in a dream is a wonderful sign! Circumstances will be extremely favorable for you. If in a dream you pick or eat pineapples, success awaits you in the very near future. If you dreamed that you pricked your finger with a pineapple thorn,... ... Large universal dream book

    Husband. American plant and fruit Ananassa sativa, confined to our greenhouses. This pineapple is not about you, this kvass is instead. He sniffs pineapples with a pig's (rotten) snout. Pineapple Pineapple jam, ice cream. Pineapple color, smell. Pineapple,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    a pineapple- pineapple, gen. pl. pineapples (pineapple is not recommended) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    A PINEAPPLE- the fruit of a tropical perennial herbaceous plant. The fruit has a thick skin with “scales” that turn from dark green to golden orange as the fruit ripens. Weight ranges from 0.5 to 2 kg, reaching in some cases 5 kg.… … Concise Encyclopedia of Housekeeping

    a pineapple- real. pineapple (Ananas), a genus of herbaceous plants of the bromeliad family. 5 x 6 species, in tropical America. In culture, true A. (Ananas comosus, formerly Ananas sativus), whose homeland may be the Parana basin of Paraguay.… … Encyclopedic reference book "Latin America"

    PINEAPPLE, a genus of perennial herbs (bromeliad family). 8 species, in tropical America. Juicy large (up to 15 kg), sweet and sour aromatic fruits are edible. Cultivated since ancient times in tropical countries, mainly in Hawaii and the Philippines... Modern encyclopedia

    A genus of herbs in the bromeliad family. 5 species, in tropical America. Juicy, large (occasionally up to 15 kg), sweet and sour, aromatic fruits are edible. Cultivated since ancient times, mainly in the tropics. Fiber is obtained from the leaves of some pineapples... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • A pineapple. Rainbow folding, S. V. Vlasova, Do you like to do creative work with your child?! Then this set is for you! Rainbow folding, or Iris Folding, is a technique for making crafts from multi-colored… Category: Origami. Origami Series: Fidget Publisher:

The familiar pear tree and its fruits were considered sacred in Ancient Greece: Plutarch that the statue of the goddess Hera in the Mycenaean temple was made of pear wood, and the inhabitants of the ancient city policies of Argos and Tiryns worshiped the pear tree. The fruits of this tree were known not only in ancient Hellas. A collection of Russian folklore from the 18th century preserved the words of the Russian folk song: “My Green Pear,” glorifying female beauty.

Even in ancient times, many plants and their fruits acquired symbolic meaning. Nowadays, getting to know these traditions can be very useful - especially on the eve of the holidays, when many of us are preoccupied with finding gifts. So, let's figure out what fruits symbolize.

In many cultures, apples are considered a symbol of feminine beauty. The Slavs associated the apple with health and fertility. Echoes of the ancient cult survived even after the baptism of Rus' - in the celebration of the Apple Savior.

A symbol of love, fertility and marriage - it's all about the pomegranate. According to the myths of Ancient Greece, the pomegranate tree was planted in Cyprus by the goddess of love Aphrodite. The peoples of the Ancient World associated many scarlet grains enclosed in a leathery shell with numerous offspring.

How to express a wish for a happy life? The most suitable fruit for this is mango. In Indian mythology, it represents a happy life and abundance. Here, to this day, mangoes are presented as a gift to newlyweds, and the leaves of this plant remain an indispensable attribute of the wedding ceremony.

A pineapple
In China, pineapple symbolizes money and good luck, so a festive feast is not complete without it. There is nothing stopping us from adopting this tradition: when going on a visit, take a pineapple with you.

Like the pomegranate, the orange is considered a symbol of fertility, love and marriage. In addition, orange zest has a recognizable pleasant aroma.

When visiting on New Year's Day, the Chinese present their hosts with two tangerines and receive the same gift in return. The meaning of this tradition is easy to clarify by referring to the dictionary: the words “a pair of tangerines” in Chinese are consonant with the word “gold”. These fruits mean a wish for financial well-being in the coming new year.

Dried fruits
The Chinese are more willing than others to assign symbolic meaning to foods: for example, orange dried apricots, similar to gold coins, are associated with wealth.

It would not be amiss to adopt some of these traditions (especially on the eve of the spring holiday beloved by many - the Eighth of March).

When choosing a gift, most people, of course, will give preference to the usual flower bouquets. Undoubtedly, the flowers are very beautiful, but they are in no way inferior to the deeply symbolic sets of fruits from

What is the meaning of this exotic fruit and how can it influence a person’s life? Images

Meaning of pineapple tattoo

fruits or flowers are considered classics in tattoo art. These images are most often found among women's and men's preferences. There are a large number of different variations of the image of this fruit. If you connect the creativity of the tattoo artist and combine it with the experience of application and craftsmanship, you will get beautiful results that will be a worthy decoration for the body for a lifetime.

Meaning of pineapple tattoo has many variations. For different nationalities, this fruit has long been a sign of hospitality and friendliness. Among the peoples from the southern latitudes, giving such a fruit as a gift is a sign of friendship and kindness.

Pineapple is a symbol of greatness and flight of thought. Typically, such drawings are very suitable for creative people. It helps to broaden your horizons, look at the world with different eyes and add color to your life. Such images are chosen for tattoos by creative individuals with positive thinking. This sign brings good luck and good fortune to its owners. People who choose the pineapple symbol want to see peace of mind and comfort in life. If men prefer such a sign, then it becomes a sign of status in society. Meaning of pineapple tattoo promises great success in business and private entrepreneurship. On a woman's body this is a sign of a rich inner world and sensitivity.

Where does a pineapple tattoo look best?

This type of design is universal in terms of choosing a place for a tattoo. Where to get a pineapple tattoo? It will look harmonious on any area of ​​the skin. But the most successful places will be.