
Modern problems of patriotic education. How to raise a patriot in a family How to raise a patriot in a family advice from a psychologist


Why does a person need patriotic feelings? For what we need to cultivate patriotism? The answer is simple: we need our homeland just like we need our family. It is important for a child to know his origins both from his parents and from his people. Gradually learning the history of the country, especially its glorious pages, he will be proud of it, just as a child is proud of strong, intelligent parents, feeling protected thanks to them. And if mothers and fathers want their children to love their land, they should start with themselves. You need to conduct an “audit” of your feelings for your homeland, raise your own warm feelings from the depths of your soul: pride in the achievements of your compatriots, interest in the history of your hometown and the whole country. Think about what is wonderful and truly great that your heart responds to.

This does not mean that we need to put on “rose-colored glasses” and not notice the shortcomings that exist in any state. However, a small child does not need to know about them yet. He should form a positive picture of the world around him, without unnecessary fears and uncertainty. True, you shouldn’t start a serious conversation out of nowhere, just like that. “Beautiful” words about patriotism without reference to some event mean nothing to a child and will quickly disappear from his head. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of a worthy occasion.

For example, Victory Day is widely celebrated in May. It is simply impossible not to notice him. The parade and ceremonial fireworks will not leave any child indifferent. The kid needs to explain what kind of celebration this is. But taking into account age. For the little ones, it’s enough to say something like this: “Many years ago, our land, our city, was attacked by enemies. But our brave soldiers drove away the invaders. It was very difficult, so every year we remember their feat, this is how we express our respect to them.” You can talk in more detail with older children: talk about military equipment, home front workers, brave pioneer heroes, go to the regional museum of military glory. Focus on monuments. For example: “Look, here is a memorial plaque with many names written on it. Can you imagine that there were battles very close to our house? So, these people, whose names are written on the board, fought here for our region. They were scared, but they defended their homes, their relatives and even strangers.” It is worth adding that veterans (those who fought) are now very old. You can please them (for example, give them a bouquet of tulips or carnations; write a congratulation in a handmade card).

In Russia and Europe there are many legendary monuments dedicated to the heroes of the Second World War. These monuments can be shown to your child on the Internet, in a book or on a postcard: these are “Motherland” in Volgograd, “Alyosha” in Plovdiv, “Warrior-Liberator” in Berlin, etc. Visual impression is important for children of any age.

How to educate patriotism in children: younger group (3–4 years)

Kids have a rich imagination and a great desire to learn something. The most important thing for adults is not to bore children with facts. Everything that can be used to instill patriotic feelings should be interesting, bright, and emotional.

  • Family history. The very first thing parents can do to awaken patriotism is to introduce their child to the history of their own family: where their ancestors came from, where they lived, who they worked for, what they were interested in, what they achieved and what they dreamed of. Photos or things left over from those times will be a great addition to the story. The feeling that you are related to a large family, where there were people worthy of respect before you, will fill the child’s soul with pride. No less valuable are family traditions passed on from generation to generation. For example, getting everyone together on Victory Day or baking a cake for major holidays. When the baby grows up, it will be interesting for him to create a family tree of his family together with his parents (at least up to his great-grandparents). The fate of our ancestors is our involvement in the fate of the country.
  • : cities and streets From an early age you can begin to cultivate an interest in your native land. The kid will be curious to know what the name of the street on which he lives is connected with, why and how his city or village got its name. And it’s up to the adult to talk about it in accessible language. It is equally important to tell your child about famous fellow countrymen and their merits, and to go together to the monuments erected in their honor. Or you can simply show a portrait of a local hero and talk about him. The baby will be pleased to feel that he is related to such people, at least by the fact that he lives in the same place where they are.
  • Acquaintance with folklore and folk crafts. Beautiful books with Russian folk tales, good cartoons, cute traditional toys - all this will captivate the child and help him respect his country. What books, films or cartoons children will have is up to parents to decide. But there are those that children really need. For example, a collection of cartoon films “Mountain of Gems”, created based on fairy tales of different nationalities inhabiting Russia. Before each episode there is a small screensaver that talks about the history and significance of the city or region from whose folklore the fairy tale is taken. It is done so captivatingly and beautifully that it captures the attention of both children and adults.

How to instill patriotism in children: senior group (5–6 years old)

The baby is growing up, and all the topics that were discussed earlier - genealogy, history of his native land and folk art - acquire depth for him. New ones are added to them, interesting and understandable at this age.

  • Legends about attractions. A temple, an ancient house, a bridge, a lake or a river will not be remembered by a child or will merge in his mind with others if he does not reinforce the impression with an entertaining story. It could be a legend or a childhood memory of one of the parents, a scientifically established or controversial historical fact, the main thing is that it should be interesting. For example, like this: In Pskov there is an old building with a strange name: “Pogankin Chambers”. One of the legends says that once upon a time there lived a man in an old hut. He made barrels for sale, that is, he was a cooper. But few barrels were bought, and the cooper was very poor. One day he was sitting in his little hut, working. Suddenly a rat ran past him. The Bondar got angry, grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on and threw it at the rat. I came up to see: did I hit it or not? And I saw a treasure - a pile of gold coins. Having become rich, the first thing the cooper did was build magnificent chambers. They were nicknamed “Pogankins” because the money received in such a mysterious way was considered bad. Trips. You don’t have to travel far; you can go to a neighboring city for one day. But adults should prepare for the trip in advance, find objects that may be of interest to the child. And make a route. In Veliky Novgorod there is a pedestrian bridge over the Volkhov River, and next to the bridge there is a sculpture “Tired Tourist” - a girl who took off her shoes and sat down to rest. There is a belief: if you put a coin in a shoe, you will definitely return to Veliky Novgorod. If you walk further along the embankment, you will see a smiling bear sitting on a bench. The legend says: he came to the city from a dense forest, wanted to meet the Novgorodians and was very pleased with them. The bear did not want to go back to the forest; he decided to stay and is now making the city residents and its guests happy. You can sit down next to him and “chat” with the clubfoot.
  • A space odyssey. Children love stories about space, and our country has something to be proud of in this regard. You can tell your child about the first spaceships and astronauts, or watch with him the stars and satellites blinking in the night sky, go to the Museum of Cosmonautics or the Planetarium for an age-appropriate program, or watch an educational film at home.
  • How to educate patriotism in children: themed games. Children learn better through play. You can prepare the following activities with picture cards: “Getting to know the coat of arms of your hometown,” “Travel on the map,” “Find your flag,” “Moscow is the capital of our homeland.”

Of course, it will take some effort from adults to instill patriotism in children, but then the baby will amaze everyone with his erudition. It is important for a child to have a positive attitude towards his country, to be proud of its heroes, to understand what good they have done. This way he will have moral guidelines that will help him determine what is good and what is bad. This inspires and also gives the preschooler a state of inner peace and certainty.

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Today, teachers pay increased attention to patriotic education.

The main task in cultivating these feelings is the formation of deep attachment in children to their people and culture.

Education of patriotism to date great attention is paid to which is one of the main goals of education.

It is no secret that today many young people do not have a clear orientation in life. They live without thinking about moral principles.

The strength of a country is determined by its civic community. Raising a future patriot should begin with instilling love for one's Fatherland. Already, starting from 3-4 years old in kindergarten, the basic moral values ​​are laid down, which are designed to educate a generation that is not indifferent to the historical past of its people.

Raising children senior preschool age It should be taught by teachers who themselves know its history and culture. Patriotic education program for children preschool age according to Federal State Educational Standards involves familiarization with the natural expanses of the native land and heroic personalities. Also, the foundations of personality education are laid in family.


According to the program according to federal state standards tasks are set based on the cultivation of conscious desire build your life in the future on the basis of family values, love for your small homeland.

be encouraged in family must, close.

So forms and methods should have the following directions:

  1. Spiritual and moral(visiting museums, creating thematic folders with the help of parents).
  2. Cultural and educational(conversations, concerts, meetings with interesting people).
  3. (feasible work on improvement, Timurov's help) orientation.

You should also pay attention to civil law (familiarity with the elements of state symbols, the constitution), sports and patriotic (outdoor games, sports competitions) work. Younger pupils already recognize themselves as full-fledged members of the circle of relatives and are immersed in the world of family traditions. This lays the foundations patriotic education of children in the family.

Expansion of local history information about the history and memorable places of the small homeland is taking place both in kindergarten and at school. The formation of environmental awareness and respect for nature must begin in children from 3-4 years.


Our priority is to instill morality in children. Preschool children perceive the world around them emotionally and figuratively, which allows them to lay the foundations of moral and patriotic values. The main core in the education of a comprehensively developed personality is morality.

Moral Foundations are called upon to form a humane attitude, hard work, patriotism, and collectivism. These norms should be manifested in various areas of children’s life: in the family, communication with peers. Sometimes such influence is not adequate to moral standards.

In preschool age, the purposeful education of moral qualities is carried out in the children's team. A big role belongs to educators who, preparing children for school, try to instill in them the qualities of love for the Motherland, modesty and honesty, combining love for people and manifestations of sensitivity.


For kids primary school age characterized by curiosity and the ability to absorb received information.

Therefore, educators are tasked with awakening in children junior preschool age lively cognitive interest, curiosity about the history and traditions of the Fatherland.

All educational work should be subordinated to this task. in the dhow.

Personal qualities can be developed through literary works and musical compositions. Their influence forms the emotional coloring of cognizable moral phenomena.

One of nature is the way to educate morality. Its influence makes it possible to educate children of primary preschool age moral feelings. They are expressed in the need to help those around them and build confidence in their own abilities in children. Thus, the foundations of patriotism are laid.

One of the effective ways to develop morality is active work. Morality can be instilled through play and work. All these components contribute to the formation of the practice of moral behavior. Communication plays a significant role in this aspect. With its help, ideas about morality are corrected and feelings are nurtured in children.

Also an effective means of education is the environment in which the child develops. Parents should fill it with goodwill and love. This is very important, since its impact affects the formation of moral qualities.


Raising patriotic feelings in preschool age is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. In the development of personality, love for family, kindergarten, native land, and country plays an important role. The development of morality largely depends on the influence of loved ones, educators, and what impressions will enrich the child’s soul.

Love for the Motherland begins small, when a respectful attitude towards the mother and surrounding people is instilled. It is necessary to learn to find around you what is worthy of admiration (home, street, surrounding nature). This will be facilitated by various exhibitions and competitions, such as: “Miracles in the garden”, “Mom’s Golden Hands”, “Flower Fantasies”, “Visiting Samodelkin”.

Creating photo exhibitions of people of different professions introduces children to the various facets of human life and reveals the versatility of its manifestations. It is necessary to pay attention to the historical past of the native land, its culture and traditions. Participation in folk holidays (Easter, Maslenitsa, etc.) introduces children to folk customs.

To celebrate memorable dates associated with the Great Patriotic War, you can organize meetings with veterans, Afghan soldiers, and poetry reading competitions on military topics. You can organize work for the participation of preschoolers in projects such as “Under a lucky star we live in our native land”, “Victory Day”, “Be a citizen of our native country” and others.

In family

A child’s first patriotic lessons are related to family, which is due to the transmission by mom and dad of their life perception.

At home, the first spark of great love and care for nature, loyalty to one’s land is lit. Family holidays are designed to give rise to bright, warm feelings.

The manifestation of patriotism by relatives in everyday life is of great importance.

This could be a joint look through a family album of photographs, grandparents' stories about their lives, their memories.

At this age, we need to make children understand the need to constantly strive to live better, which means learning something, acquiring new knowledge and skills.

You cannot extinguish the manifestations of noble feelings in children by rejecting their help, forcing them to remain silent when they should talk about injustice. Disadvantages of family education lead to various vices, when some young people do not have a sacred attitude towards their mother, family, and homeland. The main thing is money and satisfaction of personal needs.


The power of parental example in raising patriots of one's country is significant. Children know how to listen and remember, and parental memories of the past will leave a deep imprint in their hearts. Everything that is characteristic of a real family - sacred attitude towards spiritual and cultural values ​​must be passed on as a legacy. In the future, preschool institutions and schools will polish the qualities that are necessary for a patriotic citizen.

/  Raising patriotism in children

How does your child spell the word “homeland”? With a capital or small letter? Of course, this does not indicate true feelings for one’s native country. So is it necessary to instill in a child a love for our region, city, and the Russian Federation? And who should be involved in patriotic education: parents or teachers? Let's talk about everything in detail in our article.

You will learn everything about the patriotic education of your child. We will talk about when, why and who should instill love for the homeland.

What is patriotism?

Patriotism refers to both the homeland for a specific person in general, and a feeling of devotion to one’s fatherland, love for the Motherland, the desire to serve its interests, and protect it from enemies.

Patriotic education can be given a dozen definitions, but we will focus on the one that, it seems to us, best reflects the essence of this process. So, patriotic education is the systematic activity of government bodies and organizations to develop in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their homeland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the country.

But if everything is clear with adults: someone received a portion of patriotism in the army, someone professionally studied history and military affairs - many factors could influence an adult, then how can you tell a child that loving Russia is good. And is it necessary to do this?

Recent statistics show that the younger generation has little sense of patriotism these days: surveys in schools and sections among children of different ages show that young people are not particularly interested in their homeland, its fate, or history. And the feeling of love for her practically disappeared from the radar.

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You don’t choose your homeland, like your parents. You can change your place of residence and citizenship, but your spiritual roots will remain the same. And we will still worry about the fate of the country that gave us our childhood, albeit from a distance. Remaining in its vastness, we will be forced to experience all its crises and upsurges. And if we want the latter to prevail, we need to educate patriotism in ourselves and the people around us.

Unwitting enemies

Experiencing times of crisis with the country, many of its citizens become despondent. They make pessimistic forecasts for the future of their state. By sharing such thoughts with loved ones, they involuntarily make them doubt that Russia will get out of the next hole and recover from the shocks. This mood discourages both of them from fighting for a better life. As a result, many become resigned to the current state of affairs and forget that their future depends only on themselves. After all, you need to fight for well-being; you can only hope for free cheese in a mousetrap.

The stories of such “foretellers,” passed from mouth to mouth, begin to come true over time. Moreover, this happens regardless of their initial proximity to reality. General disbelief prevents the birth of new positive and useful ideas and dooms any endeavor to failure.

The right approach

Instead of crying, waiting for the situation to worsen, a successful person will understand the origins of the problems that have arisen. Only by finding the root causes can you look for an adequate and effective solution that can bring everything back to normal. In addition, this will help avoid repeating annoying mistakes in the future.

Having assessed the situation, a successful person will understand that all the country’s troubles are connected with the spread of harmful ideas in it. Despite the impossibility of their execution at the current moment, they seemed attractive to most. As a result, the state has reached a dead end. Thus, the main thing that needs to be fought is attempts to implement utopian theories. They need to be replaced by a progressive movement towards the development of democracy and civil society.

Also, a person tuned to well-being will contribute to the rise of responsible, strong people to power. They must be wealthy enough to have experience managing funds and people. In addition, for wealthy people, power is less of a temptation: their position does not depend on the title of their position.

Wanting to improve the situation in the country, a successful person will advocate for an increase in the number of rich people. Not only do they run the country better and help raise the standard of living of those who work for them. The prosperity of the state is in their interests, because in the event of economic crises, those who have something to lose suffer first. Accordingly, they will make every effort to ensure that the situation in the country is stable and predictable.
A successful person will also pay attention to cultivating patriotism in himself because his children will grow up looking at his actions. In a family where a sad and dark future is predicted for their own country, weaklings who have resigned themselves to all adversity will grow up. If parents actively participate in the life of the state and believe that only well-being and prosperity lie ahead, then the children will also be conscious citizens leading the country in the right direction.

Reasons for pride

By cultivating love for his homeland, a successful person will always remember the positive features that his country has.

An education system that has proven its high efficiency over many years.
High scientific and technical potential.
A developed life support infrastructure that allows its citizens not to be afraid of outbreaks of diseases inherent in third world countries.
Accessible health and social care system.
The peaceful coexistence of many nations, their positive influence on each other, the creation of an interethnic culture that has no analogues in the world.
Scientists who are accepted with open arms in all foreign scientific circles.
Many of the greatest scientific discoveries and breakthroughs were made under the leadership of people from Russia.

Of course, a successful person understands perfectly well that not everything in his country is prosperous. However, he does not believe that the situation is changing for the worse. He is aware of his responsibility for everything that happens and is ready to make his contribution to strengthening the state. It is quite obvious to him that it is impossible to change life in the country overnight. But he will be happy to work to pass on to his children a Russia that has become better and more comfortable.

Patriotism for a successful person is not an empty phrase. He treats his country with love and cares about the future of its citizens. To do this, in the present he is actively working to resolve current problems and search for their origins. He adequately perceives the difficulties that befell Russia in the past and tries not to repeat past mistakes. For this purpose, he helps people come to power who propose realistic, rather than utopian, scenarios for moving the country forward. As a rule, it supports people who have certain means that allow them to be independent and fair. In order not to lose faith in the capabilities of his country and its potential, a successful person always remembers those sides of Russia that all its residents can and should be proud of.

One of the effective methods of instilling patriotism is the personal example of parents and other family members. It is impossible to raise a patriot in a child if he speaks negatively about his country. Don't let this happen to you. Even if you have an unpleasant opinion, do not voice it in front of your child.

Cultivate patriotic feelings, start small. Draw your child's attention to the beauty of his native nature. Let it be a park or a city garden, the main thing is that the child can see the harmony of natural phenomena, flora and fauna. Teach him to take care of living nature and preserve it for others. It will be good if the child can plant and care for the plant himself.

To the best of your ability, take care of the place where you live. Let your child see that you do not throw trash on the side of the road, trample flower beds, or tear up flowers and branches. For him this will become the norm of behavior. In the future, he will begin to behave the same way, showing basic skills of cultural behavior. And this will contribute to the education of patriotism.

Introduce your child to the participants of the Great Patriotic War. Explain to him what their immortal feat was. Let him know about the feelings that the young soldiers experienced while defending their country. Veterans, being part of history, will be able to describe to a child how important it is to be a soldier of your homeland.

Influence of external factors

The procedure for instilling patriotic feelings in a child is greatly influenced by external factors such as peers, kindergarten or school, the media, and the Internet. If you notice that your child is learning incorrect information from them, explain to him what is true and what is not. The authority of parents, supported by personal example, usually has a greater impact.

Together with your child, find those facts in the history of your country that you can be proud of. Read books to him that describe the heroic deeds of your compatriots. After reading, during the conversation, clarify what exactly the feat of this or that hero was.

Keep track of what shows and movies your child watches. Information that does not correspond to the child’s age is unacceptable. He should not see scenes of violence, murder and extremism. Based on them, he may form the wrong idea about the defender of the Motherland. Even information about the Great Patriotic War should be given out in doses. In preschool age, it can make a strong impression on a child.