
Deprivation of chastity. What is chastity? What is Precious Virginity?


Are you aware that only human females, great apes and certain breeds of antelope have a hymen called the hymen?

Why a woman needs it remains a mystery. Most representatives of science believe that it is a kind of obstacle to infectious diseases and other troubles.

Other scientists believe that the hymen serves as an obstacle to the premature start of sexual life, this has a positive effect: in young girls, the microflora of the genital organs has not yet been fully developed, and the epithelium of the vaginal walls is very thin.

What is a "hymen"?

It is a thin membrane, a fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to the vaginal opening. There are holes (one or several) in it so that menstrual flow can flow out, blood vessels, and nerve endings. It is quite elastic, because it has muscle fibers. The thickness of the hymen of virgins and the strength to mechanical stress also depend on this.

Hymen (from Latin) is an absolute individuality for any woman. The hymen can be unintentionally damaged as a result of masturbation or due to careless insertion of a tampon.


Also, the hymen may not be present at all - from the moment of birth, or it can be very, very thin, which breaks unnoticed by the owner (according to statistics, only 35-40 percent of girls experience spotting).

Many of us have heard stories about how it ended for a girl for whom defloration (in translation from Latin in the literal sense of the word - “plucking flowers”) was not accompanied by bloody spots on the bedspread?

Thus, among different peoples at different times, they could be sent to a monastery for this, or handed over to be desecrated by soldiers, or stoned.

Ritual of deflowering in different nations

And there were also nationalities who tried to free themselves from this hymen as soon as possible and performed the ritual of deflowering.

  • In South America, there was a widespread custom - right before the wedding, a girl deprived herself of virginity with the help of a fake phallus.
  • Such rituals of deflowering exist among certain tribes of Africa and among northern peoples. Sometimes relatives and even acquaintances from the groom’s side took part in the delicate matter.
  • It is known for certain that several thousand years ago, in the temple of the goddess Ishtariz of Assyria, cult ministers deprived themselves of their virginity using a sophisticated contraption in the form of a phallus.
  • In Peru, mothers deflowered their own daughters in a public place.
  • But in the West of Europe and in the East they were very scrupulous about this transient part of the female body.
  • Chinese men believed that sexual intercourse with virgins would cure many diseases.
  • Representatives of the male sex were able to pay crazy amounts of money to deprive a girl of her virginity. Girls of easy virtue, realizing that being a virgin is very profitable, began to imitate virginity.
  • Restoration and imitation of virginity

    • It was enough to put a piece of sponge soaked in blood into the vaginal opening, which was released during sexual intercourse.
    • A fish bladder filled with blood gave even greater results. By the way, it will be said that Thai prostitutes still resort to this method.
    • An improved model - balls filled with pigeon blood, which is mixed with an anticoagulant - is sold in Thailand in most sex shops.
    • For today's surgeon, it is very easy to restore virginity. The operation is called hymenoplasty.

    When to lose your virginity?

    The best period for deflowering, according to medical certificates, is after 17-18 years, according to the law - no earlier than 16. The view that over the years a virgin’s hymen “hardens” and becomes thick is fiction. Often, deprivation of virginity is very painful. But, nevertheless, there is no need to drink alcohol before the first sexual contact. It’s best to just turn on unobtrusive music and try to relax. It is very good for a man to have experience and understand that before the first coitus a long foreplay (petting) is needed. It is best for a girl to be in the “lying on her back” position (others recommend bending her legs at the knees so that the tearing of the hymen is least painful).

  • Veröffentlicht auf: Montag, 17. September 2012
  • We, you know, don’t care whether chastity is fashionable or not. Fashion, junk, freak... It all ends with the philosophy of the old woman Izergil, who sits at a broken trough and exclaims: “Oh, where is my youth, where is my beauty, where is my figure?” A worn-out, worn-out, gray, vulgar and sick woman... And what is important to us, dear friends, is the result. We need one victory in family life, and we will not stand at the price! Chastity... today I celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage and noticed an amazing combination of words in one prayer for the spouses - Lord, give them chastity and many children. This is amazing - in one petition there is both chastity and a prayer for children. This means that chastity is not just abstinence, chastity is purity of heart; chastity is fidelity to one's choice; chastity is the ability to keep your mind pure and not look around when you confess your love to her, the one and only; Chastity is, of course, the ability to walk hand in hand with the chosen one along the path of selfless love. And of course, I place the harmony of family life in direct dependence on the ability to preserve oneself, like a true Aryan with a Nordic character, from all the so-called “early sexual relations” that discredit you - early sexual relations, simply speaking in Russian - from fornication, from debauchery, from debauchery. And today, speaking about the education of the sexes, cultivating the self-awareness of young men and young ladies, we must be able to talk with them about the fact that the sign of the quality of a young being is virginity, innocence, for healthy children are not found in cabbage leaves, and they are not acquired on the Moon. But healthy children, like golden apples, grow on an apple tree that is not spoiled by aphids and bark beetles. That's why the girl must be a white swan. Not being kissed is not an outdated concept, but it is her honor, her brand, dignity, beauty, this is her invaluable price. And believe me, if the teachers know what they are talking about, if they have been cultivating this ideal since elementary school - in spite of all the deaths - what swans, what little inches and Cinderellas - even if there are few of them, but they are the salt of the Russian soil - come out of graduation parties and fly away into this big life. And the suitors crowd around, amazed, and we arrange a tender - who will be equal to her in terms of nobility of origin, in terms of property qualifications, in terms of intellectual level, in appearance and piety? It would be good if it were like this... We probably started the program for this, to “turn” the consciousness of the average person in the right direction!
  • Source:
    1. tvsoyuz
    2. What is chastity?
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All teenagers, especially girls, sooner or later wonder when it’s time to lose their virginity. There cannot be a definite answer to this question, because each person has his own maturation period and his own psyche. Read more about the age-old question in the article.

For young boys and girls, and especially girls, the question of when to start sexual activity is very acute. And here there cannot be authoritarian decrees and unambiguous directives “from above”, but from the height of our own experience we can give some advice that will help young people better navigate the area.

It's not worth it early

It is not recommended for girls to start having sex too early. If a girl loses her virginity and becomes a young woman at the age of 12-16, then this usually has a bad effect on her appearance after 25 years - she looks much older than her peers. We can say that a girl who has experienced early defloration “wears out” faster - her physical “depreciation” occurs many times faster than that of girls who experienced the loss of virginity at the age of 18-20.

Moreover, there is a very serious psychological problem here: the fact is that very often at an early age girls lose their virginity not of their own free will - they are either physically raped, or experienced men entangle them with sweet speeches, hang noodles on their ears, and make her fall in love with themselves and are brought to the point that she is still a child, but is already ready for anything, ready for the sexual life of adults and communication with far from simple and not always decent men.

When such a “macho man” leaves his underage girlfriend, she worries about it very much - even to the point of terrible depression and suicidal intentions. And even having safely survived all these horrors of the consequences of the first sexual experience, then the girl, already in adulthood, will not trust men, and men feel this on a subconscious level, which will not allow this woman to build a happy sexual and family life.

There are no special contraindications for early sex with underage teenage boys, however, if the first sexual acts are unsuccessful - in the wrong place, with the wrong girl, or simply in the wrong environment, the man may later suffer from terrible sexual inferiority complexes in adulthood and even may consider himself impotent.

The fact is that the very first sexual experience - defloration - has a decisive influence on the future sexual life of both women and men. And if the loss of virginity occurs mechanically, without love and mutual feelings, then the likelihood of serious psychological or even physical trauma, which will have an impact on the rest of life, is very high, it is simply enormous.

Best time to lose virginity

So when should you lose your virginity? The best time to lose virginity is the age when a person is already internally, morally mature for intimacy, and most often this is the age of 17, 18, 19 and 20 years, as well as the 21st year. Having sex at 16 years old or earlier means deliberately aging your body and wearing it out ahead of time. If you have sex after the age of 21, then this process will be more difficult both physically and psychologically, although not so critical.

Also, you should not think that virginity is a great virtue that must be carefully preserved throughout your life. Anatoly Wasserman, who, out of the stupidity of his youth, took a vow of celibacy, now regrets what he did, and his apartment is all decorated with sexual poses from the Kama Sutra, corresponding videos and books. That is, he has sex, but without a partner, and this means only one thing - global loneliness.

In most cultures, there was a concept of the right of the wedding night. This right was that the bride had to spend her wedding night with her master.

General deprivation

Some peoples believed that the blood that appears during the process of deflowering/defloration carries evil and illness. For this reason, the bride was deflowered by the elder of the tribe, or a sorcerer did this, because... only these people could resist the evil spell. And only after this action could the groom receive his bride. It was from those times that the concept of the right of the first wedding night appeared. Previously, this had to be done without fail, but there could have been not the most pleasant consequences. And a little later it became a sign of honor.


Often an inexperienced groom was not given the opportunity to deflower the bride, but was given this right to a man who was more experienced.

Australia and America

In some tribes in Australia and America, the bride was deflowered by an elderly woman using a finger or a bone knife. And after that, every man from the groom’s clan copulated with the bride. And only after these rituals could the groom receive a wife.

Kuanyama tribes

In the Kuanyama tribe, girls were deflowered using a chicken egg.

Balearic Islands

The ancient inhabitants of the Balearic Islands had their own custom. First, the oldest and most honored wedding guest copulated with the bride, and then all the other men according to their ranks. And the groom was the last one to go to bed.

Arunto tribes

The Papuans of the Arunto tribe blamed the husband's friends. Before the wedding, a couple of the groom's friends kidnapped the bride and took her virginity. And from that moment until the wedding, all representatives of the tribe could come to the bride’s house and copulate with her.


In North Africa, on the first wedding night, all guests could copulate with the bride, and for this they were recommended to give her a gift.


In India, it was customary to invite an outside man to the wedding, who would deal with this issue. He stayed overnight and did the job.

What was the custom associated with deflowering in Ancient Egypt?

The bride had to come to the temple on a specific day, and then simply give herself to the first man she came across.


The ancient tribes of Scandinavia, before their wedding night, took the virgin into the forest, where they lit a fire and sacrificed an elk. After the sacrifice, it was already possible to copulate and deprive the bride of her virginity.


In the Middle Ages, the feudal lord did this, and in relation to serf girls - it was his responsibility. Some of them had to deflower up to a hundred girls. And in Russia, in some areas, this was done before the abolition of serfdom.

According to Russian traditions, the first wedding night was one of the most important wedding rites. The night followed the wedding and feast. Everything took place in the house of the groom's parents. Everything had to happen in a cold place - an upper room, a bathhouse, a stable.

Young people's bed

In this case, there was a need to use the bride's dowry. They set up a special sleeping place (the bed maids/matchmakers did this). It was customary to place a poker under the marriage bed, and then they walked around the bed with a rowan branch. Then they stuck the twig into the wall. All these attributes were supposed to save the newlyweds from evil spirits and evil spirits. They also placed logs, which were a symbol of children. All the guests escorted the newlyweds to their bedside. Everything was accompanied by cheerful songs and jokes, some gave instructions. First, a friend came to the marriage bed and beat the bed several times with a whip. Then the bedroom door was locked and a guard was posted. When the newlyweds were left alone, they had to follow certain traditions that promised a happy married life. For example, they had to eat bread and chicken. The wife must be submissive to her husband. To show this, she took off her husband's boots. And to show his dominance, the husband forced the bride to ask permission to lie with him. Several times during the night, a friend came to the young couple and asked whether sexual intercourse had already taken place. Taking your virginity on your wedding night was mandatory. If the friend gave an affirmative answer, then he notified everyone. The guests began to sing erotic ditties, where they talked about the wedding night of the newlyweds.

And if the bride was dishonest, then a collar was put on the mother’s neck, and the father was given beer in a leaky glass.


All these rituals show that even in such a matter, each culture had its own traditions and customs that needed to be followed. Each nation has its own beliefs and rituals. Even issues such as deflowering are handled differently in each nation. For some it was done with the help of an egg, for others it was done by the chief, sometimes it could even be a woman, or a bone knife.

Sexual traditions of the peoples of the world