
Beautiful paintings. How to come up with a beautiful signature. It is important not only what you write when you sign, but also how you do it


Almost each of us sooner or later faces a choice -. And for women, this task sometimes happens more than once. Moreover, no one is immune from a second or even third marriage, which means you need to come up with a signature in accordance with your new surname.

And some, on the contrary, suddenly... And it’s all about the “average” painting!

Of course, we all love to be the best. And I want to make my signature original, memorable, beautiful. How the paintings became famous A. Pushkin, I. Kant, C. Dickens and others.

But in order to draw a beautiful squiggle on a piece of paper (and then on important documents such as a passport), you need to work hard. And we will tell you what steps to take to come up with a memorable autograph.

We will need several sheets of paper, ordinary ball pen and a sufficient supply of patience.

1 way

Let's take the path of least resistance - let's “dance” from the Last Name. Most people, according to statistics, come up with their signature based on this factor. And then they reap the fruits of success, and you don’t even have to imagine!

Write your Last Name on a piece of paper, and then separate the first three letters from it. Perhaps this is your future painting! Such autographs, derived from Surnames starting with a consonant, look especially good. Although this is not the main factor.

Play with the first three letters of your Last Name by adding an elegant squiggle at the end. Like? If not, let's try the next method.

Method 2

Add the first letter of your Name to the above three letters. That is, in your painting there will be two capital letters and the rest lower case.

3 way

If you don’t want to “shine” your Last Name, you can put the first letter of the First Name and Patronymic next to it. After these two letters there can be beautiful curls, or the word can continue (meaning Patronymic).

4 way

You guessed it - we write down all full names. You can play with the letters and rearrange them. The first three letters of the Last Name can be added to the letters of the First Name and Patronymic.

5 way

If everything seems too simple and prosaic to you, then we complicate the building. Look carefully at everyone’s full name – and at all the letters separately. Try to imagine yourself as an ancient calligrapher (yes, yes – there was such a position in the old days) and come up with curlicues in these three letters. However, too many monograms in a man’s painting look ugly. A man is distinguished by the firmness and straightforwardness of his strokes, but a woman is allowed to play with “bows and frills.”

But the most interesting thing is yet to come: it is necessary to connect these letters in different ways so that one, starting, smoothly transitions into the other.

The coolest option is when the letter is located in a letter, but usually the lucky ones with full names on the letters O, E and S are lucky.

6 way

Some tried to make a painting without using their own name. But gradually people became disappointed in the option they had once chosen. They wanted to be original - but they became faceless. A soulless “sinusoid”, “electrocardiogram”, “fuzzy” - what does such a signature say about a person? Absolutely nothing.

But at the end of the autograph, you can try to make a powerful (if that’s your character) or a modest curl of unorganized lines.

Obtaining a new identity card is a complicated process not only because of the paperwork. Many people spend weeks wondering how they will sign their passports, since the same “squiggle” will have to be put on all documents. I would like to create something easy to make, but original, beautiful, reflecting the character of the owner.

Choose a simple signature

If you actively work with documents, regularly receive or send parcels, you will often have to sign in the same way as in a passport. Each element has a lot of curls and a complex font will create problems.

You should find a painting that will be easy to develop automatic writing.

To do this, try to play all the selected versions with your eyes closed 10–15 times and watch. What happened in the end is an unconscious option.

This will be a rough draft for the signature because it shouldn't be too easy to follow. Otherwise, anyone will master it and learn to fake it, which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. To the “unconscious” handwriting, add a memorable combination of letters or syllables from the first name or patronymic. Next, focus on some part. This can be a sharp stroke - a line that is rounded, even, or even crosses out what is written.

Combine the initial letters of your full name

The simplest tip on how to come up with a signature for your passport is to use your initials. They are easy to combine in a variety of ways. One of the common ones is to put the first letter of the last name in front, followed by part of the first name. It can be written together or they can be separated by a dot.

The painting turns out very beautiful when the first letters of the first and last name have side lines parallel to each other.

Then they are combined with a large curl or other elegant stroke.

Other cool combinations:

  • Letter within a letter. The option is chosen if it is round “O”, “C”, “E”.
  • Overlay. Parallel lines “H” and “M”, “A” and “L”, “P” and “G” create shadows for each other. The edge of the second letter extends to the middle of the first.

Many women refuse to use their last name if they know they will change it and do not want to re-invent a signature for their passport. In such a situation, they take a combination of a first name and a patronymic. The latter is often spelled out in full or 3-4 letters are used. From the name, only the capital one is left. More original version– play with your name: put the letters in any order, add a curl to them, change the font.

Take your last name as a basis

This is the most convenient option that people are used to signing up with. It is less common than a name, so the chances of uniqueness are higher. The classic is to use the first three letters and add a stroke at the end, which often makes this “squiggle” more personal. This idea is popular among men's signatures. If you want originality, you can use the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic alphabet. This is appropriate when you have to work with foreign documents.

Borrow ideas from celebrities and famous people

If all the ways to come up with a signature don’t work, try studying the autographs of media figures: politicians, artists, athletes. Many famous people adhere to the classics - they use the first letter of their first name and the entire last name. The highlight is the design: long sharp strokes at the end or underlining, elongated lines of capital letters or small lowercase letters almost merging into a “cardiogram”.

Some celebrities have a small drawing added to their signature: John Lennon and Walt Disney did this. This idea can easily be transformed into a quick pattern starting from the last letter. Another option is to choose a combination of 2-3 consonants from the first and last name for your signature, as Mark Zuckerberg did. Most celebrities simply managed to write their name beautifully separately or with a surname, and the highlight was the chosen font.

Stick to a compact signature

Most documents often have limited space, so long words or combinations of words may not fit. Come up with options for signatures that can realistically be done on a 2 x 2 cm square. If you can’t find compact ones, but your hand reaches for sweeping ones, practice the skill of reducing or enlarging them.

Don't chase a spectacular stroke of the pen

A beautiful signature in a passport should not be too ornate: there is a risk that it will not be possible to identify the owner from it. The first or last name should be easy to read or guess. Another point is that the signature reflects the character of the owner, his status. The head of the company cannot have a dozen frivolous curls.

Use the online signature generator

If fantasy doesn't work, use special programs. They are available online on the Internet. The mural generator works simply: enter your first or last name, choose a font. After clicking the button, you receive a signature that satisfies the specified conditions.

Popular free generators.

There comes a time in every person’s life when he is faced with the question: how to come up with a signature - beautiful, not banal, so that both yourself and people like it?

This question, of course, is not the same, but it is also relevant.

This usually happens during first “autograph” on a new passport. What are adults guided by when creating their own unique painting?

Some people refer to their initials, others simply write their last name (or its shortened version) with some graphic elements. But we all want to have an interesting, unusual and unique “mark”.

How to sign a passport?

Main - determine the nature of the signature, after all, it must correspond to your own.

Correctly, the male version contains a large number of straight lines. If you are a man, your autograph will most likely be very concise. Various curved lines, irregularities and squiggles are more common in women's designs.

Beware of short signatures, because this is a paradise for attackers! It will not be difficult for such people to fake your stroke. It is recommended that people involved in business pay attention to this point (read our interesting article O ). painting business man should be memorable, easily recognizable and presentable.

But you shouldn’t get carried away, otherwise your everyday “squiggle” risks being very different from the one you leave in your passport. How to come up with a signature following so many unspoken rules at once?

You can practice creating your own stroke, improvising on your own or following the following exercises.

1. Pay attention to yours first. last name. After all, many people use it as a basis for their signature - for example, they write the first three letters, supplementing the result with some interesting details. Try several options with the first letters of the surname, and then carefully examine the result. Perhaps the result will suit you.

2. If you didn’t like what you saw, don’t be upset, but come up with an alternative! How to come up with a painting for a surname? It may be worth capitalizing your first and middle names.

Also can be used in facsimile combination of last name and capital letters first and patronymic - a considerable number of people also resort to this type. Use your imagination to the fullest and think of all possible versions of this combination.

3. An interesting way out would be the option with connecting the beginnings and endings of letters from the abbreviation of your initials. Thus, the letters will not be placed separately, but more densely, gradually turning into each other. This will add a little mystery to your painting; it will not be as obvious as, for example, with the first option. As if grown.

4. Popular now stroke using Latin letters or a combination of them with Cyrillic. For example, the first letter (capital) is Latin, and all the rest are in the usual Cyrillic alphabet. Or vice versa.

5. Don't forget that male signature should be as clear and concise as possible. And if you woman- don’t forget to decorate it with some kind of pattern or curl. But this is a matter of taste - even a representative of the fair sex can have a strict autograph. While the unlaconic one can also belong to a man.

6. Take some time to come up with ending your “squiggle”. It could be a wide stroke, a broken line, or some kind of special curl.

As you can see, there are quite a few options on how to come up with a beautiful signature for a passport and other documents. Remember that this is a reflection of your character on paper, which can be easily determined by an experienced graphologist.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 5 minutes


As soon as the time comes to receive the first passport, many people think about the question - what signature to put on the document? Elegant, graceful and unusual - for the female half, and prim, reserved and soft - for men.

So how do you come up with a unique, memorable signature?

For reference: What is the correct way to say “painting” or “signature”?
Many people confuse the words “signature” and “painting”, mistakenly giving them the same meaning. But it is necessary to clarify that these words are different and do not mean the same thing. A signature is that unique squiggle that every person who has a passport has. The word “painting” has a completely different meaning - it could be a painting of the newlyweds in the registry office, or a painting of the walls in a church.

Signature meaning for a person:

  • Human character on paper
    An experienced graphologist can easily determine from a signature not only a person’s gender, but also hidden character traits, his emotional and internal state.
  • Decision
    By signing documents, a person leaves his mark on them. The signature confirms your agreement or disagreement. She expresses her will.
  • Person ID
    The signature was of the most important nature in the history of mankind - just remember the significance of signing international treaties, laws, and reforms. And the signatures of kings, czars, emperors, and great presidents?

The signature of a passport, international passport, or any documents must satisfy three constant criteria:

  • Uniqueness.
  • Difficult to reproduce.
  • Speed ​​in execution.

This is not a joke, the signature must be individual for everyone, and besides it must be done quickly, combined with complexity performed by another person. Only you should know how your signature is performed.

How to come up with a unique and memorable signature - instructions

  1. Letters from the surname
    You should start your creativity in thinking about a signature by experimenting with your own surname. Traditionally, the first three letters are used.
  2. Letters from first name and patronymic
    Another integral part of the signature are the letters of the first name or patronymic, or all at once. Try putting one capital letter of the last name first, and then two lowercase letters of the first name.
  3. Letters
    Increasingly, letters from the Latin alphabet began to be used in signatures. You can work with letters that do not overlap with the Cyrillic alphabet. There are a lot of options for an interesting signature with the letters “D, F, G, U, L, V, Z, Q, W, R, S, J, N.”
  4. Male and female signature
    Characteristic differences: clear lines for men, and smoother lines for women.
  5. Illegible stroke
    The distinctive feature of your signature will invariably be a stroke. It could be a series of broken lines, or something in a rounded version.
  6. Letter on letter
    The end of one letter becomes the beginning of another letter. They complement each other, adding originality to your signature, and most importantly, uniqueness.
  7. Train!
    Indeed, it is very important to diligently practice signing on a blank white sheet of paper. This should be done quickly, and look no less elegant than if you had drawn it out carefully. There are a lot of documents to sign ahead, so it’s worth honing your “quick signing” skill.

The need to sign comes into our lives at the age of 14, when we need to sign the passport we receive. And the need to sign beautifully is closer to the age of 20, when you realize that only a stylish signature can distract attention from the photo in your passport. However, such a desire as learning how to sign beautifully will not be out of place at any age. A beautiful signature increases a person’s status, arouses envy and admiration, and is difficult to fake. Therefore, today we will give some tips that will make your signature more beautiful and recognizable, and also help you decide on its content.

What should the painting contain?

Basically, any set of characters. There are no rules strictly regulating what should be encrypted in the signature. But since its function is to personalize you, it’s better if it’s not a cross or a tick, which any monkey with a pencil can repeat.

Usually the content of the signature is the person’s last name, first name, and patronymic

After all, this is precisely the individual set of symbols that every civilized person has. Sometimes only initials, sometimes the whole thing, sometimes only the full surname, and the first and patronymic are just the first letters. Therefore, within the same family there may be similar signatures. If you don’t know how to use a signature with an unusual first letter, look at your father or mother’s passport and ask them how they solved these problems at your age.

But you can also encrypt an alias or nickname.

Pseudonyms characterize us no less than our real names. Or maybe even more - after all, we invented them for ourselves, based on some internal characteristics, preferences or events. Of course, you should not write in your passport “ sexy boy 007" or " lollita_blue". But if you manage to skillfully disguise these inscriptions, then why not? This is your personal business.

Often it is enough to take only the first letter of the surname

And then you can add whatever your heart desires - any curls, hooks, symbols will look like an addition to your last name, and will not raise questions. The result will be a truly original painting that will make you stand out among the army of Semenov Petrovich Ivanovs all over the world.

How to learn to sign beautifully

Figure out what you like and what signatures you think are beautiful.

After all, beauty is a subjective matter. Some people like 10 identical ovals in a row, some people like increasingly sharp zigzags in the signature, and some are greedy for block letters. The main thing is that you personally like the signature. To do this, look at as many examples of signatures as possible - for example, in Yandex.Images, or Google search. Among the huge variety of signatures, you will find the one you want to take as a model. Also play Moscow police with your relatives and ask everyone for documents. This will allow you not only to see valuable and interesting signature options, but also to earn money from fines for lack of registration.

Learn how to write different letters at a fast pace

Most likely, you will have to sign more than once on various documents, and not only that. To do this, it is better to immediately prepare a signature for yourself, which is obtained in one breath and with quick movements. Experiment on a piece of paper with the letters that make up your full name, especially the capital ones. How can you write them quickly and at the same time cute? How to switch from capital letter in the caption for the sequel? By answering these questions for yourself, you will improve your painting.

It is important not only what you write when you sign, but also how you write it.

Have you caught yourself thinking that you look like a conductor, directing an entire orchestra with your deft hand movements during the signature? Or that you sign an important document, concluding a multi-billion dollar contract in your huge office, giving it to a secretary no less attractive than your signature? Therefore, it is important to feel the style and rhythm in the movements of the brush. Sometimes it is useful to add a line, a stroke, a wavy underline at the end simply because you feel that your hand lacks the final chord, the final touch.

Practice more

To learn how to sign beautifully, you need to get good at it. Only a confidently executed signature will look beautiful. To successfully master a skill, as a rule, it takes more than one pair of A4 sheets, and sometimes even more than one week. But if you know how to write, then at the very least you can pick up a suitable signature an hour before the passport office, there’s nothing wrong with that.

To have a beautiful signature, you need to write beautifully

Our handwriting has a primary influence on how beautifully we sign our names. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to it. If you have calligraphic handwriting, then there will be no problems with your signature - just write your last name as you usually write. But in this case, you would hardly read an article like this. Therefore we also offer.