
Catalog of interesting articles. Happy birthday to twins Birthday of twins 30 years


30th anniversary of Mary.(the program is designed for 3 hours of reference).

Meeting the hero of the occasion.

(planned in advance - agreement with guests).

Active persons: 3rd thief, birthday girl, 3rd girlfriends.

Thieves steal the birthday girl from the house (blindfold, mouth taped, etc.), bring her to a cafe and put her in the car (made from a children's house - tent)... The DJ turns on the "engine factory" background. This creates the illusion that the car is moving. Then the noise is heard, distant, the conversations of people and the DJ turns on the background "Rukki-up group" Ay-yay, girl "Thieves pull the birthday girl out of the" car ", untie her hands, remove the blindfold from her eyes and a dialogue takes place:

1 thief:"What is happening, then !?"
2 thief:"Where are we?"
1 thief:"Give your feet, throw her here, she will twist herself."
(thieves run away)

Girlfriends run up to the birthday girl.

1. Where are you from in this outfit?
2. Where was that? We are all tired of waiting already! At the flea market, eh?
3. Let's send you into a civilized look. And then your boyfriend has already been waiting, got him with questions!

(the girls take the birthday girl away and dress in accordance with the dress code of the evening).

(The birthday girl appears in the hall. The background is "the sound of a stopped DJ record")

Leading: Hey! People, look around
Eyes all raised up
The birthday girl came.
It's time to applaud.
Masha is a super man
We send her a big hello
All of you are longing for you
It's time for everyone to sit down at the table.

(the birthday girl invites guests to the table)

1 table.

Leading: Respect to everyone, or rather, good evening
We were all looking forward to this meeting.
We have a weighty reason, which is familiar to all guests for a long time.
I am revealing a secret, our N-tsat years old
I do not give numbers
Woman's age hide
Our Masha is good
And figure and soul
We fill all glasses
And we drink to Masha.

Toast: for the birthday girl.

Leading: Mash, so we can start celebrating your birth in full force. You need to be prepared for this, namely, you need to read a prayer so that everything goes like clockwork with us. Are you ready? (the birthday girl answers)
(the birthday girl reads out a prayer)

Women's prayer before the anniversary:
“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. Help not to lose the image of a seper-girl! Don't give the guests a face! And don't go to the salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, not more than 2 times! Help me come home in two, not four! And if I do something wrong, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.

Toast: for the fulfillment of desires.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)


You don't have to be modest today -
Respond in the Aries Hall!

Well done and rascals,
Where do Taurus sit with us?

Where are the daredevil guys?
The Gemini is faster than everyone!

The zodiac has many signs
Now I see Cancers!

You will respond amicably,
Kings of beasts, handsome Lions!

Let's all look to the right, to the left,
Where is the anniversary of the Virgin?

Turn up your noses
And show yourself to us, Libra!

Queue for all laws
Stand up and have a drink for the Scorpions!

All the signs are well done here,
The luckiest ones are Sagittarius.

Don't be hard on the host
And answer, Capricorns!

Let them raise their glasses soon
Aquarius without hesitation!

Let the hero of the day
Give affectionate Fish!

Toast: for your acquaintance.

Today the closest and dearest person for the birthday girl is present at the anniversary - this is her mother! Dear guests! Let us greet ______________ with loud applause. After all, she is also a birthday girl today!
On September 11, 1983, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the firstborn in the family, a girl - Masha!

Dear (Mother's name)!
Do you remember the day when you brought Masha from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Congratulations from mom).

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Refill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I know the people will agree with me,
What a toast should be raised to parents,
I wish mom health and happiness!

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: The sister of our birthday girl is at our table! You grew up in the same family, two girls. The two closest girlfriends. Surely, you trusted each other with your innermost secrets, shared secrets. Inna, and maybe remember, the most memorable, the most unforgettable moment of childhood.

(sister's congratulations)
(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition to light a candle on all birthday holidays, since fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, and goodness. I suggest that you, Maria, also light a candle in honor of such a significant event - your birthday. (a gift from the host of the holiday - a candle for the birthday girl)
May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones and loved ones, and may only the most beloved and dear people gather for this light, as today.

Toast: For the warm light that comes from the anniversary candle.

Leading: We have one boss here
Very important lord
His heart burns with love
And everyone knows about it
Well, I give my word to Maria's husband.
I look forward to a creative toast from him.

(congratulations from husband Alexander)

Game "Goldfish".
Leading: Friends! Each of us at least once in our life dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished desires. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter walks around the guests with a bag in which there are cut-out fish from cardboard.) One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the "goldfish" has the right to voice his three wishes, choose them among the cards offered by the presenter. But, before that, he names any "performer" among the guests.)

Examples of desires:

I want a toast to be made in honor of the birthday girl now, in which there would be three words "anniversary".
I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
I want your neighbors to the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
I want you to embrace the birthday girl, and then gallop on one leg to your place.
I want you to sing the motive of a familiar song to the guests, and they will guess its name.

(Rewarding "executors" of desires.)

Leading: Every little girl's dream is a magical journey. And I think Maria is no exception. Do you dear guests like to travel? (Guests answer) Now we will check your geographic knowledge ...

Competition: Dance cruise.
1.Where is the Eiffel Tower located? France.
2. In which country was the 1st DISNEYLAND opened? America.
3.Which country is the most salty sea? Israel.
4. Where do the hottest horsemen live? Caucasus.
Those who gave the correct answers go to the dance floor.
Traveling alone is boring, I suggest each of you to a couple of influences. And here we have four Pairs in front of us.
Friends, there are wandering artists in front of you !!! They Traveled through different countries, and in which countries, they will now show us IN THE DANCE !!!
By your faces, I already understand that you also want to start dancing. And I invite all the guests to the dance floor

Dance block number 1.

Leading: Oh nostalgia, always in our memories we return to our favorite events and places. Here I am, dear guests, I want to invite all of you to one of the most popular talk shows "guess the melody". Your task is to guess the composition - a shape-shifter. The guest who gives the most correct answers will receive a super-prize from the birthday girl (tape "music special")
Melodies: rocket, natalie - the wind blew from the sea, shark - acid DJ, doctor Alban - about life, disco accident - eggs, paints - and you don't touch me, hands up - I'm 18 already.

Leading: Today is an evening of surprises and miracles. And one very important person of the European stage came to our holiday. To your thunderous applause. Meet the E-TYPE group. (performance by parodists 1)

Leading: An unforgettable experience of European performances. And the question immediately arises, What are we worse? Well, of course not! And we can be convinced of this by going to the center of the hall.

Dance block №2.

Competition. The biggest bubble.
Competition: Cheerful elastic band.

Performance - a parody group "Combination"

3 table.

Let the glasses be whole
Let the mood rush up
Let the fanfare sound in the music
And let Maria, success awaits!

Toast: for our charming birthday girl.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

We've all been sitting with folded hands,
And as if we are all perishing from boredom,
I want to stir you up,
We will hold a competition!

“According to the majority of people born and living in the USSR, our country was ahead of the rest in such areas as space, ballet, sports and the army. This means that we, who were born in the USSR, are very good at these areas. Check it out? "

Game "Soviet Space: Discoverers".
It is better to choose men to participate. Eyeliner: “Do you want to feel like Soviet cosmonauts? Your task is to discover a new planet, plant the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. But the time is strictly limited. The cosmonaut who populates more people will win. "
Participants are given balloons (not inflated), threads and markers. The task for each player is to inflate the ball as quickly as possible, tie it with a thread, draw a sickle and a hammer on the ball with a marker, put your initials, and then draw as many simple figures as possible, schematically depicting a person. Not much time is given: 5 minutes maximum. At the end, the presenter counts the number of "little men" on each "planet". Whoever has more - he gets the title of "Honorary Gagarinets".

Toast: for the discoverers and their discoveries.

Leading: As I said, in addition to space, our country was the very first in sports. Everyone knows the achievements of our figure skaters, gymnasts, etc. Here is the moment to remember the past.

Game "Soviet Sport: Sprinters".
Liner: “You have to cover a short distance as quickly as possible. Before you start, remember the Soviet slogan that all world records should be ours. Don't let your Motherland down - the most athletic country! "
Number of participants (both men and women can play) limited only by the amount of inventory. Equipment for one participant: a beer bottle, to which a long ribbon or rope is tied at one end. Length - the more the better (maybe five meters or more).
Participants stand in one line, holding the bottles in their hands. The presenter and his assistant stretch the tapes, fixed at one end to the bottles, along the room to the opposite end (forming a kind of treadmill for each participant)... At the Start command, the participants begin to wind the tape around the bottle. Whoever does it faster wins, receiving the title of "Soviet record holder".

Leading: What a holiday there is without dancing.
Probably, there are simply none,
Let's do it so that to blush,
So that the light comes on in your eyes!
And so that Masha's birthday
It was remembered by everyone for many years!

Dance block №3.

Competition: Rubik's Cube.

The performance is a parody of Alla Pugacheva.


Guests form 2 circles (small and large) around the birthday girl.

Leading: May your life be bright
May your life be beautiful
Let there be a lot of warmth in her
And let love dominate in her!
Let your husband be your king
And you, will be his queen,
So that everything is as you want,
So that all desires come true,
So that all cherished dreams
We were looking for excuses in life!

We do not say goodbye to you, dear guests, but simply say "see you soon!"

The background sounds: a remix of the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run awkwardly"

Galina Gerasimova
Scenario for the birthday of twins in kindergarten "Two birthdays - a double holiday!"

Dear Colleagues!

Now it has become relevant to spend days childbirth in kindergarten.

We celebrate in different styles, taking into account the gender of the child, but celebrate the day the birth of twins has not yet happened... On the Internet, I only got hold of poems, riddles, but I dug right away. Maybe colleagues, someone will come in handy.

Children enter the hall to music

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests!

We have gathered here today, and our reason is not easy.

Two days birthday - double celebration!

Doubly congratulations and compliments.

And applause in honor of the birthday people.


Liza, Gleb - dear birthday people!

Today you are the main characters of our holiday.

You have become a year older, grown up, prettier.

We all wish you health, joy, laughter.

Have fun, reliable friends!

Dance "We are dancing the dance of friendship"


Liza Gleb is always together

They jump together, laugh

Sometimes they fight a little!

Well, if it's hard

You are the wing and you are the wing

It won't be hard for you to take off

Because you twins!

The game: "Find your half"

Children find from pictures couple: Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf, Simka and Zero, etc. dance in pairs.


Children, we have just received SMKs with congratulations

for our birthday people, but who they are from, I just don't understand.

Let's try to figure it out together.

"Dear guys! I congratulate you on the day birth! I can't come, I stuck my long nose into a narrow hole, I'm waiting for my friends to help "


"Kisses, hugs and congratulations on the day birth! Well, birthday people, wait! "



But some - who could fly to you for a day birth.

He is now standing outside the door. Meet him. Carlson flies in to the music.


I guys, to you on celebration

I was in such a hurry, I was flying

I will apologize

That I didn't have time

Today is the day birth, well, unusual very:

After all, everyone wants to congratulate two culprits at once.

And I'm not in this striving to lag behind going to:

Liza Gleb, I congratulate you!

With day birthday congratulations

And with all my heart I wish

Happiness to everyone, health to you!


Both big and kids!

I bought this jar

I put gifts in it

Here are funny riddles

Guess guys.


1. My first gift is not cunning

Have you guessed? This (ball).

Dance with balls in pair.

One balloon is given out for every couple of children. They pinch his tummies together and move around the hall to the music. Do not touch the ball with your hands. You can ask them to hide their hands behind their backs. The ball can then be held with either foreheads or backs. We even tried with our knees, the children laughed a lot, because it’s difficult.

2. Everyone knows old and young

Loves very much (chocolate).

The game "Sweet names"

Children lay out the names of the birthday people with dummies of chocolate.

3. If you are painting a landscape,

Take it in your hands (pencil).

Making postcards for Lisa Gleb


I go to dance courses that I can, I will show!

Dance for show

4. She shoots like a cannon,

And her name is (cracker).

Carlson shoots.

5 I make no secret

Everyone knows here (candy).

The birthday people treat everyone with sweets.

Group photo.

Related publications:

It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to celebrate children's birthdays. First, there are a lot of friends in kindergarten! This is the real one.

"Baba Yaga, fairy congratulations." Scenario for the birthday of a girl in kindergarten Fairy: Hello, children! (children come up, say hello) I am a sorceress - a fairy. I heard that your group has a birthday today.

Birthday for children in kindergarten A pirate runs into the hall to the music, a parrot sits on his shoulder. Pirate - Hi friends, you haven’t seen Princess Jasmine here by any chance, she has gone.

Birthday in a kindergarten. Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 2" of the city district is closed administrative-territorial.

Traffic light's birthday in kindergarten №3 The number of cars on the roads, as well as the intensity and speed, increases every year.

Birthday is a special date, This holiday can not be compared with anything, And the wizard once invented the joy of giving to the birthday man. Let your face be.

Host: We are glad to welcome you, dear guests, at such a significant event - the 50th Anniversary (IO of the hero of the day)! I suggest you meet our dear birthday girl with the most thunderous applause!

(music plays or fanfare, birthday girl enters)

And to make it more fun ...

"Pour a glass of wine!"

We celebrate birthday

We are happy to welcome our guests.

How to please all of them?

"Give the guests vodka to drink."

We made a program,

Competitions have been composed for you,

And so that the games go faster,

"Pour a glass of wine!"

Okay, okay, don't shout

And don't wake up your neighbors!

Pour it up soon

For the holiday, and for all the guests!

2. If everything is already ready, if guests are very much expected

This means the best holiday is coming ... ANNIVERSARY

If, in search of gifts, he throws all his friends into a fever,

This means a glorious holiday is very close ... ANNIVERSARY

If more often than congratulations the word asks for "pour!"

So what's going on here? We answer ... ANNIVERSARY!

So what to do, brothers? Answer us for the hero of the day!

Why doubt? It's clear ... Pour!

"JUBILEE" - shout guests. "Pour" - shouts the hero of the day.

3. (Chant: The guests all together answer "it's me, it's me, it's all my friends.")

How many of you are now ready to drink a glass to the brim?

Which of you will enchant all of us with a cheerful song?

Who of you, tell me brothers, will undress in a dance?

How many of you in a new suit are so similar to Casanova?

Which of you, with your mouth open, will tell a joke here?

Who of you, tell me brothers, will lie under the table?

Who will drink a glass at a neighbor's while having a clever conversation?

Who of you, tell me brothers, will be hungover tomorrow?


?Mini-game "Degree of sobriety (drinking)".

The presenter calls various words, and the guests in chorus, quickly and without hesitation, call the diminutive form of this word.

For instance:

Mom mom

Daddy daddy


Light bulb

Goat goat


Water-water Points

Correct of course "Ichka waters", but for some reason, in most cases, already tipsy guests answer "Ochka waters".

Leading :?

So it looks like our guests have "increased dehydration." Have a drink! 2.

"Alcoholic Relay" A very interesting game that involves the physical activity of the participants. There should be organized two teams of participants, 5-7 people each. The most important thing is that the number of participants is odd. The finish and start lines are marked, on which the participants of each of the teams line up in 2 ranks. A chair is placed at the finish line, an empty glass and a bottle of wine or beer or vodka are placed on it. This is determined by the participants themselves. The first player must run to the finish line, pour the contents of a bottle into a glass and return to the team, standing as the rear player. Only after the first participant comes running can the second participant enter the game. His task is to run to the chair and drink the glass poured by the first player. And this continues until the bottle is empty.

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the woman

Know everything in the zodiac

A smart, light sign comes in

Twins- no quicker,

They have both agility and intelligence!

No, it's not in vain that you are Gemini!

Himself took the bridle of fate!

Intuition plus intelligence -

Do not act at random!

Outwardly you live easily

You achieve everything

Like a sail behind my back

And the obstacles - not a single one!

And behind everything - hard work.

They just don’t give benefits!

An "easy" sign will not help:

I am a Gemini, they say, a merry fellow!

Everyone wants to have fun

All day and night all day long

Chat, have fun -

You don't have to be a twin!

Boredom, yes, their worst enemy.

But why such a zigzag?

There is also room for business,

To the place of humor and enthusiasm,

And there is enough spice

And beloved vanity -

Everything Gemini loves

All fighters with boredom!

But to reach heights in matters

Only a Gemini is capable of

Who is rich in mind

And, like you, I'm glad to work.

If to the place, as it is now -

Are you ready to start dancing

Show what a Gemini is

And in fun - a dashing man!

The house will hum in the walk,

What joy will be in it!

Gemini's birthday

The holiday is like that for all residents!

Children! - the script for the 50th anniversary is really needed !!!

[b] Guest (IP: 81.26. *. *), the fact is that you can find a mountain of scripts on the Internet! (references have already been given to some ....) Another thing is that most of them are hackneyed and not always interesting. And the original, so to speak, individual - this is the so-called intellectual (or creative) property of the leading (or scriptwriters) banquets. I have been writing scripts for quite some time (including to order) and I myself host corporate parties, anniversary banquets, and other events, I gave my developments "for thanks" a couple of times with a request not to pass on further, but, unfortunately, my request remained without attention ... Since then I stopped giving my scripts just like that. And, probably, all those who could, but did not respond to your request for a script, did not respond for the same reason. I can provide an individual script, but not for free. Or spend your anniversary evening (from 2 to 6 hours). If you are interested, call 89222661561. Nika. And here is a link on holding the holidays to my Temka here on the forum, there is also about anniversary banquets. In addition, scripts, if not to order, are written "for themselves", and it is not a fact that someone will be able to hold a banquet on it like this , as intended by the author ... All jokes - impromptu in the script can not be written ...

Host: Dear guests!
Today in our house is already an anniversary again We celebrate the date with the name ...
All guests: Twenty-five!
Host: Our birthday boy is young, handsome and full of strength, in our hearts he is always dear to us and very dear.
Host: ... (name of the birthday boy)!
We congratulate you
With all my heart, believe me.
Open with us today
You are the door to the adult world!
(Applause from the guests.)
Host: Friends! Let the glasses we have shifted symbolize the unity in the congratulations sounded! Hooray!
All (in chorus): Hurray!
(Toast. Musical pause.)
Host: Between the first and second there is a small break. We invite you, dear guests, to make a common toast of 25 words in honor of the 25th anniversary of our birthday boy. Your task: in turn, add one word to the above so that you get a phrase with a single meaning.
(Drawing up a toast. Musical pause.)
Host: Dear guests! It's no secret that our birthday boy was born under the Gemini zodiac sign. It would not be bad if, in his 25th birthday, he could look at himself from the outside. (The birthday boy is handed a mirror.) ... (name of the birthday boy), tell us, what is your twin brother like? (The birthday boy describes his image, perhaps some characteristic features of his behavior.)
You are very similar - there is no doubt
And delighted, really, all friends.
Don't celebrate it on your birthday
Of course, we just can't!
- Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful Twins!
Host: As you know, Gemini has everything the same: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Now, dear friends, before your very eyes, we will find a suitable match for the birthday boy.
(The presenter chooses a young man of a similar build among the guests. He and the birthday man are dressed in everything the same: T-shirts, caps, glasses, beard, mustache, etc.)
Host: Dear mothers, grandmothers, fathers!
Before you is a miracle - the twins!
And they are similar not only in appearance, but also in their movements and gestures. Now we will be convinced of this with you. We invite the birthday man's twin to make a congratulatory speech, accompanying each phrase with certain gestures, and the birthday person should not lag behind, repeating all the words and movements almost simultaneously with his twin.

Dear guests! Today I, that is, we, are celebrating the anniversary.
I would like to sincerely congratulate my twin brother on this holiday and wish him to look at the world with wide open eyes, keep his ears on top of his head and conquer everyone with his white-toothed smile. Long live the happy Gemini! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
(Applause from the guests.)
Host: Friends! There are all sorts of reasons to drink to these similar men!
(The guests are drinking.)
Twin of the birthday boy: My congratulations are not over yet, accept the presents, my twin brother! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to give you what you have long dreamed of. I give you ... a flower. (Without looking, he pulls out a stalk protruding from his belt from behind.) Ugh, where is he? Ah, it must have been eaten by the cow, she trailed on my heels all the way. But don't worry, you put it in a pot, (points to the stem), a new one will grow. (Hands over the stem.)
I still have a present for you. Here ... Granny's strawberry jam. (Takes out an empty jar.) Only I ate the jam myself, it was very tasty. But, nothing, the bank will be useful to you too, you will add savings there. (Hands the jar.)
And, finally, a picture ... (Takes out a large wooden frame). Both on! I forgot the canvas, I brought one frame. But it doesn't matter! So you would be looking at the picture alone, and then everyone will be looking at you! (Holds a frame in front of the birthday man, presents his portrait. Applause from the guests.)
The birthday boy's twin:
Happy birthday, dear, brother!
Be healthy and rich!
Host: Friends!
Boredom does not suit us:
Give a glass to the twin!
Let's raise a toast to congratulations
And for such wonderful moments.
(Guests are drinking. The birthday boy's twin takes off his costume, accessories, takes a place among the guests.)
Host: We continue the original congratulations and presenting gifts to our birthday boy. (Congratulations to the guests. Presenting gifts.)
Host: Dear guests! Take a look at our birthday boy! At 25, he looks like a real man!
Host: I wonder what, what, what, what are these men made of?
From overseas bottles and tight wallets,
From excellent foreign cars, drills, carnations, grinders.
From picnics, parties, violins and, of course, smiles.
Host: And I was already convinced of this, having noticed that the smile of the birthday boy is his characteristic feature. I think the guests are also ready to smile at him in response.
(The guests raise their pre-prepared smiles made of cardboard above the table, on the back of which are written the words addressed to the birthday boy.)
Host: Friends! With these smiles we will try to compose
a general sculptural composition called "Happy Day".
(Guests, in turn, read the text with "smiles".)

1. I hope you will smile heartily when you wrap yourself in this sheet in Roman style. (The birthday boy is given a sheet. With the help of the guests, he completes the task.)
2. Like God from above, give us a smile. (The two men cross their arms and raise the birthday boy, who in turn keeps "smiles" on their faces.)
3. Break up a smile now - I will play the violin. (The participant plays or imitates playing a musical instrument, while not forgetting about his "smile".)
4. I will perform a dance for you, cheer me up with a smile. (While holding a "smile", the participant performs any dance to the accompaniment of the previous player.)
5. If your lips smile, sounds will flow out of my mouth immediately. (The participant sings the song "Smile".)
Host: And now - attention! We ask all participants of the living sculpture to freeze in place - an instant photo for memory! (Photographing the sculpture.)
Host: Let's drink to keep smiles from our faces as long as possible, and the birthday boy gave them to us as often as possible! (Guests are drinking.)
Host: Since we started talking about men, please remember how this word will sound in a foreign language? (Men.)
Host: For the word "men" in Russian, you can pick up many words of the same root. For example: an athlete, a showman, a businessman, a gentleman, as well as new names well known to children - Spiderman (Spiderman) and Batman. All these words can only be attributed to real men who dream of meeting our hero of the day on this holiday. Meet them!
(Guests dressed in appropriate costumes come out to the music and sing a song to the tune "My number 245" in chorus.)

Together today, we are the whole squad
We came to a holiday, anniversary.
Let the toasts sound here for a reason,
Don't drink too much.
Today, our friend, we have fun
Celebrate the holiday with you.
We drink, alas, not Coca-Cola,
You are responsible for all of us.

In their dashing 25
You must show yourself
And be the best today
At the end of the fun.
(2 times.)

(Each "men" gives the birthday boy a task, he tries to cope with it to the best of his ability.)
Athlete: The first task will be as follows: you need to do 10 push-ups.
Businessman: Push-ups are easy, but making money is much more difficult. Here is the Tool (hammer) and the necessary material (bar and coins). Slip the coins into the bar with the edge.
Spiderman: Dear birthday boy! Take an example from me: let go of the cobweb and hit the center of the target. (For the competition, the game "Darts" is used with magnetized arrows, to which are tied gray threads coming from a ring placed on the player's hand.)
Batman: Try, like me, to jump from one roof to another. (Any item can be used to limit the size of the "roof".)
Gentleman: Be able to remember and repeat all my actions with a cane.
Showman: Cheer up our company with a funny song or a funny anecdote.
Host: Dear guests! Let's congratulate our hero of the day on successfully passed the tests and proclaim him SUPER-MEN!
(The hero of the day is put on a ribbon with the inscription "SUPERMAN". Applause from the guests.)
Host: Dear guests! Our hero truly deserves a special toast.

We raise a toast to superman
We wish you success and good luck in the future!
(Guests are drinking. All "exchanges" take part in the next competition.)

(Cheerful music sounds. Everyone is dancing. As soon as the music is interrupted, the participants form pairs "man - woman", the extra "men" leaves the game. The game continues, but in the absence of one of the ladies. And so on until the last ones remain 2 participants, who will be proclaimed a "super pair." Music. Competition. Determination of the winners.)
To celebrate our super couple
We will fill the container with wine,
Let's raise the glasses above the table
And we'll drink it all at once.
(Guests are drinking. Musical pause. Dance block.)
Host: Dear guests!
To play a good prize,
I ask you to take your places.
(Guests sit at the table.)
Moderator: We need to choose two participants among you. They will have to leave this place with my assistant until I give a prearranged signal.
(2-3 participants leave with an assistant facilitator.)
Friends! A whistle is tied at the back to my belt on a dangling cord. As soon as I approach someone with my back, you pick up the whistle and whistle. Players will take turns guessing where the whistle is. To confuse them a little, I ask everyone to stretch their arms forward and clench their fists, (the leader blows the whistle. The assistant brings one of the players.)
Leading (to the first player): Your task is to guess which of those present has a whistle. You have the right to point to any fist and see what is there.
(Speaking his words, the presenter is between the player and the guests. Stealthily taking a few steps back, he comes close to the guests and allows them to hang down. Constantly asking the player where the whistle is, the host changes his location, moving from one guests to another, when This, perhaps, turning around himself several times. This gives a kind of hint to the player. As soon as the whistle is found, the second player is invited, and everything starts all over again. Which player will find the whistle faster?)
Host: Our program continues with merry dances.
(Dance block.)
Host: Dear guests! ...
We are completing the anniversary,
We invite everyone to the table,
We invite everyone to raise
For the anniversary, for 25!
(Guests are drinking. The picnic continues with sports games and competitions: football, volleyball, swimming, "Darts" and others.)

Scenario of the jubilee 30 years "Jubilee of the Gemini - a daring fellow"

30th Anniversary Scenario

Host: Dear guests!
Today in our house is already an anniversary again We celebrate the date with the name ...
All guests: thirty!
Host: Our birthday boy is young, handsome and full of strength, in our hearts he is always dear to us and very dear.
Host:… (name of the birthday boy)!
We congratulate you
With all my heart, believe me.
Open with us today
You are the door to the adult world!
(Applause from the guests.)
Host: Friends! Let the glasses we have shifted symbolize the unity in the congratulations sounded! Hooray!
All (in chorus): Hurray!
(Toast. Musical pause.)
Host: Between the first and second there is a small break. We invite you, dear guests, to make a common toast of 30 words in honor of the 30th anniversary of our birthday boy. Your task: in turn, add one word to the above so that you get a phrase with a single meaning.
(Drawing up a toast. Musical pause.)
Host: Dear guests! It's no secret that our birthday boy was born under the Gemini zodiac sign. It would not be bad if, in his 30th birthday, he could look at himself from the outside. (The birthday boy is handed a mirror.) ... (name of the birthday boy), tell us, what is your twin brother like? (The birthday boy describes his image, perhaps some characteristic features of his behavior.)
You are very similar - there is no doubt
And delighted, really, all friends.
Don't celebrate it on your birthday
Of course, we just can't!
- Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful Twins!
Host: As you know, Gemini has everything the same: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Now, dear friends, before your very eyes, we will find a suitable match for the birthday boy.
(The presenter chooses a young man of a similar build among the guests. He and the birthday man are dressed in everything the same: T-shirts, caps, glasses, beard, mustache, etc.)
Host: Dear mothers, grandmothers, fathers!
Before you is a miracle - the twins!
And they are similar not only in appearance, but also in their movements and gestures. Now we will be convinced of this with you. We invite the birthday boy's twin to make a congratulatory speech, accompanying each phrase with certain gestures, and the birthday boy should keep up, repeating all the words and movements almost simultaneously with his twin.

Dear guests! Today I, that is, we, are celebrating the anniversary.
I would like to sincerely congratulate my twin brother on this holiday and wish him to look at the world with wide open eyes, keep his ears on top of his head and conquer everyone with his white-toothed smile. Long live the happy Gemini! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
(Applause from the guests.)
Host: Friends! There are all sorts of reasons to drink to these similar men!
(The guests are drinking.)
Twin of the birthday boy: My congratulations are not over yet, accept the presents, my twin brother! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to give you what you have long dreamed of. I give you ... a flower. (Without looking, he pulls out a stalk protruding from his belt from behind.) Ugh, where is he? Ah, it must have been eaten by the cow, she trailed on my heels all the way. But don't worry, you put it in a pot, (points to the stem), a new one will grow. (Hands over the stem.)
I still have a present for you. Here's ... grandma's strawberry jam. (Takes out an empty jar.) Only I ate the jam myself, it was very tasty. But, nothing, the bank will be useful to you too, you will add savings there. (Hands over the bank.)
And, finally, a painting ... (Takes out a large wooden frame). Both on! I forgot the canvas, I brought one frame. But it doesn't matter! So you would be looking at the picture alone, and then everyone will be looking at you! (Holds a frame in front of the birthday man, presents his portrait. Applause from the guests.)
The birthday boy's twin:
Happy birthday, dear, brother!
Be healthy and rich!
Host: Friends!
Boredom does not suit us:
Give a glass to the twin!
Let's raise a toast to congratulations
And for such wonderful moments.
(Guests are drinking. The birthday boy's twin takes off his costume, accessories, takes a place among the guests.)
Host: We continue the original congratulations and presenting gifts to our birthday boy. (Congratulations to the guests. Presenting gifts.)
Host: Dear guests! Take a look at our birthday boy! At 30, he looks like a real man!
Host: I wonder what, what, what, what are these men made of?
From overseas bottles and tight wallets,
From excellent foreign cars, drills, carnations, grinders.
From picnics, parties, violins and, of course, smiles.
Host: And I was already convinced of this, having noticed that the smile of the birthday boy is his characteristic feature. I think the guests are also ready to smile at him in response.
(The guests raise their pre-prepared smiles made of cardboard above the table, on the back of which are written the words addressed to the birthday boy.)
Host: Friends! With these smiles we will try to compose
a general sculptural composition called "Happy Day".
(Guests, in turn, read the text with "smiles".)

1. I hope you will smile heartily when you wrap yourself in this sheet in Roman style. (The birthday boy is given a sheet. With the help of the guests, he completes the task.)
2. Like God from above, give us a smile. (The two men cross their arms and raise the birthday boy, who in turn keeps "smiles" on their faces.)
3. Break up a smile now - I will play the violin. (The participant plays or imitates playing a musical instrument, while not forgetting about his "smile".)
4. I will perform a dance for you, cheer me up with a smile. (While holding the "smile", the participant performs any dance to the accompaniment of the previous player.)
5. If your lips smile, sounds will flow out of my mouth immediately. (The participant sings the song "Smile".)
Host: And now - attention! We ask all participants of the living sculpture to freeze in place - an instant photo for memory! (Photographing the sculpture.)
Host: Let's drink to keep smiles from our faces as long as possible, and the birthday boy gave them to us as often as possible! (The guests are drinking.)
Host: Since we started talking about men, please remember how this word will sound in a foreign language? (Men.)
Host: For the word "men" in Russian, you can pick up many words of the same root. For example: an athlete, a showman, a businessman, a gentleman, as well as new names well known to children - Spiderman (Spiderman) and Batman. All these words can only be attributed to real men who dream of meeting our hero of the day on this holiday. Meet them!
(Guests dressed in appropriate costumes come out to the music and sing a song to the tune "My number 245" in chorus.)

Together today, we are the whole squad
We came to a holiday, anniversary.
Let the toasts sound here for a reason,
Don't drink too much.
Today, our friend, we have fun
Celebrate the holiday with you.
We drink, alas, not Coca-Cola,
You are responsible for all of us.

At the age of thirty again
You must show yourself
And be the best today
At the end of the fun.
(2 times.)

Host: Dear birthday boy! Today you have to go through several tests, having conquered all the guests with your successes. Our "exchange" will help you with this.
(Each "men" gives the birthday boy a task, he tries to cope with it to the best of his ability.)
Athlete: The first task will be as follows: you need to do 10 push-ups.
Businessman: Push-ups are easy, but making money is much more difficult. Here is the Tool (hammer) and the necessary material (bar and coins). Slip the coins into the bar with the edge.
Spiderman: Dear birthday boy! Take an example from me: let go of the cobweb and hit the center of the target. (For the competition, the game "Darts" is used with magnetized arrows, to which are tied gray threads coming from a ring placed on the player's hand.)
Batman: Try, like me, to jump from one roof to another. (Any item can be used to limit the size of the "roof".)
Gentleman: Be able to remember and repeat all my actions with a cane.
Showman: Cheer up our company with a funny song or a funny anecdote.
Host: Dear guests! Let's congratulate our hero of the day on successfully passed the tests and proclaim him SUPER-MEN!
(The hero of the day is put on a ribbon with the inscription "SUPERMAN". Applause from the guests.)
Host: Dear guests! Our hero truly deserves a special toast.

We raise a toast to superman
We wish you success and good luck in the future!
(Guests are drinking. All "exchanges" take part in the next competition.)

Host: Friends! There is already a superman in our company, it remains to choose a super pair. All already known "exchanges" take part in this competition, including the hero of the day, as well as 6 representatives of the fair sex.
(Cheerful music sounds. Everyone is dancing. As soon as the music is interrupted, the participants form pairs "man - woman", the extra "men" leaves the game. The game continues, but in the absence of one of the ladies. And so on until the last ones remain 2 participants, who will be proclaimed a "super pair." Music. Competition. Determination of the winners.)
To celebrate our super couple
We will fill the container with wine,
Let's raise the glasses above the table
And we'll drink it all at once.
(Guests are drinking. Musical pause. Dance block.)
Host: Dear guests!
To play a good prize,
I ask you to take your places.
(Guests sit at the table.)
Moderator: We need to choose two participants among you. They will have to leave this place with my assistant until I give a prearranged signal.
(2-3 participants leave with an assistant facilitator.)
Friends! A whistle is tied at the back to my belt on a dangling cord. As soon as I approach someone with my back, you pick up the whistle and whistle. Players will take turns guessing where the whistle is. To confuse them a little, I ask everyone to stretch their arms forward and clench their fists, (the leader blows the whistle. The assistant brings one of the players.)
Leading (to the first player): Your task is to guess which of those present has a whistle. You have the right to point to any fist and see what is there.
(Speaking his words, the presenter is between the player and the guests. Stealthily taking a few steps back, he comes close to the guests and allows them to hang down. Constantly asking the player where the whistle is, the host changes his location, moving from one guests to another, when This, perhaps, turning around himself several times. This gives a kind of hint to the player. As soon as the whistle is found, the second player is invited, and everything starts all over again. Which player will find the whistle faster?)
Host: Our program continues with merry dances.
(Dance block.)
Host: Dear guests! ...
We are completing the anniversary,
We invite everyone to the table,
We invite everyone to raise
For the anniversary, for 30!
(Guests are drinking. The picnic continues with sports games and competitions: football, volleyball, swimming, "Darts" and others.)

Gemini is not a frequent event.
and not many are so spoiled by life.
And you have double happiness in your family:
two daughters were born at once!
It is twice as troublesome, but also twice as pleasant!
Who said that miracles don't happen?
Happy with whom this happens!
And doubly - who understands this.

cool congratulations to the twins

Double pleasure!
The house is full of guests, gifts
Twins, happy birthday!
Always and everywhere along the way -
There is one calling for you.
Nowhere to be found
Mutual understanding!
We wish you great joys
Love to infinity
We wish you happiness for two
And also separately!

congratulations on the birth of twins girls

Happy birthday twins!
There is nothing to separate you
And, like tumblers,
Impossible to tell the difference!
Let them change a little
You cares, people, days ...
You are like angels with God,
At their friends, relatives.
Good, light-hearted! ..
So be together everywhere!
I wish you happiness, great love !!!

We want to congratulate you soon,
With the fact that after so many long days,
Everything in life has changed dramatically -
Two miracles were born!
It will definitely be difficult
But you must admit, it's wonderful,
And this happiness is forever -
That not one child, but two!
Twice as many tears and laughter
Doubly toys and shirts
Well, let it double success
Twins will achieve!

congratulations to the twin man

Roofing in our eyes doubles
Is it magic:
Invited us to appear
For a double celebration!

You look alike to each other,
Two have eyes that burn
Distinguishing you won't help
Even a festive outfit!

We congratulate twins
Twice with the best day
We wish you to be happy
And separately, and together!

Parents of twin boys

How cool it is to be a mom of two boys!
(And anyone can understand this without words)
Being a mother of girls, of course, is not that:
There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, loto,
There are fluffy dresses and toe-length braids
God gave you two boys.
Your house is not decorated with vases of roses
And the cyborg killer that your son brought
Finding him in a puddle near his dear home,
I cleaned it, washed it: and now it is like new.
No, this is not rubbish, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to break a military base?
Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?
Think about it, woman! Well this is a nightmare!
You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
Be brave and daring, not a step back!
So, come in from the flank, hit with artillery.
(If you don't know what it is - ask your sons).
You will learn all the brands of cars with them,
And all kinds of their tires will get bigger.
They will still grow up and they will enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work.
Without them you might not know anything
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
What are bearings? With thorns of something?

birthday greetings to the twins

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness,
And today on the planet
More for two!
God sent twins to twins
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No despondency and problems!

Today is a two-in-one holiday.
Double pleasure!
The house is full of guests, gifts
Twins, happy birthday!
Always and everywhere along the way -
There is one calling for you.
Nowhere to be found
Mutual understanding!
We wish you great joys
Love to infinity
We wish you happiness for two
And also separately!

birthday greetings to the twins

Today is the celebration of the twins -
Lively and nimble daredevils.
We wish them a happy birthday
Congratulate today, and dream
Have a great time
In their society, bring them
A cure for all diseases -
Communication is most useful
For our lovely twins!
Friends are needed from all over
Republic or at least the capital,
Then ready to have fun!
From all kinds of impressions
Shift and entertainment partners
Do not get tired, but get younger,
Ideas, plans ripen in souls.
This is not a fad and no lordship,
Not fiction and not slyness:
Success is possible in their work
With intense bustle.
And you will reach heights
For this new year for you.
On your coming birthday
Great impressions await you!

congratulations on newborn twins

And mind, and talent, and beauty,

I am you and you are me

And may it always be so!

birthday greetings to the twins

I’ll look at you like in a mirror
And in this reflection, imagine, I find
And mind, and talent, and beauty,
Riddle, mystery, love and dream!

I am you and you are me
And these, believe me, are not just words,
You are a half, a part of me
And may it always be so!

Let the passer-by look, smiling
Let for someone we are very similar,
I can feel your mood with my skin!
We are like one: but there are two of us all the same.

congratulations to mom on the birth of twins

I wish everyone Gemini
The rich and the poor alike
For fate to give you
Gifts are all double

I wish you double salary,
Keep your pockets full
There is only one thing I don’t wish for
Two mother-in-law and double wives.

congratulations on the birth of twin girls

Happy birthday twins!
There is nothing to separate you
And, like tumblers,
Impossible to tell the difference!
Let them change a little
You cares, people, days ...
You are like angels with God,
At their friends, relatives.
Make peace without fights, without flattery,
Good, light-hearted! ..
So be together everywhere!
I wish you happiness, great love !!!

congratulations to the parents of the twins

You look alike to each other!
Identical: faces!
Only you are different -
One cannot but agree here!

Walk through life with a smile,
Make it harder for yourself to set goals
Achieve all of them successfully,
To make everyone go nuts!)

We wish you to live very amicably
Weeks, months, and all year round
After all, you both need to live
Up to at least three hundred years!

For every man, the 30th anniversary is a momentous event, showing what he has managed to achieve during his still just beginning life. Despite his youth, at this age a man already quite well understands what he wants from his existence. Since there is still a whole life ahead, the 30th anniversary is a triumph of hope for a prosperous existence.

The best solution would be to spend this holiday not at home, but somewhere outside the home - you can rent a restaurant or cafe, or go out of town.

At this age, many will have to taste to celebrate their anniversary in a sauna or steam bath. There you can take advantage of many interesting offers (karaoke, billiards, etc.), as well as relax in an informal atmosphere with close friends.

An interesting option would be to celebrate a holiday on the water (river, sea, lake). Then a man close to you will remember the 30th anniversary for a long time. In this case, a boat or a yacht will be your faithful companion. On a bright sunny day, you can use the deck for the celebration, but if the weather turns bad, go down to the cabin.

Use nature - beaches, forests, cozy gazebos in recreation areas will be a great place to celebrate the anniversary. In this case, it is necessary to calculate in advance the method of delivery of the invited guests to the place of the holiday. All the necessary equipment must also be prepared in advance (raw materials for a fire, meat for barbecue, grill, dishes, napkins, as well as insect repellent and warm clothes, if the weather promises to deteriorate in the evening). All invitees must be aware of going out into the countryside to prevent any trouble.

Gifts can be started on arrival at the venue. To diversify the holiday, you can hide some of the most significant and important gifts (for example, sprinkle them with dry leaves), thereby intriguing the hero of the day. If you decide to do this, then during the holiday you can hold a competition, during which the hero of the day, at the prompts of the guests, will look for the "treasure" hidden from him.

Feast with cool contests

Of course, on the 30th birthday, as on many other holidays, it will not be superfluous to hold several contests and games between the periods of the feast. It is better to take some cheerful friend of the hero of the day for the role of the host. He will have to make sure that the glasses are full and the guests are not bored, tell interesting stories, joke and offer interesting toasts. We must not forget that you need to give the floor to each of the guests so that they too can congratulate the birthday boy.
Such a holiday must necessarily be filled with humor and laughter.

Scenario "30 years - everything is just beginning"

Since the hero of the day is still very young, it is worth arranging everything in a youth style (balloons, crackers). However, if the birthday person has great success in his career, this also cannot be ignored: the place of celebration should be decorated with things that are important for a person that speak of his merits and status (awards, certificates). Together, this will create an atmosphere of transition from youth to adulthood.

Good evening, everyone who gathered here today: the birthday man, guests, as well as all those who were not invited! I am glad to announce that the celebration dedicated to the celebration of our esteemed ... (name) is canceled today, which means you can fearlessly postpone all the gifts and just start drinking. Seriously, there is no reason to be fun. Our hero of the day has become smarter and wiser over this year, and the mind, as they say, brings nothing but grief. And we don't need grief. So let's drink to our too young hero of the day!

(guests are drinking)
So, since we still have a hero of the occasion, let's congratulate him all together! The first word is given to the wife of our hero of the day!

(Congratulations from the wife)

I also want to congratulate our hero of the occasion, I even wrote a speech! But here's the bad luck: I've always had a hard time with adjectives, so I'm asking for your help! Name any adjectives and I'll finish my speech!

Entertainment for guests "Lost congratulations"

It is necessary to prepare the text for this scene in advance. Here is an example of similar text:
We all congratulate you with an organized _________ crowd ... (name of the hero of the day) on this wonderful day. Each of those present is sure that this is a man of __________ intellect, __________ heart, and also, without a doubt, he is in __________ form. Only a few at his __________ age have achieved such __________ heights and created a huge number of __________ cases. We sincerely wish our hero of the day __________ health, __________ relationships, __________ actions, __________ miracles on his life path and, of course, further self-improvement.

So that my words come true
Let's drink together on the count of three!
Pour to the brim
To make the blood boil!
One two Three,
Red nose, burn!

Competition "Super-draw"

Leading: And now I invite everyone to participate in an incredible drawing!

For the drawing, you need several things that are related to the hero of the day or belong to him. Examples of such things are his pacifier, his first bottle, his favorite mug from his childhood, military boots, his school diary, and so on. If there are no such things, you can use things that he cannot do without in modern life: car keys, a notebook, a business suit.
All those present begin to compliment the birthday man in turn. You can think about it for no more than 3 seconds. It is desirable that as many people as possible participate. As soon as a participant cannot give a compliment, he is eliminated. The winner is the one who was the last to say pleasant words to the birthday man. He then gets the same prize.

So many kind words, however,
Not everyone can wish!
You deserve the victory
We have awarded you for a reason!
Now I ask you all
To drink to such a success!

(guests are drinking)

Competition "Rope"

Leading: Now, an attraction of unheard of generosity! Now we will check what you are capable of for the sake of our hero of the day!

On a specially issued piece of paper, each participant writes what he can give the birthday boy. All leaves are tied with strings to a thicker rope, which is tied at chest level between two trees. Further, the hero of the occasion with closed eyes approaches this string and tries to cut one of the "prizes". He is given 3 attempts. The authors of those leaves that he cut off must give him what was written on them either now or on the next birthday. You can't skimp in this competition, because it turns out so much more fun!

Yeah, it's nice to live in the world
100 gifts in mind!
Let's drink so that life is
Only full of surprises!

(guests are drinking)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day ...)

Contest "Postcard Search"

Leading: Many of us have already congratulated our respected ... (name), but he does not know that this is not the main congratulation of this day! But, like everything good in this life, it will not give itself up to you so easily! You, our dear hero of the day, will have to find him!

It is necessary to write a beautiful congratulation for the birthday person in advance, cut it into several pieces (if the celebration takes place in nature, it is better not to do many parts) and hide it in different places of the holiday venue. You can also attach some parts to the clothes of guests or even the hero of the day. The hero of the day must find these pieces during the whole holiday and put together a congratulation from them. You can use a kids' puzzle for this competition by writing warm words on the back of it.

Yes, it's not easy for you
Search before the sun goes down!
So that the search is successful,
definitely need a drink!

(guests are drinking)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day ...)

Competition "Ode to the hero of the day".

Leading: This holiday brought together the greatest poets of our time! Don't believe me? So I'll prove it to you now!

A piece of paper is launched in a circle. Each guest, in turn, writes a line with a wish on it, and then folds it in such a way that this line is not visible. This continues until everyone contributes to this work. When the guests have finished the masterpiece, the presenter beautifully and loudly reads the resulting ode in honor of the hero of the day to loud applause from everyone present.

Yeah, such curls
Even Pushkin would not have thought of it!
For such a great talent,
You need to drink with all your soul!

(guests are drinking)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day ...)

Striptease competition

Leading: Few people know, but our hero of the occasion has an outstanding body and does not hesitate to show it! Let's all take a look at this spectacle!

It is necessary to prepare the props for this competition in advance. A full-length cardboard figure of a pumped-up man is printed and cut out, and the face of the hero of the day is glued to the place of the head. Further, as many clothes as possible are added to this figure in various ways (they put on T-shirts and sweaters, underwear, even earrings on the ears). Clothes can also be cut out of cardboard or other materials and simply pinned to the figure. Further, those present are asked questions that relate to the birthday person (from his wedding day to his favorite brand of alcohol, you need to come up with questions in advance). If the answer to the question is correct, the mannequin loses one of its "accessories".
If the hero of the day is a shy person, you can opt for a T-shirt and shorts. But if he does not complex, then a funny decision would be to "strip" the mannequin completely, covering the intimate parts of the mannequin with oak leaves. The guest who answered the most questions takes the figure for himself.

Oh, what kind of Apollo,
Grace and strength in him!
To be the most beautiful of all
Drinking is definitely not a sin for us!

(guests are drinking)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day ...)

Birthday portrait

Leading: During the evening we made sure that the people gathered here are creative and extraordinary! Let's make sure of this once again!

For the competition to take place, props are required: two fixed thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens or bright pencils, several thick, opaque bandages (you can use a scarf). Those present are divided into 2 teams and line up next to their "workplace". The hero of the day sits down opposite the artists with a glass of vodka in one hand and a snack (cucumber) in the other.
Participants must draw a portrait of the hero of the day in an intricate way: the first couple is blindfolded with a scarf, given a felt-tip pen or pencil, their task is to draw one of the elements of the picture: a glass of vodka, a snack, part of the face, and so on. Then they return to their commands and pass the felt-tip pen to a friend. The game continues until the portraits are completely finished.
The hero of the day evaluates the masterpieces of both teams, and then receives a portion of congratulations from them.

I see, dear friends,
We called you for a reason!
The birthday boy is just happy
This will be our toast!

(guests are drinking)

(the results of the contest "Search for a Postcard" are summed up. A commemorative card is solemnly presented to the hero of the day)

Comic fortune telling "Magic bag"

Leading: We skillfully congratulated our hero of the day! What birthday awaits you next year? I suggest you find out!

This fortune-telling is carried out at the end of the celebration so that guests can find out what their own birthday will be like. For the birthday man, this can be fortune-telling for the next year. The sacrament is performed in this way: several items are placed in the bag. All the guests, without peeping, take out one item from the bag. Further, each subject is played up by the leader. What the participants pulled out goes to them.

Approximate values ​​of items:
A small bottle - the holiday will turn into a real epoch-making celebration.
Chocolate - the celebration will be full of indescribable sweet treats.
Chewing gum - the holiday will last for several days.
Clapperboard - the celebration will be loud and cheerful.
Matches in a box are a sparkling birthday full of vivid impressions.

Leading: So the official part of the holiday is over. Let's sing, dance and have fun! Finally, we once again wish the hero of the day more such joyful and perky evenings in the circle of our closest and most faithful friends!

Children are joy
And with you - doubly!
You are not happier
On the big earth.

Congratulations to dad
Mom, kids.
Nothing in the world
No family is more important.

I wish the kids
Smile more often
Good health,
Laugh every day!

You came into this world together,
Since then, you have been inseparable.
They grew and got stronger every day,
And you weren't bored.

All my life I wish you to be friends
Support each other
Divide sweets for two
Fun and toys.

I wish you health
And listen to mom and dad.
May your friendly family
She will be the happiest!

Happy birthday to you wonderful twins. May there always be double happiness and double joy in your life. Let both success and luck be multiplied by two. Let one sun shine brightly for two of you. May a strong and lasting bond always be kept between you. I wish you to live and enjoy everything that happens, I wish you never be sad and constantly support each other.

You are beautiful twins
You are two dear souls,
Two happy faces
How good you are!

Always be happy
Smile brightly more often
May the cherished dream
Will come true!

I want to wish you health
Always be full of strength!
With the most sincere love
Be surrounded all your life!

Today is a holiday twice
In the square of the name day!
Always accustomed to sharing
You are all half.

Twice as much happiness
Therefore, I wish
Let fate be gifts
It multiplies everything by two!

Health, optimism
Let it last for a long time.
Financial freedom:
So as not to save, but to spend!

These are the wishes
It worked out for me.
I'll shout twice as loud
To you: happy birthday!

You are our twins
Wonderful cuties
With beautiful eyes,
Delicate, playful.

Happy birthday, darlings!
How beautiful you are
Beloved children
Desirable suns!

Be good-natured
The most obedient
Sweet, beloved
And unique!

Happy Birthday,
And there are two births at once.
There will be two fun at once.
Here are the things.

We wish you joy
To live very, very amicably,
So that desires come true
To make your dreams come true.

The two of you entered this world,
You are a souvenir for each other
It is given from life and from God,
Like a precious talisman.

May everything be with you okay
Have a lot of friends
Love, believe, cherish,
You take care of your parents.

Happy Birthday,
You smiles, moods,
Wishes from relatives
Happy daring days!

God sent two lovely, glorious children to the family,
Mom and Dad were surprised and were suddenly delighted.
Happy birthday, cuties, be happy always!
Smile, have fun, never be sad.
Do not get sick, warm your soul to mom, dad and family.
Let a happy birthday be a big holiday!

Happy birthday
You cute twins
And I wish to grow
Healthy, happy.

To help each other,
We didn’t fight, we didn’t quarrel,
So that the house does not fall silent
Two cheerful voices.

To give mom and dad
Happiness you are double
And shared the joy
Always together.

Birthday double
There will be a big holiday.
Congratulations to you today,
We wish you the best.

Let life multiply everything
Only happiness, joy gives.
You walk together,
And take care of each other!

Scenario of the jubilee 30 years "Jubilee of the Gemini - a daring fellow"

- scenario of the anniversary of 30 years

Host: Dear guests!
Today in our house is already an anniversary again We celebrate the date with the name ...
All guests: thirty!
Host: Our birthday boy is young, handsome and full of strength, in our hearts he is always dear to us and very dear.
Host:… (name of the birthday boy)!
We congratulate you
With all my heart, believe me.
Open with us today
You are the door to the adult world!
(Applause from the guests.)
Host: Friends! Let the glasses we have shifted symbolize the unity in the congratulations sounded! Hooray!
All (in chorus): Hurray!
(Toast. Musical pause.)
Host: Between the first and second there is a small break. We invite you, dear guests, to make a common toast of 30 words in honor of the 30th anniversary of our birthday boy. Your task: in turn, add one word to the above so that you get a phrase with a single meaning.
(Drawing up a toast. Musical pause.)
Host: Dear guests! It's no secret that our birthday boy was born under the Gemini zodiac sign. It would not be bad if, in his 30th birthday, he could look at himself from the outside. (The birthday boy is handed a mirror.) ... (name of the birthday boy), tell us, what is your twin brother like? (The birthday boy describes his image, perhaps some characteristic features of his behavior.)
You are very similar - there is no doubt
And delighted, really, all friends.
Don't celebrate it on your birthday
Of course, we just can't!
- Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful Twins!
Host: As you know, Gemini has everything the same: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Now, dear friends, before your very eyes, we will find a suitable match for the birthday boy.
(The presenter chooses a young man of a similar build among the guests. He and the birthday man are dressed in everything the same: T-shirts, caps, glasses, beard, mustache, etc.)
Host: Dear mothers, grandmothers, fathers!
Before you is a miracle - the twins!
And they are similar not only in appearance, but also in their movements and gestures. Now we will be convinced of this with you. We invite the birthday boy's twin to make a congratulatory speech, accompanying each phrase with certain gestures, and the birthday boy should keep up, repeating all the words and movements almost simultaneously with his twin.

Dear guests! Today I, that is, we, are celebrating the anniversary.
I would like to sincerely congratulate my twin brother on this holiday and wish him to look at the world with wide open eyes, keep his ears on top of his head and conquer everyone with his white-toothed smile. Long live the happy Gemini! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
(Applause from the guests.)
Host: Friends! There are all sorts of reasons to drink to these similar men!
(The guests are drinking.)
Twin of the birthday boy: My congratulations are not over yet, accept the presents, my twin brother! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to give you what you have long dreamed of. I give you ... a flower. (Without looking, he pulls out a stalk protruding from his belt from behind.) Ugh, where is he? Ah, it must have been eaten by the cow, she trailed on my heels all the way. But don't worry, you put it in a pot, (points to the stem), a new one will grow. (Hands over the stem.)
I still have a present for you. Here's ... grandma's strawberry jam. (Takes out an empty jar.) Only I ate the jam myself, it was very tasty. But, nothing, the bank will be useful to you too, you will add savings there. (Hands over the bank.)
And, finally, a painting ... (Takes out a large wooden frame). Both on! I forgot the canvas, I brought one frame. But it doesn't matter! So you would be looking at the picture alone, and then everyone will be looking at you! (Holds a frame in front of the birthday man, presents his portrait. Applause from the guests.)
The birthday boy's twin:
Happy birthday, dear, brother!
Be healthy and rich!
Host: Friends!
Boredom does not suit us:
Give a glass to the twin!
Let's raise a toast to congratulations
And for such wonderful moments.
(Guests are drinking. The birthday boy's twin takes off his costume, accessories, takes a place among the guests.)
Host: We continue the original congratulations and presenting gifts to our birthday boy. (Congratulations to the guests. Presenting gifts.)
Host: Dear guests! Take a look at our birthday boy! At 30, he looks like a real man!
Host: I wonder what, what, what, what are these men made of?
From overseas bottles and tight wallets,
From excellent foreign cars, drills, carnations, grinders.
From picnics, parties, violins and, of course, smiles.
Host: And I was already convinced of this, having noticed that the smile of the birthday boy is his characteristic feature. I think the guests are also ready to smile at him in response.
(The guests raise their pre-prepared smiles made of cardboard above the table, on the back of which are written the words addressed to the birthday boy.)
Host: Friends! With these smiles we will try to compose
a general sculptural composition called "Happy Day".
(Guests, in turn, read the text with "smiles".)

1. I hope you will smile heartily when you wrap yourself in this sheet in Roman style. (The birthday boy is given a sheet. With the help of the guests, he completes the task.)
2. Like God from above, give us a smile. (The two men cross their arms and raise the birthday boy, who in turn keeps "smiles" on their faces.)
3. Break up a smile now - I will play the violin. (The participant plays or imitates playing a musical instrument, while not forgetting about his "smile".)
4. I will perform a dance for you, cheer me up with a smile. (While holding the "smile", the participant performs any dance to the accompaniment of the previous player.)
5. If your lips smile, sounds will flow out of my mouth immediately. (The participant sings the song "Smile".)
Host: And now - attention! We ask all participants of the living sculpture to freeze in place - an instant photo for memory! (Photographing the sculpture.)
Host: Let's drink to keep smiles from our faces as long as possible, and the birthday boy gave them to us as often as possible! (The guests are drinking.)
Host: Since we started talking about men, please remember how this word will sound in a foreign language? (Men.)
Host: For the word "men" in Russian, you can pick up many words of the same root. For example: an athlete, a showman, a businessman, a gentleman, as well as new names well known to children - Spiderman (Spiderman) and Batman. All these words can only be attributed to real men who dream of meeting our hero of the day on this holiday. Meet them!
(Guests dressed in appropriate costumes come out to the music and sing a song to the tune "My number 245" in chorus.)

Together today, we are the whole squad
We came to a holiday, anniversary.
Let the toasts sound here for a reason,
Don't drink too much.
Today, our friend, we have fun
Celebrate the holiday with you.
We drink, alas, not Coca-Cola,
You are responsible for all of us.

At the age of thirty again
You must show yourself
And be the best today
At the end of the fun.
(2 times.)

Host: Dear birthday boy! Today you have to go through several tests, having conquered all the guests with your successes. Our "exchange" will help you with this.
(Each "men" gives the birthday boy a task, he tries to cope with it to the best of his ability.)
Athlete: The first task will be as follows: you need to do 10 push-ups.
Businessman: Push-ups are easy, but making money is much more difficult. Here is the Tool (hammer) and the necessary material (bar and coins). Slip the coins into the bar with the edge.
Spiderman: Dear birthday boy! Take an example from me: let go of the cobweb and hit the center of the target. (For the competition, the game "Darts" is used with magnetized arrows, to which are tied gray threads coming from a ring placed on the player's hand.)
Batman: Try, like me, to jump from one roof to another. (Any item can be used to limit the size of the "roof".)
Gentleman: Be able to remember and repeat all my actions with a cane.
Showman: Cheer up our company with a funny song or a funny anecdote.
Host: Dear guests! Let's congratulate our hero of the day on successfully passed the tests and proclaim him SUPER-MEN!
(The hero of the day is put on a ribbon with the inscription "SUPERMAN". Applause from the guests.)
Host: Dear guests! Our hero truly deserves a special toast.

We raise a toast to superman
We wish you success and good luck in the future!
(Guests are drinking. All "exchanges" take part in the next competition.)

Host: Friends! There is already a superman in our company, it remains to choose a super pair. All already known "exchanges" take part in this competition, including the hero of the day, as well as 6 representatives of the fair sex.
(Cheerful music sounds. Everyone is dancing. As soon as the music is interrupted, the participants form pairs "man - woman", the extra "men" leaves the game. The game continues, but in the absence of one of the ladies. And so on until the last ones remain 2 participants, who will be proclaimed a "super pair." Music. Competition. Determination of the winners.)
To celebrate our super couple
We will fill the container with wine,
Let's raise the glasses above the table
And we'll drink it all at once.
(Guests are drinking. Musical pause. Dance block.)
Host: Dear guests!
To play a good prize,
I ask you to take your places.
(Guests sit at the table.)
Moderator: We need to choose two participants among you. They will have to leave this place with my assistant until I give a prearranged signal.
(2-3 participants leave with an assistant facilitator.)
Friends! A whistle is tied at the back to my belt on a dangling cord. As soon as I approach someone with my back, you pick up the whistle and whistle. Players will take turns guessing where the whistle is. To confuse them a little, I ask everyone to stretch their arms forward and clench their fists, (the leader blows the whistle. The assistant brings one of the players.)
Leading (to the first player): Your task is to guess which of those present has a whistle. You have the right to point to any fist and see what is there.
(Speaking his words, the presenter is between the player and the guests. Stealthily taking a few steps back, he comes close to the guests and allows them to hang down. Constantly asking the player where the whistle is, the host changes his location, moving from one guests to another, when This, perhaps, turning around himself several times. This gives a kind of hint to the player. As soon as the whistle is found, the second player is invited, and everything starts all over again. Which player will find the whistle faster?)
Host: Our program continues with merry dances.
(Dance block.)
Host: Dear guests! ...
We are completing the anniversary,
We invite everyone to the table,
We invite everyone to raise
For the anniversary, for 30!
(Guests are drinking. The picnic continues with sports games and competitions: football, volleyball, swimming, "Darts" and others.)