
What day of the week does the celebration always fall on. Question to the priest. Why is Easter celebrated at different times? What to do on Monday


Incredible Facts

It is customary for us that the week starts on Monday, but in some countries Week starts on Sunday.

Also there are some inconsistencies in names- for example, why is Wednesday (i.e. the "average day of the week") actually the third and not the fourth?

To answer these and other questions regarding the days of the week, you need to start with the question, why are there 7 days in a week and why is it called a week.

Why are there 7 days in a week

For a modern person, a seven-day week is a common thing. But where did these seven days in a week come from?

According to historians, in the history of mankind, the week did not always have seven days. There were options 3 days, 5 days, 8 days("eight days" in Ancient Rome) of the week, as well as the ancient 9 day cycle the Celts and orientation for 14 nights, which was present among the ancient Germans.

It will be interesting to note that the ancient Egyptian calendar of Thoth was based on a 10-day cycle. But seven days was popular in ancient Babylon(about 2 thousand years BC).

In ancient Babylon, the seven-day cycle was associated with the phases of the moon. She was seen in the sky for about 28 days: 7 days the Moon increases to the first quarter; she needs the same amount until the full moon.

Also, the 7-day cycle was used by the ancient Jews. The notes of the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, dated to the 1st century AD, include the following words related to the seven days: "There is not a single city, Greek or barbarian, and not a single people, to which our custom of abstaining from work would not extend on the seventh day."

Jews and Christians adopted a 7-day cycle, because. the Old Testament indicated a 7-day weekly cycle established by God (the process of creating the world in 7 days):

first day - the creation of light

second day - the creation of firmament and water

the third day - the creation of sushi and plants

fourth day - the creation of heavenly bodies

fifth day - the creation of birds and fish

the sixth day - the creation of reptiles, animals and man.

the seventh day is dedicated to rest.

From an astronomical point of view, the motivation behind the 7-Day is pretty simple. All calendar calculations of ancient peoples based on the phases of the moon.

Their observation was the most convenient and simplest method for calculations and characteristics of time periods.

It is worth noting that in the ancient Roman calendar, the names of all 7 days of the week are associated with the names of the luminaries that can be seen with the naked eye, namely: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.

In the modern calendar you can find these names thanks to Rome, which spread them throughout Western Europe.

And yet the calendar has always been used as ideological weapon. Despite the cosmic rhythms, Chinese and Japanese emperors, for example, introduced their own calendars to once again assert their power.

Tried several times in Europechange 7 day cycle, but there was no violation of the sequence of days.

Why is a week called a week

It doesn’t matter at all (from a theoretical point of view) from which day to count the week, since this is a cycle. You just need to divide the days into workdays and weekends.

The word "week" is familiar to us, and we do not even try to think about where this word came from.

Before the adoption of Christianity, it was customary to call the week a day off, and this day was the first of the week. But then the "day off" was made a day, which completes the weekly cycle.

The word week came from antiquity, where there was an expression "do not do", which meant "do nothing", in other words, "day off" or as we now call "Sunday".
Since I had to rest after work, and not before it, Sunday became the final day of the week.

Today, according to regulation International Organization for Standardization The week starts on Monday.

It is worth noting that before the term "week" was used, these same seven days were called "week"(in Bulgarian, a week is now called "week"). The last day of the week was considered the period when no one does anything, and since the week is the period from Sunday to Sunday (from "not doing" to "not doing"), the word "week" came into use.

Why are the days of the week named so?

Why is Monday called that?

According to one version, in Slavic languages, Monday means the day "after the week", because. "week", as already mentioned, is an old word for this Sunday.

In Europe, Monday was considered a lunar day, i.e. afternoon, patroness which was the moon.

In English - Monday (Moon day = moon day)

In Latin - Dies Lunae

In French - Lundi

In Spanish - el Lunes

Italian - Lunedi

Why is Tuesday so called?

In Slavic languages, Tuesday means the "second" day after Sunday.

In Latin - Dies Martis

French - Mardi

In Spanish - el Martes

Italian - Martedi

You can guess that in some European languages, the name of Tuesday comes from the god Mars.

But in European languages ​​from the Germanic group, the emphasis was placed on the ancient Greek god Tiu (Tiu, Ziu), which is an analogue of Mars (Finnish - Tiistai, English - Tuesday, German - Dienstag).

Why is Wednesday called that?

Among the Slavs, "Wednesday" or "Wednesday" denotes the middle of the week, as well as in German Mittwoch, and in Finnish Keskeviikko. Previously, it was believed that the week began on Sunday, so Wednesday was its middle.

In Latin - Dies Mercuri

In French - le Mercredi

In Spanish - el Miercoles

In Italian - Mercoledi

In the name you can see the name of the god-planet Mercury.

If you delve into other languages, you will find that the English word Wednesday comes from the god Woden (Woden, Wotan). It is also "hidden" in the Swedish Onstag, the Dutch Woenstag and the Danish Onsdag.This god was represented as a tall, thin old man dressed in a black cloak. He became famous for the creation of the runic alphabet - this is what connects him with Mercury - the patron god of written and oral speech.

Why is Thursday so called?

In Slavic languages, the name of this day most likely simply means a number, i.e. fourth day. This word comes from the common Slavic word "fourth". Most likely, over time, "t" fell out, and the sound "k" became more sonorous, as it follows the sonorant sound "r".

In Latin - Dies Jovis

French - Jeudi

Spanish - Jueves

Italian - Giovedi

In European languages thursday descended from the militant Jupiter.

The counterpart of Jupiter in the Germanic languages ​​was Thor, son of Oden, from which originated in English Thursday, in Finnish Torstai, in Swedish Torsdag, in German, Donnerstag, and in Danish Torsdag.

Why is it called Friday

Obviously, in the Slavic languages, the meaning lies in the number five, i.e. Friday = fifth day after Sunday.

In French - Vendredi

Spanish - Viernes

In Italian - Venerdi

It is logical to assume that the name of this day in some European languages ​​comes from the Roman goddess Venus.

Her analogue in the German-Scandinavian myths is the goddess of love and war, Freya (Frigg, Freyra) - from her originated in English Friday, in Swedish Fredag, in German Freitag.

Why is Saturday called that?

The word "Saturday" came to us from the Old Slavonic language. Previously, it was taken from the Greek language (Sabbaton), and it got into Greek from the Hebrew language (sabbath, i.e. "seventh day", when work is not welcome). It will be interesting to note that in Spain "el Sabado", in Italy "Sabato", in France "Samedi" this word has the same roots. In Hebrew "Shabbat" means "peace, rest".

In Latin - Saturni

In English - Saturday

Saturn can be seen in these names.

In Finnish "Lauantai", Swedish "Lördag", Danish "Loverdag" most likely have roots in the Old German Laugardagr, which means "day of ablution".

Why is Sunday called that?

In many languages, including Latin, English and German, the name of the last day of the week comes from the Sun - "Sun", "Son".

But in Russian (Sunday), Spanish (Domingo), French (Dimanche) and Italian (Domenica), Christian themes lurk. Domingo, Dimanche and Domenica can be translated as "Day of the Lord".

Earlier in Russian this day was called "Week" (i.e. do not do-rest). But since the word "week" implied a specific day, what could the seven-day cycle be called? As mentioned earlier, in the Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200bthe word "week" existed. "Sunday" is derived from "resurrect" - the day when, according to the scriptures, Jesus was resurrected.

What day of the week did your mother give birth to you? Each person who was born on a certain day of the week has its own characteristics. Everyone knows his principles and without any tests. And yet, you might be interested to know what the stars have to say about it. Read and check if these principles apply to you?

Finding out the day of the week by date of birth is not difficult. But for a person, the day when he was born has no small role - each day of the week is patronized by a certain planet, which imposes on a person the emotional background of his whole life.

So, how can you find out your day of the week on which you were born. We type our date of birth in the search engine and get the desired result - from Monday to Sunday.


If a person was born on Monday, the Moon rules his life, and such a person can be called lunar. Everything that happens to him, everything he does, passes through his soul, so such people always have a lot of experiences, their soul is constantly working, learning about the world on an emotional level. It is not easy to be a lunar person, because his psyche is always tense. Many moon people become clients of neurologists and psychoanalysts. Communicating with friends, lunar people talk a lot about painful things, about what is happening in their souls.

People born on Monday, as a rule, choose a humanitarian profession, do charity work, work with flawed, suffering people. Such a person can become an excellent healer of human souls, absorbing the suffering of others, absorbing the pain of others on an invisible plane. Being himself emotional, impressionable, vulnerable, the lunar person attracts similar lunar energies of other people to himself. The moon is a female planet that has negative energy, so a lunar person collects negative energy all his life. And the more a lunar person sees suffering around him, the more difficult it is for him to live. Such a person needs humility, faith in God, since only in this case will human suffering pass through him without causing significant damage to his psyche. If a lunar person relies only on his own strength, believes only in himself, thinks that on his own, without help from above, he relieves people from suffering, then he is unlikely to be able to cope with the experiences accumulated in his soul and will very soon get sick, exhausted, may even go crazy .

So that a child born on Monday does not become a victim of his abilities, does not tear his psyche with other people's suffering, you need to teach him not to retain negative energy in his soul, forget about the troubles that happened to him, teach him to live today, solve today's tasks and not to return in your memory to what you have experienced, to what you cannot return, you cannot correct.

The constant emotional saturation of lunar people often makes them romantics, melancholics, which in no way contributes to physical labor, engaging in pressing issues. The moon man swims with the flow of life and rarely takes up the oars. He needs a powerful incentive to create. Lunar children are easily distracted from the subject being studied during their studies, they will be more willing to go to school if their teachers are sweet, kind, sincere and gentle women. The moon is the planet of the mother, so the mother of a moon child is the most important person in his life. On how harmonious the relationship of a lunar person with his mother depends on his success in many areas of life, his self-esteem, the health of his soul and body. For the development of a lunar child, pets, younger brothers and sisters, dolls are useful, because such a child, regardless of gender, has maternal qualities, and everyone he can take care of will help him in revealing his potential.

The moon is the planet of home, household chores, so lunar people like to spend time at home. They suffer greatly from the lack of a home, their own room and frequent moves. They can become specialists in any profession related to residential buildings and organization of everyday life. The moon is the planet of the family, and it is very difficult for lunar people without a family. In many ways, their success in public life, the level of their income depends on the fact of the presence or absence of a family and on the climate at home, on relations with a spouse. The lunar child, no less than an adult, needs a family and a home. Throughout life, any Monday is a happy day for lunar people, when they can solve the most difficult tasks of their lives, make the only right decision. Every few years in their life there is a happy year that began on Monday - this is the most favorable period for starting any serious activity, changing the way of life.

Monday people are gifted with a lively mind, ambition, determination, diligence, commitment. They are responsible for their words and actions. They are charming, they have developed intuition, they are distinguished by independence and originality of views, assertiveness and enterprise. Monday people are lucky, they easily comprehend the sciences, they are prone to languages, music and poetry. Honor and glory accompany them on the path of life. Often they fall in love early, but their feelings are long and strong. Their marriages are most often happy, especially if they do not allow the negative properties of their character to spill out. In their youth, they are predisposed to childhood and youthful diseases: all kinds of inflammations, boils, carbuncles, bronchitis, otitis media. However, after 28 years of age, their health stabilizes and diseases most often go away.


If a person was born on Tuesday, Mars rules his whole life and he can be called a Martian. The Martian loves speed, fast driving, because Mars is the planet of speed. High speed may not bring him joy, but in the life of such a person, many events develop rapidly. A Martian can achieve a lot in a short period of time, become a great person already in his youth, start a family early. The theme of speed runs like a red thread through his whole life. Often such a person loses interest in cases in which he cannot achieve a result for a long time, loses interest in people for whom the process is more important than the result. One of the advantages of a Martian is his initiative and ability to perform any work quickly. Over the years, the Martian learns from experience that initiative is punishable, and tries to be less initiative. It is often said about people born on Tuesday that work is on fire in their hands.

Regardless of skill, it is much easier for a person born on Tuesday than people born on other days of the week to win competitions in which the result depends on speed, for example, win a sprint competition. Martians love to set themselves and other people goals and objectives, often they go ahead to their goal, crushing any obstacles. The goal set before them attracts them, gives them a stimulus for life and struggle. High-speed Mars gives impulsiveness, creates conditions in which it is difficult or impossible to stop and think before making decisions or doing things. Often, Martians first say and do something, and then they begin to think whether they did the right thing, whether they said something superfluous. There are few problems in the life of a Martian, but impulsiveness, excessive haste is one of them. Excessive haste will not cause trouble to a Martian if parents can teach him to weigh every word, to consider every action.

A young Martian can be lazy only because he does not see for himself activities that can bring an interesting result for him. To make a young Martian want to learn, you need to give him a clear goal and explain its attractiveness. A young Martian can completely lose interest in learning if the learning process is too long, so you should not make him sit over textbooks for many hours and explain the subject of study to him for a long time. The best method of getting an education for a Martian is an external study. Regardless of gender, there are many masculine qualities in Martians, since Mars is a masculine planet. A man born on Tuesday will strive for the title of a real man. Women can be brave, courageous, strong and manly, often refusing women's clothing and wearing trousers. Both of them, as a rule, show interest in male entertainment: they like cars, visit the gym or shoot club.

Any Martian possesses many masculine qualities and has an aptitude for masculine pursuits. You will greatly help a Martian if, at the time of his youth, you teach him how to handle metal tools, teach him how to ride a bicycle and a car, understand the mechanics of metal structures, shoot a pistol and use sharp, piercing and cutting objects. Sports, especially exercises with metal devices, will be very useful for any Martian, because Mars is in charge of metal, and contact with metal will make the Martian more self-confident. Any Martian is able to start several things at the same time, to become a pioneer. His body and psyche are often tense from the constant readiness to discover something new. It is not uncommon for Martians to suffer from overexertion.

Martians are people of fire. They can be pyromaniacs - lovers to sit by the fire or firefighters. Mars is the planet of aggression and war, and in potential any Martian is a brave soldier who does not need to be taught to fight. They can be both theorists and practitioners of military affairs. If you notice in a young Martian a love for fights, disputes, the ability to create conflict situations, seriously engage in his upbringing - teach him not to destroy, but to create - as a Martian brawler can grow up to be an extremist. Throughout life, any Tuesday is a happy day for Martians, when they can take on any business, solve the most difficult issues of their lives. The year of Mars can also be lucky for such people - the year when their next birthday fell on Tuesday.

People born on Tuesday are distinguished by a sharp mind, they grasp on the fly, but often their knowledge is superficial, shallow. They have logic and are critical of everything that they do not like. They are inventive, witty and energetic, but they need to cultivate consistency and perseverance in achieving the goal. Their state of health depends on success in business, even in infancy this is noticeable. If there are enough toys and books, then they are healthy, if they are not given something, then they start to get sick. Tuesday people are prone to nervous breakdowns, stutterers and those suffering from insufficient mobility of the tongue are often found, they have weak lungs, and as a result, frequent pleurisy and pneumonia.


If a person was born on Wednesday, his life is ruled by Mercury and he can be called a Mercurian. Mercury is the planet of youth and lightness, and Mercurians, regardless of age, can feel young, look good, and remain mobile people until old age. They can become specialists in body rejuvenation. An actual topic in the life of a Mercury may be the topic of friends, buddies, brothers and sisters, because it is Mercury that manages friendly relations, determines relations with brothers and sisters. A Mercurian may love his brothers, sisters and friends, may treat them badly, may have many friends or none, but this topic is important to him, worries him. Brother, sister and friends are able to give a Mercury much more than parents.

The young Mercury is often fidgety, very mobile, easily distracted. Such children need to be taught the mind in motion, during games, walking, in transport. The learning process should not be intrusive, but go unnoticed. A Mercurian can learn a lot from his brothers, sisters and friends, even more than parents and teachers. It is more useful for a lagging behind Mercury to work out with a friend who is an excellent student than with a tutor. Mercury is the enemy of constancy, because it is a planet of movement, constant change. Both young and adult Mercurians often change their attitude towards people and situations. Don't scold a young Mercurian for changing his friends or the environment in his room too often. He needs change like air. He will feel bad if there are no changes around him, so from time to time it is useful to update the interior items in his room, often buy him new clothes and toys.

The more mobile a Mercurian is and the more varied his life, the better he feels. Most of all, young Mercurians need to communicate on an equal footing. They will feel more confident, insure themselves against possible complexes, if they can call adults by their first names without patronymics, they will address them as friends, on “you”. In the upbringing of a Mercurian, a ban is unacceptable, since Mercury is the planet of freedom. By forbidding something for the Mercury, especially communication or outdoor games, we create an excellent base for complexes. Try to create for the young Mercurian such conditions under which there would be no point in the ban. Mercury is in charge of speech, information, the process of thinking, primary education, and often Mercurians have problems with speech, there is a desire to become a speech therapist, to do work related to the collection and transmission of information.

Mercury can become a good elementary school teacher, journalist, writer, bookseller. It is useful for a young Mercurian to learn to read as early as possible, to learn to express his thoughts concisely, to collect information and use it. It is useful for him to learn poetry, play intellectual games, parents should talk to him more often. The more well-read the Mercurian is, the more fluently he will master the word, the more confidently he will walk through life. Mercurians can be cunning and dexterous, capable of commercial activities. Young Mercurians can be terrible deceivers, but they should not be scolded for this, they should be taught to use their cunning so that no one suffers from it. This will help outdoor games, especially football and even playing cards. Throughout the life of a Mercurian, any environment is a happy day for him, when he can take on the most difficult cases. But the most successful periods of life are the years of Mercury, which began on Wednesday.

People of the environment have a rather bizarre combination of character traits. They are often peacemakers, striving for justice and harmony, for creation and balance. They hate strife and bloodshed. People of the environment have many plans, but trying to realize them, they face difficulties and serious opposition. They have many enemies, as they tend to put pressure on others. The health of people in the environment is above average, and the margin of safety in stressful situations is large. They quickly recover their strength and again rush to conquer the peaks. People of the environment are often accompanied by injuries, especially the head. After thirty years, you need to take care of the intestines, internal organs and spine.


If a person was born on Thursday, his life is ruled by Jupiter and such a person can be called a Jupiterian. Jupiter is the planet of expanding the sphere of activity and sphere of influence, the planet of large-scale actions, therefore Jupiterians are able to think globally. They want a lot from life, often set ambitious goals for themselves, it is difficult for them to take small steps, they want to achieve their goals quickly. Whatever business the Jupiterian undertakes, he is able to expand it indefinitely. Jupiterians have a penchant for exaggeration, which ruins their lives. The Jupiterian wants to be a big person and often overestimates his abilities. He can become a very important person in society, a respected, influential person, but for this he needs either connections with such people, or a very good education, since Jupiter is associated with higher education. A Jupiterian can become a university teacher, an excellent teacher, passing on to people not a set of information, but deep knowledge. He can become any specialist in the field of education.

Jupiter is the planet of influential people, and a Jupiterian throughout his life may depend on the favor of some people, on the mood of his superiors, the goodwill of rich and influential relatives. He can himself provide serious support to people whose fate is not indifferent. Jupiter is the planet of social activities, and it can be difficult for a Jupiterian to establish a personal life, because social activities, work take him too much time and effort, often more interested in family problems than a home. A Jupiterian can be a careerist; and a young Jupiterian often dreams of the life of a business man. The Jupiterian has the ability for a successful business. He must be given the best possible education, otherwise he will have a hard time in life. Jupiterians are uncollected in their studies. They want to get serious knowledge, and the basics are not interesting to them.

Try to teach the young Jupiterian not to exaggerate difficulties. Whatever problems he encounters, do not agree that they are serious, always say that any problems are solvable and most of them are just a trifle. Jupiter is associated with the topic of foreign countries, and Jupiterians may have good foreign language abilities, so it is very useful to teach a young Jupiterian several foreign languages. Such people can easily communicate with foreigners, know geography well, become travelers, have a craving for overseas lands, a desire to change citizenship. For the harmonious development of a young Jupiterian, it is useful to teach geography, send him on trips or study abroad. Any Jupiterian is able to look at life philosophically, can be a deeply religious person, since Jupiter is in charge of philosophical and religious teachings. A Jupiterian can become a preacher, a spiritual teacher.

Knowledge of philosophy and religious scriptures helps him in life, gives him faith in his own strength, so it is useful for a young Jupiterian to familiarize himself with the sacred texts of religious scriptures and with the works of philosophers. However, you should not impose any religion on him. The Jupiterian is able to create his own spiritual school, philosophical system, open a new direction in any science. Throughout the life of a Jupiterian, any Thursday is the most fortunate day, and the year of Jupiter, which began on Thursday, can be a very fortunate period when the Jupiterian will be able to use his abilities to the maximum advantage and achieve a lot.


If a person was born on Friday, Venus rules his life and such a person can be called a Venusian. Being in the power of the planet of feelings and pleasures, the Venusian is very demanding on the conditions of life, he can feel good only in comfortable conditions, he constantly needs new and new pleasures. He will not be able to study on an empty stomach or in a cool room. Venusians are almost constantly in the grip of some kind of strong feelings, they like to do things that make them feel good, such as working or walking in nature, gardening, working with beautiful people. Venusians are sensual natures, feelings, as a rule, are more important for them than common sense. To develop the abilities of a young Venusian, it is useful from an early age to introduce him to work on the ground, work with wild, garden or indoor plants, more emphasis in his education should be placed on biology and chemistry.

The earthly Venus, the planet of beauty, makes the subject of the physical body relevant, and the Venusian is often preoccupied with his health and appearance. To be confident, he needs to look good. Venusians have an innate taste and are able to decorate the world around them, often choosing a profession associated with beauty. The more a Venusian is able to do with his own hands, the more confident he feels and achieves more in life. Venus gives us various desires, makes us choose, so the Venusians are full of desires, very demanding on the quality of the things they buy. As a planet of the earth element, Venus gives a love of money, a desire to receive a stable income. Venusians are ready to work honestly for the sake of a small but stable salary. In order for a Venusian to be more adapted to life, it is worth accustoming him to work from an early age, you need to show him the need for work. Let him help you with the housework and start earning money on your own as soon as possible.

Since Venus is a female planet, Venusians easily find a common language with women, they have many girlfriends, they are more interested in women than men. Often, Venusians choose to work in a women's team, become specialists in women's issues. It is more useful for a young Venusian to communicate with women than with men, since it is they who are able to teach him a lot, to give something very important for his development. Throughout life, every Friday is a lucky day for a Venusian. Any events that happen to him on this day are good for him. It is on Friday that it is easier for a Venusian to decide on an important step, a responsible conversation, it is on this day that he receives great support from higher powers. Every year of Venus, that is, the year that began on Friday, is a happy year for him, a year in which he has the double support of the ruler of his life, Venus.

People born on Friday sometimes have contradictory traits in their character traits. They can be both good and evil, accommodating and stubborn in small things. In their souls there is often a struggle between truth and lies, between light and darkness. This is especially evident in those who were born at the hour of sunset. Friday people are hypersensitive and easily hurt. They instinctively "read" people and always hide their opinions about others, but sometimes they are cruel and speak in the heat of the moment even more than they should, although when they cool down, they always suffer from what has been said.

Friday people are distinguished by logical thinking, they give practical advice to others, but they themselves, due to natural laziness, do not always use their qualities for their own development. If a Friday person was born into a wealthy family, it is likely that he will never develop his best qualities, but will only go with the flow of life until changes come in his life. As for health, the heart, stomach and liver most often suffer from nervous stress. In addition, there are "malfunctions" with the kidneys and bladder, and in later years, leg injuries and joint dislocations are possible.


If a person was born on Saturday, Saturn rules his life and the person can be called a Saturnian. Saturn is a planet of trials and limitations, and, as a rule, Saturnians perceive their fate as a test, a cross that must be humbly carried through life. The life of a Saturnian is difficult from birth. It is difficult for a Saturnian to enjoy life. The most he can do is to be philosophical about his difficulties. Saturn is the planet of evil fate, restrictions, fortitude, and the life of a Saturnian is full of fatal accidents, he lives in restrictions for a long time, fate tempers his spirit. The Saturnian lives in constant spiritual and physical stress, and the stronger his spirit and body, the easier it is for him to endure the blows of fate. In the upbringing of a young Saturnian, the main emphasis should be placed on hardening his spirit and body.

From early childhood, it is useful to temper it in various ways. It is unacceptable to spoil him, everything must be done so that he grows up as a strong person, self-confident, able to solve his problems on his own. If a young Saturnian has fallen, do not rush to help him, let him get up and calm down himself. Feeling the strong support and care of parents, the Saturnian will not learn independence. The prohibition in his upbringing is very useful and even necessary, as it will help him at an early age to come to terms with fate and more easily endure its blows in adulthood. A Saturnian can be harsh, emotionally restrained, very demanding and even angry and cruel person, because such is the nature of Saturn, the ruler of his life, which determines the basic qualities of his nature. The stern nature of a Saturnian can repel people from him, but thanks to this character, this person can become an excellent specialist in the field of strengthening the spirit and body, a specialist in any field where physical endurance, strength of character, high self-control are needed. Regardless of physique, Saturnians are very hardy and are able to work for a long time without rest, lack sleep, and malnourish.

These are real workers, ready for any work, just to improve their financial situation. A young Saturnian needs to be taught to work from an early age, let him know already in his youth what a piece of bread is worth. It is useful for him to engage in sports in which endurance is needed. Saturnian can become an excellent coach in such sports. Saturn is the planet of conservatives, and often Saturnians are very conservative in their views, change their habits with difficulty, “lag behind life”. Thanks to conservatism, a Saturnian can be a big fan of the classics, with great respect for traditions. Often, Saturnians take on the function of the guardian of what should remain unchanged, for example, they become curators of a museum, collectors of antique items. Any Saturnian has the ability to save what he touches. Vesh serve the Saturnian longer than people born on other days of the week. As a rule, Saturnians are not influenced by fashion and build their lives by following their own rules.

Many philosophical teachings say that a person comes to Earth to change, to become better. But it is difficult for a person living under the influence of Saturn the conservative to change. It is difficult for such people to develop their abilities, therefore, the more abilities he discovers in himself in childhood, when the spirit is more mobile, the more interesting his life will be. Traditions, rules and laws are important for a Saturnian, since Saturn is a legislator planet. A Saturnian can become a guardian of traditions, a figure in the legislative system, an employee of bodies that monitor the implementation of laws and regulations. Saturnian is able to be content with little, can be very economical and often becomes an economist. He has qualities that allow him to see unnecessary objects, he loves strict simple forms, is able to simplify life, save himself and others from unnecessary difficulties. The Saturnian has an innate sense of proportion, which can make him a specialist in the exact sciences. It is useful for a young Saturnian to ask questions about quantity more often, for example, asking him "How much do you want ...". This will help him discover a sense of proportion in himself. But, regardless of his desires, never give him a lot of food, toys and other things. Teach him to be content with little.

Saturn is the planet of bosses, it is associated with relationships with elders in age or position, so relationships with their own father, older brother, and bosses are very important for a Saturnian. A good relationship with his superiors or with his father helps him to settle well in life even more than an excellent education. A Saturnian who grew up without a father or without any other authority will look for a replacement for him all his life, he will choose a spouse with the qualities that he would like to see in his father. The absence of a father, a bad relationship with his father is a disaster for him. It is the father or someone who replaces him who can teach a Saturnian a lot, reveal his potential, give the upbringing and education necessary for the successful implementation of his life program. Any Saturday is a happy day for a Saturnian, when he should take on the most difficult things, make responsible decisions. The year of Saturn, that is, the year that began on Saturday, can also be a lucky year. Although the year of Saturn is a difficult period for most people, the Saturnian in such a year has the double support of the ruler of his life and can achieve a lot.

Those born on Saturday are either very good or very bad. They are dominated by contradictory qualities of character in the highest manifestation. If they are smart, then they do everything excellently, if they are stupid, then stupidity is accompanied by everything. In any case, they are very emotional and this feature is key in their character throughout their lives. Possessing great magnetic power, they can win the attention and love of even the most non-contact people. They easily adapt to any situation, but sometimes they fall under the influence of someone else's will and often suffer from this. They hate quarrels, scandals, but among them there are often intriguers. Their dodgy mind allows them to see events several moves ahead and build it according to their own plan. But their fate is often changeable: either they fly high, or they fall rapidly down. Ups and downs accompany them all their lives, undoubtedly, this causes them some moral damage, but nevertheless, does not knock them out of the saddle. They are meticulous, always figure things out to the end. But often they themselves play a double game. False and defamatory rumors are always spread about them. They are hardworking, never waste time in vain, They can be excellent civil servants, it will also not be difficult for them to manage an enterprise and a country. Among them are many investigators and judges, excellent diplomats. In childhood, they usually do not get sick, but with age, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and disruption of the endocrine glands appear. Sabbath people often get into accidents.


If a person was born on Sunday, his whole life is controlled by the Sun and he can be called a solar person. Such a person will feel like a creator. As a rule, sunny people have more ideas than time to implement them. In addition, the Sun gives organizational skills, so such a person is always looking for those who would embody his ideas, orders the embodiment of his ideas to specialists, but the idea of ​​​​self-embodiment of ideas comes to him last. It is much more pleasant for a sunny person to imagine how ideas become a reality than to get down to business for the sake of implementing their projects. Sometimes they say about such people that they are not of this world, as they live in a beautiful fantasy world. The greatest thing we can do for a child born on Sunday is to preserve and develop his fantasy and imagination, not to deprive him of the joy of inner creativity. A sunny child from an early age should be taught drawing, singing, dancing, taken to the theater, to art exhibitions, introduced to creative people. Let him not become a great dancer, singer or artist, but learning this will help him in life, allow him to feel more confident, start an independent life earlier and achieve more.

The sun gives us a feeling of joy and a feeling of love, and, as a rule, sunny people are optimists throughout their lives, they believe that everything happens for the best, often smile, exude positive energy of kindness and love, and are constantly looking for an object for new love, someone with whom they could exchange the solar energy of joy and love. Life more often pleases such people than upsets them. Answering the question “How are you?”, they can sincerely say that everything is fine with them and even excellent. The sun symbolizes the personality, the individuality of each of us, and a sunny person is able to clearly show his individuality, declare himself as an unusual person. He is capable of unconventional actions and thoughts. It is very important not to suppress the unconventional manifestations of the solar child.

Very often, people born on Sunday show an interest in luxury, strive to live beautifully. If a child born on Sunday shows more interest in beautiful things than in creative pursuits, it is necessary to seriously take up his upbringing, becoming interested in some business. Sunny people with great reluctance are engaged in monotonous work and deeds in which they do not find joy. It is necessary to find for the child such a thing that would touch the strings of his soul and every day give him new emotions, information; it is better to teach him several things at once, then he will be interested. The sun is a planet of luxury, and, regardless of the requests of a solar person, he can live his whole life or a significant part of it in luxury or in close proximity to luxury, for example, being an employee of a museum or a jewelry company.

One of the best manifestations of a sunny person is nobility, the ability to make generous gifts. Just as the Sun endows us with its energy, the solar person is capable of grand gestures. Those born on Sunday should appreciate this day, because it is on Sunday that they will be able to find solutions to the most difficult problems. The year when a sunny person celebrates his next birthday on Sunday can be called happy. For every person, the year of the Sun promises to receive joy, creative inspiration, but for a sunny person it will not just be a year of joy, but a year when he will be able to implement the most important projects, fundamentally change his life.

People born on Sunday have a lot of vitality. They are kind and merciful. In a difficult situation, they always find a way out and help others find it. However, some of them sometimes give in to a depressive state of mind and hardly get out of them. This is mainly affected by those who were born in winter. Sunday people love changes in life, they can hardly endure loneliness, they have many friends and acquaintances, they easily find a common language with everyone. They always have their own point of view, they know how to defend it. People born on Sunday easily comprehend science and always have a broad outlook. They skillfully build life plans and achieve their plans gradually, calculating their strength at any distance.

Being of a high mind and independent character, they are leaders in everything they undertake. They hate restrictions and rebel against them. Through their own efforts and their energy, they rise above the social environment prescribed by birth. The health of Sunday people is strong, but they give themselves so much to work that they often suffer from someone else's injustice, as a result, a heart attack often unsettles them, and bronchial asthma and ulcers affect their body. Carefully selected diet and exercise help them get back on their feet quickly. During the period of illness, it is better for them to be alone. This will help focus energy on healing. Physically, they are well built.

Our character is determined by the stars, time of birth and date, but also a great
the day of the week on which we were born has an influence on fate and character.
Moreover, according to psychologists, depending on which
the day you and your chosen one were born, you can judge your
compatibility and future life together.
So if you were born on a Monday
- the patroness of this day is the Moon. The moon is changeable and
accordingly, it leaves an imprint on your character. People,
those born on Monday are subject to frequent mood swings and
energy fluctuations, these are sensitive and romantic natures. love
eat well and dress well, sensual pleasures occupy
far from the last place in their lives. public opinion for such
people play a huge role. These are capricious and stubborn personalities, but at the same time
They are responsive and always ready to help. How sexy
partners they are affectionate and romantic.
The ideal partner for
a person born on Monday will be people of Friday and Tuesday.
Such an alliance will give understanding and stability. Saturday and Sunday
partners will also suit you, but an alliance with these people will involve
constant work on relationships. For a partner born on Saturday
you don't have to rely if you're willing to take the reins in
your hands - then you have every chance to live happily ever after. What
concerns the Sunday chosen one, then here you have to surround the partner
excessive care and attention if you are ready to put up with the role
babysitting, then this is your partner!

People born on Friday
Wednesday and Thursday are not suitable for a long and serious relationship.
Despite the fact that a partner born on Friday may be for you
love of your life, alas, this relationship is eventually doomed to
failure. Thursday's man will be overly critical of you, and the partner
born on Wednesday will not always bring you pleasant surprises,
you will have to adapt to it in everything.
Tuesday Over
this day meets the warlike planet Mars, so it is not surprising
that those born on Tuesday are quick-tempered, wayward, love to command and
are of a solid nature. Sometimes their actions are hard to explain.
they love dynamics and vivid impressions. In partnerships like
As a rule, these people are not simple, because of their complex nature. V
intimate relationships, they often lack romanticism and affection, in view
their hyperactivity, sex representatives of Mars prefer fast and
hard. Your partner may feel like they are having more sex for the sake of
their own pleasure and they care little about the feelings of others, partly in
there is some truth to this...
The perfect combination for Tuesday people -
This is monday. The soft nature of the Lunariev is able to adequately perceive
wayward and tough Martian. Tuesday/Tuesday combo, maybe
only if one of the partners takes the lead of the other.
Also, you are waiting for a relationship filled with understanding and love, with
a person born on a Thursday. Partner born on Wednesday you will be
annoy with their frivolity and inconstancy. Saturday partner
will not put up with your dominance and directness, therefore
long-term relationships are unlikely. Friday and Sunday people
focused mainly on your loved ones, so if you are ready in them
“dissolve”, then maybe something will work out for you.
Mercury patronizes you, which means it gives you eloquence,
frivolity, frivolity. You won't have communication problems.
must. As a rule, Mercurians in life and love have a lot of acquaintances and
fans, thanks to his sociability and charm. You
full of new ideas, you like change and communication. Mercury develops in
human curiosity and endows with an excellent susceptibility to languages ​​and
information in general. In sex, such people also prefer innovation and
experiments, it is difficult for them to limit themselves to one partner ...

your partner will be a person born on Friday and Sunday.
Common interests, cheerfulness and indefatigable energy will make this
union interesting in every way. For a person born in
Tuesday, your lifestyle will be unacceptable if you agree to live by
his rules - the union is possible. The soul mate of the person born on Wednesday will
make the same claims to you that you make to her. If you learn to sacrifice
interests for the sake of each other - live together to gray hair.
born on Thursday is your complete opposite, and although everyone
know that opposites attract, keep that union
it will be difficult enough, you are too different. To a person born in
Saturday you may have a strong attraction and for some time such an alliance
will have the right to life, but alas, for a long relationship one
physical passion is not enough.
Born on Thursday
true family people. The patron saint of this day is Jupiter, he endows
seriousness, self-confidence, organizational
abilities, striving for leadership, justice. These people
inspire confidence. They love stability and to change and innovation.
treated with caution. In a relationship they love constancy, though,
they do not come to this immediately, usually in their youth they have many hobbies. V
sex does not like haste, romantic atmosphere and love foreplay for
them are of great importance. They love to travel. Spirituality and
compassion for these people comes first, so they often
engaged in charity work and missionary work.
In your case
a very promising union will be with a partner born on Saturday. Here
there will be passion and understanding and respect. Good prospects for
partner born on Tuesday, however, this wonderful union can
destroy your unbridled jealousy. Thursday goes well with
Friday, although you will have to adapt to changeable tastes
After all, he has a partner - 7 Fridays a week! If you are ready for this, you
a harmonious life awaits.
But those born on Wednesday, Thursday and
Sunday - you do not fit at all. Alliance with these partners
of course it is possible, but! A partner born on Wednesday is most likely not to
tolerate your leadership and superiority over him, born in
Thursday you have a lot in common and that is why you will have enough
difficult together .. learn to give in and then there will be a chance for long
relationship. But with Sunday there are so few points of contact,
what can be confidently said here is that the future is very vague.
Patroness of Friday
Venus, therefore, born on this day, she endowed with charm,
ability to get along with others, cheerfulness, beautiful voice and
artistry. For such people, external beauty is very important, this applies
everything: things, nature, partners. People are usually born on Friday
arts, actors, peacemakers. These are reliable people who always
can rely. Sex in such people should be painted with romantic
paints, they love long love games, often get carried away and
fall in love.

The most romantic and sensual union you have
it will work with a person born on Monday. Also perfect for you
a partner born on Saturday will suit you, he will surround you with care and
love - this is the person you can always rely on.
A partner born on Tuesday will demand from you an increased
attention to your person. The combination of Friday / Wednesday is interesting in everyone
relationships, relationships will be colorful, filled with feelings and
romance, but the union will not be stable. Partner born on Thursday
is unlikely to find mutual understanding with you, the difference in
tastes. Friday/Friday combination is complex, mutual accusations and
mistrust will eventually destroy your union. Combination
Friday/Sunday is perfectly acceptable, the only threat to your union
may become relatives of your partner.
For Saturday
The planet Saturn answers. This planet patronizes scientists and
teachers, psychologists, philosophers. Serious and responsible people. This
people are firm and resolute, they do not like noisy companies and dubious
acquaintance. They are constant in relationships, they are very suitable for family and marriage.
Seriously. They don't fall in love at first sight, even in matters of the heart.
able to maintain a clear mind, relying on logic and reason. sex
as a rule, those born on Saturday start later than others,
because the issue of partnership and relationships plays a huge role in their lives.
If you were born on Saturday, the ideal partners for
you will be born on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. These partners
will share your outlook on life, you will complement each other well
friend. A partner born on Tuesday will give you a relationship filled with
passion and emotions, but alas, such a relationship will not be long-term.
Differences in views and too different attitudes towards partnerships will serve
impetus to break.
Union Thursday/Saturday not to be missed
mutual understanding, if you are always ready to meet your partner and much
forgive him, the union is possible. Partner born on Friday, can you
charm and even fall in love with yourself, but be careful - this chosen one
can break your heart. Well, the same as you, Saturday partner,
will constantly confront you, make claims and even
reproach. If you manage to overcome resentment and disappointment, the union will
long enough.
Sunday - this day of the week
patronizes the sun. These people know how to be happy and rejoice
every moment. These people have a creative approach to everything. Counts,
that these people are lucky, since they received a charge at birth
sunlight, adversity and disappointment in their lives are short-lived, and
success and joy are debts. People born on this day have
predisposition to creative professions, they make good
doctors and teachers. In a relationship with a partner, they try to be every time
new, however, require constant attention.
Waiting for you
a smooth and calm life with a partner born on Monday, true
this union will be without violent emotions and passions. Quite interesting
the union will be with a partner born on Wednesday, because he does not like monotony
and boredom, and you, in turn, also know how to diversify the life of a loved one
man, so such an alliance will be promising.
Sunday/Sunday is ideal even though you are very
similar. The ability to enjoy life and be optimistic will keep your union for
long years.
A partner born on Friday can conquer you with
first sight and if this happens - you will be together for a very long time.
But if the relationship gives a crack, you should not even try to save them. V
such an alliance either goes right right away, or there will be nothing good.
Also, a partner born on Saturday is suitable for you, however, if you
you will forgive each other, and will not fall into ambition. But
Tuesday and Thursday are not suitable for you at all. The first partner will be with you
find fault with and without reason, and the second will try to subdue him.

* In order not to overload this task with technical difficulties, we will assume that the modern calendar began on January 1, 1 AD. and will always exist.

Hint 1

The main thing in the task is to correctly understand the meaning of the words “most often”. You're not too surprised that in 2011 you could use a calendar from 2005? Think about it... In a non-leap (ordinary) year, 365 days is 52 weeks and 1 more day. In a leap year, 1 more day.

Hint 2

At first glance, it seems that in the plate "day of the week - the years that begin with it" a cycle of 28 years can be traced. For example, if you start the plate with the year 2001 (which began on Monday), then 2029 will be exactly the same - the first after a leap year, starting on Monday ...

Mon 2001 2007 2018 2024 2029
Tue 2002 2008 2013 2019 2030
Wed 2003 2014 2020 2025 2031
Thu 2004 2009 2015 2026 2032
Fri 2010 2016 2021 2027
Sat 2005 2011 2022 2028 2033
Sun 2006 2012 2017 2023 2034

Will it always be like this? Don't rush to answer. By the way, why does the Russian Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas in January, and the Catholics - in December?


Let's repeat what was said in the second hint: in the plate "day of the week - years that begin with it" a cycle of 28 years can be traced.

Standard cycle (using 2001–2028 as an example):

Mon 2001 2007 2018 2024
Tue 2002 2008 2013 2019
Wed 2003 2014 2020 2025
Thu 2004 2009 2015 2026
Fri 2010 2016 2021 2027
Sat 2005 2011 2022 2028
Sun 2006 2012 2017 2023

Thus, for 28 years, the year begins with each day of the week exactly 4 times. It would seem that this will always be the case, which means that the answer to the problem is “all days are the beginning of the year equally often”? Do not hurry.

The fact is that our calendar is not as simple as it seems to many: it is not Julian, but Gregorian, and the full cycle of leap years in it consists not of 4 years, but of 400 (see "Afterword" about the history of the calendar and its reforms ). In particular, 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be leap years. Let's see how this affects the solution of the problem.

The 2001-2028 cycle will repeat twice more: 2029-2056 and 2057-2084. And then you need to look at what happens on the border of centuries, between which there are 7 non-leap years in a row.

Long Cycle 2085–2124:

Mon 2085 2091 2103 2114 2120 5
Tue 2086 2092 2097 2104 2109 2115 6
Wed 2087 2098 2110 2116 2121 5
Thu 2088 2093 2099 2105 2111 2122 6
Fri 2094 2100 2106 2112 2117 2123 6
Sat 2089 2095 2101 2107 2118 2124 6
Sun 2090 2096 2102 2108 2113 2119 6

Here the “cycle” is lengthened and is already 2124 - 2084 = 40 years, while since 40 is not divisible by 7, not all days of the week can start the year equally often (see the right column) - for example, in the above table, Monday and Wednesday occur 1 times less than the others.

Then again come the standard cycles 2125–2152, 2153–2180, the “long” cycle 2181–2220, the standard cycles 2221–2248, 2249–2276, the “long” cycle 2277–2316, and finally the three standard cycles 2317–2344, 2345– 2372, 2373–2400. That is, the year 2401 not only begins a new 400th anniversary of the Gregorian calendar, but also begins on the same day of the week (Monday) as 2001. And this means that to solve the problem, it is enough for us to count the number of beginnings of the year for each day of the week in exactly one 400-year cycle!

Since we already know that in the standard cycle all days of the week are equally divided, we deal with only two “long” cycles.

Long Cycle 2181–2220:

Mon 2181 2187 2198 2210 2216 5
Tue 2182 2188 2193 2199 2205 2211 6
Wed 2183 2194 2200 2206 2212 2217 6
Thu 2184 2189 2195 2201 2207 2218 6
Fri 2190 2196 2202 2208 2213 2219 6
Sat 2185 2191 2203 2214 2220 5
Sun 2186 2192 2197 2204 2209 2215 6

Long Cycle 2277–2316:

Mon 2277 2283 2294 2300 2306 2312 6
Tue 2278 2284 2289 2295 2301 2307 6
Wed 2279 2290 2296 2302 2308 2313 6
Thu 2280 2285 2291 2303 2314 5
Fri 2286 2292 2297 2304 2309 2315 6
Sat 2281 2287 2298 2310 2316 5
Sun 2282 2288 2293 2299 2305 2311 6

In total, in three "long" cycles, the year begins on Monday and Saturday 16 times each, from Wednesday and Thursday - 17 times each, and from Tuesday, Friday and Sunday - 18 times each. In ten standard cycles, each day of the week serves as the beginning of the year 40 times. In total, it turns out 56 Mondays and Saturdays, 57 Thursdays and Wednesdays, 58 Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays

Thus, the correct answer to the problem is Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. By the way, 2012 just starts on Sunday. Happy New Year to you! Happiness, joy and many successfully solved problems!!


Oddly enough, almost no one knows the history of the modern calendar and does not think about how it works. This is not an unfounded statement: many of the readers will surely remember the “second mistake of 2000” - not the one due to which it was necessary to rewrite mountains of old software, but the one when all newspapers and all TV channels trumpeted that 1999 ended the twentieth century , and the year 2000 opens the new millennium.

By the way, the most witty (and accurate!) answer to this common misconception was this: "The second box of vodka starts with the 21st bottle, not the 20th."

Something I digress from the topic. However, I will digress once again - I will tell you about how our calendar was created. (I once wrote about this in great detail in Computerra magazine back in 1998.)

We count the years of "our era" from the birth of Christ, but at the time of Christ, of course, the reckoning was different. Then the years were counted "from the founding of Rome", and later the Romans and their subordinate provinces switched to the "era of Diocletian". The first person who suggested moving to the countdown from the birth of Christ (from R. Kh.) was the Alexandrian astronomer and monk Dionysius the Small. It was in the 6th century AD. e. At the same time, the main merit of Dionysius was the development of convenient algorithms for calculating Easter (and with them the entire annual cycle of church holidays).

Far from everyone and far from immediately agreed with the chronology of Dionysius, but one way or another, by the middle of the 15th century, the Roman church unconditionally accepted the count of years from r. H., and church holidays were very strongly associated with the solar and lunar calendars. And here problems were revealed... The main one was that the day of the spring equinox - March 21 - was considered a fixed border for the celebration of Easter for all time. At the same time, the calendar itself, proposed back in the time of Julius Caesar (every fourth year is a leap year, that is, the average length of the year is taken to be 365.25 days) was slightly longer than the real solar one, so the moment of the vernal equinox in it simply could not be motionless! Thanks to this, Pope Gregory XIII entered the history of the calendar.

The length of the tropical year - the time of the Earth's revolution around the Sun - is approximately 365.2422 days. Therefore, the Julian calendar accumulates an error of approximately 0.0078 days every year, and an error of a whole day accumulates in 128 years. In the centuries that have passed since the introduction of the Julian calendar until 1582, the vernal equinox has "run away" from March 21 to March 11. Therefore, Pope Gregory XIII in February 1582 issued a special bull on the calendar reform. This bull ordered to remove from the calendar of 1582 all days from October 5 to October 14 inclusive (so that the day after Thursday October 4 became Friday October 15), and henceforth to correct the calendar system so that out of every 400 years there were not 100 leap years, but only 97. This calendar was called the Gregorian and has survived to this day.

In accordance with the will of Pope Gregory, the years 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years and consisted of 365 days. The year 2000, as we remember, was a leap year, and it will be followed again by three non-leap years - 2100, 2200 and 2300. Such a calendar is also not perfect: after all, 97/400 is also not equal to a fractional part of a tropical solar year. But, unlike the previous calendar, the error per day now accumulates not for 128, but for 3250 years. In other words, for our age, the accuracy of this calendar is quite enough.

In Russia, everything happened with a fair delay. The Christian chronology and the January New Year were introduced only at the end of 1699 by the decree of Peter I, according to which (“for the sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts and treatises”), the year starting after December 31, 7208 from the creation of the world, began to be considered the year 1700 from Christmas Christ. Nevertheless, the Julian calendar in Russia was preserved until the October Revolution. The Gregorian calendar was introduced in Russia in 1918 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, according to which, in 1918, January 31 was followed by February 14. That is why the difference between the Julian count of days (“old style”) and the Gregorian (“new style”) is not 10 days, as it was in the time of Pope Gregory, but as many as 13.

However, even if the Gregorian calendar were a model of accuracy at the time of its creation, it could not remain so forever, because the length of the year itself changes slightly. It is generally accepted that the rotation of the Earth around its axis is gradually slowing down, and the length of the day is increasing. Accordingly, the number of days that fit in one year decreases. This effect is given by the approximate Newcomb formula:

1 year = 365.24219879 - 0.0000000614 × (year number - 1900).

In particular, the Gregorian calendar would have been quite accurate about 5000 years ago, and every year its error grows a little ... But this is already a topic for an astronomy problem ...

On Monday you always want to sleep, Wednesday is a small Friday, real Friday is a short day, and on Sunday it is better not to start business. The Secret tells why we feel overwhelmed on some days of the week and can't concentrate on others, and how to find time to work if something is wrong with almost every day of the week.

Why not work and not rest

If psychological research is to be believed, most days of the week are only designed to injure and disorganize people. For example, it is believed that Monday is the hardest day. Psychologists explain this by the fact that people experience stress when returning to work after the weekend. Mental and physical health are at risk. Monday syndrome affects not only those who work from Monday to Friday, but also people with irregular working weeks and those who do not work at all. Several different studies conducted in the 90s showed that the highest number of suicides occurs on Mondays, and on Mondays the number of strokes and heart attacks also increases. At the same time, even pensioners have heart problems most often on Mondays - the old attitudes are so strong that, even after going on a well-deserved rest, at the beginning of the week, many people feel overwhelmed.

In 2015, psychologists from the Universities of Lincoln, York and Hertfordshire brought together a group of volunteers to find out how people perceive the days of the week to differ. Speaking about Monday, the majority of respondents used the words “boredom” and “tiredness”, and they associated Friday with fun and freedom. At the same time, every day the participants in the experiment were asked what day of the week it is - it turned out that 40% of people can answer this question without hesitation only on Monday and Friday. In the middle of the week they were confused and could not decide whether it was Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. But one thing was clear: no one likes Monday, and everyone likes Friday. True, no one likes to work on Fridays either. As a rule, on this day people make plans for the weekend, come to the office in jeans and go home early. According to psychologists, at the end of the week people feel happier, freer and more relaxed, but this does not motivate them to work.

Sunday is not good either. In English, there is the concept of Sunday night blues - these are anxiety attacks that happen on the eve of a new working week. According to statistics, approximately 81% of Americans experience anxiety on Sunday evenings. Someone at such moments simply does not find a place for himself, cannot fall asleep quickly or tries to get to work without waiting for the morning. Some people have panic attacks, and then on Monday morning these people feel even more overwhelmed and depressed.

In addition to Sunday night blues, there is also the "school diary syndrome" - it is described by Russian psychologist Andrei Karelin in the book "Psychology of Change". He believes that a person from childhood gets used to imagining a week as two pages from a school diary - everything starts on Monday and ends on Saturday. On one sheet - a difficult and boring beginning of the week, where all three days are training. On the other - the second half of the week, where Saturday is a day off or a shortened day. There is no Sunday in this scheme, and many, having become adults, habitually “miss” Sunday, do not consider it a full-fledged day on which at least something important can be done. Because of this, on Monday morning, many do not feel rested and refreshed, and Sunday flies by somehow imperceptibly and blurry. For those who suffer from the “school diary syndrome”, the psychologist advises to imagine those very two pages from school times with Sunday pasted into them, painted in bright colors.

Wednesday is also not the most favorite day of mankind. Scientists from the University of Sydney, trying to find out how our mood changes depending on the days of the week, interviewed a group of 200 people every day, and then of 350 people, and came to the conclusion that volunteers are worst on Wednesdays - last weekend is behind us, and before the next ones are still far away, and not only office workers who hate their work, but also motivated workaholics suffer from this. Firstly, even fans of their work after a few days of work want to change the situation, and secondly, the “school diary syndrome” subconsciously overcomes everyone, regardless of motivation.

Progress is for the unfortunate

So, we have very good reasons not to work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and not to start the work week on Sunday. On Saturday, most of us want to relax, sleep and take a walk, and some even have Shabbat. It turns out that only Tuesday and Thursday remain for active work.

Indeed, according to psychologists, Tuesday is the most successful day for work, when the fears and doubts of Monday are already behind, and the depressive environment has not yet arrived. The letters and messages that have accumulated since the end of the week have already been sorted out, and people are moving on to the most difficult cases before they get tired and think back to the weekend.

In 2012, Professor Todd Thrash of Williamsburg, a lifelong student of inspiration, gathered a group of volunteers and used a questionnaire to find out how happy and inspired they feel on different days of the week. It turned out that for most people, bursts of inspiration happen on Tuesdays. It is believed that it was on Tuesday that Thomas Jefferson came up with his Declaration of Independence. At this time, he was away from home, had just learned that his wife was terminally ill, and a few days before that, his child had died.

The participants in the experiment experienced bouts of happiness on Fridays, just on those days when they were least attuned to work and did not experience any inspiration. That is, with Tuesday, “the most successful day for work,” not everything is so simple either.

The famous American psychologist Nick Tasler, in his column, reflects on how the feelings of happiness and inspiration relate to each other, and comes to the conclusion that they almost contradict each other: a person works most productively in those moments when a lot of problems fall on him and he tries to do everything at once, that is, in the middle of the week. The psychologist believes that there is nothing wrong with this, and in general, happy and stupid Fridays are greatly overrated.

“I have nothing against happiness,” says Tasler. - But often when we strive for happiness, we neglect inspiration. Thinking about coming Friday, you can miss the benefits of Tuesday. According to Tasler, Tuesday is the day we most often forget about later. On Tuesdays there are no noisy parties and romantic meetings; something important is rarely planned for this day. But it is on Tuesday, digging into the routine and solving a bunch of problems at the same time, that we imperceptibly make breakthroughs. So, according to the psychologist, maybe it’s better to look forward every week not to Friday, when people are cheerful and unproductive, but to Tuesday, the day when we will be unhappy, but maybe we will do something really important. But is progress worth happiness - each of us decides for himself. By the way, according to statistics, on Tuesday people are the least likely to have sex - this also says a lot. Thursday remains the only more or less decent day of the week, and, according to studies, no one takes it seriously, because everyone confuses this day with Wednesday.

The power of stereotypes

There are other statistics: scientists from the University of Toulouse in 2001 found that the Irish, who often spend their weekends in bars and pubs, on Monday suffer from high blood pressure more often than the French - they usually do not drink too much on weekends and at the beginning of the week feel the same as every other day. Here the question arises: is Monday really an unconditional evil that drives us into stress, or is the beginning of the week syndrome the result of habits and a consequence of stereotypes, like all other syndromes associated with the days of the week?

In 2008, scientists from the University of Sydney conducted a study: 202 volunteers told how they feel and what their mood is for a week in the morning and evening. When the week was over, the participants were asked to sum up: to say which day of the study they liked the most, and which they liked the least. It turned out that for most people, Monday was remembered as the worst day of the study: 65% of volunteers said that Monday morning was the worst morning for them, and Monday evening was the worst for 35% of participants (it turned out that about Friday and Saturday many, on the contrary, have pleasant memories - 43% felt good on Friday morning and evening, and 45% on Saturday). But at the same time, while the participants were interviewed every day, such a pattern was not observed - on Monday everyone felt completely different, as on the rest of the week, and only in the memories it was postponed by most volunteers as a “bad day”.

According to researcher Richard M. Ryan of the University of Rochester, in a world with a seven-day work week, Monday is a social construct, much like gender stereotypes. At school, we go through "War and Peace", where a childless and unmarried girl is called a "barren flower", and we get used to the fact that a woman's destiny is to get married and give birth to children. Likewise with Monday. Everyone around says that "Monday is a hard day", and bars and restaurants are named after other "entertainment" days - for example, T.G.I. Friday's. As a result, even those who have an irregular work week begin to perceive the weekend as a respite, and Monday as a punishment.

Trying to answer the question, what is wrong with all the days of the week, we end up with another question - what is wrong with us? Over the years, we are getting rid of stereotypes about the people around us, progressive humanity no longer tells women that the “biological clock is ticking”, and gays are no longer subjected to compulsory psychiatric treatment. But the perception of the days of the week remained at the level of the times of Henry Ford. Although many have work meetings on weekends and allow themselves to sleep in on Mondays, people still repeat that “Wednesday is a little Friday”, “Monday is a hard day”, “Friday is a debauchee” and many more platitudes that interfere concentrate on work and make all the weeks the same, just like in school days, when we measured our lives according to the diary and there was no Sunday in it.

Cover photo: EPA