
How to wash the head of a child of 7 years. How to wash a child's head. Hair wash


Hello, dear friends, readers of the blog "". Today I want to raise a question that worries many parents what to do if the child does not want to wash his hair? I used to ask myself this question - first with my son, then with my daughter. I kept thinking how to wash baby's head without tears, tearing up, crying for the whole apartment.

With all this, both children were very fond of and love to swim, I can probably spend hours in the bathroom, flopping in the water, launching boats, fish, pouring water from one container to another, just splashing my hands on the water. They were not even against washing the body at least every day, but the head is a taboo. And seeing that, I began to think how to solve the problem. Still, it's not pleasant to see your beloved baby crying while washing. Finally, I found a way out. Now our hair washing happens without tears and the child no longer states categorically that he does not want to wash his hair.

In children, unlike adults, the hair is light, thin, the scalp is very sensitive. For this reason, children need to wash their hair with special shampoos that are designed specifically for babies. It is best if you constantly buy shampoo of the same brand. So you will already know for sure that this is a proven shampoo and the child definitely does not have any reactions and allergies to it. For example, for 5 years (since the birth of Leni) we have been buying detergents for washing only one brand.

How often to wash your child's hair with shampoo depends on the age of the child:

  • children under 1 year old should wash their hair with detergent 1-2 times a week. If you wash your child's hair more often, then the skin film may be broken, which will provoke its dryness. To wash your hair, it is better to use a mild baby shampoo rather than soap.
  • children after 1 year are recommended to wash their hair 1-2 times a week with “no tears” shampoo. This will allow the baby to get used to the procedure, and he will not be afraid to wash his hair.

How to wash a child's head

The child does not want, is afraid to wash his hair. What to do? Play!

If washing the child's head every time is accompanied by tears, tantrums, screams throughout the apartment. Then try to distract the baby by turning shampooing into a fun game.

  1. A toy. Take your child's favorite toy, such as a doll, into the bath. And offer to wash her hair. Everything is like “for real” - pour water over hair, lather, rinse. We comment on all this, we say that the doll likes to wash her hair, now she will have clean, well-groomed, beautiful hair.
  2. Own example. My daughter was constantly crying as soon as we started talking about washing her hair - I saw that she was just afraid to wash her hair. Then I offered her to wash my hair - my daughter agreed. Well, of course - she herself will wash her mother's hair, her eyes shone and she ran rather to the bathroom. I handed my daughter the shower, turned on the warm water, leaned over the bathtub and my daughter was watering my hair (I held her handle with my hand so that the water would not spill past). Then I applied shampoo to my head, and my daughter happily “soaped” my head with her hands. Then they washed off the shampoo together, dried the head. I made it clear to my daughter that there is nothing wrong with washing her hair, that her mother is not afraid to wash her hair and she should not. After that, the daughter became calmer about washing, well, how does her mother also wash her hair and does not cry at all, but even rejoices and smiles.
  3. We draw. In order to prevent water from getting into the baby’s eyes, I suggested that my daughter raise her head up and look at the ceiling. But she was bored just looking at the ceiling (well, yes, and who will like it). Then, knowing that my daughter loves to draw, I squeezed some toothpaste onto the wall of the bath just above her height and offered to draw. The daughter happily agreed and began to draw. At the same time, she had to raise her head higher, because otherwise she could not see what she was drawing there, and in the meantime I was washing my hair.
  4. I myself. My daughter is now in the “I myself” period and she does everything herself with pleasure. So I decided to take advantage of this. As always, we went for a swim, turned on the warm water, and I offered my daughter to wash her hair on her own. The little girl, of course, agreed. I handed her a shower in her hands and she herself watered her hair with water (I held her pen with mine, directing the jet). Then they tried to wash their hair on their own, having received new positive impressions, there was no time for tears.
  5. Foam crown. Another interesting game that diversifies hair washing. Stand your baby in front of the bathroom mirror and show him how to make interesting hair and foam shapes.

That's all the secrets of how to wash a child's head. Now, if the child is afraid to wash his hair, you know what to do. The most important thing is patience and love. The kid will surely outgrow this age and will love washing his hair. If you have your own secrets on how to wash your child's hair, write in the comments, it will be interesting to read.

As soon as the baby is born, in the first three to five days the skin is gradually contaminated, including the head. According to the advice of doctors, the child needs to wash the head on the day after arriving home from the hospital, that is, this must be done already in the very first bath. The head is given special attention, it is she who is the most open part of the baby's body.

Regular shampooing not only cleanses the skin of dirt and is the prevention of skin diseases, but also improves the blood supply to the skin and, accordingly, accelerates hair growth. The Internet is replete with numerous videos with tips in which it is not surprising to get confused. How to wash a newborn's hair correctly and what products should be used? Still, eyes, nose and ears are vulnerable to water and shampoo.

When and where is the best time to swim?

At first, Dr. Komarovsky advises bathing babies before feeding. It is convenient for many mothers to wash their newborn before 10 pm, but it is not forbidden to do this before any feeding of the baby.

Some often bathe children at 6 pm. When the baby grows up and begins to fall asleep later, bathe him before bedtime, and so that the child is not hungry during water procedures, give him juice with pulp.

You need to bathe the baby in a warm room - in the bathroom, in the kitchen, if there is enough space for a bath. The doctor gives a lot of useful tips on caring for a newborn in his numerous videos.

Choosing a detergent

Before you wash your newborn's head, you need to choose the right and safe detergent. It can be a simple baby soap without chemical and allergenic fragrances and other additives, it is available in solid and liquid form.

Many parents prefer to wash their baby's head with baby shampoo that does not irritate the eyes, which contains natural and environmentally friendly ingredients that do not cause allergies in the baby.

Carefully read the composition of the shampoo before buying, it should not contain sulfates - these are toxic substances that gradually accumulate in the body, it is extremely difficult to remove them.

In fact, sulfates are a poison, toxins, gradually accumulating, lead to serious health problems. Wash your baby's head with shampoo with age marking 0+, such products are well suited for washing babies.

Bathe your baby with baby foam or gel if you don't want to use shampoo. Such products are designed to wash the body completely, including the head. In such cases, the package is marked "from head to toe." Obstetricians recommend limiting yourself to baby soap at first.

How to properly wash your hair

When you have chosen the right tool, it's time to start the process itself:

  1. Babies are bathed not in a large bath, but in a small baby bath. Before the procedure, you need to wash it and scald the walls and bottom with boiling water, and then pour warm boiled water, its temperature should correspond to the temperature of a healthy human body - 36-37 degrees. Make sure that the water is not too hot, first measure its temperature with a thermometer. To prevent the baby from slipping while sitting in the bath, put a small clean diaper on the bottom.
  2. Do not lower the baby into the water immediately, this should be done slowly, gently holding him by the back and head. As soon as the baby is already in the bath, start washing your hair.
  3. First, simply dampen your scalp with water, lather your hand with the cleanser, and gently lather the head. Be careful not to get soap in your eyes. Soap or shampoo is applied in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head with soft massaging movements. To avoid accidentally scratching the delicate baby skin, remove all rings and bracelets.
  4. Once you have thoroughly lathered your head, it's time to rinse off the product. Do this not with a ladle, but with your hand, scooping up water in your palm and carefully pour it on your head. Make sure that water does not get into your ears. Pour water over the baby's head until the product is completely washed off. If you are bathing your baby for the first time, this procedure can scare him, so constantly talk to him to calm him down.

Some parents are scared before the first bath of the baby, they are afraid to make mistakes. If you are one of them, calm yourself - watch helpful videos with tips, read.

Important: sleepy and sleeping babies should not be dipped in water.

Do they wash the fontanel?

Often, many mothers are afraid of accidentally damaging the fontanel, so they try not to touch this area. In fact, the fears are groundless - the skin that is covered with the fontanel is dense enough to protect this vulnerable spot from damage. The only thing to do is to wash the head very carefully. If you are afraid, you can only gently wash the hairs without massaging the scalp in the fontanel area.

Bathing frequency

How often should a baby's hair be washed? Is washing too often harmful? Hygiene procedures should be performed daily in the evening, best close to bedtime. Every day you need to rinse the baby's head with warm water, but it is often impossible to use shampoos and soap, 1-2 times a week is enough.

The rest of the time, you can use herbal infusions - or calendula. Such decoctions are useful for the child, they have an antiseptic effect and will accelerate the healing process of the navel.

Useful for baby's hair, they nourish the roots and accelerate growth. It is safe to wash the baby's head with a decoction, it is only important to ensure that water does not get into the eyes.
Do not be afraid that daily shampooing can somehow negatively affect heat transfer or skin condition. Feel free to wash your baby's head during each bath, and every 3-4 days use a wash.

Even when the baby gets older, you should not reduce the number of hair washing procedures - until the age of one, you need to wash the child every day. The kid, developing and growing up, becomes more curious and active, he moves more, sweats more often and gets dirty faster. From the age of 6 months. you can use shampoos more often - 2-3 times a week.

Often shampoos that say they don't cause tears really don't irritate the eyes when they get in them. Despite the assurances of the manufacturer, try, nevertheless, to avoid getting soap suds in the eyes of the child.

Do not use washcloths and sponges when washing, wash the baby only with your hands. You can’t wipe a child’s head with a towel, and it obviously won’t take as long to dry the skin as adults do. It is enough to wrap the baby's head with a towel for 10-15 seconds.

Due to too frequent wearing of the cap, the scalp becomes dry, irritation and itching may appear. To avoid this, try not to wear a bonnet indoors unnecessarily so that the baby's head does not overheat.

It is important not only to wash the baby's head regularly, but also to take care of it daily. Regular care will avoid various type of troubles, which manifests itself in the form of crusts on the scalp.

Caring for a baby is a serious matter, therefore, if you have questions, consult pediatricians, read books and articles on the topic, watch videos, preferably from specialists.

The first days after the appearance of a baby in the house are exciting for parents. In the maternity hospital, care was provided by experienced health workers. Their confident actions seemed simple and natural. When mom was left alone with the baby, each side of life began to raise a number of questions.

For the health of the child, hygiene is important. Should I wash my newborn's head on the first day after arriving from a medical facility?

When and how often can you wash your newborn's head

Sometimes it seems to parents that this little angel, from which it smells pleasantly of milk, is completely clean and bathing can be postponed. Doctors recommend not to delay with water procedures. Keeping clean will help prevent breakouts on delicate skin.

The head is the part of the child's body that first of all needs to be cleansed.

It is quite difficult for a baby to get the first drops of milk, so she often sweats from exertion. There is an unpleasant odor.

The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been debugged. Seborrheic crusts appear in 50% of babies.

Properly performed head washing will help get rid of unpleasant phenomena.

Bathing the baby is carried out on the first day after arriving home. If this is not possible, then bathe the child as soon as it appears.

Important! If the child was vaccinated with BCG on the day of discharge, bathing should be postponed to the next day.

Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, only boiled water is taken. It is convenient to wash the baby in a small bath. Soothing or wound-healing herbal decoctions are added there, if necessary.

To avoid measurement errors, the temperature in the container is checked with two thermometers. It should be in the range of 36-37 degrees. You can not focus only on your own feelings, because adults are more tolerant of hot or cold water.

The cleansing procedure must be carried out daily. It is optimal to choose the time between feedings so that the child is full and calm. Do not bathe immediately after feeding. Pouring water over a full tummy can cause regurgitation. Most often, evening time is chosen, then bathing becomes part of the general ritual of going to sleep. But this is not necessary at all. You can carry out water procedures in the daytime. It is only advisable to stick to the chosen time constantly.

Preparing to wash your hair

30 minutes before bathing, the head is lubricated with vaseline oil and gently massaged for 3-5 minutes. The rest of the time the baby spends in the cap. This helps soften the flakes of dead skin and make them easier to remove.

While waiting for the softening composition to work, you can organize a place for swimming. The bathroom is a cramped room where it is inconvenient for several family members to be. High humidity makes the stay uncomfortable for adults. A baby who is taken out of the warm steam into an apartment runs the risk of catching a cold due to the temperature difference.

The kitchen is perfect for water procedures:

  • no need to carry boiled water far;
  • it is convenient to place the bath right on the table;
  • in the same place put a mattress for swaddling;
  • at hand all means for the treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • there is no difference in temperature and humidity.

When everything is ready for taking a bath, the cap is removed and the hair is carefully combed with a baby brush with soft bristles.

You should take care of the cleanliness of the bathing container. It is washed with an antibacterial agent, rinsed well and poured over with boiling water. Only then fill with clean water of the desired temperature.

Even before entering the maternity hospital, you need to buy everything that you may need on the first day. Bath products are included in this list.

There are a huge number of baby shampoos of different price categories. Choosing from this set, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. There should be no strong aromatic fragrances. The protective system of the child is still imperfect, and the pleasant smell that the mother loves can cause an allergic reaction in him.
  2. Bright colors are unacceptable, it is desirable that the liquid be transparent or have a slight natural shade.
  3. The absence of sulfates in the composition are toxins that are not excreted from the body.
  4. The high density of the liquid will prevent it from running off. It will be easier to avoid contact with eyes. Thickness will ensure economy in use.
  5. It is good if the composition contains extracts of chamomile, succession, calendula. It should be remembered that although they are useful, they can cause individual intolerance.
  6. Marking 0+. Note! Not all baby shampoos can be used from birth.

While the child is very small, it is not necessary to buy a separate product for washing the head. You can use liquid soap or baby bath gel. The selection criteria are the same as for the shampoo. Properly selected product is suitable for cleansing the body from head to toe.

Traditionally, classic baby soap was used, the release form of which is a solid bar. It has now been proven to cause dry skin. Therefore, having settled on this type of cleanser, one must carefully observe whether peeling or tightness has appeared.

Choose trusted manufacturers of children's cosmetics:

  • eared nanny;
  • Our mother;
  • Böbchen;
  • Josnons Baby.

Washing the tiny head is recommended every day. But do not be zealous with the use of special tools. A simple rinse with water is sufficient. I remove sweating secretions from the surface of the skin with shampoo or soap once a week. In the hot season, it is acceptable to use cleansing products twice in 7 days.

A tiny body is immersed in water gradually. You should first splash a little on the legs or wipe them with a damp hand, only then carefully lower the child into the bath. The head should be above the water surface. It is convenient to use special slides for washing babies. Such a stand is covered with a thin cotton diaper so that the baby does not slip off.

When the baby is used to the new environment, they start washing the head. To do this, the hairs are gradually poured with water from the face to the back of the head, preventing liquid from entering the ears. While the child is very small, washcloths are not used. The best remedy is affectionate mother's hands.

In the hand, a drop of detergent is diluted with some water and gently rubbed into the scalp with massaging strokes. Fingers slide progressively, not missing the fontanel. Despite the apparent vulnerability, this area is well protected. Gentle parental touches will only benefit.

Light circular movements of the index and thumb stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, improve blood circulation in tissues and accelerate the growth of new hairs. Tactile contact soothes the baby.

Avoid excessive foam formation. It can get into eyes or ears. Even if the sparing composition does not cause burning, contact with mucous membranes should not be allowed.

Additional Information! Any product purchased for child care is first tested on itself.

Shampoo or soap is also washed off with a hand towards the back of the head from the forehead. The shampoo is not reused. One application is enough. It is important to completely remove the cleanser.

After swimming

Steamed skin is not rubbed, but dried with wet touches of a towel or diaper. When the hairs are dry, comb them well again. Movements should be light, you should not pay special attention to places where scales are visible. If there are birth crusts, they will not disappear at once. You need to be patient and periodically perform a simple sequence of actions.

Carefully cut off the tangled ends. If this is not done immediately, a larger ball of hair may form that cannot be untangled.

Attention! Make sure there is no water in the ears. They are cleaned with turundas, removing sulfur and excess moisture. A drop of liquid will cause serious discomfort when sucking.

If the room is warm and there are no drafts, then you can let the skin breathe. In the cold season, immediately after bathing, put on a cap. Leave it on for about an hour.

During the day, it is advisable to abandon the headgear. In a cap, the head overheats, sweats more often and gets more dirty.

A careful approach to hygiene will ensure the health of the child. Following simple tips on how to wash a newborn child's head, parents will teach him to love water procedures.

Video: skin care for the face and head of a newborn

Good afternoon, our dear readers. For many parents, there comes the very period when you need to know how to wash your child's hair. On the other hand, they say, what's wrong with that, you wash and that's all. But for various reasons, the child has a fear of washing his head.

It happens differently for everyone, someone normally washes their hair from a very young age and then everything is fine. But sometimes at the age of one or two, even three years, there is a fear of washing the head and then the child cries, does not want to wash his hair and say a strict “no”.

Although at the same time he can calmly swim, play in the water, play with toys, but the main thing is that they do not touch his head.

We ourselves faced such a disaster with our son. At first everything was fine, they washed their hair normally. Well, I was a little afraid, nothing terrible happened. Then the water began to fall into the mouth and nose. It was then that he flatly declared that he did not want to wash his hair, he was then 2.5 years old. It came to terrible screams, struggle (little kids have so much strength, horror).

It was a difficult period and it turned out that many families are faced with such a problem. We were able to overcome this, and we want to help the same parents who are faced with such a problem.

Shampooing is fun

In order to understand further how to wash a child’s head if he is afraid, you need to understand his fears. In no case do not scold the child, this can only worsen the whole situation. You just need to acknowledge his fear. Agree that he is afraid to wash his hair.

The first reason why a child is afraid is fear:

  • water gets into the eyes;
  • into the nose;
  • into the mouth;
  • afraid to choke.

Perhaps there are other reasons. If the child is already 2-2.5 years old, then you can talk with him and understand the essence of the problem. Do not tell the child, they say, what is this and something like that. Stand on the side of the child. He must understand that you will protect him, that you will not do anything wrong.

The second reason is “I myself” and boundaries. The manifestation is possible from two to three years. That is, until this time everything is fine, and then suddenly rrraz - and in no way. Complete refusal to wash your hair. At the same time, the baby can splash in the bathroom with pleasure for a long time, play in the water, swim, but as soon as they wash it - a resolute “no”.

The third reason is the fear of water, and sudden. Psychologists say that this is a period of child development and begins at about 3 - 5 years, not for everyone, of course.

But, with a child, you can agree. You can learn to wash your hair without screaming and crying, maybe even a child will want to wash his hair. Below we will present those options that can help you with a child. But I’ll say right away: maybe everything will work out at the very first advice, or maybe more than one advice will not work.

All kids are very different and individual. First understand the reason why the child does not want to wash his hair, and then try different ways that may work for you.

Practical advice on how to act when a child does not want to wash his hair.

Step 1.

First of all, pay attention to the well-being of the child.

If you initially know that the child will not agree to wash his hair, do not bring the washing process until the evening. That is, if you usually bathe your baby in the evening, then choose a separate time to wash your hair - after morning or lunchtime sleep, when the child is in the best mood and is located to play. Then it is easier to turn the washing process into a game.

And even if you get upset, you can quickly switch to other interesting things and you won’t have to calm the naughty baby before going to bed. And in the evening - the usual swimming in pleasure.

Talk about the need to wash your hair not at the moment when you already need to wash it, but a day or two before that. Think of a short story about a girl (boy) who did not want to wash her hair and what came of it. Like how to wash a child's hair is useful.

If the child is over 4-5 years old, you can tell more serious options - to study the device of the hair, talk about the mechanism of their pollution, etc. - my elder loves this very much. If there is a problem - we begin to discuss it - from all sides. When understanding comes, it is easier to agree.

Step 3

Be sure to ask the talking child about the reason for such a dislike for washing their hair. And remember that he himself may not understand it, so it is better to offer options. Do not like water in the eyes, water in the ears, scary with closed eyes, stinging, unpleasant or else, watch it and think what it could be. To determine and eliminate the cause - show attention by removing “your opinion” that all this is unimportant and just a whim, do not say the words “well, it’s not scary”, “what did you think up for yourself”, etc.

Step 4

Here's how to wash your child's hair if he doesn't want to wash and can't be persuaded. After washing your hair, offer your son or daughter to let you wash your hair. Usually the child is excitedly waiting for the moment when it will be possible to “be an adult” and also “do everything like a mother”. It is often advised to let your hair be washed before, not after, the baby.

But not everyone works, you need to consider.

Step 5

In general, it's a good idea to offer something interesting to work out after you wash your baby's head. And it’s better with something that is also connected with bathing - for example, arrange a washing of dolls, or let yourself be combed, or ... your option. If the head is not washed, there will be no game.

Step 6

Also teach them to close their eyes tightly and pinch their ears, and then tilt their head back. It is this method that often helps to negotiate with the child. An important point: when the child tilts his head back, then water begins to flow from the head into the eyes - this moment must be foreseen in advance and immediately give the child a towel to wipe his face.

We continue to understand, they say, how to wash a child's head. While washing your hair - if you managed to persuade, comment on your actions all the time, how you water your hair, how each strand gets wet, how you wash the hairs, how clean they become, how the foam looks like magic lambs ...

Step 8

If the reason is the rejection of water in the eyes or ears, offer to cover the eyes or ears with a diaper or towel.

Step 9

And if the period “I myself” has already begun, then the first way is to offer to wash your hair on your own, but with your help. You hold the shower, help wash your hair. The rest - himself. Try it, it’s not uncommon for kids to compromise, they say you wash yourself, and mom or dad only helps.

Step 10

And the last “life hack on the topic of washing the head” is every bath to offer new devices for watering the head (dipper, plate, glass, cup, milk bottle, baby bucket, etc.. This game quickly captivates the baby and, possibly, every bath will already be expected with joy, because children love surprises so much!

Devices for washing the head of a child.

In order to fully answer the question, they say, how to wash a child’s hair, we will present you various devices for bathing a child.

Eni is quite common and will help the child cope with fears, the main thing is to explain what it is and why it is needed.

After you managed to wash your hair and not wet your eyes, pay attention to the baby: “Look, son, we washed our hair, but our eyes are dry! Really, great? What good fellows we are!”

Managed to wash their heads - We are great!

That's all we have. We hope our article helped you, leave your comments below, maybe even share your method. All bye bye, join us in Odnoklassniki.

Based on materials:,

The child is afraid to wash his hair - what to do and how to properly wash your child's hair. updated: November 11, 2019 by: Subbotina Maria

Children's hair is different from adult hair, it is soft and thin, so it needs to be taken care of in a special way. In our article, I want to tell you about how to wash children's hair so as not to damage them.


So, in order for the child's hair to have a healthy and beautiful appearance, several rules should be observed:

1. For washing children's hair, always use warm water, no more than 35-38 degrees. Rinse your hair after washing with boiled water, which you prepare and cool in advance.

2. Comb your hair before washing, it is recommended to use a soft massage brush. Be sure to moisturize your hair before shampooing it.

3. Thoroughly wash only the scalp, and the entire length of the hair does not need to be rubbed. It is enough that the shampoo distributes itself on all hair during rinsing with water.

4. Wash your baby's head with gentle hand movements. Try to apply and distribute the shampoo with your fingertips, in light circular motions. Massage your scalp for three minutes.

5. By the way, it is not necessary to reapply shampoo to children's hair.

6. In order to add shine to your hair, rinse it with a pre-prepared herbal decoction. You can also use slightly acidified water as a rinse aid. But in no case at the end of the procedure, do not rinse the children's hair with a stream of cold water. This cannot be done! The capillaries of the scalp of children do not respond well to cold.

7. After washing, wrap the baby's head with a soft terry towel. Let the baby hair dry on its own. Do not comb wet children's hair.

8. It is recommended to wash children's hair using baby shampoo no more than once a week. If necessary, wash your hair more often, use decoctions of herbs.


The choice of baby shampoo is very important. Pay attention to the fact that it is gentle, with a neutral PH. That is, the shampoo that will not irritate the eyes. The pH of the scalp of babies is 6.5. This indicator corresponds to the age of the child from birth to 10 years.

How to wash a child's hair so as not to harm them? It is better to opt for buying a detergent for children, which can wash not only the hair, but also the body of the child.

By the way, according to the regulatory documents of Russia, there is no definition of what a baby shampoo is. And about the age category, too, nothing is indicated in the regulations. Therefore, manufacturers of children's cosmetics themselves prescribe at what age it is possible to use one or another product. If the product label does not indicate the age from which it can be used, then this means: for children from 3 years.

What ingredients should be present in the composition of baby shampoo, and which are not desirable, let's take a closer look at the example of several brands of shampoos.

· BabyLine – Germany.

· Sanosan – Germany. Baby shampoo.

Foam shampoo, Austria, Baby (Styx).

· Hydrophilic camomile oil for children for baths Original ATOK (pr.Czech Republic).

BabyLine shampoo for children's hair, made in Germany, has mostly positive reviews. However, in some cases, mothers of children noted overdrying of the scalp. The advantages of this cosmetic product are that the hair becomes soft and acquires a pleasant aroma of chamomile. But, it is worth noting that the composition of such a shampoo is not ideal. The cost is 195 rubles.

Unwanted Shampoo Ingredients:

· Synthetic fragrance;

Methylparaben and propylparaben. In good quality shampoos, these ingredients are replaced with essential oils and plant and milk enzymes, vitamins.

Sanosan baby shampoo contains avocado oil. The natural ingredients of the shampoo help to soften the hair and promote the healing of skin irritations. It is important to remember that high-quality children's cosmetics are made using natural oils, but cheap shampoos have mineral components. The cost of Sanosan shampoo is about 150 rubles. Detergent component surfactant. Basically a good shampoo. Hair after its application does not get tangled, becomes soft. However, it contains a synthetic fragrance and five types of parabens.

For example, Baby Shampoo (Austria) contains fewer parabens and synthetic fragrances. Therefore, it is better for them to wash the child's head so that hair grows. The consistency of the shampoo is very thick - it is used sparingly. It has a pleasant smell, slightly sweet with the aroma of coconut and lavender with chamomile. Washes well, the hair does not tangle after application. You can buy it exclusively in pharmacies or in a specialized store that sells Styx cosmetics. The cost of the shampoo is 500 rubles.

Composition of the product:

  • Purified water;
  • Sodium laureth sulfate is a surface detergent ingredient in cosmetics. It is not able to penetrate into the dermis, so it does not enter the bloodstream. But it is important to remember that those shampoos containing surface surfactants must be washed off well from the surface of the head;
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine is a mild cleaner. Prevents electrification of hair, helps to reduce the irritating effect of SLES. It is obtained from coconut oil, or rather from its fatty acids.
  • Sodium chloride. It has an astringent effect, is used externally in medicine to treat inflammatory ulcers, abscesses. wound;
  • Glycerol;
  • Coconut Glycoside. Obtained from dried coconut meat. The substance is soft, so it foams well;
  • Bisabolol. Obtained from essential oils of lavender and chamomile, which well relieve irritation and inflammation on the scalp;
  • Sodium hydroxide is an alkali, due to which the pH of the shampoo is normalized to neutral;
  • Farnesol is a natural preservative and fragrance fixative. The composition of this soft component includes essential oils, thanks to which the secretion of the skin is controlled, and also has a softening effect.

Also, if you are wondering how to wash a child’s hair for hair growth, a special delicate shampoo is ideal, without surfactants in it. This hydrophilic chamomile baby oil is from Original ATOK. They can wash both the head and the whole body of the child. The cost is 800 rubles. The composition of this cosmetic product includes essential oils of blue and yellow chamomile, millennium. As well as vegetable oils: soybean, jojoba, and almond. E, A-vitamins, soy lecithin. The composition is awesome!

During the bathing procedure, it is necessary to use only one detergent, as the effectiveness of the second may decrease.

Proper care of children's hair is very important, because their beauty and health depend on it. And yet, it is important to teach a child from childhood to take care of himself. The right cleanser for children's hair will help clean them. When choosing a baby shampoo, always pay attention to its composition. By the way, a shampoo bought at a pharmacy is not always a guarantee of excellent quality. Read carefully the composition of the shampoo!

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