
Do you know how to bleach hair with hydrogen peroxide? Bleaching facial and body hair How to lighten chin hair


It's no secret that beautiful ladies like to complex about their appearance.

And despite the fact that everyone perfectly understands and accepts the animal origin of man, almost everyone suffers from the thought that someone might suspect her of excessive hairiness.

In order to avoid this, various methods and methods of struggle are used.

For example, legs are shaved using a machine or an epilator, laser hair removal is performed in the bikini area, what grows under the armpits or on the forearm is shaved.

More difficult with facial hair. A depilator will not help here - it hurts too much, and I don’t really want to use a razor - but how will grandmother’s tales turn out to be not fairy tales at all and the hair in place of the shaved ones will grow much thicker, harder and thicker ?!

For such a delicate, sensitive and "revealing" place, it is worth trying such a way to fight for beauty as bleaching facial hair.

Facial hair lightening

You probably noticed that at the very beginning of summer all people are much hairier than by its end? Of course, this is just an illusion.

It's just that at the beginning of summer the skin is light and vegetation is clearly visible on it in those people who were not born blondes and blondes.

With every sunny day, with every sunbath, a person's hair naturally becomes bleached, lighter, and skin darker.

Lightening of facial hair also occurs and unwanted vegetation is successfully masked until the next winter period, when the weakened sun's rays are no longer able to cope with this task.

Thus, years of experience will show whether such a method of solving a cosmetic problem as bleaching facial hair is right for you. And if you really look better in the summer without any painful hair removal, then this is definitely your way.

The best recipes for lightening facial hair

When choosing a way to lighten facial hair, you should carefully study the features of each and take into account the existing advantages and disadvantages. The most common among our compatriots is the lightening of facial hair by the so-called "grandmother's" methods.

For those who do not know how to lighten facial hair, so as not to bother too much, we will advise the first method - elementary.

Purchase a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy. Moisten a cotton pad with the solution and wipe the skin where the hairs grow for five minutes.

Repeat this procedure once every day for 5-7 days. Stop the procedure when the lightening effect becomes noticeable.

The hair will thin and become significantly lighter, and this will happen the faster, the lighter your natural tone.

For individuals with sensitive skin who wish to lighten their facial hair, a more gentle procedure may be offered.

Three percent peroxide should be mixed with good shaving foam in a ratio of 50/50 (i.e. in equal volumes).

The resulting mixture is applied to areas of the skin where necessary and incubated for twenty minutes.

A popular way is to bleach facial hair with homemade perhydrol ointment. Such an ointment gives not only lightening of facial hair, but also significantly slows down their growth.

Ointment components: lanolin - 12 grams, petroleum jelly - 8 grams, perhydrol - 2 grams, ammonia - 1 drop, shampoo - in an amount sufficient to make the mixture become the consistency of thick sour cream, mix and beat into a homogeneous mass.

Apply perhydrol ointment to the desired areas of the skin on the face with a plastic spatula.

After application, you need to wait for the mass to dry and then rinse it off with slightly warm water. This is a good lightening option even for girls with dark hair.

Another way to lighten facial hair is with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Fifty grams of peroxide is mixed with half a teaspoon of ammonia and shaving cream is added, kneading until a homogeneous mass is obtained in density resembling non-greasy sour cream, but not spreading.

The resulting mixture is applied to the skin with unwanted hairs and kept for ten minutes.

After holding the specified period, the ointment is removed with a cotton swab, the face is rinsed with warm water without soap. After the procedure, it is good to lubricate the face with a nourishing cream.

Caution in this case never hurts. Before you do this procedure yourself at home, make sure that the amount of facial hair is not very large.

The lush vegetation will still require more decisive action from you. For example - depilation with wax or special cosmetic procedures offered by salons - laser, electric or photoepilation.

If you are not sure that the amount of hair on your face does not exceed the average norm for women of your nationality, consult a doctor - “extra” hair indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body and requires you to pay more attention to your health.

And the procedure itself. The composition applied to the skin will bake, but within tolerable limits. If the burning sensation becomes unbearable, wash everything off immediately, because. You may be having an allergic reaction to the ingredients.

For rinsing in case of burning, it is better to use cold water, not warm. If the reaction was not very strong, the procedure can be carried out several times for a shorter time.

After the procedure, you will notice that in addition to the hairs, the skin also brightened. Do not panic, this effect disappears before our very eyes.

However, given the possible effects, it is best to perform the procedure on Saturday or even Friday evening, on the eve of two days off.

Be always beautiful and well-groomed!


The skin of the face of any person is covered with an inconspicuous fluff. Alas, in some representatives of the weaker sex, these hairs have a dark color, and therefore are visible to the naked eye.

In order not to be embarrassed by their appearance, as well as enjoy the reflection in the mirror, many women use all kinds of means to lighten their hair.

You can cook them yourself at home. And some of them can even be found in the first-aid kit!

You can take…


The easiest and most inexpensive way to lighten facial hair is to treat it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). The procedure is very simple: moisten a cotton pad with peroxide well enough, and then wipe the problem areas with it. This must be done within 5 minutes. Of course, once will not be enough to notice the result. With daily use, dark hairs will definitely brighten! It is worth noting that the hydrogen peroxide solution can be replaced with lemon juice. It must be freshly squeezed, otherwise there will be no effect.

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can be used alone or in combination with other components. So, for example, mixing peroxide and shaving cream in equal proportions, apply the composition to areas of the face with dark hairs. Rub it, as in the recipe above, do not have to. But leave for 20 minutes - yes. After the foam should be washed off with plain water, and a nourishing cream should be applied to the face. To enhance the effectiveness of the composition, it is enough to pour a couple of drops of ammonia into it. It is necessary to apply the foam on the fluff at least every other day. After 4-5 procedures, the effect will be obvious - dark hairs will become discolored, and their growth will slow down significantly.

Hydroperite or clarifier based on it

To bleach the hair on the head, some women use hydroperite tablets. This substance can also be used to lighten facial hair. To do this, you need 1 tablet of hydroperite, crushed into powder, as well as a few drops of ammonia and a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). The components must be mixed with a stick until a thick homogeneous mixture is formed. This "mask" should be applied to problem areas, and after 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. After that, in order not to overdry the skin, a nourishing cream is applied to the face.

Thanks to this procedure, the hair quickly brightens, becomes thin and brittle. However, it is not recommended to do it more than once a week. It is worth noting that such a mixture can be applied only to those areas with hairs where there are no wounds, acne. Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting rid of the dark fluff, but at the same time getting the strongest irritation.

To treat facial hair, you can also use a regular hair clarifier - in fact, the same hydroperite, but in liquid form. It should be applied to the face, as in the case of peroxide, with a cotton pad, and washed off only after 10 minutes.


To lighten the fluff on the face, you can use an ointment based on perhydrol - a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution. To prepare a homogeneous mass, you will need 4 drops of perhydrol, 1 tsp. lanolin and ½ tsp. vaseline. After that, you need to add 2 drops of ammonia and ¼-½ tsp. shampoo. The mixture must be thoroughly whipped, then transferred to a small container.

The ointment should be applied to the hairs with a spatula or cotton swab and left on the face until completely dry. Only after that it must be washed off with warm water, and the treated areas should be lubricated with a nourishing cream. Perhydrol-based ointment can be used 2-4 times a week.

It is important to remember the following: women with sensitive skin should be careful when using the above formulations. Some products that lighten hair can cause irritation.

In women, there is such a delicate problem as the presence of unwanted hairs on the face, which grow mainly above the upper lip or on the chin. Let's try to deal with it, agree that in some cases it leads to a woman's isolation and psychological problems.

Causes of facial hair growth in women

In most cases, the cause of excessive facial hair growth in women is hormonal disorders, which only an endocrinologist or endocrinologist-gynecologist should identify and correct with medication.

Cosmetologists solve only a visual problem using the methods of modern cosmetology. The principles of drug treatment of facial hair growth are, first of all, in the normalization of body weight and hormone therapy with drugs that block the effect of androgens on women's hair follicles.

How to get rid of facial hair at home?

1. Plucking facial hair with tweezers

This is the most common and oldest method known to all women and girls. Unfortunately, the result is short 2-3 weeks, the method is quite painful. Deficiency causes irritation, redness on the face and the growth of thick hairs. Very often, women stop only on this method because of the availability.

2. Facial Hair Lightening Mask

1% ammonia 10 gr + liquid soap 20 gr + 10% hydrogen peroxide 30 gr. Apply to unwanted hair with a brush and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Repeat the procedure several times. May cause redness and burning. The effect of the procedure is temporary, not suitable for black hair, as it is difficult to lighten it.

3. Mild creams for lightening black short facial hair

Example: INVISI-BLEACH cream, from the SURGI or Byly series. The set contains a bleaching cream and an activator, which are mixed together in a special container and applied to the face for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, wash off and enjoy the result. The hairs are light, almost transparent, soft. The cream contains herbs and extracts to moisturize, nourish and soften the skin of the face.

4. Depilation with cream and household electric epilators

You can remove hair above the upper lip or on the chin. The effect persists for 2-3 weeks.

In the salon, the doctor will also be able to choose the option of removing and lightening facial hair, which will suit you, depending on contraindications, the frequency of the procedure, the color and length of unwanted hair.


It has existed for many centuries, but in Russia the method became popular a few years ago. This is an effective depilation using a special sugar paste. The procedure is almost painless, any hair color. It is characterized by low cost in beauty salons and the absence of ingrown hairs, which is very important. The effect lasts up to a month.


- waxing. The result lasts for several weeks, the procedure is painful, any hair color. The disadvantage is that it is carried out only on long hairs. After the procedure, there is a slight redness and burning sensation.

Depilation with silk thread

This method came to us from the Middle East and is very popular in Egypt, India, China, America, the United Arab Emirates. The method is almost painless, great for removing facial hair, even very small and inconspicuous. The effect lasts for one month, as the hairs are removed along with the root. The advantage of the procedure is that it is cheap. There are no contraindications.

What are the high-tech cosmetic procedures for removing and lightening facial hair?

Qool Laser Hair Removal

This is the modern, safest and very popular method of removing unwanted hair from women using a laser. The result is stored for 10 years. The disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure. Unfortunately, it will not work to permanently remove unwanted hair, but their growth will slow down significantly.


Hair removal with a light pulse and current. Varieties: Elos, IPL, LHE hair removal. The procedure is painful, it affects only dark hair. Perhaps the manifestation of redness, burning after the procedure. It is absolutely impossible to sunbathe.

AFT hair removal

This is the development of Israeli scientists. Removes hair with a diode laser with a special tip. Painlessly removes hair both on the face and on the body, any, except for gray hair. You can sunbathe before and after the procedure.

Ultrasonic hair removal

Virtually painless, great for light hairs. It is carried out after preliminary waxing, any hair color.


The name speaks for itself - the destruction of the hair follicle with the help of current. The disadvantage is painful, the result lasts 2-3 years, any hair color. It is undesirable to sunbathe before and after the procedure.

Every age has its own standards of beauty. But always women tried to get rid of the vegetation on the body and face. Salon techniques for removing unwanted hair are not always available. But at home, unpleasant growth can be discolored, making it less noticeable.

Homemade ways to lighten and bleach hairs on the face and body

You can independently make unwanted growth less noticeable by two methods: chemical and natural. The first is the use of pharmaceutical preparations and hair dyes for bleaching hairs. The second involves the use of natural ingredients, mostly plant-based.

Chemical Methods

The action of synthetic chemicals is quite fast, but such methods are recognized as the most dangerous. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you should check the reaction of the skin. It is hardly possible to call a burn or severe irritation a positive effect.

Hair Dye

The simplest, but also the most dangerous solution in bleaching unwanted hair is the use of special kits. Here the choice of means is huge, but cheap dyes give the best results. They dry the hair, cause brittleness, and in the fight against facial and body hair, this is an advantage. Weakened after chemical exposure, the hairs become not only less noticeable, but also more brittle, easier to remove.

With the help of paints for lightening hair, you can cope with the growth on both the body and the face. Suitable and "Blondoran", and "Blondeks", and "Blond". But to prevent unpleasant skin reactions, at the slightest redness or irritation, apply a greasy cream or immediately remove the applied composition and choose another method. When working, it is important to strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the product.

Tinted dyes should not be used. Only bleaching agents are effective.

Application of bleaching paint:

  1. The prepared product is carefully applied to the problem area. Usually, the hairs on the face, the “mustache” above the upper lip, or the hairs on the chin are less noticeable in this way.
  2. Keep the composition half the time indicated on the package.
  3. Carefully removed from the face with a cotton pad, the skin is washed with water.

With the help of dyes, you can lighten the hairs on the body and face at home

Powder dyes

The most effective bleaching dyes are Blondex, Blondoran, Blond. The face is not washed before the procedure in order to provide natural protection of the skin from the deep penetration of the coloring pigment.

Application of the tool:

  1. The powder is mixed with an oxidizing agent in the form of a cream. It is important to observe the quantity of each component indicated in the instructions.
  2. The ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to problem areas for no longer than 10 minutes.
  3. The paint is thoroughly washed off, the skin is gently cleansed.

Carry out the procedure as needed, but not more than once every half a month. To protect the skin of the hands, it is recommended to use gloves.

If the skin has irritation or a burning sensation, lubricate it with Panthenol.

To protect the skin of the hands, it is better to bleach the hair with gloves.

Less irritating to the skin is a mask of blond powder paint with the addition of oatmeal and milk.

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix blond paint, cream for it, lemon juice, full-fat milk, oatmeal (each ingredient should be taken in a teaspoon).
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. The mixture is applied once a week to problem areas, brightening as long as the skin tolerates, for a maximum of a quarter of an hour.
  4. Wash off with water, then wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

The effect is noticeable after a month.

Video: how to bleach hairs with blond powder paint with milk and oatmeal

Supra paint helps to make the hairs more colorless. Application of the tool:

  1. Mix half a large spoonful of powdered supra with a full spoonful of clarifier to it.
  2. The product is applied to the problem area for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

White henna will also lighten hairs. But along with unwanted growth, the skin will also noticeably brighten.

Video: how to lighten hairs with supra

Hydroperite and hydrogen peroxide

It will help to make the hairs less noticeable and hydroperit:

  1. One tablet is crushed into powder.
  2. Mixed with 3-4 drops of ammonia.
  3. The mixture is diluted to a creamy state and applied to problem areas. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash off with cool water.

With the help of hydroperite, you can lighten the hairs on the body and face at home

Pure peroxide will also help lighten the hairs. It is applied to a cotton pad and gently rubbed into the problem area for several minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day. It is important not to put too much peroxide on the disc, it can burn the skin. The results are noticeable after at least a week, the hairs noticeably brighten.

A mask with the addition of cosmetic foam copes well with unwanted vegetation:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with the same amount of facial cleanser.
  2. The mixture is applied to the problem area.
  3. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and wash off.


A mask with hydroperite and ammonia is effective for dark hard hairs on the face and body.

Preparation and use of the product:

  1. 10 tablets of hydroperite are ground into powder.
  2. Mixed with a couple of ampoules of ammonia.
  3. Add a teaspoon of shampoo and warm water.
  4. The composition is mixed and left for an hour.
  5. The mixture is applied to the problem area for 5-10 minutes and washed off.

The results are noticeable immediately.

Hydroperite and ammonia are effective for dark hairs on the face

A mixture of peroxide, ammonia and liquid soap will discolor the hairs on the face:

  1. Liquid soap is added to 5 drops of ammonia to a creamy consistency.
  2. Pour in a teaspoon of peroxide.
  3. The composition with a cotton swab is carefully applied to problem areas.
  4. Leave for a quarter of an hour, wash off. If a burning sensation occurs, the mask should be removed immediately.
  5. The skin is lubricated with a rich nourishing cream.

The most effective brightening mask consists of hydroperite, ammonia and shaving foam.

  1. Three tablets of hydroperite are crushed into powder.
  2. To the mass add half a teaspoon of ammonia and a large spoonful of water.
  3. All components are mixed and topped up with a large spoonful of shaving foam.
  4. Mix until a homogeneous paste.
  5. The composition is applied to the hairs. Hold for 15-30 minutes.
  6. Wash away.

Effective iodine-ammonia-castor mask.

  1. Mix 35 ml of formic or ethanol alcohol and 5 ml of castor oil.
  2. Add 5 ml of ammonia and 3 drops of iodine, mix thoroughly.
  3. The composition is applied to a cotton pad, wipe problem areas in the morning and evening.

The effect is noticeable after a week. Store the mask in a tightly closed container in the dark.

Read more about the role of iodine in hair removal in our article:.

Video: how to bleach hairs with castor oil, ammonia and iodine

Lanolin, toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide

Lighten the hair with the addition of lanolin:

  1. Two parts of lanolin are taken for one part of peroxide.
  2. Shaving foam is added to the liquid to get a creamy texture.
  3. The agent is applied to problem areas for a quarter of an hour, washed off.
  4. Be sure to lubricate the skin with baby cream to relieve irritation and redness.

To prepare a brightening ointment, mix a large spoonful of lanolin with 10 drops of peroxide:

  1. Pour 5 drops of ammonia into the composition, mix.
  2. Add a teaspoon of Vaseline.
  3. To an almost finished ointment, add a teaspoon of washing gel.
  4. The composition is applied with a cotton swab three times a day to unwanted hairs, left to dry completely, hold for another 10 minutes after that.
  5. Wash off with a cotton pad moistened with water.

The finished mixture is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for several days.

From dark antennae, a clay and peroxide mask is effective:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of peroxide, add 5 drops of ammonia and a large spoonful of white cosmetic clay.
  2. Mix the composition until creamy.
  3. Apply the product for a maximum of 10 minutes on the problem area.

A lightening effect will give a regular toothpaste:

  1. Peroxide 6% and toothpaste without multi-colored additives are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. The agent is brought to the state of thick sour cream, applied to problem areas, left for a quarter of an hour, washed off.

If a mask was used to lighten facial hair, then it should be removed with cosmetic milk for makeup removal, then with water.

Video: how to lighten hairs with a mask with toothpaste

natural remedies

Homemade remedies do not lead to the desired result as quickly as purchased ones. But they will help to solve the problem of unwanted vegetation without harm to the skin. It is important to apply the prepared formulations regularly, several times a day. Contraindication to use is only individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Herbal infusions

It is possible to lighten with the help of natural dyes not only the hair. Herbs are also used to lighten hairs on the body and face.

Preparation and use of infusion:

  1. Mix 15 g of dry chamomile and half a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid.
  2. The composition is insisted for 9 hours.
  3. Apply the finished product with a cotton pad 4-7 times a day on problem areas.
  4. Leave to dry completely, no need to rinse.

The effectiveness of the infusion will increase the addition of glycerin. This component brightens the hairs by several tones.

Preparation and use:

  1. 15 g of dry chamomile is poured with half a glass of boiling water and insisted. The mixture must cool down.
  2. Mix 15 ml of chamomile infusion and glycerin.
  3. The product is applied to the hairs, held for 5-15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Calendula and lime blossom work the same way. These herbs can be used as a substitute for chamomile.

Calendula works similarly to chamomile, brightening hairs.


Lemon acts similarly to peroxide:

  1. Juice is squeezed from one fruit. Pour into a glass bowl.
  2. A cotton pad soaked in liquid is rubbed at least three times a day on problem areas.
  3. The agent is left for 5-10 minutes.

Wash off the composition with water. It is important to avoid contact with the eyes.

The vinegar-lemon mixture perfectly brightens unwanted hairs:

  1. Mix lemon juice, lukewarm water and vinegar equally.
  2. The mixture is applied with a cotton pad.
  3. Keep on the problem area for 20 minutes.

Vinegar and lemon are great for lightening unwanted hairs.

Effective protein-lemon mask:

  1. Whisk the protein.
  2. Add a couple of large spoons of lemon juice.
  3. The mixture is applied to the problem area on the face, left for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off with cool water.


A mask of turmeric and nut flour will perfectly lighten unwanted growth:

  1. Mix a large spoonful of nut flour with a couple of large spoons of turmeric.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of heavy cream.
  3. The composition is kneaded to a paste-like state.
  4. Apply to problem areas for one and a half to two months 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes.

Video: how to lighten hairs with a turmeric mask

Is it possible to bleach hair permanently

Home methods solve the problem for a long time. Permanently discoloring hairs with home remedies is not easy. Neither chemical compounds nor herbal infusions can radically cope with unwanted growth. The vegetation brightens, but it does not stay like this forever.

Solving the problem by discoloring the hairs for a long period is possible with products with hydroperite, chemical dyes, peroxide and iodine in the composition. The effect is noticeable after the first application.

Facial hair is one of the most annoying women's problems. Of course, there are many ways to get rid of unwanted hair, but not all women are willing to endure m, pay a lot of money in salons or daily remove hair with a machine.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the skin on the face is very sensitive, and hair removal often leads to skin irritation and allergies. Therefore, many women make a simple decision - to lighten their hair.

This can be done with special cosmetics that are commercially available. But if for some reason, you have a biased attitude towards such products, lightening facial hair at home is also possible with the help of natural ingredients. And in today's article, the Pantry of Beauty will tell her recipes,.

The tendency to develop facial hair can be inherited, and the same problem can be caused by a large amount of male hormones in the body.

Regardless of the reasons that cause excessive hairiness - genetic or hormonal - the flaw is eliminated with the help of home cosmetics.

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If there is too much hair, lightening most likely will not help - you need to remove the hairs, and then use products that slow down their growth and lighten the “vegetation”. Whatever it was - everything is in your hands. And you can experience harmless ways of lightening hair from your own experience.

Lightening facial hair: folk recipes

  • Lightening hair with peroxide

Among the products that effectively lighten facial hair, one of the main places is occupied by hydrogen peroxide. Alone or in combination with other ingredients, it significantly reduces the pigmentation of the hairs and, most importantly, thins them.

When carrying out any lightening procedures, one nuance is important: if the skin is sensitive, it is risky to do this, in which case it is better to turn to classical methods that get rid of vegetation. It is better to postpone the bleaching procedure if there are inflammations, wounds or pimples on the skin - the result will be severe irritation.

Most on the face - treat the skin with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The cotton wool is moistened in a solution that wipes the skin for several minutes. After several daily procedures, the result becomes noticeable.

Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a component of facial hair lightening products. One of the recipes includes a 3% peroxide solution and shaving cream. This mass is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, then washed off and lubricated with a nourishing cream. Sometimes a few more drops of ammonia are added, but alcohol can adversely affect the skin. With regular use of this remedy (in a day or two), the hairs become lighter and slow down their growth.

  • Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is a good alternative to peroxide. The main thing is its freshness, after some time after squeezing it becomes ineffective.

  • Hydroperit for lightening hair

Lightening of facial hair is also done in the following way: mix crushed, pounded to a state (this substance has an antiseptic effect), and ammonia and process the hairs on the face with the resulting mixture. After 10 minutes, the product is thoroughly washed off. Then the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream. Since this is a very strong remedy, its use should be limited (about 1 time per week).

  • Facial hair lightening ointment

The following ointment is effective against dark facial hair: combine perhydrol - a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution (2 g), petroleum jelly (8 g), lanolin (12 g), a drop of ammonia and a little shampoo. After mixing, the resulting mass is applied to the hairs and after 10 minutes, when the ointment dries well, it is washed off.

Before you lighten your hair at home, it is important to note that any lightening procedures are contraindicated for sensitive skin, as well as during pregnancy.