
What does a fetus look like at 31 weeks? All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy. On ultrasound, the sonologist evaluates


Meanwhile, the baby grows up every day, moves intensively and pushes the mother, hitting the internal organs and ribs.

On our website you will find a description of the sensations that a woman normally experiences at 31 weeks of pregnancy. You need to know this in order not to worry again. General recommendations will also be given and points to which special attention should be paid will be indicated.


Every week, the expectant mother's tummy increases, which is reflected by the increasing load on the spine. Because of this, a woman feels severe pain in the lower back and other parts of the spinal column. Wearing a bandage, proper distribution of physical activity and rest will help reduce discomfort. Shoes should be worn with flat, comfortable soles, as wearing heels and high platforms during pregnancy can itself cause lower back pain.

The musculoskeletal system is actively developing in the fetus, therefore trace elements and vitamins quickly disappear from the mother's body. Lack of calcium causes hypersensitivity of tooth enamel, bleeding and looseness of the gums. 31 weeks pregnant is the time to consult a dentist and take steps to prevent tooth decay. In a week or two, as well as after childbirth, it will not be up to it. The most pregnant woman needs to eat cottage cheese and drink milk to replenish calcium stores. Gargling with herbal decoctions of the mouth will strengthen the gums.

Deficiency of magnesium and calcium can cause painful leg cramps at night. This should be reported to the doctor, you may need to drink a multivitamin complex.

Weak local immunity and a violation of the pH balance of the vagina can cause thrush. Pregnant thrush is characterized by profuse discharge with a sour smell and severe itching. Candidiasis requires appropriate therapy, especially during pregnancy. This disease, without adequate treatment, leads to friability of tissues, which significantly increases the risk of perineal rupture during childbirth.

By evening, the legs of a pregnant woman can swell a lot, but if the swelling does not subside by morning, then you need to tell the doctor about it.

What's happening

The internal organs of a pregnant woman suffer from the fact that they are increasingly supported by an ever-increasing belly. This impairs digestion, causing problems with stools, heartburn, and belching. Due to the compression of the diaphragm, it becomes more and more difficult to breathe. From the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight gain of the expectant mother should be no more than 300 grams. Too intense or too weak an increase should be alarming.

The bottom of the uterus is already high (31 cm above the pubic joint), training contractions occur more and more often. From the 31st week of pregnancy, you can begin to strengthen the muscles of the perineum with Kegel exercises. With their help, childbirth will be less painful, easier. Daily exercises prevent perineal tears.

The uterus can squeeze the inferior vena cava, because of which the pregnant woman may feel dizzy while lying on her back, so it is better to lie on her side. By the 31st week of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase by one and a half to two sizes, colostrum is released from the nipples.

Signs of the thirty-first week of pregnancy

The thirty-first week of pregnancy is marked by the following main signs:

  • Heaviness in the stomach after eating.
  • Heartburn, nausea (not related to late toxicosis).
  • Dyspnea.
  • Vertigo when lying on back.
  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Increase in breast size.
  • Isolation of colostrum.
  • Training bouts.
  • Peeling of the skin of the abdomen in the process of enlargement, itching.
  • Reddish stretch marks affecting the abdomen, chest and thighs.

Over time, stretch marks will become light and almost invisible, but it is better to take care of your appearance in advance. With the appearance of the first signs of stretch marks during pregnancy, it is necessary to use a special oil or cream.

Fetal development

By the thirty-first week of pregnancy, the baby weighs at least one and a half kilograms, height - 40 centimeters. So that after the birth "with knowledge of the matter" to take on her mother's chest, the baby constantly trains - sucks her finger. In the process of sucking, amniotic fluid enters the baby's mouth, which causes intense hiccups, which the pregnant woman feels perfectly with rhythmic twitches of the abdomen.

The child has developed his own regime of day and rest: he sleeps during the day, and is awake at night, preventing his mother from sleeping. The daytime sleep of the baby is due to the fact that the mother moves, creating smooth fluctuations in the amniotic fluid, which soothes, “rocks” the baby. At night, when the mother is resting, the waters are calm and the child wakes up, he needs to spend energy. This is what explains the frequent nighttime pushing of the mother's belly by the baby.

By the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby's liver is fully formed and ready to function on its own. And the pancreas starts producing insulin.

By this time, the mass of the brain of the fetus is a quarter of the mass of the brain of an adult. The child's subcutaneous fat increases, which supports normal thermoregulation, and the skin tone improves. Hair darkens and will continue to darken for a long time. The iris of the eye accumulates pigment and will continue to do so until about a year into the final eye color.


The last scheduled ultrasound examination is done at the 31st week of pregnancy. During this period, abnormalities in the development of the fetus can be detected. When examining a pregnant woman, the doctor evaluates the compliance of the fetal parameters with the gestational age, the maturity of the placenta, and listens to the heart rhythm.

In addition, there is a control weighing of the pregnant woman, measurement of blood pressure and the estimated date of delivery is set. A control study of blood and urine is carried out.

Ultrasound at the thirty-first week of pregnancy

The thirty-first week of obstetric pregnancy or the 29th week from conception is the optimal time for the third pregnancy screening. The second half of the week is especially suitable for this.

During this period, the child continues to develop: the crumbs' liver is capable of producing bile. The child himself is already able to focus his eyes, squint, suck his thumb. The baby is in a head down position. The fetus's own biorhythms are developed.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation is necessarily performed with extended fetometry. As part of the examination, the doctor enters data on the child's heart rate, height and approximate weight. He evaluates the structure and size of the main organs. Particular attention is paid to the structure of the heart, brain, kidneys and lungs of the fetus.

The pregnant woman is on maternity leave, there is a great temptation to eat more. Nutrition should be strictly monitored, you can not overeat, excess weight will complicate labor activity. Keeping a pregnancy diary can help you keep track of your calorie intake.

You need to eat 6-7 times a day in very small portions, otherwise overeating will worsen the woman's well-being. It is better to refuse buns, cakes, cakes and pies or minimize consumption. In addition to excess weight, these products will not give anything.

The diet should include broths, low-fat soups, cereals, vegetables and fruits in fresh and baked form. From drinks - compotes, jelly, diluted fresh juice, water, weak tea, milk and kefir. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is better to refrain from eating exotic fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate, exotic seafood and canned food.

Physical activity should be replaced by rest at the slightest fatigue, but you should not lie on the bed all day unless there is evidence for this. As for sex at 31 weeks of gestation, this is allowed if there are no contraindications. The child is reliably protected by the uterus and the amniotic sac with fluid.

If you still have questions about the 31st week of pregnancy, the gynecologist of the AltraVita clinic can see you at any convenient time. To make an appointment with a doctor, call or fill out an electronic form.

Fruit size: 41 cm
fruit weight: 1700

Your delivery is getting closer, you only have nine weeks left. Now you should always carry your exchange card and your documents with you, as sometimes childbirth can begin ahead of schedule. And although the baby still needs to mature and grow, if he appears now - his chances for a normal healthy life are very high, he will only need some medical help. Your body has changed a lot, it’s already hard for you to carry your tummy, now that you are already on maternity leave, you need to devote more time to yourself and the baby in your tummy.

31 weeks, how many months is that? Ends at 31 obstetric weeks. Gynecologists count the completion of 7 months on a term = 30 weeks and 6 days). The 3rd trimester of pregnancy continues.

Weight, height, fetal development at 31 weeks

This week, the baby weighs about 1700 grams, and reaches a length of up to 41 cm. The baby weighs about the size of a coconut.

By this time, all the main organs and systems of the child have already formed and began to work more smoothly. Now the development of the baby is mainly aimed at gaining weight and strengthening muscles. At the same time, its growth rate slows down somewhat. A fatty layer appears under the skin of the child, as a result of which the folds and wrinkles on his body are gradually smoothed out.

The subcutaneous fat layer on the cheeks of the fetus is especially well developed. But if suddenly the baby begins to lose weight, then first of all the fat will leave these areas, which will facilitate the sucking of the mother's breast.

In the future, in a newborn, subcutaneous fat will perform a thermoregulatory function, protecting it from freezing. The original lubricant on the baby's skin is still present, but its amount is decreasing.

By the time of birth, most of it will completely disappear along with the lanugo fluff that covers the body of the child. As in previous weeks, the brain is actively developing and growing during this period.

The process of formation of furrows and convolutions, differentiation of the centers of its cortex continues. It is interesting to note that by 31 weeks, the brain mass of the fetus is almost a quarter of the mass of the adult brain. The baby's senses continue to develop. He can breathe by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

By the way, the olfactory receptors begin to function in the child, thanks to which he can smell and even taste the amniotic fluid, which will depend, in particular, on the nutrition of the pregnant woman. For example, eating garlic and other spicy or spicy foods may not be to your child's taste and cause a violent reaction.

At 31 weeks, the pupils of the crumbs still only react to light and dark. When exposed to too bright light, the baby can even close his eyes, and he will learn to distinguish colors only some time after birth.

Also, by this time, the tear ducts open, so the baby is already able to cry. In the hairline and the iris, which determines the color of the child's eyes, the accumulation of pigment continues. In the iris, the accumulation of melanin is slower, so many children are born with light gray-blue eyes, and the genetic eye color is established by about 6 months after birth.

In case of delivery at 31 weeks, the baby will need good medical care. He will be considered premature and will have a chance of survival. In a child at this age, the lungs are not mature enough, and the subcutaneous fat layer is poorly developed. Procedures such as placement in an incubator and mechanical ventilation are necessary.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant

At 31-34 weeks, pregnant women undergo a third ultrasound scan. If there are certain indications, specialists prescribe additional ultrasound. During the study at 31 weeks: the presentation is determined; the values ​​of fetometric indicators are clarified; fetal anatomy is assessed; the location of the placenta, its thickness is determined, the entanglement around the neck of the fetus is detected; an assessment of the motor activity of the fetus is given.

The third ultrasound is the final control over the condition of the fetus, its position, the assessment of the functionality of the placenta and the choice of the method of delivery. This routine ultrasound most often shows the following abnormal conditions:

  • fetus in a transverse position;
  • fetus in an oblique position;
  • placenta previa;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • diseases that have not been previously identified.

During the ultrasound, the anatomy of the fetus is also assessed. Here the internal organs are indicated and it is noted whether the norm is inherent in them, whether there are any pathological changes. The document also gives the characteristics of the placenta. They reflect its ability to supply the fetus with all the necessary substances.

Feeling and condition of a pregnant woman at 31 weeks

At the 31st week of pregnancy, there is a change in appearance. Many mothers note that their hair and nails grow faster, their skin looks healthy and radiant. This is due to the increased production of estrogen, the female sex hormone. Sometimes the skin condition, on the contrary, worsens - acne, vascular network, pigmentation appear on it.

Cosmetics should be selected carefully, after consulting a dermatologist, as they may contain substances that are undesirable for use during pregnancy.

The breast increases and changes shape. This is due to the growth of the milk lobes, which are preparing for many months of feeding the baby. Over the entire period of pregnancy, the breast will become heavier by 0.5-1.5 kg.

At this time, quite often there are pains in the lower back, nausea, flatulence are worried. Urine acquires an unpleasant odor and dark yellow color, laboratory diagnostics shows the presence of salts and an increased amount of protein in it.

The doctor, most likely, will be diagnosed with "pyelonephritis of pregnant women." In no case should the disease be started, since the bacterium that has affected the kidneys can penetrate the placenta and infect the child, which is fraught with damage to its organs and developmental disorders.

To prevent this, sparing antibacterial drugs can be prescribed that neutralize the infection without harming the child. Due to the increase in the volume of fluid in the body, the load on the kidneys increases.

If a woman suffered from chronic diseases of the urinary system before pregnancy, they will almost certainly make themselves felt.

As the uterus grows, it will rise higher and higher, supporting the diaphragm and ribs and causing discomfort to the woman. Despite the fact that at the 31st week the size of the abdomen is not yet too large, it already has a negative effect on the posture of the pregnant woman. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the spine of the expectant mother turns out to be arched, the gait becomes heavier, pain in the lower back appears.

However, you should not rush to buy a bandage until the baby turns upside down, and to alleviate your condition, you can purchase special compression stockings for pregnant women.

On average, by 31 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain 7.5-10.5 kg. If this does not happen, the doctor may order additional tests to check the amount of amniotic fluid. It should be about 1 liter, but with polyhydramnios it can exceed 2 liters, and with oligohydramnios it can be reduced to 500 ml.

Possible risks and dangers of 31 weeks

As for the risks at week 31, there are enough of them, since it is included in the fourth

So, if at this stage of pregnancy a woman receives too little vitamin D, in the future this may provoke the development of rickets in the child. The lack of calcium in the diet leads to its leaching from the walls of the mother's vessels, which causes the development of varicose veins.

The danger is the excess of permissible weight gain. Often it leads to postpartum obesity, metabolic syndrome, and even type II.

In the third trimester, the likelihood of developing the most dangerous complication of pregnancy, preeclampsia and eclampsia, rises sharply. precedes it preeclampsia- a condition with unclear pathogenesis and etiology. Its main symptoms are increased pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine and hands, feet and face.

There is no cure for this condition, so the doctor simply observes the patient and tries to reduce the symptoms as much as possible. If the complication progresses, it may begin advertising.

Its symptoms are a strong increase in pressure, nausea and vomiting, headache and characteristic "flies" before the eyes. . If it is not possible to normalize the condition, an early operative delivery is performed. If this is done on time, the chances of saving the life of a woman and a child are very high.

In case of untimely admission to the hospital or too intense increase in symptoms, doctors may not have time to respond, and then comes eclampsia- convulsions. A woman can die during an attack or after it from hemorrhage, asphyxia or pulmonary edema. The fetus also often dies from hypoxia.

  • Walking in the fresh air and moderate exercise are very useful for maintaining energy and well-being. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not bring yourself to fatigue. Swimming, fitness for pregnant women, fitball exercises are considered the best option for physical activity at this time.
  • No need to try to redo all the homework at once, this can be bad for your well-being.
  • Eliminate any pressure on the abdomen. Tight clothing can provoke vasospasm, which can cause insufficient weight gain in the child and developmental delays. For the same reason, it is not recommended to sleep on your back.
  • Learn to slowly get out of bed. Sudden movements can bring pain. If you follow your posture, you can significantly reduce back pain.
  • If you are often haunted by fears and anxieties, talk to someone about it. By sharing their worries, they will no longer seem so serious.
  • In case of fatigue of the legs and pain in the lower back, do the exercise - the knee-elbow position, that is, stand on all fours, lowering your shoulders and head down. In this position, the spine relaxes, the stomach does not feel the load, it also helps to normalize the tone of the uterus, improve the supply of oxygen to the baby.

    Do not forget to visit a doctor, now you go to the antenatal clinic much more often. Now it is very important to control your weight, blood pressure. Follow all the advice of your gynecologist.

    If you experience pain in the abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, the onset of contractions, you should immediately seek medical help, as these are symptoms. It is recommended to always have an exchange card with you.

Sex at 31 weeks pregnant

Although the 31st week of the “interesting situation” is a rather serious period, nevertheless, intimacy during this period is still acceptable. If the physical condition of the woman is good, and there are no threats to the child, future parents can have sex without any fear. Choose only the safest and most comfortable positions for you.

Time has flown by unnoticed, and it's time for a young mother to go on maternity leave. Her interesting position is obvious to others. The abdomen is already visible to the naked eye and under any clothing. How many months is it - 31-32 weeks of pregnancy? Based on obstetric calculations, this is seven and a half months of pregnancy. Normal pregnancy resolution occurs at 38-42 weeks, meaning you have a maximum of 10 weeks left. Have time to enjoy this state, because the little legs that are actively kicking you today will soon begin to run on their own, and mom will have nostalgia for these exciting, but such wonderful moments.

Estimated date of birth

Since the 31-32 week of pregnancy is already underway, every woman is interested in when to wait for her baby to be born. The baby has already become quite heavy and every mother wants to get rid of the burden as soon as possible. But do not rush, your child is already a fully formed organism, however, it is still very useful for him to be in the mother's womb, build up subcutaneous fat and get stronger properly. Although if the pregnancy proceeded with the threat of miscarriage, now you can breathe a sigh of relief. A child born on any subsequent day will be quite viable. However, 31-32 weeks of pregnancy is only the beginning of the third trimester. To calculate the day of birth, obstetricians use special tables, and, of course, take into account the day of the last menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to make a discount on the duration of the cycle, which is individual. If you have it up to 30 days, then most likely the baby will be born on time or a little earlier. If the cycle is more than 30 days, then it is likely that the baby will appear a little later.

Your baby's physical development

Today, he is actively growing and gaining weight, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is the main task that the child faces when the 31-32 week of pregnancy is underway. Now his weight is still not very large, about 1.4 - 1.6 kg. Its growth reaches 30-45 cm, that is, the crumb is already large enough for your stomach and its every movement is very noticeable. Now, before the onset of childbirth, he needs to grow by another 5-15 cm and gain one and a half kilograms of weight, and all this in less than two months. At this time, the doctor leading the pregnancy will definitely send you for an ultrasound scan to determine whether the 31-32 week of pregnancy is really going on. The weight of the fetus is also determined by the results of this examination. Too small, as well as too large an indicator, is an alarming symptom that should be analyzed by doctors. The reasons may be poor blood supply to the placenta or a violation of the diet by the mother, as well as various pathologies of intrauterine development.

mental development

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that the baby in the womb begins to explore the world. This is true, especially in the third trimester, when all the senses are fully formed. The end of their formation is precisely the 31-32 week of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus is now increasing every day, in proportion to it, the brain develops. Connections between nerve cells are formed with amazing speed, while the brain is already able to analyze the incoming information, although there is not so much of it in the child's living space. However, the baby from his shelter monitors everything that happens in the outside world. It successfully processes information signals from all five available sense organs.

Development of sensory channels

Let's look a little deeper into the world of the baby in order to understand what is significant about the 31-32 week of pregnancy, what happens at this time. So, the child is rapidly developing all the senses. This is due to the survival instinct. He is especially sensitive to light. If a light source is directed to the stomach, the baby will squint and turn away. The second source of information is sounds. He already distinguishes voices well, knows how to distinguish the voice of his mother, calms down at the sounds of classical music and, on the contrary, becomes excited when he hears a cheerful, rhythmic melody. When the 31-32 week of pregnancy comes, the movements become very noticeable, but do not cause much discomfort to the mother, therefore this particular period is considered the most favorable for playing with your unborn baby.

Good time

Games of mother and child, and even better, if dad and older children are connected to this, this is a great way to unite the family and let the baby know that he is loved and expected. The simplest games are stroking and patting on the stomach, in response to which the baby also begins to push from the inside. Some mothers try at these moments to try on a bootie on a leg that protrudes from the stomach. You can go even further and play soldiers who will march on the stomach. And another wonderful activity will be the drawing of the future baby on the mother's stomach, made with the help of fingers and paints by the rest of the family. Such games guarantee a lot of new experiences for the future baby and a great mood for everyone else, which is of considerable importance.

What is your child doing now?

How do you think he spends his leisure time? Now he's big enough to stay awake long enough. This is well noticed by all women who are 31-32 weeks pregnant. Moves often, for a long time, which is the norm. But if the baby calms down for more than 3 hours, it is worth considering. Try to challenge him to a game by lightly patting his stomach. If you felt tremors - everything is fine, he just fell asleep. However, if the lull continues, consult a doctor, this may be a sign of oxygen starvation.

If the child is overly active, pushes for many hours in a row, does not calm down to the sound of music or even on a walk (during the mother's walk, all children usually sleep), then this is a cause for serious concern. Immediately see a doctor for a referral for an examination.

During periods of wakefulness, the baby usually makes faces and pushes, hiccups and swallows water, breathes and pushes the walls of the uterus with arms and legs. Favorite activity is sucking your fist or thumb and dangling your legs. These skills are honed during the 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. Photo 3D will allow you to see your unborn child in one of the interesting poses to leave as a keepsake for the family album.

Development of internal organs

Despite the fact that the foundations of all organs have already been formed, the future baby continues to grow actively. This is understandable, because only the 31-32 week of the fetus is in full swing, since in a short month and a half he needs to prepare for an independent life. Now all organs and systems are fully functional. The head of the baby becomes proportional to the body. Now it is 60% of an adult. The wrinkles on his skin are gradually smoothed out. This is due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Hair grows on the head. Every day the nervous system improves more and more, now the pupils can already narrow, the baby is no longer afraid of bright light. The fetus at 31-32 weeks of gestation trains the lungs and tries to inhale. At the same time, some amniotic fluid gets inside him. This is how the lungs prepare for their first breath after birth.

We grow by leaps and bounds

A child at 31-32 weeks of gestation is changing just before our eyes. Every week he adds about 200-300 grams. That is, by the end of 32 weeks, he will most likely reach a weight of 1700 - 1900. Such significant gains cannot be ignored by the mother. It's getting harder for her. It is this period that is transitional, a little time will pass and, therefore, it will become a little easier. In the meantime, a large uterus presses on the diaphragm, making it difficult to breathe. The uterus is now 10 cm above the navel, which means that all the organs are shifting to give the child more room to develop. It affects everyone. Pressure on the stomach leads to severe heartburn, digestive problems and constipation. The bladder, also experiencing a certain amount of pressure, requires frequent emptying. However, if it reassures you, then all these moments are temporary, they can be compensated for by longer walks in the fresh air and rational nutrition.

What's new

What changes does pregnancy 31-32 weeks give us? increases, changes are waiting for you in the near future. As we have already said, in a child, all organs are fully formed. Now one of his main tasks is to roll over and take a position upside down, which will ensure a normal delivery. In this position, he will have to remain until birth. Now the child's immune system is being laid. Mom during this period is very worried about heartburn and shortness of breath, constipation. In case of toxicosis, nausea and increased pressure are possible, sometimes swelling or even protein in the urine. If all these signs are collected, then the mother can be hospitalized, since such a complication as preeclampsia is possible.


This is a diagnostic method that allows the doctor to assess the condition of the child, and the mother to see her baby for the first time. Recently, technology has made a huge leap, now going to an ultrasound is like visiting an auditorium. Usually, the expectant mother comes along with her father, and sometimes the grandmother of the child, and everyone can watch the movements of the crumbs in the stomach.

We would like to take a closer look at what an ultrasound procedure is at 31-32 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound at this time is designed to determine whether the size of the fetus is appropriate for development. The second point is to find out if the baby has turned head down. Usually, he will not be able to roll back, as he continues to gain weight. In parallel, the doctor will evaluate the amniotic fluid index. It should be in the region of 80-250 mm. If less, then oligohydramnios is diagnosed, and if more, then polyhydramnios.

Sometimes the doctor performing the ultrasound procedure may note signs of inflammation of the placenta. It can be caused by fungi or viruses, as well as pathogens. At the same time, the specialist transmits information to the attending physician, and he, in turn, decides how to treat this pathology. But the entanglement of the umbilical cord, which doctors sometimes scare mothers with, at this stage is not a big deal. In the next few hours, the baby can be freed from the entanglement, and in childbirth it will no longer be found. It may be vice versa, there was no entanglement on ultrasound, but it was in childbirth.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Every day she has more and more worries. How will the birth go, will the baby sleep peacefully, is everything in order with his health. These and other questions sometimes give a woman a lot of excitement. But now the main thing is to calm down. Listen to pleasant music, go for a walk, sleep. Now it is extremely important to gain strength, soon they will be needed.

Now the baby turns over with its legs up and all of it falls on the mother's chest area. This causes pain. Therefore, doctors recommend expectant mothers to monitor their posture and keep their back straight, so you can slightly reduce discomfort.


Very soon, you may encounter such a problem as excess water retention in the body. During pregnancy, this is almost inevitable, leading to swelling of the limbs and swelling of the veins. The best prevention is getting rid of tight clothing and jewelry, normal physical activity and a water-salt diet. First of all, you need to minimize salt intake, and if this does not help, then the doctor will determine the maximum dosage of liquid (including soups) per day.

Uterine contractions

For the first time, they can appear precisely during the 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. This is how many months, you already know. Based on the usual calculations, then seven and a half, and by obstetric standards a little less. Be that as it may, it is this week that frequent uterine contractions appear, which are training and do not pose a threat to the life of the child. The pressure of the uterus on the bladder can cause uncontrolled urination. From this there may be minor pains, which are stopped with the help of valerian and other sedatives.

What you need to pay special attention to

The training contractions of the uterus will get stronger as the day of delivery approaches. This is normal, however, you need to know how to distinguish them from real contractions. Harbingers are usually not intense and pass if you move a little. Real contractions from physical activity will only intensify.

The greatest danger for mom at this time is various diseases. One of the most dangerous is late preeclampsia, or placental abruption. A large load can cause back pain, for the correction of which doctors may recommend wearing a special corset and doing a set of exercises. It's time to sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women, where, under the guidance of a trainer, you will not only do useful stretching and breathing exercises, but also share experience and gain new knowledge.

Especially now one should be wary of colds and infectious diseases. The course of the disease, as well as the medicines that are used to treat it, one way or another, will affect the health of the baby. Therefore, even with the most minor illness, such as a runny nose, you should consult a doctor so that he examines you and prescribes adequate treatment. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed herbal remedies or homeopathic treatment. Such drugs are more gentle and do not harm, but at the same time they give a good effect. In addition, doctors recommend various herbal preparations. But, of course, prevention is the main task of every expectant mother. Rational nutrition and optimal physical activity, avoidance of crowded places, ventilation and wet cleaning of the room are simple actions that help to avoid unpleasant consequences and live without diseases until the very birth.

It should be noted right away that the 31st week of pregnancy is special in terms of your physiology. The uterus will no longer grow upwards, the changes now concern only an increase in volume and weight. And the latter will be added quite actively, at least 20 grams per day.

Less than 10 weeks are left before the birth, so the preparatory processes should be in full swing. It's time to take care of the dowry for the baby.

Baby development at 31 weeks

At a period of 31 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby, what his mood is, you can find out by analyzing his tremors:

  • A hungry child will violently express his displeasure;
  • But he will surely like your dances, the main thing is to move smoothly;
  • The baby will appreciate your singing talents, after his mother's lullaby, even while still living in the tummy, he usually calms down and falls asleep.

What does the baby look like at 31 weeks of gestation and what develops at this time:

  1. Appearance;
  • The fetus at 31 weeks of gestation reaches 40 centimeters in height and more than 1.5 kilograms in weight;
  • The kid is quite strong and with legs, it just reaches your ribs, which, perhaps, is not very pleasant in terms of sensations;
  • But after a few weeks, the tummy will begin to sink, so you can only endure temporary inconvenience, although not only legs, but also cams are used;
  • The skin of the little one is no longer translucent, the folds are not as noticeable as before, as there is a gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • The baby's face is already expressive, on the head you can already see the color of the hair;
  • On small fingers, the nails already reach the edge of the finger.
  1. sense organs;
  • baby opens and closes eyes
  • reacts to light
  • distinguishes sounds well, and loud claps frighten him and he shudders;
  • if the baby accidentally touches the open eye, he will immediately close it. This feature is called the corneal reflex;
  • of the new qualities: the ability to hold the gaze, for example, on the light shining through the tummy.
  1. Internal organs;
  • The respiratory system is being improved: for example, the alveoli are filled with surfactant, which prevents the still empty walls of the lung tissue from sticking together;
  • The pancreas actively produces insulin and is already ready to secrete enzymes for digesting food, but the need for them will appear only after birth;
  • The liver, on the other hand, begins to produce bile, and can already filter the baby's blood from toxins.
  1. Mental development;

At this stage, brain cells are actively developing, nerve fibers are wrapped in a protective sheath.

  1. The location of the child;
  • At this time, there is already little space in the tummy, so the child takes a comfortable position inside, crossing the arms and legs and it is correct if he lies head down;
  • The breech presentation of the baby at 31 weeks of gestation is an occasion for additional control by specialists. You may be prescribed special exercises to turn the fetus over (for details, see the article Breech presentation of the fetus >>>).
  1. movements;
  • By the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby already has its own daily routine. You can note at what hours the child sleeps, and when he actively moves;

Note! Up to 10 movements in 12 hours are considered normal, at 31 weeks of gestation, the absence of tremors can be a sign of a missed pregnancy, and a larger number of them signals fetal anxiety, for example, in the case of oxygen starvation or umbilical cord entanglement.

  • At a period of 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus and height can be more or less than normal, and it is already possible to make predictions regarding the weight of the newborn, which, of course, is influenced by genetics, but the nutrition of the mother also plays an important role.

You can get detailed information about nutrition in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for the Expectant Mother >>>

Mom's well-being

You may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, back and stomach pain, heartburn, and hemorrhoids. And this is not a complete list of the delights of 31 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to mom during this period.

Uterine size

The height of the uterus at 31 weeks of gestation will increase for the last time, then it will be in place, and decrease before childbirth. Now her measurements are up to 31 centimeters in height or 11 centimeters above the navel. You may be disturbed by training contractions, when for up to 2 minutes the lower abdomen seems to stiffen and hurt. If the contractions are unsystematic and rare, you should not be afraid, another thing is the increasing frequency and pain, there is a danger of premature birth.

The cervix during pregnancy of 31 weeks should also not change, its walls are ideally smooth and compressed, the approximate length of the cervix is ​​35-40 millimeters.

Pain at 31 weeks

At the 31st week of pregnancy, there is no need to talk about the complete absence of pain, since the load on your body increases with every gram of weight gain in the baby. But to reassure you, it is worth noting that all this is temporary, and will pass after childbirth.

  1. Back pain;

A shift in the center of gravity and a gradually increasing belly at 31 weeks of gestation can cause pain in the back, especially the sacrum. Partially, pain will help to remove the bandage to support the abdomen (read the article on the topic: Bandage during pregnancy >>>), as well as back massage.

  1. Abdominal pain;

It is important to control exactly how and when the stomach hurts at 31 weeks of gestation. If discomfort appears after a long walk or a hearty meal, then such pains are situational in nature and do not pose a threat.

Another thing is constant aching pain, accompanied by a feeling of a petrified abdomen. This is a signal of possible premature birth. You need to see a doctor

It's time to take an online course on preparing for childbirth Easy childbirth, so that you can correctly distinguish between false contractions and labor.

  1. Headaches;

Dizziness, pain in the temples or migraines are common during pregnancy. The reason may be a long stay in a stuffy room, stress and malnutrition;

One of the first remedies for this ailment is calmness, relaxation and walks in the fresh air. Keep pressure under control, which can also cause headaches.

Another likely cause is a decrease in hemoglobin, which is accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

  1. Pain in the legs;

As a rule, puffiness should go away after rest, massage or water bath.

If the edema is visible in the morning, you cannot put on your usual shoes, while you also have an increase in blood pressure or protein is present in the urine test, there is a risk of developing a disease that is dangerous in your position - preeclampsia (more information in the article Preeclampsia during pregnancy\u003e >>).

In addition to edema, veins in the legs may bother you. As a preventive measure, you can do a relaxing massage, do not forget about evening walks and wear tight stockings.

  1. Haemorrhoids;

A physiological problem that can manifest itself at any time during pregnancy. Squeezing of your internal organs by a growing fetus is reflected in the work of the digestive system and results in constipation.

In this case, hemorrhoids are a frequent consequence of problems with emptying. This phenomenon cannot be ignored, since in addition to painful sensations, hemorrhoids can be accompanied by bloody cracks.

Bleeding. Allocations

Discharge at the 31st week of pregnancy is considered normal, a clear color without a pronounced odor. All other options are signals of pathology.

  • White cottage cheese discharge - speaks of thrush (related article: Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  • Abundant transparent discharge of a sweet smell - indicate leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • A yellow or greenish tint of discharge appears during purulent processes that accompany inflammation of the organs or their infection;
  • Bloody clots give the brown color to the discharge. They may appear after visiting a gynecologist with a diagnosis of erosion, a possible option is hemorrhoids with bloody cracks. However, if the blood in the secretions is constant, then this is a dangerous signal, the cause can be either a missed pregnancy or the onset of premature labor.

Any of these cases is a reason to additionally visit a specialist.

Feelings at 31 weeks

The closer to childbirth, the more diverse your sensations. You are both afraid of childbirth and dream of hugging the baby as soon as possible.

  1. Every week you become heavier and the norm of weight, ideally, at 31 weeks of pregnancy - plus 8 kilograms from the initial body weight;
  2. Along with clumsiness and shortness of breath, you are not left with the desire to build a nest for an unborn child and spend hours wandering around children's boutiques. And most importantly, half an hour of rest is enough for you to recuperate and go for a walk (read the useful article Walking during pregnancy >>>);
  3. Variable sensations at 31 weeks of pregnancy apply to your sleep. Its quality is influenced by the rigidity of the bed, and the posture, and even the temperature of the room, often at night the baby makes itself felt, drumming in the stomach. But all your worries are reflected in dreams;
  4. At this stage, you may be disturbed by the gums, a slight pressure is enough, as they begin to bleed. The reason for this can be both physiological, namely: an increase in blood volume and changes in hormonal levels, as well as insufficient oral hygiene and a lack of vitamins;
  5. At 31 weeks pregnant, you may have trouble urinating. Frequent urges during the day or, conversely, stagnation of urine must be controlled. In the latter case, the posture helps, with the torso slightly tilted forward.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

During pregnancy, your well-being is somewhat different from the usual norms.


Do not panic when the thermometer shows stubbornly 37 and above. From the very first weeks of pregnancy, such indicators are considered the norm. A temperature of 37 at 31 weeks of gestation is quite normal.

Cold at 31 weeks pregnant

First of all, you need to know that a cold or any other disease is dangerous for its complications, it is necessary to be treated, but it is important to know what and how.

It is important to prevent a high temperature, as the baby will suffer from this. You can take paracetamol, but in extreme cases, plenty of warm drink perfectly reduces the temperature. You need to pay attention to fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, raspberries, rose hips.


There is no need to talk about the variety of poses in sex at the 31st week of pregnancy, since the overall tummy will be a clear hindrance. But, if there is a desire and there is no feeling of discomfort, sexual relations at this time are only welcome. The ideal position is the man behind, while the movements are smooth and not sharp.

If your stomach is pulling at the 31st week of pregnancy, spotting is observed after the act, sexual relations should be abandoned.

Alcohol at 31 weeks

Before you pour yourself a glass of red wine, which is called a good way to raise hemoglobin, it would not be out of place to find out the other side of the coin:

  • The permeability of the placenta at the 31st week of pregnancy increases and, almost all of the ethanol will enter the baby's body and its already fragile liver and kidneys will have to deal with toxic substances;
  • In addition, alcohol directly affects the vessels, causing spasms of the placenta and obstruction of substances along the umbilical cord;
  • The child expects oxygen and nutritional starvation;
  • Ethanol can even lead to miscarriage and bleeding.

Examination of mother and child

In the third trimester, you still go to the specialist twice a month, bringing the results of the urine test to the appointment.

  1. The doctor can take a smear, because at the 31st week of pregnancy, due to a decrease in immunity, thrush often progresses, and it must be removed before childbirth;
  2. Be sure to measure your weight, pressure, abdominal circumference and height of the uterus;
  3. Wherever you go, you should always have an exchange card in your hands, where at each appointment the doctor enters the latest examination data.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant

31-32 weeks is just the obligatory time for the third ultrasound. The main attention is paid to the examination of the 31st week of pregnancy to the development of the fetus.

  • The specialist assesses the size of the child and the correspondence of all organs to the developmental period, observes the behavior of the baby, is interested in the activity of his movements, attention is necessarily paid to the heart rhythm, and, of course, the location of the fetus. By the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby should take a pose upside down;
  • The degree of maturity of the placenta is also assessed, for 31 weeks it should remain zero;
  • With the diagnosis of a low placenta, made earlier, during pregnancy at 31 weeks, additional measurements are taken, if there are positive changes, then a normal birth is planned. If the placentation is critically low, most likely, you will be recommended a caesarean section.
  • You can read more about this diagnosis in the article Low placentation in pregnant women >>>

Lifestyle at 31 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy, no matter how difficult it may seem to you, is an exciting time, a new life is born inside you and there is less and less time left before meeting the baby.

Spend this time for the benefit of yourself and your unborn baby:

  1. walk more;
  2. visit exhibitions and theater;
  3. make the necessary purchases (by the way, about whether it is necessary to prepare a dowry for a child?>>>);
  4. be sure to start practicing according to the Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth method, where you will master breathing exercises and get the basics of preparing the body for childbirth >>>


Your well-being is directly affected by how you eat.

  • Fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat and fish not only provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also energize, cheer up, give strength (read the article: What fruits are good for pregnancy >>>);
  • Avoid junk food, soda, empty carbs, and preservatives to avoid heartburn and colic. Fatty and fried foods, smoked meats will be too heavy for your digestive system;
  • Do not forget that you need to eat little by little, but often. Always take small snacks with you, satisfy your hunger with an apple or a banana while walking, and before the main meal, drink a glass of clean water;
  • By the way, about liquids, do not limit yourself to drinking, you just need to drink clean water without gases, green or herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices, compotes.

Remember, there can be no question of any diets at 31 weeks of pregnancy, you will think about extra kilos later, after giving birth, walking for hours in the park with a stroller. In the meantime, instead of buns, lean on fruits, and replace sweets with dried fruits or nuts (useful article

The 31st obstetric week of pregnancy has begun, which means that there is less and less time left before the long-awaited meeting. This period is characterized by a more intense weight gain, an increase in the girth of the abdomen, the appearance of new sensations, indicating the approach of childbirth. If the gestational age is set correctly, then exactly 10 weeks or 2.5 calendar months are left before meeting with the child, but when planning childbirth, it should be borne in mind that only 40% of children are born on time.

Changes in a woman's body

The thirty-first week of pregnancy is characterized by radical changes for the expectant mother. Ahead of her are several hormonal changes, a significant increase in the volume of the abdomen and chest, more frequent visits to the gynecologist, who will now have to visit weekly.

During this period, the following changes are noted:

  • Due to the increase in the volume of fluid in the body, the load on the kidneys increases. If a woman suffered from chronic diseases of the urinary system before pregnancy, they will almost certainly make themselves felt.
  • There are pains in the lower back, urine acquires an unpleasant odor and a dark yellow color, laboratory diagnostics shows the presence of salts and an increased amount of protein in it. The doctor will most likely make a diagnosis of "pregnant". In no case should the disease be started, since the bacterium that has affected the kidneys can penetrate the placenta and infect the child, which is fraught with damage to its organs and developmental disorders. To prevent this, sparing antibacterial drugs can be prescribed that neutralize the infection without harming the child.
  • At the 31st week of pregnancy, there is a change in appearance. Many mothers note that their hair and nails grow faster, their skin looks healthy and radiant. This is due to increased production of estrogen, the female sex hormone. Sometimes the skin condition, on the contrary, worsens - acne, vascular network, pigmentation appear on it. Cosmetics should be selected carefully, after consulting a dermatologist, as they may contain substances that are undesirable for use during pregnancy.
  • The breast increases and changes shape. This is due to the growth of the milk lobes, which are preparing for many months of feeding the baby. Over the entire period of pregnancy, the breast will become heavier by 0.5-1.5 kg.

The weight

Weight control is carried out at each visit to the gynecologist. On average, by the end of 31 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain 7.5-10.5 kg. If this does not happen, the doctor may order additional tests to check the amount of amniotic fluid. It should be about 1 liter, but with polyhydramnios it can exceed 2 liters, and with oligohydramnios it can be reduced to 500 ml.

Pregnant women should remember that eating a large amount of food at a time negatively affects digestion, causes diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, and contributes to weight gain.

The optimal number of meals per day is 5 times:

  • breakfast;
  • lunch;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon tea;
  • dinner.

The amount of food should be small. By adhering to this rule, even a woman who is prone to fullness will be able to keep her “pregnant” weight under control without much hassle.

Belly at 31 weeks pregnant

You should know that the 31st obstetric week is characterized by the following parameters:

  • girth of the abdomen reaches 85-95 cm;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus is 28-32 cm from the pubic symphysis;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus from the level of the navel is 11-12 cm.

As the uterus grows, it will rise higher and higher, supporting the diaphragm and ribs and causing discomfort to the woman. Despite the fact that at the 31st week the size of the abdomen is not yet too large, it already has a negative effect on the posture of the pregnant woman. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the spine of the expectant mother turns out to be arched, the gait becomes heavier, appear. However, you should not rush to buy a bandage until the baby turns upside down, and to alleviate your condition, you can purchase special compression stockings for pregnant women.

The situation is quite different in pregnant women with twins or triplets. With a multiple pregnancy, the belly at 31 weeks is very large. Therefore, at this time, future mothers of many children can already wear a bandage, especially if the doctor leading the pregnancy insists on this.

No matter how many children a woman bears, special gymnastics or yoga and swimming in the pool will help her strengthen the muscles of her abdomen and back. But it must be remembered that any physical activity should be carried out under the supervision of an instructor and with the permission of a gynecologist. Self-activity in this matter is completely unacceptable.

Feelings of a woman

As the weight of the baby in the 31st obstetric week of pregnancy becomes even greater, the movements and pushes of the baby are felt more and more. And also my mother continues to suffer from heartburn. The common belief that heartburn is a sign of hair growth on the baby’s head is only partially true, since in addition to this reason, there are several more:

  • weakness of the muscle responsible for holding food in the stomach provoked by hormonal changes;
  • support by the uterus of the diaphragm and stomach, contributing to the throwing of food back into the esophagus;
  • an increase in the level of acid in the stomach, which is due to physiological changes.

It is not recommended to take medicines for heartburn during pregnancy, as this ailment does not pose any danger to the baby. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended not to additionally constrain the stomach with tight clothing and to minimize the consumption of acidic and salty foods.

Another not the most pleasant sensation is the leakage of urine. In some women, this begins to happen earlier, in others later, but one way or another, almost every pregnant woman has to deal with this symptom. This is due to the growing uterus, which mercilessly puts pressure on the bladder, reducing its volume to a minimum. After childbirth, this problem will be resolved naturally. In the meantime, you can use large pads that will protect the linen.


The doctor leading the woman's pregnancy may prescribe a planned ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy. After all, the third screening is prescribed precisely in the period from 31 to 33 weeks.

The main purpose of the examination is to exclude the developmental delay of the baby. To do this, the sonologist conducts fetometry of the fetus, then compares the result with the norm.

  • Biparietal size - the width of the head from temple to temple at this time should correspond to 73-87 mm;
  • The fronto-occipital size is measured from the forehead to the back of the head. At week 31, this size corresponds to 93-109 mm;
  • The circumference of the child's abdomen is on average 247 -301;
  • The average head girth norm is 273-315 mm.

And also the specialist measures the length of the femur, humerus, forearm and lower leg.

On ultrasound, the sonologist evaluates:

  • how does the development of the brain and internal organs of the baby;
  • motor activity, heartbeat and respiratory rate of the fetus;
  • the location of the baby;
  • volume and quality of amniotic fluid;
  • thickness, location and degree of maturity of the placenta;
  • the location of the umbilical cord, in order to exclude the entanglement of the baby with it.

fetus at 31 weeks

By the 31st week, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1500-1700 g, and its height is already 40 cm.

The expectant mother should become even more attentive and careful, as the child begins to feel pain on a par with an adult. This is another reason why you need to avoid falls, bumps, sudden movements, squeezing the abdomen. If the baby still feels an unpleasant push, he will respond in the same way that his mother will immediately feel.

The baby develops its own individual regimen - the mother can note that the periods of his sleep and wakefulness fall out at about the same time every day. Most often they coincide with the regimen of the pregnant woman herself.

A baby at 31 weeks of gestation may still be head up in the uterus, but it is gradually getting tighter, and from day to day the pregnant woman can feel the baby roll over. Usually this event occurs quite tangibly, because the fetus is already very large.

The main sign that he has taken the correct position is kicks on the ribs. The baby is trying to adapt to the fact that there is less and less free space: he crosses his legs and pulls them to his stomach, and presses his arms to his chest.

The baby learns to feel the mood of the mother, therefore, in the third trimester, a pregnant woman should be protected from stress.

The development of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation continues in the reproductive system. By this time, the development of the genital organs is completed - the girl has a clitoris, and in the boy's body the testicles move towards the scrotum. The organs of respiration, vision, and the central nervous system continue to develop.

Discharge from the genital tract

Do not forget that the 31st week of pregnancy is the most suitable time to take a vaginal smear from a pregnant woman to determine the microflora, as well as to identify possible infections. At this stage of pregnancy, most women begin to suffer from thrush - a very disturbing cheesy discharge, the appearance of which is accompanied by itching and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen.

The following factors can provoke the appearance of thrush:

  • abundant consumption of sweet and starchy foods;
  • wearing underwear with a high percentage of synthetics;
  • poor quality panty liners.

In addition to eliminating the listed causes, to get rid of thrush, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with vaginal suppositories. The drug is selected by the doctor, starting from the results of the tests.

If the genital tract of a pregnant woman is healthy, then 31 weeks is characterized by discharge that has a white or barely noticeable yellowish tint. However, they should not have an unpleasant odor.

Possible problems at 31 weeks

High risk of preterm birth. However, with a timely visit to the maternity hospital, doctors can suspend the process and help the expectant mother carry the baby until the end of the obstetric period. Thanks to modern drugs, this is possible even with partial discharge of amniotic fluid.

If childbirth occurs at 31 weeks of gestation, then the chances of a successful outcome increase only if the woman is in a medical facility. After all, a premature baby needs timely assistance with the participation of special medical equipment to survive.

Therefore, every pregnant woman should know the symptoms of early preterm labor:

  • prolonged (more than an hour) uterine contractions with uniform intervals between them;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • discharge of the mucous plug, amniotic fluid.

If any of the symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital.


The fetus at 31 weeks of gestation continues to develop, so the diet of the expectant mother should be saturated with nutrients. In the first place, as before, are seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits. The exception is citrus. Since they are very allergenic, their consumption should be limited.

It is worth leaning on high-calorie food only in case of underweight; if there is no such problem, then the nutritional value of the daily diet of a pregnant woman should increase by only 300 kcal. Protein is of great importance for the development of the fetus - it is recommended to replenish its supply with the help of meat, eggs, sour-milk products. But it is better to refuse whole milk - it contains substances that can cause allergies not only in the mother, but also in the child.

What to look out for

Pregnancy in the thirty-first week can be complicated by various pathologies, so it is important to control the amount of fluid drunk and excreted by the body - it should be approximately equal. If a significant (more than 300 ml) discrepancy is found, then this may be a sign of incipient preeclampsia - a condition in which the expectant mother develops edema and pressure rises. Since preeclampsia is dangerous both for the health of the woman herself and for the development of the fetus, it is subject to urgent medical treatment.

How many months at 31 weeks pregnant

Most pregnant women only know their due date in weeks, but many are wondering what month they have at 31 weeks pregnant.

For doctors, to avoid confusion, it is customary to consider the period according to the obstetric method, in 1 month of which there are 4 weeks or 28 days. Accordingly, 31 weeks of pregnancy is 7 full obstetric months and 3 weeks.

If we take into account ordinary calendar days, then 31 weeks is approximately 7 months and 3 days. The embryonic period in this period is approximately equal to 29 weeks.

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