
White blood cells in the urine of a pregnant woman - what does it mean and what to do? What does the presence of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy mean Leukocytosis in pregnant women in the urine


Quite often in gynecological practice there is such a symptom as increased leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy. This can happen for a wide variety of reasons. Leukocytes are called blood cells that perform protective functions for the body and protect it from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and dangerous viral agents. In addition, they are responsible for the development of special antibodies that are actively involved in immune formation.

Among specialists, their own standards for the content of leukocyte cells during gestation have been determined - in the visual field there should be no more than 6 units, and if diagnostics are carried out according to Nechiporenko, then the rate of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy in 1 ml should not rise more than 2000 units. Exceeding these norms indicates inflammatory lesions in the patient's body. As a rule, inflammation is localized in the renal structures, the urinary system, or in the bladder tissues. Usually it is in these structures that the infection rages with elevated leukocyte counts. When a pathogen enters the body, the immune system is activated and white blood cells begin to increase.

If the inflammation is insignificant, then the leukocyte level can rise to 10-15 units. If more than 40 white blood cells are found in the field of view, then the inflammation is very serious and even dangerous. Usually, such indicators indicate the development of exacerbated pyelonephritis, which occurs in women in position quite often. Just a constantly growing uterus puts pressure on the kidneys, disrupting their work and provoking the attachment of an infectious process.

Why do pregnant women increase leukocytes in urine

Since white blood cells are the defenders of the body, an increase in leukocytes in the urine indicates the development of fungal, bacterial or viral infections. Pregnancy itself causes a slight increase in leukocyte cells, which is associated with an increase in antigenic loads on the female body, which is in the state of bearing a baby. But if the indicators exceed the norm, then this means the penetration of infectious agents and the active development of inflammatory lesions. Often, pathological inflammatory conditions become the cause of an increase in leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy:

Other reasons

Cystitis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the bladder mucous tissues, which occurs in 10% of pregnant women. With cystitis, there is also an increase in leukocytes in the urine of pregnant women. The disease occurs in women who have already had it in the past or have a chronic form of pathology, aggravated due to a decrease in immunity in pregnant women. In addition, cystitis occurs in pregnant women due to violations of the vaginal microflora and hormonal changes, as well as due to the activity of pathogens and opportunistic microflora such as mycoplasma, intestinal bacteria, streptococci or trichomonas, staphylococci or chlamydia, etc.

Candidiasis. Quite a frequent companion during pregnancy is candidiasis (colloquially - thrush). This disease occurs against the background of a reduced immune status in conjunction with adverse external influences. In a pregnant woman during the gestation period, serious transformations occur in the body - the intestinal microflora changes, a lack of mineral components and vitamins develops. Dysbacteriosis provokes the activity of pathogenic microorganisms like candida, which spread to the vaginal mucosa.

It happens that during pregnancy it is impossible to determine the reasons why there are too many leukocyte cells in the urine. Then the decision on antibiotic therapy is usually made.

What happens in the body

It is rather difficult to say what exactly happens during pregnancy, when the level of white cells begins to rise, because there are many reasons for this condition and in each case a different pathogenesis is observed. The most dangerous is pyelonephritis, so it is worth analyzing the processes occurring in the body and in the urine of a pregnant woman using his example. This disease is characterized by damage to the renal structures with a pathological decrease in one or both organs. Gradually, the lesion spreads to all layers of the kidney, its tissues atrophy and die. Lesions affect both vascular tissues, and tubules, and glomeruli, but changes occur rather slowly, because the disease is characterized by a long course.

Signs of a rise

If during pregnancy the leukocytes increased slightly, then usually the woman does not notice any changes and symptoms. If the deviations greatly exceed the norm, then the symptoms become so obvious that even the patient herself can notice them. Then the urine acquires a dark shade, becomes unpleasantly smelling and cloudy, contains a variety of impurities such as loose sediment or mucous veins.

Of considerable importance is the root cause of why bacteria appeared in the urine during pregnancy. For example, with pyelonephritis, typically painful whining of the kidneys, sometimes pregnant women complain of cutting sensations. If a high rate of white cells in the blood is due to cystitis, then in addition to visual manifestations, the patient may experience problems with increased urination, which causes a lot of uncomfortable sensations such as cramps and itching, soreness or burning.

Sometimes it is possible to determine the cause of the increase in leukocyte cells in the urine during gestation by additional symptoms. A woman may be disturbed by prolonged and inexplicable hyperthermia, blood impurities in urine, painful sensations of various localization, etc. If we talk about laboratory signs of pathology, then an elevated level of leukocytes is often supplemented by bacteriuria, which is typical for pathologies like cystitis, urethritis or pyelonephritis.

What is dangerous

Leukocyturia can be very dangerous.

  • If, with an increase in white blood cells in the urine, no measures are taken to eliminate the problem, then soon the condition may be complicated by leukocytosis. Pathology develops rapidly and generalizes, often accompanied by heavy bleeding, which can seriously worsen the condition of a woman in position and provoke spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
  • If, during the diagnosis, urinalysis showed high leukocyturia, and pyelonephritis was detected, then therapeutic measures should be prescribed immediately. Otherwise, the risk of developing late preeclampsia and dangerous toxicosis, hypertension and intrauterine death of the fetus increases.
  • If the causes of leukocyturia are due to cystitis, then delay in treatment can lead to the development of a gangrenous form of the inflammatory process, leading to complete retention of urine, bladder rupture and peritonitis.
  • In addition, when delaying the treatment of leukocyturia, an increase in blood pressure is often observed, and urinary infections provoke stone formation and the development of urolithiasis.

All this only negatively affects the gestation and intrauterine development of the baby, provoking a lot of adverse consequences.

Additional Research

To determine the exact causes of an increase in the leukocyte level, a woman is assigned additional diagnostics, including a detailed study of urine, bacterial culture, ultrasound diagnostics, and differential studies. Bacterial seeding allows you to accurately determine the true causative agent of inflammatory pathology. And ultrasound diagnostics helps to timely determine renal structural changes if pyelonephritis has become the cause of leukocyturia. In addition, ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to detect and correctly assess the state of the structure of such intraorganic systems as the bladder or ureters. Sometimes an additional microbiological study of urine is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the true type of pathogenic organisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment approach

There is no specific treatment regimen for leukocyturia, which is quite understandable, because each clinical case has its own etiology, gestation period, distinctive features of the course of pregnancy and other nuances. With easily occurring infectious processes, disinfectant and diuretic natural medicines are prescribed to patients. These include kidney tea blends, chamomile decoction, lingonberry tea, Kanefron and other herbal medicines.

If the inflammation proceeds in a pronounced form, then the treatment is based on antibiotic therapy, for which the doctor individually selects drugs, taking into account the type of pathogen and the gestation period. An excellent therapeutic effect is distinguished by local antibiotic preparations, for example, urethral and bladder instillations with disinfectant solutions. With this approach to therapy, there is a minimum degree of penetration of the drug into the bloodstream.

Among the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of pregnant women are Clotrimazole and Kanefron, Amoxicillin and Monural, Furadonin, etc.

How to avoid an increase in white blood cells

To prevent the development of leukocyturia during gestation, a woman needs to seriously prepare for the prevention of inflammatory diseases.

  1. It is necessary to regularly undergo laboratory tests of urine and treat inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary system in time.
  2. Eliminate stress, physical overload, hypothermia.
  3. Be more in the air, do not be nervous and relax.
  4. If there are suspicious changes in the urine, it is necessary to tell the obstetrician-gynecologist about them.

If the treatment is taken in a timely manner, and the inflammatory process is eliminated at its earliest stages, then nothing will threaten the child and mother.

Leukocytes are responsible for the state of immunity, and during pregnancy it is very important to monitor their number. What are they? What is the normal leukocyte count? What are the causes of possible deviations, and how to treat them?

Leukocytes are white blood cells that have a nucleus and cytoplasm. These little bodies control the state of the immune system.

They protect the body from viruses, bacteria and other elements that threaten health. Leukocytes eliminate inflammation, neutralize toxins and poisons.

Leukocytes and pregnancy

White blood cell level increases markedly during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the protective function of the body is enhanced, trying to protect not only the woman, but also the baby from infections and viruses.

The number of leukocytes increases not only during childbearing, but also at the time of labor. In order to exclude the presence of chronic and acute inflammations, a woman must take tests during all nine months, in which the laboratory assistant will timely detect an increased content of leukocytes.

The norm of the number of leukocytes during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman constantly takes urine, blood tests, as well as a smear for the number of leukocytes. Each study has its own norms, and any deviations may indicate the onset of the disease.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy

In the first three months Pregnancy, the content of white blood cells in a woman's body should not increase. The following indicator is considered the norm: 3-9 * 10 9 / l.

The level of leukocytes begins to rise only from the second trimester of pregnancy, since during this period serious changes occur in the body, leading to an increase in the level of protection of the immune system and an increase in hematopoiesis.

After the fourth month the rate rises to 11-15*10 9 /l. However, if the number of leukocytes in a pregnant woman is at the upper limit, the doctor will prescribe additional tests in order to exclude the onset of the development of any disease.

The rate of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy

Every woman before a planned visit to the gynecologist takes a urine test. If an infection develops, the number of leukocytes in urine increases:

  • the norm is an indicator: 0-6 in the field of view;
  • slight increase quantities: 10-15 in the field of view (in this case, we can talk about the primary stage of development of any disease);
  • serious increase: 20-50 per field of view (such an increase in leukocytes indicates purulent processes in the organs of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)).

The norm of leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy

At the first visit to the gynecologist, a swab is taken from the vagina of a pregnant woman. With its help, you can detect pathogenic microflora and hidden infectious diseases that affect the intrauterine development of the baby. Normal levels of white blood cells does not exceed 20 cells, but with pathology, this figure increases to 100 or more.

Deviations in the level of leukocytes from the norms and causes

An increase or decrease in the level of leukocytes indicates the development of diseases.

Elevated white blood cells during pregnancy

There are many reasons for the increase in leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body (meningitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • bleeding and various injuries (fractures, burns, wounds, etc.);
  • allergy;
  • inflammation, accompanied by the release of pus (peritonitis);
  • neoplasms.

An increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy speaks of the development of inflammation in the organs of the urinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc. In addition to diseases, the constant fullness of the bladder often leads to an increase in the number of white blood cells in urine.

Increased white blood cells in a smear during pregnancy indicates the presence of latent infections:

  • (candidiasis) - a disease caused by fungi;
  • endometritis - an inflammatory process that affects the uterine mucosa;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • urethritis - the presence of inflammation in the urethra;
  • cervicitis - inflammation in the cervical canal;
  • neoplasms (benign or malignant);
  • adnexitis - inflammation that affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • infections that are transmitted during sexual intercourse (chlamydia, syphilis, etc.).

low white blood cells during pregnancy

In some cases the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases. This phenomenon also indicates the development of pathologies. The reasons for the decline are: influenza, rubella, measles, hepatitis, kidney failure, colitis, gastritis, endocrine system disorders.

Treatment for abnormal leukocytes

Treatment for high or low white blood cell counts to eliminate the root cause, which in most cases is an infectious or viral disease.

Many women resort to traditional medicine to treat an increased or decreased level of leukocytes, but such treatment is only acceptable if the disease has just begun to develop.

Video "Leukocytes during pregnancy"

We offer you to watch a video about increasing and decreasing the number of leukocytes during pregnancy.

White blood cells in the urine of a pregnant woman - what does it mean and what to do?

Leukocytes are a group of nuclear cells produced by the bone marrow and are responsible for the body. An increase in white blood cells in any of the biological fluids (urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, bile) indicates the tension of the immune system and the presence of inflammation (infectious, allergic, autoimmune). Women who are faced with altered analyzes for the first time often ask the question: “What does leukocytes in the urine of a pregnant woman mean?” When leukocytes in the urine of a pregnant woman are increased, provided that the analysis is correctly collected, this is an indicator of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system (MPS) in a woman.

The causes of this condition can be both diseases of the internal organs (, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis - ICD, vaginitis), and stagnation of urine caused by ongoing pregnancy (atony of the urinary tract due to hormonal changes or compression of the urinary organs by the enlarged pregnant uterus). This means that it is required to find out the cause of leukocyturia and be treated, otherwise the consequences can be the saddest, up to abortion and life-threatening conditions for a woman.

  • Additional tests
  • Consequences of leukocyturia during gestation

Why are leukocytes in the urine of a pregnant woman elevated?

It must be remembered that the number of leukocytes in pregnant women in the urine is increased even in the normal range. This is due to the fact that the woman's body perceives the growing fetus as something alien, responding to this with an increased number of leukocytes in biological fluids, including urine.

Normally, the number of leukocytes during pregnancy in urine is 0-10 units. in the field of view (some authors increase the rate to 12 units in the field of view), but everyone agrees that if a woman's leukocytes exceed 8 units. in the field of view, she needs to undergo an additional examination.

An increase in leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy means that there is a focus of inflammation in the body, which can be of infectious and non-infectious etiology.

With such serious diseases as kidney tumors, amyloidosis, tuberculosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, a lot of leukocytes are determined in the urine of pregnant women.

In addition to the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders are determined in OAM, they look at the analysis for the presence of sugar (normally it should be absent).

If necessary, an analysis is made for leukocyte esterase, a hydrolytic enzyme contained in leukocytes capable of phagocytosis. If the leukocyte esterase is positive, then this is a sign of infection, indicating that the white blood cells are fighting the infectious agent.

The rate of leukocytes in the urine of pregnant women

The number of leukocytes in the general clinical analysis of urine indicates not only the presence of an inflammatory reaction, but also reflects the degree of its severity.

The norm of leukocytes in the urine in pregnant women is 4–6 units. in sight. In the presence of 6–8 units, they speak of some tension in the immune system. The woman needs to be further examined. In the presence of 8–10 units. they talk about moderately elevated numbers of leukocyturia, the patient can be treated with local remedies. If the number of leukocytes exceeds several tens, they speak of high numbers of leukocyturia, this is a pronounced inflammatory reaction, the patient should be hospitalized and treated with antibiotics.

Increased leukocytes in the urine of a pregnant woman: causes

Elevated white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy can be the result of a wide variety of reasons, both infectious and non-infectious. In any case, leukocyturia requires special attention from doctors; its progression can lead to a number of very dangerous complications. Leukocyturia during pregnancy is a signal of the presence of an inflammatory reaction in the body.

An increase in leukocytes in the urinary sediment up to 15 units means a moderately pronounced inflammatory reaction.

An increase in the number of leukocytes to 40 and above is a pronounced inflammation.

Infectious diseases include:

  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina;
  • candidiasis

For non-infectious:

  • autoimmune pathology (glomerulonephritis);
  • urolithiasis.

Leukocyturia in a pregnant woman in the early stages

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized primarily by hormonal changes. Changes in hormonal balance cause hypotension and even atony of the ureters, which leads to stagnation of urine, this can lead to the development of cystitis and even pyelonephritis. In the 1st trimester, the load on almost the entire body of a woman, including the kidneys, increases. At the very beginning of pregnancy, changes in the analyzes are due to hormonal changes in the female body, which is why a lot of leukocytes are determined in the urine in the early stages of pregnancy.

Leukocyturia in the second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester is characterized by a gradual stabilization of the hormonal background, however, an increase in body weight, the volume of circulating blood, a decrease in the protective functions of the body, which is a predisposing factor for the exacerbation of old and the emergence of new infectious diseases of MPS. This is the reason for the high numbers of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy at these times. Fungal infections may also appear in the 2nd trimester. It also leads to an increase in leukocytes in the urine above normal.

Elevated white blood cells in the urine of pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

A large number of white blood cells in the urine in late pregnancy may be due to the following reasons:

  1. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases markedly, as a result, chronic kidney diseases worsen.
  2. Compression of the ureters by an enlarged uterus. The outflow of urine worsens, it stagnates and stretches the renal pelvis, and the addition of infection leads to severe inflammatory diseases of the kidneys before childbirth.
  3. Insufficient physical activity in the 3rd trimester reduces muscle tone, worsening the outflow of urine even more.

What to do if a pregnant woman has leukocyturia

In order not to miss and treat in time a newly emerged or exacerbated old MPS disease, pregnant women should regularly take OAM:

  • in the 1st trimester - once a month;
  • in the second trimester - once every half a month;
  • in the third trimester - weekly.

If the leukocytes in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, the doctor asks the woman to retake the test, while again explaining in great detail how to collect it correctly. If, however, leukocyturia is found in the re-analysis, additional tests are prescribed (a study according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, ultrasound of the kidneys is done, a consultation is made with a urologist, gynecologist, and, if necessary, a rheumatologist, phthisiatrician). For a pregnant woman, first of all, what needs to be done is to fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions without panic.

Additional tests

The purpose of additional research is to find out why there are many leukocytes in the urine of a particular pregnant woman. For this, the following examinations are carried out:

  1. Research according to Nechiporenko - the biomaterial is studied more carefully, the number of leukocytes in 1 ml of urine is determined.
  2. A study according to Zimnitsky - it turns out the daily volume of urine, and most importantly, the determination of the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine during the day.
  3. Bacteriological examination with the identification of a pathogenic microorganism and the determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics.
  4. Ultrasound of the kidneys - an examination is done to detect organic pathology of the kidneys (cysts, tumors, KSD).

In addition, analyzes of peripheral and venous blood are carried out.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko

An increased level of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy in two correctly passed tests is an indication for conducting a urine study according to Nechiporenko. In this analysis, leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders are counted not in units in the field of view, but in a unit volume (usually 1 ml). This, of course, is a more accurate study, allowing not only to count the formed elements, but also to detect the presence.

Normal urine values ​​in the study according to Nechiporenko during pregnancy looks like this:

  • leukocytes - 2000 in 1 ml (in some clinics they allow up to 4000 in 1 ml);
  • erythrocytes - 1000 in 1 ml;
  • cylinders (hyaline) - 20 in 1 ml.

If a large number of leukocytes are found in the Nechiporenko analysis, then this is a fairly strong indication of kidney pathology.

Incorrectly collected material for analysis is the cause of an increase in leukocytes in the urine

Necessary for constant monitoring of ongoing pregnancy. Increased numbers of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy is a formidable indicator and it cannot be left without the attention of doctors. Any excess of normal values ​​entails additional examinations. To get reliable results, you need to correctly collect the analysis:

  • the first morning urine is collected;
  • analysis is collected in a sterile jar;
  • before collecting the analysis, thorough hygienic procedures of the external genital organs are carried out (to prevent vaginal discharge from entering the urine, use a sterile vaginal swab).
  • it is necessary to collect urine from the middle portion (the first small portion of urine goes down the toilet, and then, without interrupting urination, urine is collected for analysis);
  • The resulting material must be handed over to the laboratory within 1-1.5 hours.

All these rules must be carefully followed, otherwise you can get an analysis with overestimated levels of leukocytes in the urine, which will inevitably lead to a retake of tests and unnecessary worries.

Consequences of leukocyturia during pregnancy

An increased content of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy is a symptom far from harmless.

  1. If nothing is done, the inflammatory process, against the background of reduced protective functions, quickly generalizes. General symptoms of inflammation and intoxication appear. For a pregnant woman, there is a risk of massive bleeding, which cannot but affect the woman's health, and most importantly, there is a risk of fetal death.
  2. If it turns out that pyelonephritis was the cause of leukocyturia, then therapeutic measures should begin immediately, it is necessary to reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction as soon as possible, otherwise there is a high risk of development, a condition that is life-threatening for the mother and entails intrauterine death of the fetus.
  3. If leukocyturia is a consequence of cystitis, delayed treatment may result in gangrenous inflammation of the bladder and peritonitis.
  4. A massive inflammatory process of the kidneys disrupts their function and leads to hypertension, which is fraught with heart attacks of internal organs, cerebral stroke.

All this not only worsens the condition of a pregnant woman, but also makes it doubtful the possibility of further development of pregnancy.

What should be done to reduce leukocyturia during gestation

First of all, it is necessary to understand that it is not the increase in leukocytes in the urine of a pregnant woman that is dangerous, but the inflammatory process that caused leukocyturia. Leukocytes are just markers of inflammation, its symptom. Therefore, it is so important to make a diagnosis as soon as possible in order to start treatment, this is what will lead to a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the urine of a pregnant woman to the physiological norm.

There is no universal treatment regimen for leukocyturia. Medical tactics are determined by the diagnosis, gestational age, and the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

Mild forms of MPS inflammation respond well to treatment with natural diuretics and aseptic agents. Pregnant women are prescribed kidney teas, decoctions of lingonberries, chamomile.

With a pronounced inflammatory reaction, it is impossible to do without antibiotics. There is a list of antibiotics approved for use during pregnancy, which, at recommended doses, are practically safe for the fetus.

Methods of topical application of antibacterial agents have proven themselves well. Instillations of antibacterial solutions into the bladder cavity quickly cope with MPS infection, while the drugs practically do not enter the systemic circulation of the pregnant woman.

Every woman who has learned the news about her pregnancy will have a lot of trouble when registering with a antenatal clinic. The body of the expectant mother needs constant vigilant monitoring in order to prevent or detect any diseases at an early stage. To do this, pregnant women regularly undergo various examinations: general urine and blood tests, tests for infections, ultrasound, etc. This all takes a lot of time, but it is a necessity, because it is in such a vulnerable period as bearing a child that a woman is more at risk of problems with health due to the increased load on the body.

The expectant mother will have to take a general urine test (OAM) often: once a month in the first trimester of pregnancy, 2 times in the second, and every week at the end of the term. This study is indicative of a number of problems that can be identified with its help. In this article we will talk about leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy, their norm and increase.

Leukocytes are white blood cells that perform a number of important functions. From the definition it is clear that they, in principle, should not be in the urine.. They can be observed in very small numbers in the analysis of any person - up to 3 in the field of view. Since in pregnant women the body is on “high alert”, the number of leukocytes in the OAM is slightly increased, the norm is considered to be from zero to five units. The table below shows the norms for urinalysis, including leukocytes, in a healthy pregnant woman.

There are many situations when, due to some kind of malfunction in the body, the number of leukocytes increases. This requires the mandatory identification of causes and appropriate treatment, because such an increase can indicate diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, etc.

To begin with, the doctor will prescribe a second OAM, as there are frequent cases of improper collection of urine, which leads to distorted results. When repeating a bad analysis, the doctor must find the cause, if necessary, prescribing additional examinations or consultations of specialized specialists, and select an effective treatment.

Elevated white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy

If too many white blood cells are found in a urine test during pregnancy, this indicates an inflammatory process in the body. Consider the most common reasons for this result.

  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys, which is often observed in pregnant women, and is directly related to their interesting situation: the kidneys experience an increased load, in addition, the uterus that has increased many times in volume can press on them. It can also cause urine to be refluxed. A woman may complain of pain in the lower back.
  • Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the bladder. Usually accompanied by burning and soreness when urinating, possible admixture of blood in the urine.

  • Candidiasis, or - a fungal disease of the genital organs, is a frequent unpleasant companion of expectant mothers due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • Urolithiasis - the formation of stones in the kidneys and / or urinary tract, while it may be accompanied by stagnation of urine.
  • Colpitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. A decrease in the body's defenses can lower the resistance to infections, which leads to such unpleasant processes.
  • Infections of the reproductive system.
  • Viral diseases.

These are the main possible causes that are most often diagnosed with an elevated white blood cell count. With such diseases, a woman may experience discomfort or pain, as well as independently notice changes in the appearance of urine: darkening, blood impurities, turbidity, sedimentation, flakes. If you notice such symptoms in yourself, be sure to consult a doctor for an unscheduled examination and treatment.

What to do if leukocytes are elevated?

If the OAM results show elevated white blood cells, do not panic. This situation is not uncommon among expectant mothers during pregnancy, which is caused by the specifics of their condition. Your doctor will find out the cause and prescribe you an adequate treatment that will help get rid of the problem.

Most often, antibiotics are prescribed, since only they can affect the focus of the disease. Do not be afraid: there are many modern antimicrobials that are safe during pregnancy. The doctor will surely correctly select an effective medicine for the treatment of the disease with a minimum of risks for the baby. In addition, they may prescribe other drugs, such as herbal preparations, which are also safe in your position.

Sometimes treatment can be carried out in a hospital to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman in order to prevent complications. You should not refuse hospitalization: usually it is not for long, and treatment in such conditions will be as effective as possible.

It will be useful to follow a diet: it is highly desirable to exclude salty, fried, spicy and smoked foods and dishes from the diet, drink plenty of liquids (water, fruit drinks, green and herbal teas), eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Diuretic drinks will be extremely useful in such a situation in order to empty the bladder more often and help the kidneys.

OAM Collection Rules

In order for the OAM result to be accurate and truthful, certain collection rules must be observed. After all, vaginal discharge can get into the collected urine, or the collection container will not be clean enough, which will distort the result. So it may appear, or, which in fact do not exist. So take the process seriously:

  • The container must be sterile. It is best to purchase special collection containers at the pharmacy: this way you will definitely be sure that there is nothing superfluous. If you use your own jars, they must be washed and rinsed with boiling water for sterilization (including the lid). Dry on a clean towel (paper or cloth).
  • Such a container should be prepared in the evening, in order to immediately collect the urine in a clean, dried container in the morning.
  • Urine for analysis should be morning, while you need to follow hygiene procedures: wash yourself, wipe yourself dry, close the vagina with a cotton swab, and only then urinate into a container.
  • OAM must be submitted within one to one and a half hours after collection.

Video: urinalysis and infections

Informative video, which tells in detail about OAM, the rules for its delivery and possible urinary tract infections.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman is bombarded with a huge amount of new information, including health information. Therefore, it is important to understand what is happening with the body, and when you need to see a doctor, and when you can breathe easy.

Tell us about your experience of treating urinary tract diseases during pregnancy, if you experienced an increase in white blood cells while expecting a baby.