
Psychological tests to test memory. Attention test. Procedure for testing for memory loss


Determine your level of visual memory by answering the questions of our free online psychological test. We tested 152,447 people.

Our test will evaluate your visual memory level. Try to concentrate and not get distracted. The use of paper and pen, telephone and camera is prohibited!

The test contains 10 tasks with increasing difficulty!

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Memory is a mental form of nervous and mental activity of a person to retain, accumulate, store and reproduce the information that he passes through his organs of perception.

The process of weakening memory is called hypomnesia. Usually the problem arises with age or as a consequence of some brain disease (cerebral vascular sclerosis, epilepsy, etc.).

However, young people often complain of memory loss. It is important here not to confuse illness with the selectivity of our memory. If you just spoke with a person and forgot his name or the dictated telephone number, this is not a reason to run to the doctor. This is often the brain's ability to sort out aspects of information that are more or less important to you. But if, after talking with a person, and after a while you cannot remember what was discussed in the conversation, you have a direct path to a specialist.

Causes of memory impairment

There are several reasons for memory impairment, as for any physiological process in the body. Here are those well-known external causes that generally have a detrimental effect on human health and, in particular, on the weakening of memory:

Poor ecology, pollution of the air we breathe. The activity of brain cells requires oxygen, which is increasingly becoming problematic in our polluted city.

Poor sleep, frequent manifestations of insomnia, because it is in sleep that all recovery processes occur in the body. Healthy, uninterrupted sleep is especially important, which must begin before 24 o'clock and end at 6 - 8 o'clock in the morning.

Information overload that we all experience: Internet, radio, television. The brain is suddenly bombarded with a large amount of information, or the person himself fills it with unnecessary “junk.”

Psychological fatigue, stress, and nervous overload also cause memory impairment.
Many people are familiar with banal laziness, when a person, the same student, who until recently stored a lot of information in his head, after finishing his studies, stopped reading altogether, counts with a calculator, and keeps all his business records through a notepad. The brain suddenly stops receiving signals for memorization, switches off completely, and the person tomorrow will not remember the most basic things.

Poor quality nutrition, lack of vitamins, lack of natural products that contain many preservatives and food additives that are harmful to the body.

As you can see, all the reasons are external, not a word about genetics, so any person can even improve their memory, given by nature.


First, take a simple test that will help you find out how efficient your memory is on basic things.
Answer the following questions (yes/no):

1. Are you able to enter your PIN code into your mobile phone or ATM the first time?

2. Do you quickly remember the first name or first name + patronymic of new acquaintances?

3. Do you often lose (forget where you put it) little things that are so necessary in life like keys, lipstick, comb, glasses?

4. Do you ever forget about an appointment or forget about a call that is expected from you?

5. Do you get enough sleep?

6. Can you focus on the main thing that is important at the moment?

7. Do you often ask yourself questions: did you forget to turn off the iron, stove, water, light?

8. Do you remember the birthdays of your family, friends and colleagues well?

9 . Do you often rest and relax?

10. Do you find it difficult to remember what date and day of the week it is?

11. Do you often hear reproaches of being unobligatory from relatives and colleagues?

12. Do you have to make a grocery list in advance so you don’t forget to buy what you need?

14. Can you solve crosswords and other puzzles at least 70 percent of the time?

15 Do you write down everything you need to do in a day, and then constantly check the list?

17. It happens that you were going somewhere and for some reason, when you arrived at the place, you forgot why you came?

18.Does it happen that when you tell another story or anecdote to your friends, they tell you that you have already told it?

19. If you have 3 SIM cards, do you remember all your mobile numbers?

20. You are talking - you were interrupted, do you quickly remember what you were talking about?

5 “YES” answers are the norm these days.
Indeed, memory can sometimes fail. It's quite normal. You and I are not robots and
computers so as not to forget and not make mistakes.

From 6 to 10 “YES” answers – mild memory deficit.
This is also quite acceptable, but under certain conditions: you are overcome by illness, mental stress, stress, depression, overwork, etc. In this case, it is better to consult a psychotherapist and drink herbal soothing teas.

From 11 to 20 answers “YES” – memory deficit, diagnosis!
This is where you need to take care of yourself and be sure to take action. Go through a medical examination, find the cause of the problem and undergo treatment; pills and herbal teas will not do.


This test is considered one of the best tests for Alzheimer's. It is advisable to carefully read the entire text to the end. Take your time, find a pattern, and then the second or third time you will simply swallow the text with your eyes. This is the property of a healthy brain. So, go for it!

94NN03 S006Shch3NN3 P0K4ZY8437, K4KN3 U9N8N73 LYNY3 83SHN M0ZH37 93L47ь N4SH R4ZUM! 8П3Ч47ЛяШН3 83ШN! SN4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZUM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YASH 06 E70M. G0P9NSH! LNSH 0PR393L3NNNY3 LYU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747ь E70.

Did you read it easily? - There are no signs of Alzheimer's.

For reference:

Alois Alzheimer (German: Alois Alzheimer; Alois Alzheimer, June 14, 1864, Marktbreit, Germany - December 19, 1915, Breslau, Germany) - German psychiatrist and neurologist, author of many articles on such problems as alcoholic psychosis, schizophrenia, epilepsy, cerebral syphilis, Huntington's chorea, arteriosclerotic cerebral atrophy (1894), presenile psychosis (1907).

He received his medical education in Würzburg, then lived and worked in Frankfurt. At the age of 31, Alzheimer became the head of a research institute, where he worked for the rest of his life. In 1904-1915 he published a six-volume work “Histological and histopathological studies of the gray matter of the brain.”

Alzheimer made significant contributions to the study of the pathology of the nervous system. His name was immortalized by the study of senile dementia, known as Alzheimer's disease. Based on the results of his own fundamental research, he described the fundamental differences between dementia of vascular and neurodegenerative origin.

Alzheimer's colleague, German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin, later named a type of senile dementia after Alzheimer's.

How to improve memory and attention at home

We train our memory. We begin to train our memory in the same way as we train muscles.

Very often, when meeting people, they immediately forget the names given, this happens because at this moment, we read information about the person we see. A stereotype comes into play: almost all names are familiar to us, and the brain switches off in this direction. Learn to concentrate your attention at the right moments and where it is needed.

While traveling in transport, look carefully for 3-5 seconds at two or three people, turn away and ask yourself what you managed to remember: what color is the jacket of the first, the hat of the second and what is the length of the hair of the third.

Below is a summary method of improving memory by I.I. Poloneichik- Head of the Center for Intelligent Technologies, recognized today as the most successful in the post-Soviet space. It is called the accumulation system. The essence of the method is as follows:

Wake up your brains, change your occupation, expand your hobbies. If you are interested in investing, switch to politics, healthy eating or the arts.

Read books, learn poetry, memorize passages of prose that are especially difficult to remember, solve crossword puzzles. It is important here that the process brings pleasure, brings joy to you, then there will be success.
And it is especially important that the poems are good, better than classics, because our brain is very selective, but it is equally important that you like these poems.

The Japanese have proven that mental arithmetic improves memory; children who count in their heads at school are much smarter and have better memory than their peers with calculators.

Calculate the date by the days of the week and vice versa. For example, today is Saturday March 1st, and on Friday a week later what will the date be? Or what day will March 23rd fall on?

Name 100 names of countries, cities, state capitals, rivers and lakes in 100 seconds. Or think of 100 words in alphabetical order in 100 seconds. Speed ​​is very important here. It may not be 100 per hundred, but the brain will work and this will already give results.

It has been established that it is very important to diversify your occupation, which stimulates the establishment of new connections between nerve cells in the brain, and even causes the growth of these cells, helping to improve the quality of memory.

Our memory is inertial, at first you will forget about these exercises, you will be too lazy to do them, but take control of this and after two, maximum three weeks you will notice the results.

Eat foods rich in vitamins E, C, and microelements.

It has been noticed that people who go on diets, smoke and drink alcohol, as well as those who do not have breakfast in the morning suffer from poor memory. So draw your own conclusions!

Be always healthy, with excellent memory and a clear mind!

Cognitive disorders– mental disorders affecting learning, memory, perception and thinking, and include amnesia, dementia and delirium. While anxiety disorders Mood disorders and psychotic disorders may also affect cognition; these cognitive disorders are not considered

Since loss of cognitive function is not the main symptom. Causes vary between different types of neurological disorders, but most involve damage to memory areas of the brain. Treatment depends on the nature of the disease. Drug therapy is the most common treatment for cognitive disorders. However, for some types, such as some types of amnesia, treatment in this situation may suppress symptoms but not cure.

SAGE (Self Administrated Gerocognitive Exam) aims to identify mild impairments in memory and thinking, as well as early symptoms of dementia. When tested, the test demonstrated high sensitivity and a low probability of misdiagnosis.

Another cognitive test (MMSE) has slightly worse results. An important advantage of this test is the ability to conduct it by the patient himself, without the participation of a doctor, which greatly simplifies the identification of the initial manifestations of dementia.

Procedure for testing for memory loss

The patient must independently complete the proposed tasks using a pen. The doctor or relative only needs to explain that during testing you cannot use a calendar or watch. If the patient finds it difficult to complete tasks and asks for help, you should answer: “Try to complete the maximum number of exercises.”

It takes 10-15 minutes to complete, but more is possible, depending on the patient’s condition.

Exercise 1. Name today's date (from memory, without looking anywhere!)

Day month Year __________

Task 2. Name the objects shown in the pictures. Write from the title.

What is this?

And what's that?

Task 3. What do a rose and a tulip have in common? Both…

Task 4. How many fifty kopecks are in 3 rubles?

Task 5. You pay 3 rubles at the cash register. 5 kopecks How much change will you get if you give the cashier 5 rubles?

Task 6. Memory test. Complete this task at the very end, not before you finish working on the test. On the last line on the last page of the test, write “I finished”...

Task 7. Copy the drawing.

Task 8. Drawing test:

Draw a clock face and place numbers on it

Position the hands so that the clock shows 10 minutes to 11 o'clock. Write the letter “D” for the long arrow, and “K” for the short arrow.

Task 9. Write down the names of 12 different countries.

Look at the sample and go to task 10

Task 10 Draw a line between the circles, starting with the number 1, then alternating numbers and letters, and ending with the letter E (1-A-2-B and so on).

Look at the picture and go to task 11

Task 11 Solve the following problem: There are 4 triangles in the first picture. Remove 2 lines (cross them out in the picture). After removal you should end up with 3 triangles. (There should be no extra lines that do not form a figure.)

12. Have you done everything?

Calculation of points (filling out personal information is not scored)

1. Orientation (maximum 4 points).

Date of: correct answer - 2, approximate answer (±3 days) -1, any other - 0. Month: correct answer -1, incorrect answer - 0.

Year: correct answer – 1, incorrect answer – 0.
2. Names of objects (maximum 2 points). Correctness of spelling is not assessed. For each drawing: correct answer - 1, incorrect answer - 0.
3. Search for similarities (maximum 2 points). Correctness of spelling is not assessed. Abstract categorical feature – 2. external physical similarity -1, any other – 0.
4. Calculations (maximum 1 point). The correct answer is 1, the wrong answer is 0.
5. Calculations (maximum 1 point). The correct answer is 1, the wrong answer is 0.
6. Memory. Points are awarded in paragraph 12
7. Drawing a three-dimensional figure (maximum 2 points) A three-dimensional figure is depicted correctly, of the correct shape, with parallel lines deviating by no more than 10 degrees, - 2. a three-dimensional figure is depicted, but of an irregular shape or with non-parallel lines deviating by more than 10 degrees, – 1. Other – 0.
8. Drawing a clock (maximum 2 points). A watch has 4 components that are assessed: the dial, the numbers (all 12 in the correct order and in a relatively precise position), the position of the hands (pointing to the correct numbers and converging in the center), the size of the hands (large and small). 4 components out of 4 – 2 points, 3 components out of 4 – 1 point (the correct position of the arrows must be observed), other – 0 points.
9. Assessment of the patient's vocabulary (maximum 2 points). Correctness of spelling is not assessed. 12 correct answers -2, 10-11 correct answers -1, less than 10 correct answers 0.
10. Sequencing (maximum 2 points). A fault is scored whenever two elements that should not be connected are connected, or two elements that should be connected are not connected. No errors (even with corrections) 2 points, 1 or 2 errors 1 point, more than 2 errors 0
11. Transformation task (maximum 2 points). Score 1 point if::

  • the fragments to be moved are selected correctly, but the final figure is not drawn;
  • the fragments to be moved are selected correctly, but the final figure is drawn incorrectly;
  • the pieces to be moved are not marked or moved, but the final figure is drawn correctly.
  • All other options – 0 points.

12. Memory (maximum 2 points). All words are reproduced accurately and no extra words are added - 2 points, the word “did” is present, but the phrase is not reproduced accurately - 1 point, other options - 0.

Evaluation of memory loss test scores

The maximum number of points is 22.
17 – 22 points – most likely, the patient’s cognitive functions (memory and thinking) are normal.
15 – 16 points – most likely in the patient mild cognitive impairment. It is recommended to consult a doctor.
14 and below – most likely in the patient severe cognitive impairment. Consultation with a physician is strongly recommended.

Memory is a person’s ability to perceive, capture, store, and finally, reproduce received impressions or ideas. This is the basis on which the brain creates. Our memory is ourselves: our personality, our attitude towards people, our capabilities, our thinking - everything is connected with memory. However, not everyone has a good memory. Want to test your memory? This test will allow you to correctly and rationally evaluate your memory.

Memory test

1. How many phone numbers do you store in your head?

Several – those that I use all the time – 2.

Not a single one, sometimes I even forget mine – 1.

I didn’t count exactly, but it was a lot – 3.

2. Does it happen that you can’t remember what you wanted to talk to a person about?

It happens when they interrupt me - 1.

Never, it annoys me in others too – 3.

It happens if it is something unimportant – 2.

3. Can you remember any favorite clothes from your preschool childhood?

Of course, not just one – 3.

No, if only from the photo - 1.

With difficulty, but I remember toys - 2.

4. Can you forget about an important meeting?

I suffer from this from time to time - 1.

It happened a few times when I forgot to write it down - 2.

No, if it is appointed in the foreseeable future – 3.

5. Do you often come home from the store without what you need?

I insure myself - I go through all the departments - 2.

No, I remember exactly what I need - 3.

Yes, if there are more than three necessary purchases - 1.

6. Can you accurately reproduce what you did three days ago?

Yes, if something outstanding happened – 2.

Just in general terms – 1.

I think so - 3.

7. Do you remember the words of children's or drinking songs?

I don’t remember because I never knew - 1.

No more than a couple of verses and a chorus - 2.

And I remember and I sing – 3.

8. Do you remember the name of an old friend with whom you haven’t spoken for many years?

Yes, if we were close before – 2.

No, for me this is a problem - 1.

If we communicated, I will certainly remember - 3.

9. Do you remember the road you once walked along?

Hardly, I’m a typical “topographic cretin” - 1.

Perhaps not right away, but during the search process I remember - 2.

Most likely, I have a good visual memory - 3.

10. Do you forget about the birthdays of your loved ones?

No, but this is the merit of the notebook - 2.

Yes, they don’t even take offense at me anymore – 1.

No, I even remember how old someone is – 3.

You typed:

16 or less points
You are distinguished not only by a lack of memory, but also by absent-minded attention. You can, of course, be touched by this, but living with such a “set” is difficult. It is possible that you simply lack self-organization and a primitive weekly journal would make your life much easier. But it’s better to start paying attention to memory development, solve puzzles and crosswords, learn poetry and foreign languages.

From 17 to 23 points
Your memory is quite mediocre. Perhaps the problem is the large amount of information that fills your head, but it is not always possible to retrieve the required “file”. Therefore, unload your head by using modern means of reminders: at work - a computer, electronic notebooks, at home - a mobile phone, timers and an alarm clock.

24 or more points
Memory and attention are your strong point. Perhaps this is a natural quality, but you still shouldn’t “overload”. Psychologists say that people who never forget anything live in a state of constant tension and feel the burden of anxiety and external prohibitions. And besides, they often deprive themselves of the joy of creativity and discovery.

Check, evaluate your memory It’s not difficult, but not everyone can take care of it regularly. A logical continuation of passing the test will be to perform special memory exercises. Use a brain trainer for this and development of memory and intelligence Wikium.

Yuri Okunev School

Good afternoon friends! Yuri Okunev is with you again.

Do you want to know who you are in life? Sherlock Holmes or the Absent-Minded Man from Basseynaya Street? I suggest you take a short test of attention and memory.

This series of tests is intended for adults and older children (teenagers).
1. Munsterberg method, concentration test. Before you are several lines consisting of letters. There are 23 words hidden among these letters. Find and underline them, note how much time you spent:

If you did not find all the words, then add 5 seconds to your time for each missed word. Compare the results obtained with the grid:

2. Gorbov test(“Red-black”) to determine the degree of switching of attention. Here is the first table. We need to find all the black numbers in ascending order (up to 24) as soon as possible. Opposite each number there are letters - they need to be written down on a piece of paper in a row. Done. Now we are looking for red numbers in descending order from 25 to 1. We also write down the letters, in the second row. We record the time how much we spent on the exercise.

Now take the following table. Also, for the time being, we are looking for numbers in this order: red 25, black 1, red 24, black 2, that is, black in ascending order, red in descending order. Don’t forget to write the letters on the piece of paper: red in the top row, black in the bottom. We record the time.

To evaluate the results, you need to subtract the first from the second time indicator. The smaller this difference is, the higher the switchability rate.

3. "Ten words." Testing your attention span. Let someone read 10 words to you, and you remember. Then we take a piece of paper and write down all the words from memory. We repeat the action 4 times, with different sets of words. Example:

Count how many words in each group you managed to write down correctly. If 8 or more, then you have good volume. If 5 or less, you need to work on yourself.

Option for children

Designed for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

1. "Confusion." Determine the degree of concentration. There are 10 tangled lines in the picture. The start number of each line and the end point do not match. Task: find and write down both numbers for all ten lines.

A 7-year-old schoolchild must flawlessly complete this task within 1.5-2 minutes.

2. "Rings". We measure the stability of attention. We put the table in front of the child and ask him to cross out all the rings, for example, those with a gap at the bottom.

Children 7 years old with excellent indicators of sustained attention manage to process up to 11 rows in the table in 5 minutes. At 9-10 years old, children have time to complete the entire card.

3. “Ancient hieroglyphs.” Determine the switching speed. It is required to complete the figures with 1-2 sticks in accordance with the sample. We evaluate the execution speed.

Service Vikium

The service is suitable for testing the attention characteristics of you and your child Vikium. All statistics and results are clearly displayed on the screen. This site is also convenient because any parameter of attention or memory can be “pulled up” to normal in a short time and trained. Developmental exercises are selected individually for each client and do not take much time. You can read about my impressions of the service.
This is where I end. Take the test, do it with your whole family, and be sure to write about your impressions in the comments. Tell all your friends and acquaintances.
I wish you success! Yours, Yuri Okunev.