
Lev Khazan Liepaja diet book. Liepaja diet: a universal method of rapid weight loss New materials on weight loss and Bogomolov

Breast cancer

The essence of the Liepaja Bogomolov diet or “Lose weight with the stars”

Is it possible to lose weight by eating your favorite sandwiches, fried foods or multi-ingredient salads with various dressings? Most readers can give a thousand reasons that this contradicts the classical theories of getting rid of extra pounds and is harmful to health. But Aleksey Bogomolov, a journalist for the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper, claims that the Liepaja diet allows you to lose weight once and for all without much difficulty, eating quite comfortably. To prove this, he wrote a book describing this technique in detail and containing examples from personal experience, called “The Liepāja Diet.”

Alexey Bogomolov’s interest in the Liepaja diet arose by chance while working on the project “Lose Weight with the Stars,” when, while rereading letters from readers, he came across an interesting experience of losing weight using this system and successfully applied it to himself. It must be said that at that time the technique was not widely known, but it was based on the Liepaja diet of Dr. Khazan. Its name corresponds to the name of the Baltic city where the nutritionist himself lives and worked.

Khazanah Diet Basics

This diet is based on a law that can be interpreted as follows: “The human body can lose weight only if the calorie content of incoming food is less than the body’s energy expenditure.” In addition, it is based on several important principles, the implementation of which must be observed impeccably.

  • Carrying out a diet for 3 months.
  • Weigh yourself daily in the morning and evening at the same time, wearing the same clothes.
  • Control weighing once a week, measuring the volume of the neck, chest, waist, hips, buttocks.
  • Recording the results in a diary.
  • 3 meals a day at the same time with an interval of 5 - 5.5 hours. A 15-minute time shift is allowed when eating.
  • No snacking between meals.
  • Daily calorie content is 1100-1200 kcal.
  • Elimination of alcohol, sugar and salt from the diet.
  • Mandatory physical activity.
  • A massage of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks before bed is required.
  • Take a sea salt bath once a week to maintain skin condition.
  • A serving of meat or fish should not exceed 135 g.

Liepaja diet menu

When carrying out the Liepaja diet, the menu must be strictly followed. All recommended dishes for every day and their portion composition are indicated in Dr. Khazan’s table. Based on this, the recommended diet plan may look like this:

Breakfast on all days except Wednesday and Saturday should include 1 cup of tea (coffee) and a sandwich with butter and cheese (sandwich with butter and sausage). On Saturday you need to eat two eggs.

Lunch on all days except Wednesday should include a portion of fish or meat, a portion of vinaigrette or fresh vegetable salad (5-6 tablespoons), and a glass of natural juice.

Dinner on all days except Wednesday should include a serving of vinaigrette with butter (1 tablespoon) or meat salad with vegetables and mayonnaise - sour cream (1 tablespoon) plus bread (1 slice) plus a glass of milk or kefir.

Wednesday is a fasting day, and her diet is as follows:

Breakfast consists of one apple and low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) with walnuts (4 pcs.).

Lunch should consist of the same products as breakfast.

Dinner includes half a liter of milk or low-fat kefir with honey (1-2 tablespoons).

Liepaja diet menu

The Liepaja diet involves very strict adherence to the proposed menu. In order not to get confused (for such a long period as three months, you obviously won’t keep all the rules in your head), it’s worth making a table of the Liepaja diet, which will help you eat exactly on schedule. In the first month of the diet, your menu will be as follows.


  • breakfast - a cup of tea (coffee), a sandwich with a thin layer of butter and low-fat cheese;
  • lunch - 6 tablespoons of raw vegetables, 135g of any meat + a glass of juice of your choice;


  • breakfast - a cup of tea (coffee), one sandwich with sausage or meat;
  • lunch - 6 tablespoons of raw vegetables, 135g of any fish + a glass of juice to your taste;
  • dinner - 5-6 tablespoons of any meat salad with mayonnaise, a glass of milk or kefir of your choice.

Menu for WEDNESDAY (fasting day):

  • breakfast - apple, 100g cottage cheese, 4 walnuts;
  • lunch - the same as for breakfast;
  • dinner – two glasses of milk or kefir + a couple of spoons of honey.


  • breakfast - a cup of tea (coffee) + 2 boiled eggs;
  • lunch - 6 tablespoons of raw vegetables, 135 gr. any meat + a glass of juice to your taste;
  • dinner - 6 tablespoons of vinaigrette with sunflower oil, a glass of low-fat milk or kefir.

The Liepaja diet assumes a similar diet for all three months. The differences are very minor:

  • in the second month, on FRIDAY, dinner will be sweet instead of usual: chocolate cheese and five cookies;
  • in the third month, the MONDAY diet changes: 1 kg of any fruit and 1.5 liters of kefir should be evenly distributed over all three meals.

This diet, unlike many others, leaves out fatty foods and meat salads with mayonnaise, but, nevertheless, allows you to effectively lose weight.

Additional procedures

As you know, weight loss can cause your skin to become loose. To prevent this, perform the following procedures several times a week:

  • Massage your stomach, buttocks and thighs regularly with a special plastic massager. If you have lost more than 10 kg of weight, consult a professional massage therapist;
  • twice a week for half an hour, take warm baths (about 45 ° C) with the addition of sea salt and pine needle extract (if there are no contraindications).

The Liepaja diet provides for nutrition strictly according to a specific table (scheme):

  • You can eat 3 times a day. The intervals between meals should be no more than 5 hours. Snacks are prohibited; hunger attacks can be extinguished with plain water or herbal teas without sugar;
  • The weight of any prepared protein dish (from meat or fish) should not exceed 135 g.

Nutritionists are shocked! The Liepāja diet works. In addition, it is completely harmless to both health and psyche. For many people accustomed to a traditional diet, the transition to it will be easy and comfortable. Many people do not understand how they can lose weight by eating sandwiches, meat salads with mayonnaise, fried meat and other “junk” foods. Nevertheless, on this diet, people really and thoroughly lose weight, getting rid of tens of kilograms, and serious physical activity is not necessary. The book talks about what the author tried on himself, there are comparisons with other methods of losing weight and stories about how other famous people lost weight. For one hundred days, using this diet, he kept a detailed diary, in which he talked not only about how he lost almost 50 kilograms, but also about the experiences of other users of this diet. The book provides examples of power schemes, photographs and complete information about all the rules of this power system.

On our website you can download the book “The Liepaja Diet” by Aleksey Alekseevich Bogomolov for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

No restrictions and amazing results! Minus 12 kg per month with usual products! Find out more about Dr. Hazan's Liepāja diet, get menus and recipes for Hungarian goulash, as well as squid cutlets!

Dr. Khazan’s diet, paradoxical at first glance, gained wide popularity thanks to word of mouth: unlike other methods for losing weight, it attracted the complete absence of prohibitions on any foods, as well as more than impressive results. The Liepaja weight loss system has been used by many representatives of the European elite for more than 30 years, being its walking advertisement and demonstrating eloquent changes in the figure, deprived of several tens of extra pounds.

The Liepaja diet is designed for 3 months; if well tolerated and the desire to achieve greater effect, it can be extended to 4 months. During the first monthly stage, if all requirements are met, you can lose weight by 8-12 kg, during the second stage - by 7-8 kg, and in the third - by 4-6 kg. Since the rate of weight loss is gradually slowing down, it is not advisable to continue it further. It is recommended to take a second course no earlier than a year later, although for most of Dr. Khazan’s patients, provided they continue to follow healthy eating rules, one course is enough for a lifetime.

History of the diet

The author of the method, Lev Yakovlevich Khazan, is a practicing nutritionist and graduate of the University of Tartu. Having worked as an endocrinologist in the Baltic city of Liepaja for a decade and a half, he created a unique dietary regimen designed for weight correction, and in 1986 he opened his own clinic in Riga. The effectiveness of the technique, named after the Latvian city, was so great that soon people began to come to Dr. Khazan from all over the country to treat obesity.

The popularizer of Khazan’s technique in Russia was one of his first patients, Russian journalist Alexey Bogomolov. Over three years of following the dietary regime, the weight of the obese Bogomolov decreased from 218 kg to 148 kg. The correspondent found the author of a uniquely effective nutrition system, who never sought to communicate with the press. The result of this meeting was a book written by Alexey Bogomolov about the Liepaja diet.

Sometimes the author or co-author of the technique is called Audrius Jozenas. In fact, this Latvian psychiatrist was also one of Lev Khazan’s patients, who lost 50 kg on a diet. Having personally tried the weight loss system and its impact on the psychological sphere, Yozenas supplemented the author’s recommendations with a number of activities. Currently, Dr. Jozenas practices in Kazakhstan, helping people lose weight using the Liepāja diet.

Weight loss records using the Khazanah system

In one of Lev Yakovlevich Khazan’s interviews, record numbers of weight loss results on the Liepaja diet were mentioned. The winner among women was a resident of Moscow; as a result of following several cycles of a diet regimen, she managed to lose 113 kg of weight; in the men's category, the palm belongs to a 40-year-old Siberian who lost 123 kg.

Mechanism of action

The Liepaja nutrition system is based on the basic principle of dietary programs for weight correction: the predominance of calorie consumption over their intake. Permission to eat absolutely any food does not contradict this principle: its quantity is strictly limited here. The menu of the Liepaja diet contains familiar products - not too lean fish and meat, sandwiches, canned food, salads. However, you will have to do this with a ruler or measuring cup in your hand, carefully measuring the portions.

The effectiveness of this option for losing weight is understandable from a nutritional point of view. A large plate of greens with a piece of chicken is no less caloric than a small portion of meat salad with mayonnaise, but after eating the salad you will feel full longer, and you will get more pleasure from the tasty dish. This is the “trick” of the Khazan method.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other method for losing weight, the Liepāja diet has both positive aspects and disadvantages.

Its advantages:

  • fairly rapid loss of a large amount of excess weight;
  • balanced diet in proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • developing the habit of eating at a strictly defined time;
  • affordable cost of food kit, simple recipes.


  • monotonous menu, almost complete absence of first courses;
  • the need for scrupulous calorie tracking;
  • the need to correct sagging skin resulting from large weight loss.


Dr. Khazan's nutritional system is not used for diabetes, serious heart disease, pregnancy or breastfeeding. Professional athletes should also abandon this technique, since heavy physical activity increases the body’s need for calories, so it will be very difficult to stay within the mini-portions of food. You can start active training after having already lost weight, when it has become easier for the heart, blood vessels and musculoskeletal system to work, and the calorie content of the menu has increased.

Basic Rules

The Liepaja diet is strict in terms of fulfilling the basic requirements; deviations from them are unacceptable:

  1. Food is taken 3 times a day, with breaks of about 5 hours. This regimen normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, which has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight.
  2. Snacks between meals are prohibited.
  3. In case of a violation of the diet, you should switch to the usual regimen for several days, and then continue the course.
  4. Sugar is completely excluded from the diet, the amount of salt is limited.
  5. Alcohol is prohibited during the diet course.
  6. Recommended time for breakfast is from 9 to 12 o'clock, lunch - from 14 to 17 o'clock, dinner - from 19 to 22 o'clock.
  7. The total energy value of the daily diet should not exceed 1100-1200 kcal.
  8. Food portions are measured by volume and exceeding them is not allowed.
  9. The minimum daily water consumption is 1.75 liters (in hot weather - 2 liters), this does not include juices, tea and coffee included in the menu.
  10. Starting from the 2nd month of the diet, it is recommended to take multivitamins.
  11. The duration of night's rest is at least 8 hours.
  12. You must weigh yourself, measure your pulse and blood pressure every day.
  13. You need to measure your blood sugar levels every week.
  14. Measurements of the neck, chest, abdomen, and hips are taken twice a month.
  15. To monitor the weight loss process, measurement data is recorded in a diary.
  16. The menu for each day is precisely calculated; you cannot violate it or replace the specified products with others.

Important! From time to time, the so-called “adaptation effect” may occur, when weight stops decreasing for 1–2 weeks. This is a temporary phenomenon and should not cause concern. With further adherence to the diet, the body's ability to actively burn fat will be restored, and your kilograms will begin to fall off again.

Additional procedures and exit from the diet

Due to significant weight loss, the skin may lose elasticity and sag. Therefore, if you follow the Liepaja diet, it is recommended to carry out daily massage or self-massage of problem areas. Water procedures that improve blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the skin have a good effect. These are showers - Scottish, Charcot, circular, as well as hydromassage, hot salt or pine baths, swimming.

The transition to a normal diet after completing the diet course will not be too difficult or abrupt, because the menu contained all the products that were always on your table. It will be enough to add a plate of the first course to lunch and slightly increase the volume of the rest. Your stomach will no longer require particularly large portions of food, so you won’t gain extra pounds again.

Alternative menu

When treating obesity using Dr. Khazan’s method in a clinical setting, the menu for each day is compiled individually for patients. For those who decided to take the dietary course on their own, its author has developed a standard menu for the day, it is summarized in a table where the names of the dishes for the week are indicated, as well as their volume. This nutrition table can be used for the entire first month of the diet. This, with minor modifications, is the basis of the menu for three months.





a sandwich with butter and cheese, a glass of tea or coffee;hot meat dish (160 g) with vegetable side dish (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;vinaigrette with vegetable oil (150 g), a spoonful of fish caviar, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea with a spoonful of honey.Slices of bread, cheese, meat or sausage for a sandwich should measure 6 x 9 cm and 1 cm thick.

The vegetable side dish is prepared from at least 3 types of vegetables. They can be boiled, stewed, baked, or used as a side dish with canned vegetables.

To dress salads, you can use mayonnaise, sour cream or any vegetable oil (except olive), lemon juice, fruit vinegar.

sandwich with lean meat, 0.2 liters of tea;a hot dish of fish or seafood (160 g) with a vegetable side dish (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;meat salad dressed with sour cream or mayonnaise, a slice of bread, a glass of tea.
2 soft-boiled eggs, 0.2 liters of tea or coffee;meat (160 g), vegetable dish (120 g), 0.2 l juice;vinaigrette with vegetable oil (150 g), a spoonful of caviar, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea with a spoonful of honey.
sandwich with butter and sausage, 0.2 liters of tea;fish dish or seafood dish (160 g), vegetable side dish (120 g), 0.2 l of juice;meat salad with mayonnaise or sour cream, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea.
sandwich with butter and cheese, 0.2 liters of tea or coffee;meat dish (160 g), side dish of vegetables (120 g), glass of fresh fruit;vinaigrette with vegetable oil (150 g), 1 tbsp. l. fish caviar, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea with a spoon of honey.
sandwich with butter and meat, 0.2 liters of tea or coffee;a fish or seafood dish (160 g) with a vegetable side dish (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;meat salad seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream, a slice of bread, a glass of tea.
Fasting day. Product set:
  • 200-250 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • honey – 2 tablespoons;
  • walnuts – 4–6 pcs.;
  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 1–1.5 l;
  • water – 1.75–2 l.
The set of products indicated in the list is randomly divided into 5-6 doses.

During the second month of the Khazan diet, the amount of fresh juice for lunch is halved, but fresh fruit is added to dessert. Dinner every other day can be supplemented with biscuits (3-4 pieces), curd cheese, a handful of raisins or a glass of milk.

The menu of the third month, in addition to the products indicated in the nutrition table, twice a week includes the first course - an incomplete glass of meat broth for lunch.

The fourth month of the Liepaja diet involves the use of mono-diets, which are arranged once a week. These could be monodays:

  • kefir (daily menu – 0.5 liters of kefir);
  • vegetable (during the day you can eat 150 g of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, 50 g of carrots);
  • fruit and berry (1 kg of any berries and fruits plus 0.5 liters of milk or fresh juice);
  • meat (you are allowed to eat 250–300 g of meat and drink 0.5 liters of fresh juice);
  • bread (food set consists of 3 slices of bread and 0.5 liters of milk).

Dish recipes

Classic meat salad

Boil and cut into small cubes:

  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • chicken or beef fillet – 250 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.

Add 100 g of canned peas and mayonnaise. Stir and refrigerate for 15–20 minutes to soak the salad. Serve on the table, garnished with dill and parsley.

Provençal vegetable stew

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 zucchini squash;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • parsley and dill;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 liters of broth or water;
  • vegetable oil.

Chop the onion and garlic and simmer in vegetable oil. Wash, peel, cut the vegetables into medium-sized pieces, simmer in a deep frying pan, add water or broth. You need to load vegetables one by one, focusing on the time it takes to cook them: first potatoes and carrots, after 10-15 minutes eggplants, peppers, zucchini, and finally tomatoes and herbs.

Vegetable side dish “Nutritionist’s Dream”

Ingredients: cauliflower, bell peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes or tomato paste, milk.

Method of preparation: sauté chopped onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil, then add bell pepper and simmer for 10 minutes. Place slices of cauliflower and diced tomatoes in a frying pan, pour in a little milk so that it covers the vegetables halfway. Lightly salt and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Sandwich meat

Rub a piece of pork neck with garlic and salt and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then coat the meat with a mixture of spices, pack tightly in a mesh bandage and a baking sleeve. Place in a saucepan, cover completely with water, cook for 1.5–2 hours. Remove from water and cool.

Tender pork chops

It is best to use the neck part of the carcass for preparing chops. The meat is cut into large thin pieces, beaten and allowed to rest for 10–15 minutes. Then roll in starch, thoroughly moisten in soy sauce, fry for 2-3 minutes on both sides in vegetable oil.

Hungarian goulash

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of veal tenderloin, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2-3 tomatoes and sweet peppers, greens.

Cooking method

  1. Chop the peeled onions and carrots and lightly simmer in vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the meat like a roast and fry.
  3. Mix everything, simmer until the meat is ready, fill half with water.
  4. Add slices of bell pepper and tomato, salt and pepper, simmer for another 10 minutes.
  5. Serve sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Fish baked in foil

Rub the sea fish fillet with garlic, moisten with lemon juice, and leave for half an hour so that the juice is absorbed. Then wrap the fish pieces in foil and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, for the last 5 minutes, slightly unfolding the foil so that the fish is browned.

Salmon in orange sauce

Place orange slices and salmon steaks in a baking dish. Pour marinade made from orange juice, mustard, salt and ground pepper on top. Allow the fish to soak in the marinade (this will take 15–20 minutes), bake in the oven at 190° for about half an hour.

Squid cutlets

Ingredients: 300 g squid, 100 g white bread or roll, 1 onion, breadcrumbs. Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion, cut it, simmer in vegetable oil.
  2. Soak the loaf in water.
  3. Clean the squid from films, cut off the suckers.
  4. Place everything into a blender and grind.
  5. Add salt, spices and form small cutlets.
  6. Roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Fresh fruits


Squeeze juice from 3 apples and half a lemon, add a pinch of grated ginger, stir. Serve in glasses with ice cubes.


Dilute freshly squeezed orange juice by one third with water, add a teaspoon of honey or stevia, and stir. Serve chilled.

The Liepaja diet of Dr. Khazan became a revelation for the Russian public in 2010. We are used to looking for miracle diets that would solve our problems: eat a lot, exercise little, look good and be healthy. The Liepāja diet worked all these miracles.

You can’t go hungry while on a diet; you need to eat 3 times a day. You can’t go in for sports, you need to lose weight in an established regime. With a large weight loss, the skin does not sag. And improvements in the functioning of the body are visible and tangible.

In 2011, the publishing houses “AST” LLC, “Astrel” LLC and “VKT Vladimir” published Alexey Bogomolov’s book “The Liepaja Diet” in a small edition of 5,000 copies. The book is written in an unusual style: not advice from a nutritionist or doctor, but a nutrition diary of a person who wants to get back to normal, having 218 kg of weight.

Having received such amazing results, Bogomolov found the author of the diet. It turned out to be Latvian nutritionist Lev Khazan. Lev Khazan discovered the secrets of nutrition that lead to rapid weight loss in a short time more than 30 years ago. Since then, this diet has worked flawlessly, bringing dividends to the creator, and to people losing weight the right to a healthy life.

The essence of the diet

The basis of the diet is accessibility. And although it does not support the basics of rational nutrition, it is designed so that a person does not change his habits too much. Eat right 5-6 times a day, but the diet requires 3 meals a day. It contains no dietary products. There are no strict restrictions to eat only proteins, or vegetables, or give up fat. All these products are present in the diet. But in strictly defined quantities.

The Liepaja diet has a number of strict rules; they are listed in the book immediately on pages 7-10:

  • Buy scales and weigh yourself every day at the same time in the morning;
  • Measure and record the results of body volumes in a diary once every 2 weeks - neck, chest, waist, hips, legs;
  • Eat three times a day with an interval of 5 hours strictly at the same time with a deviation from the set time of no more than 15 minutes;
  • Sleep duration is 8-9 hours, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • In addition to the permitted 750 grams of drink indicated in the table, you can drink 1.75-2 liters of water only;
  • 2 months of eating strictly according to the menu in the table without changes;
  • Alcohol is prohibited;
  • Regularly 2 times a week take a hot bath at 45°C with salt and pine extract;
  • It is necessary to monitor blood pressure, pulse and blood sugar daily;
  • If you break your diet, you can’t starve. You just need to continue the diet according to the menu for the current day;
  • You need to exercise if you did it regularly before the diet. If you haven’t practiced, then you don’t need to start.

Having lost 7-10 kg, the body may stop losing weight within 1-2 weeks; this condition is called a “weight plateau”. You must continue to follow the regime prescribed by the Liepāja diet and the weight will begin to come off again.

You need to lose weight to the weight that you consider ideal for yourself. After the desired results in weight loss are obtained, you need to switch to a normal diet and actively engage in physical exercise.

Grocery list

The diet is designed for people without restrictions on age, weight and social status. Therefore, products that are used in the diet are indicated in a general sense. For example, you can take a cheap fish - mackerel, or an expensive one - trout. Same with cheese, meat and vegetables.

In fact, the diet that Lev Khazan successfully uses is protein. The list of food products for 2 months is small:

  • Tea, coffee with milk, kefir, mineral water, beer 0%;
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juice (grapefruit);
  • Butter;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Vinaigrette (pickles, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions);
  • Meat salad (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini);
  • Meat;
  • Fish;
  • Fish caviar;
  • Eggs;
  • Any sauce for meat or fish;
  • Any vegetables as a side dish;
  • Lemon juice as a dressing for vegetable side dishes;
  • Vegetable caviar;
  • Sour cream;
  • Canned fish;
  • Bread.

On Sunday, fasting curd day:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Milk;
  • Apples;
  • Walnuts.

The Liepaja diet uses ordinary, non-dietary, widely available food products. But with strict compliance with all the rules, rapid weight loss occurs in 3-4 months by significant weights of 30-100 kg. And this is despite the ban on playing sports.

Menu for every day

The menu for each day is written in the nutrition table of the Liepaja diet. The table is divided into 7 columns corresponding to the days of the week, and into 3 rows describing the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday repeat all menu items. Only breakfast on Wednesday differs from breakfast on Monday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday repeat the same diet. Sunday is a fasting day on dairy products.

Dr. Lev Khazan first put the diet into practice in 1986. The doctor tried not only to achieve permanent weight loss. For a diet to work en masse, it must become comfortable, cheap and fast-acting. The results of the diet are so impressive that after a year those who wanted to lose weight were already going to his house with their problem.

The diet developed by the doctor is designed for weight loss in a short time. In 3-4 months a person loses 40-45 kg, excess weight. The maximum weight loss results per year are 123 kg for men and 113 kg for women.

The advice that Lev Khazan gives to those losing weight on nutrition is not surprising. Do not consume sugar, ethyl alcohol, or excess food. The main thing is not to change weight, but to change habits. The reasons for the mass obesity of people is that food is the cheapest of pleasures. Just a few decades ago, food was obtained; there was no ready-made food for sale. We are now reaping the results of fast food. Lev Khazan became the first private doctor in Latvia and over the years of work gained fame in the territory of the former Union and in Europe. This confirms the outstanding results demonstrated by the Liepaja diet.

Lev Khazan revealed the secret of the first part of the diet, designed for 2 months. In the next 3-4 months of the diet, there are changes in the menu that only the doctor knows. Therefore, those who want to lose weight under the guidance of an experienced doctor should contact him directly. Email: [email protected]. Skype: hazanlev. Telephone (calls from the Russian Federation) 8-10-371-634-819-87.

Menu for Monday Liepaja diet

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives, sandwich with butter and cheese (Bread - 60x90x15 mm. Cheese - 60*90*12 mm)
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty meat (in any form) with any additives - 160 g ready-made with sauce. 120 mg vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beetroot and cauliflower can be boiled; canned green peas can be used. You can't use olive oil, you can use lemon juice.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml vinaigrette (boiled potato, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, onions, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil).
1 tablespoon of red or black caviar or canned fish.
A piece of bread ~ a piece 60*90*15 mm.

Menu for Tuesday

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives. sandwich with butter and meat (Bread - 60*90*15 mm. Meat - 60*90×12 nm)
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty fish (seafood) with any additives - 160 g ready-made with sauce.
120 ml of vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped.
Ecla and cauliflower can be boiled. Green peas can be canned.
You can’t use olive oil, you can use 1 cup lemon juice
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of meat salad (boiled jacket potatoes, meat or sausage, green peas, egg, pickled cucumber, 1 teaspoon of sour cream) A piece of bread ~ 60 × 90 * 16 mm.
1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any juice, mineral water, tea, or coffee with or without milk)

Liepaja diet menu for Wednesday

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives, 2.5 eggs
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty meat (in any form) with any additives - 160 grams ready-made with sauce.
120 ml of vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beetroot and cauliflower can be boiled. Green peas can be canned. You can’t use olive oil, you can use 1 glass of lemon juice.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml vinaigrette (boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, onion, 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil).
1 tablespoon, spoon of caviar or canned fish.
A piece of bread ~ 60*90*15 mm.
1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any juice, mineral water, tea, non-alcoholic beer, tea or coffee - with milk).

Menu for Thursday

Breakfast 10.30
1 cup of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and meat (Bread - 60*90*15 mm.
with - 60*90*12 mm);
Lunch 15.30
1 hot dish of good tasty fish or seafood with any additives - 160 grams ready-made with sauce. 120 ml vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be canned.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of meat salad (boiled jacket potatoes, miso or sausage, green peas, egg, salted orange 1 tablespoon of sour cream A piece of bread ~ 60*90*15 mm. 1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any juice, mineral water, nam, non-alcoholic beer tea or coffee - with milk).

Menu for Friday

Breakfast 10.30
2 glasses of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with a lot of cheese (Bread - 60*90*15 mm, Cheese - 60*90*12 mm).
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty meat (in any form) with any additives - 160 g ready-made with sauce, 120 ml vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped Beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be canned.
You can't use olive oil, you can use 1 glass of lemon juice.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of vinaigrette (boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, onions, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil).
1 tablespoon of caviar or canned fish.
Piece of bread ~ 60x90x15 mm,

Saturday of the Liepaja Diet

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter* and meat (Bread - 60*90*15 mm. Meat - 60x90*11 mm)
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty fish (seafood) with any additives - 160 g ready* with sauce. 120 ml of vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be canned.
You can't use olive oil, you can use 1 glass of lemon juice.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of meat side dish (boiled potatoes in mundrum, meat and sausage, green peas, egg, pickled cucumber, teaspoon of sour cream) A piece of bread ~ 60*90*15 mm.
1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any soy mineral water, tea or coffee - with or without milk).


General rules and principles of Dr. Khazan's diet

According to this system, meals will be three times a day. Snacking is completely prohibited. According to Dr. Khazan, the main problem for overweight people is low blood sugar. The established restrictions are designed to correct this problem and normalize the functioning of the pancreas. Dr. Hazan's Liepaja diet is suitable for both men and women. To lose weight you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Consume no more than 1200 kilocalories daily.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. In summer you can increase its quantity to 2-2.5 liters. It is permissible to replace water with unsweetened tea with or without lemon, natural juices without sugar, and unsweetened coffee.
  • Vegetable dishes are consumed without salt.
  • You can eat any stale bread.
  • When preparing first courses, you need to reduce the amount of salt.
  • For cooking, you can only use butter. Margarine and spreads (fatty products) are prohibited.
  • If the nutrition system is disrupted, the next day you need to go to the normal regime, according to the schedule. After 2-3 days, the weight will begin to decrease at a standard pace.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements to avoid vitamin deficiency.
  • Monitor the condition of the skin. If signs of sagging appear, cosmetic procedures should be carried out to prevent sagging skin.

Dr. Khazan recommends taking regular measurements to stay motivated. You need to weigh yourself every day at the same time. This will help you track changes in your body weight. Pulse and blood pressure should be measured daily. Once a week, someone losing weight donates blood for sugar testing. Twice a month it is necessary to measure the circumference of the chest, waist, hips, and neck. You need to stick to this weight loss system for 3 months. Upon completion of the diet, a break of 1-3 months is required.

Liepaja diet - nutrition table

According to this weight loss system, you need to consume no more than 1200 kcal per day, which is why it is classified as low-calorie. When creating a menu, you need to take into account the calorie content of the product and the serving size (no more than 150 grams). One of the days will be a fasting day. When “unloading” the amount of food intake increases to 5-6. In case of breakdowns, you can use the menu from the fasting day. Useful and prohibited food groups:


Authorized Products

Greens and vegetables

Eggplant, pumpkin, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, regular, cauliflower and sauerkraut, lettuce, beets, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, onions and green onions, dill, parsley.

Nuts and dried fruits

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts.

Boiled, fried chicken, turkey.

Fish and seafood

Sprats, any other canned low-fat fish.

Oils and fats

Butter, olive oil.


Low-fat doctor's sausage

Meat products

Fried, boiled pork, beef, rabbit, boiled pork, boiled beef tongue.

Soft drinks

Water, fruit juices, green tea, coffee.

Dry bread.


Low-fat sour cream, kefir, skim milk.

Seasonings and additional raw materials

Diet mayonnaise, dried herbs, honey.


Grapes, bananas, melons, pears, watermelons.


Cookies, pastries, cakes, jam, sweets, ice cream.

High in sugar and alcohol.

Allowed foods and drinks

The Liepāja diet does not impose overly strict food restrictions. For lunch on all days, except the fasting day, you can eat fried, baked, boiled meat. Low-calorie dressings are allowed: dietary mayonnaise, sugar-free mustard sauce with a fat content of no more than 2%, etc. You can even eat chicken or beef chops fried without oil. The total weight of one serving of food should not exceed 160 g. If it is too difficult for someone losing weight to give up sweets, you can use a sweetener instead of sugar. Authorized products:

  • apples;
  • all fresh vegetables;
  • poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • all types of seasonings;
  • fruit juices;
  • all types of nuts (preference should be given to walnuts).

List of prohibited products

The daily ration of the Liepaja diet should not exceed 1200 kcal, so you will have to exclude sausages, fatty meats, and cheese from the menu. Nutritionist Khazan recommends completely avoiding salt. To improve the taste of cooked dishes, you can add seasoning. Sweet fruits, candies, pasta, and baked goods are prohibited. The taboo applies to the following products:

  • bananas, melon, grapes, pear;
  • dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • ice cream;
  • jam;
  • sugar, salt;
  • pastries, cakes, cookies;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated and sweet drinks.

Menu for 3 months

It will be easier to stick to your diet if you start keeping a personal weight loss diary. There you need to enter a schedule of dishes for the week with recipes for their preparation. It can also be used to track the dynamics of changes in the circumference of the neck, waist, hips, and chest. You cannot replace some products with others, because this will lead to weight gain again. The exception is food allergies. Then you can choose an alternative. Dishes should be selected based on product availability. When drawing up a weekly menu, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. Use only approved products for cooking.
  2. Eat food every 5 hours. The maximum time period is 5.5 hours.
  3. The serving size of one dish should not exceed 150 g.
  4. The total calorie content of one meal is no more than 400 kcal.
  5. “Author’s” deviations from the diet are allowed only in the second and third months. At the first stage of losing weight, you must follow the recommended menu.

Diet in the first month

The Liepaja diet is well tolerated at the very beginning. Even fasting days are perceived easily by those losing weight. After 1-2 weeks, the first attacks of hunger will appear in the intervals between meals. To suppress them, you can drink hot tea, coffee, and clean water. You cannot eat any food to suppress hunger. The diet for the first month of the diet will be as follows:

Day of the week


  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • When cooking, you should use at least 3 types of vegetables. It is acceptable to add canned peas and lemon juice. You cannot season the side dish with olive oil.
  • 1 glass of fresh juice.
  • Vinaigrette – 90 ml.
  • Slice of bread 60*90*15 mm.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • Hot dish of seafood, fish with any sauce and seasonings – 160 ml.
  • Vegetable side dish – at least 90 ml.
  • 1 glass of fresh juice.
  • Meat salad (mix boiled potatoes with boiled meat, peas, egg, pickled cucumber and season with 1 tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise). If desired, it can be replaced with classic Olivier. – 120 ml.
  • 1 glass of tea, coffee, kefir, mineral water or milk.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • 2 soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled. You can cook scrambled eggs or an omelet from them in a frying pan without oil.
  • 1 apple.
  • 3-4 walnuts.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 2 glasses of milk, which can be replaced with a glass of kefir with a teaspoon of honey.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • Sandwich with cheese and butter (slice of bread 60*90*15 mm).
  • 135 g meat dish.
  • A glass of natural juice.
  • Vegetable vinaigrette – 5-6 tablespoons.
  • Sprats - 3-4 pieces.
  • A piece of bread.
  • A glass of milk or kefir.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • A sandwich with butter, a slice of meat or sausage.
  • Assorted vegetables - 5-6 tablespoons.
  • 135 g fish.
  • A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Meat salad seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream - 5-6 tablespoons.
  • A piece of bread.
  • A glass of kefir or milk.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • Hot meat dish with sauce and any seasonings – 120 g.
  • Vegetable side dish – at least 90 ml.
  • 1 glass of fresh juice.
  • Vinaigrette – 90 ml.
  • 1 tablespoon of caviar or canned fish.
  • Slice of bread 60*90*15 mm.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.


Fasting day. During the day you can consume:

  • 200 g cottage cheese.
  • 4 walnuts.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • 250 ml milk.
  • 2 apples.

Diet menu for the second month

The diet remains the same, but you can allow yourself to eat some foods containing sugar. These include raisins, unleavened crackers and sweet curd mass. From the second month you can make scrambled eggs for breakfast with vegetables and herbs (dill, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers). The serving size remains the same - 150 g. On a fasting day, the apple can be replaced with 120 g of berries.

Nutrition in the third month of the diet

The basic diet is maintained, but another fasting day is added. For 5 meals, someone losing weight can drink 7 glasses of kefir or eat 1 kilogram of apples. If desired, you can add vegetable broths or soups to your existing diet. Their volume should not exceed 350 ml. Soups replace half of the fish or meat lunch. But this requirement is not mandatory. You can continue to follow the menu for the second month.

Deviations from the standard diet, with the exception of soups and broths, must be kept to a minimum. Eating large quantities of sweet curd mass, raisins and various fruits will cause weight loss to stop.

This nutritional method was developed by nutritionist Lev Khazan. Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet allows you to lose 10 kg or more in 3 months. Over this fairly long period of time, the body gets used to a new eating behavior - taking a smaller amount of food with a lower calorie content.

Dr. Lev Khazan

The paradox is that you can eat ordinary and familiar foods, even mayonnaise and sour cream, sausage and canned food, cheese, but in small quantities, giving preference to less fatty and low-calorie foods. Its secret is in small portions and counting the calorie content of food.

The bottom line is that the amount of food per day should not exceed 500 grams. for men and 400 gr. for women. The food is divided into three meals as follows: for lunch 250 grams, the rest 250 grams. divided between breakfast (30-40%) and dinner (60-70%). The diet has a daily calorie content of 1200 kcal. It is accessible and anyone can endure it, since it includes ordinary and familiar dishes. Eating at a strictly defined time is justified - after a few days, the metabolism functions effectively for a while.

In the late eighties of the 20th century, the nutritionist did not think about promoting the author’s method, did not write articles, so Lev Khazan’s book was never published, but a year later they started talking about him and patients from Latvia and Lithuania began to contact him.

This nutritional method became widespread and popular after journalist Alexei Bogomolov and psychiatrist Audrius Jozenas achieved amazing results using it. Bogomolov’s book describes his personal experience of losing weight by 50 kg over three years, his feelings and a schedule of nutrition after the end of the program. He claims that weight can be reduced without much difficulty by eating habitually and comfortably. The developer of the method called his patient, Dr. Audrius Jozenas, who lost 50 kg, his follower and student. Now he practices as a nutritionist in Kazakhstan, helping to get rid of excess weight.

Diet highlights:

  • three meals a day according to a strict menu;
  • it is necessary to strictly monitor the volume of portions;
  • a break of at least five hours between meals;
  • “snacks” are not allowed; if you feel an unbearable feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of water;
  • fish and meat - no more than 135 g per day;
  • one day a week is a fasting day;
  • refusal to consume salt or its significant limitation;
  • during the day, drink up to 1.5 liters of water in winter and 2 liters in summer;
  • full sleep (at least 8 hours);
  • from the second month take additionally vitamins With minerals.

Cheese and meat sandwiches

It is very important to alternate between meat and dairy (with cheese) sandwiches for breakfast, as well as meat and fish for lunch. The dietary program is designed for sequential intake of different types of proteins. The full cycle of the dietary program lasts 3-4 months. The first two months the menu remains unchanged. From the third month, the basic diet changes - it is assumed that the author of the method develops further nutrition individually for each patient in a personal meeting. However, this does not always work out and most continue to eat, taking the basic menu as a basis.

With the loss of every 7 kg, a “weight plateau” is possible, when the weight “stays” the same. This condition can last up to 2 weeks. It is necessary to continue to follow the prescribed regimen, the body will adapt to the new weight and the kilograms will fall off again.

You need to lose weight to the weight that you consider ideal for yourself. Let this take six months or more. Just after 1-2 months you can start dieting again. After achieving the result, proceed to a normal diet, but the most important thing is not to overeat. At this point, it is advisable to include active sports activities so that the weight does not return.

As for breakfast, coffee has restrictions only regarding additives (sugar, cream, milk). There are no restrictions on the amount, but it is important to drink the same amount every morning. In the morning there is an alternative - tea, regular loose leaf or bagged and without additives.

The dimensions of a portioned piece of bread (60 x 90 x 15 mm) and permitted additives to it in the form of cheese and sausage (60 x 90 x 12 mm) are strictly specified; low-fat varieties are preferable. The butter is spread on the bread in a thin, almost transparent layer. Any bread, but dried. On certain days, instead of sandwiches, you need to eat two eggs: hard-boiled, “in a bag,” soft-boiled, fried (fried egg or omelette), cooked in a frying pan without oil.

Baked fish

For lunch, on all days except the fasting day, meat and fish can be eaten fried, baked or boiled, but no more than 130-140 g in finished form, and with sauce - 160 g. It can even be a fried chop with or without seasonings. However, natural cooked meat is better - beef, chicken, turkey, pork, rabbit. Any sauce is allowed, if it is mayonnaise, then light or cocktail sauce for seafood.

The salad is made from 3 types of fresh vegetables, some can be eaten boiled or stewed (beets, cauliflower), as well as canned (green peas). Greens - unlimited.

Do not add vegetable oil. Meat and fish are weighed; volume is important for side dishes. It should be smaller in volume than a hot dish. You should proceed from the volume of water - 120 ml for men and 90 ml. for women. The water level in the glass serves as a measure for a side dish for lunch, vinaigrette and meat salad for dinner.

The last dishes are prepared according to the usual recipes and rotate every day for dinner. Meat salad is seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

Canned seafood (sardines, tuna, horse mackerel, shrimp, caviar) are allowed in the amount of 1 tablespoon. A fasting day is considered a curd day. Preference is given to low-fat cottage cheese and milk (kefir).

Freshly squeezed juice (220-230 ml) is preferable, but you can drink it from packages - fruit juice (without sugar) or vegetable juice.

Nutrition is designed for the responsibility and determination of everyone: any indulgence prevents you from losing kilos. Based on Dr. Khazan’s observations of his patients, the conclusion was drawn that any attempt to modify their diet greatly slows down or completely stops weight loss.

Vegetables and greens

greens2,60,45,236eggplant1,20,14,524zucchini0,60,34,624cabbage1,80,14,727broccoli3,00,45,228sauerkraut1,80,14,419boiled cauliflower1,80,34,029potatoes2,00,41 8,180 green onion 1,30,04,619 onion 1 ,40,010,441cucumbers0,80,12,815salad peppers1,30,05,327salad1,20,31,312beets1,50,18,840asparagus1,90,13,120tomatoes0,60,24,220pumpkin1,30,37,728



Nuts and dried fruits


Bakery products


Raw materials and seasonings


skim milk kefir 1% sour cream 15% (low fat) 2.615.03.0158

Meat products

boiled pork 22,631,60,0375 fried pork 11,449,30,0489 beef 18,919,40,0187 boiled beef tongue 23,915,00,0231 rabbit 21,08,00,0156 boiled pork 16,418,31,0233


boiled doctor's sausage13.722.80.0260


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170fried chicken26,012,00,0210turkey19,20,70,084


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

butter0.582.50.8748 olive oil0.099.80.0898

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0-green tea0,00,00,0-

Juices and compotes


Fully or partially limited products

The diet is based on the exclusion of foods containing carbohydrates - sugar, candy, baked goods, pasta, sweet fruits (melon, grapes, pear, banana). You need to change your habits and enjoy unsweetened tea and coffee, juices without added sugar. Milk, cream, artificial sweeteners, as well as lemon and other fruits should also not be added to tea and coffee.

Since the daily diet should not exceed 1200 kcal, it goes without saying that it is better to exclude fatty meats and fish, fatty sausages and cheese. Salt is completely excluded from the diet; if this is not possible, then preference is given to sea salt in a minimal amount. To improve the taste of food, it is allowed to use seasonings. Alcoholic drinks and carbonated water are specifically prohibited.

* data is per 100 g of product

Below is a menu from which it is forbidden to deviate by replacing some ingredients with others. In view of the repetition of certain cycles in nutrition by month, for convenience, it is presented in the form of a table.

This table assumes curd unloading on Sunday; according to some options, it is carried out on Wednesdays, which is not so important. This diet is organized in the first month.

The main menu remains unchanged, but is expanded by adding carbohydrates to the diet - on Fridays dinner will consist of 80 grams. sweet curd mass, 3 tsp. raisins, 6 unsweetened crackers, 220 juice (milk or kefir). Starting from the second month, you can make scrambled eggs with vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, bell peppers) and herbs for breakfast. On a fasting day, replace one apple with 120 grams. berries

The basic diet is maintained, but another fasting day is added on Monday: for 5 meals you can eat 1 kilogram of fruit and drink 7 glasses of kefir. If desired, you can add vegetable soups and broths in an amount of 350 ml. They replace half of one meat or fish lunch, leaving 70 g of meat or fish. But this is not necessary and you can continue the menu for the second month.

Absolute contraindications - pregnancy And lactation.

Not applicable due to the reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates.

For more successful weight loss, you need to do the following:

  • To accurately measure portions, you will need a kitchen scale.
  • Follow nutritional recommendations strictly.
  • Eating at a strictly fixed time (the break between breakfast and lunch is five hours, between lunch and dinner - 5.5 hours).
  • Temporarily stop regular exercise. You can resume them after losing weight.
  • Daily self-massage of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and sea salt bath. With intense weight loss.
  • It is better to contact a professional massage therapist.

To monitor your health and weight:

  • Measure every day arterial pressure And pulse.
  • Check your blood sugar levels weekly.
  • Weigh yourself daily.
  • Twice a month measure the circumference of your waist, chest, neck, and hips. Indicators of dynamics of weight, volume and health status should be recorded in a diary.

When you reach the desired weight, you switch to a regular diet, but arrange a fasting once a week to choose from: vegetable (1 kg of various vegetables), kefir (6 glasses), fruit and berry (1.5 kg of fruits and berries and 0.5 liters). kefir).

It is very important to complete a six-month weight stabilization program - to maintain it without allowing a significant increase (plus/minus 700 grams).

To do this you need:

  • Keep the same meal times.
  • Don't snack between meals.
  • The first two weeks you need to maintain the serving size, but you can eat everything.
  • Do one fasting day per week.
  • With a weight increase of 700 grams. Follow the diet for the first month of the diet.
  • If you overeat heavily, you need to go on a fast the next day. Drink only water and herbal tea. This will allow the stomach to return to its previous size.

Having become familiar with the basic principles and diet, any nutritionist will question its benefits and effectiveness. How can you lose weight by eating sandwiches, meat salads, fried meat. Nevertheless, people lose weight thoroughly; it is harmless to health and psyche. For people accustomed to a traditional diet, it is light and comfortable.

Liepaja diet - reviews from doctors:

  • “... I think that 5 hours between meals is a lot. To avoid feeling hungry, you should take a break of no more than 3 hours”;
  • “... I don’t like sandwiches, fried meat and meat salad are not acceptable. I think it’s impossible to lose weight by sticking to this diet.”

However, reviews of those who have lost weight show the opposite. Everyone notes its availability, easy tolerability, and lack of hunger during the day. Many believe that in 3 months they were able to switch to proper nutrition by reducing the amount of food they took. Of course, the results were different, but they cannot be the same, since it depends on many components (initial weight, metabolic level). Most often, in the first month, many lost a third of excess weight, and the minimum number of kilograms lost over all these months was 5.

Here are some reviews:

  • “... I felt comfortable because I could afford my favorite foods for breakfast and lunch, but in small quantities. The weight came off quite quickly”;
  • “... In addition to the lost kilograms (15 in 3 months), my blood sugar has normalized”;
  • “... To be honest, the need to snack out of habit between main meals was there, but it was strongly restrained, so I achieved results - 13 kg”;
  • “... In fourteen days I lost seven kilograms, five hundred grams. But after that the dynamics of the discharge slowed down”;
  • “... My result for the first week was six kilograms, for the second - only 1 kg. I continue to fight”;
  • “... Ten days later I noticed that my blood pressure did not fluctuate. I reduced my weight by 10 kg in 2 months, although I often made deviations from my diet”;
  • “... Thanks to her, I learned to eat right”;
  • “... I lost 6 kg in a month. I'm happy with the result!";
  • “... I lost 40 kg. The rate of discharge was high. I consulted with Khazan, why I went to Liepaja”;
  • “... I lost 20 kg during this entire time. As long as the weight stays in one pore, I eat right”;
  • “...Very effective and kept the weight off for a long time, but after the birth of my third child I gained weight again”;
  • “... I’m very glad that I lost 15 kg and, most importantly, I was full”;
  • “... In a week - minus 1.5 kg. I feel fine, I don’t feel hungry at all, and I don’t have any cravings for sweets either”;
  • “... It helped a lot. I liked that the lunch menu was varied - you could have beef, chicken, various fish, turkey. And a sandwich with coffee in the morning is fine”;
  • “... For three months, the vinaigrette and meat salad were a little stressful, but the result was worth it - minus 15 kg. Now I wish I could hold on."

The diet is not very expensive, since all products are common and affordable. Moreover, they are used in our daily life for the whole family (cheese, lean meat, boiled pork, sausage for sandwiches, eggs, etc.).

To calculate the cost, the weekly menu is taken as a basis. Expenses for a week with three meat, two fish and one cottage cheese days are 900-1000 rubles. If we take into account that the diet does not change throughout the month, then monthly expenses will be equal to a maximum of 4,000 rubles.

Thanks to the original method of the Baltic nutritionist Lev Khazan, all those who dream of losing excess weight, but do not want or are simply not ready to radically change their diet, can breathe a sigh of relief. The ability to eat familiar foods in sufficient quantities and at the same time lose weight is a wonderful property that has already been appreciated by many famous public figures in Latvia who have used Dr. Khazan’s Liepaja diet. People from all over the Soviet Union came to the town of Liepaja, where he practiced, to get a slim figure. As time passed, the technique became more and more popular, and Lev Khazan became more and more famous, until today he became the most famous nutritionist in his country. And such widespread popularity of his technique is, of course, due to the achievement of impressive results.

The difference between Dr. Khazan’s diet and many others lies in its absolute scientific validity. In medicine, there is a theory according to which a person loses weight if the number of calories he consumes is intensively consumed. More precisely, extra pounds will only go away when calorie consumption exceeds the amount they enter the body with food. Naturally, it is important to simultaneously monitor the balance of your diet in terms of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But still, pay special attention to exactly how many calories are contained in what you eat every day.

The Liepaja diet of Dr. Khazan is designed for three months. After each such course, you will need a period of rest from the diet. You cannot exceed the period of using the diet, and this does not make sense, since the body will develop an addiction to the new diet, and no matter how much you eat non-calorie food, you will no longer lose weight. You need to alternate periods of diet and rest until the desired result is achieved.

Dr. Khazan's method requires not only to eat a certain way, but also to regularly devote some time to measuring.

First point

You will need to worry about purchasing scales if you don’t have them. You will need to weigh yourself every day at the same self-set time. This approach will not only allow you to track changes in weight, but will also have a positive effect on your mood - when the result of an action is visible, there is no particular desire to stop it.

Second point

Measurement of pulse and blood pressure. These measurements are also taken daily.

Third point

Measure the neck, waist, chest and hips (separately at the widest part and both together). These measurements will need to be taken twice a month.

You will also need to measure your blood sugar levels once a week.

All data is entered into a special diary, which will allow you to monitor the situation and analyze the effectiveness of the diet.

You will need to eat according to Dr. Khazan’s system three times a day. Any snacks are prohibited! It is necessary to strictly ensure that the period between meals does not last more than five hours. It is advisable to have breakfast from 9.00 to 12.00, lunch - from 14.00 to 17.00, and the last meal should be from 19.30 to 22.30. An important nuance concerns the duration of sleep - it should be at least 8 hours.

Many people losing weight will be disappointed that no snacking is allowed during the day. This rule must be strictly followed, without giving yourself any concessions. The fact is that, according to Dr. Khazan, this is the solution to the problem that plagues many overweight people - low blood sugar. Eating three meals a day improves the proper functioning of the pancreas, which helps normalize the above-mentioned indicator.

As for the caloric content of dishes, it is important not to go beyond the limit established by Dr. Khazan - 1200 kcal daily.

You cannot deviate from the established menu. You cannot refuse to use any of them, nor can you replace one with another at your own discretion. In fact, many effective diets set such a strict restriction.

You need to consume a sufficient amount of liquid per day - water, weak unsweetened tea (without adding lemon) or coffee, unsweetened juices. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (up to 2 liters in summer).

Products prohibited during the diet include:

  • pure sugar;
  • sweets;
  • sweet juices;
  • sparkling sweet water;
  • alcohol.

There are certain rules for preparing dishes. So you need to limit salt when preparing hot dishes, reducing its amount by half, and do not add salt to vegetable dishes at all.

If it suddenly happens that the diet has been violated, it is important to react to it correctly. Don't start fasting, trying to catch up, but just go back to your normal routine the next day. The effect will appear after a few days, when the weight begins to decrease again at the same pace.

Meals in the first month

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

  • Breakfast – a sandwich with butter and cheese + unsweetened tea or natural coffee without milk.
  • Lunch – vegetables (5-6 tbsp.) + meat (135 g.) + juice.
  • Dinner – vinaigrette with sprats (5-6 tbsp) + bread (30 g) + kefir or milk.

Day 5

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

Day 6

  • Lunch – vegetables (5-6 tbsp.) + meat (135 g.) + juice.
  • Dinner – vinaigrette with sprats (5-6 tbsp) + bread (30 g) + kefir or milk.

Day 7

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

This period is a turning point in the diet. It is now that someone losing weight using the Khazan method begins to feel tired from following a diet, and it is now that there is a high probability of failure. To prevent this, a nutritionist allows you to introduce a little sweet into your diet without changing it as a whole. You can also eat fruits in the second month.

Day 1

  • Breakfast – a sandwich with butter and cheese + unsweetened tea or natural coffee without milk.
  • Lunch – vegetables (5-6 tbsp.) + meat (135 g.) + juice.
  • Dinner – vinaigrette with sprats (5-6 tbsp) + bread (30 g) + kefir or milk.

Day 2

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

Day 3

  • Breakfast and lunch – apple + walnut kernels (4 pcs.) + cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Dinner – kefir (0.5 l.) + honey (1-2 tsp.).

Day 4

  • Breakfast – a sandwich with butter and cheese + unsweetened tea or natural coffee without milk.

Day 5

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

Day 6

  • Breakfast – hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.) + tea or coffee.

Day 7

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

If earlier the weight decreased actively, then by the third month the rate decreases noticeably - the so-called “plateau phase” begins. To overcome this effect, changes are introduced into the diet - a fasting day appears. In general, the menu remains the same.

Day 1 – fasting

  • For the whole day you need to eat a kilogram of fruit and drink 7 glasses of kefir. All this is divided not into three already familiar meals, but into five.

Day 2

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

Day 3

  • Breakfast and lunch – apple + walnut kernels (4 pcs.) + cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Dinner – kefir (0.5 l.) + honey (1-2 tsp.).

Day 4

  • Breakfast – a sandwich with butter and cheese + unsweetened tea or natural coffee without milk.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + meat (135 g) + half a glass of juice + some prunes or some fruit (pear, grapefruit, orange, apple or 2 tangerines).
  • Dinner – curd cheese (3 tbsp) + raisins (30 g) + cookies (5 pcs.) + kefir or milk or tea with milk.

Day 5

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

Day 6

  • Breakfast – hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.) + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch – vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + meat (135 g) + half a glass of juice + some prunes or some fruit (pear, grapefruit, orange, apple or 2 tangerines).
  • Dinner - curd cheese (3 tbsp) + raisins (30 g) + cookies (5 pcs.) + kefir or milk or tea with milk.

Day 7

  • Breakfast - sandwich with meat + tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetables (5-6 tbsp) + fish in any form (135 g) + fruit juice.
  • Dinner – Olivier-style salad with meat (5-6 tbsp) + bread + kefir or milk.

Due to the fairly strict diet, it is better to refuse significant physical activity, because the body will already be exhausted. However, if you previously practiced physical activity, then in this case it is not necessary to give it up.

Every day you will need to massage problem areas - thighs, buttocks and abdomen. This is where the skin will become loose due to weight loss. You will also need to periodically undergo a massage course from a professional massage therapist. You need to visit it after every 10 kilograms lost.

To prevent sagging skin, you will need to take hot baths using pine needle extract or sea salt. You can start with a temperature of 38 degrees, gradually increasing it to 45 degrees.

Important! Before you start practicing Dr. Khazan's diet, you should find out if there are any contraindications to taking hot baths. Such a contraindication would be the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dr. Hazan's Liepaja diet is aimed at those who want to lose a small amount of kilograms (up to 12).

The first tangible result will be noticeable already at the end of the first month, when it will be possible to miss a third of the total amount of excess weight. The same amount will go away after the second month of the diet. By the end of the third, your weight will be as close to normal as possible.

After losing about 8 kilograms, weight loss may stop – it will enter the so-called “plateau phase”. In this case, the main task is to resist the temptation to quit the diet, since this is a temporary phenomenon. You need to give your body time to get used to the new weight, after which the weight loss process will begin again.

The minimum amount of weight leaving the body will be 5 kilograms. If this result is not entirely expected, then the diet course can be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

Alas, even the author’s method of a certified nutritionist cannot be universal, suitable for absolutely everyone who wants to lose weight. Dr. Khazan’s diet has contraindications (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure), so you will need to consult a doctor before trying it.

Dr. Khazan's diet is not suitable for those who seriously devote themselves to strength training - this is due to the need to constantly maintain a high metabolism. Another disadvantage of the Liepaja diet for athletes is the forced three meals a day, which they simply will not have enough. However, such a diet can also be a plus, because those losing weight using Dr. Khazan’s method are not at all required to eat 5-7 times a day, which will be very convenient for those who work or who find it inconvenient to eat frequently for other reasons.

Other disadvantages of the Lev Khazan diet include a monotonous menu, which cannot be changed at your discretion. In addition, the diet in the first month excludes the consumption of fruits, which not everyone will like.

The Liepāja diet also has its advantages. For example, you don’t need to radically change your diet; it consists of familiar foods and is balanced. While on a diet, you can indulge in eating delicious food without making adjustments to eating habits that have already been developed over the years. This means there will be no feeling of discomfort. In addition, such a diet can be practiced more than once, the main thing is to maintain the necessary rest period.

The habit of eating at the same time, which a person losing weight will acquire due to the limited time frame of breakfast, lunch and dinner, will bring nothing but benefit to his body.

Another plus lies in the combination of the diet with pleasant bath procedures, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

In general, this technique will effectively help people who want to get rid of excess weight and do not have significant health problems. Moreover, you can follow Dr. Khazan’s system throughout your life, naturally, diversifying the menu with first courses.

The name of the legendary diet comes from the city of Liepaja, which is located in southwestern Latvia. It is where its developer lives - the famous certified nutritionist Lev Yakovlevich Khazan, who devoted more than 25 years of his life to the issue of losing weight without harm to health. The technique gained wide popularity when the famous journalist Alexei Bogomolov and the Latvian psychiatrist Audrius Jozenas lost weight using it. As a result, Khazan called the latter his student and follower. Bogomolov was so impressed by the result that he wrote an entire book in which he presented in detail his personal experience, nutritional patterns, photographs and a weight loss diary. It is worth noting that he was able not only to lose 50 kilograms, but also subsequently maintain the result at normal levels.

A characteristic feature of the Liepaja diet is the ability to eat tasty and satisfying food. You can even eat foods that seem to have nothing to do with being slim. Among them are cheese, sausage, butter, mayonnaise, bread, etc.

There is a version that since the late 80s of the twentieth century, the entire European political elite has been on this diet, and the record holder for losing weight using this system managed to lose as much as 120 kg!

The nutritional table developed by Khazan consists of such a combination of foods, thanks to which you can not experience a painful feeling of hunger and not “choke” on tasteless food.

Sports activities are also excluded for this period, since the nutritionist is sure that excessive physical activity only stimulates the body’s need for calories.

The diet lasts 3 months. During this period, the following principles must be strictly observed:

  • monitor the volume of food and its calorie content - it is permissible to consume no more than 1200 kcal per day;
  • in the autumn-winter period you should drink 6-7 glasses of still water per day, in summer and spring - at least 8 glasses;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day, always go to bed at the same time;
  • if you break your diet, you shouldn’t go hungry - just return to your normal diet the next day;
  • the consumption of sugar, sweet foods, drinks and alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited;
  • limit your salt intake: add very little salt to hot dishes, and eat vegetables unsalted;
  • choose meat, fish, cheeses and low-fat sausages;
  • do not deviate from the recommended menu and do not replace one product with another;
  • do not eat fresh bread, but bread that is beginning to go stale;
  • Having lost weight to your optimal weight, go to your usual diet, but maintain moderation in your diet and do not overeat;
  • Get an accurate floor scale and weigh yourself every day (in the morning before breakfast) in the same light clothes. Write down all data in a notebook;
  • Visit a therapist once a week to measure your blood pressure and pulse, and take a blood test to check your sugar level twice a month. If there are deviations from the norm, consult your doctor and stop the diet;
  • starting from the second month, take the course of multivitamins recommended by your therapist.

The specified diet must be strictly adhered to in the first month.


  • breakfast: coffee/or tea, a slice of bread with butter and a slice of hard cheese;
  • lunch: 180 ml of any first course, 7 tablespoons of vegetable salad, a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • a small plate of vinaigrette, 50 g of canned fish, a glass of any fermented milk drink, juice, tea (with milk) or mineral water.
  • breakfast: coffee/tea, a piece of bread with butter and a piece of meat or sausage;
  • lunch: 180 ml of fish first course, a small plate of fresh or boiled vegetables, juice;
  • dinner: 120 g of salad of boiled vegetables, meat and sausage with sour cream or mayonnaise, a glass of juice, water, tea or coffee.
  • breakfast: coffee/tea, 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • lunch: 180 ml of first meat, 7 tablespoons of vegetable side dish (stew, vinaigrette, etc.), juice;
  • dinner: a plate of vinaigrette, 50 g of canned fish, a glass of tea, juice or mineral water.
  • breakfast: coffee/tea, bread with butter and a piece of meat or sausage;
  • lunch: 180 ml of first fish, a plate of boiled or fresh vegetables, juice;
  • dinner: salad of boiled vegetables and meat (120-130 g), tea or juice.
  • breakfast: coffee/tea, bread with butter and a slice of hard cheese;
  • lunch: 180 ml first meal with meat, 7 tablespoons of vegetable salad, juice;
  • dinner: a plate of vinaigrette, a slice of bread, canned fish, a glass of tea or juice.
  • breakfast: coffee/tea, bread with butter and a piece of meat;
  • lunch: 180 ml of first fish, a plate of vegetable side dish, juice;
  • dinner: 120 g of boiled vegetable salad, a slice of bread, a cup of tea or a glass of juice.


In the second and third months of the diet, Friday dinner can optionally be replaced with five cookies and glazed chocolate curd.

Weight loss can cause your skin to become loose. To prevent this effect, perform the following procedures several times a week:

  • Massage your stomach, buttocks and thighs regularly with a special plastic massager. If you have lost more than 10 kg of weight, consult a professional massage therapist;
  • twice a week for half an hour, take warm baths (about 45 ° C) with the addition of sea salt and pine needle extract.

Even if you feel like an absolutely healthy person, consult with an experienced nutritionist before using it.

Modern weight loss techniques are similar to each other. Rarely does any of them stand out from the general series. One of these is the Liepaja diet of Dr. Khazan - long-lasting, effective, confirmed by numerous examples from real life and significantly different from the rest. If you need to get rid of 10 or more kilograms with minimal losses in terms of health and want to test your own willpower, this is an ideal option for such purposes.

Lev Yakovlevich Khazan (1946-2015) - Liepaja nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. Studied at the Faculty of Sports Medicine at the University of Tartu. In the late 80s, he developed a nutrition system for intensive weight loss, which he named after his hometown (Liepaja is in Latvia) the “Liepaja diet.” He did not publish any books, but the technique became incredibly popular in the West and in Russia, thanks to his students who were able to lose tens of kilograms.

Nutritionist Lev Yakovlevich Khazan

Alexey Alekseevich Bogomolov (born 1956) is a very versatile person: by education he is a lawyer and historian, in Soviet times he was a hockey player and a teacher, then he retrained as a writer and journalist. Today he is listed as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda, where he runs the project “Lose Weight with the Stars!” Author of the book “Liepaja diet. Detailed nutrition diary with tables and diagrams." A patient of Dr. Khazan lost 45 kg using his technique.

Audrius Josenas (born 1966) is a psychiatrist, a student of Bogomolov, who lost 50 kg on this diet and is also an active promoter and living example.

Since the diet of Lev Yakovlevich Khazan was not officially published by him (he saw patients individually) and was not promoted in any way, its basic principles can be found in the mentioned book by Bogomolov and numerous interviews with Yozenas.

The Liepaja diet surprises not only with its unusual name, but also with its weight loss scheme itself. It has points that distinguish it from other methods. Therefore, it is first worth studying the basic principles by which you will have to live for more than one month.

  1. The list of prohibited products is minimal. Khazan allowed the consumption of mayonnaise, sour cream, sausage, canned food, cheese and even beer.
  2. The food should be low-calorie: the daily norm is 1,200 kcal.
  3. Weight loss is achieved by reducing portion sizes: men should eat no more than 500 g of food per day, women - 400 g.
  4. The food is predominantly protein, low in carbohydrates and fats.
  5. The diet consists of alternating different types of proteins every other day: for breakfast - a sandwich with cheese / meat, for lunch - hot meat / fish.
  6. Three meals without snacks are organized at a strictly defined time, which causes the metabolism to speed up after just a week.
  7. There is one fasting cottage cheese day per week.
  8. In the first 1-2 months, the menu is stable and does not allow any deviations from the author’s methodology. Then adjustments are possible.
  9. Salt is excluded or at least limited to a minimum.
  10. Full weight loss course - 4 months.

The main feature of the Liepaja diet is the stability of its menu and the above principles. Nothing can be changed in them. As Bogomolov notes, any deviations can disrupt the well-functioning mechanism of losing weight and accelerating metabolism. This is explained by the fact that Dr. Khazan worked for a long time on its creation, carefully selecting products and portion sizes, taking into account the smallest details of the diet.

The list of absolute contraindications includes only pregnancy and lactation. There are many more relative ones:

  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels, blood circulation;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • liver pathologies;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mental and eating disorders;
  • if there are no more than 5 extra kilos;
  • professional sports, heavy physical activity.

If you have the above diseases and conditions, you should consult your doctor.

  • the diet contains animal protein and fiber;
  • healthy eating habits are developed;
  • easy to carry;
  • in 3-4 months you can get rid of at least 10 kg, and without harm to health, which is proven by real life examples;
  • optional training;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • The author of this technique is a doctor and professional nutritionist.
  • unbalanced: minimal amount of fats and proteins, no carbohydrates;
  • the amount of fruit is limited as much as possible, especially at the first stage;
  • the body may not receive enough nutrients, which interferes with the functioning of internal organs;
  • strict adherence to the menu without the right to make your own adjustments;
  • small portions, which at first will cause a strong feeling of hunger;
  • monotony of diet;
  • low daily caloric intake is poorly tolerated by men;
  • lack of first courses;
  • Due to the loss of a large number of kilograms, the skin in problem areas may sag.

Often the advantages of the Liepaja diet can be seen as the absence of side effects. Indeed, Dr. Khazan took care of this and tried to minimize the negative consequences of such a diet on health. No wonder his system is considered one of the safest. However, in practice, some unpleasant moments cannot be avoided.

In particular, in a number of reviews people note decreased performance, weakness, various eating disorders and increased blood pressure. In isolated cases, vitamin deficiency and anemia were diagnosed. But they are dictated, rather, by the inattention of those losing weight themselves. According to surveys, for the same lunch they always prepared a salad from the same vegetables, but the diet allows you to eat any. In addition, from the second month it is recommended to drink a multivitamin complex.

Bogomolov gives the recommendations below in his book. They reflect the weight loss system of Dr. Khazan himself with the additions of Alexey Alekseevich, who experienced all the hardships of this hunger strike from his own experience, and achieved excellent results.


  1. Buy scales.
  2. Weigh yourself every day immediately after waking up without clothes at the same time.
  3. Carry out control weighing once a week.
  4. Once every 2 weeks, measure the volume of the neck, chest (at its highest point), abdomen, hips.
  5. Record all results.
  6. After losing every 7-10 kg, a so-called “weight coat” can form, when weight loss stops for 1-2 weeks. This doesn't mean you need to stop there. After the body recovers from stress and gets used to the new weight, the fat burning process will continue.


  1. Three main meals.
  2. The interval between them is no less than 5 and no more than 5 and a half hours.
  3. Bogomolov suggests the following times for meals: half past ten in the morning, 15.30 in the afternoon and in the evening - 20.30.
  4. No snacks.
  5. In the first 2 months - no deviations from the menu.
  6. If you fail, don’t panic: you don’t need to start all over again. Just proceed further according to the prescribed menu. The rate of weight loss will gradually recover.
  7. In addition to liquids (tea, coffee, juices), you need to drink 1.75 liters of plain water daily. In summer this amount increases to 2 liters.
  1. Adequate sleep of at least 8 and no more than 9 hours is required.
  2. Go to bed and wake up strictly according to schedule.
  3. Twice a week, take hot baths with pine extracts or sea salt.
  4. Exercise is not prohibited, but Dr. Khazan did not recommend it, believing that it slows down the weight loss process.
  5. If you start to feel too cold in winter, don’t be afraid of new sensations. This is a normal process.
  6. It is recommended to measure pulse and blood pressure daily, and sugar levels once a week.
  7. Starting from the second month of the diet, you must additionally take a multivitamin complex.
  8. Don't panic because of a breakdown. If there was a feast, a fasting day is organized immediately after it, and then according to the schedule.

Since the results can reach 20 kg or more, you need to take care in advance to ensure that the skin does not sag after such weight loss. Recommended preventive procedures: massage, body wraps, infrared sauna.

If you still have doubts and questions, it’s worth reading Bogomolov’s book, which is essentially a diary of his weight loss. In it, he describes his path to a slim and healthy body, mistakes, experiments, achievements that can be adopted to avoid disappointments.