
How to sunbathe in a solarium for people with fair skin? How long does a tan last after a solarium and the secrets of maintaining it? Why does the skin turn red after a solarium?


- This is the dream of every girl. If you can sunbathe in the sun in summer, you won’t be able to do this in winter. That is why most of the fair sex visit the solarium.

Most of them have a question: how long does a tan last after a solarium? This directly depends on a large number of factors.

A tanned body looks slimmer and more well-groomed

A few days before the first visit to the solarium, the fairer sex is recommended to undergo peeling. With its help, the dead layer of the epidermis is removed. Thanks to this procedure, the tan will stick very well to the renewed skin.

After the session, water procedures are strictly prohibited for four hours. This is because water interferes with the production of melanin. For bathing, you need to use special gels for tanned skin.

Thanks to their unique composition, the skin is cleansed as gently as possible while preserving the tan. In between visits to the solarium, it is recommended to use self-tanners. Using these products you can maintain a dark shade for a longer period.

Self-tanning should be used with extreme caution, as if applied incorrectly, it can result in uneven skin tone.

The solarium is a unique opportunity to tan at any time of the year. It helps darken the skin in the shortest possible time. The tan lasts for several weeks after tanning.

To obtain the best results and prolong the tan, a woman is recommended to follow the rules for visiting a solarium. The tanning effect can only be maintained if you visit regularly. But representatives of the fairer sex should not overdo it in this regard, since frequent visits to the solarium have a negative impact on their health.

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Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

In this article we will talk in detail about all the issues related to the artificial sun.

Characteristics of ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet rays are energy waves that have shorter wavelengths than visible light rays. There are three types of ultraviolet light: ultraviolet A (UVA), ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet C (UVC). Of these three types of rays, only UVA and UVB rays pass through the atmospheric filter. The skin tans in air thanks to light waves in the UVA and UVB range. Light rays of the same ranges are formed in special lamps used in tanning equipment.

Longer UVA rays can penetrate the skin to deeper layers without causing significant damage to the upper layers of the skin. Shorter-range UVB rays are more intense and long-term exposure can cause burns.

Even though UVA rays predominate in ultraviolet radiation, sunlight still has a fairly high percentage of UVB radiation. Tanning salons use a carefully controlled combination of both types of these rays to protect sunbathers from getting burned while at the same time achieving the beautiful cosmetic effect of tanned skin without damaging it.

Skin and tanning process

The skin has many components, mainly it can be divided into three layers. The top layer of skin, the epidermis, contains cells called melanocytes, which are involved in the tanning process. Melanocytes use an amino acid called tyrosine to create dark brown granules called melanosomes. Melanosomes contain melanin, which performs a very specific function in the body by protecting the skin from excess exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The presence of melanin in the skin actually colors it. Every person has the same number of melanocytes. The melanocytes you have will secrete a certain amount of melanin depending on your heredity, which explains why people have different skin types and colors. Melanocytes will secrete additional melanosomes when exposed to ultraviolet waves, thereby promoting darkening of the skin in order to protect the body from additional radiation. Actually, this is how tanning occurs.

At intense or large doses, ultraviolet radiation can cause burns. Ultraviolet irradiation can cause negative skin reactions when the body contains certain drugs or chemicals that affect photosensitivity. Some skin types may react to ultraviolet light with pain, itching, tingling, swelling, hives, rashes and blisters.

Ultraviolet tanning lamps contain a strictly calculated combination of UVA and UVB radiation, each of which plays its own role in tanning, making the process as controlled and safe as possible. Tanning bed lamps emit enough UVB light to stimulate melanocytes to rapidly release melanin, while UVA light softens the damaging effects of UVB light and causes a slow darkening of most of the skin. This is why indoor tans appear gray-brown, rather than the red-brown color that tans typically appear after sunbathing. Gray-brown color is the natural color of skin containing melanin, while red-brown color usually indicates that tanning is caused by exposure to UVB radiation and there is blood flow from damaged blood vessels, more commonly known as sunburn.

It should be noted that according to scientific research, any ultraviolet radiation causes damage to the skin, but the skin is elastic and can repair most damaged cells. Prolonged UV exposure to strong UV radiation is a leading cause of irreversible skin damage, which is why it is so important to avoid excess UV exposure to the skin.

With moderate doses of tanning in a solarium, it is possible to balance the benefits and harms of ultraviolet radiation better than when sunbathing.

Potential Health Benefits

Most people need 15 minutes of exposure to ultraviolet light to produce the amount of vitamin D in the skin that doctors recommend should be produced daily to maintain health. Based on scientific research, it can be assumed that the presence of vitamin D prevents the formation of cancer cells in the human body. Therefore, some scientists argue that people living in areas with few sunny days a year due to cold climates or high levels of air pollution are at greater risk of developing breast and colon cancer, and vice versa.

Ultraviolet radiation prevents the development of incurable skin diseases such as psoriasis and lupus. Many people suffering from acne claim that ultraviolet radiation reduces the number of acne and the severity of exacerbations due to stress, poor diet and other reasons. Separate studies show that ultraviolet radiation promotes skin regeneration, drying and cleansing it, and eliminating causes that can cause For people leading an active outdoor lifestyle, as well as planning a vacation in hot countries, tanning in a solarium will provide good protection against sunburn.

Potential Health Hazards

Repeated exposure to excessive doses of ultraviolet light, especially UVB, has been linked to the development of certain types of skin cancer in people. This is why UVB radiation in tanning equipment must be carefully controlled. An overdose of ultraviolet radiation can destroy normal skin cells and activate the division of dormant cancer cells, which can cause skin cancer through

10 - 20 years of exposure to excess radiation. However, scientific research shows that ultraviolet radiation is one of many factors that collectively increase the risk of skin cancer. Other factors include heredity, skin type and diet.

Serious eye damage can occur if special UV protection is not provided. People who have had eye damage after one course of tanning without eye protection, i.e. using special protective glasses that do not allow ultraviolet radiation to pass through, they may complain of inflammation of the eye tissues, redness, pain, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. If your eyes are left unprotected for too long, other problems can occur, including loss of night vision and difficulty seeing colors.

Sunburn occurs when the skin is exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation. Although most skin lesions of this type heal without problems, cell damage has been linked to skin cancer, photoaging and other health problems. That is why it is so important to pay great attention to the prevention of skin burns and the correct determination of the duration of the session.

Photoaging is a process in which the natural aging of the skin is significantly accelerated by repeated exposure to excessive doses of ultraviolet radiation, especially the UVA spectrum.


The two most important factors for proper tanning are the person's skin type and the duration of UV exposure to the person's skin.

Determining skin type

To increase the degree of protection when tanning in a solarium, you must know your skin type. This will help minimize the risk of overdose, which can create health problems, and determine the optimal time of exposure.

Let's look at the characteristic features of each skin type

Skin type Functional signs External signs Representatives
1 Burns easily, rarely tans, more often it just turns red. Very fair skin, blue or green eyes, blond hair. Such people are called albinos. They shouldn't sunbathe.
2 Slightly tans, blushes more often, and is prone to burns. Brown or blue eyes, blond or red hair, freckles. Usually people with English, Scottish or Scandinavian heritage.
3 Tans well, susceptible to light burns. Dark eyes, dark brown, brown hair. Bright skin. These are mainly representatives of Central Europe. Most visitors to tanning studios.
4 Tans beautifully evenly and almost never burns. Dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes. People of Mediterranean, Spanish, oriental origin.
5 Tans easily, darkens intensely, never burns. Dark hair, brown eyes, very dark skin. Indians, American Indians, Spaniards, Africans.

Skin type 6 includes Africans, African Americans and Aboriginals - people with black skin that is completely resistant to sunburn.

The first three skin types are extremely susceptible to erythema (redness from sunburn). People with very white skin, who are classified as category I, should never sunbathe, either indoors or outdoors. Their skin cannot produce enough melanin to protect itself from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, people with skin type II and III should tan in tanning beds gradually. They may not see immediate results until three or four sessions have passed, but this is a property of their skin, not a defect in the equipment. The last three types are more prone to tanning. than to burns due to the fact that their natural skin tones are brown or black, already containing large amounts of melanin pigment. They will probably see the effects of tanning much faster. But be careful: such people may still suffer from an overdose of ultraviolet radiation.

The duration of a solarium session is determined according to skin type, equipment power, and condition of the lamps. The higher the power of the equipment and the greater the radiation dose of UVB lamps, the shorter the session time... If a new lamp is installed in the device (the first 50-100 hours of operation), then it has more intense ultraviolet radiation, and it is necessary to reduce the session time by 10 percent .


People exposed to photosensitizers, which make the skin extremely sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, should avoid tanning. Photosensitizers can be drugs, cosmetics, foods and other substances that, in combination with ultraviolet radiation, can cause erythema, rash, itching, peeling or inflammation. However, the specific effects of photosensitizers on different people vary. What may cause a very strong reaction in one may go unnoticed in another. You should consult your doctor about any medications you are taking before tanning. The main groups of photosensitizing drugs include:

Ultraviolet radiation from tanning beds has no effect on the tissues below the surface of the skin, including the developing fetus. Pregnancy in itself is not a contraindication for tanning in a solarium. However, often due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body, an increase in the photosensitivity of the skin occurs, which can cause hyperpigmentation, manifested in uneven skin tone, the appearance of white, untanned areas of the skin.

Safety level 1: eye protection

The skin of the eyelids is insufficient protection from ultraviolet radiation, which can cause retinal burns, lens clouding and other vision problems. Therefore, always use special safety glasses in the solarium.

Clients who wear contact lenses must remove them before tanning in the solarium. Although special protective glasses available in salons protect both eyes and contact lenses, the heat emitted by the devices can dry out contact lenses and cause eye irritation.

Safety level 2: skin protection

The easiest way to protect skin damaged by tanning is to avoid overdose of ultraviolet radiation by all means.

You should make sure that before the session the skin is completely cleansed of all cosmetics, as some components of cologne and makeup are photosensitizers.

The break between tanning sessions should be 48 hours - this period of time allows the skin to eliminate minor damage, accumulate melanin and “fix” the tan.

You can use special lotions that promote tanning.

These lotions prevent the skin from drying out during tanning, help better prepare the skin and delay the melanin released under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Safety level 3: protection of sensitive body parts

Some parts of the body have sensitive areas of skin that lack protective melanin due to the fact that these parts of the body are usually not exposed to light, for example, armpits, genital area, nose, ears. We recommend covering for half the session time during the first 3-4 visits to the tanning salon. Protect your lips with a special lip balm that has UV filters. Since the skin of the lips is not able to produce melanin, the risk of getting a burn increases significantly.

Check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to tan in a solarium.

Follow these simple rules, and you will be guaranteed a safe, beautiful, even tan in the solarium.

Beauty salon "Estel" metro station Domodedovskaya offers a powerful modern vertical solarium Lumina (Hapro, Holland). You will get a gorgeous skin tone after a tanning session in the solarium. We guarantee safety!

We are waiting for you every day!

Come sunbathe without an appointment at the Estel beauty salon, Domodedovskaya metro station.

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5 minutes costs 100 rubles, 10 minutes is enough to obtain a lasting beautiful color of tanned skin. Everyone will admire you!

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Skin after tanning often does not look as beautiful as we would like. Tan spots, sunburn, premature wrinkles - all these are consequences of improper handling of the sun. In order for sunbathing to be beneficial, you need to know a few simple rules. And, of course, measure!

Skin after tanning: determining your type

In order for your skin to remain healthy after tanning, you should first of all. According to the classification of the famous American dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick, the following types are distinguished:

Type I: Very fair skin, red hair, green eyes. The skin almost always burns after tanning, there is no brown or bronze light, and the tan does not apply.

Type II: Light-skinned blond with blue eyes, although hair and eyes may be dark. The skin often turns red after sunbathing, but if you take precautions it can tan to a light brown color.

Type III: Slightly dark skin, brown hair, brown eyes. Skin usually darkens noticeably after tanning, although excessive sun exposure can lead to sunburn.

Type IV: Dark skin, dark eyes and hair; it is very difficult to burn in the sun with such skin, although in principle it is possible. Asians also belong to this type.

Type V: Dark brown skin color (Negroid race) Does not burn in the sun.

Type VI: Black. Very dark skin color that also does not burn in the sun.

We choose the type that best matches our parameters. And with this knowledge we go to the pharmacy or cosmetic store.

Skin after tanning: choosing a cream

Each manufacturer's line includes sunscreens with maximum and minimum protection. The lighter the skin, the higher the protection should be. That is, protection for the first and second types according to Fitzpatrick can only be provided by creams with the maximum protection factor that is in the line - for the face you should use at least 50 and 100 SPF (Sun Protective Factor), for the body - 20 SPF. Manufacturers of creams declare that the product increases the possible time spent in the sun as many times as the SPF the cream has. Let’s say those with type 1 skin according to Fitzpartrick can be in the open sun for 5 minutes without the risk of burning. Accordingly, with a factor of 20, the time spent in the sun increases to 100 minutes. However, all this is quite individual, so you should first of all monitor your condition and be guided by your own experience.

If you are afraid of burning (and this is a completely rational fear for a person who knows what troubles the skin can experience after tanning), take the maximum protection for any skin type. The cream does not prevent tanning, it just protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays!

You should apply sunscreen to your skin before going to the beach or solarium - 30-40 minutes beforehand. You need to buy a separate cream for the face - always with maximum protection, since tan spots on the face are especially noticeable. Spot tanning can in many cases be prevented with sunscreen and moderate sun exposure. Sunscreen for the face should be used every day, even if you do not sunbathe in a solarium or on the beach, as ultraviolet rays have a harmful effect on the skin in the city. The delicate skin around the eyes and the eyes themselves should be hidden behind sunglasses.

In order for your skin to look good after tanning, you should not sunbathe in the daytime sun, it burns and increases the risk of developing. The best time for sunbathing is before 11 am and after 16 pm. Sunbathing during the day is a sure way to get sunburn and tan spots even with type 4 skin. In the shade, the skin is also exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, so a beach umbrella will not save you from sunburn.

Skin after tanning: moisturize and soothe

Tanning occurs due to the production of melanin pigment, which fills the outer stratum corneum of the skin. But at the same time, its other structures are damaged, so tanning is harmful in any case. To produce vitamin D, short, occasional exposure to the sun without darkening the skin is enough, but the skin after sunbathing is already weakened, overdried and needs additional support.

If your skin becomes red, itchy, or flaky after sunbathing, it means you have a sunburn. First aid for sunburn is cooling. Apply a compress with cold water or ice to the burned areas. Later, you can apply a cream or ointment with a healing, analgesic and antibacterial effect (due to damage, the skin is much less protected from infections). Sunbathing after a burn is strictly not recommended. You should wear thick clothing and avoid the sun.

Skin after tanning becomes rougher and less elastic. Even mild burns contribute to skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, after sunbathing, the skin needs to be moisturized. You can use a special cream/lotion/body milk after sunbathing - usually they not only moisturize, but also cool (taking into account that the skin after sunbathing is often burned and may itch or hurt). Take a closer look to see if the after-sun cream does not contain any coloring elements - otherwise you may end up with a leopard print color and ruin your light-colored clothes and bed forever.

Skin after sunbathing can also be saved using regular body moisturizers. Preference should be given to those that have soothing and regenerating properties. Body scrubs should only be used if you want to get rid of a tan - because they exfoliate the outer layer of skin along with the melanin that fills it.

Skin after tanning: tanning spots

Spot tanning is one of the most common skin problems after sunbathing. Melanin comes in different shades of brown, from light to dark, and can stay on the skin for a very long time. Tan spots appear in the following cases:

  • if you sunbathe in direct sunlight (without sunscreen);
  • if you sunbathe during the daytime;
  • if you sunbathe for too long;
  • if you sunbathe after a sunburn;
  • if the skin is prone to the formation of age spots.

A patchy tan may indicate a tendency to develop age spots for genetic reasons or due to some disease, for example, gastroenterological. In this case, you should first get rid of the cause of age spots.

The stained tan itself can be quickly “limeed out” with help - at home or from a cosmetologist, depending on the intensity of the tan and the brightness of the spots. In cosmetology, the following procedures are practiced to get rid of tan spots:

  • chemical peeling. Using fruit acids, the top layer of skin along with melanin is removed. In especially severe cases, trichloroacetic acid is used - it penetrates the skin much deeper than fruit acids, but immediately after the procedure the skin swells and even crusts over, so it will have to be restored for ten days after such peeling;
  • laser therapy. The laser emits a wave that only melanin is sensitive to. Several procedures are required at intervals of 3-4 weeks, after which the tan in spots disappears or becomes much lighter;
  • photo correction. Not only pigment spots are removed, but also small wrinkles, and also stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. For the effect, 3-4 procedures are required.

Laser therapy and photocorrection are very expensive procedures, so it still makes sense to take care of your skin before tanning; a good sunscreen pays for itself completely. It should be remembered that tan spots, sunburn and dry skin after tanning are almost always the result of our own efforts. Therefore, everyone can choose what is worse: returning from vacation untanned or seeing new wrinkles in the mirror after a few months.

I want to buy a tanning cream to help me get a dark brown tan. It’s possible with bronzers, but so as not to turn yellow) with glitter, too. probably even better with glitter) plus I would like the tan to last longer. Now I have emerald bay with pepper, the effect

Enhance your tan

I've been roasting on the beach for a month now with varying success, but I haven't achieved a chocolate tan - only golden. And I regularly meet European women, next to whom I feel like a pale toadstool. Since beach sealing is not my favorite pastime (and if

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Girls, please explain to me how a beginner can get a tan in a solarium, which is definitely incompatible with a solarium... And from the point of view of preserving the developing tan and, in general, common sense and skin safety. Judging by one of the previous posts on the topic, peelings are categorically

Solarium and tanning product

Virgo, I recently returned from the Mediterranean with a black tan, and I really want to support it. However, the question has arisen: Where can you get a tan that is as close to natural as possible? I'm talking about that dry brown color of a natural tan. Because tanning in the solarium


Few people know about this, but the culprit behind the popularity of a tanned body is Coco Chanel, who became the trendsetter for bronze skin tone in the early 20s of the twentieth century. And after the shocking appearance of the bikini in the mid-40s, fashionistas dressed almost exclusively in tans quickly became commonplace. The big point was made by a German engineer named Wolf, who discovered the effect of artificial sun and invented the solarium in 1975. At the same time, the first effective sunscreens and skin care products after solarium appeared.

There are not so many options for answering the question why we love visiting a solarium so much:

  1. so that with the onset of summer you can immediately start showing off in a short dress;
  2. so as not to look like a black sheep on overseas shores;
  3. In the autumn-winter period, visiting a solarium is one of the ways to give your skin a healthy look and treat your loved one with the vitamin of joy - vitamin D.

Artificial sun can give us a lot of positive things. And so that you get only positive emotions from it, it is enough to follow simple rules for caring for your skin after a tanning salon, the main meaning of which boils down to how to properly care for your skin after a solarium.

Why does my skin peel off after a tanning salon?

If your skin regularly peels off after a solarium, then the affordable pleasure of soaking up artificial ultraviolet light, alas, is not for you. Eliminate the possibility of photoderma - increased sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation. If such a misfortune happened to you only once, then it is probably due to the duration of the session or the power of the lamps used.


Before going to the cabin, check with the administrator about the power of the lamps used and ask how long ago they were replaced. New lamps always “heat” more. Depending on the answer you receive, choose the optimal time for tanning.

Why does my skin itch after tanning?

If every time after tanning your skin itches and itches, then first of all, change your usual cream that you use “after”.

You should not use untested skin care products, which are available in almost every solarium. It is easy to guess that there is practically no guarantee that the labels on the packaging will correspond to the contents. The answer to the question “why does your skin itch after tanning” is worth looking for inside the contents of such disposable products.

Why does my skin turn red after tanning?

Redness after tanning is normal. This is how our body reacts to ultraviolet radiation and increased temperature inside the cabin. Typically, skin redness after tanning subsides within a few hours. If this did not happen and the skin turned “very” red after the solarium, then you, in all likelihood, belong to the category of people who would rather burn than tan and have too sensitive skin. If, after a solarium, a red spot appears on the skin, then you should think about really serious protection and the consequences of such a tan. Your skin may also be red after tanning if you are taking medications that have a sensitizing effect. One way or another, if after a solarium, instead of an even tan, the skin remains red for a long time, and you realized that there is a period of difficult struggle ahead with the emerging pigment spots and other skin defects, then it is worth looking for answers why this happens not only using the Internet, but also by contacting see a dermatologist.

How to remove redness after solarium

What to do if your skin is red after tanning?

First of all, don't panic. You can try to remove redness after tanning using folk remedies or by resorting to the latest advances in cosmeceuticals.

Secondly, if your skin turns red after a solarium, then you should refrain from too frequent artificial tanning procedures. Thirdly, creams with an optimal panthenol content will help to quickly remove redness after tanning, so that the skin does not look “like cancer.” Fourthly, panthenol is accessible to everyone for the regeneration of skin cells. You can remove redness after tanning using universal panthenol cream or body milk.


To relieve redness after tanning, simply apply a small amount of panthenol cream to the problem area. It is strongly recommended not to use several products from different manufacturers at the same time in order to get rid of redness after tanning, such as products with a cooling effect combined with regenerating and moisturizing creams, or folk recipes with medications.

You can, be that as it may, get rid of redness both after sunbathing and after an unsuccessful visit to the solarium quite quickly. The main thing is to choose a truly effective and safe product.

How long will it take for the redness after tanning to go away?

The question of how long it will take for the redness to subside after a tanning salon is not always rhetorical. Let's try to find out together how long it will take to get rid of this scourge, how long on average the redness lasts after a tanning salon, and find out when the redness after a solarium will subside.

When you follow the general recommendations for getting rid of it, the redness from the tanning bed goes away quite quickly. By the way, the use of products with panthenol, when they are used directly during artificial tanning in a solarium, helps to significantly reduce the unpleasant sensation of skin tightness after a solarium and the redness will disappear without a trace. After applying the universal cream with panthenol, the redness goes away within a matter of minutes, so you can be in the solarium as much as you like, the main thing is to feel your own body.

Of course, there are so many people and so many opinions: for some, even 5 minutes of solarium is enough to claim that even after a couple of days the redness does not go away, but most of those who have used products with panthenol echo that after 5 days of regular use of the universal panthenol EVO cream, the skin is completely restored.

You can use proven “grandmother’s” methods and find out for yourself when the redness goes away after a solarium, for example, by wrapping yourself in a fermented milk coat made of sour cream. But, we think, this method is unlikely to be to anyone’s liking, if you can use EVO laboratoires products with panthenol.

Since there will always be many who want to see not so much your advantages as your shortcomings, you should not worry about how long it takes for the redness to subside after a tanning salon. The main thing is to listen sensitively to what your body says when you find yourself under the rays of artificial sun and use proven skin care products.

Fortunately, intense bronze tanning has gone out of fashion for women and dermatologists. Nowadays, healthy-looking skin with a light natural tan looks much more popular. In this case, the skin should be well moisturized and clean. Maintaining a barely noticeable tan all year round became possible thanks to the invention of such a “miracle of technology” as a solarium. How many minutes does it take to sunbathe in a solarium? , so that the tone turns out smooth and beautiful and lasts as long as possible?


It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of whether visiting a solarium is harmful to the body. After all, sessions in a solarium have many positive and negative sides. As for durability, experts are convinced that regardless of the place and method of receiving a portion of UV rays, be it a lamp in a salon or the sun on a sea beach, skin pigmentation will last the same long time.

The only difference is that tanning the same intensity and tone in a solarium will take much less time. So, 15 minutes of a session in a solarium is approximately equal to a whole day on the beach. To maintain the effect, you should wash after the procedure no earlier than 12 hours later and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. There can be no talk of any hot bath.

The period of time for the skin to maintain a beautiful shade without subsequent maintenance procedures and prolonged exposure to the sun is on average 10 days. However, it can be extended a little and following some rules will help in this matter. You will also need to use special products that help maintain a beautiful skin tone, which will help you remain “chocolate” for a long time.

Visiting the solarium too often is not recommended. Firstly, it is harmful to the skin and can lead to allergies and increased tumor growth. Secondly, it is pointless and will in no way prolong the life of the tan. The thing is that after a tanning session, melanin production occurs on average in 2-8 hours, and with each subsequent visit, the manifestations on the skin will decrease.


To speed up the process, experts recommend using a special cream designed to accelerate the production of melanin, as well as washing with shower gels from the same series. You can purchase such tanning accelerators in salons that provide solarium services.

Before using these products, you should definitely consult your doctor to find out if it is suitable for your skin type. To avoid the development of allergies, it is recommended to do an allergy test 24 hours before use. You can apply the product to the skin 10-15 minutes before the session, but you should not wash with soap before the solarium for at least a day, so as not to destroy the natural protective fatty lubricant of the skin and prevent burns.

To maintain a beautiful tan on your skin, you need to listen to the following tips:

  • visit the solarium once every 7-10 days, and the duration of the sessions should be calculated by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and its type;
  • After the procedure, you should wash with gentle means without using scrubs, hard brushes and washcloths;
  • you need to use special cosmetics that moisturize the skin and prevent it from peeling;
  • eat as many foods as possible that contain beta-carotene (carrots, tomatoes, lettuce) so that melanin production increases naturally;
  • To prevent skin dehydration after a tanning session, you should drink plenty of water and natural juices. Fluids should be taken every 60 minutes.

To prolong the tan after a solarium, which lasts a maximum of 2 weeks, you also need to use special prolongation products. Such cosmetics can maintain a tan for a long time, as well as moisturize the skin and make it elastic.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Is your dream bronze, smooth skin? To achieve this result, you don’t have to spend long hours under the sweltering sun. The most effective and simple solution available at any time of the year is tanning in a solarium. After several sessions, the skin acquires a chocolate tint, even if it is naturally pale. The main thing is to know how to sunbathe in a solarium.

Rules for tanning in a solarium

First of all, the girl should visit a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to tanning. It is not recommended if you have hypertension, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the skin, liver, or thyroid gland. Tanning can be harmful if a woman undergoes hormonal therapy, takes antibiotics, diuretics, or psychotropic drugs.

In order for the skin to acquire a noble color, you need to follow certain rules:

    Use only special cosmetics for solariums that have protective properties that activate the pigmentation process. Sun tanning products are not suitable.

  1. Before the procedure, do not shower or use soap so that the skin is not left without a protective fatty film. There is also no need to epilate.
  2. To get a good tan, wash off makeup from your face and skin, otherwise it may contribute to the formation of age spots.
  3. Before the session, remove your contact lenses. To protect your eyes, special glasses are offered everywhere, which you should definitely use.
  4. Panties should be left on the body, the bra should be removed, and it is recommended to protect the nipples with special stickers or cover them with the palms of your hands.
  5. After the procedure, rest, shower, and use a moisturizer to replenish moisture.

How long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium?

The dark color on the skin appears due to irradiation of the body with long waves during the production of melanin. The intensity depends on the power of the lamps, the number of sessions and other factors. When does tanning appear after solarium? The time depends on the skin type and the amount of melanin content. For dark-skinned women, the result is visible after the first procedure; for others, more sessions are required. If a girl is just starting to tan, a certain amount of pigment must first accumulate. After each procedure, the tanning time is reduced and the stability increases.

What is the best way to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time?

Start with the minimum amount of time, taking into account your phototype. For example, those with fair skin, gray, green, blue eyes and blond hair should sunbathe for about 3-5 minutes for the first time. Don't be greedy - a quick tan will do more harm than good. The safest solarium for the first time is considered to be a vertical one, in which ultraviolet radiation is distributed evenly. Before the procedure, drink mango or carrot juice to quickly get a beautiful tan.

How long to sunbathe in a solarium

Experts recommend up to 10 procedures, but sometimes 6-7 with a weekly interval are enough. Next, the resulting shade should be maintained by visiting the salon once every 7 days. A quick option for getting a tan is 2-3 visits per week for 14 days, then 8-10 minutes every week. You should check with specialists about the power of the device and how much time you can spend in a solarium at a time.

Duration of one session

How long should you sunbathe in a solarium? It depends on the type and characteristics of the skin. The most sensitive is considered to be Celtic, which is characterized by freckled skin, red or blond hair, and gray (blue) eyes. Women of this type have skin that is prone to burns, and they should choose lamps with low wattage. The duration of one session is no more than 3 minutes. Dark-skinned girls with brown, black hair, gray or brown eyes are allowed sessions lasting up to 10 minutes. To achieve results, they need several procedures.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

Don't try to be in the solarium every day in a row. There is a rule according to which there should be no more than 50 procedures per year, and the time interval between trips should be more than 48 hours. The optimal frequency is 1-2 visits per week. The course is about 10 procedures. The skin must rest, so conduct courses no more than 2 times a year. To keep your shade longer, use special fixatives and moisturize your body daily.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium every day?

Manage your visit time correctly. You should not sunbathe every day under any circumstances, even if you apply the right cosmetics, use a stickkini, or choose a turbo solarium. If you always went to the same place and are familiar with the device, but there was a long break, be sure to check how the skin reacts to artificial ultraviolet light. This recommendation is due to the fact that changes may have occurred in the body.

How to enhance your tan in a solarium

During tanning, the skin loses a lot of moisture due to heating of the tissues and increased sweating. To protect it from ultraviolet radiation and achieve a chocolate color faster, you need to use special cosmetics. If you ask experts about how to tan quickly in a solarium, they will definitely recommend using stimulants and fixatives. Find out more about them.

Quick tanning oil

A useful product that protects against ultraviolet exposure and activates the pigment responsible for skin color. After application, tanning oil in a solarium is absorbed through the pores, has a positive effect, and forms a protective film on the outside. Popular cosmetics:

    Garnier. Designed to achieve long-lasting, beautiful skin color. Contains carrier oil and apricot oil.

  1. Sun. Helps enhance the noble color and intensively moisturizes the skin.
  2. Floresan. Like previous products, it enhances the tanning result. The result may appear after one application.

Tanning drops with beta-carotene

How to tan in a solarium while taking drops? These are products that you can drink during active tanning and after it to maintain the chocolate shade. Our most affordable option is Vetoron, which can help even girls with pale, very white skin. It should be taken by diluting 10 drops in a glass of water. In summer, you can drink the product every day, but not more than 3 months. Beta-carotene, entering the body, is converted into vitamin A, enhancing tanning.