
SPA treatments: relaxation for the benefit of beauty and health. Choosing the best SPA program. Spa Facials Hand Peeling - Sugar Scrub

breast cancer

Many girls think that in order to look beautiful and well-groomed, it is necessary not to leave expensive spas. All spa treatments can be done at home with the same excellent effect. The result will be persistent and visible, just like after professional procedures. Constantly exposed to negative influences, the skin of the face becomes dry and flabby, loses its elasticity and youth. You can fix this by regularly performing simple procedures at home.

What is the highlight of spa treatments?

Spa procedures for the face is a cosmetology complex that includes actions aimed at protecting the skin of the face from external harmful factors and bad habits. Everyone knows that smoking, excessive drinking, unhealthy diet immediately affect the condition of the skin. It is spa treatments that will help restore elasticity and freshness to your face. Their great advantage is versatility, since they have practically no contraindications. Only if you have a problem with acne or other inflammatory processes, you should stop using the spa.

Facial beauty treatments

Spa procedures always include 3 main stages: deep skin cleansing, peeling and moisturizing. Facial cleansing can be different: vacuum, ultrasonic, gas-liquid and mechanical. An experienced cosmetologist will select the ideal option for each client. The most popular is the combined method, which includes both a mechanical and a less traumatic method. All this is explained by the fact that the skin on the face is very often more than one type. In most cases, there are different zones on the face that are inherent in oily or, conversely, dry skin. Deep facial cleansing is done to make the skin more receptive to spa treatments.

In order to steam and cleanse the skin of the face as much as possible, it is absolutely not necessary to go to specialized salons. You can do this without leaving your home. Steam baths for the face are considered the best cleanser. They deeply cleanse the skin, accelerate blood circulation, and stimulate a better metabolism. Under the influence of hot steam, the pores expand, the skin softens. Sweating increases, due to which unnecessary metabolic products are removed from the body.

It is necessary to do baths once a week, depending on the type of skin. Until the age of 30, the skin is considered normal, oily, etc. After 35 years, in the absence of obvious signs of one or another type of skin (excessive oiliness or dryness), care should be directed to aging skin. Before doing steam baths, you need to remove all makeup. The face must be perfectly clean. After this procedure, a cream or mask can be applied to the face.

Baths should be abandoned if you have problem skin, acne, pimples. If you suffer from bronchial asthma, then this procedure may worsen the situation. Also, if you have unstable pressure, then it is better to use another method of deep cleansing your face. Steam baths are especially useful in summer, when such a large amount of dust flies in the air that the sebaceous and sweat glands work more intensively. It is this procedure that will relieve stress and remove any pollution from the face.

In order to do this procedure at home, you need to prepare the following things: 2 towels, a basin, essential oils, herbal decoctions, masks and creams for further care. It is best to do baths in loose clothes, and the hair should be pinned up, and best of all hidden in a special cap. Remove any jewelry from the neck and head, pour hot water or herbal decoction into a container, tilt your head and cover yourself with a terry towel. Do not lean too close to the container, as you can burn the mucous membrane of the eye. After the procedure, blot your face with a linen towel, but do not rub it. After a steam bath, lie down on your back for 15 minutes. Then you can proceed to peeling, masks and other procedures.

For best results, it is recommended to use steam baths depending on the type of facial skin. All of them are based on herbal infusions. The only difference is in the ingredients themselves. We bring to your attention several options for herbal decoctions for dry skin:

Option number 1

In 700 ml of water, add 15 g of bay leaf, chamomile, dandelion. Mix well and boil for 20 minutes. Take this bath should be 5 minutes.

Option number 2

In 800 ml of water, add 60 g of rose petals. The broth should be infused for 10 minutes, after which you can take a bath for 5 minutes.

Option number 3

Prepare 800 ml of water, 10 g of dill, mint and linden greens. The mixture must be boiled for 20 minutes, and take a bath for 5 minutes.

Baths for oily skin

This procedure is most useful for this type of skin. Its duration is from 20 to 25 minutes. Then you need to rinse your face with cool water with lemon juice (a couple of drops per 1 liter of water). Rest after the procedure is 25 minutes. Then you can start using face masks.

Option number 1

You will need 900 ml of water, 10 g each of lemon balm, lemon peel, rosemary, rose and verbena. Boil herbal decoction for 25 minutes. Then take a bath for 20 minutes.

Option number 2

In 900 ml of water, add 10 g of sage, coltsfoot and horsetail. Boiling time - 15 minutes, and the procedure itself - 20 minutes.

Steam baths for normal skin

For this type of skin, the procedure is applied once every 2 weeks for 10-15 minutes.

Option number 1

It will take 800 ml of water, 10 g of cloves, lavender, chamomile, geranium. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure time is 10 minutes.

Option number 2

20 g of hop cones pour 900 ml of water, put on fire and wait for the boil. Then apply the bath for 15 minutes.

Steam baths for aging skin

It is enough to do this procedure once a month for 3-5 minutes.

Option number 1

In 800 ml of water, add 10 g of bay leaf, mint, nettle, ginger and fennel. Boil for 20 minutes, take a bath for 5 minutes.

Option number 2

It will take 10 g of cinnamon, fennel, ginger, cloves, eucalyptus and 800 ml of water. Boiling time - 20 minutes, procedures - 5 minutes.

Facial massage

Before this procedure, professionals recommend applying a mixture of essential oils or avocado pulp to the face. Facial massage is recommended to be done very carefully with light circular movements, as the skin is very delicate. For greater relaxation, you can massage the décolleté and shoulders. After the procedure, you should rest a bit so that the beneficial enzymes of the oils are better absorbed into the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Moisturizing face masks

Masks, as well as herbal decoction for baths, are selected depending on the type of skin.

Oily skin remedy

Prepare 2 tbsp. strawberries, 1 tbsp. blackcurrant, 4 tbsp. oatmeal. Mix all ingredients and apply evenly on face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water. Use a nourishing cream after the procedure.

Dry skin remedy

Take 1 tbsp. cream, 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Mix all the ingredients with a blender and apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes. After this time, wash your face with warm water and apply your favorite cream.

Remedy for normal skin

You will need 1 chicken egg and 50 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice. Beat all the ingredients with a mixer and apply the composition evenly on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Combination skin remedy

Prepare 1 yolk, 30 ml olive oil, 40 ml lemon juice, 50 g carrots. Mix all ingredients with a blender until smooth. Apply the cream on your face. The mask application time is 20 minutes.

Toning face mask

You will need 20 ml of lemon juice, 50 g of potatoes, 1 tsp. salt, 1 yolk. Using a blender, mix all ingredients well. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Toning masks will be a salvation after a hard day's work, when the skin is tired and has lost its freshness.

The following masks are applied exclusively in beauty salons and spas.

Modeling face mask

This type of mask is used to nourish the skin, tighten the face, achieve a matte color. The consistency of the mask resembles a powder. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with cotton pads. 3 times a week is the ideal frequency of application of the modeling mask.

Collagen face masks

They are used to speed up metabolism, smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate. Collagen makes the skin firmer and more elastic. You can make such masks only after 20 years. Since natural collagen is used, the cost of such masks is quite high. Do not abuse the use of such a mask. Enough 1 time per month.

After the first well-executed spa treatments, you will see the results. The face will regain the lost freshness and elasticity. After several procedures, the skin will be well smoothed out, it will be velvety and beautiful.

Photos: Best-coupons, Spa-sense, Turist, Borobo, Deliriouslie, Therat, Fourseasons, Ieven, Yaroslavl, Supersadovod

SPA is a complex of health-improving and cosmetic procedures associated with medicinal waters. Such complexes consist of balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, visits to saunas, baths, natural springs or pools with mineral water, massages, mud wraps and baths, therapeutic showers. The modern concept of SPA has been expanded to include therapeutic methods that do not use water: aromatherapy, phytotherapy.
Similar services are offered not only at health resorts, but also in special SPA centers in Moscow, SPA hotels are opening all over the world. Spa treatments are also popular in the beauty industry, contributing to recovery, acquiring a healthy appearance and rejuvenating the body. They can be prescribed by a doctor or carried out as part of prevention, strengthening the overall tone.

What does spa treatment include

The overall goal of these procedures is to improve the body, improve metabolism, relieve stress, and improve overall well-being. If the SPA is not prescribed by a doctor, then before each procedure it is better to consult with a specialist of the center, because. mineral water treatment, hot wraps and even salt baths have a number of contraindications.
Spa treatments may include:
  • seaweed, mud and other wraps;
  • local thalasso wraps;
  • modeling, lymphatic drainage massage;
  • massage with hot stones;
  • masks and facial skin care;
  • moisturizing body treatments;
  • various baths: mud, cleopatra, aromatic, salt, etc.;
  • hydrotherapy (hydromassage, healing showers);
  • all types of baths, saunas, steam rooms;
  • bathing in mineral, medicinal waters;
  • aromatherapy oils;
  • visiting the solarium;
  • body peels;
  • anti-cellulite and fitness programs.

Service cost

With complex treatment and preparation of a SPA program by a specialist, the cost is affected by: the place of recovery, included services, duration of the course, the total number of procedures. The price for spa treatments in Moscow when visiting special beauty and health centers starts from 3,000 rubles for a day pass (complex of pools and steam rooms). The cost of each individual service is different. For example, the price of a massage is from 1000 rubles, peeling is from 800, a visit to the solarium is less than 30 rubles per minute.

SPA is a city in Belgium, famous for its balneological clinics. It was here that it was first proposed to restore health with the help of mineral and thermal waters. Gradually, the name of the resort began to denote a whole category of procedures for health and beauty. They are not only useful, but also very pleasant. In the process, the patient has the opportunity to relax, unwind, tune in a positive way.

Spa equipment is not able to solve serious skin problems. Its purpose is to speed up metabolic processes and improve appearance.

Beauticians offer many spa treatments for facial skin. They promote cleansing, hydration, nutrition, relaxation and regeneration. A prerequisite is the maximum naturalness of the components. Natural mud, algae, vitamin cocktails, base and essential oils, salts, mineral waters are actively used. Among the most popular, useful and affordable manipulations:

  • mud and algae masks;
  • natural scrubs;
  • hot wraps and compresses;
  • various massages;
  • steam baths and rinses;
  • aromatherapy.
Purifying and regenerating mud masks will significantly improve the condition of oily and combination skin.

home spa

For pleasant and useful procedures, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. Many procedures can be carried out at home. They will improve skin nutrition, normalize water-lipid balance, refresh and rejuvenate the face.

For deep cleaning, scrubs based on cane sugar or sea salt are used. Natural oils are added to the base product: almond, coconut, olive, soybean. Scrub is applied to wet skin, massaged with fingertips, washed off with warm water after a couple of itnuts. After deep cleaning, you can proceed to no less pleasant procedures - masks.

Essential oils that have a cleansing and regenerating effect can be added to the scrub: lemon, rose, rosemary, eucalyptus.

The composition of the mixtures is chosen depending on the type of skin. For oily and combination, a variety of clay masks are recommended. Dry kaolin is mixed with warm water, low-fat milk or herbal tea.

For dry and sensitive skin, seaweed is rich in collagen and vitamins. Compositions based on fruits and berries also work well. Strawberries whiten the face, grapes, pears and melons moisturize and nourish, peaches and apricots soften. The fruits are mashed and spread over the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. Fruit and berry masks are best done in courses of 7-10 procedures, alternating compositions.

Oil wraps are very useful and pleasant. For them, natural vegetable oils are chosen: almond, argan, macadamia, peach, grape seed. A small amount of the product is heated in a water bath, a cotton napkin is moistened in oil and applied to the face. Before the procedure, it is useful to conduct a steam bath, opening the pores as much as possible. The oil compress is covered with plastic wrap and a terry cloth. After 10 minutes, the mask is removed, the face is wiped with a decoction of chamomile or strong tea leaves.

In salon conditions, you can try a variety of types of hardware massage.

Salon procedures

In the conditions of the salon, it is possible to carry out more effective and complex procedures using potent compounds and devices. Among the most popular:

Aromatherapy. Includes a variety of treatments using natural essential oils and aromatic essences. Oils are chosen depending on the type of skin, they can restore, cleanse, refresh and nourish the face. Essences are added to creams and masks, mixed together, used for masks, body wraps, massages. The effectiveness of procedures depends on the right combinations.

Vitamin therapy. Enriches the skin with retinol, ascorbic acid and other valuable elements. Includes injections, vitamin masks, superficial peels. The procedures are carried out in courses, the duration of each depends on the individual condition of the skin.

Ozone therapy. Combines procedures with the use of oxygen cosmetics: masks, massages, compresses, body wraps. Oxygen-containing components have a good rejuvenating and regenerating effect, improve complexion and stimulate cell turnover.

Massages. In the conditions of the salon, you can do a classic manual or hardware massage, combined with microcurrent therapy or elements of acupuncture. The procedures improve the tone of sluggish and flabby skin, accelerate the outflow of lymph, normalize blood circulation and cell regeneration.

Masks, injections and deep penetrating serums with gold particles. They have a pronounced anti-aging effect, remove wrinkles, acne marks and other minor imperfections.

Photo restoration. For the procedure, light emitters are used that deliver directional beams and stimulate cell renewal. With a course application, the appearance of the skin improves significantly, fine wrinkles disappear, age-related folds become less noticeable.

Salon procedures are recommended to be combined with home procedures. Cosmetologists advise to conduct restorative courses in autumn and spring. At this time, the skin lacks vitamins, suffers from temperature changes and especially needs care.

Relieve stress and nervous tension with spa treatments and professional massage

How to relieve stress and nervous tension? Millions of people around the world are looking for an answer to this question. This is not surprising, because many diseases develop from an unstable psycho-emotional state. It has long been known that music has a healing effect on the body. Many years ago, in many prestigious clinics, psychotherapy sessions began to use musical accompaniment. Melodies were specially selected that have a positive effect on the emotional state of a person and accelerate the process of getting rid of psychological trauma.

The cost of the certificate is 1 person. / 2 people

5000/10000 rub.

Irisha, Moscow

Was in a spa on the street. 1905 with a gift certificate. At the first impression of the institution, I did not expect anything special, everything is simple, without frills. But, as soon as my master Sultan appeared and felt his professionalism, there was no time for interiors. I want to thank him once again, super massage therapist! Everything is of high quality and at a very decent level😍💪💘 it seemed to me that instead of the 50 minutes allotted for me for a massage, it lasted half an hour longer. I took the golden lotus program, the fruit-salt peeling has a magical aroma and I'm like new! Thanks Sultan!!! 💙💚💛

Correction of scars

Scar correction- a procedure that will help the skin become even and smooth. The cosmetologist will select the best option for correction, depending on the age of the scar, its size and the general health of the patient.

If the scar is insignificant, then its correction is possible with the help of deep chemical peeling. In more complex cases of scar correction, laser resurfacing is preferable, which provides tissue microperforation to the entire depth of their damage. Subsequently, the old tissue is renewed, and the scar becomes less noticeable or disappears altogether.

facial chiromassage

Facial chiromassage- massage technique, which includes classical and oriental massage techniques: kinesiology, chiropractic, etc. In the list of tasks that facial chiromassage solves, first of all, of course, the removal of edema, facial contour modeling, its tightening, getting rid of rosacea ("asterisks") "), restoring a healthy complexion.

In addition to a noticeable rejuvenating effect, facial chiromassage affects the processes occurring in muscle tissues and deep layers of the skin, promotes cell regeneration.


The very concept of "pharmacopuncture" consists of two words. The first half of the word is of Greek origin "φάρμακον" - "medicine", the second half of the word is of Latin origin "pungere" - "to prick". That is, it turns out that this technique allows using injections to introduce a variety of drugs into the human body. But these drugs are not simply injected into the body, as is done with simple injections. During pharmacopuncture, injections are made only in biologically active points of a person. We can say that this procedure is somewhat similar to acupuncture.

Acupuncture itself, which is part of reflexology, has been known to the world since ancient times. But only with the advent of syringes it became clear that this method can not only be improved, but also much improved. In addition, people have always wanted to get the maximum effect from the treatment, and acupuncture has been replaced by pharmacopuncture, which has become incredibly popular in a short time.

Duration of the procedure
is 120 minutes

Cost of the procedure

In modern cosmetology, spa treatments are widely used, and they are used not only for body care, now there is a whole course designed specifically to restore damaged facial skin. Spa treatments for facial care will help restore youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, as well as eliminate such negative manifestations of external environmental influences as dryness, irritation and swelling.

Spa treatments help not only to cope with skin problems, but also to get deep relaxation and rest.

What spa treatments are suitable for the face?

The main spa facials are represented by the following offers:

  • oxygen means- these can be masks, wraps and compresses using oxygen-based preparations. Oxygen preparations for spa sessions help eliminate harmful bacteria, soften rough skin, improve complexion;
  • clay masks - exfoliate dead cells, narrow open pores, saturate the skin with useful minerals;
  • scrubbing - usually performed with preparations based on sea salt and vegetable oils, this allows you to deeply cleanse the pores, make the skin smooth and radiant, and also improve blood flow to it, which will ensure an even color and reduce pigmentation;
  • skin vitaminization– any spa treatments using vitamin-based products. For the beauty of facial skin, vitamin C is used, which helps to improve color and tighten wrinkles and folds;
  • aromatherapy - involves the use of various essential oils. They can be used both in pure form and in combination with other nutritional components to create masks and creams. The meaning of aromatherapy is to saturate the skin with useful substances, relax and soften hardened areas;
  • application of galvanic current– the essence of the sessions is to increase the susceptibility of the skin to the applied mineral compositions, as a result of which elasticity and smoothness increase, skin tone evens out, minor imperfections disappear (pimples, wrinkles, etc.);
  • use of gold particles- this is a massage with golden spoons, and injections of serums with gold, and applying creams with golden threads. Such spa procedures are quite expensive, but they give a quick effect.

In addition to general procedures, tightening and restorative sessions for the face are also widely used:

  • collagen masks and dermabrasion- collagen-based compositions are used here, such procedures are aimed at producing natural elastin and collagen in the body, which helps to even out the tone of the face, eliminate minor skin imperfections and improve its blood supply;
  • biolifting - lifting using a galvanic current apparatus, such an operation does not require surgical intervention, therefore it has practically no contraindications;
  • botox injections- relax the facial muscles, as a result of which even the deepest wrinkles become invisible;
  • photorecovery- is carried out using a special light emitter, which delivers filtered light flashes to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face. Such exposure to UV rays helps to eliminate age spots, narrow pores, cleanse the skin of acne and even dissolve scars and scars;
  • chemical peeling- cleansing with the help of active compounds based on acids, this ensures high-quality release of pores and prevents the further appearance of acne and blackheads;
  • cathoderma - treatment of the skin of the face with electric discharges, which helps to cope with wrinkles, freckles, relieves redness and irritation of the skin;
  • laser exposure- a universal spa procedure, as it allows you to cope with numerous shortcomings. The laser can tighten wrinkles, reduce the appearance of spots and redness, remove sagging neck and chin.

This is not the whole list of available spa treatments for facial skin, they can be used individually or in combination, however, it is not recommended to be zealous with the frequency of sessions, since the skin needs to be given time to rest.

Any spa procedure begins with cleansing the skin with the help of special cosmetics.

How is the spa?

Depending on the choice of spa procedures, the main stages of their implementation also differ, but they all consist of several main points.

  • First of all, this is skin cleansing (make-up removal and scrubbing) - a necessary process before a session. For this, professional cosmetics are used, usually it has a foamy structure, which excludes the slightest damage to delicate skin, but it perfectly removes dead skin cells and cleanses the pores.
  • After cleansing, it is required to massage the treated areas of the skin; cosmetic creams and seaweed-based lotions are used to enhance the effect.
  • The next step will be the procedure itself - it can be ultrasonic exposure, the use of active compounds and mixtures, injections, etc.
  • The final action will be the application of restorative masks and balms, the main function of which is to moisturize the skin and relieve irritation.

Many of the spa treatments can be performed at home, but complex sessions that require the use of electrical appliances or the application of high molecular weight formulations are best left to experienced beauty salon staff. Remember that modern cosmetics, along with benefits, can also bring considerable harm to the skin if used incorrectly.

Feeling a little happier is that nice bonus that is guaranteed to you after visiting the spa


Regular spa treatments for facial skin will bring a lot of benefits to your appearance and give you a lot of pleasant experiences, since almost all sessions are aimed at making your skin healthier. Spa techniques for provide:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body, improvement of blood supply, due to which the skin receives a sufficient amount of oxygen;
  • elimination of toxins and harmful substances;
  • high-quality cleansing of pores from sebaceous deposits;
  • reduction of puffiness of the skin and removal of dark spots and circles under the eyes (a common problem for young mothers and office workers);
  • increase in elasticity and smoothness of the skin;
  • tightening the oval of the face;
  • effective fight against wrinkles and bruises;
  • reduction of pigmentation of certain parts of the body, alignment of the tone of the face.

Along with such useful features, it is worth noting that spa sessions are also very pleasant, which is why they are in high demand. After all, you see, in comparison with surgical intervention, spa offers do not have any risk and danger to your health, so they can be used by almost everyone.

In secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...