
Diagnosis of health by nails. Human nails and health. Nail shape and health. Nail diseases: types and features of treatment Large fingernails disease


Our body has many unique indicators that indicate the state of our health, but we cannot understand all the signals. One of these indicators is our nails, and this post will tell you what signals they give us and what they mean.

Fading and fading
According to New York City Medical Center dermatologist Julia Tzu, discoloration or paleness of the nails that was not previously seen may indicate problems with the nail plate.
“If such spots appear, this may serve as primary signs of the development of melanoma of the nail plate,” explains the doctor.

Yellowish tint
“If the nails have acquired a yellowish tint, this may indicate the presence of psoriasis,” the doctor notes. Also, according to a number of experts, yellow nails indicate looming liver problems.

Bluish tint
This signal is no less alarming - the appearance of a bluish tint (cyanosis). According to Dr. Andrea Weil of Harvard Medical School, this may indicate low hemoglobin levels, circulatory and respiratory problems.

White spots
They may appear and disappear. Many people prefer not to attach any importance to this. But in vain. Small white spots of different shapes indicate a lack of zinc or calcium in the body.
Moreover, if horizontal white stripes begin to appear on the nails, this indicates kidney disease, warns Julia Tzu. This condition has a separate name - leukonychia.

Transverse "grooves"
According to the doctor, the presence of small depressions on the surface of the nail may indicate that a person is constantly experiencing severe stress. The second reason is metabolic disorders. And finally, the third is nail injury.

Longitudinal lines
Most often, thin longitudinal lines on the nails are found in older people; this phenomenon is due to age-related changes in the body. However, sometimes stripes can also appear in young people. In this case, the appearance of longitudinal lines may indicate that the person is not drinking enough fluid.

Brittle and peeling
There are several reasons for this. Among the most common, doctors note a lack of vitamins A, E, D, as well as iron and zinc. In addition, brittle and peeling nails may indicate problems in the endocrine and cardiovascular systems and, in particular, be the first harbinger of diabetes.

Modern medicine is able to notice deviations in a person’s health, not only based on numerous studies and tests, but also by looking at the condition of his nails on both the hands and feet.

Nail diagnostics was born in Tibet and Ancient China. Doctors could make a diagnosis based on the color and shape of the nail plates, and do this at an early stage, when therapy would give the best results. If we consider a serious check, then only real specialists can do it, but even an ordinary person can diagnose fingernails if you know some indicators. We will talk about this in our article.

How are fingers connected to internal organs?

It has long been known that, for example, on the ears, feet, and hands there are projections of all internal organs. Each is also associated with one or more, for example:

  • The thumb on the hand is connected to the brain.
  • Index - with the respiratory system, more with the lungs.
  • Medium - with a small intestine.
  • has a connection with the kidneys.
  • Little finger - with the work of the heart.

That is why, looking at the condition of the nails on different fingers and their general appearance, we can say about some deviations in human health.

Nail plate in a healthy person

The life of a nail begins in the matrix; this is the invisible, but the most important part of the nail, which is located at the base of the nail plate under the roller. If the nail itself is an already keratinized formation, then the matrix is ​​a living tissue, and a solid protein polymer is formed from its cells.

Not only its growth, structure, and even thickness depend on the state of the matrix. This is what explains the sometimes striking differences between the nails of different people.

To make fingernail diagnostics more reliable and truthful, you need to know what a healthy nail plate should look like. Here are some distinguishing features:

  • The nail is pink and almost transparent.
  • The nail plate is smooth and has no roughness. May be matte or slightly shiny.
  • The shape of the nail has the correct outline and the edges are smooth.
  • The connection between the nail plate and the side ridges should not be broken.

If you notice some deviations from the norm, it is better that nail diagnostics be carried out by a competent specialist - an onychologist. Onychology is a science that deals with the diagnosis of the normal or pathological condition of nails.

What can a nail tell you?

We hear many times that the body is reflected on our skin, but it turns out that there is a diagnosis of diseases by fingernails, which originated in Tibet.

Looking at the condition of your nails, you can identify emerging health problems. Everyone has heard that eyes are the mirror of a person’s soul, and nails are indicators of health. Some believe that if they have white spots that are too brittle, then this is either a feature or improper care that provoked such manifestations. But quite often this is the first signal that something is wrong in the body.

Let's figure out what signals about problems the nail plates can give.

Nail color and disease

Let's start with the nail color. As you know, normally in a healthy person it should be pinkish in color, matte or with a slight shine. But if there are pathologies, the color of the plates will be different:

  • If the nail is too pale, this may indicate a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, diabetes or prolonged stress.
  • If your nails are unnaturally white, you may suspect blood or liver diseases, such as hepatitis or anemia.
  • If part of the nail is pink and the other is white, then this indicates problems with the kidneys.
  • You can sometimes see white stripes on the nail, located lengthwise, this may indicate diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver.

  • In patients with problems in the respiratory system or circulatory problems, the nails may have a bluish tint.
  • Black stripes indicate problems in the cardiovascular system.
  • If red-brown spots appear on the nails, then most likely there is not enough vitamin C and folic acid in the diet.
  • A sign of infection in the body may be yellow-green nail plates.
  • A yellow nail plate indicates diseases of the lungs and liver.

If your nails begin to change their usual healthy color to some other color or spots appear, then this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Nails and nutrition

Diagnosis of fingernails can determine the lack of vitamins and microelements in a person’s diet. First of all, any changes in the appearance of nails may indicate a lack of protein in the diet.

When grooves appear vertically, we can talk about a lack of iron or poor absorption of nutrients. Since nails also contain calcium, if they become brittle, it can be argued that this element is precisely what is missing.

For good nail growth, the presence of B vitamins is important. A sufficient amount of vitamin C will protect the tissue around the nail from hangnails and inflammation. If your nails are peeling, then you need to increase your intake of silicon, vitamin D and calcium.

It must be borne in mind that the diagnosis of diseases by fingernails cannot be the only and final one. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will have to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

What does the nail hole tell you?

Experts say that nail diagnosis, as the photo demonstrates, should begin with an examination of the holes. They can tell you a lot.

We already know that each finger is connected to a specific internal organ, so changes on different fingers can indicate pathologies.

  1. The thumb is connected to the respiratory system; if the hole on it is too large, then this may indicate problems in these organs.
  2. The absence or small size of a hole on the index finger indicates problems in the functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines or pancreas.
  3. The middle finger will tell you about the state of the circulatory system. If there is no hole, then this may indicate problems with blood pressure, poor condition of capillaries and veins.
  4. The absence of a hole on the ring finger indicates disturbances in metabolic processes and problems with the lymphatic system.
  5. The hole on the little finger confirms the excellent health of the heart muscle.

The general result can be summed up as follows: the presence of pronounced holes on all fingers indicates good human health and great vitality.

Nail health and shape

The simplest diagnosis of nails comes down to examining their shape.

  1. Flat and short nails indicate heart problems.
  2. A concave nail plate indicates a lack of iron.
  3. Triangular nails may hint at diseases of the spinal column or spinal cord.
  4. In patients with diabetes, the nails have an elongated shape.
  5. Nails that are convex in the shape of a sphere indicate pathologies of the respiratory system.

Stripes and waves appeared on the nails

Quite often it happens that the nail does not change its color and shape, but stripes, grooves, and indentations appear. It can also signal impending problems. Let's look at some of them:

  • After infectious diseases, transverse furrows may appear.
  • Longitudinal furrows occur with digestive problems, depression, and sleep disorders.
  • Passion for diets can lead the fair half of humanity to the fact that dents and pits appear on the nails. This usually occurs as a result of the negative effects of the chosen diet.
  • The appearance of stripes and small inclusions indicate problems with the small intestine.
  • White streaks indicate a lack of calcium or zinc.
  • With rheumatism, almond-shaped waves appear.

Even minor changes on the nails cannot be left unnoticed. It is advisable to listen to your body and visit a doctor.

Structure of the nail plate

In terms of their structure, the nails of a healthy person are usually smooth and do not have any dents, stripes or grooves. Diagnosis of nails can begin with a simple examination if:

Diagnosis by fingernails can be of great service and help recognize the disease at an early stage.

The appearance of nails deteriorates

All changes in our body do not occur suddenly, they appear gradually. The same thing happens with your nails, if you notice that they have begun to grow worse, fragility or brittleness has appeared, then this may indicate that something is wrong with your metabolism. This may also indicate problems with the endocrine system and blood circulation.

Suddenly the nails begin to peel or split, then we can safely say that there is depletion of the digestive system, reproductive and nervous, and it’s time to visit a doctor.

Our nails can tell us not only about impending or existing problems, but also that everything is going towards improvement. Then the nails become pink, smooth and healthy again.

What does the design on the nail plates tell you?

The shape of the nail, its structure speaks volumes, but the drawing should not be discounted, it can also tell about some problems in the body:

  • If black spots appear, this is a sign of endocarditis.

  • A line has appeared, which means you have had a fever, a high temperature due to an infectious disease, the more serious it is, the deeper the line will be.
  • A brown or beige spot under the nail plate indicates a possible cancer.
  • Flaky white spots may indicate the development of a fungal disease.
  • Deep grooves or tears indicate an intestinal ulcer or dysbiosis.

A simple diagnosis of the body using nails can be carried out at home, you just need to pay attention to any changes and take timely measures. Sometimes it’s enough to adjust your diet, and everything will work out.

Diagnosis of toenails

Not only fingernails can tell about various pathologies, but also the nail plates on the toes should be carefully examined periodically.

Here's what they can tell you:

Diagnosis of toenails and fingernails is not a complicated procedure at all; the information in our article will help you independently recognize the signs of an impending problem and take immediate action.

Our body is an integral system; if a failure occurs in one part of it, it will certainly manifest itself in another. Take care of yourself, be more attentive to your health, because it largely depends on the person himself. A little awareness in matters of health, and then you won’t need to diagnose your body using your fingernails.

Even in ancient times, healers identified human diseases by the condition of their fingernails and toenails. Modern research confirms the reliability of this diagnostic method. With certain knowledge, you can use the method at home.

Fingernails and toenails are an indicator of the health of the body

The nail consists of many layers. The root (matrix) is the base of the nail, as well as its most important part. The nail plate is formed from the matrix. The color, shape and density of the nails depend on the condition of the root. Any disruptions in the body affect the structure of the matrix, and therefore the appearance of the nail plate.

The nail consists of many elements, the most important of which is the root

Healthy nail plate - features

A healthy nail plate is the standard for diagnosing the body using nails. Signs of healthy nails:

  • smooth surface without bumps or depressions;
  • uniform pink color;
  • slight glossy shine;
  • hardness;
  • elasticity;
  • integrity of the nail plate and side ridges;
  • clear outline;
  • the tips of the nails are white.

A healthy nail plate has a light pink color and a smooth, glossy surface.

The relationship between internal organs and nails

In medicine, there is an assumption that each finger and toe is a projection of a certain organ:

  • The thumbs and toes are linked to brain function. The condition of the nails on these fingers worsens with vegetative-vascular dystonia, multiple sclerosis, head injuries, Alzheimer's disease;
  • the nail plates of the index fingers “reflect” the work of the respiratory system, large intestine and heart;
  • a change in the appearance of the nails of the middle fingers is a symptom of pathologies of the small intestine and sensory organs;
  • ring fingers are “responsible” for the kidneys and nervous system;
  • The nail plates of the little fingers take on an unhealthy appearance due to diseases of the spleen, stomach, liver, and gall bladder.

How to properly diagnose nails

When examining your fingernails and toenails, pay attention to the following points:

  • condition of the nail holes;
  • nail coloring;
  • shape;
  • presence or absence of a picture.

Professional diagnosis of the body based on the condition of the nails of the hands and feet is carried out by an onychologist.

Video: Dr. Myasnikov about diagnosing diseases by nails

Determination of diseases by nail holes

If a person is healthy, then the holes are clearly visible on all nails. The absence of a hole on at least one of the nails indirectly indicates a malfunction of the organs for which this finger is “responsible.”

In a healthy person, holes are present on all fingers

Other warning signs:

  • a large hole size is a sign of tachycardia;
  • the hole turns blue - check the condition of the liver and pancreas;
  • redness of the socket is a symptom of high blood pressure.

Diseases and nail color

When the body malfunctions, the nail plate changes color. If your nails have lost their pale pink color, this may be a consequence of certain diseases.

Table: coloring of the nail plate and possible diseases

Color of nails on fingers and toesPathologies
The upper part of the nail is colored:
  • dark brown;
  • dark gray.
Impaired kidney function
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • severe fever;
  • reduced immunity.
Light blue, blue
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • long-term use of antibiotics.
  • liver pathologies;
  • malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
ReddishAcute inflammatory diseases in the body
  • lung diseases;
  • sinusitis;
  • jaundice (excess bilirubin in the body).
GreenPurulent processes in the body

Photo gallery: nail color for various pathologies

White nails indicate diseases of the liver, stomach or intestines Nails become yellow in pathologies of the lungs and sinusitis Blue nails also indicate diseases of the respiratory system Brown nails are found in people with endocrine disorders

Spots and stripes on nails

In healthy people, there is no pattern on the nails of the hands and feet. If the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, spots and stripes of various colors may appear on the nail plates:

What the shape and relief of nails tell you

Changes in the shape of nails, the appearance of bumps or depressions on the surface are alarming symptoms indicating a decrease in the body's performance.

Table: nail shape and associated diseases

Shape and relief of nailsDiseases
Convex shape
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid diseases.
Concave nail plate resembling a spoon
  • anemia;
  • alcoholism.
Growth at the tip of the nail plateChronic lung diseases
Triangular nail shape
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia.
Formation of large depressions on the surface of the nailPathologies of the spleen
The appearance of grooves along the nail
  • sinusitis;
  • caries;
  • stomatitis;
  • indigestion;
  • decreased kidney function.
Formation of grooves across the nail plate
  • liver diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
Small depressions on the nails
  • joint problems;
  • skin pathologies.

Photo gallery: nail shape for various pathologies

Concave shape of nails occurs with anemia Convex nails indicate diseases of the heart or liver Longitudinal grooves on the nails are formed in diseases of the oral cavity, indigestion Horizontal grooves are formed in diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines

The shape of nails also indicates a person's temperament. Melancholic people have pointed and long nails. Phlegmatic people have rectangular nails. In choleric people, the nail plate has an oblong shape. Sanguine people have wide and oval nails.

Other signs

In addition to changes in the shape and color of the nails, there are other symptoms indicating diseases of the internal organs:

  • slow nail growth is a sign of endocrine pathologies;
  • fragility and brittleness of nails are diagnosed as metabolic disorders;
  • a thin nail plate is a sign of chronic diseases in the body.

Nail growth can also be affected by long-term use of medications or contact of nails with chemicals.

Condition of the nail plate and nutrition

Nutrition also affects the condition of fingernails and toenails. If the diet is unbalanced, then signs appear:

Diagnostics using fingernails and toenails is a simple way to assess the condition of internal organs yourself. If, when examining the nail plates, you notice deviations from the norm, then this is a reason to think about it and conduct a thorough medical examination of the body.

Nails look beautiful only when they are healthy. This article will tell you what healthy nails look like and how their appearance is related to health.

What do healthy nails look like?

The appearance of the nail plates can tell about your health status. If the nails are healthy, they have a pale pink color. The lunula is the white space at the bottom of the nail plate, which should be white. A healthy cuticle should not be damaged. Healthy nails grow well. The growth rate of nail plates on the hands and feet is an individual indicator. Some people's nails grow back quite quickly, while others constantly complain that it is quite difficult for them to grow long nails.

Important! On average, in one week the free edge of the nail grows by approximately one millimeter. If nail growth is accelerated, then in 7 days they can grow even 2–2.5 mm.

Healthy nails differ between young and mature people. So, babies' nail plates are quite thin. Newborn babies have the softest nails. As the child grows, the nail plates naturally thicken. The thickest nails are those of the elderly.

Causes of problems

For a number of reasons, nails can change their appearance. So, if they have changed, then in this case you should look for the reason why this happened. In some cases this is quite difficult to determine. If you cannot identify the cause on your own, then you should contact a specialist. Sometimes the diagnostic search is so complex that it can even take several weeks, and in some cases, tests and medical tests are required. Typically, such examinations are prescribed to find out the reasons for changes in the color of nails due to impaired functioning of a person’s internal organs.

Important! The determination of your health status should be carried out by an experienced doctor, but initially it is better to consult a therapist or dermatologist.

Plate pattern

Healthy nails typically have a uniform pale pink color. If it changes, then you should definitely think about whether everything is okay in the body. The pattern of the nail plates is a very important indicator of health. Nails tell a lot about your health. So, white stripes may appear on them, which look like short lines, usually located horizontally. This condition occurred even among our ancestors, but they considered it not a pathological condition at all, but simply a good omen. But modern doctors note that this is an indicator that the body is not working in a physiological mode.

The reasons for the appearance of whitish stripes on nails vary. So, if such white spots appeared on only one finger, then it is more likely that this was caused by a traumatic injury. If several nails are affected at once, then in this case it is most likely necessary to look for disorders of mineral metabolism. In this case, you need to pay attention to nutrition. It must be balanced with the mandatory inclusion of sources of vitamins and minerals.

Severe diseases of the internal organs can also lead to the appearance of numerous white stripes. For example, this symptom may appear in people suffering from heart pathologies.

Such white lines also appear in heart failure. Impaired heart function leads to a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood, which leads to malnutrition of the nail plate.

Another warning sign is the appearance of numerous small depressions. Upon external examination, the nail appears to look like a thimble.

The depth of such small “holes” can vary, as can their number. In some cases, it may even seem that the nail has been “punctured” with a needle. This clinical manifestation may be a sign of a skin pathology – psoriasis. Many people think that this disease is characterized only by damage to the skin, but this is not entirely true; psoriatic damage to the nails is not so rare.

If a person has numerous indentations on the nails, then it is better for him to consult a doctor for a diagnosis to rule out psoriasis. However, indentations on the nails can appear not only with psoriasis. This sign may be a manifestation of arthritis or eczema. In any case, only an experienced dermatologist can determine the specific pathology that caused the development of such manifestations after conducting a comprehensive examination of the entire body.

Deep longitudinal grooves may also appear on the nails. They look as if the nail was crushed by some heavy object. However, the reason for the development of such clinical signs lies elsewhere. Thus, prolonged fasting can lead to the appearance of deep grooves on the nail plates. This symptom may also appear in people who have been on unbalanced diets for a long time. It is worth noting that the reasons for the appearance of deep longitudinal furrows may also lie in “silent” diseases. Some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the nervous system, can lead to the appearance of this symptom.

Important! If such grooves appear on the nails, you should immediately consult a doctor, since it is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of their appearance.

With age, the nail pattern changes. Thus, due to various changes in the functioning of the body in a mature person, vertical stripes appear on the nail plates. If this symptom occurs in people under 50 years of age, this indicates that they need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

The reason for the appearance of such a clinical sign may be a decrease in the blood of various vitamins, most often group B, as well as some minerals, for example, zinc, magnesium and iron.

The reason for the appearance of vertical stripes on the nails may be due to poor-quality manicure. So, if the lower part of the nail was touched during treatment, then such changes in the nail plate may subsequently appear. However, in this situation, as a rule, only a few longitudinal stripes appear.


This anatomical element is usually clearly visible. It is shaped like half a full moon. The lunula can also tell you about the health of the body. The size of this part of the nail is different for each person. On average, the lunula can make up up to 1/3 of the entire nail plate, while it is perfectly visualized.

As a rule, lunulae are larger in people who play sports professionally or do physical work. However, doctors note that the size of the lunula may change with certain heart pathologies, as well as with hypotension.

If the size of the lunula becomes smaller, then you should pay attention to the diet. It is important to assess whether there is a vitamin B12 deficiency in the body.

The lunula can also decrease in iron deficiency anemia, when the concentration of iron in the blood decreases.


Healthy nails usually have a longitudinal shape. In some cases they become spoon-shaped. In this case, the center of the nail seems to bend inward, and the edges rise. Interestingly, these changes are not accompanied by the appearance of adverse symptoms. A person with such nails does not experience pain. And also, the nail plates usually have a shiny appearance. This condition is called koilonychia.

You can suspect her yourself. To do this, place a small drop of water on the nail. If the water calmly rolls off the nail plate, then there is nothing to worry about. If a drop of water seems to “get stuck” on the nail, then this most likely indicates the presence of koilonychia. This condition may be a sign of problems in the endocrine system. Koilonychia can also be caused by anemia, which is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of iron in the bloodstream.

This condition can be caused by various traumatic injuries, exposure to chemicals, and even changes in ambient temperature.

Spoon-shaped nails can also be hereditary. So, if a child has such nail plates from birth, and one of his parents also has spoon-shaped nails, then in this case there is no need to worry. This does not mean at all that the baby has any diseases. This is just an individual characteristic of the child.

In some cases, nails may take on the shape of “watch glasses.” In this case, they begin to become thicker. If you look at the nail plates from the side, you can see that they resemble watch glass. Such a change in the shape of the nail plate can be a manifestation of various pathologies. Such changes often occur with various diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood.


If your nails change color, this most likely indicates that various changes are occurring in the body. For example, yellowing of the nail plates is more likely to indicate problems with the liver and gallbladder. Biliary dyskinesia, which is accompanied by stagnation of bile, can also lead to such specific changes. The nail plates can be affected by fungus. In this case, they may have a yellow or in some cases even purple color. With a fungal infection, the nail plates begin to crumble severely.

Important! The fungus occurs on both feet and hands.

A black streak may suddenly appear on your nails. Trauma can lead to the appearance of such a clinical sign. So, a dark stripe may appear on the nail after it is pinched, for example, by a door or cabinet door. If there was no factor preceding the appearance of a dark stripe on the nail, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

How can you improve the condition of your nails?

The appearance of nails depends on many factors. Proper nutrition is of great importance in preserving and maintaining healthy nails. In order for nail plates to grow faster, your diet must contain foods containing calcium. A lot of this mineral is found in fermented milk products. People who want to strengthen their nails should definitely include cottage cheese, kefir and other foods containing calcium in their diet.

Nail care should be comprehensive. Thus, various cosmetic products can be used to treat nail plates in order to improve their appearance. For example, you can improve the color of your nail plates and reduce their fragility using cosmetic nail polishes. Such products, for example, are produced by Phytocosmetic, Eveline Nail Therapy Professional and many others.

Experienced doctors can even use early diagnosis using fingernails to determine the condition of the body, because concave, convex or too flat nail plates cannot be considered healthy. Such deviations indicate certain problems, sometimes requiring serious treatment. Medicine confirms that the condition of the nail plates directly depends on human health. They are used to diagnose fungus, lung problems, anemia and other pathologies. There are several criteria for determining the disease by fingernails.

Diagnosis by fingernails

Even ancient people associated the appearance of nail plates with the condition of a certain internal organ. Today this has been proven by medicine, so it is often used to diagnose the body. Several characteristics are studied: color, structure, shape, hole and spots on the nail plate. Deviations for each of these criteria indicate a number of specific pathologies.

What does a healthy person's nail plate look like?

A nail plate without any cracks, tubercles, grooves, or spots is considered normal. It has an even pink color, a smooth surface, and a slight shine. The plate itself is slightly transparent, and the tips are white or ivory. The nail of a healthy person is moderately flexible, hard, and dense. At its base is a crescent-shaped lunula. Its color ranges from white to pale pink. The shape of the nail plate can be different, as it depends on hereditary factors.

Structure of the nail plate

When diagnosed, the surface of a healthy plate does not have pits, dents or bumps, is smooth, and evenly colored. It consists of dozens of layers of translucent smooth keratinized cells that are located close to each other. Thanks to its porous structure, it absorbs all substances that fall on its surface. This helps treat fungal diseases through local medications. When diagnosing, you can see several parts of the plate:

  • eponychium is living skin at the base;
  • hyponychium, or subungual plate - consists of spinous and basal cells;
  • free leading edge – protrudes beyond the edge of the finger;
  • lunula, or lunula, is a white area at the base in the shape of a crescent.

What organs are the fingernails responsible for?

One of the most “talking” parts of the body is the nail plates. Each of them reflects the state of a specific organ. Nail diagnostics are based on this principle. Organs for which each finger is responsible:

  • lungs, bronchi, brain - thumb;
  • teeth, mouth - index finger;
  • heart, blood vessels - medium;
  • nerves, kidneys – ring finger;
  • intestines, female reproductive organs - little finger.

How to determine the disease by fingernails

To determine the health of your fingernails, you need to carefully examine the plates. Knowing their normal state, you can notice some deviations. During nail diagnostics, changes in the following characteristics indicate the presence of problems in the body:

  • plate colors;
  • shape or relief of the nail surface;
  • lunula states;
  • structures of the nail plate.

Nail color and disease

A healthy nail plate is pink. If it suddenly begins to change its shade, then this is a clear sign of a problem in the body. In this case, diseases of the fingernails are identified by the following diagnostic signs:

  1. Two-color plate. Its upper part is much darker than the lower part, which indicates kidney disease and renal failure.
  2. A dark stripe dividing the nail in half. Talks about the development of a malignant human skin tumor – melanoma.
  3. Brown shade. It is a signal of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the endocrine system, kidney failure, Addison's disease.
  4. Leukonychia is the appearance of small white spots on the plate. Develops against the background of a lack of calcium, iron and zinc. The body also lacks vitamins C, E and A. When spots grow and take the form of stripes, this indicates protein deficiency, poor circulation, kidney failure, and problems with the colon.
  5. Sineva. Indicates to a person pathologies of the respiratory system, including infectious diseases of the lungs. If a blue color appears at the base of the plate, then the diagnosis may be diabetes mellitus.
  6. Completely white nail plate. Appears in patients with liver cirrhosis or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Yellow coloring of nails. They acquire this shade in case of liver disease and poor digestion, pathologies of the lymphatic system or lungs.
  8. Redness of nails. Occurs when the number of red blood cells – erythrocytes – increases.
  9. Cloudy yellowish color. It speaks of a fungal infection if, against the background of a change in shade, there is a thickening of the plate and its separation from the bed.

Shape and relief of the nail plate

In addition to color changes, some diseases may cause deformation of the plate. Diagnosis of fingernails allows one to identify the following associated ailments described in the table:


What pathologies are indicated?

Convex nail that looks like a watch glass

Is a sign of chronic liver disease or heart weakness. It is also observed in blood diseases, thyroid diseases, congenital pulmonary tuberculosis, hepatitis, colitis, and malabsorption in the intestines. In rare cases, it may indicate the onset of cancer.

Concave nail that looks like a spoon

It is a sign of iron deficiency in the body.

Flat nail plate, split at the end

Indicates a helminthic infestation.

Triangular nail

It is a characteristic sign of spinal diseases.

Hole nail

Indicates pathologies of the spleen.

Short flat nail with elevation

Indicates organic heart disease.

Longitudinal grooves

Appear against the background of the development of rheumatism or inflammation of the teeth and sinuses.

Transverse frangible grooves

They signal pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, symptoms of spleen diseases. Often, transverse grooves appear due to a lack of zinc in the body.

Arced lines

They develop due to a lack of protein.

Small dimples throughout the plate

They talk about the beginning of inflammation in the joints, accompanying psoriasis.

Nail hole

When diagnosing nails, the condition of the lunula is also taken into account. Its absence on at least one finger and a pale nail bed are a sign of decreased hemoglobin and red blood cells. These are diseases such as anemia and anemia. If the hole has become thinner or completely disappeared on a certain finger, then this also indicates problems in the body:

  1. On the thumb. The hole here reflects the condition of the skull and brain. If it disappears, then the person has serious problems with his head.
  2. On the index finger. On it, the hole disappears in diseases of the liver, lungs, large intestine and gynecological problems.
  3. On average. The disappearance of the hole here indicates diseases of the circulatory system, problems with blood vessels and pressure.
  4. On the nameless one. The hole on this finger reflects the state of the lymphatic system and metabolism.
  5. On the little finger. Here the lunula reflects problems with the small intestine and heart rhythm disturbances and other heart diseases.

Grooves and stripes

Diagnostically detected transverse grooves are often a sign of improper hand care. In addition, they may appear due to stress, an infectious or other disease. A lack of zinc in the body and poor nutrition also manifests itself as grooves on the nail plates. Longitudinal lines do not appear as often. Their cause may be:

  • acute malnutrition;
  • severe arterial disease;
  • arthritis;
  • lichen planus;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • lack of iron.

Diagnosis of diseases by fingernails when a pattern appears

Problems in the body are indicated not only by a change in color, but also by the appearance of various patterns in the form of spots, lines, bruises, etc. In a normal state, this should not be observed. A healthy nail plate has a uniform pink color. The appearance of any drawings on it indicates the following diseases:

  1. White spots. They talk about low hemoglobin, reduced immunity, symptoms of neurosis, and lack of vitamins.
  2. Black spots. Appear against the background of endocarditis.
  3. Pairs of horizontal stripes. Observed when there is a lack of protein in the diet. It is excreted in large quantities from the body in case of kidney disease.
  4. Divided crosswise into 2 halves of different colors - milky and normal. Indicates kidney pathology in an advanced stage.
  5. A line that did not appear due to mechanical impact. Appears in case of fever and high temperature. Indicates previous illnesses.
  6. Brown or beige stain. It is a warning about the development of cancer.
  7. A brown or yellow spot at the edge of the nail plate indicates psoriasis.
  8. Crumbling grooves or white flake-like spots. They are a sign of fungal diseases.
  9. Bruising. Observed when there is a mechanical impact on the nail plate. The reason is rupture of the blood vessels underneath and hemorrhage into the soft tissue.

Problems with fingernails and nutrition

The main cause of nail problems is poor diet. Based on specific changes in the plate, you can easily diagnose a deficiency of certain microelements or identify an unbalanced diet. As a result, the nail plates become fragile and often break. Their beautiful, healthy appearance can be restored only after identifying the cause of the deterioration. Diagnosis of fingernails with signs that indicate a lack of microelements or nutritional imbalance will help with this.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Healthy nails grow without hangnails and there are no cracks around them. With a lack of vitamins of a certain group, some deviations from the norm appear:

  • cracking along and across the plate, nail plates bend and peel – due to a lack of vitamin C;
  • deep hangnails – with a deficiency of vitamins A or E;
  • numbness of the fingers – due to a lack of B vitamins;
  • white spots – with low zinc levels;
  • slow growth – with a lack of calcium;
  • brittle nails - due to magnesium deficiency.

Imbalanced diet

An excess or lack of certain foods in a person’s diet also affects the condition of the nails. In this case, the following changes may be observed:

  • white spots on the plate - excess sugar in the blood;
  • horizontal dents - a sharp change in diet;
  • concave plates are a sign of anemia (iron deficiency);
  • vertical grooves – poor absorption of nutrients;
  • any changes in shape and color indicate insufficient protein.

Diagnosis of toenails

Similar to the diagnosis of fingernails, the health status of the feet is also studied. In this case, the following signs are taken into account:

  • absence of lunula – decreased number of red blood cells in the blood, anemia;
  • two-color nail (light at the base, dark at the edge) – kidney failure;
  • discoloration and dark longitudinal stripe – skin cancer (melanoma);
  • yellow color against the background of delamination and separation from the nail bed - an advanced stage of a fungal disease.

Deterioration in the appearance of nails

Sudden deterioration in the appearance of nails can manifest itself in different ways. More often their growth slows down. In addition, they become too brittle and brittle. The phenomenon of delamination and splitting of the plate is not uncommon. All this indicates problems in the body. If you take timely measures, you can restore the condition of the nail plates, returning them to a healthy appearance with an even, smooth structure, matte pink color, and pale pink lunula.

Why is this happening?

If the nail plates become brittle and brittle and grow slowly, then the main cause of this condition is a metabolic disorder. Such changes may result from:

  • lack of iron, vitamins B, A;
  • deterioration of the thyroid gland or kidneys;
  • poor blood supply.

When the nail peels or splits, the cause is energy depletion of the digestive system. This is also observed with poor blood circulation. Other causes of delamination:

  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • problems with the genitals;
  • regular application of varnish, removal of the coating with a liquid containing acetone;
  • dry air, gap between the temperature of the street and the house;
  • circumcision with pliers or scissors;
  • using household cleaning products without gloves.

What to pay attention to

The first thing that fingernail diagnostics advises you to pay attention to is your diet. If you are deficient in vitamins, you should include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu. When cleaning the house or washing dishes, be sure to wear gloves, and after contact with aggressive agents, wipe your nails with apple cider vinegar. Hands should be given a break from polish at least once every 2 weeks. For filing, it is better not to use a metal plate, because it severely damages the nail plate.

Nails and body diseases with photos
